^ iS- v-' t • ^S;-^-.?|- ■“■■ hjsti' ,-vsii^;> i-^<‘ -u % %s,to tS-S'^.v |a6.'4VT . JS • V V ^ " f,.| ^..sc^,- I.Vj[V^* f -• »v-] '.'?i ■' m V. .,, •.■*^w»->vV',wlfc*’'>' ‘ ■ '.3.iisi S(!1.4V i»ls»Wi**ta>tdLV-V ''J^f\it rv ‘V<* VrttSwL' . ‘

tiu»^ m'Wb-'S', hbunoidvvtia^ SiiqKmdri has i»t bsrt emnpany'a pkq^ent AssodatlaB’a fund tbr the praaMng aside prajMsals ifcnr f^ ^ hd' fofCti^SAiirb'^ moftgai rt W ^factice^to- ihsti^tc johlese of Manchester was Increased hearing^ the Seute fifiimoe.Mm!> .ceedings for am’WVtoiii^ h7 close to $800 when' the ' Old mlttee sent tlw Golliei>Hiatne ,3.00 taUiaanta o f ,princ4>aL 'bom . — is fully* aware o f ^ is deep-; Timers’ basketball team stag^ Its per cent beer and wine bj|& 4>eei^Ung It. _ ^ ;^(5^^;ipanjr’!i. yiiiiSdta,i^ t h r at^ to -the prdblli^ Crah I second annual game With^the New back to the Senate'today with aj Haeknte, the larm poj^ttro iod^,’ Britain Old Timers Saturday night f AVOteUft MDOlt. and has long since notified its coor at the State armory here. The en­ ^ a Volstead modlfication;ba'^uuM ;dmt;jDt'"trtcbix¥any*^^^^ ■; :• respondents-of its wOUagsjest:to<.Te« tire affair was staged under the i>ei> Improved 13 to fi within little niore V “KkWuNit to tfeS^rerttSt 'boat^i^ new -tu r n «ioitgag«| i^wtfhe m spapm tite ’foafeldi ure o f mortC Bitito.'ifietttmi^^i;^ ' OoL Ghambeilin Here day,^ which will put the bill before ■gait^- ,3>«ic^ •ACllON IS VRAlSra[> ' Features that helped draw out the the Senate, ready for action as soon ■ irbjjJ^-.tha'-isarin'i Waahingtoii;. JamV<80>>(AF} — G M inan' big crowd were the appearance of as the parliamentary situation per- ttasteglslatow‘«dkC2rt^^ Jonee of toe House Agxt- ceitor o i i Col. Clarence Chahiberlin, noted nfita. - '“ mlfatocommittee tafity tnms-Atlantic fiy e r , and Mayors No changes were made in the bin OS t i^ p a fi^ i t dajd^.of tito N w Ypto itfe-in- Rankin of Hartford and Quigley of as i^iproved a week ago by the i '.-v’ " 'of-titovi^.TeinlLAto aintoce Contysny'-to -suspend fsnn to Senate judidi^ committee. . . . ' - .. . . . *•■£.{.• : . Police art guarding Detroit {diants Of :the Briggs Manufkctiiriiig'Cta& foreokMBuresto .Ibw i. . > * The committee turned down o f bodies ror the Fort'liP^ ren t ^ tob k ttob toA fitoe cotoae,’’‘ he: chairman Bniootis proposal for tor Co., while pickets pwade. ThCilabor diqrate:at the Hrjllisidianthaati ' shutdown of nil in the Detroit area, ufowing I 60i000 work^^out iff 'eaq^Cyment. - Ex [ r o r tfixto; 'si|todugj^ B i. 1^ , saldi ^md stoiilfi to.vfbllowfitHty ail hearings and agreed to Confine its and ofBdais’' o f- piat due,vprtod£fd id mortgage oonqMtales until aretoahe- consideration to the revenue fea­ company are meeting in afi atteiapt to leach'a settlement:. .Trt ,*plptan^li|ii9^ the Boain Ibckets are shown in the'center With the;fisg^^ > / v. a: 1 1 , 'satisfied ttot tiie bwbar Hvu^ 'iq^ Ing plan can be^worked out andjm t tures of the bill. toe farm ni endiiyoring to uj^ intOrOperatirm.’^ Revenue Feature ■MMaUi. Smoot said the vote to report the »i- *.. i--' •* • ^ bill fevorably was on its revenue B m iii& iit B tiE features only, which provide for Ji ...’‘.;tMEBANH. tax of ^ a barrel. Secretary Mills i^peaied before ~-Loirthi, Jan; the conunittee in executive session tonk:;el; Gaat& k s h t e lAl The Vote Bol Hb^rily StiH Ob Stiike c-Ebslory o f a bor^ was made in The vote 12 tb 6 by which the bUl Folica'Court trtty' wbea vRino^ was reported follows: For: Witson, Indiana, Iteed, Pemuiyivaala, Shortiidgm Califor­ i l t o e l M nia; EHteham, O om M ictt^ L$ Foi^ ofFail Co. Fadaint JQ to -'e m ra i Jettie. Wlieaiwtn, a r t Hkilttaigb, ilet- aware, all BepuMcans^ aqd Hafri- &ya Comedkrt b' Jbl f Boette, Jsai. 30 ^ . -'-bank - V tovto Jan. 3p.~t4F>-^E^tomttv)f ^ . <3i0i>>^%tter4 tc3i ^ ^ ladii^ K requested: yfiateriiiy t o : » Hntueay, and Hull, Teif* „ way^tp Jhe side ^ til* dtortleii #WAeaiam.'. ^a ‘ l .L e a l} b y 4iess^'.Hrtioerrtl. .Detrott Jan...30.- fiffu a:;new luitoesllfir that; ■3^ - J&aplf; flimlxig trartM P./j. .'He-.was'' itoBidalMyi’Jac i 'tille d .Joaeifii m apnsr^'-as.’saaw J V. 'T3if‘l led to iA fian t dfEfrtd■^'ifi,rn^^ lim fn m : ffiHl in the ^nvaalng'initii 'ifitidrh^: iB tti- a r t 'tteouiifit vth^'8ti^t '-xe|mf' ■ ... .V. . •ThifimaSie#: wife"^^ ■! y foi; an emkb profit and rtfi.,asbVtbb.:daeiMt|A. wira.toit bfiordtiF agbasaut cf Fay find /fiune fhm i if i ta~3fiperrceiit: released" wfiatol^ -f-’:* k ^ 'very . dbio to ibhedifie. The to\d(msi(ier':tto I h e Odiagt Gtifirit ; iiu^ataialantM had’hen prondaed a w ith ou t avTCoii^ yotSi^ n Offidaisj ity^^rtf^toUef tob A propoaid to increase the tai: formmr'■empltypsto had rel watowiiigbriifiass ' 'o n rNStotifii generoua- amount ot^tlme fob dapc^ from $6 to $6 a barrd urns iaimilarty v ^ k : ■■ ’-.v-', toc'reialt;^ a'totifi^ tototveid todii^ Bank, about 26Qk miles 'Asst ef: ing aout the manngara saw to it.tiiat defeated. from New ' ' things .moved rapidly so, that the “ About . twolhimdred,’’ also wpre Senator Com rtly, ,(D.; Tern), some r^rted to have tatumed .to woffi- the^Natio dancera.would'have. plenty of time time after the committee’s action, t h e .W ^ on the flOor« atthe'Brijggs' Mnpany’SvtiMit "stoi *nie .O’R sto tos a dreto • ar $5 Issued a etatemehty explaining his piaat, pii those: .returping^,tbui Oewfila TnmblMB . . vote against the bill. ’ \ aboard.* ^ le||.-port^^toBib'rtpl --f * The.outstanding event: of the morning a n fdrmer empbpiea of'thA uegenty ^ tim mitof ritiwtion. an ■ .-■ t v *; ; - » “Three and two-tenw per cent :ti». n e rt.^ jitsto^aw to meeting, it oftb^^ .lartsr T b s .news: d beer by weigdit la equal to'four pet ai^ streoMA covBnkir to* ' ‘ *. ,. • i (OoBttnued On Page Two.) (Coniinned toaadd,.h» in t ^ ■ ' ‘ ' ~ *'* ■* ' percentage as ordinary ' beer sold to to. toant toe re^^#tito)«b'b^ before the adoption ^ the Bi||^<- action, he. pototofi ouUto; fiat to be V ,1; ''V SEN.UIRi:nCIIED teenth Amendment, which I r^iard FIND POET DEAD cohstimed .V ,this‘^tiiiai c^. a'e< iin ^ Jrt-'^SO^APii AV totoitoiifi :to.' as Intoxicatfiig. ia ia i ^ , , o f ' s '' . "So long as the Eiiditeenih AH' OfOt aWSPAPERS Amendment is the law of the land it ... The' state ato { ^ . whi& is out- to-fbe to^ .'■irV ought to be respected and fo rces toed , to a tommirtoation frbto the l A ’ ■ emq^rsney; < Has derit R od Long Artkk “The Democratic platform of 1932 V. 4. does not sanction the .sale of bever­ said, although ha.udll maim no'me- ages of an intoxicating , alcohoiio rtO ftai ^abe ef Sai- onmsBtotions.tor or :agatoat it until WkidiTelk About Lonisi- content. It provides ouy tof such to e bi ptoperiy diseneaed.- of "Aaririeto' a conttot ‘as la permlsslhle under .mjt isn’t, ready yet to the Constitution’.’’ d i k . ' - - toto tiiA Ifiige, .patoer stAtoB .Uke HetiraL ______; tort*”lSMC| anaPoRtki ■ V ■' 1 'w . s.-j Nellie, Tfirit,. iWltytyaiilaL, .llto O s , *W Vv.^ : artLCto^ Fto fiwbg'ftods''ftonl ' nhnwffllMfTfiiT rtf VI New fork; .Jan. 30;--,(AR) .w Washington,, Jan. 30.~(A P)~ govarnor-''saliiL’ May Free D. S. To Rase ing or a hfiart-anawb awl Asto wood, N.'J. 4' tion rttieh I am connected arrested tiob tirt'arttod 'w fib^afito^ lpU|^:Twai A t poUce heaillb6,.„-, if r t . AttariMF ' Broussard eieetion officials’’ In the day; buwe who'qyrtW ^ L . C. A lt o i J\, v a r t F it it o i ,of . New last'.Democratie Senatorial primary the Barrier. !Slrti;'llt.r ■ fo n itto'-g«m^v,,.v: tbs otheilbd in his state. ftdlowod an fi^tsek pnSus O n m M Senator Edwin Broussard was t o t s duf^^ivtpeSISm ^ sfito tfifisdale hid quoftlqbrt identified tba tofia BmtdmS toat < fer:';'. paniicBSil m ient fiefsated for rsnominatio" by Repr Washington, Jan. 30.--(AP,)i bef: ahdn ways to toinmit ’atorim. < and • father-, iitoift d r t t o t o v 6o>> rssentative John Overton, who M to-^ ea sd sle’ w ar.48'. and ii'bef: ?t.v#l ^ W iM With the Rouse- ways and" rhtiuatm o t o f f Ifioto.' •k-'';-. tostita.:'. wbto supported by Long. committee considering whAtitjir to tooughts. in letter -"ytojrs'ba^ j'.M jniiuf: - .|to‘ wA^mcaAcA 'J Long had the Senate clerk read Aba boost duties against countries' that rinore somhrfii Hfir-j— ..... '.tiSs: f i r t i t o s M O s o r t r a long Herald piece about the Sen- Irimdai wbd'^ rscanfid'' lb? AsewliUed Prel 13-yaar-(rt d irt ] ate medal campaign funds com­ have deserted the gcM standard, the H Bltoralfifi tariff commission began a '-study' to­ talent * • •' ■'iiJmLL'' to,;)** VIOUld tok —^S’to; mittee making its plans to go to day to determine if it shoirtladi^'' ialageiy ! vritoout / oq ifeatrt toe Teiiui&ig only * : a r t :Neto4to to i Louisiana this week. ifietiiihor. Critioa laid her "-w^rdfi itly fm r n 'r t fiedfittit;. were : 'atiHff.-'He A number of the chargee in the the American seUlag price rt thei had exqulidte rsfibjBinept "ise for tariff levlee. fittribttted-;'to''' automobto*' crashes tito', atafitoji^ :oi' hogA^'- article 'were read hastily by the Jter Poesns * Adoptim c f ^ s method to'vfilu- toto: ^ ,w|^-ert^lRrte . sli^^ tolW;' tof- # s rr;. clerk, and Long stopped him, an­ Bom t o . s i ' lctos.;lttM:TfiasWi ./WTfaeesee 'c i5 3 0 8 ^ nouncing: ation which would autoa&atteail^ 'to as. fonmuty :toe wtfa HtoMk B.) reortntyed.-L.' ■ B'l"'" ■ ■ ' !T want these charges read a llt- crease tariffs, was advocated Flkdnger, foreign tls Ut more slowly and diatinctty. Matthew WoU, prfiUdeaV o f “ tiie Writer. .-Thty'vm to'm arried^ ■ ’A^ltohdrt^ito ^ e r ic in Wage. JBfihifus:. m ■ prieaf'iMsto^... so the SaDatofs can hear and un­ t o .m 4 a r t statito.abd 'firts ' derstand thim .’* Conference. Re described tile Uail- to ito h ” fi(amsta, to- Duael .The. d eik Qpmi^tted. The chargee ed /States as a n ' “intMnatkaial .ototo toem s,” ,-; p u rtto e d jlp i5iSSto$roS- in substance were that state high* doinpifig groufid" for cfiiiiifiehe- '^Haitoi osefiv fere the election, Council of topcrti|nr-''airi “ThAt’w cnl! that dsereasina ImDcftfirt v.'-i it y thgTs out the that W i - aed fitte r tiia t r t t e m ^ hy^tober: ';-fw ato:frti'^ .)3rous«rd sat tirt depredatodeu AT**, JUi a few feet ctfiasing the inqiari **4 -'‘cr;-t5 An‘?e bLoDg-tben aseMbandlae; M i ; iPij'ObS*' ~^tiie N ew JfiBtirr t>^5 . /to ._ toi.toetbod cf WBV- i r-; 1,1 m

