
Terrestrial Formation

John Chambers Carnegie Institution for

The standard model of terrestrial-planet formation is based on astronomical and cosmochemical observations, and the results of laboratory experiments and numerical simulations. In this model, grow in a series of stages beginning with the µm-sized dust grains observed in protoplanetary disks. Dust grains readily stick together to form mm-to-cm-sized aggregates, some of which are heated to form . Growth beyond meter size via pairwise sticking is problematic, especially in a turbulent disk. Turbulence also prevents the direct formation of in a gravitationally unstable dust layer. Turbulent concentration can lead to the formation of gravitationally bound clumps that become 10–1000 km planetesimals. Dynamical interactions between planetsimals give the largest objects the most favourable for further growth, leading to runaway and oligarchic growth and the formation of -to--sized planetary embryos. Large embryos acquire substantial , speeding up planetesimal capture. Embryos also interact tidally with the gas disk, leading to modification and migration. Oligarchic growth ceases when planetesimals become depleted. Embryos develop crossing orbits, and occasionally collide leaving a handful of terrestrial planets on widely spaced orbits. The Moon probably formed via one such collision. Most stages of planet formation probably took place in the belt, but dynamical perturbations from the giant planets removed the great majority of embryos and planetesimals from this region.

1. INTRODUCTION and these structures are commonly referred to as protoplan- etary disks. A typical is mostly com- When we think of a planet, our first conception is a posed of and gas. Sub-µm-to-cm-sized body like with an , continents, and . dust grains composed of and ice have been However, the ’s planets are a diverse group of objects observed in these disks using - and radiotelescopes. that come in several varieties, and extrasolar planets are The Sun’s protoplanetary disk, also called the solar neb- more diverse still (Figure 1). In this chapter I will focus on ula, must have had a mass of at least 1–2% that of the Sun in terrestrial planets—planets that are mostly composed of re- order to provide the heavy elements seen in the planets to- fractory materials such as silicates and . These objects . However, this “minimum-mass ” is only a lower are large enough to be roughly spherical due to their own limit—the solar nebula could have been an order of mag- . They have a solid surface one could walk around nitude more massive than this. The solar nebula probably on. They may have an atmosphere, but gases make up a had a composition similar to the Sun itself since most prim- negligible fraction of their total mass. itive have fairly similar elemental abundances to Terrestrial planets are the only place we know for certain the Sun (normalized to ) except for highly volatile that life can exist. While living organisms might survive elements such as hydrogen and the noble gases. on icy like , or in the atmospheres of giant Samples from Earth, the Moon, Mars and most planets, terrestrial planets can provide a number of benefits have roughly uniform isotopic abundances, after physical for life. These include a solid substrate, access to abundant processes leading to mass-dependent fractionation are taken , and the possibility of liquid water at or near the into account. ( is a notable exception.) The solar surface. nebula was probably made up of a mixture of material from Clues to the origin of the and its planets different stellar sources, which suggests widescale mixing come from several sources including astronomical obser- took place, perhaps during an early hot phase. The great vations, data returned from , and cosmochemical depletion of ice-forming elements on the terrestrial planets analysis of samples from planets and asteroids. Numeri- compared to the outer planets and their satellites suggests cal simulations are increasingly used to try to make sense the inner nebula was too hot for ices to condense while the of these data and examine different theoretical models for inner planets were forming, while the outer nebula must planet formation. have been cooler. The Sun’s planets all orbit in the same direction and There are several indications that planets form shortly have roughly coplanar orbits, suggesting the Solar System after themselves, and that planet formation is a natural formed from a disk-shaped structure. Many young stars are part of formation. Protoplanetary disks are only seen surrounded by Solar-System-sized disks of gas and dust,

1 Ices

Gas Terrestrial Mass Gas

Fig. 1.— Schematic diagram showing different planetary classes seen in the Solar System. Here, ‘rock’ indicates refractory materials such as silicates, metal, and sulfides; ‘ices’ refers to ice-forming materials such as water, and , in either solid or fluid form. Other types of planet may exist elsewhere, such as “super ”—bodies with masses comparable to and but composed almost entirely of rock. around stars that are thought to be younger than about 10 of the growing variety of extrasolar planetary systems My. Gas-giant planets like , which must acquire most that are being discovered. In particular, the fact that many of their mass in gaseous form, have to form while a disk is extrasolar planets lie close to their parent star or have highly still present. Disks also provide a way to damp radial and eccentric orbits argues that a planet’s orbit can change sub- vertical that can arise during planet formation, and stantially during or after its formation. It is plausible that that would otherwise slow or halt planetary growth. Age extrasolar systems will contain new types of planet that do measurements using radioactive isotopes suggest the terres- not exist in the Solar System, and these objects may have trial planets and asteroids in the Solar System took less than rather different formation than Earth. 200 My to form, and are roughly 4.5 Gy old, which matches estimates for the age of the Sun based on stellar 2. FOUNDATIONAL CONCEPTS AND EQUATIONS models. The ancient surfaces of the Moon, , Mars, and some of the satellites of the giant planets are covered in im- 2.1 Dust Dynamics pact craters, which suggests collisions played a much more important role in the early Solar System than they do to- In a protoplanetary disk with a composition similar to day. This observation and the abundance of dust grains the Sun, roughly 99% of the initial mass is gas, primar- seen in protoplanetary disks has given rise to the - ily hydrogen and helium. The remaining 1% of the mass imal model for planet formation, which infers that planets exists in solid grains that are ∼ 1 µm in size. These dust formed as a result of numerous collisions between small ob- grains provide the starting point for the formation of terres- jects to form larger ones. The asteroid belts between Mars trial planets. and Jupiter, and beyond the orbit of Neptune, can be thought As dust grains orbit the star, they interact with the gas of as leftover material from this collisional epoch that was in the disk, experiencing aerodynamic . The prevented from growing into additional planets. strength of this interaction can be characterized by the stop- The planetesimal hypothesis is widely accepted today as ping time: the basis of formation. It remains unclear M|v − vgas| tstop ≡ (1) whether gas-giant planets also form this way. The standard Fdrag version of this model may require some modification in

2 where M is the mass of a dust grain, and v and vgas are the where r is the distance from the star. The factor η can be velocity of the grain and the gas respectively. calculated by balancing the gravitational, centrifugal and The drag Fdrag varies depending on the size and forces on a parcel of gas, giving: shape of a particle. For a spherical particle with radius R < 1 dP 9λ/4, where λ is the mean free path of the gas molecules, η = − 2 (9) the particle undergoes Epstein drag: 2ρgasΩ r dr

ρ c  The reduced orbital velocity of the gas means that dust F = − gas s M(v − v ) (2) particles experience a headwind and lose angular momen- drag ρR gas tum. As a result, particles drift radially through the disk towards the star or the nearest pressure maximum. Particles where ρgas and cs are the density and sound speed of the gas, and ρ is the density of the particle. For larger spherical drift inwards at a velocity determined by a balance between objects, the drag force is stellar gravity, gas pressure, and centrifugal and Coriollis forces, where: 3CDρgas Fdrag = − M(v − vgas)|v − vgas| (3) dr 2ηr  (Ωt )2  8ρR stop ' − 2 (10) dt tstop 1 + (Ωtstop) The drag coefficient CD depends on the Reynolds number Re, and is approximately given by: (Weidenschilling 1977). Drift rates are highest when Ωtstop = 1, which corresponds to roughly m-sized par- −1 CD ' 24Re Re < 1 ticles. In this case, particles move inwards by 1 AU every 2 3 ' 24Re−0.6 1 < Re < 800 10 –10 years, and this rapid drift poses a challenge for models of planet formation. Particles continue drifting un- ' 0.44 Re > 800 (4) til they collide with another object or reach a region that is hot enough for them to evaporate. where 2R|v − vgas| Protoplanetary disks are likely to be turbulent, at least in Re ≡ (5) some locations. Turbulence provides a way to drive the vis- νm cous evolution of disks and the observed of ma- and νm ' λcs/2 is the molecular viscosity (Weiden- terial onto the central star. However, the mechanism that schilling 1977, Cuzzi et al 1993). Note that the last of sustains turbulence is unclear. The turbulent viscosity ν is Eqns. 4 corresponds to Stokes drag. The stopping time in- often assumed to have the form creases with particle size, so small particles are more tightly coupled to the of the gas than large ones. ν = αcsHgas (11) Very small dust grains undergo Brownian motion due to collisions with individual gas molecules. The typical rela- where Hgas ' cs/Ω is the vertical scale height of the gas tive velocity for grains of mass M can be determined from disk, and α ≤ 1 is a parameter that depends on the mech- approximate equipartition of kinetic energy: anism driving the turbulence (Shakura and Sunyaev 1973). This is equivalent to saying that the horizontal shear stress M 1/2 on a parcel of gas in the disk is approximately α times the v ' m c (6) rel M s gas pressure. The form of Eqn. 11 was originally justified on the assumption that turbulence in disks has a hydrody- where Mm is the mass of a gas molecule. namic origin such as thermal . It is less clear Grains also sediment towards the midplane of the disk whether the same form will apply for other sources of tur- due to the vertical component of the star’s gravity, moving bulence. As a result, α probably varies in time and in at terminal vertical velocity vsettle determined by a balance real disks. Observed accretion rates in protoplanetary disks between gravity and gas drag: suggest α ∼ 10−2–10−3 on average (Hartmann et al. 1998, Hueso and Guillot 2005). 2 vsettle = −Ω ztstop (7) The largest turbulent eddies in a disk probably rotate at an angular frequency ΩL that is no slower than Ω, due to where z is the distance from the midplane and Ω is the or- the Coriolis force. The size L and rotational velocity VL bital angular frequency. Large particles settle faster than of the largest eddies are related via the viscosity, such that small ones, allowing them to sweep up material as they fall. √ √ ν ' LVL. This implies that VL ∼ cs α and L ∼ Hgas α Gas density, pressure, and temperature in a disk all tend (Cuzzi et al. 2001). Turbulence typically follows a Kol- to decrease radially with distance from the star. The out- mogorov energy spectrum, which can be derived from di- ward pressure gradient means that gas orbits the star at mensional analysis, such that an eddy with radius l has a slightly less than the Keplerian orbital velocity of a solid rotational velocity body: 1/3 vgas = Ωr(1 − η) (8)  l  v = lΩ ∼ V (12) l l L L

