Law School Unveils Nelson Portrait

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Law School Unveils Nelson Portrait / MOCK TRIAL .COMMERCIAL HR TEAM !.,AW /PROFESSOR ERENCE ADVANCES page 3 : NAMED ge 6 VIII, No. 1 BOSTON COLLEGE LAW SCHOOL ':t\farch 30, 1988 Vol. '.Ii;. -,~.. ~.-.-~i!<' .,N >.'11,.'>, ..... , ,, , . ="-~M ...;,_,,,~ ~ -- - ....... ,,,,,..,...« ;;;; . , &-:""' - L:::i:v,. ---~-~ • ' Unveils Nelson Portrait Lawby Bernie Pellegrino School. that group where he served until On Wednesday March 9, a com- 1984, when he was named Chairman memorative portrait of Judge David of the Board of Trustees. Judge Nel- S. Nelson was unveiled in the Stuart son's chctirmanship extended until Hall corridor. Dean Daniel Co- 1987. quillette presided over the ceremony The Nels on dedication was the dedicating the painting in honor of. first of four similar portrait honorar- the distinguished U.S. District iums that will take place over the Court Judge. The unveiling itself was next few months. On March 22, the conducted by Father J. Donald Mon- late Judge Thomas Lawless, a 1934 an, S.J., President of Boston College. graduate who served for twenty five Nelson, a 1957 Boston College years on the United State Bankrupt- graduate, and a 1960 graduate of the cy Court, the last two as the Court's Law School, was honored for his out- first Chief Justice, will be honored. standing achievements in the legal On May 4, Sheila McGovern's por- field and his unyielding support to trait will be hung in recognition of the Law School community. Upon her service to the school's Alumni · graduation from BCLS Nelson be- Association and her contribution as gan practicing law with Robert Oer- a role Ihodel for female graduates. teri in downtown Boston. He Finally on June 6, ceremonies will be continued in that practice until 1973, held commemorating the 35 years of when he was appointed as a Mas- service of the late Cornelius Moyni- sachusetts Superior Court Judge. han as a faculty member at the law Judge Nelson was further honored in school. 1979 when he was nominated as Nelson's dedication was attended United State District Court Judge. by many of his distinguished peers He still presides over the U.S. Dis- in the Boston legal community. The trict Court bench. Judge expressed his heart-felt Judge Nelson has also given much thanks for being honored with such back to his alma mater. He has Dean Coquillette and Father Monan look on as Judge Nelson address the crowd a "Life-like portrait" and hoped that served on the school's Board of at the unveiling its dedication ~would help inspire Trustees since 1970. In 1975 he was many current and future BCLS stu- dents to excel in their legal studies. named to the executive committee of I First Year Curriculum Revisions Complete by Deirdre Cunnane 14 weeks contained in the first the Constitutional Law classes. Property will be the only common semester (Tl), 4 weeks at the begin- These revisions were made in law course that will have six rather The first-year experiment is com- ning to the second semester (T2), response to student and faculty in- than five credits because of this ad- plete, the results are in, and the new and the remaining 12 weeks of the put. The Committee found that stu- dition. Eventually, the Committee first-year curriculum is being im- second semester (T3). (See diagram dents were more opposed to Legal plans to have this material covered plemented. The First-Year Curricu- on p. ). Process than to ILPR. A clear by the Constitutional Law will be lum subcommittee of the During the first semester, first majority of the students reacted offered first semester with a re- Educational Policy Committee year students will take Civil Proce- positively to ILPR, and the ILPR quired second-year Constitutional (EPC) was co-chaired by Judy dure, either Torts or Contracts, faculty believe that students ob- Law II course. This revision is due McMorrow and Frank Upham. The Property, Legal Research and Writ- tained significant educational ad- to the Committee's concern that the Committee, after reviewing and ing, and Constitutional Law. The vantages from the course. There are reduction of the Con. Law course evaluating the experimental first- only class which will not continue plans to modify the course and shift into a three-credit course resulted in year curriculum for the academic into the second semester is Constitu- it to first semester, if the Commit- inconsistent coverage between sec- years 1985-86, 1986-87, and the cur- tional Law. However, an upper lev- tee, faculty, and students determine tions and that students had little ex- rent 1987-88 year, proposed the el course in Constitutional