i^ :a & - ■;■ • ifS*-‘‘ i ■c (t £>■1 i'-. ■ ‘ V.4 i M v i M t o Q A k i a d ri t/i H i - -fr- Xhihed-. rf<0m Ngj^pgtneriaAMtd * .. AV , .A Mpacllgr «idl*b«t ttii o *^ S-ik^S i fi0«M tut Sttiumii SMtiitf#; n w t.o f ■ ..ggh n a a c N ith t |gr .daiuidiiB-.it^— . — ------Jlte^ ea OlM O xa S a tVtlllSiH BMacopal >4Bhi0d!l, haa been pout* ilfilMOlin itale '^.of Wlit0t^ VA' ' ir. ponisd Tmttt la n - n M a r ^ ^ - ' ^UMlJ^SSoA’ •>| ’bury in their dohtjMMd ognccirt &C le ▼^^■5 - ’>* I nlA thr*t««lngr*ogNait ft: >AttiNwlth£)*dimip^ r__ * «itm» « t thb odDMff, Mtm iMiti had to be placed in the Cbolr^ ,htft ed'„at( the "^^eo aad the aiar «< the ohbreh to ap> d i^ b W ' tr im '^7'- 1 o t W 0bnani. was obienred, wbre: *^BlBiam Qi yuiited. the iidtiBi^lttate >. /f ' i O ■ o fU a t NobA m taA Lhewnger 3 - .;■ • 4] The oooOIrt laeted et^ dne hour, eppol I f ” ; aad ftftetti mhuitfle hut lt''wM i - filled with many tbUMiy moineiita njT'liihi^rk hhe Item haftththr «o r^^The pteesfam mhde oa tk i audlesoe Waa ^ AU netthera of ’’tiidiieviAdPhl „ I M that theee -two One dionuee'^ aap, of the Bmaanet - eh u aS m r n m a S ^ auag ta^tKbtHf .to t yean , g h o fftaa- to -elaltilaH din'tnaortt^ ,) S T iS m o i^ ^ jKmrtgii,' the Jt»si •% ^ •ponded eo w ^ to ufe twO dlriMStoni in Charge, alttM«||h thia wac their- that anauah' hty known in Ajnetlcnn , . upplel^dg'.) onh fim oenoini tnbmer^ ■ ^ _ nortatloh' iaa|^>^ 4 S% eirdes, and Baron von Murattt^'ihi ‘UbAm!______Bou oluhe allowed the reault of Matfiiate win lian'tha^eiiiirdi ae ioedgh nUifeler^io fiuipiar/-to jx if m eareful tralafiii' and' one could fee d:40 ddodk anil will; M ^Ndt a 'p n ^ _ . ggn*. - ,.h 9m m I^pBt ofoaSSattt^in « gnutt a t Marfdea< ' each dub aang their individua ho-mtHuiuimM (^The.-iOMKfd': aifvlhi' groupe. Thc,iw . ahyi?n wQnMrfiil' appearahce.. ae ' thpr fort Oh ■ spread out on the platorm for .^e !»•#» |M |m aOH/l Im L M ttD f , ' Ti*a/*-'i ■ tapocti. into'aetitairw 'im i hit. Ifiaa Roie Woodhouae ia chairman i»': the' -,r>5p<^- -.•ivt cfliPt-Bi ITJ ,. ’ '-.t. of thoereeWr ca^ iwcciiftp be held ■ ',/T ggn;v,Bjf ioDg Frayn, or a t,« t 9;a«ea’a han wepmiwtSvcH .ttan' ifU g," eddCh roae to a •ha wiu hnaaeh^ vhy hOar' HZ 3. at thf doee,^ thd a^Vaftatt^-llMi;...... vtM-' 'H u n ay,' LA/ ; iniieiahSlM ^ h er. 76tb year ■ ‘ ' a' " r •' iumran, lera pahti^elr Wl'riilnsas.<[;i Meo A. -,V“iVr > ^ ■ |W ^ m m . u u ttm . iahailda<«i>^ayi«g d«fwn,mapUaiat/and e s^ ^ 'T ft WM aneb tnm ar. 1Bieiiiy>lhhaiere, ia tt pm amotm cgyAfanchait|tt M|dghi of i^Wygfid; M lite. Feifuaon, o^aTroMO* toifb will be derbtioiw , ‘ Seying that the HiUer /noveinint iag nature, waeI a woman of hl|A. Z^fflKiesri If a poutioel. reeto Ql^URd^: .Tburaday j^ a:, i'-IIM ' hdd'*t9Vihlb dlfiM i^ nm ginitwm ooiy o r A lb e it ,^ a o r tp ttn eaedtoa ]^.)>e b lei^ the'd«iltL.;‘hs Ot. id: and fM w ttodipjrohe, the Mwwipw 0 I S t f n f W S M bofnlS' Uad the throata o^thc W ihful will: >■ ^oo^lli^y*^ xhw m ehaetef ibont dO yogre'agD.i « u i 6 l5 S S £ J 5 LS' be Meaeed^ ■ ^ r .vlht.addlti^ tO'jwr'buabaMrTimc ^ eoene -ef ^ke: W (^fg^AlLln« m ahow^aet eO' vured' the^ dVUlaatiOtt. ------nSSSlsiSiallftSia euNe'.Whldv niL BoOfter CSub’' ; apd the ‘BaCold/ft and; eo^birium of Burape e n d 'w "■ who ooUaboratien it <^er» fOr fuh> at hbhw’.iS?lS£ l8 m 6. Fer|««n p w w n u 5 » | h aehool hkll, Ifoni ’^■ gaMo-aa^ .lit-. yNwrvatidn Peat** i^li who ie rtekohor ltf;tht iohoor''*la ' ^ eveningi, FibnuN •purtat, win. m iiOjNit‘,-Vhnj|pik '-H and-.flgi .poDM a n d ^ l^ o t ~ j f p t m Ae*widNrv-rF e WhUun iveratw i woounrigg^ •pop^ lA h f l^ ip tha'g^Sfntore he ______Adolf Mli oellorihip: Id Oominy; while'doxOi"' a 6 i% sMyeth Boitai W iolela. the m ent^Thlieflrla will wear moiMmo give sxnflDoieMWllW'jpiiiR , thing of. a eurprliitteloflSdBl Waeh? Buokliusa' oenutiry^. pTiendf' are w- y poader, ' ktniptohr^appgrently oreated little.hM dueeted toromit howeraf, onlooher.'.' ^ pMbonalon.aa^talhi effect On Intelv and color to the ihow.. The h|Mtk° 'jOStUnud ■ teipf ~ fully eoatumed ntN# ohMjM^ 1 ^ 1^ lypOcdihrlWaaiungtonjOpf^ died T un ym . hddwah p u g le i. M ! rad^lheff "iM bt' 'erbife*' Ih ^W lch- 'iV>jOvf 'A u ty ' . In\ .' ah -in* hee jtfiiented ^fepondMlttir whiib dp^^Mnif i i f I M -y'-v'.T 'j-’i'Jf •»/»: • "f ".'fli' 'if '•!! V *r; by !:• ‘ »i. ■• .. . ■ . ' .inghp AhMoan, offlelato -he', -eo ./ '■1Lgrenh -that. I t •% «Jh;' ■ Kl; wh^ ' .wek the “ttudanaMT, Mlak' iCInkw^kohaileon iBf-.Oakland ; (O^tteoeO the Ciherd^ a nifitarai MUpr MelLm5p eh lb ' tAU , ■ iJ® SST eSf^ ^ u 't ' coitttalnad choraeea.di8^ tbelc - _ m t m B ltr :>0' g;.wiiy*i§yi piim *r 'fdowPr K^rk. Tha aaMUbi o f eduna.'irbni W ,5? htaSBany.: ht.the adotaCin ;llb Tolcei waa tremendoua whairr' iU^^VNe counter MWe Chaui. VAOie. - flaal' olfanas' of.'.tha and 'cnliated: enthualactleaQy la w ith aeribah arhl^^. ChhiaeOdwoi ** SInetor- H uff 'll ,.....h i the two duth i» tb ja .;^ of ^esoltatkNi ’Wnkh. fignr* ¥ '..Itcw'hoit fb e C m e r t w e iit Blqe^eiibefitee.'” fiatieely iiftad tlMuroofc- h Waik but ia. The Beethoven Club w m ^ elect 'iiotf ep'M r ^Ronald ifndeay, thh'Siui' ;■ / Improvint ^ -Reoei^y Mlia tig^illohiaeollems wewi ______eOKhtta d u M the oqiiffe.'af the eveiii BDUaabeth arntMunadoT'to the United Btatoh to in eo S bf thettTheet »r BmeT'Wna ;;o«itM|er Warn JhiriuM rC^to confer'WiT" about the nwlden voyage o f the. 8an« Ikaao'A t Bdm L-,. Nathan the ihhtibyoirraR the d ^ t te PaOta-.eadiUuitrated- tbe;ArCiole' w » Pihaident>^Sh$li8!!9y^ iQcei.'f y « S \ dned to -her bed fof hun^ ihwthunwehoje^nf^ _ with a nlotane of Caj to ;<.ead iBronMi^e *Thoo^ weel^ Prior to bm'iUneae, .ike and My Redeemer.*^ ^------ieat'hiittl he eet tttRh oftitt tiate bf voleee, both in thoptranf oi jane and Nancy Hd^bard, ' iare...'of Mlnp,-' __ - . ■b /.vjA' A«iww»....ry !if>.i-»’» i Mte. ne in the Ughtar.peaeiibe, 1 U e lc M leetu ri. m a tm ip'lAiargC toOkr^hirhl.f^ iiMQdnahly .' if .^viire. irick* p i a . HUldah A.-BUtlerA K r A J jM * ' Parlai ^ A h ih dtr'waaia^DCooert. theh qUartere, edhavi pil0o^N h|haaBelh ClBhoc^__ y*f ■ 'Tj.' lef's , , itogrephed flW the^' Vhiei a^ •pet the dded to-«h0 dOk Ihit oViic: th% c<^(!ter prOaohOd. 100' h frto r, .v' .‘i k - ~iXK'*- ' r S f woik-end, ah wea Iflpa FlofOaGe L boepitat ImT more “^The torriita.!.jinyea ti^ aeve^ ;C al he offered the In ICaaebaster#^ MaOoctt, dintdlQ V M del^ atiG hihey { wV*' ■ lashM .^ . Athm ^jl^i^ nuree* ^ ^___ “O h ^ ” have ind l«rh .. poet; a t tiw Bushnell Memorial BrotSbrs Medical dci>artnier.t.< ,. haire heavy; e tf'ih e # tn^ thkityeeh he. lomnulet^ Onrhkdlgif t i r Ohout> ' Saturday nlgld'^thti/ wire froim N evr^ died t m pdn entertained i n , the hoqpea o f tte Qwing"to'o-Qie.epntinued m niu' o» loFs .'athMade, _____ very s f o ^ ^ ^ F a s o ^ to Man^ Beethoven Qub'a membmi and were: -Dr.'John F.r.B u t f i the'<6atilMnl» lawyi hhlb flmdaieriid'nfn 'W fliw m ehown through the Am Ami fee* wilt be onhttoA'httoA'tDiBOnOw mornfOr -"Fee. tpry yerterday afternoon; A bpfi at the Memertid . „ - ^oiipit lu f It.:. John let lunch wee aeryod at 6;r^ P m Ofeace in-lho A’dodc.at tha dpwOlL preeedf " •iT'* •’" ^ .’ Bdwwid thet oauiee^fffie: m eoneart The ^ vlehSe left ’■ ''' a ^wyrOll -icStm^^WtAV-- liili! '.end: | L t 3h M ^ fn d ..diester in.private can at.p o'dodc. ha^itttdritaited te hies> xrl JhBen^^ allT w the. M.-1L R , A>’»n|;:'.F ^eaVee.Onb broth*^ "^xi. New Haven, ■ m m E OOCMMASB W(AP)—; thet eperaiiomi wfll blgfliy oh X dog of fon houad-hudcle -croee BiwkfliUvatieot rntt'dine ‘tbOo < Ihkiajg; «m t went w iu and liiio wrapeited smdc/ ■ -'1' ■■■' >T.. ■ - ■ 'Jleehwkfti''' wndtng^a paclr''1'^ Jovm h 'h lit:’. wOh'i m "tra in ; •‘ i i i - '— ^ ri''':\ii'ir The bedyhhe: -ttM " for "" k-i:aaii'r

.N iS ^ lr

>.it >i it

; " i ' / ,. ■ V '

M.' I#*, W .f? m ■!# rm^ip R Center W:V i>lj^iei3«9t '■•.Jh'*:,' ’ ■ iA «» PlC- -‘■fcs .1^ n+w./ k*«*. . . . . , ■iileet: orohMK f. - Vi* 'V j? A r < £ to pUtyl*y for ••s; -A-A ,tlon Oentef irijp Dnna To Ik night m another of the tQio< ' m I . A, ...... ?Baiik*£gt^ n :.;ijv. ,, oOBununity dMiees. Dnaelgg ^ Bid Atkfd .wh^'^iRRh'' wUl he f l ^ i:80: to 11:90, Director -Art^;A;.vNi >mdht| C iip ik N a t^ and T . . . f5 -r*’ ‘ Kv'4i4 Soccetded I; frof. Prank C. iteaoh announces. This Aim-'SiniBit; ‘ u- ti yiv*--aaftt ' band played at the Roc list Th\nh> day and attraet ra a laiie crow^ of ti«t-,X^ ntfCtrliNA- jti 'aBn.T’;.’, a tfi-: .1 ' '.9to< ^ Flrrt.iSatioiMp?i ., SO-*-' HlvEdsad. vOi:-tht-iiiad;i New .'B rita ih 'T ^ t' 'V. i‘ ‘’-v.-.'V 'ihO' ;- i^Ntoida) ■ V .-.'iV v r '> v -T New Haven, Coim„ Jan. 80. r - vWest Bartfm^ T)m t,. — 'Hie shnAjAl RikhiB;^ u i F p m .Stocks oq; ______Georfe Pierce Baker, Professor of ,_id?^Bid phih \ .. r.'. I ; . l i _^iAdomdn; 'oosa{ today. L«ome.' By early oon,' moat Travelers . 800 80t) - - X—- ■ '.i^4ai'.H.‘99?rr C'-APj-r-t eharge of the event 'miiS Professor Baker wih be succeed. I prioe changes were negUgiUle,' al- V ri» conhLwUl. asaist 41^. S - . -- AUardyce NlcoU of' *•-— ■ - * . - PhhIloRtUtties Stocks - died hefe ikat n^t,^ ARtr s hort cboostiiff .his oominltte^ ty of London, author Conn. Elec Serv ..... 44 48 lUnesA' Vms^i^ ' a O ^ (■ tOOpWihg AS uipiH, the mesehantovWitt -piMri Conn. Power 46 ^ 48 • • • « »'* • fl« « • • v r « , Ua ak^oo-in t h a d r il BHe* an* uin- of “MasKs, Mines and -Wracles," | lifortolk an^^ Western rmwi^ ijg*. ' .'i .*. fV' -^v' ^ their -.stores to eMdUt their- aew Ureenudeb - WAG, pfd. 00 60 4 88 ^ t i n g ahouit 81 .OOtij >EdUh 'mannfactiugir' in’ .York spring merebandiie and wo The DeveldpmMit of the Theatre" | points In a. exhai) turnover, ^ d "^Pont.. to. .i.j 4'.‘,w ,* 4* -' 8fM and other standard works'dealing Delaware and Hudaon and VCiuui. Hartford Elec ' ... >.. 