3 where Ωl is the angular frequency of the eddy (Cuzzi and dust aggregates that were heated in the solar nebula and Weidenschilling 2006). As a result, gas moves more slowly partially or completely melted. Experiments designed to re- in small eddies than in large ones. The size of the small- produce textures suggest that they cooled slowly est eddy is set by the point at which collisions between gas over a period of hours (Connelly and Jones 2005). These molecules smooth out turbulent motions. slow cooling rates suggest chondrules formed in dense re- Particles couple strongly to large eddies with Ωl  gions of the nebula, with high solid-to-gas ratios, possibly 1/tstop. Neighboring particles moving in the same eddy in shocks. have similar velocities. Particles couple poorly to small ed- Collisions between monolithic objects like chondrules dies with Ωl & 1/tstop, and undergo a randomly fluctuat- differ from those between loosely bound dust aggregates. ing acceleration instead. In this case, neighboring particles Typically, low-speed collisions lead to rebound, while col- will have different velocities even if the particles are the lisions above ∼ 20 m/s lead to some fragmentation (Ueda same size. Since vl increases with l, the relative veloci- et al. 2001). The presence of fine dust grains in chondrule- ties between equally sized particles will be greatest when forming regions allowed chondrules to accrete thick dust 2 3 ΩLtstop = 1. These objects will have R ∼ 1 m if ΩL ∼ Ω. rims in 10 –10 (Cuzzi 2004). These porous dust Larger objects will also be affected by turbulent fluc- rims help chondrules stick together during collisions, as tuations, but the accelerations will be smaller due to their compaction of the rims absorbs impact energy (Ormel et greater inertia. For all sizes, the velocity of a particle due al. 2008). This process ceases once all the dust is accreted to turbulence, relative to a body moving on a circular Kep- and the rims become compacted, at which point the largest lerian orbit, is roughly compounds are likely to be < 1 m in radius. Numerical simulations show that in the absence of turbu- V v ∼ L lence µm-sized dust grains aggregate into m-sized bodies turb 1/2 (13) (1 + tstop/tL) in ∼ 104 orbital periods for plausible sticking probabili- ties (Weidenschilling 1997). Growth mainly occurs when where tL = 2π/ΩL (Cuzzi et al. 1993). large aggregates sweep up small ones. Without turbulence, 2.2 Dust Grain Collisions similarly-sized objects have low relative velocities, so - tual collisions are not disruptive, even though they may not Most of what we know about collisions between dust lead to growth. grains comes from laboratory experiments. Poppe et al. In a turbulent nebula, meter-sized objects collide with (2000) have found that individual, uncharged, spherical sil- one another at substantial speeds, probably leading to frag- ica grains, stick together due to electrostatic forces when mentation rather than growth. Meter-sized particles also they collide at low speeds. At high speeds, grains collide have short drift lifetimes, severely limiting the amount of and rebound. There is a fairly sharp transition between time available to grow into larger objects. These difficulties these two regimes. The dividing line depends on particle suggest that growth may stall when objects reach ∼ 1 m in radius, and lies at ∼ 1 m/s for µm-sized grains. Irregularly diameter, a problem referred to as the “meter-size barrier”. shaped grains behave differently: the probability of stick- This issue is discussed further in Section 3.1 ing versus rebound declines with increasing collision speed, but there is no sharp transition. Some collisions can lead to 2.3 Gravitational Instability sticking at speeds of up to 50 m/s (Poppe et al. 2000). Dust collision experiments in microgravity show that In the absence of turbulence, dust grains will gradually low-velocity collisions ( 1 m/s) lead to the formation of sediment towards a thin layer at the disk midplane. Per- loose fractal aggregates with fractal dimension ∼ 2 (Blum turbations in this layer can potentially grow in size leading and Wurm 2000). At larger impact speeds, sticking still to gravitational instability. This has long been considered occurs but growth is accompanied by compaction as grain- as a possible mechanism for the formation of planetesimals grain bonds break and grains start to roll over one another. (Goldreich and Ward 1973) although this issue remains con- At collision speeds & 1 m/s, individual grains are ejected troversial. from loose aggregates. Still more energetic collisions catas- A in the density of the particle layer with trophically disrupt an existing aggregate (Blum and Wurm frequency ω satisfies a dispersion relation given by 2000). 2 2 2 2 Collisions involving compacted aggregates of dust ω = k vrel + Ω − 2πGΣsolidk (14) grains are somewhat different. When mm-to-cm-sized ag- gregates of µm-sized grains collide at speeds of a few m/s, where Σsolid is the surface density of particles, vrel is their they rebound with the loss of some individual grains. How- velocity dispersion, and k = 2π/λ where λ is the wave- ∼ 10 length of the perturbation (Goldreich and Ward 1973). The ever above m/s, small aggregates embed themselves 2 in larger ones. Some fragments escape from the larger ag- dust layer becomes unstable when ω ≤ 0, which occurs gregate but it gains mass overall (Wurm et al. 2005). for some values of λ when Many meteorites are primarily composed of rounded πGΣ v ≤ solid (15) mm-sized particles called chondrules. These appear to be rel Ω

4 The largest region that can become unstable (the case where flaws than small bodies. The tensile stress required to ac- vrel ' 0) is tivate a flaw decreases with the length of the flaw, so large 2 4π GΣsolid bodies break apart at lower impact speeds than smaller bod- λ ' (16) max Ω2 ies. Collisions involving large bodies also last longer, so If the particles in this clump collapse to form a solid body, there is more time for flaws to grow and coalesce (Housen this object will have a mass given by and Holsapple 1999). ? Impact strength is often characterized using QS, which 2 Mmax ∼ Σsolidλmax (17) is the kinetic energy per unit target mass required to break up a body such that the largest fragment contains half the However this is only a very rough guide to the size of object original mass of the target. Experiments and numerical sim- that may form by gravitational instability. Complete col- ulations find that lapse may be prevented by random motions or , so ? −b Q ∝ R s (19) that only part of a gravitationally unstable clump collapses. S For particles with Ωtstop  1, it may take many orbital pe- where bs ' 0.4—0.6 for rock and water ice, while the con- riods for the particles to sediment to the centre of a clump stant of proportionality depends on the material (Housen (Cuzzi and Weidenschilling 2006), and neighboring clumps and Holsapple 1999, Benz and Asphaug 1999). The out- may merge during this time. come of a collision also depends on the mass ratio of the Settling of dust grains to the midplane is opposed by in- projectile and target. For a given projectile kinetic energy, trinsic turbulence in the disk. As a vertical concentration low velocity collisions involving large projectiles are more gradient develops, turbulent diffusion tends to move parti- disruptive than high velocity impacts by small projectiles cles away from the midplane again. A rough estimate for (Benz 2000). the scale height Hsolid of the particle layer comes from as- Bodies with R & 100 m become harder to disrupt with suming settling and turbulence are in equilibrium: increasing size because fragments need to be ejected rapidly enough to escape from the object’s gravitational field. The 2 H  α impact strength in this regime is characterized using Q? , solid ' (18) D Hgas Ωtstop(1 + Ωtstop) which is the energy per unit target mass required to break up and disperse the body so that the largest reaccumulated (Cuzzi and Weidenschilling 2006). Intrinsic turbulence object contains half the mass of the target. Numerical sim- generally prevents gravitational instability unless the par- ulations suggest that ticles are large or α is very small. ? bg c Dust settling can generate turbulence in an otherwise QD ∝ ρR v (20) laminar disk. When the mass of solid particles near the midplane exceeds that of the gas, the particles begin to where bg ' 1.2–1.5 for rock and water ice, and c ∼ 0.5 drag the gas along at the Keplerian velocity vkep = Ωr. (Melosh and Ryan 1997, Benz and Asphaug 1999, Benz Gas above and below the midplane orbits at sub-Keplerian 2000). Again there is a dependence on the impact velocity speeds vkep(1 − η) due to the radial pressure gradient in the v, and hence on the projectile to target mass ratio. Objects disk. This vertical velocity shear generates turbulence that are most easily disrupted when they are hit by large, slow opposes further dust settling (Weidenschilling 1980). Grav- moving projectiles. itational instability is probably prevented by shear induced Initially, planetesimals were probably loosely com- turbulence except in regions where Σsolid ∼ Σgas (Garaud pacted aggregates rather than monolithic bodies. In the and Lin 2004) or in parts of the disk where there is no radial strength regime (. 100 m in size), aggregates are weaker pressure gradient. than monolithic bodies since energy that would go into breaking the object instead goes into dispersing the pre- 2.4 Runaway and Oligarchic growth existing pieces (Benz 2000). Aggregates can actually be stronger than monoliths in the gravity regime, in some Although it is currently unclear how planetesimals cases, since shockwaves propagate less effectively through formed, it is assumed they did so in large numbers at an aggregates (Asphaug et al. 1998). Planetesimals that early stage in the solar nebula. Two new mechanisms that formed within the first 2 My in the solar nebula, and grew may generate planeteimals in a turbulent disk are described larger than a few tens of km, probably melted and differenti- in Section 3.1. ated due to heat released by short-lived radioactive isotopes Once planetesimals are present, mutual collisions can such as 26Al (Woolum and Cassen 1999). These objects lead to growth or fragmentation depending on the strength would have behaved as monoliths rather than aggregates, of the objects and the impact velocity. Collisions can take although energetic impacts may subsequently have con- place in one of two size regimes depending on whether verted them into gravitationally bound “rubble piles”. The ? ? gravity is an important factor. values of QS and QD for real planetesimals are poorly Monolithic bodies with radius R . 100 m have negligi- constrained at present. ble gravitational fields. These objects tend to grow weaker In both the strength and gravity regimes, the mass of the with increasing size since big bodies typically contain larger largest surviving body (which may consist of gravitationally