Law will that this "hands-on" introduction to posure to the structure of adoption of "Option B-1 ", which has be required. lawyering would be more appropri- government and other fundamental been adopted by the administration Civil Procedure and either Torts or ate in the first semester. However, constitutional law principles. The and faculty. This choice was based Contracts will continue into the first presently there is insufficient time new curriculum provides for a stan- on the successes and shortcomings four weeks of the second semester. available to restructure the course dardized Con. Law I course which of the experimental years and the At the end of these four weeks, both for first semester. will cover the commerce clause, fed- goals of the school for their first-year classes will end and students will On the other hand, Legal Process eralism, and the separation of pow- curriculum. take finals in these courses. will not be offered as a full semester ers, etc. In addition, students will be In accordance with Option B-1, Students will take ILPR begin- course. The feedback received relat- required to take a Con. Law II first-year students will be initiated ning in the second semester (T2), as ing to Legal Process revealed a large course covering at least due process into BCLS by a week long "Fun- well as, either Torts or Contracts measure of student hostility to the and equal protection in their second damentals" course. This week-long (whichever course did not st~rt in Hart and Sacks materials. Although year. seminar will be comprised of both Tl). These courses will continue un- students were resistant to the Furthermore, the Committee small group components, and large til the end of the year. Additionally, course, most students in retrospect found the "semesterization" of Civ. lectures. The seminar will present an at the beginning of T3, Property and found the materials helpful, especial- Pro. only modestly successful. overview of the law, including legal Legal Research and Writing will re- ly the legislative and statutory in- Therefore, Civ. Pro. in the new cur- concepts such as precedent and stare sume and continue throughout the terpretation portions of the course. riculum will be for five, rather than decisis, along with an introduction second semester. Because this material is not covered four, credits and will continue into to the legal system, and to the study Portions of the Legal Process in any of the law school courses, a the first part of the second semester. of law. It will address questions of course, legislative and administra- section of the course materials deal- One of the more substantial revi- justice, the legal profession and will tion process, will be covered in the ing with legislative and administra- to the curriculum is the in- provide students with the tools they sions Property course to be taught next tive process will be covered by the crease of Legal Research and need to get into cases. year by Professors Plater and Property classes next year. Writing to five, rather than three, The year that follows basically Huber. Eventually, these Legal However, it is doubtful that the Continued on page 2 breaks down into three time periods: Process points will be contained in Hart and Sacks text will 3e used. Page 2 / ALLEDGER / March 30, 1988 Dog Day th:, watch for a little while. Personally, ter~~,~~ru~ I enjoy chasing cars up and down It's time to lick the wounds, pack ~ew weeks) AipnlJ\f will be about as en- familiar scriot: the street as a way of getting a few the bags, maybe even buy the books Joyable ~s . a _da:y a~ the groomers. .Student 1: What makes Blacka~re th jollies. (Editor's Note of Caution: ~d head home for Easter recess. Be- Som_e mgs m hfe JUSt are not fu~, separate and unique from Oliver's hmd us now are the tattered rem- ~d m law school, ~he month of April farm in Green Acres? Humans should not try this at home without canine adult nants of the March calendar we have is one of th0se thmgs. St d t 2· I ' t b t d · supervision. N · ht k "H . B u en . m no sure, u o you The Legal Beagle has become an ex- marauded through with such mad- ow you rmg as ' . ey . eag1 e think it would be effected if the ness. All that's left now is a few what can we do to avoid pert in this field only after nearly 25 ?" T b this tor- NLRB' . t t t · fth NLRA t 0 f tl h • h s m erpre a 10n o e years of rigorous training.) If relaxing days at home with our fa- ure. e per_ ec Y oneSt wit as it ertains to the AFL-CIO im- that's you, the answer is-absolutely noth- t pd • not your cup ot' tea, maybe some . , . pac e m any way upon th e mg.
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