06 > 08 s«rvtnt r'rtnuMihks o f - ties.; were alsq, with the stage. Ldlan PaoUc. about a pKdnt .Union HllilCWAIjto ."Llto':. t -' As a teacher of dranoa at Harvard | Paidfle, off a -little at the aturt, re> - do,, pfd 48 - island «md iOtkeiV oom^ conimhEtee; 8 N ET^O o .i'., , . . . V. U4 118 Fok'rFi|m!A:^i'^*>’.v.v.^;>ii;.' ■ !%■ .mnnijtieB,'. Rirpie .rrtiriHaantvha had -i ..to,. . ... ’ and Yale during the last four d ^ lo o v e rs d . U.. Si--Steel .Qommon Was Gto $SC - . 15' Danhhisi^Jaa. 1 ades. Prof. Baker taught many who steato, and the preferred, . ip^ a Mahh^toturlng Stpeka '^^been maldnr em^^ hern 46r- thh.fM^ -^! y e a ^ wsis later became outstanding leaders In fraction^ Amertcan Telephone, off a A.r. HafttwarO 1*H ' Motors. to.-.. to 18H j^pettapM . ’ Ings, erased its loss ' before mid., Arrow H and,H, ;Com.. G ^ PnSt.. ., ...... ,14% , daid tlM D u h i^ 1846, marripA M uy, B. Diinn of ney Howard. Edward Knoblock, day. do, p fA ...... ^ S h e y fits^^ H in t phpears;- T h a ’ win i>s B ro^W 'a^ Is sitt^qd ^yinly'by NEW PMUp Barry, and Herman Hage- The formation, of an Hitler Cabl BUllnga^and JSpcmcer.. l ^ Barv to..,, i. .’.‘.r- 21% Sswiwi tin m the plant.ocO ivM ;hy 'A. dap^ter.' v ■/ dom. playwrights, Lee Simonson, net in Germany temporarily de. Brihtol ' Brass .. . int Nick 7% Oanb«Sw‘News.£pr‘a'hi^ ** • '■» . I ' -'V"’ ' ' ' ' ‘ . • A n tiseptic Revert BKhnond Jones and RoUo pressed Reich bonds, msy have do, pftl to t M amrTer;:.. , ..J: .iiv ;.. 6?4 turyto^;CharIis’ F. StSydpd la^. busl. K RIDDfG MASITBB BIES Case, Lockwood and'B. Xennodott" .....:.. ;\;;t. vt- • nsas manSger of -tts'. Hewa^Times byVlCK.S Wayne, stage designers: Kenneth been a factor in the easy tone of CoUins Co'.' ...... MaoQowan Theresa Helbum, Win- the markets generally at the, start, Llgt.and Myers B:...... 58% U ad Lyon .W., W$mDv.^pdltorta| f ;New^ Havwei7j£:;t,8d.--f(AP):^^ Colt’s Flrcarais .'.. 15%lMtitor. The sditorial. .nsfwa ■ 9j\A ‘ A i' H. Oertel,' 74, vetdran ridtag t t r r t T ^ e s and Maurice Wertheim. for the growth o f the Nasi mdve- Eagle Lock .....k.,. nfoducers; and Henry C Potter and ment was regarded as larmlng by -IpM [jniateess,staffspaps^have inaater and teach®8i:^‘dtod^ttH®y ' at IK E A L S IZ E l Fafnir Bearings *Tto .> j ...... A 60% pmen retained in f l i e ^ m ^ o n s r ^ :-M«wHnVhn,'hiS8pJt^:' far. Herbert Blberman. directors. financial quarters here a few years FuUer Brush; -Ctasa A^^ OMWVdM) ' ORO- But the attitude towgrd Hit- . .*. .*; ;...... 14 {4m', aa- the requita&Mna .,tlL ;the A Bavarian ly bwtor he-was oon- B4iriO s» Fourteen rmys hgg changed conslderaUy in G rtiy'Tel Pay Stati ■ Kldihg 'School. V I do, pfd ...... N Y Mh and H .'.'4...... i6% t A . Hislts and "Goodbye Again o f lowing, hould be ' considered con- nmrCe, to- be held at. Castle* Farms Landers, Frary A Clk .i Noranda ««»ec*e*eesssee TvT. whioh • George S. Haight was co- atruotive. on- Tolland Tliumpike .Wechieaday 18' New B r it Meh. 'eom. . North Amer 28 ' jijiiijii author. The approadi of U. S. Steel’s evening at f i: ^ o’clotdu, Mr. Niel- do, pfd ..... a.. ' . . . . PaokarfU • ••»*«*a»sses*e e.e s In addition more than ten plays quarterly directors’ meeting for sen is vice jmeeident and secretary 2 %| Marin A BoW,' Class A 2 7 Param Pub writtep by students in ^ e Tale dividend action, slated for tbmor- of the Jonh,' . P. Nielsen and do. Class. B ...... ^ ' 1 **,*-•!' ' T6 Pisim .';4 • « ' •*•••••...*•'.■4‘1848 draaia dtpartmont have oeen pub- row afternoon, again acted as a Sons Coirmany of Hartford North and Judd .;.. 8 10 PUIk R d t C and I • ees'sqeee litiien. They include "Finished’’ by I brake upon speculative Impulses in and, w ill q>eak On a subject,, o f in- Niles ,Beih Pond . 4 ' »7 iS , « 1 PhiUips Tete •*• • »«%•«•«• e Kstberine augson, "No More Fron- the market, although WaU' street terest to the division.. ' Peck, Stow and-Wiloox 8 ' ll, Puh Serv N J M%; tier" by Talbot Jennings, and "The I now definitely understands that the A broiled steak diimer w|ll be RusseU Mfg...... 5 Radio • •••••§••• 4*e.s • • e served at fi:30 o’clock foUowbd by SOovlB 4% Patriarch" by Boyd Smith. regular ‘preferred dividend will not 11 18, , Radio Keith ■ ««»#••••##•-eees a brief business ses8i b P ),-r J.BLWU'ms Co. 110 par 35 • 4 Stocks sagged m the e^ ^ ' Rmmrig w 2 h I ^ that * the National today,, numerous dividmia pdying iTrans-Atltei^ ■ s < 4^S f,S'eAjctoSe'**SL trBn^Kwtatlon commltlde wUt soon rlE&llQil OftP.illK*'.-* « • e.e's.uisvllle-| guhmit.its report The r ^ b r t to the ahkres receding from f^ t io n s to a mBEIF FOB $7 A m o n t h • A J f C W W t t :‘ ♦ 4.« e-e.e • # 9;*'e'e e.v e ’ National committee of the J^t U.’ S: Steel • common -end pre. Nety YOdc, Jan,^ sk).— f y*! t -I'e • .e^e'e* e.e-e e e,e;s • committee of rail and higliway fertnd sbhres lost- a pohit ' o r" so. ron.H. I ^ aashitant iQ S S "*IO^^,*e' •^.e'-s's hs'e'* e 4> • i^ rs has also attracted conrider- Araerloan 'TObaeeo B, Lli||ett- and n f I I ; 4v.vs^.“. • * .y 30^1 ----- , ruMe attenH.oh in ;ra^!0 i^ banidfig M ^ rs B-, Amariean O e ^ Borden ittj’S-jBitehSlf .,*•• S‘fcy»'vn*.wi'.., : -.y. . qtiart^ partteundly the motor a i^ Uhlan Badfio dropped mibaten* pasasagers 'V .:B 8tsetj^:)l>. ,x t . ^v. tvi . - 28 y.K -' transport representatives agree, tia), ftaotions: U t& 'Pow aiaLiLt . . 4 4; . ; .8 - "YB OU> ’FIMBBS’' imer'PMiidept IiiaC (^ to tike- Jbhs- ment ‘InVprinclple" to'Federal reg­ more them a point Minor- losses on cruiae'Shite would-he taken to Warner. P|o .7.to*,*;.."..,i% ulation of commercial higbWay ddVdoped in Sears ROetod^ .Ra^b-. BUfai-island ror eumtnation. aa,to .iVest>.Tkiion 'to'.’to. ..'»4 '28 "Holland.” was the CATCHER, anj.trsfflc. Rslth-Qipheum, WiBstiiagbouas'Blee. their stotus. i West:Bl. awd* .;.:y^.v.':.28% that favorite team, of mine. trie,-Corn Products, New Yorlc C n ). W o o iw ^ to ;!3 >.i; v; X .’4 .> 8?% And- when he algnaled for the pitch, | UiJ Said he waa informed ttpm tre0; Canadian Pacific and dhesa- Washington that 88 *■ His training was a daUy grind, dovm deficit would he shown lin the earn- ingh ’ statement for' the Toiirtb I • , I - 1 • a I Miiaw for the Heto Jamss Cagney haa Just qum^r • • , i ll 1. ^ **•«“ cornered in a rbonl by heavy fellow, we caBed^BuL „ _ | Raif Harolde, desperately ready to Week-end businees revlewh/ re- \ ported scattered improvement lead- *** I shoot It^out w ltott^. police in the lag to the hoi^'' ” with a menacing i^lver. Heavy mally. appears toward the , end of to Balf orders him to open the daveh- January may be materialising: And after ripjlng o r ™ “ port and get m orTgu n s. Hero sent for "Oomie" too, .The RadiorKelth'rOi^eum • e ^ ^ Jlquare shooters up at Nebo, Square rpeat^mhip caused no sui^rlM. in shooters ’Tad, with you. market eh^es, apd. was . prabably m to.SECOND, w. « - 1 « ^ « ^ to Ito wjn. not a factor tn^ the m ark et'■ wall *• ’Die pound. sterUng raj^ed, i grlfi The abat- oents at the opening, c a rr^ g cables «w SiL'”,S^"S£.2:*’Su ui.iffiftoto-tow t-*..™? ..VV? *T)UDE." who made them dou- tered bulb sprays, Hero Jamss, vdu> rates to $8,39 8.16. F ro c h ^francs ducks.. . . eased a shade. \T. ' ts-i'-- r s U U J ^ S * ’ tb "Hushand,’’ who I ^ little mtinq?06tog"jgplting '»ij‘ waa worklBg hard at THIRD. offstage, who really flriW that 'jete !W ‘s-esBW To get an eitaf base with “D^ve.’’ «Jot ^ ’trget cre*t for it T-f If.'X one had to be a Wrd. down his rifle apd takea a chair, ^tth “ Moynihan’’ pulling, up at c^mly. as tf his perfect markamim- un-r. o«f. to. Aster C|t Pow and iJf B . 7 .' ♦% W li»t a thrill w ,-d *.t, to -a ».lo w it-] “ > » - « to ..Such 1. ftocy to tka ElUP Pow to...... ; 18 ness one more game. screen whirl! ^ Go?AwJ Blf^j ..:..... 4% d tls s ^Service u ..:...... ■; * - .1 V ' -• . With "JOB SULUVAN” watching. . ^ ■-J:...■ “V' • CENTER, and a “ Cheney” Bong I » Cautleua Blee ;^ d and ^a^;...... V .at% guaidlhg EtIOHT; Douglas Fairbanks may beUsve in Ford limited ...... 3 % .Was i t "Jack, or BUI the Cokmel,’’ cyd®". hut with a proviso—’ T il wait Gridman Sachs .....:...... x s my memory fades tonisht. . nnd sto how these Uttle things turp ^dweSt Utils ^ ...... ;. 8*1 When the subject ih OLD nMiCRS, out." M Bt this list of mine; I | He ,m plaiming p ppMUde flto S ^ d Ott-lnd ..v...... ^...'.;^ Founders .'...... ;... U til T o w and L t 4 • • • • • •...,t;y,l%. ■ItoV.. 4 "Ooahli” , 'Chariea Behnfleld; leaping into it bafON hh' looka^ to lAkDKHABT AS XjOMMAWMBt i>i -vjto r- I'T • la^’. JaiAfa'Sumvan. and "Joe ” s m how "Oalvaeada," rRM .BIgh of V*** •% BhBtVan have pasaed on to the lanA Choss," "Rasputin and 'tha- Bmf JSn. aO..^(Ap)U ws gat no returns o f thejpw ss’’ and other "big mCnp^" pte-, Charlet a I ^ a r t , com- and In the words of that Im- turea are reeved. "f 1■» T Vto^-V,' s'l;V nitttee' o ftw . Of ,thn vSeoobd i t\ mortti’-ied": The film he has in midd umtdd Oonpai^, , Govemor’s - FOotguard. *Tiay the sod rest lightly upon have its setting in the interior Of baa been eleOtod commander of^ tiie >1 Vi thslr graves." China, and would be cWnlii^UB In Oeptsimtal. Ltiriom a (Signed) scope. ■ With r n w e m ^ p ir o ^ „ , . V'to • /•' ^ ^ . 1 AMOSHIBR OLD TIMBR. u >. fr+: v 'j Swat That Flyt PV- "Bug Juteer" is the Jateit< L t e M ^ s : * hhme itp L B FOB BLACMNAlUBtS Sion to worir Its way in to.^ li.hteii'tiste • vmbulary ^ (dang, tt •»!' PPi rwkh. ..I. - -s? titf man vdio cantea a av8 siaed by .1.' ri 1 f* <•'. p.-v’s'i ■eeret fn a «hd' t o i l '-t hB flight fron e-: -rtto-kto iE»Llght: to*>,^m A -X thS SSt, JUit tO makO. BOfS iteSr^o.', . Itff amme-he waa wanted o n l ^ t no movle.straiBk flUb .'veRtiin ■ sR*’ ‘K*t to i- .-r- in ra ii£ !lf P ^ the aoSne, ote^haandir ahd- m .V a.t«nti3L°SK ***• W««»St»Wo or e S S 'P W 00 the p l a ^ a " 'K*2 d B^ S it ; r l'P ...... ■!aSe add Vfee'"' aj For one of thoaa -fti; ^ V ii A i iM I, •T- -d-r-Muo toflire.WcliaMT. 8t ^ ^ vV4-:>i f: ^ S r t . ’* £ i..»3 i- 'K •'' HpCPORr-Yon m J . letter ?v;;>= & s i >tm Mf i £8^ aw-*- r’waB.nag.i.wair w--. ,<.***^^ I m m