5 reaccumulated fragments) is so large bodies have small e and i, and vice versa. In prac- tice, equipartition is not reached, partly because close en- M Q largest counters tend to increase e and i for all bodies (referred to ' 0.5 + s(1 − ? ) (21) (Mtarget + Mprojectile) QD as viscous stirring), and also because gas drag continually where Q is the kinetic energy of the projectile per unit tar- damps e and i at rates that depend on an an object’s size. get mass and s ∼ 0.5 (Benz and Asphaug 1999). Thus, Gas drag damping rates are roughly low energy collisions lead to net growth while high energy de e  5 1 1/2 collisions lead to . In a size distribution of planetes- ' − η2 + e2 + i2 imals, large objects are more likely to grow via collisions dt tstop 8 2 while small planetesimals may be disrupted.  1/2 di i 2 5 2 1 2 When planetesimals are large enough to have apprecia- ' − η + e + i (26) dt 2tstop 8 2 ble gravitational fields, they focus the of other passing objects towards them, increasing the chance of a where the gas drag time is collision. From conservation of energy and angular mo- 8ρR mentum, the collision probability is increased by a gravita- tstop = (27) tional focussing factor: 3CDρgasvrel

2 where v is the velocity of the object with respect to the v  rel F = 1 + esc (22) gas, and C ∼ 1 for planetesimal-sized bodies (Adachi et grav v D rel al. 1976). where vesc is the and vrel is the relative ve- During the early stages of growth, viscous stirring rates locity of the objects when they are far apart. are determined by the mean planetesimal mass, which The growth rate of a planetesimal of mass M and radius changes slowly over time. As a result, vrel also changes R, moving through a population of smaller bodies of ra- slowly. Eventually Fgrav becomes large for some objects 1/3 dius Rsmall can be calculated by determining the volume of since vesc ∝ M . Neglecting the first term on the right- space that the planetesimal moves through, modifying for hand side of Eqn. 22, the growth rate for the largest plan- gravitational focussing: etesimals becomes

2 dM 4/3 dM π(R + Rsmall) Σsolidvrel ∝ ΣsolidM (28) = FgravF3B (23) dt dt 2Hsolid from Eqn. 23, where we have assumed that H ∝ v . where we have assumed that the mass of escaping frag- solid rel The corresponding growth timescale is ments is negligible. Here Σsolid and Hsolid are the surface density and vertical scale height of the planetesimal disk. In dM 1 t ∼ M/ ∝ (29) deriving this equation, we have neglected the fact that plan- grow dt M 1/3 etesimals actually travel on curved orbits about the central star. For an ensemble of planetesimals with a range of ec- Under these circumstances, large planetesimals grow faster centricities e and inclinations i, the presence of the star in- than small ones, a situation called runaway growth. Dy- creases the collision probability for those objects with small namical friction gives large bodies nearly circular, coplanar e and i. This can be accounted for with a correction factor orbits, so these bodies have large gravitational focussing factors. Conversely, Fgrav is smaller for low-mass bodies F3B ∼ 3 for the mean growth rate (Greenzweig and Lis- sauer 1992). and these grow more slowly. When e and i are very small, the gravitational reach of Runaway growth ceases when the largest bodies become a planetesimal can become larger than the scale height of massive enough to control the velocity distribution of the the particle disk. In this case, the problem is essentially two smaller planetesimals. This happens when the mass of the dimensional, and the growth rate becomes: largest objects Mlarge satisfies ¯  2 1/2 2MlargeΣLarge & MΣsolid (30) dM vesc = 2(R + Rsmall)Σsolidvrel 1 + 2 (24) dt vrel where M¯ is the mean planetesimal mass (Ida and Makino 1993). Gravitational interactions between planetesimals with At this point, an approximate balance between viscous different masses causes dynamical friction, which tends to stirring and gas drag means that v for the small planetesi- equipartition the kinetic energy associated with radial and rel mals depends on the mass of the largest body in their vicin- vertical motions. If equipartition of energy goes to comple- 1/3 tion ity, such that vrel ∝ Mlarge (Thommes et al. 2003). The growth rate of the largest planetesimals now becomes Me2 ' constant dM 2 ∝ Σ M 2/3 (31) Mi ' constant (25) dt solid

6 Fig. 2.— A numerical simulation of oligarchic growth beginning with 10,000 equal-mass planetesimals with a total mass 2.5 times that of Earth. The panels show 4 snapshots in time. Each circular symbol shows the orbital semi-major axis a and eccentricity e of a planetesimal, with symbol radius proportional to the planetesimal’s radius. Figure kindly supplied by Eiichiro Kokubo. from Eqn. 23, and the corresponding growth timescale is present. An embryo that accretes all the mass in its feeding zone reaches its isolation mass, given by dM 1/3 tgrow ∼ M/ ∝ M (32) dt  3 3 6 3 1/2 8π Σsolida b Miso = (34) A new regime called oligarchic growth is established, 3M? in which each region of the disk tends to be dominated by a single large body called a planetary embryo (Figure 2). The isolation mass will be modified if solid material Equation 32 shows that the masses of neighboring em- moves radially through the disk, for example via gas drag bryos tend to converge over time. All embryos grow faster for planetesimals, or for embryos. Oli- than a typical planetesimal because they have larger gravi- garchic growth usually ceases before the embryos reach tational focussing factors. Embryos typically maintain non- Miso since dynamical friction weakens as planetesimals are consumed, and embryos no longer have nearly circu- overlapping orbits with a separation bRH , where the Hill lar, non-overlapping orbits (Kenyon and Bromley 2006). In radius RH is a measure of the gravitational reach of the embryo, given by the Solar System, the runaway and oligarchic growth stages probably lasted 105–106 years after planetesimals formed  M 1/3 (Wetherill and Stewart 1993, Kokubo and Ida 2000). At the RH = a (33) end of the oligarchic growth stage, embryos at 1 AU from 3M? the Sun would have had masses of 0.01–0.1M⊕ for plausi- where a is the semi-major axis of the orbit, and b ∼ 10 ble values of Σsolid. (Kokubo and Ida 1998). Embryos typically collide with one another when b  10 so that their wide spacing is main- 2.5 Late-Stage Growth tained. Embryos primarily accrete planetesimals from an annu- When planetary embryos reach roughly the mass of lus a few Hill radii wide centred on their orbit, called a Mars, they acquire thick atmospheres of gas captured from feeding zone. The width of a feeding zone is proportional the surrounding disk. Planetesimals passing through an at- to M 1/3, while the surface density of planetesimals in the mosphere are slowed, increasing the probability of capture. feeding zone declines with M. As a result, the maximum Using a rough estimate for the energy lost due to gas drag, mass of an embryo is finite, even if no other embryos are the atmospheric density needed to capture a planetesimal of

7 radius R and density ρ is resonance, where Ωgas = Ωplanet, although this tends to be less important than the Lindblad resonances for terrestrial-  2 2  2Rρ 24 + 5e /h mass planets. ρgas(r) ' (35) 3rH 24 Tidal interactions with the gas disk have two effects: they damp a planet’s and inclination, where rH is the Hill radius of the embryo, h = rH /a, and and they alter the semi-major axis of the orbit. The latter ef- e is the orbital eccentricity of the planetesimal (Inaba and fect is commonly referred to as “type-I” planetary migration Ikoma 2003, Chambers 2006). (another kind of migration, “type-II”, affects giant planets). An accurate determination of the enhanced collision In a non-magnetic, vertically isothermal disk, these changes cross section of an embryo requires a detailed atmospheric are model. However, in the inner regions of a purely radiative  2 atmosphere, with a mass that is negligible compared to the da cs a = −(2.7 − 1.1x) embryo, the density at a distance r from the centre of the dt vkep ttidal embryo is roughly: de e = −0.780  3  3 dt ttidal ρ0 V0 R0 ρgas ∼ (36) di i W0 4 r = −0.544 (40) dt ttidal where where

RMρ0      4 V0 = M? M? cs R0P0 ttidal = 2 (41) M Σgasa vkep 3κLP0 W0 = (37) 4 and Σgas ∝ a (Tanaka et al. 2002, Tanaka and Ward 4πarcGMT0 2004). where R0 is the outer radius of the atmosphere where it Damping of e and i happens on a timescale that is 2–3 meets the surrounding nebula, T0, P0 and ρ0 are the tem- orders of shorter than that for changes in a. Even perature, pressure and density at this outer radius, ar is the so, inward migration can be rapid: an Earth-mass planet at radiation density constant, κ is the atmospheric opacity due 1 AU has an inward migration timescale of ∼ 105 years in mainly to dust grains, and L is the due mainly a minimum-mass nebula. to energy released from impacting planetesimals (Inaba and Equations 40 were derived for an idealized case. The Ikoma 2003). magnitude and direction of migration in real disks are Above a critical mass, an embryo’s gravity is too strong highly uncertain at present. Migration rates may be reduced to maintain a static atmosphere. This mass is approximately or reversed in non-isothermal disks where the planetary per- turbation on the gas is taken into account (Paardekooper and !s1 s M˙  κ  2 Mellema 2006). Inward migration is also slowed in regions Mcrit ∼ 7 −7 2 M⊕ 1 × 10 M⊕/y 1 cm /g where the disk opacity changes rapidly (Menou and Good- (38) man 2004), or in the presence of a toroidal magnetic field where κ is the opacity of the atmosphere, M˙ is the rate at (Fromang et al. 2005). Migration is likely to be outward which the embryo is accreting mass in the form of planetes- rather than inward in regions containing steep, positive sur- imals, and s1 ' 1/4 and s2 ' 1/4 (Ikoma et al. 2000). face density gradients, such as those at the edge of an inner Gas from the disk flows onto objects with M > Mcrit, pro- cavity in the disk (Masset et al. 2006). viding one pathway to giant-planet formation. For small In a turbulent disk, turbulent density fluctuations in the values of M˙ and κ, Earth-mass bodies can exceed the criti- gas can generate torques on a planet’s orbit that change a, cal mass, however gas accretion rates are extremely low for e and i. These fluctuations typically change on timescales such bodies (Ikoma et al. 2000). comparable to the , so the long-term effect is A planet interacts tidally with gas in the disk, generating that the orbit undergoes a random walk, sometimes referred torques that can alter the planet’s orbit. Interactions are par- to as stochastic migration (Nelson 2005). Unlike smooth ticular important at Lindblad resonances, where the orbital tidal torques, stochastic migration is potentially important frequency of the gas Ωgas is related to that of the planet by for low-mass objects like planetesimals. In particular, it is likely to raise the relative velocities of planetesimals, poten- m(Ωgas − Ωplanet) = ±κe (39) tially reducing growth rates and increasing collisional frag- mentation. where κe ' Ωgas is the epicyclic frequency, and m is an Protoplanetary disks typically disperse after a few My, integer. At a Lindblad resonance, gas moving on an ec- probably due to a combination of viscous accretion onto centric orbit always has conjunctions with the planet at the the star and (Haish et al. 2001, Alexander same phase in its orbit, enhancing the planetary perturba- et al. 2006). At this point, tidal damping of e and i ceases. tion. Interactions can also be important at the corotation Dynamical friction with planetesimals also becomes much


Planet emax qmin (AU) Qmax (AU)

Mercury 0.409 0.229 0.545 0.093 0.656 0.790 Earth 0.077 0.923 1.077 Mars 0.212 1.201 1.847

less effective as planetesimals are removed and oligarchic by factors of 3–5. This may reflect evolutionary processes growth ends. At this point, the terrestrial-planet region of during their formation, but it must also partly be due to the the solar nebula probably still contained 10–100 embryos. fact that the orbits of the planets are not circular. Perturbations between neighboring embryos increase e and An approximate way to gauge the stability of eccen- i causing their orbits to cross. The number of embryos is tric orbits is by considering their angular momentum deficit gradually reduced due to mutual collisions, while residual (AMD), which is the difference between the angular mo- planetesimals are swept up. This process continues until the mentum and that of a with the same semi- remaining objects have non-crossing orbits that are stable major axis: for the age of the star. 1/2 p 2 The time required to form Earth can be estimated from AMD = M(GM?a) (1 − 1 − e cos i) (45) Eqn. 23 noting that H ' v /Ω and F ' F ' 1 after rel grav 3B For a system of planets on widely spaced orbits, AMD oligarchic growth ceases, so that: is approximately constant since the total angular momen- dM  4Rρ tum is conserved and the semi-major axes change only tlate = M/ ∼ (42) slightly. In the Solar System, angular momentum transfer dt 3ΣsolidΩ between the inner and outer planets is relatively inefficient, 2 At 1 AU from the Sun, assuming that Σsolid ∼ 4 g/cm so to a first approximation, the AMD of the inner planets is 8 when oligarchic growth ceased, gives tlate ∼ 2×10 years. roughly constant over Gy timescales (Laskar 1997). How- This is roughly consistent with estimates based on radioac- ever, AMD is readily exchanged between the inner planets, tive dating (see Section 3.2). resulting in changes in e and i. The maximum value of e A system of 2 planets of mass M1 and M2 orbiting a for each planet occurs when it absorbs the entire AMD for star of mass M? is stable against collisions if the energy the system. These values of e are shown in Table 1, together and angular momentum satisfy with the resulting perihelion and aphelion distances q and Q respectively. It appears that the inner planets will probably 2M EJ 2 M M − tot > 1 + 34/3 1 2 + ··· (43) avoid a collision over the age of the Solar System. How- 2 3 2/3 4/3 G Mprod M? (M1 + M2) ever, that this is not a rigorous constraint since some AMD exchange with the outer planets does take place. where Mtot is the total mass of the system, E is the total Collisions between embryos do not always result in a energy, J is the total angular momentum, and Mprod = merger. Oblique impacts between similarly sized embryos M?(M1 + M2) + M1M2 (Gladman 1993). can have a high specific angular momentum. If the em- For three or more planets, there is no known analytic sta- bryos merged to form a single body the rotation frequency bility criterion. However, numerical simulations have pro- may exceed the critical value at which rotational break up vided an approximate empirical way to gauge instability. occurs: Planets with mass M, on initially circular orbits, develop 4πGρ1/2 ω ' (46) crossing orbits on a timescale tcross given by crit 3

log tcross ∼ Bb + C (44) Numerical simulations show that pairs of embryos in- volved in oblique collisions often separate again at greater where b is the mean orbital separation in Hill radii, and than their mutual escape velocity, exchanging some mate- B ∝ M 1/12 and C are constants that depend on the num- rial during the collision (Agnor and Asphaug 2004). Head- ber of planets N and , although B is roughly on collisions do not suffer from this problem, but at high independent of N for N ≥ 5 (Chambers et al. 1996). Ex- impact speeds, embryo-embryo collisions can lead to net trapolating this relation would suggest that a system of four erosion rather than growth. Mercury may have experienced terrestrial-mass planets would be stable for the age of the such a collision that stripped away much of its rocky man- Solar System if their mean orbital separation was b ∼ 12. tle leaving a high-density planet with a relatively large - The inner planets are actually spaced further apart than this rich core (Benz et al. 1988).

9 4:1 3:1 5:2 7:3 9:4 2:1 7:4 0.5



0.2 Eccentricity


0.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Semi-major axis (AU)

Fig. 3.— Orbits of main-belt asteroids larger than 100 km in diameter, and approximate locations of the major mean-motion resonances with Jupiter. The resonance regions are typically empty. The ν6 removes asteroids with semi-major axes 2.0 . a . 2.2 AU. Adapted from Nesvorny´ et al. (2002).