■kirw Bbout ' ...... Ibd Hamid tracgr atiioardly la^tas O'' V w|itaj^rB um na ouMTANTilNOl idte naa. wonyiaf hinwlf *y.c II BIim U . Aw- ■ f. > biia''laMiwa ‘a ^ t liable'Bli^ IN TnacpOisaBB ; ■>-.*. i 1 ■ ■ „ tte t a d ^ w >abMiba h»: BtinMi i c i n ' out" at BOthliir. tag. idiia jnriiftha w* C>' hM vMMHt I* IMIV ! fiiiptttafitantor d tttt^ ^ /Aedd)iliii;9}|i tacMt daugsrous PBbUsiMd B w«i7 Bv«b1m Baotpt A BBAL BGBpOii HOASt ^ tojIhBiwBild Bbn^vr* BB« Bot»«*;% Bat«i«c M th» Tlita atwiipa]Mr ia booictoms:^ blAaVttto 'taw .'td^jpants and' jnm- 'li%me*-beeatoe!b5wt/i BMt OKIM at BdMB lUMBMMr. toeto. A, 'targe 0»BB« M SBOOBa UlBBe lu ll Matter. havtuf now a^d tli«i aUdBitl^: in thta Btataug roaolt—th s'^. a w. V < ; y . _ _ L- ■.'mwsL i BUBBOiUrnON r a t b s toe tolls ahd toa to tht oae tear, mail ...... •.lt>ee ■cimB degree—we atwii^ cl 'K^kvllto BMitaBtag Itaetf to 'a-i Bar.'MaBib, w awii •••*•«.••*••( .to alight and tenpomiy One—the fuQ a.fonnsl tommto rsiralh^ iPf'a toll is A ffrtta* WII V9«90e 009 Y9Kf •• aea a a#a •••90*Vw warratb of regard of thew' rwther protfst algafauit.hto<<^^ .the ^ snlda IS one .tf.jllta Jtafita aupt numerous parsons udu> hip)leva oath^of oAoe to Franklin D. Roow^ tUcely to to tototakL MBMBBR o r TUB ABBOCiUTBO The Joints-to the ritBBB all their hearts that It Is tepbasWe aa praaldent> hacause; “1^ Vhe AeuelBtaa Braaa la aseloalaaly gtieS' of aaovamsBt w' ;v.' i- eautiad te tea ata tar. rapabltaatlaa to too widely etpiad Opporitiai to!a ba^ of thC Ve^ UtHe-to Hie-ftotoy or all aa#a 'dlapataliaa aradnad to It Of the shoulder, or set otliarwlaa aradltad la tula school system and that no matter tioa.c^ the .yn^to Stats^* ito'bas Mpar aad alae .tha laaal nawa sob* what other sactlfloes may he de* •^diaquaiifiad ktaaself to . 'prasarve, retntorced nnd* V ■ : lumad baraiBt. strong llgammits;^A' All rlAbu at fopablieaUaB at manded the schools must be piBtoet and defauT” that.^hatr»- that soma :of theae .Ugtoiiiati. K -'-..tV- apaotai diaoatetaaa taarala are alaa ra> tained without the rtlndnatlon of a iBaeht.' ., atnrad. bean tom or stratohad to a Btafto 'W ffi line of their curricula or. the Sbain< SuiBly tka good old W. ;0 .'Tc.Ui, meat not sritbta. the nomiud taaffi SamjpIiR from N ew En; cabinet'makers / PabUobapa iRapraoBBUtlva: Tba dooment a single Amotion. fdravar scaling tha ttsightA h a s w bl the Joint The lubrictotaf aSm4 Jallaala Matbawa Bpaala' ABaBay>^aw attatetoOtajiibn^ Itv^'fijiiii^ l ^ e s of the Jotat an pl|ptosnatta Xbrk.. CMto«o^ iOatmlt The'Herald is inherently amlahla damsged. .and ..somefilmes tbotaond that the'^^ highest point in absurai^ ‘-,V^ rail aarvla» altaat at M B A dar- It does not enjoy giving offense. It veasple of, ttot ngion may haceoii the aaiitoto M>Bf..'whiCh:aiaBy fiae' OpkMtat ' vlea. laie. has also fd t someHiingrof the dis­ should be reached in Teimcssee. ruptured and fill the Jctat-jeavlty -i^ r tairbilTM i#ta. ' llta M m m iSta. Marabar Aodit Bnraaa at Clreuta* with..fluid.. . V,. .-r ' / s ■ : V’ A theiB to us at hairprice... .tod we paes. thp^: v Uaas. comfort of 'loneliaesB in its attltode ^ to ^ Hera-aw JifeHwe pieces Hurt - toward' public school eiQMBdltures, TBE LAST ;iTHE A sprain, mtaies itself kndwn to*« Oharvv;..the* rOmaiieB.. . . /.o f the origtaalL^ Tba Barald Prlatlaf OoBipaoy, lao, Whether One can or cannot make sharp and severe^ pata. rtoM tWsB-* aaaamaa no lloaaalal raapoBBibllltp for very few newspapers,. at least tag of the part local heit ‘''ital "raftaBMB have carefully made Cor ttpoarapbieal arrora appaarlns la until very recent-days, have possBM- anything out of the meeting sometimes by » Shiny appetoapto'to are otheri ta addltidB to the-* advaitiaamaota la tba Uanehaataa t w ^ Ambassador Undaay ofbreat pleeei^tod,toto>tattquan'Htiesare&mitadtoone-of-i Svaalaa Herald. ed—shall we say' the courage?—to the sktn. These symptoms deeur ta ( i Britain andBreOldent-elect Roosevelt the immediate' iusa of .'the Jointi a-1dMFta 'iMet evay ease, so dome early! s MONDAY, JANUARY 80. crlticiBe the public educational sys­ The paHenr hvoida' movement 'dr tem. Altogether we have many at ukteh tentative arrangements were made for a war debtsrand eco­ weight upon the tajimed; pailL! SOLVE THIS FBOHUai times'Wished^thdt wetffid not|,feel Immediately . f e. Cbld coip- for sMter or a garment in a closet offended by our public school policy presses may be applied as, the oae lop * . . . Though we walk at night through that they read, line by line and ftoxn in practical effect, takes over ‘ the of them .seems to prevent on exces­ darkened Streets, though the poU||| be beghming to end an article on reins of ofHce many weeks before he sive congestion of blood. 844* ^ MBpta«6ff98 with $60.00 pail is inaugurated. While rest is ihiportant in the be­ imri itiiplB/^ ^ twin size post- succeeded by vigilantes and though schools in the cunefit issue of The ginning.'at least for a fe^ days, .it 08 ^ 9 9 the schools be taught by volunteers American Mercury, .written by Hen top .flailiHl. to beds; genu­ should not be continued fo r too long ine mah(^- or not at all, stom a^ will be dUed ryUMmeken. BEHIND THE SCENES IN a time, of the prolonged iwaction $80.00 Chippendale brtoHet and b^ es kept warm-^rsomehow or may allow the Joint to heto up lock-* any, $- It is oitr compete c^yicUon^t^ ed in one poslUon. |f you to zootcheat ofj(eftiiin«' each other. There is no doubt jibout there Is not inldahchWnr, not even keep the power, of movament in tto Btahttannyr**' •t*' i. that on the State Board Of.,Education, a Joint, you. jnustr begin to move it $64.00 But there is. one aspect of this un- single individual however devoted to gently as soon aa the acute peptod of $200.00. Punean F l^ e buffet tw in, infiattunation .and. swelling hea 'Sub­ of geftuine . ; $ | A A employi^t situation to which, for the current educattbnal policy afid sided. Stiff.Joints are the result o? poster '^Aoiiag Chief ExeenttoO'* \Wll Be a mahogany A V V mahog-$Q A perfectly obvious reasons, next to no however deeply he may hhve bemi Beal PbaalhlHiy if Election Ever resting, for too long a Hma' r attention has been paid. We have offended at What this piper has said Is^Throata Into Congress and During the InfiammaHra.'lymph $110.00 DuncaiiPhyfe serving a n y .e a in the past, who will nOL after r ^ - Bans Into a *’^ -op .” will be exuded and the Joint n to ^ been too worried and absorbed by come liound with material of a fib­ taUe to mateb $64.00 Full tote pineapple post­ the problMSS of material relief to ing this Mencken article, be ready By BODNEY OOTOHEB rous nature leading to adhesions. above * 5 5 er bed; genuine ^ 3 2 give anything like adequate thought to come 'to. this office and cry oyer NEA S^lce Writer Skilled manipulation; - will in most mahogany »..e a • e ‘ ri-- to the spiritual plight of the JoMeaa us as a brioved suj^orter and faith­ caaes cause the Joint to 'return to $120.00 M^ile dressing $ g | 'A Washington.— At about thU a condition of'frw maveihtot,shotdc^ ta.ble t^th. tta;o drawers O U |125U)0 Drop-lei^ extension man who all his life has bera. so. pro­ ful Mend. this occur...... ! foundly accustomed to lining his Mr. Mencken seidoni specialixes jn tiine,' vdien, evCtymio is:. intpatient DunftaaPhyfe' for the inkUguiMpn and the ; , ^ e n one Kaa ;onto j^ained $100.00 Queen Anne seci'etary table f'gcaittihe $ / * A .50 days with'labor that now ha has lost' Idatisties bUt' be dbea. turn to tb^ of adtota^t^^tach are anfild theta lira wtaknetotoitoiitoE of genuine to ■ peltortocoi^jtei it la the/oustom tof/toine lime arid tto pM^mtoitol m aheg^y;.. . V . . . . ' his rachor and is adrift—lu^essly recor^ at the ttigl|ming^ m aple e a 'e a e a a adrift. cle to" show that in 18M the expendi­ bT newspaper wnters t5 burst fofth veiy iriivif^ .hgito- U « » » ! $75.00 ^watpn; c(msole'table; $50iW/‘Queen Ahne ccmsole with the startling assertion that ia any disiorHon cf thf, p^L the' Chippendale lowboy “One of the most , tragio features tures on public aCUp^ in toe comi- there hae iiot yet been any prei^.- SllOiOO Chipi m aple ta ith ebony $< card, ta )^ ; genuine $ 0 A*5ff . ;dootor to6i4d totoiled lmmedlately, ^kof'geniunB of these times,” said a Manchester tfy; totaled f 78.6n .697. in 191^ dentlal rieetim). as toe sprain. jo » . to Bccompanied inlay ' mahoga^-*--- . relief worker, “ is the ^ectaole of ir< mean is that the elec- by a '• • ■ ^ •'i- ...... ' . ! $ 5 I .to isrt'a /. laboring stan^ng at thr win* Mme^era twi have not yet offl- People^vtag IJOQJCd) $119:0(rSheraf .swtdl-^front' ^bae^/Oduntod by Congress. often find: thfit a sprain becomes the *^|^^'Chippendaleinim r'of; dow of a'.little apartment too., small betWton ahii four. MMOn 4 _ ly vspeaking. there is no presi­ ta b le i genuine^ - * drtosfT; genuine $ | f f A .5 b start of .chronic j^ovitia or arthri­ gtopdhe ^Qin maheFany;*''' V* for his wife and thrOb or four ehil* year;'tbehumber o7 cblldien ot dent-elect ubtO the second Wednes­ tis as the •I'houmatlc tokins tend to m ahokuny ...... - mahogan^ .. . dren, staring vacantly out into the day of February, when the Senate setHe In toe injured joint to such school' age meantime baylnff Very paimdes wdemnly two by two to'the $100 Duncan Phyfe drutn street—at nothing. Nowhere to go, lUttM moieuthan doulfied sinca , bi case8 as orange Juice fast should to $ll0.0QtChippendiale muTor of $49.95 Single twhi ptoter bed* 189 House^ to' coopt tbe 531 votes. continued until all pain has subsld- tamer gfnuihe nothing to do. Is^lt any wonder y ^ e the oMt or $70.00 Chippendale arm chair, and that grisly things happen?” thim twenty times AS .much'per .-cap- time when no. presldent,.wiU have ^ 1 ^ .0 0 Chippendale dcni^.hote Work has Completely filled the *to. been elected e ^ .tbeoregeally in cUntoing one may prevent toe fall mahoganyi hand * $49.95 Faff size poster bedf^ whictavcauses toe sprairi. When dei4i[ ofgehulne carved ...... lives of thousands of such men. I)a> . The egtraocdlUiaiyf^ this November and. when, tastead of walkirig along an iqy wUk us«-care toiahogany.,...... I “ ■ genuine tbla mera ebremony on E!eb. 8, the mahogany *2 4 ^ prived of it they are thrown com­ MeackeU* toray Uea^however not ii^ process of election , will become to not; to - vlip; d.tb6f .costly. Tke univwsally praised and hlgp* ankle ’ iff to follow thqrsaylrig of the' $285!ff0 Inlaid Queen Anne table; gerndne In the winter their facw are.fiat up He regards i t ae ja htmento^re fail­ ly valuable lAme Duck amendmept,; street: car companies and “Watch highboy of ■ < M A A a s s" '• a a against a blank wall. Tke liiiafor* ure. He Says:; - v ^ ,. V \ . bow in process of ratifleation. of-': your step.” ■ ' maple 4 $ 4 0 $49.$I5 Giranddle buU's-eya fers that intei^tiog posaibillly. tunes of their wives are disslmiUu:. If torir (the pe^l|^>gi^s') fun­ nouiror in goM < $ o ; i .98 QUBSTlONS AND ANSWEBSv^ . $l60.OO size pinei^pte $40.00: Butteifly table of gen­ The women at least have something damental aim is to provide toe No one will be surprised-to/ see uine maple;- top ^ 2 0 l e a f ...... of the same household routine to country with an raliiditoned dec-^ the rise of a/third party witliip tha; (Baked Petatoesl poatef^hedtigehukie $ £ A ' 25x86-in. torate they have fsilM ..Completely neat, few years which oeuld-tprowi Question: Mrs.. (Xga 8*. asks: ”Do ■nMhwl^ ^rV occupy them. Unhappjras many of and miserably, f^ top electorate ah. election: into the House by ob­ $68.0$ Girandole r.bnirs-eya them must be and filled with anxiety is no more enUliii^ed today than baked potatoes; vdin;aatto .toM «id. i^il(^^Pair^^^t^ site pine- $240i00 Duncan Phjrfe lyre- taining a' large enough eleqtoiial all: contata any t ottor; .ritoienta be* end sofa; . and foreboding, them is still em before they were ev^ set up. On vote to prevto^ & majority.. Under; rides starch? lil^ baiteg i^tafoes ap^lioat^ beds. f C'A ' gi^dlieaf'...... >. £ U . ployment for their han^ and minds. the contra^, there is pMusibie the amendnienttob (Egress meetai to eston^^tot*»;ta9at;..to!^|^ h ^ ^ y » O l / ' genuine mahogany *120 reason for believing that it has- Jan. 8 and the president takes! are'the niY.itari^ta|;^ It is the men breat^w^ers. who, gone backward Inj intelligence, for pttiee Jap. jlQ. 'Tbe House toiM jc^ 6 FuU' aiie' posgir beds. $15(k00 Chippendale table ^ 0 A(^vm hM in. spiritually, are' fui^j^^ out cf It.hendles Ita buslnesa not with in­ o|,%'a|ta^r'in or^ i taining any M fig p cgke antitpied ffpiHngs, eta-* $ desk; genuine ■ r f ' '• luck. -•' creasing prudt^ ';hut vwito . to- . ■tato findtoeks to mahogany — # v . a V ‘v a s, w W B B a creastog inib^ty.w-^^nie Am^- -kave itotbd fta 3 0 It has been suggested to The Her­ can people of a hundred years ago, numtjis;' iltower: I BtoMi 4pmltoM-timriirin ald that important amelioration of many mineral elements, eapetodly if whmr puldie sohboir were still' few Cktoiftltop; jh^ucing -ah''electoral toe skins are used. Taq .^roiritage this lost-soul condition of so many and meagre, might have been de-. college stalemate probably would scribed plausibly as notably polit­ bo rulseted in. the makeup of tba of starch in. potatoes ia..not as 1^ unemployed men would be not only ical-minded; they were ardently House. If’ a preiddent is n^ as ta the. oersau and it ta psrmlsri- possible but relatively easy if public Me for'^ laoyoQt in good hsilfh to .interested in pnjWc. affairs and in­ electad by the 20tb, Hie amtodment :5)Td?. Sit attention were concentrated on the tervened in them, on the whole, providea that the vice president­ use potatoes with meat occaddnally, with quick understanding and elect toall function until-;the House although’l do not advtac Hie oomUr problem in the right way*! That the ICks one. The: vice president-elect nation for a sick «hd sound judgment But today they ■ V. ■ .O'. 1/ desperate need of the men is for ac­ are so lethargic that it takes a S chosen by the Senate aad it • ip cess to some warmed and lighted calamity to arouse topm at all and Just, as eaw to imagine a Senate ."yt I lA'r gathering place where they could so stupm that it beromes ■ more de«up wfalto will prevent a major- • : :ir meet their friends and pass the time nearly impossible every year for advise mpek of .tUs tyba todd/be- ^r.l intelligent and self respectment cause to ta® taito-ta^™^ of sugar. in the companionship of their fel­ men to aspire to public office Tba possibility of an “acting oaf lows—as, on the Job, they have al­ among them. presidaBt,'.' who pwy never hato run tor tha ottlet and henoa ba ,* qto 'sp ways been accustomed to do. Wa shall not quota Mr. Mencken tatony Mid.«haait. towl or rad her- \ < It has been further suggested at great length, for'we are not seek­ rests ta ths amsndinsats pro- . if*^' ■ -V/;' that Manchester, rather plentifully ing to promote a crusade against tha on that Copgriaa may pass • a think btougli?' Me toems . yi.. ■ spetod laW ao m i if no ptosldentA ■■ -I'afritJl equipped with recreational facilities, schools, merely to arouse in his ar­ elect or riea--|neildsnt^eet shall beallhy and ta vwy aottaa,'bto it ta rr club and lodge rooms, still has-no­ ticle the toterMt of those who may have qualified ft will have ma^ imposribte to get J4m to eat vsge- i"-' • ’a. *1 tablss.'*’ . m where for the Jobless and busted at some time have felt that this cblnery to darignate someoQje to rntmt f a r H i S M serve as president in the Iptariin. -Answtf; "m pfA tlis 'WWW 3f t man to go—no place that he can newspaper was harsh and, quite Unless .Congress passes sueh a ot.dgb. tatto ifato Bta .taMi «<.. tofto / "Mtato faeoa-'a enter with any proper feeling of poasibly, ignorant,to its laitstSBOt law the- posriDility of a Ame wbM 00 ysNs freedom from constraint or patron!- ntoedy Itol have any idea'who m (Mams that too much m oaey «was being to walgbL'lt ta h>dbisa' look (uto-toB^ .yaU '^totak? -*4-1 sation. And you can't patronise the spent on public education. president of tbe United Biates win rt’-v. remain. It wiU he tatensttag to to eat vf|||todHaa^ torta tag A iwAtatato with ti| p !| ta i tod bavs always fsit'i UBrit 4: ilk:: Jobless man-^he won’t have it, more However there is one point that ebtatat' p lilly of Bfita . sttvarsd kata'to' a' fte fi to tor -Alto- credit to him! MencksB ipalMs, after vitriolic ds- ' ' ' '/yiiuiitapto'Mi|be.’iataf! m : It would ssem that here is a prob­ Dunciatton of tha modtrn effort to .wai‘i lem deserving the best attention of educate t^s unsducaUe and to Jam H the calfinet. . The best bs^ would iiii the bcM wits among us. Tbe hard­ tha population into a universal cul­ -Mtoi to'he the ehief Justloe » part where fTassIsd nfrvss fray to He frankly'admlti that the dduea* this ys«v U r. lU e m n , wiu bato brta to get iW'i tiriaiftad. I the breaking point; where discour- • targe tot of elfoteral Afiswivi n ta fifita talktaTiflta Uenal propaganda of tbs tost twen­ short agsment impbigis upon despair; ty years' kwr ao oonpfirtily "stfd’*' vqtes»-+i'- ■/ preeies for ahra ta iw i Bight will be of I to where kindly bmid turn surly and thethiwav i schoolMmool Wr s IdMM rtohta '/■'I: surly men |» n ^ . Bursty we have piobably eai^im 1)6 tiBsold l7 i»y ^ ^uMunii .tos,^ Ita the pbyetoai plant for tbe estoblisb- amouBt «f aigiwMBti r W tjkb'isx- ^thb VOtM 1B > )BWv| 'Itators gMBt ot gtfiain» oonununity re(|orts tha — that tha ‘ at ' fo^ the tmemployed-4f we eoutd wiU fol¥9 Itidlf tl^^ilhdbc iiuJ arouse the will and deviae.tbe meth- Ilf's •tri abllitst hiftbe Ivor, ____ (itr> ■ly Bji to ^ td t'to work/, iurriy tberf to 0® iBtefist OBOuilh ^fivd^tliroBeis titot now thiirb M k ^ f i f Mfl Us fopiwridSf iB Buipb resor^^ •IB bfiBr boiftolV tar tM aanahla of V.: the ga^biXBd 10 M bbM jllM m < ▼«t!r K 't. U- W i f ■ r. w , ’Vjai>iw*jiB4ijttg .w.^" -• -ww- '*'$. .y>. - --Iilfj'IV i * I '~ii^YiiilN>wi»»»*iii'iWi >«P';ai!^Oi' m w m Slf‘ : . V ‘ 2 . t I ■ ' * mas.’-Maty ‘.’fftaraiigo^ it'A '' ■ ' timiM to tha of ''HaUfax.y&'^.I ’ < ^ ‘C ! «dMb' •V4 r ^ I A'.W. aftor y | d t ^ Nlattvao'ln' BmlElytt mariftns for a e v ^ weeka. giigd O is ) tto fw*#:thb^,m _ H thrstKlllm#}V,^ Ifr. amJ Mra. itQgar'Isb^of .wtetargalariB noon te'" m M i^ : Fn o^ Arotsed The town:teadifrs attebdod a Meanbrihiia, ashore, teheC iifwrit; With topm 30 AiAwrayg,. Donat- IHsni^ was enmte. abbuf, bt^b'. plants arars teachers nieetlng o£ thV dUtdet A.; went .'ibrinrd. !Bdwanl - dievelantf; 6f ^ W e s ^ rt; fatsBy wounded to JOnoklyn a 1asYsr :toto momtof at any hdd Saturday aftea^ at the incni ; ^ iw i Sleep To p y House ^)A/'norj^astL wthd had^ flattenefl was ^loit;. oimttwdrd'iwbieii^ rifle to thi h a n d s# ht| '16-year^id time .last , week ,apd infduded 'mitoy } ■ • • •' ■, '-' ■' ■ No^nfd'fR^iqd build^ in >U i I m 7 # m ar' the coast. ■wimen..' ' tic. ' ’ . ... .L i- ;:»■ sianiqk ebs little nidto^^^vemN AHe* imoto vtosipb csoto to s to a ti^ ’ % fbve sMltog # arm two to four , feet i incrat but of Yarmbutoc'J?r#|to«^ Uce said the .sbpoting q r ltto ^ u tr Thofie a r r e i ^ wenj aeyen ip|to I like R eeiy Finoce. Friends of the IflssCs Kemp of tb»n they have been hm hii« for tog enitss to Xlemmder Anbtis^ imd MMImb ,•1. ^ . *. and three women, highland ;Biark VHioweivap, It IhT Brooklyn will be glad to hear that past Rew days.The, wind died dowm poUce said few of them were jflriggi the*- are able tb be home again after l£di, sbdductmr, roadmister und^re- Tbe'bpy dlqd to.DayEQm- Ifo' that flsn«for».' .*nM|Meapl^tian ot lf ^ OommpiWCiCs-iJMim nave suffer# inan,< riding a snowplow ,i^clal«wcst ball.imspitto to^^Phintun.: / workers aad.ekpUitoed tl^ f were # i XJnAerto f!r«c|$KUt^ weeka skd Mr.'-Fhri^vWint#-' tax ttm todaj ito ^ e eittlnt pproximately 88t of Moncton, were klBed,>mi>5* a* Mefte HkdMlson, 4 9 ,.# Stamford, rested because they refused,# stop of .the Roossydt:,''^' m v«d his m siti^s lHg|| e a ^ th!h foUoi^ ^/in jp r ln;j^ 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 pfk on battereiK addressing toe crowd. shows a '^fld|lphon in thi ipcomotiva o ra s M mto tJlw; ,train.. used the porcelain surface o f the There is also- ^l*»w«ssmidn same talfo to mto ttlMtor # c e p a ^ As the crowd at the - Highland that ‘tile ’ofl^ce of i f ; * and InduMrial^Ui^ of for dgapt Coast Guard' Park plant Increased, firemen werp ^ top ^ ^ wa# and;dour children .;# Fairfldd ttent foreman bn the Bolsdalb- iiAs^et - of toe waBs 'of his home aiid to nm put terlor ktilt awaito thei ^ current yeai^-l&icluded ^ t h e sought seireral nearly- the I t ^dney linb,#6(>.Milled Useult dough to c # into; forms'ah called to aid to handling it. Fire $mator G uttin g,# New ibiimod to th flames had not been a victim of the waterway made an island of a four- from: the south, whuid blow toe ga. 9; Yerlette, 11, and. Gtorgianna, bo- him in bed until he was pwakened. if used^ rig^t back into toe plant of ofoer men . t o fill vmfo#1rate