The Moon probably formed as a result of an oblique in mass compared to other regions of the Solar System with impact between a Mars-mass embryo and Earth towards a total mass of ∼ 1/2000M⊕. This suggests most of the the end of its accretion. Numerical simulations show that primordial mass in this region was removed either before if the two bodies were already differentiated, their iron or after it formed into planets. Collisional fragmentation cores would coalesce. However, tidal torques from the non- probably played only a minor role in removing this mass for spherical distribution of mass would have ejected a substan- several reasons. These include the preservation of an almost tial amount of rocky material, mostly from the impactor, intact basaltic on asteroid , the small number into orbit around Earth forming a disk (Canup and Asphaug of impact-generated satellites around large asteroids (Durda 1999, Canup 2004). Unlike many bodies in the Solar Sys- et al. 2004), and the paucity of impact events between the tem, Earth and the Moon have identical oxygen isotope ra- formation of the and the onset of the late heavy tios (Wiechert et al. 2001), which suggests there was sub- bombardment ∼ 4 Gy ago as recorded in meteorites (Bog- stantial exchange of material between Earth and the pro- ard 1995). tolunar disk (Pahlevan and Stevenson 2007). Mass in the The asteroid belt probably lost most of its mass dynami- disk would have quickly coalesced into the Moon provided cally due to gravitational perturbations from the giant plan- it was beyond the Roche radius, given by ets. Perturbations are especially effective at resonances. A mean-motion resonance (MMR) between 2 objects occurs  1/3 ρ⊕ when RRoche ' 2.44 (47) ρdisk p1n1 + p2n2 + p3$˙ 1 + p4$˙ 2 = 0 (48)

where ni = 2π/Pi, where P is the orbital period, $i is where ρdisk is the mean density of material in the disk. Sub- the longitude of periapse of planet i, and the pj are integers sequent tidal evolution rapidly expanded the Moon’s orbit P and slowed Earth’s rotation. such that pj = 0. Since the orbital precession period is Runaway and oligarchic growth probably took place in usually much longer than the orbital period, an approximate the asteroid belt but no planet exists there today. Composi- condition for a MMR is that the two periods are related by tional differences between meteorites show they come from P1 p1 at least several dozen different parent asteroids (Meibom ' − (49) P p and Clark 1999), so the asteroids do not represent the re- 2 2 mains of a single planet. The asteroid belt is highly depleted A secular resonance occurs when the periapse or nodal

10 6




2 Distance (AU)


0 105 106 Time (years)

Fig. 4.— Approximate location of the ice line in the solar nebula over time. Adapted from Kennedy and Kenyon (2008). precession frequency of an object matches one of the eigen- the asteroid belt, their mutual perturbations would have oc- frequencies ν of the linearized secular equations for the casionally nudged one of them into a resonance, increasing . In the asteroid belt, the most important the fraction of objects removed (Chambers and Wetherill secular resonances are 2001).

$˙ = ν5 ' $˙ J 2.6 Chemical Evolution $˙ = ν6 ' $˙ S Models for the solar nebula suggest the inner few AU Ω˙ = ν16 ' Ω˙ S (50) may initially have been hot enough to vaporise most min- where in this instance Ω refers to the longitude of the as- erals (Boss 1996). However, protoplanetary disks cool over cending node of an orbit, and $J , $S and ΩS are the lon- time as energy released by viscous accretion and the lumi- gitudes of perihelion of Jupiter and and the longitude nosity of the central star both decline. Table 2 shows some of the ascending node of Saturn, respectively (Murray and of the materials that would condense as the temperature de- Dermott 2000). creased in the solar nebula. This condensation sequence An asteroid located in a MMR typically has a highly assumes a C/O number density ratio ' 0.5 equivalent to chaotic orbit because multiple sub-resonances (different that in the Sun. In a disk with C/O > 1, oxides and silicates values of p3 and p4) are located close to one another and would be replaced by carbides and nitrides. At low tem- these resonances overlap. For these orbits, e increases peratures, chemical reactions may be kinetically inhibited stochastically on a timescale of ∼ 1 My, until the object so the mixture of solids will not necessarily reach an equi- collides with the Sun or a planet, or has a close encounter librium (Lewis and Prinn 1980). As a result, it is unclear with Jupiter, leading to hyperbolic ejection (Gladman et al. what the dominant C and N bearing species will be in cool 1997). Secular resonances cause a monotonic increase in e regions of a disk. In the inner solar nebula, these elements and lead to the same outcome. mainly existed as gases. Resonances currently occupy a small fraction of the as- The inner planets and all meteorites, except CI chon- teroid belt (Figure 3), but their importance in the early Solar drites, are depleted in moderately volatile elements such System was increased by two factors. While the nebula was as sodium and sulphur, relative to silicon, compared to the still present, its gravity modified the resonance locations. Sun. In chondritic meteorites, the degree of depletion is As the nebula dispersed, the resonances moved radially, roughly correlated with an element’s volatility, but the pat- sweeping across the asteroid belt, and potentially removing tern differs from one group of meteorites to another. These a large fraction of the planetesimals and planetary embryos depletion patterns may be a signature of incomplete con- that were present (Lecar and Franklin 1997, Nagasawa et densation of these elements from a gradually cooling nebula al. 2000). Secondly, if planetary embryos were present in (Cassen 1996). As the nebula cooled, it continued to lose

11 gas, so the more volatile elements were under represented bodies would have drifted inwards across the ice line, evap- when planetesimals formed. Alternatively, the depletions orating, and increasing the O/H ratio of the gas (Ciesla and may be a signature of thermal processing of solids in the Cuzzi 2006). In a turbulent disk, water vapor from the in- nebula, perhaps associated with chondrule formation. The ner disk would have diffused outwards across the ice line lack of isotopic fractionation in elements such as potassium potentially depositing large amounts of water ice at a “cold (Humayun and Clayton 1995), and the partial retention of trap” (Stevenson and Lunine 1988). Eventually, much of elements such as sodium argues that chondrule formation water became locked up in large planetesimals and em- must have occurred in regions with high dust/gas densities bryos, shutting off the flow of boulders and making the in- in this case (Alexander et al. 2008). ner disk chemically reducing. This may explain differences Beyond a certain distance from the star, temperatures in in chemistry: the CM and CI carbonaceous chon- a protoplanetary disk are cold enough for water ice to con- drites are relatively oxidized, ordinary are more dense. This location is called the ice line. Over time, the reduced, while enstatite chondrites are highly reduced, con- ice line and other condensation fronts move closer to the taining nitrides and silicon-bearing metal (Weisberg et al star as the disk cools, so the composition of solid mate- 2006). The removal of water vapor from the inner nebula rial at a given location changes (see Figure 4). Chondrule may also mean that late-forming planetesimals in the aster- ages measured using radioactive isotope systems show that oid belt contained little water ice, even though they were chondrule formation spanned several My in the solar neb- beyond the ice line at this point (Figure 4). ula, which suggests that planetesimals also formed over a Terrestrial planets are more depleted in moderately range of times. Planetesimals that formed in the same lo- volatile elements than chondrites, while some achondrites cation at different times would have had different composi- are more highly depleted still (Halliday and Porcelli 2001). tions because local nebula conditions would have changed. This suggests that volatile materials escaped as planetary Similarly, planetesimals forming concurrently at different embryos were heated during impacts and by radioactive distances from the star would have different compositions. decay of short-lived isotopes. The isotopic ratios of some Main-belt asteroids show a gradation in spectral proper- noble gases in Earth’s atmosphere are enriched in heavier ties with distance from the Sun (Gradie and Tedesco 1982) isotopes, arguing that much of the original complement of suggesting differences in composition or degree of thermal these elements escaped into space, preferentially leaving processing. Asteroids in the inner belt tend to be S types heavy isotopes behind (Pepin 2006). Earth may have lost which are thought to be dry and rich in iron-magnesium other volatile materials at the same time. The Moon is silicates, or M types, some of which may be the parent bod- highly depleted in which argues in favour of an ies of iron meteorites. The middle belt is dominated by C impact origin. types and related classes, many of which have spectral fea- Planetary embryos the size of Mars or larger are likely tures suggesting they contain hydrated silicates (Rivkin et to melt and differentiate as a result of the kinetic energy re- al. 2003) which probably formed by reactions between wa- leased during impacts with other large bodies (Tonks and ter ice and dry rock. The outer belt and asteroids Melosh 1992). Iron and other siderophile elements sink are P and D types showing no signs of hydrated silicates, to the centre of these bodies, leaving a - sur- although they may contain water ice. Several asteroids in rounding a metal-rich core. Highly siderophile elements the outer belt display -like activity, suggesting they like iridium should have been almost entirely extracted contain some ice (Hsieh and Jewitt 2006). into the core as Earth differentiated. However, the highly Meteorites have undergone various degrees of thermal siderophile elements are still present in small amounts in the processing and aqueous alteration due to reactions with wa- mantle, and in roughly chondritic ratios (Drake and RIghter ter. Some carbonaceous chondrites contain up to 10% wa- 2002). This suggests Earth accreted the last 1% of its mass ter by mass in the form of hydrated silicates. Ordinary from a primitive source after core formation was complete, chondrites contain little water and are more depleted in referred to as the “late veneer”. moderately volatile elements, but there are hints that water The principal source of Earth’s water is uncertain. was once present (Grossman et al. 2000). Ordinary chon- Earth’s water has a D/H ratio 6 times that of the Sun (Robert drites have also undergone thermal metamorphism. Prim- 2001), suggesting that this hydrogen was not captured di- itive achondrite meteorites come from parent bodies that rectly from the nebula. The ice line in the solar nebula may have partially melted, but many were clearly once similar to have been within 1 AU of the Sun near the end of nebula’s chondrites. Finally, most iron meteorites and some achon- lifetime, allowing planetesimals to incorporate water ice. drites come from asteroids that have completely melted and However, it seems likely that planetesimals had already fin- differentiated. The wide range of thermal histories seen ished forming by this point. If water ice was not present in in meteorites probably reflects differences in the time of planetesimals at 1 AU it must have come from further out formation and the corresponding degree of heating due to in the disk. Impacts with planetesimals and planetary em- short-lived radioactive isotopes, as well as differences in the bryos originating in the asteroid belt and outer solar system initial amount of water ice they contained. are possibilities. The former source is plausible due to the The oxidation state of the solar nebula probably changed high collision probability of asteroids with Earth, and the over time and with location. At early times, boulder-sized fact that the D/H ratio of water in carbonaceous chondrites


Mineral Temperature (K)

Re 1821 ZrO2 1764 Al2O3 1677 CaTiO3 1593 MgAl2O4 1397 Fe 1357 Mg2SiO4 1354 MgSiO3 1316 FeS 704 H2O 182 NH3.H2O 131 CH4.7H2O 78 CH4 41 CO 25 N2 22

matches the ratio in Earth’s oceans (Morbidelli et al. 2000, levels equivalent to α ∼ 10−7 and 10−4 are sufficient to Robert 2001). prevent mm and m-sized particles respectively from settling to a layer thin enough to become gravitationally unstable 3. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS (Cuzzi and Weidenschilling 2006). Even in an intrinsically laminar nebula, shear instabilities associated with dust set- tling will generate local turbulence, and this is sufficient to 3.1 Turbulence Driven Planetesimal Formation prevent gravitationally instability unless the solid-to-gas ra- tio is enhanced by two orders of magnitude compared to The formation of planetesimals—objects 1–1000 km in that in the solar nebula (Garaud and Lin 2004). size that are large enough to have appreciable gravitational In light of these problems, the hunt is on to find a new fields—is one of the main unresolved problems associated mechanism for planetesimal formation that can operate in a with planet formation. Traditionally there have been two turbulent environment. Here we will examine two models schools of thought: planetesimals either formed gradually that have recently been developed that consider the dynam- be pairwise collisions between dust grains, or planetesimals ics of mm- and m-sized particles, respectively. formed rapidly by gravitationally instability in a thin dust In a turbulent disk, small particles tend to become con- layer at the midplane of the disk. centrated in stagnant regions between eddies (Cuzzi et al. Each of these models has encountered severe difficulties 2001). Concentration is most efficient for the smallest ed- in the face of turbulence. In the particle-sticking model, dies whose size is determined by the point at which tur- growth is especially difficult for boulder sized bodies, a bulence is damped by molecular viscosity. These eddies problem referred to as the “meter-size barrier”. For plau- primarily affect mm-sized particles, which have stopping sible disk turbulence levels, meter-sized particles collide times comparable to the eddy turnover time. with one another at speeds of tens of m/s. These collisions Turbulent concentration is a . Eddies probably lead to erosion rather than growth. Differential ra- continually form and break up, and particles enter and leave dial drift rates also mean that m-sized bodies collide with dense clumps repeatedly. However, a particle tends to spend smaller objects at speeds of up to 100 m/s. Experiments more time in regions of high particle density than in the rar- show that small aggregates of µm-sized dust particles can ified regions in between. High density clumps form less embed themselves in larger dust aggregates at speeds of often than low density clumps. In regions of very high par- at least 25 m/s (Wurm et al. 2005). However, many as- ticle density, the particles tend to damp down turbulent mo- teroids are primarily composed of dense mm-sized chon- tions, preventing further concentration. Calculations show drules. Chondrule aggregates are unlikely to merge at such that the local solid-to-gas density ratio is ∼ 100 in the dens- high speeds, even when coated with dust rims (Ormel et al. est clumps, which is roughly 4 orders of magnitude higher 2008). than the average for material in the solar nebula (Cuzzi et Turbulence poses an even more severe challenge to the al. 2008). conventional model for gravitational instability. Turbulence

13 Fig. 5.— A simulation showing the involving meter-sized particles in a turbulent disk. The x and y axes refer to the radial and azimuthal directions in the disk, respectively. Brighter shades of grey indicate locations with high particle surface density. The region highlighted by the square box shows a location where a gravitationally bound clump has formed. Figure kindly supplied by Anders Johansen.

Large clumps of particles can be gravitationally bound particles are size sorted during the turbulent concentration but they will still have a very low density compared to a phase and are likely to have a narrow size distribution, an- planetesimal. Particles are accelerated towards the centre other property shared by chondritic meteorites (Cuzzi et al. of the clump by gravity. However, particles are also tightly 2001). Finally, the stochastic of turbulence, and the coupled to the gas, so the gas becomes compressed as the fact that high density clumps have a relatively low proba- particles move inwards, opposing further contraction. Cal- bility of formation, means that turbulent concentration can culations suggest it may take hundreds of orbital periods for naturally explain why planetesimal formation continued in mm-sized particles to sediment to the centre of a clump at the asteroid belt for several My. roughly terminal velocity (Cuzzi et al. 2008). If a large fraction of the dust in a disk becomes incor- Particles in dense clumps drag along the gas so that the porated into meter-sized boulders, a second possible route clump as a whole orbits the star at roughly the Keplerian to planetesimal formation arises. Meter-sized objects are velocity. Gas in the surrounding region typically moves strongly affected by gas drag so they quickly move radi- at sub-Keplerian speeds due to the outward radial pressure ally towards temporary pressure maxima in a turbulently gradient in the disk. As a result, a clump is potentially vul- evolving disk (Johansen et al. 2006). The short radial drift nerable to disruption by ram pressure associated with this timescale means that these objects can undergo significant difference in velocity. Ram pressure increases with the sur- concentration before the pressure maximum disappears. face area of the clump, while the gravitational binding en- Once the density of boulders is enhanced in a particular ergy increases with its mass. This implies there is likely to region, the particles begin to affect the motion of the sur- be a for a clump that can survive, equivalent rounding gas. In general, gas orbits the star more slowly to a solid planetesimal with radius of 10–100 km (Cuzzi et than a large solid body due to its outward pressure gradi- al. 2008). ent. As the solid particles become concentrated they begin The turbulent concentration model is still at a relatively to drag the gas along at higher speeds. As a result, the rel- early stage of development, but it has several appealing fea- ative velocity between the particles and the gas is reduced, tures in light of the observed characteristics of primitive and radial drift rates decline. Boulders further out in the meteorites. Surviving clumps should eventually shrink to disk continue to drift inwards rapidly as before, so solids form planetesimals composed of loosely compacted mm- tend to accumulate in regions where the solid/gas density sized particles similar to chondrite parent bodies. These ratio is already high. This positive feedback effect, referred