Mil ■ w r i ifiHMiW 'HU< .i-r-V—* l)tiiibeiat.> 4^sdb«IMI ■ ' ' .... . to?#- to he $4d,Qoo; JBtolNritonied.to Met' S8» SeptptobBr JW, 1 9 ^ T"’‘ etuffiaerit foe. High s0hD9|P after on Tfoeediy, ipffMPMIllSCSOOI. F.tofowtetaedi avDPOiMkt ef - Mra'-Baedhsaa M: MAiffi tf^M ipni The ot^M ra. SStoeto ;G0Mlw’- lid) at her hoiuf - , l%a ,0' 1’ . __ . ' . by ScMtor OoroeUiu O. <^M| Bachmahi agbd T4.. df 9S VUiiige twaan tha Boakaw__ Hartfbia, nun*: Di; TIoWiiM 7, the nodkvUift to* ^^rMratatire Schmidt Sab* oonflaed'lo his heune w ^ t h m e ^ p j Y oft CLobirblln wd Fruicic U ie C vcU i wwise Qats i5,O0!(r xtolttOA- tion, is eiq>ected to enminatf of toe Firat Duthesan church. 7 I Framan*a Sano i 9i4S—logo-^wis,:.: O'Neab.. TanasjvB. wood C CUmminga, ahw of Roekr S:ier* Oil east: Myrt awa w Barea—wattMarea—watt iVpaat'iVpaw' L .— David much of tbe complaint wbleb la be^ viUa renondnafod .Aamotato Judge , Netoa.' 71 10g0-*1iijf._.jO-*11iSS ' BatlaarEitlaar Byinpkany—oeympkany—c to.a . ing heard in Rockville at the pree^ Bdgar~D. Dawkfau. ' - v - ‘ The honor list of; .the RockviUe e:45- 7i oldbari 0 4 ^ aw. .tiftfa time. The plan is embodied ip High fchool-wUl be< aaneuncifl: on 7|oiH- e eni Leaves Los AedpAei''-: TOO- S iwrinaa T ik k ^ , WflO-ittge-Uantolai^ a bill submiitbed to the General Aa* Tuesday motafog at,toe aseenddy S M - t /Mtaa Canaart'DrTOl ‘ - jlioSSSew :^!eer-^ 'Saer-Tvaba aembly by Reprew ntatlviitive Henry Ool. and Mfo. Frenctt T.'Maxwell fo r tha first hitf year. S:30:-___ S__ .rkltamafi*a .Sami—te a leftTiOs 'Angeles, Oallfomla, Satur­ ettoBQ!]|Ug.4iBTW0RK ^ Schmidt ^of nbckville and endoraed The Coaneetieut CounoU of Baeie:.**..>.aaatt «Js;<to-11tOO*-TM uraama Orek.*»aaat Todays Radio Programs The bill redueea the memberahlp due on Thwadiqr, Februair 2. wbiet and bridge party tonight to 10;aO’- ’lliSO-*Jaak Oanny>a ~ ' IfaxweU, who ie head'df the Hmfo- . *alc5 Uawrasak Vlkkm f■■ « t k kwar koll 'WtaB wnma.kM - --.A '- - . from nine to live membera. ereatea \ he rooms of the ^tboUo Ladles of If iCO^iaieo-^moM Warn Ok — aim: m s iniexQ through th e c ^ r an appointive board inatead of an anum Mijia Oo., of'R o^vfile, and Columbus in the Prescott Mock. ,<:T)ia OalCfcarga ’rapaat jer eoast elective board, empowera the Board director of several cf 1foe largest 1 ^ . aarence McCarthy is chair­ lliSO—1C(S0~Mark Flanar Orehaatra BOUTrt — wrva wptf wwse im vjsz . ba^irn in Connecticut and New York, i^ -w a to i Ar^t ■ - 3i4|y!-erplian Anal ------— sio)NDAY7ji^ t»Hng into a contract or aelling to uary 25. ( kndeht h y her daughter, Mre. Ken­ - TheVS. S. Lorene", which is a _ - treat wfta wbra w the Board of Bdueatkm except la neth White. ■ ^ vm az^l^w rae wlao wSan. AiO d'-^im -W BZA—Itodio Guild, 5:09—W B& W B^ —^Agricultural the iiaual manner preecrlbcd in the new steamship making its jpaiden “Mary’s Ankto” wUl be presented WIT kUb ztaa vaco koraa wdbo ftSO*. ogp—Ramana, Bo«aa_____ WHO—*'^e Flying B^nto* voyage, remaUied at San Frandsco .fBeteir':B)hitintt.'S^ bn Friday evsidbg to toe auditorium wbt wdaa wW r wHaa wtar vdbj i Setoo .'CottCirt 18, at edilck MIDWEST — wbem wabt waafc arm' fottte th^han The Un alao providea for an an­ of toe G eor^ Sjtoof S60. Captain Zfoe. by th^ State Board of iuduca- die of- k la ;^ for home bxpec^ •i only; kasa WaM—midwaat tasaat Quotations. C V tsO ;r- - (9:45)—WTKyrsyhouss.' to arrive hw^ abbot A ]^ L< e g o - and Marse — aaat 11d»-1SriO—Art K a s a ^ Orahaeits WDRC—OrChemn. tVffi for the new town charter if it In Day’s News Qnly;^a Flla"S|lara«nidwaat ------only — llriS—ISrii—Bari Hinas Orallirow : I (6;65)—Th(Bi.Cicton. la adopted. - BiveetlgatieD Continaea The act was reviewed by the State Policeman Donald A. Cross- have hem held lay the UUeas Group F R E K IH . State Department of Education be­ man, who is tnvfstigaanf the? fo m Pittsburgh.-,- Motorman O ^ g e PRESCRIPTION id g a l g if t s fore presentation ly Mr. Schmidt breake at tbe. Mnpla street school PavouSka,- who loves to- “tinker,_ In the, Fedeimtea chuTOh Su:. .a y found a pair of handcuffs to the night , waa poefomied on oOcerunt cf ir « Uiese imported ‘ BEAUTY SROPM and revised aeeording to their sng- during the past, fow mohths is con­ Ovemik** EXPERTS Johnson Block Pto| 5059 gesUons with several , minor tinuing the investigation. Evidence -washroom, of the car. ham—left inrevtoue engagement ' of ReV. NoreUieB changes as originally, written. The there by a patrolman who walks Elmer Thlenee, who' ' was* to have , SAVE WITH SAFEiy. SHAMPOO hea ao been dsvlosedi that It ie - i Prkies are O C ^ and up act reads as follows:, not the wortt of boys aa first sug- heat nearly- Surprised, w ^ A. P. News been one otf the q>eak«rs. • WE DELEVER. K.. BIABCEL - Mna Edward-Pi OoUtoe will give Be it enacted by the Senate geitod. This i8..bnu|di^ ^ the Pavouska'e car fUled to leave t!to FACIAL , $1.00 bam oh time, an official went to , _ Miss;^Typ woiwB ore- a oard/perty a t her hotoe on Tuea- Phone'880%-<8M8.v \ and House of Representativas in fo ^ prints and the finger joints MANICIW vdiieh, ha.va been found an tha-doore tovMtigata and found toe motoh- nscued^d^d.pdltodoB^savto a’ day afternoon fo r foe Federated, man, red.faeed and atruitoltog, imi­ WoWtera ' " Arthilir DtHit Store/ TbeFlorist.- and d i ^ of'Prinolpat J'VPer vdiieh has usuaiw WBZ-WBZA— Cotton-Pafoers. ber of said Board ot. Selectmen or taksn atnny tlma by the intruders silvervtoTe..vtd'ued at $60. The pror WBZ-WBZA—Views of foe News. WBB—WBZA—Five Star Theater lay, he sprtofod for his cw. bean- tha attraotton was omitted, w n c —Playhouse (^ t t o u « l)- Board of Finance to be ellgibte for although there waa damage by forc­ Chicago — Frankie Diamond, feiMRO^' to vtoiting at Fort. Leuato O ^C -rO rfocetra (echttoued)* .. (continued). appointment to said Board of BSdu- ing entmoe fo the ofRoe fead desks, woe 'OP entertainment which w n c —Travelers Hour (continued). (10:15)—FranelaBhldwln,Kn^htd hrothar4n4aw of Alphonsa Capone dale, Fla. - waa optoad.to tha audience WDRC—Reis and Punn,'». of Melody. cadon. ItAcforse'eg AiMinlin and regarded to poUee as m s Bbstoik-Eleveii- pereons kiued in' WDRC—Leo Riesmann’S Orchestra. Section 2. Eaeh member of said **OUmpssa. of Xahganolind* was “Afoeriea'!, next a vitttie 'ske WDRQ-TOolumWTtoyue. the town’i tougher dtisans. had aatonibblie accidents, to Messaiehu-: whlfo was entllded “Polly Put foe Board of Education shall hold of­ the title of the illustrated lecture nose tweaked—and right in ecnool, fice for a term of threa years, two ddlvered by Cuptalh Sfonley ■eUa last weah. ifoto On.'V was gtjwn by • Mrs. too. \ _ .. Freminghaip.' Ifote.—The. kj|^ ohd-foree gtils from Man< members to be retired eMh year. OsboKhe at tha union serviow o ifo e Bergt Ray Crane waa i the Odiers Araaseiiig Monto 9n WHYNOtOSE Section 8. A ll vaeandea of saU Uhlott CojmregatibBal church lis t of a sheep; several Wefoe a|u o l w ^ , a piano ado by Jackie THE BEST tweaker. The reacon: to the fooQttur Of men, BwtOge' of 'Whpping, another 9 Board of Education ehall M flllw e v e i^ . TKM fombua, leoturt re­ was atrl^eh vlth a sudden xhodMty RANGE OIL at todtofid prices. Bnfod by appointment by thS' Board o vealed the Interior of AuitraUa ioe eay, at tto hemb of pharies sketch t o ^ 6 three nttle girie en' Pure Jersey Milk and CrpOiB. at the deCteotive bursau show-up jtitlto vThe Stor foiter” and several Selectmen. wherd Df. Osbon»^whr bora. Mem- last night, and wbuldnl CboW hu Rice, 48. Two of the vtcttnm, town. Gaoronttod. . Section t . The members of said here of the MeOMKh^ Eplsoopal were* probably * fofo^y wounded. numbers by a male quartet froiq Wiiy Oon* Yo3? fOoa. South Manohestar. This was fol* Board of Education shall serve ohuroh attttidM #IOervloe and en­ A ecora of mtoer hoodtoms, Rtoe to held on oharges of asaault without compensatton bat t h ^ joyed tha leotufoi wlfo . totaht to kill lowed by tbe neaksr of the evening' * PotteiNon & Krah whoss Idol Prank is, looked on- to foe jElev. Dr. Rpbhtoa' Walcott Bar Van’s Service Station just and necessary expenditures. In Qqptaln Osbbriif, who waa born amaromCnt, 400,. Vt.—Seventeen pereons, 429 Beitford Bond. “ON THE SQUARE'* the pepformance of meir dutiiSi In Port Darwin,In tha Uoploid north Oevelaad^Wheri do tha **Bud- stow, president of the . Hartford Ugh’fiy' drives into sero “Van Alwa^to BUIS for Leee.“ De];!bt Square, i) moinent to n folli are Injured to an automolina aed» into the atore to find two customen i end vdlmne of bosiBtos Furniture, custom Reaaoaable Rfitsto: except ^ e r public advertisiag and ton. where ants'bulla hlOs twenty- Chimney*: Ae hls^ oomi d e n t - . deroribtog vdiat foey would do i ' proves , the public’s apprtote- bid. five feet high, where riven run ■houtw a waratog, **e Impito ^ Ctonforldie. Maro. — Technrt^ bahdita came to. _buBt Phone 3063 ’ > .Section 8. The Board of Educa­ haokwmrda and a lake sixty mUes ward safat))^-^—and fell dead at their g y R e v ^ , offiola) scientlfio publi tibiir ■ V- feet' Exertion had proved too especially for yoiH'l^®fo®*. tion. of the town of Vernon, shall long vaalshss for a year at a time. oattoo of tha MaaMchusc .tr Insti­ Periett & Glciiiti^, file an annual report with the He had many of toe p e ^ e attand- much for .his hsart Pacfcaril’B Pbamacr Rochester; Ind.—Mrs. John Han tute of! Ttohnola8yi6*fototor the ■244'Bl&iia SV Dial 3615 Inc. Board of Selectmen of said town tog the eeivloo wlihing they could CMt of 2 ipejor enjgtoeerfog p ^ - TOWN Aim SBIlENT . 7At foe Center?* . which shall exhibit all receipts and vlilt ttoe topsy-turvy .conttomt. sel is hen-pecked. When ibe stopped to. mCk up en egg, a hen eots to the United StateMov expenditures, all salaries and such Paika Ynas Skeet Shoot wfo bai«(4WO,to(ff taehiwleiy,- to w n c —Cavalier of Songs. v v n c —Rtohard* Crodto’ achool property and the needs and er” diver trophy at the sheet range an artleto 'to foto Tad . „ W^RC;^Fu Mandiu,:P^t ( 11l;16)—1:16) —Midnight FroBd recommendations of'-Oie education­ took H , H Bhslman’s new car n ^ N O tlC E l WDRC—Chandu. the Magician. w n c —Dance . Musfo From T «iw of foe RockviUeFtah and Gams ohib looted TO'learaL* to. drive fir it He riew '«xprefofo''i)to?poeelhUify that, al system under the jurlsdiotien^of at toe Doherty fi|rm to Vernon on afotoo toi^rJtoay eoml' to batr Torfc ■ the Board of Education of the town /Sunday attsrnoon. The Ugh winds went two Noeke and averaged bet­ The'Board of Relief of the Town W D R C-Syn^m ny Orobestra. ter than two aebidenta per, Mock. zmitoed. aod'htillzed. of Vernon. and unpleasant weatosr mads It yFlrst he made a sudden twist, Bostoh Deputy Superintend of'MiEmebester, Connecticut, will be Section 9. The Board of Educa­ very hard to shoot hut r^pardleas of didodiing the citizen / who ha< ent Anderson of the police depart- in. atoridn at the 'Mimidpal Build' tion of said town of Vemdn shall these handicai» the winner took the FRBSH ^TtUlT SAItoD Jumped on foe car’s running board moto, ' apphtotod to. investlekte Ernest H^B^soh • S U N D A E ^ employ a Superintendent of Schools honors only by eight ^tots, winning to collar him. l^en he ran into ^ of igroft and idee in the : . y or supervising principal, as provid­ by 66 to 58. ' W ednesday, Fforuary 1st, 1:80 truck, backed away- and' a' block depUrhUeOi. eiye foe. Back Bay NORWALK TIRES With Fccaiis and. ed by the regulations of the State . The star event of the day waa to further smashed into a telephone o’oleek p.'m.' to skio o*olod( p. m. Department of Education whose section is "very clean.' ; 'jpretos.-.. he a match between OUver J. pole. ' Wickford, 'H L^tate police . Thnnitoy. February 2nd, 6 :9 1 AND^TOTES duties shall be as followa:>-(a) To Bunton of Waltoam, Maae;, and o!ctofo:p; nB;'to 8:09 doloek p. m. The youth escapedf, and the car, hold a nuto they say has admitted , - AgMS^ lew;ptoea fren; ■V'. supervise all the schools in said Herbert C. Barstow of Rockville such as it was. Was returned to -.. ;FMdayi Fetomary Srd, 6:99 o'clock to?ra of Vernon under the lurtadic- hto: jdeatHy. as'Rmaid B»- w . to $4; Mercliahdi^ who .were sUieduled; to shoot four Beelman for asscunbly. an E n gfoM an and ona df five who p, t o to Sdtoo’olofo p. m. Jam e»% Sl^rer tibn of said Board of Education; rounds of 25 clay Pigeons eacto ' SeturdOyt February 4th, 1:80 Sail' FTandsoo^Little Richard escapM* fooui foe iitontom^tol de- ■ .BUH^ . ' . T H E I^ A R Q im (b) To make regular visits to said Bunten tdephoaed about noon yes­ Paulam.*-lO, .loaded tos bean-shooter o^doek p. m, to. 5KH) o’clock p. m. tehficn^-ffo)ijat 'toostQiL 19/ o5r.' MW,.-toCTPto»-:/?*^ ; ns SUia S M t schools and i n s ^ t sam e;' (c) To terday that he cbuld not come be^' with-a rose-bum thorn and drew Heinddi^ ^Peito—Mfo.^Ann#^Mai^ Jitoday, ^FebrnaiV 8fo< ^*50 D ia lS ^ provide a monthly aeport to said 'cause of the unpleasant weather. his breath for a fast .puff. The turQe.’^ « t o IdffM awl;faar>1^^ o'alMk p. na to 5:00 o*dock p. m. Bomrd of Education showing the Unusual interest .was evident In fo w a mot hick through- foe tube “ , - Febimaiy 7th, 6:00 activities since the last regular old poit'i. Saetofo^ie weulidedaA po? Vdbek pu*no. to 8K)0 O'clock p. na. '7 • f'. ^ A this case as Buntep was toC former and d o W hto .throat Pbysldans lice eoy. A etotgun over which Mrs. / V. I' < . i ^ G meeting of said Board of Educa­ national ekeet champion and com­ started On .X-ny searfoT' tor the WedoMday, Febroaiy 8fo, 1:80 WBZ-WBZA—Mldn^ht FrOlto' tton-; Meturo'a hrofoend/ Anfoato «od W B Z -W B ^ —Aihos n’ .And ^(hiatx (ctotto tion; (d) To make nomlnatonB to peted, to many matehea with Mr. ndsdng. thbm; . guided .by the vague o’clsto p. m. to 5dM o*olofo p. m. ■ foitted).! "G :•:* ■ : ; '■ ''•/-■N:-, ■ the Board of Education for all Barstow. It is hoped to have the anQtbw.insn;jFefo strugi^^ dls- W TIC^The .nayeiero BPUtv ued). ^ toforamtion;: ^ hot$e-f ^ d rto sy , - Ffonnupy 9th, 6:00 t«lb r (ctaii (il:4 S )—Lohia Wetr.’^mgatoA teaching positions in accordance match later to the season. This chwged.' : ■ o'clofo p. nk to 8:00 o'olook'p. m. < Shope, tenor. Rocktond, Ma —Many fear for WTK>—Dance Ifuslb (jsos§hpitt).- with Section 67, Chapter 84p, of match waa OrlgtoUly scheduled tinned). “ : ...... foe safety of ^twto*- ?(totoeiueD who Friday, February ' 10th, 6:00 WI»tC-iM yrt aud^BtoF*" Public Acts of 1981; (e) To: fur­ Sunday, January 22.but had to ba Jar alongside o'dbok p. nt. to 8:00 o'dodc p. to wiauit-|«ys|^iSo^^ nish all information pertaining ,to poefooned at that ;ttoto beeauae uf left nort last^lModilF Itofoeir 20- Sataitoy, February llfo, 1:80 thievea while hp wea on n foot _ _ _ « the'School ssrstem of said town of the weather;. ' :tri]' ■ ■■ o*Cleck B. m. to 5m0 o’dook p. m. U i>' Vernon to any resident of said master '.13ei' filMduy* Febitory ISfo, 1:80 .S tx W town; (f ) TO file a complete - A. com m to^. social wm be hdd had bnried a hene.' He Wng up the itos, o'elsto p. to. to SdK) Vdeck p. aa l^tVeistWiitJUIto :- Jtreasure.” ' KdlC^ vCifiM hoi say. h d .O d iw i# t o w t o „ 'US, monthly report of all the aotivitlSB. on Toeiday oventog at the Dohaon- Tuesday, FeMuary I4fo, 5:90 anuaidated ' V '-'G > ' of the Educational 'System of said m a Methodist .fourch. A , special several daye latof to>' find his e'cleelL pvto fo 5^.^^5eto p. m. : Mi town of Vernon, said report to ba musical progieun toVbstog T m moneyfotOet, to t lyfoffm the yard msn;;Ftoto|^ hotoe Wedneaday, Fsbroary^lSfob 1:59 open for public inspection at all for Jtob oecifoto and there wlB be- tor.slght ofieveiy-peaemigp^? ekli Ifoto to SiOO o’doeh p. times. ahoito' a an df'stavptloon sUdes Rosto C it y ,'w ^ T t o eOgfoeor of ThUTMiy, Sbbnm iy. 'lOUb 6HN| ( ... M Section 10. This act Shan become furnldied hjr .tha'.jfote departnwn^ a freight lost .alf.Im ;^fogto ihere w 9k in. to.SdO oPdDck B. t o operative on July . 1st, 1988, and of edneaUdo. A isbetoi hour wUl foL- recently. .Thieveia tooamM A/oCt y, - Ftortoiy llfo, Oi^ -N - said revised B o ^ . of Hancatton i s # aad^idfraitoiqipto: 01114)0 serv-., Shan carry on all work undertaken aatondpg % ito w m by the retiring Board at the time pulled ;,au% th g y T ^ ^ fo d rW to S ^ TBf o*foxdi p. to -to 6 d » a?cloek p. to to *? 1 of retirement. Streei; m S m , February POtt, CaadUates tasllglbla tM a # ;b f J w o’olltoi p,:to to 8 d i ddoek p. . r r-'’’ 'il .The proposed compromise be* drafob A Btonn a fo the > AH pmcahnp doltotog • w to Con. ^ o Qihimto.; tween tm Denwcrabi and Rapohlio- at fiiio Cbfoldral c Wsne.:. im aggrieved by'foe d^gs of AA> , ana regarding the personnel o f tBi t h e Cqidlaa mahise.'a. MsSsfi ef foe Town Mtofoesteri ifOSLt ' Olty OCort of RockviUe has proved hers..'Ai Oontotodfooee roafotog ol^ (9:l5)-^TKii- InqmssUiility. It has Just been niltog,: must topfof fite foelr,eotnp|BtaiiS ---.TifbagM.to the attention of tiiaaB iim ^lS|as nwetlnis orjdl m W fS? ^m aking Umjniggraftrm, ^ as to tte ■ ' ~ pMotlriig of sfod toerd/ ^pefatoniMi;: that two of thdoe sQg- Y t t a k ^ Vdiffksd «te not even voters of the itttled “Tim 43lfi . tr-limlfod. BmrvRfflhaj L^rom and vrill ,198$.''. ‘ T-’l via for the • t o a „ ______r i f : -■ icilfoaifo wia S£ 11 ■; antn' ife.-'