14 to as the “streaming instability”, further enhances the solid- corresponding half lives are 0.7 and 4.5 Gy, respectively, to-gas ratio until gravitationally bound clumps form (Fig- which are convenient for dating events comparable to the ure 5). Numerical simulations show that such clumps are age of the Solar System. In addition, the presence of two likely to grow in mass and contract over a few orbital pe- isotopic clocks running concurrently means it is possible riods due to collisions between particles and gas drag (Jo- to obtain useful dates even in systems that have been dis- hansen et al. 2007). turbed. A variant of this technique is the Pb-Pb method in The streaming instability model is attractive in that it which the age of a sample is deduced from measurements provides a way to form bodies comparable in size to the of lead isotopes alone, making use of the fact that the two largest asteroids in a vigourously turbulent disk. A nec- uranium isotopes decay into lead at different rates. essary prerequisite is that a substantial fraction of the The U-Pb system was the first to be used to measure solid material in the disk forms into meter-sized objects. the age of bodies in the Solar System. More recent mea- Whether or not this happens, and whether these objects surements have obtained very precise ages for calcium- survive mutual collisions in the turbulent disk depends on aluminium-rich inclusions (CAIs), the oldest known objects their mechanical properties, which are poorly constrained at that formed in the Solar System: 4567.2 ± 0.1 My (Amelin present. An obvious shortcoming of the model is that prim- 2006). Lead-lead measurements of rocks on Earth show itive meteorites are typically composed of mm-sized par- that it must have formed roughly 100 My later (Allegre` et ticles rather than larger objects, although it is conceivable al. 1995). that chondrules first aggregated into roughly meter-sized A number of short-lived isotopes were present early in boulders and these objects subsequently formed planetesi- the Solar System (see Table 3). The source of these iso- mals. topes has been the subject of much debate. Light isotopes such as 10Be may have been synthesized in the solar nebula 3.2 Radioisotope Dating of Planetary Growth as dust grains close to the Sun were bombarded with en- ergetic particles. Most isotopes, especially heavy, neutron- Theories for planet formation can be tested or con- rich isotopes, were probably generated in nearby massive strained using data from radioactive isotope systems to stars before being ejected into the , ulti- measure timescales. Useful isotope systems fall into two mately ending up in the solar nebula. 238 categories. Long-lived isotopes such as U were present To make use of these systems, it is necessary to assume when rocks formed early in the Solar System, and their de- that the isotopes were uniformly distributed in the solar neb- cay products can be used to measure the absolute time that ula so that the isotopic ratios for each element depend only has elapsed since these rocks formed. Short-lived isotopes on time. The Mg isotope ratios in bulk chondrites, Earth, 26 such as Al have half lives comparable to timescales in- the Moon and Mars suggest that 26Al, at least, was uni- volved in planet formation, and they were present in the formly distributed (Thrane et al. 2006). In addition, it ap- solar nebula. These isotopes have all decayed now, but the pears that 60Fe was uniformly distributed and injected at an distribution of their daughter isotopes can tell us about the early stage (Dauphas et al. 2008). The situation is less clear relative timing of different events during planet formation. for some other isotopes, and 53Mn may have been unevenly For a long-lived isotope system such as Rb-Sr, the num- distributed (Lugmair and Shukolyukov 2001). 87 ber of atoms of the daughter isotope Sr increases over The 26Al-26Mg system is particularly useful for chronol- 87 time t as the number of atoms of the parent Rb declines: ogy since the parent isotope has a half life of only 0.7 My, which makes high precision dating possible, and both par- 87Sr(t) 87Sr(0) 87Rb(t) ent and daughter isotopes are refractory, reducing the prob- 86 = 86 + 86 [exp(λt) − 1] (51) Sr Sr Sr ability that the system will be disturbed. From conservation where λ is the decay constant which is related to the half of 26Al +26 Mg, the isotopic ratios that are observed today life. Here, 86Sr is the number of atoms of another stable are related to those at the time a rock formed by isotope of the daughter element not involved in radioactive  26   26  decay, which is used for comparison. Mg Mg 24 = 24 This equation contains 2 unknowns: the time that has Mg today Mg original elapsed since the sample formed, and the original amount  26Al  27Al  + × (52) of the daughter isotope. However, by plotting the current 27Al 24Mg isotopic ratios for different minerals in the same sample, original today having different elemental ratios, it is possible to determine A plot of the isotope ratios measured today, for different both quantities. An implicit assumption is that the rocks minerals in the same sample, gives the 26Al/27Al ratio at have remained closed systems. If the system has been dis- the time the rock formed. By comparing this ratio to the turbed by mixing with other reservoirs, the accuracy of the 26Al/27Al ratio in other objects, it is possible to deduce age estimate will be compromised. their relative formation times. Among long-lived isotopes, the U-Pb system is most On basis of the Al-Mg system, the oldest solid objects widely used. Uranium has two long-lived isotopes 235U and known to have formed in the Solar System are CAIs, which 238U that each decay into a different isotope of lead. The are found in most chondritic meteorites (Figure 6). Many


Isotope Half Life (My) Daughter Isotope

41Ca 0.1 41K 26Al 0.72 26Mg 60Fe 1.5 60Ni 10Be 1.5 10B 53Mn 3.7 53Cr 107Pd 6.5 107Ag 182Hf 8.9 182W 129I 15.7 129Xe 244Pu 82 various 146Sm 103 142Nd


Iron parent bodies


Vesta’s core

Mars’s core

Earth’s core

Moon forms

0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 Time (million years)

Fig. 6.— Timescales for various events in the early Solar System determined by radioactive isotope dating. Data from Kleine et al. 2002, Halliday 2004, Kleine et al. 2005, Mostefaoui et al. 2002, Nimmo and Kleine 2007, Scott 2007, Touboul et al. 2007, 2008.

16 CAIs had similar 26Al/27Al ratios when they formed sug- more rapidly than Earth, within 10 My of CAIs (Nimmo gesting they formed over a narrow time interval, possibly as and Kleine 2007). short as 20,000 years (Thrane et al. 2006). The 26Al/27Al ratio is ' 5 × 10−5 for these objects, and this is often as- 3.3 N-Body Simulations of Planet Formation sumed to be the ratio shortly after 26Al was synthesized or injected into the solar nebula. Typically, other timescales The final stage of terrestrial-planet formation involved in cosmochemistry are measured with respect to the time at a few tens to a few hundred embryos moving on crossing which these CAIs formed. A few CAIs apparently had little orbits, and lasted ∼ 108 years according to data from ra- or no 26Al when they formed, which suggests they actually dioactive isotopes. The small number of bodies involved formed even earlier, at a time before 26Al had appeared in and their extensive dynamical interactions means that the the solar nebula (Krot et al. 2008). kind of statistical analysis often used to study runaway and Chondrule ages measured using the Al-Mg system are oligarchic growth is inappropriate here. Instead, this stage generally 1–2 My younger than CAIs (Mostefaoui et al. is ideally suited to N-body simulations where each object is 2002), a result that is in excellent agreement with absolute followed explicitly. Pb-Pb ages for these objects (Amelin 2006, Connelly et al. Early studies considered systems of 30–150 embryos, 2008). This implies that the chondrite parent bodies formed and showed that these typically evolved via dynamical in- several My after CAIs. However, the presence of CAIs in teractions and collisions into a system of 2–4 terrestrial most chondritic meteorites implies that some CAIs survived planets on a timescale 100–200 My (Chambers and Wether- in the nebula for this length of time. ill 1998, Agnor et al. 1999, Chambers 2001, Figure 7). The The Al-Mg and Hf-W systems have been applied to the evolution in these simulations is highly stochastic. Many HED meteorites which are thought to come from aster- outcomes are possible for similar sets of initial conditions, oid 4 Vesta. These analyses show that Vesta must have including differences in the number of planets and their or- formed within the first 5 My of the Solar System (Srini- bits and masses. The prolonged evolution, and large num- vasan et al. 1999, Touboul et al. 2008). Similarly, the ber of close encounters per collision, lead to substantial ra- angrites, which come from an unidentified differentiated dial mixing, so that planets like Earth are probably a com- body, formed within 5 My of CAIs (Markowski et al. 2007). posite of embryos from throughout the inner Solar System. The parent bodies of the iron meteorites formed within the Potential moon-forming impacts are also commonly seen in first 1.5 My of the Solar System, according to the Hf-W these simulations (Agnor et al. 1999). system (Kleine et al. 2005), which means their formation The results of these early simulations differ from the ob- probably predates that of most chondrules. served terrestrial planets in two significant ways. Firstly, The Hf-W system is particularly useful for studying they tend to produce planets on moderately eccentric orbits, differentiated bodies because the parent isotope 182Hf is with e ∼ 0.1, compared to the lower time-averaged values lithophile, partitioning into the mantle, while the daugh- e ∼ 0.03 for Earth and Venus. Secondly, they fail to repro- ter isotope 182W is siderophile, partitioning into the core. duce the low mass of Mars and the high concentration of The Hf-W system provides a way to date the timing of core mass seen in the region between 0.7 and 1.0 AU, which con- formation, and is most easily applied to objects where core tains 90% of the planetary mass interior to Jupiter. Newer formation occurs over a short space of time. For example, simulations involving ∼ 1000 planetesimals and embryos the lack of a 182W excess in lunar samples indicates that have produced terrestrial planets with low eccentricities, the giant impact leading to the formation of the Moon hap- more like Earth and Venus (O’Brien et al. 2006, Raymond pened > 50 My after the start of the Solar System (Touboul et al. 2006a). Although planetesimals are continually de- et al. 2007). pleted in these simulations, enough survive for long inter- Caution is required when the Hf-W system is applied to vals that dynamical friction with the larger embryos reduces objects like Earth and Mars, where growth and core forma- the eccentricities of the latter, resulting in final planets with tion took place concurrently over extended periods of time. nearly circular orbits. A 182W excess has been measured in Earth’s mantle (Yin N-body simulations of the asteroid-belt region have con- et al. 2002, Kleine et al. 2002). Assuming an exponentially firmed the hypothesis that perturbations from the giant plan- declining rate of growth and complete mixing after each im- ets would dynamically deplete the belt on timescales that pact event, Earth would have grown to 63% of its final mass are short compared to the age of the Solar System. Simu- in ∼ 11 My. This is substantially shorter than calculations lations involving 15–200 lunar-to-Mars sized embryos find based on the Pb-Pb and I-Xe systems (Allegre` et al. 1995, that almost all these objects typically enter resonances due Halliday 2004), and estimates based on numerical simula- to their mutual interactions, and are subsequently removed tions of planet formation. These numbers can probably be from the asteroid belt (Chambers and Wetherill 2001). In reconciled if it is assumed that only partial mixing occurs roughly 2/3 cases, no embryos survive. Complementary during giant impacts (Halliday 2004), although this is still simulations that include test particles find that the loss of a matter of debate. Similar issues affect age estimates for embryos is likely to be accompanied by the removal of Mars, in addition to uncertainties about the Hf/W elemental smaller asteroids, with ∼ 99% of test particles being re- ratio of the planet. However, it appears that Mars formed moved from the asteroid belt in these simulations (Petit et