5. •>, K?' \- P»#«^*iNb««|i*-p- »•»!' liii!. ■ I »■■'■ --W» •-■' V/i-V- wr-mm-f. IvtiLWHWiw.i m j . '^ r m V* ymtor : - 7.' 'M. t-f •,'V; T . • ■ 1 flip a m ii ■I ■ i p i i i / F PoHec. m f .'%i' . .. ■ m »oX(AP)-.'nMi| UBeaqpliqrod workor* ia the dUtanot tspaa t f Ihundqr aerviofa|i ;jabbb Astor, coMt ftottooi dtvMtatod hr and thioe m ioherto ndt ovexyhodyfa T d h iio o o -« ^ ^ Aailociatiim will bcL the storm are pnjwbly reflect­ need. The lfew-Mo the one with Agricultural eaperl- v/f moiie stood thdeomtog ot .thf..talkr pitaX'and Uttteutoilis Drug Store, 846 Main street. -'Imr to be a brideSnuUd. Ad* Ray Field andJiSto^-. the ehin-sUapt The crown of the b staUibit will apeak on *Tara> ;v .^Oainperio, whoMs wife, the tog pleturA Itoe wnff!:< of thk l ^ c i - pittbox model ia typical |tbe earty by l<"igls!etioti ” pato .itod tha mipppHtot cast Is well, Rice coDoealad hbaaHj^ ^__ _ iatrignlng To Taste BDetoibr Perry.- daughter o f spring hata that we '^ v e po nur ^leingreaSmaM-eieot Herman P. The’ rityu&iMinbhthty meeting...... Of^l .. ., I could hardty ba|msvbv*d upon, ptoch alter the ehoating' and rwfniid-go vq Neart ‘Hme^ you're making eand- iiat Pm^ . probably oome out until prttqis. knA; tbibntaf r : ^ Itin g a little chopped ragh crowns sitting atop tbs. o f Ba.’tford will also the ScitotoMstots Assobtoffbx VWU 'gerb'djS) in the late epring. and every chmAbter was chesan for widies, try pultt bead have shallow btliD3.l Hats arc .< m m u j^anned to have a dls- be bWd ift 4rt80^Y1iure^ «eiveii^,-i^e<^' , their fitness fb f ^hairMirttcular role ,ed to dislodge mm ity. mbnnaef tepP' candied ir between layers of who fepenffy^turn- gaA ^ . ■ -?■ ' Be sure to use becoming what they caD"ar(diit*> mhialon tan this FStytHty 25; et'the 'C « i ^ r.i i x,t .-5 ' vitoi'v Undead of m|ktog tM (de fit the brown I, turaL” Tbey’K not just simple gatkma) diureb.^^^All'eqM a tnp1to Atoerlca, Said that player.’M to aboften the ^MS to the Police said the vtetlma o f tba^ btpwn,nrt white, bread to make thp that you puli on yew beadj^ aito Crwllaafl met at dortiaa meet of the taste combination. a. m.,’ afldv ihdr issistsntl sto mqUeelM tyAnipiwaot^an jtlMMlo Alptoea re- modern nwvleA ''Sttyage.Tntoi^de* .shooting told,, them they went to ,vl thi ro ^eonstructod", in ^ p e ia .aftoan.^aftfi^)09n ia planned. ^Vattwid.- win be shewn pt T^itod 9.lp. h i to­ Riee’e.bame to.talb with' htoB atafit ■ «eii»t'dr-Hbaor f “ wrt, leiit sutotoer, diU’ immediately in love. aod;d|Siesd,Mked. and play­ night, and the mafiagebtont urges- nUegad" lamaHm ha-allegedly made The Beauty Nook Free Beauty Servioe ^ The monthly Cburt of Honor will repoitlw V«eR everyone to see the ptotufi frpai; the atohit them oonoantog ttm ...... Several new dryers of the rapid An extra service is givmi ' free be held i t . - Mary^s Spheopal and ,tai&g ed ttotototoflntoafr begtontog ; ’ ^ lof a sheep to the nelghbnSlioodilRkie drying type have been added to the with e^ery two. 60c services at the duircht ^7to0 Wettoeedity -evening, MRS. JitCARTER DEAD Jobn 'Jaeob Astor m is the post- Neva* stoce <*Brokbn Blossoms" told the officers, they saldr-^to .bo' eouipmmt at Mary fiaisabeth’e New French Beauty Shoppy Johflson FebSoaiy 8. AimflcatloSs will; be were colnetod- Diunh-hell has a more poignant love story at saw the three men contog aacl'^ Beauty Nook, Riihiaow BuOding. Building..* Mrs. Aldea Petitjean, acceptedcepted until nomii>n Problem Merit Badges:' ■ bo run .to the b^p.^^Ftoneertog 1912, sod the. son, o Mrs. William role, and whtob will be the feature after a few words pe, fityd cn the- We won't claim that this is/the At^the'.carter home, near Paris. Troop 25jrSlt l- Dibit» fwmerly Mri^ John Jacqb three of them. , Hi*. Carter di«d a*. a. m. Her attraction at the State Wedptoday TJnbreakaMe disobvsry of the cantt^, it- Is 11 62{ 'fireop 47, aJcooprlfl, RM, j^ySd.' 1he- /- ■' . ■ •. ':r--swtba Browa; spell of the Orien* and is swept into do a lot toward maklhg a m ^ tioos or running down^your* fingers; Donna Cristiana Torlonia is the emotional rebellion against the prim cheefful. TUe reminds us of Ed Wyim's tor toiustoto bastion vdUeb became ToMY lielsoQr 'T rc^ 25, l i t Sum­ _n -r> . Tvoop'^o. 'g daughter bf Mta Elsie M. Torlonia, WhatS)Xt TOLO; vention for eating com on the cob, aerioua last night Her death occur­ ner mbeftA Troop 25, 11;. ^oy TSoop 8 openednts meeting Mon< of 385 Park avenue, New York City. New England upbringing. Nils which gtotyet rang a bell when you red suddenly. Olson, Troop 25, 11; Roy day'eyentog with the SCoiit Laws Asther is cast in the leading male WORN'Ot/T ffusinv^l Paying po more for your gasoUns, Troop -1 6,'l2 i ’ Harry. H o^«*. role. Walter Connolly, Lucien Little­ you can get a 57-plece dhmerwaxie got, J|l the end of tbg ear, litti a ' Her faumand and gon, JBemard, and Oath,Med' by' Bmlor Patrol Jtod hia qdto were at her bSdeide. Troop 47, 12; Ward Green, Troop Leader Trevitt. The Tenderfoot field, Heler. J.erome Eddy aad Em- set free at caiet'e Service statiaa. 8D tsnpwlirriter; also his fimHproteetcMr to 25,141 Frank SheldMir-47, 15; Jolm inet^ Corrigan lave the principal OakItM street Every 18 galloxw wear^While consumii|g grapefruit. IhAditoeral ndU be held at 11:80 scouts' practiced semaphore UMSON oat," A m; -Wednieday at the American Johnson. Troop 40, ^15;_^Aiyiur Mmwi swnaliqg whlla the rest supporting'roles. This picture is the entitles you to on# p l ^ . .r evep Johnson.. Traaper, drop in at • ' » I iiiitW I'l. II .1. I . ■ . French, Troop 26; Ward , Groom, aiu) then we lined up to repeat the Wednesday evening. *nfie 'Wednes­ Olson’s Pai^ Shop, Main street . by liBsv Rtra WIckhism ae marshal 8 cups sifted eaka flour TOBTHj 4X)NFB8SES MURDER TW] ScouC oath' Daws, “nd prayer, which and.ssvei^ past masters of the day will be obiSrved as “Italian 2 teaiqjMoais taking powder store tfl^ always gives the best closed the. m eeting.. • Nigbt*’. An exc^ent program of values. PioUeb^ Itoft Mastsrs* AssoeiatioA '1'4' toBSpeien salt CaHbim,-Maine', Jan. 30.—(AP) ' Scribe, Jack Puter., WUltom F; Slnddn, Jr., was installed vaudeville acts has been booked and r; tSSw 1*2 cup TOtter or other rtiortenin|| Palm awardaL ^ b Paok'NA 4 they will compete for the cash o^ jr, Mtn^y.ftttim- —Rolando King, 18,' told Cblef’ of Riebsyd .Garoentar, jTtpop 26; master^; M ». Vivian C. Ssoford, ulatettbe ellqlaetive i oup Sugar i Fboepliorasoen4> Hair Police Jasper Lyzette yesterday Competipoh to hfflt the pack. lecturer and Mrs. Sadie B. Fthklns, prizes and the right to represent 2-8-Sup milk Fashion leaders, whose heads are that'be IctflM Lewtt.ParamA,50, KennethCLeslie, Ttoop 26; Richafd Denner Coe apd hie d(to were tba thsif oatlohallty to the L.nal!J. The s s s x s r » 8-4 teaspoon vanilla ' SnUth,^Twm 18;’ Rsynumd, Mcazer, secretSry.. distinguished by raven lobfis* have a lumber eaisF in tho'tewn ot Con Troop 15; .Otorlos Donahue, Troop winner*' the dsn awm ^ toT' tha Windsor Orttogs' b u votsd to aote'.' to be presented Wednesday 1-4 fsaapoon vanilla sxtraet appevod at forma) funetlOns; with -aerMli: miles nerthr o f herA last monty ' bf - jf- 00* evMtof have been recruited from 8 ogf wUtes, hoaton stiff ntoelP 'titsto )ty% so M Hue-pheephotesoant powder dusted Fsbruary,. zymrisd .tys.paw. to thi Febritory 10 ra'future a the bast Italian talsiit to Manehss- 1 eup ranborry Jam their hstev tide powfler.oasiw: - DlvlstoA of-badges; - exmiiSA l^ou .' Thb yott^ latsr rsiatsfl tbs -samp Animal- Indilii^; 9; Art 6;^Afli- ths Grangt win bs flild In ter, and it promises to be oh* of the 1' can______eoaMuiut Southsm styla. - ^ brushed but easityt Wonder if aay ‘story tb HlhiorvFulfoBt tarnksy of ■nd'thM'Mnmee' k ill, Poqucmock. Tbls makes the bast programs of the sntira series. SIfe flour ofioo, • maasure* add Menoheeterlte*' wUI peeve'' theism ■tk* Arbbstoolr eounty j ^ at Houl- letlOA 181 Bird Mudy, 18; B ^ - gamea are pIeFBd aTety week; the baklnff p orh ^ and salt and alft to­ aelvee innawiffoia.bF ludng. thtopov^ •tOA btodteg, 2; Camping, 6; Canoetogr one this week baiag ’'South-Meikr gether’throe times. Cream b u i^ 1; CaiT«Qitry» 4; Gtim , 11; Cooking, bhiSteri^ek ’StrSet^ A ' den yell der^ nr ttethetalliooolffufrf^^ Today Fulton, Ktog'and Deputy ; cydtog, 8; Elsetriclty, 4; Farm thONUghiy; add engar' graduan]^, If iw. Itoll. Shor^^vraHant-ChStaaguay started 1 8 oonteat'wa* held; then the wter and cream together until light a ^ there am bthei^ piMidera for the varlF> by snowDwbilO'for.tlib oamp to an %nd Planning. 2; llromanp den oobteet game for the week fluffy. Add flour,, altematdy with Sbip,i28t First,Aid, 1 8 ;,F I^ ^ to "Skin the Smtoe,” waa played. The ous ebadesf of' .halr^ o f ^ torftsd tha boby-