17 0.8 3 Myr 10 Myr 0.6 0.4

Eccentricity 0.2 0.0

0.8 30 Myr 200 Myr 0.6 0.4

Eccentricity 0.2 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Semi-Major Axis (AU) Semi-Major Axis (AU)

Fig. 7.— A simulation of the final stage of terrestrial planet formation by the author. The simulation begins with 150 lunar-to-Mars mass planetary embryos in the presence of fully formed Jupiter and Saturn. The figure shows 4 snapshots in time. Each circle represents a single planetary embryo with symbol radius proportional to that of the embryo. The largest planet at 200 million years has a mass almost identical to that of Earth. al. 2001). Cassen 2002, O’Brien et al. 2006). When Jupiter and Sat- Perturbations from giant planets also influence the urn have eccentric orbits, resonances occupy a large fraction growth of terrestrial planets outside the asteroid belt. In of orbital phase space and these strongly excite the eccen- particular, orbital eccentricities are excited at secular reso- tricities of asteroids. As a result, objects in the asteroid belt nances, and this excitation can then be transmitted to neigh- have short dynamical lifetimes and low collision probabili- boring regions by interactions between embryos. The final ties with the terrestrial planets. When the giant planets have number of terrestrial planets declines with increasing exci- nearly circular orbits, their perturbations are weaker. The tation from the giant planets, with a corresponding increase orbits of some embryos in the belt gradually diffuse into the in the mean planetary mass (Levison and Agnor 2003). inner Solar System where the chance of hitting one of the A side effect of the dynamical clearing of the asteroid inner planets is much higher. Terrestrial planets are likely belt is that planetesimals and embryos develop highly ec- to be more water rich in this latter case (O’Brien et al 2006). centric orbits that cross those of the inner planets. Col- Simulations that include smooth type-I planetary migra- lisions between these two populations provide one way tion find that this can have a profound effect on planet for- to deliver water and other volatiles to the terrestrial plan- mation. Many of the embryos initially in the terrestrial- ets (Morbidelli et al. 2000, Raymond et al. 2006a), al- planet region are lost, to be replaced by material from though this issue remains controversial. The small num- further out in the disk (McNeil et al. 2005, Daisaka et ber of embryos involved means that the amount of water al. 2006). Large embryos migrating inwards can capture received by each planet from embryos will vary stochasti- smaller objects at an interior mean-motion resonance, so cally from one planet to another. Water delivered by plan- that both objects migrate inwards together at a rate deter- etesimals should be more uniformly distributed (Raymond mined by their average mass (McNeil et al. 2005, Cress- et al. 2007). Overall large planets like Earth probably re- well and Nelson 2008). As a result, small objects can be ceive more volatiles than smaller planets like Mars (Lunine indirectly affected by migration. Migration rates decline et al. 2003). over time as the gas dissipates, so late forming embryos N-body simulations also show that the efficiency of and those that migrate inwards from outside the terrestrial- volatile delivery is highly sensitive to the orbital eccen- planet region can survive. Migration rates are higher in tricities of the giant planets, which are poorly constrained massive disks, so these may actually be less likely to form at present (Chambers and Wetherill 2001, Chambers and terrestrial planets despite having more solid material avail-

18 able. their compositions and temporal evolution. The very high In the absence of smooth migration, stochastic tidal spatial resolution of ALMA will provide detailed snap- torques caused by turbulent density fluctuations tend to ex- shots of the dust distribution within protoplanetary disks, cite eccentricities. Tidal damping reduces e while keeping and should help answer questions about how planets inter- the angular momentum roughly constant, so that a(1 − e2) act with their disks and how disks disperse. The ongoing is unchanged. As a result, a decreases, and embryos move COROT mission, and recently launched Kepler mission, slowly towards the star, even in the absence of conventional should provide the first detections of Earth-like planets or- type-I migration (Ogihara et al. 2007). biting other stars like the Sun, and possibly provide com- Similarly, embryos probably moved inwards in the So- positional constraints. At the same time, further improve- lar System as secular resonances swept across the aster- ments in ground based radial-velocity and surveys oid belt during the dissipation of the gas disk (Nagasawa should continue the inexorable trend towards the discovery et al. 2005). The ν5 resonance was initially located in of ever lower-mass planets. Searches for planets orbiting the outer main belt when the nebula was present. As it low-mass M stars are likely to be particularly fruitful in this moved inwards, embryos’ eccentricities increased, which respect. combined with tidal damping caused the embryos to move Several relevant space missions are en route to objects in inwards. Simulations show that embryos often tend to move the Solar System. These include the ongoing MESSEN- inwards at the same rate as the sweeping resonance, trans- GER mission to explore Mercury, which is probably the porting large amounts of mass from the asteroid belt to the least understood of the terrestrial planets in the Solar Sys- terrestrial-planet region. As embryos gradually escape from tem. The mission is scheduled to rendez-vous with the resonance, their inward motion ceases. Eventually the the two largest main-belt asteroids, and Vesta, in the ν5 resonance stopped moving when the nebula was com- coming decade. This will provide an opportunity to com- pletely dispersed, coming to rest in the region now occu- pare what we think we know about Vesta on the basis of pied by the terrestrial planets. This “dynamical shake-up” the HED meteorites with close up observations of their par- model predicts a pile-up of mass near this final location. It ent body. For Ceres, the prospect is even more enticing may explain the current concentration of mass between 0.7 since little is known about this including ma- an 1.0 AU (Nagasawa et al. 2005, Thommes et al. 2008), jor uncertainties about its formation and composition. At but only if the giant planets had their current orbits at this the far end of the Solar System, the mission time (O’Brien et al. 2007). will visit several Kuiper-belt objects including . While One of the most interesting scenarios examined recently these objects are compositionally very different than Earth, is the possibility that terrestrial planets can form and sur- studying them will improve our understanding of the for- vive in systems that contain a “”—that is a giant mation of solid planets in general. planet orbiting within ∼ 0.1 AU of its star. Hot Astronomical discoveries are likely to be matched by are observed in a number of extrasolar planetary systems. progress in the field of cosmochemistry. The new gener- They probably formed in the outer parts of their star’s pro- ation of secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) probes toplanetary disk and then migrated inwards to their cur- makes it possible to analyse extremely small samples from rent location due to tidal interactions with the disk. During meteorites, including matrix grains which have been hard to this migration, planetesimals and planetary embryos in the study previously, as well as samples from comet Wild 2 col- terrestrial-planet region are either captured into MMRs and lected by the Stardust mission. This will improve our under- shepherded inwards by the giant planet, or they are scattered standing of the behaviour of dust grains in protoplanetary onto eccentric orbits crossing the outer disk (Raymond et disks, and when combined with advances in radiometric al. 2006b, Fogg and Nelson 2007). Dynamical friction dating, should provide strong constraints on the early stages and gas drag subsequently damp the eccentricities of the of planet formation. At the same time, ongoing programs embryos and planetesimals, respectively. The simulations to collect meteorites in and other remote loca- show that a new disk of material forms beyond the orbit tions, will expand our sampling of primitive and evolved of the migrating giant, and this subsequently evolves into bodies from the asteroid belt. The likely discovery of new one or more terrestrial planets (Figure 8). These second- “ungrouped” meteorites will continue to test our theories of generation terrestrial planets typically contain substantial what actually happened early in the Solar System. amounts of volatile-rich material from the outer disk, and There is scope for substantial breakthroughs on the the- may be unlike anything in the Solar System. oretical front too. New and rapidly evolving models for the evolution of small particles in turbulent gas suggest we may 4. FUTURE PROSPECTS finally gain a detailed understanding of how planetesimals form, forty years after Safronov first proposed his planetes- The next decade should see advances in several areas re- imal model for planet formation. At the same time, our lated to the study of planet formation. Continuing discover- understanding of what drives the evolution and dispersal of ies by the Spitzer infrared space and the upcoming protoplanetary disks is advancing rapidly, and this field is ALMA ground-based mm-wavelength array should greatly likely to mature substantially over the next ten years. Plan- improve our knowledge of protoplanetary disks, including etary migration represents a major area of uncertainty at

19 0.8 0.03 Myr 1e-1 0.4

0 3e-2 0.8 0.06 Myr 1e-2 0.4 3e-3 0 0.8 0.5 Myr 1e-3

0.4 3e-4

0 1e-4 0.8 200 Myr

0.4 3e-5

Orbital eccentricity 0 0.1 1 10 Log Water Mean orbital radius (AU) Fraction

Fig. 8.— Simulation of terrestrial-planet formation in the presence of a migrating gas-giant planet. A Jupiter-mass planet, indicated by the large circle, begins at 5 AU and migrates to 0.25 AU in 105 years. The small symbols show planetary embryos, with the embryo’s radius proportional to the symbol radius, and the embryo’s water mass fraction indicated by the grey scale on the righthand side of the figure. Smaller planetesimals were also included in the simulation but are not shown here. Adapted from Raymond 2006b. Data kindly supplied by Sean Raymond.

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