BordMux, Francs, Jan, 80h- (AF)—Lady Nasy Bailay, W o is ratuntor to En^aito altar Dvtog up a fli| b t to Caps Town, Houib Africa, aiTlvsd bsra tbls norntof, \ Lady Ballty bad been tfnrapertad stoM sba/iaft San Xavisr, Spain, Friday. / H a flight to Cap# Town was gtv- V if I N A *n tm wbsn aba w u toroad down to Frsndi Wait Africa by an tacuffU S A f I eient ------" ,'<‘1 found and i r'fry dap* 'fSigliiid, Sba bad shown syxtotomv \■

- .. ' , '. 'iranEB vofficn r. I-.I . Jan. 99—(AF) —It w u amwiinasd that tha' rail­ way atotoa to Norttaarn.JtoelaM ' 7 i would bsgto at ntidaiflrt toto|bt <5;;tii6| Tba “ c f r; ' of sw natlonel Uaton.jqf ■•I' ."1, — tkTo SSSS%t xnim \4> > t { If. • ! i » ■I tba'--,—^ . ^ . . . v - 'r '. besB no ebani* toJlM^ .add tbn'--.sti^^ ,)tr be inanfftirtiadL; - ■ . - ' ' y . - ■■ I ,


SV- Aj ■ ■ J: ■ ;v A/';swf'or- ' V vV '> , ^ tw m pice.'V GBie »#cinr' clhn ttne isril a | , W V ^ ? i !f ■> ______HON * 'A- m o d w dgir dwriie look jo ttj ■tar. i« JeakMM oif her. SheOa ■ ■■ ^ m ey h fov5 y tw Now w bab. yau xnoitCb h as a 'H m M for woA and flnally ao 4'' - '/X XHOW'. fo r mis?” part In a iwnteal ihow ooofi.^ apbnribili^ T e p v if 'ym use y w bead your faele dh to fr. 1» 6K STANLEY, vidh ) diacuaaed , “H a.: Vrijl wmi’te '" oddattY prondneBt, aAn her tti gM vby pjatlstofiritv to ^ op thia aad marrj lilin Int Shd- are ' ■'"'t yW tk. la refnaea. Her Idea of inanlage ta in th e work eP putt one of yosto beat tyolip;^ excdlM it ca*b. I t ^ h ^ ioMaBr ddty la a, home In aeme lltOe town habit in child-, J, m blm>p»'; .and,„ hoki It^ to your. 'A. ' ^ ; JO mtoutee a.4iy, ^.auleBt ^ _ from Broadway. hodd. ' But it too often p o S e;;p e;|^ ’ y ^ % jE N fw a te P ^ to orid watrir, riM 0lSi|%'tti E Sheila la friendly with He' fcaB turned hip mean hiring a gitod'bteutldafr.to do pany from which ahe waa Eadharg^ and. that, rimes against his thoughts to giving, in answer to , . -;-"S ' ■& 4 ^ ^ ^ aU toe work fo r you! •’ ed. When Jim ofleada Mhn Baadol^ pioferCnce. this ill itself ,wfll your attention to him. He has Tbeae days When moat women have neat to notolng.,ts. spei^ ept qnlte anfarientlonally ' ahe 'b__ ^ g_ .o n . ;..a , , ifite cf reaentment learned one. Picm - ' ’0 7 ; / GRAIO ABBOTT, who ,1a 'baoldag aga^t.ag.^rime.; • . for anotoer v. p p r^ aoi torir faces, it riT ^ i ■ No spasmodic work on yOur face the ahow tlnanciaHy, to dlaohaq^e ; 'Bi- O v e n ^ .. • - |to;can doVtoPtoad p f bemg d < ^ b jt Ceunta for much in.toa kii^ iteiv It Jim. Abbott, taxed of itarlon’had Jim ^ e ^ vtofd t'bsuct’’ la toe prerioos This pyatem ' can be advahcad is toe daily devotiem to a- cauMf'that demaada, goea to aee Jhn land toy be discounted, but it , can be; and - inmneved uptm- as ,fae'. growa reaUy promotes it . v thxongh Mfw secures an iatrodnettoa .vs.'*. .''t . dvexdone qnd then if dafCi^ Older. I t .can be^ varied- and used Look at your neck first.-Tbit is to Eiella. A few daya later eoiella oWh^ irida. To be sure^ c ^ . in a- ipindred w iya- I t mUaf^^^japit toe tell-tale p a rt Of you, t&Bhgli mcen. “must” do thia and that But he overdone and , become a bore heara that Bbulon la out of the , .f- s 4 '.A" few women reahae it That .dma ahow. ^ to edge away from .it vdien the to'everybody, and it should not rig k t under yolir c u n IfcWha^^ataeda i^Mwtt takes her to tea and dflera - i 9: child lemme w habit of .respmiai- turn to Pantos tyP’ atoriulating. Also your cheeks. Use ;DdYe?T^Hryln(oqetS— b’ . Rll bih1^tc^axri;a cettadn task to the it is good for him t o grow the tips oi; toe fingers on jBoth her rite part Marlon had; ShrilaiakyB better pait; of ^sdpm* Tb spend a convfctiain . of obligatimv to the hands,, or a OommeKla] patter;'And . v'- , , X- 'W . ' ■he does not want It. Then Abbott % ^ W .0 da^i.; vmelto . e^i'en years giv- world. He won’t have what' we use it!. Every morning, every ' , ^ ' y asks her to marry, him. Sheila re- il^. ovdm.'.and -demanding obedi­ can toe. "gimmiea .” night Ifake those face muscles fnaes, knowing Abbott is not In ence. to then! dcta not cultivate a Sensible parents can qpe the wUke up and get . ttvety.. Tired, tore with ber. A few days later the feriing df Inhate resMtoibiU^. or ’’must’^; mei%|^^xaIao toa .^idea of stretched muscles must be labored ;fleiriher Angri the urge to evo|fc ih: ^ ‘ bxeiaSt retiini of'.some sort feP a tovor. 1 1 ^ ' ^ load company seta out on tiielr tour. ——— with, to get toned up ptcqMriy. Pat­ gpMila becomes filenffly w ith JA P- How etoe,b^ we i]^ l‘3 riito im Hieae. two blepded make /a ting and massaging coax them, into fy, a tdioma gliL _ ■ Jan. ' ■ fever Other colorful combinations seen pidj>e!.to be 4p ram t’ddtpg im a little rePlpe, '^thiPk, -for 'toe growth at activity again. But It. must be' con­ child ? The'. Idea t£^.. to -this world. self-dependence and bappiness. sistent effort expended to get re- NOW GO ON WITH THE STOBY is'brfdKl!^' its - and bereabwts recently include: Maureen O’Sufiivac a t th e tUcycie ■ ■ /h ■ i’t, suite. CHAPTEB XXV p U i l ^ , |^ 7 ^ races wlto.Jimmy Dunn, w eari^ a Face masks temporarily do won­ arf.'ioM..oolora.. - printed lwuaS..of... rad and whites wjsh you’d Bnid-ito l i ^ here and ders. But it is useieas to depend ^Tbere ware aigna ot spring in thS i;liirie checks .wlito a naVy .blue sports, suit. I don’t whot iiu those men tramp­ on them entirely. Fdf. you need atr when rite *'Heigh-ho*' company Scoteh . , ^ k'sjrit,‘Prov- . . Mae dark, going into the M-G-M ing about litoking Ypr i t '‘It’s some­ ARVELOUS toe fundamental. fecial pitting and arrived in rite small city'of Spencer. ing riiat on the studio wearing a black straw hat where amohjf thole vinbs;” ' ANHATTAN massage to actually better your It was to bp. a full week's engage­ straight, 'wBhv^^k pleats , both with a gay red feather In it, topping Thb^yoti^ jmen' rbse, stamped starring experience (that is, if yoiir By JOAN SAVOY eonditkm. ment and Sheila and Jappy were front and badibflt'is a . charming a black broadcloth suit , with . red Not that fees, masks Shouldn’t be about in' UU thick tamgle, fbund the scrutiny is not too riose), happened Fashion, is putting chic woman glad. They could unpack some of plaid, greenp, gray „and vd^e, with blouse. : " . . , . . ' ball and toai^ it well ipto the oePr m U J A M O A J M t to drop in at ah informal party i at­ tised. There is. nothing better nor; the things in their trunks and make the mess-Jai^t with con­ Murial' Evans, at 'the. Brgwib te r o f;th e Arid.: 'Then, lie looked'to­ tended Wito her was a youth in hto into stripes tor early Spring. , But of more value pssrobologlcally than Derby, wearing a quaint plaid, dtoaa a face mask before going out in tb* feritir little hotel room seem more servative sleeves and boim buttons, ward: her. again. New York — Without playing teens, unkbwn to others in toe suito lovely stripes! evening. It clears your fees, tight­ Homelike. and w orn over of charm. Hlasea and Oheera cause toe natural oils in the ritin form dwellings was j>leasing. num was lying length on the Shortly after 8 a. m. 1 cUmbed a . Some of too natives are having a character: they have life and a wiaira returned to take, th eir places, as weU as you do, Sheila Shayne.” pleasing' gaiety, in their ctHoring. have dried up., Unless they are in the famll> circle. gress, bis clasped hands pillowing t to deririop in­ hie head, bis eyes staring at rile roitie shelter that perches on n and ohesrlng Elmer Rice’s sociologi­ And they are fashioned with all (.Spencer’s leading dtibans drew Sheila was told by the obliging toe new style notes embodied in to blackheads. bus driver that these < housies had branches above him. knoll. It affords bench space for cal and economoic lectiiirss. in hia The best way to begin work oa Strict lines of, social prestige; They "Probably, one-of the faetpry eight persons or so, but is such a neN pli^, "We, toe People.” them. were rather snobbish. They made been built by one dtoriie-large manu­ If you are a sopblstfcatCd wo­ a coarsened sUn is to ateit wito workers,” Sheila thought t o herself. chummy little place that one spo I t >by walktog a n olgarat and sat on tbs west beach A toembST Of' toe large csSt'telto wfll bs ifltrigued by toe stini^basu* '■ y'.A'. .short dlatanoa . through) a Jane lead­ that thryoung'man had corns ftom Ae that toe actors loolcmg^ovSr.’tbS ty' of a black and white atyiped or­ Cleanto tod face toorougUy with Her dancing was applauded nightly. the xaotory. He was clad in oysridls, V— to enjoy toe calm view from toe Whan she left the theater—ustially ing to another aaaia thoroughfare. lookout . ^ ; footllfhte scenes much of a show;..ui gandy fbr early sprtog parties. tepid water and a blond soap Tho busim''ran every 20 minutes, a blue shirt, and wore np' nackrie. lAJNGS Diagonal StriMs (never use hot ^ ta r on a'^coan- ^ th McKee’S protecting presence— )NIA GBBSf ' In a minute there was a sourrytog toe audlcacs4 Bomf jof the players, it was she and no the comedian, thaidriviir saidk HU .arms,were smoothly tanitod' M ot taet, a gir| arasand at the north maktog brief s^psarancss, leave; off It has a . graceful dreular capo ened skin). Scrub your feoo Wgll ’1 think X’U get off here,” Sheila if work kept him a great deal in’tha door and darted inside when a man makSriip between the acts afid slip out to ite bodios, with toC'stripes with a wash doth, face brush or who received' the accllam. McKee open. Beoovary SInm toM OMPeeffpeedUy running diagonally doijto to a V gauss. Then doab odd, water over tbok this good-naturedly. I*, matter­ decided. The lane was flanked by a .AfteP ' CirialA'' But tJatyi^ la . overtook her. out toty the lobby to'lliten to the brook on one aide and a baseball Sheila wished that she could-sea “List ms go, Jae,” aba commanded, a r ^ m e h ti.. front, for diversity, © m sk irt is it, to aid in cloring tbs porss. ed little to him that SheUa waa his face but he was lying with hll OradnPti^illlllisiB Should be out more oii the straight than Now apply an tnlorgad pets field on the other. It was a-pic­ n et t o fear but .all Imparitnpe, ’Tm "AI U ^ as toe argument laite, registering a hit in this inland com­ head toward her.. His blond hair, OuarSeillA e iu O d d s many winter things, gored, if you cream, maaaaglng your faca -ielll. m unity., turesque spot The trees were bud­ gotog horns.’’ people wwcemsto, sea tos show and ding and the greu waa a freah new which was almost gold colored, was He .puUsd her. to tha seat across w s’f i ' get. mv -payi"' my thclpiatt please, so that it fits snufty,' flares Laava a thick coat on ovarnffli t • By the middle of the week peo­ tha only part at Ifla bead th a t was This to d alifiva apeoial at about flounce bright and is bolt­ Another treatment oonslite te m ik­ ple recognised her on the street, green. LongleggM bugs fflttod over arttolas by on toe na- fromi me. if they tobkad my way friend shys liioipsfuUy. ' the water and suiutalna shimmered Visible. — i. I f I ■ l .l ...... ed with the straight of the goods. ing a pasta o t daonaiaf matf - aM turned and stared as ahe passed. to re itp trealPDent toty looked, right thraugh m«?" You wear it over a long white through the branchea of the trees. Presently, without moving, tyd and preoab to quBb tla apread. ‘©on’t M like .thatrhoiMy,'’ he APTbGHiOB P fOBBABB enlarged pore lotion (imcl, li is "That’s Sheila Shyane in thtf ahow Shiila loved spring avan in New young man direw a package of satin slip, so that the orgudy, in aatrinfcnt, plus aomc oticr'lniko- at the Capitol," she would hear •r blurted) "Wen!t you. nuurry me?” addition to its fresh crispness, takes dlcnts) and leave this on ovcntikt, them say. “She’s the giri who dances York, but ahe had never seen any­ lunch from his overall pocket and By OB, SioilBlB CIBHBEIN With a itealy "Nql" aba-Bounced Witebingtotu-^Wito the Nose of thing quite like this. • began eating. Jounwl- < af « • American to her fe e t ’T m tired aad.X*m going oa a sophisticated quality of subtle applying after you hays -dcsiBtyl in that feather outfit, you know." 1982, there Wire ^70 autoglros te gleaming. It is the kind of dress your faco^th cream, altef iriMte Sheila, with her years in the She dabidCd to stay a" while and The baseball gam.t was ayl(lantly boms. a ^ c diay. ,S ir tte i 'ln. tho flush sprsads b9ob;yiNir from the bathroom and began rum­ on such a. day I tha ball, a roar, and than a Mack oases thpra biU, but X idppeaid It was funny SEm m s o t two. ■ ohin, .ohaaks and aoek, .ilto r a j ^ maging in a Bultoass for olaaa un- waakniaa..' nai./jtiM s of riateht patting (not too hwB ^>itt Xt #aa lata momlnf. Praitutly ipack agninat tha aky. Th • ball enough wlthopt toat., typl.ef tftoi.' \ " ■ PLANES CABBY BIHlKm darthings. Jappy, wrapped in a bril­ a whljlria blew, apd from the brick dropped sharply wltiln a doaan poaumoidi r itoiy from paraiatont). liant coolie coat, was catching a faetoi^ far acroia the fclfiwan In yaS'ds of BbelM’a f a s t Xt bounded IM to XM Tha GsntoMStoly Thing Bdentlste say the common cold Mexico a ty .—A Mexican twiwtw) In tho morning, after romojim run in a stocking. She looked up and iniU uniformi —— " — and dropped again in a tangle of < Baoausc This aSams ty h t my wash for opty three or four days a ^ Ml night trsfttmonb with water, ilM ting thb b|ooB company rcgulafly. ships thrust back a cloud of dark hair green vinca. crowd' misbad ovaiksaring toteis. ’ Immunity for th rte‘mouths. sllvsr bullion ty plane OB ajttktyint to oloio tb# ptysA from her face. toiaM toig|M4t AB aeteasa fn«te;.. whei appoara Jr lllnttrti are dus- to sso- ity thin uao tho, port omam ' afua. across tha ftold to tha roadrida. to mlos In the Interiorinterior ^to M “Can’t. X have to see Fletcher at BhaUa wga wofidarinr if aba abouM ratocr youthful fOr;alt hfr ysarp and p$Sgy kffsciiQOS. ^ west eeaat port From WIBO It off and M a im ooU ^ — 1 1 ." toe filrwfldttNy brtN to' too ppttoht of astringsot on and than p..pr tp opcB limeb bogtoa Still bthcri rim dad tha; bisU and .tysa I** baekHhus to dpvcico wbShTp- Ian, stehmsrs carry the "There are some bus rides,’* Immc^taly to the ball flald'and ba- ptytaotlng hsf SoUtuda from lntarf Callfonla. .TUs aviation has# sraam. Ba suro you uao a Sheila considered. "And spring puasjht powder puff. fia a fiama. ruptlon, whan tha. youpf . man foi throurt .tild BOtraotortag reported to save tha seems to be in the air. X think X*U BhaUa unllad, alfhad and watohaJ to bto elbow aad,: tumiag; faced ta«\ and' money------*11 in ^getting t l n g Its take a ride and.see if X can find aaoufh oxySOB., CmiA OPENS BOCTE them laaUy. Thaia aigna of brisk ac­ , "Did that halt itrika you?’’ ,be . , a wmw ,ttet tha upwl pfoduote to markst prompter,p . . and anything interesting.’’ tivity only acfvad(to laorcaac her asked. E ven^ H erald is said to hs highly sfflolsat "You could have taken a ride 0AM of > UMtiaMldAtw MAItllitfPlA own todolcnoa. Prciantly aha dis­ Bhe shook her head.' but I laity ftom ft tomk ty ’typ dayi aid A- Santiago, O bi)o.-^ olr V m jm with us last night,’’ Jappy observed GETB NEW ‘AIE^ORT bain panted Icfil. statua .In "Onia that It tbmi s ^ ' Olaar up by what by om riij daoraa: Bgctoriya rlgfeto reproachfully. She had Invited is oai(ad I oriitoi or mon slowly Han's a darilag Upuss that Sheila on a blind late and the in- , fjo i^ 'kMot—A .how airport lo- to op«^ air traBoportatlaB Is by what pjtyiiriihtotToan^ lyols, or a plagHs' fl big vols in Faitolon this Ohttaaa torrltoiy, wlni" bbwi»'.i.:8b- vitarion had been refused. i T s t e ssase% ' \ - o a iw , 400 aofea in. aroa, waa- as- "But X couldn’t have looked surfM'Joi^ wltb tho rfostttrfosat rign- ' grant thia plvfitya to/omm IP to bis It is mads of a gay printsd .paniso with oMuant: of, arouhd much. 'Xlils seeing America crisis thP ing of a Isas# oonteapt fOr..tho rito. by moonUghb—’’ to f i t ” crinkly crept silk in oarrot-red Tho~ new ' Hhg fliBd Is^ two mllss trattvo- ooundB, waa P . BK illtoty a tonss. - hqitk an newly fomMd oompBhy. ©te South hours to P^fsvari Hs Amarloaa osuptry has no air. bssa Jappy wrinkled her nose In dis­ By HELEN-WELSHlMgR fcsls much Angora w pol^ can' be ussd cf- dain. "You’re not going Garbo on ter, bto b: teo||vcly for ordinary wear and tor ^ ^ ^ ‘teiVvsi^bhiirimtoiti prsvloiiiSly, j«,;tejasiiy^ ithcra us, are you?" ahe oumed. "Blue |)K^DBRwhyliaved.‘ih. I NEVER save fty Muvanin every #ity ¥ glitfses wouldn’t be becoming to IbJaa abisnes. of h u i n o t w i m M ""rvi ' Thk funny, isce aJfliPf thing • ' New w iw i'la r^ apart . ' Note,; too flat dimnsss of the girl like you.’’ cuplds idbnjb^ up and dbsvn I 1 fomoin' pikpVS "Well, X don’t 'care to be pioked FtwiV eria’ef w n ^ 1%' tory feno-i.^ bipiins; . a t A tesa cndrcbd.iing. Thayeiuttarjup a hasib: ' ’ - in have boon detected 'by v ie m up,” Sheila’s tone waa definite. oasaa'psito' liMste;.aj^ , in photbgfaitoFi which reveals tite 6^ Jappy laughed. "My dear, I was only aight.er nine AND 1 suppOM'tha Valentinas 'mcNit'.'toi 8 ty |a > 1^0. .8414 is designed for hasdeidoased fermoca of bruahwork and tyidhtym didn’t pick thoae boys up. We did I t sIsegU, IB, lt,’3Q years, 86 and 88 botwaan rid and modan them a 'Arvioe. They*!! talk about ^ Vlkh:ribbom hi ^ Thri amill bey buys today ‘ to the battl inonM’boit. twb-ycars knowing girls from the show for . ttitythiii Stifs 18'l^|l4rs• 8^ yards 8^ months.” ^ , w ith y ^ 88^lncb oentrast- **That’a w hat I m ean—’* ovarcomia 14 cnee ha sent mp sbmathing'iwaat^ XhiNi aad '4 yiurd '80daoh Itelag. . . *^And they bought us n ja n d sup­ of p ati^ lB sente; , per. X was starved—ha&’t eaten ‘ d, gay and truC; to boar ^ taet wito- ‘BtylMtUag Nswi Sombtbing W* ' f h c ahiM breakfast.’* ):t^ba,wss— . toe totof. DOUGAN * ^.Sheila moved toward the teie- fsreintr-,,;.'. ,v' ■ ■ - ■■ MK»e. "Shall X order something sent tpimy, A r v / r up now ?’" \)/ - t : ,.*©0.** lai|ty itte d U ^ thiflj'aiiy'.lMuc w o P KS.. iSkey had .found that by buying prfriousiy-. '■ Khr fruit and bringing It to their room Tkty bpekeim tii^ they oeuld order breakfast.sent 19 ^ a t j ^ f o r women, mlaejis ag oheivly as item s served in the dwing.. room downstairs. Toast and oaEse for two with oritngse or. .. /.lI *7r5j- . . gsnpefruit from the dmsser drawer came to.about the sanu price asla aSore substantial breakfast In- the dining room would have oost Jl^ 'tha time Sheila had dresoed the w a^ ^veered with a tiey. Tke glris ate, diaonsatng plaM for the day. Half an hoim later Sheila hoarded a bright yegow . bus and 'eras soon aUnuning .lalcqg a*road tta t appeared to’1ead. to' tgy.K' It was- a sort lilrtng this bus with , no glaib Jdia iHMao it Bgght take hen.; 0 f o o ii|« r ■»'«),'V i.-*;* , , .ipiiainM wbih'-g|p jafh'it; to tfl.hiiakvto . - ^- - v / - ' ‘ . y . 1 vV ' X - ' %‘'’T ' - " > . - »-■ ■•■•'* ■ ■\-.- ■ ^ - m ...... M-iii*r»~ ly f fetf ji^ u r ‘ irifMiiii Vi;^-'~-iBMiiHS

■>,•»'•*■■ *iv d r M ^..' -gr** *<•* ; m n Ml 11 r rfi a.-■ Tr— ...... ,1. . ■ . W'-," -.iV' ?;•'V-- ■' ■-1 V ■'- ' 3 ' 4=i*(-i V i ‘ *V '. . :-^.. ...■'v. •,'.'•.■;)•■■■,. .-J?( jf-1, - *•. ;■,:'^ ■ .| ,> if.- -^,- I ‘ 'f*M <* ■ 5i*i )' .<■ -» -I ji.-iiU'^.. I - !'•'■ V. ’ ii'lL'T.'' Itljfcilf I i ii '♦Wj'5

Ait’ti - ^'V

- * —» 9fP—^ ■ ^'- V. tr'i iSM • at'. »«. iim ' (M fi'-. (fc * * •Ml EASH.Y : 1' ■ fp ■ IBihf fii>" I t o d B U l l R m >'-i. u- EVENT IN -i 'i.-.. ♦ ' -Y. . • i • . ' Y'. • ^nniMiiiiai ua Ii Fiiiib SeUiBn h ii J t ten aii b (ierw ManclM|tor (86) P. ;B:v Scadrbwslfi; rfri^.i..;, 2'" Wb;^'36-^^' Stqifiit;' liif i Vaknikr, Bin ed, Brnkn; Ttpe h 922; JoiltoSoh,Mf • • f. V*,*.' • •. 1 . S»;0 ND jojbnAton, .c «... - Garrone, c ^i . Toy By 302^ Fndnia At ffis Faortt Victory h As Saltooidh rg^.....^'4,' Neill, Ig ; \..._. ^.. V 6 , W 1R13. f Many S tu b TUs Year. \ 12 6-10 W idtSeD bliiicevf Tjeam WBUmantic CUcktog perfectly from start to Bdaon, jani. 30.—(A P )—The Manebester’s leading Joe Mccluskey, whose marvelous P- Manchester I9 f^ school’s five-point lead that' toe Pbiiadel- qulateta alaidten'. toeit 0 C!arey. rf .,.;...... b C B n a u R o t^ in d T o B pace ronddejr^^. tohr . rmgilng ahDlQr has Drought renown 0 liste r, rf ...... h^prtmrs; rettopMd to Ihs ^ydiuitog Ifiila Arrows'have in . toe Canadiah- to 'Manchester and to Fortoam ciSwBSk - SstuidSF iili^ ^ ICtdo Americas-, Hedfey Leeigui did.'-not what the court schedule' Uhlvenltyp oontiimed Ms trlnmpl^ 1 Ssatfcowaki, tf ..... Bgh^W fflSnit^Ker So^ To Uttb bowl quanti^ it more, tortr inikea bp 'fof adt campaign oh the Indoor track 4 Rowahi* U -...... a tor^gam e s o ^ m in :tos' valley loom 80 big\ t(^y. for, aftera in qddllty h y . toe fo o t to st‘ O&bnk by easHy defcndttng his title in the 1 MOSSk C-.• '•'r**«eaee< of defeat. The vanity won. by a bight, these teadeib. will be idle for Terrible Swedes, bbd'mauts to' toe Leo Larrivee tWo-mile special in the 0 Chnstownite, e . soon o f 36-26 to: give toe Red and ( M e t ; Armory Crowded To (lapacity For liiieopby. the remainder o f to e . week. , whfie title of toe beat travdle#'basketball iSth annual Prout memorial games 1 R oytl^ ..:.... wjute a dean sdreep of aUi three toSr butiUifltoii* riwito, toe Rwvl- team to tlfoiwbrid; win Ofpb^ . at toe Boston garden ' Saturday McSi««»ey, rg gamee pliqwdi toe eec mtoutea and twen^-secon^ P«c, Ig . . ; ----- The varsity game waa dose and The arrows clash with, toe Cuba, . This bhtstantiBng atteaetkm wpt McCluakey. had toe pole at toe exdttog torough toe fln t periods. Before: one of the largest>r9.wds that ever' wit­ who have of their injured stars be toa; only cage toten a local eouah start and swept into toe lead at the 10 11 4-13 26 Coach Ciarke started toe same line­ back in toe fold, toidgh t' at .,toe tots;. Wreck, an ^ Rec Flvb has’ dis; gun. He was never headed and had Manchester ...... 8 IS 7 8—36 up that went so well to toe lin t half nessed all indoor sports event in Manchester, the New Boston Garden and duitog. toe fe^ dded- not to, book .4 game. the race well'to' hand from start to WilUmantic ...... 10 3 7 6—2fi i^ntost'Meriden Friday and toe Britain ^ Timers cavorted to.a smashing victqirjr over mrtnder of the week the latter r c T i morrow night. . The. eehediile to drtiis Referee, Merrimai;. Scot at hklf- team proved, its worth hjy funettofi. tiie local Old Timers at the State Armory Saturday team will take on iQuebec, Provi­ consists o f. aevM gainea in all, m syrteii, ddnniiqr hy itfteen yarda from time, 21-2% •Manchester. Time, eight PWUl Kana^y of Bdmiont, who flniah- tog smoothly throughout toe game night by a score of 34 to 17. It was a banner night dence and New Haven in that or­ decrease, of h ea ^ . half oyer toe past eSiheoend ahead John Ryan of minute quarters. At toe end of toe fin t quarter, Wind­ der. Providence also has engage^ twowadi^ Ot^s^Eimber/sia The Olympic runner ham hdd a lQ-8 margin hut. after fof the Hardware City as the , preliminary saw the mente with (^uel^'^and New / Ha­ be played to fbceign tevrltoiy. was never to danger of being BL .H. S; Seconds (SO) that it was Manchester’s: game. At Phantoms, unknown outside of a city league, humble ven, toe circuit’s' tail^ders. \ M. B. JSr At Bitotel tfirn and lapped toe entire field, P. B. F. T. halftime, the Red and ^ t e led, 21 the National Guards for the second time this season, PWul Ibmge, Philadelphia winger, Two otoer’gpffinl bn toe. schediM 0 Tureck,'.’rf ...... 1 4-4 6 RANUn MCE with, toe exception of Kanaly and to 13,'at toe end of the third quarter. the only quintet to accomplish the feat^^f winning both who tops toe scoring USt .with.. 29 are bfi'more’ toan paadiig interest't$ 0~E. Judd, i f .... •. 0 09 0 28 toi20, and'finished,wito^dity to points, will have, to- pad hia- total k )^ ' basketball fiuu, .namely toX ^^iSchiskey loped alcmg through P. McGuire,, i f ...... 1 1-1 3 spare.- Salmonds: and. were ends of a home and home series from the soldiers. The i^ainat toe Cuba tor rotain hia lead Guard»-St Maty’s Hgtele at nineteen laps and then let looto * 6. Rautenberg,. I f ...... 0 0-1 0 outstanding for Manchester and score w aa84 to'23. for hia' teammate "Yank” Boyd is NOItmCB ACADEMY'kartford Wednesday i ^ t and; H[g t^rific fljurt through the final five 1. O’Leary, c ...... 2 0-0 4 Carey featured for 'V^dham. Play Very Poorly < running only two pointe behind him Manchester ..H^h-Bristol High coo* turns that brought him . to toe tape 8 Leone, zg 5 1-6 11 The second tepm had mi easier In bowing in drteat,- toe Guards afid.toree o f the. (juba'follow, Uoyd f [test at Bristol Rrtduy njgbt TIW in a brilUant finish. Thirte^ 0 Mbaxer,.rg...... 0 0-0. 0 time to toe prdinfinary, leading all filled toe. hundreds of fans present Klein with 26 points and Alea Cook fonoser gktee telms pfoftedelkib'byw ners made up'toe IBeld, that starte^ 0 Haberern» Ig ...... 3 09 6 toe way. Mandiester ran iip an 8-4 'with k en disappointment as it v m BOX SCOBS and Ted Saimdera with 24 each. Swamp Jap*** ^ toe latter in that; Manchester HIgK’ the event. ^ * 0 Judd, Ig . . . .. P . 0 9 0 advantage "to the fin t q u a ^ r iui() believed that toe soldiers would Petoni and Niebda, both Anpwa, defeated hi fourc’Ieague slarts to It was McCauskey’s fourth victp^ were out ahead-by 16 to 9 at half- rtisily gain, revenge for the' 36-26 head toe penalty carrier# list, the datei ia conceded little or ho: ohaaiew in as many starts- this season. He 4 12^ 6rl2 30 tone. In toe third quarter toe locals awanqting taken at New Britain; New Britain (84) former with 29 minora and a ma­ Score^ After eff ti9 pii9 Briktel’s. pbwBrfiil teaUh Qsptared toe 3,000 R. S. Seconds (23) increased their lead to 25-13 an( But toe .Guards were never in- toe P B T T jor and toe latter with 28 minoca^ ;ted hi twdve stikrta. - y->. jS e n b B Club tiach and field meet, staved off a Wtodbapi rally in th^ nmningi never dismayed the . slight­ 6 Miner,’ rf . .. 0 6 9 6 EHls Pringle, New Haven, ia toe ’ihe ^uarda-SL Maiy^b tilt will be the 5,000 n»cter run at the Knights 4 Gorochmal, rf ...... 10-1 2 last quarter. Leone* starred for est dgna of rallying and never 6 Shady, rf . .. .0 0-1 6 circuit’a third' “bad man” with- 26 tim aecond pf javhew series 4Urangeras toe mosf( NflfM, tt .... 0 9 4 are one upr by virtuib .of . todr,; 1 O’Brien, If ______0 ^ 0-0 Hudng would say, it whs ^"putiid."’ DqikGi^.lh .«« 6 CLEVELAND SHINBS need with debepttva ]pii96" "%4 0. Ooathwait^-c-rfi- fc-.-fii-fOiO/'' ;10 tbrUUng-of. toe day, an...OY»tlr Aa^anyoae else m i ^ say^ ‘%t ameiF y^O-Or New Yorlf, Jan." 30.v-ipofnt margin in "toe lin t quar­ had nothing to offer against. an Internatiooal Hockey League; toe wcimd half. The acora: at. the iteavela to . ' ^rUaito to.'teeet .fM ter, 8-8, but Manchester came right Horowtts, rg, t .. 0 09< .( east’s track stars who tun^ up at. 10 3-4 23 nggreaalve, smooth wotking. quintet Otnaberg, ig . .. 2 0 9 Clevdand fodiana turned in a par- of toe lint quarter'was i6-g. and tbwh;. ’T'e4m tbiwe. The -.Rbo .Qhfa Boston Saturday an^ to various Manchester ...... 8 8 - 9 5—30 hack to tie toe count at 9-all at the that at beat was just another good Dnd4dc, Ig . . . .. 1 0 9 fonoance'last week that few If any their Ooaito JQreen.aent in.: foOr new win play toai Portland Girls in thb half. In toe totod ^piarter toe Rm preOminary meets stand.’!*. tJ re». WimmanUe ...... 4 5 4 10—23 basketoaU team. 'Rie Guards dl4 Orobsteln, Ig ; .. 1 09W 2 other teams fn> toe drcUlt. have •layers to jday. toe second jm d preliminBjir. The RMs bavn Ipst'alx prf an invasion fropt toe vr«t tWa Referee, Meniman. Scort at half­ and White took tor lead by om not follow up abota, did not check W. Dudaefc, Ig .. 6 6 9 0 beeovable to equal. third quarters/ T h^.did ahnoit .fa suebesaiVt gameb'biit if is Ssturctoy to tlic. .sitousl .Mltoos^^^# p^nt, 11-10, and H^ndham k n o (^ doady, did not find toe basket, did After bolding Buffolo^ to a scorer well as toa Anre regulara toat| ataft- that wito ObCter, campiba atMfllL ^ time; 16.9, Manchester. Time„ eight the count in toe final quarter. Ii 4 . games to Madiscm Square minute 4dartsra. not uae apy teamwork or suYthing 17 6 9 34 lees tie toe previona' Sunday, toe sd-toe gmne. > . - itt in tite thelomdb wtt den. toe. toree-rnttute overtime Mand ies- dse. Ttioy just werdi’t there. , Manchester (17) Indians ateppwl into aetkm agiin The Rasgera iborked many p ti^ to to'e winning edomn after a loim ter toesed in a field gold and held With Venzke to the fidd, the big M: H; & irosh Fhantbms Win Easily Johneoi^ rf . . . 1 0 9 Friday night and on sueoMBlve' eve- from toa-^tip tq soon fra^i^y ihaenoe. ■' ' race of toe meet, the Wanamaker their apponente scoreless. Deyorio Kanehard, rf .. . . . -.0 0 9 am gs. waOoped toe two ranking and. they also worked m >W Boor Just what wrUl b4: and Judd featured for toe wlnnen In Ote first quarter toe Phan­ 4 mile, regains some of toe cdor of Judd, r f .. ..i ... toms, ran up an 11 to 6 lead.'and Carney, rf .... O'' 0 9 '' teams of toe drculL Friday toqy pl4ys. The shooting. ofl toe -team ter fligbatEKistMiadiflieo)t> saw a few years ago when it. was the and Gadarowdd starred for Wind- stretched toe margin to 22 to 12 by Angeli, rf ...... 0 0 9 inradad London to-give toe Teqaihr waa vefy'gpod as th^ , Memorial games at Boston Satur* 0 Aielq, rf-c •«•••«•«. 1%, -.^^1 T g,'lf . . . 0 1-1 toe trailing teams, Syfieuse finMi^ • On ton aama day, the State r Terry, 4i ..... •... •• 0, - 0 ^ . 'Relay In Beating R o x b ^ aearad tores, iiadgets atul« free try .. ,'.l • 2 9 Kannady, left tohvhiAJteapM day hot ha waa not pressed much before.taking toe abowera vie. toe ah'the weak fa fln t sIiao(r wlto X ob- toa ihftat «hbf sdkKgvwUM anteh Ite: by 'Bitcndan Moynahan and Frank 2 Trexnly,-lf ■ C. O-^.» '...'O'; 09 . flteffbra^^.. itoM aft pefsima] foul route. •9 dqR sad .BuffUof Dm a'pcm 'g be- gnihe. Ha raedvad 4 Crowley, who finished 30 and 60. 0 Holpms, If . s'* • P ."M - .. ♦ . I’ ■ hlndt T h rS ta n movediout in {foot cutting'futf ape^ for, as atetet i t a ^ i i i ^ b’r yards b c ^ d respectively. 1 MacibiMhOy* . M . Prtp, 42-31. , Caaip. Kley and’Aiihan featured 0 9 .for: tte PbaiitQmv. who, ..diciied last-night by waUoptaf toe Wind­ apd wUia paratef bhdw tli# te- The winners of toe other fea­ 0 Had4a d ,ig ...... 1 0-1 sor Bulldogs 4-1 as Dinra Dtmnia praaentnud tured races at, Boston, Bernle Mc- 2- Curra^ Ig ...... 0 0*1 ^ toe secoPd time toi» steKm,. amootoly as'atetab.UU tna ;.«my. . : ;>• 7 ~ P-5 17 Any team would have lodced goca .V-. tallied twice. Syracuse 4hd London ^ Raaiera era Iton, defonted bh Caflerto of Newark to toe Prout Manchester High’s, mermen swam ' floore by Perlais fot a tic apleoe. in the. wed#s County; Ylragua. and wItt ^01*0 Msaaoml 60Q; fkfirge Bullwtokle 8 1-S 18 to a ttsw sehDolTeMtf In tbrnted- agrtnat tot Guards Saturday New Brttata 8 • tO' 4 f 4 sa^uHbiy tea i ^ ' Ihira. e i ^ a ^ by no stretch, of toa imagina- earlier ; games, the Tecs tying Highlaud Park C.. C. hi tbo fix F tb of M e w Y ^ Chsvrus 1,000. Mancbestfr .... 6 8 '2 2 2—15 ley relay in a meft'agatoat R ....^...,..8 7 meet agatort powerful opppsl- period of toibe jntkitttoB.- opening mtet againit. the Oonhec- Old Ttanera-ia ronn winning streak. to seven ties and 0 BlrdiehkL'tf ..O', ,0 floD. In addititm to a number of ticut Aggies recently. The. local By toe dadihre 'manner in Wlilob . ipluUitoiiie (84) vietoyieo ptaBo toAlaat dtfoat aad 0 S S ^ tt .,.....v,.4, O il exherlenoed indoor campaigners, timkmen defeated Roxbury, 42 to the New Brftain Old Timers wml- P..' ■ E to end toe BuOdog# flyp-gama 1 ICOttart^f It • 4 • e e # e *1' 0 S Flunk Wyfcoff of Los 4t o g M one 81. lcM4 Manohaster’s former court. 1 Bayleck, rf 8 atiing. aburs, tt Would seem that GbiCh 8 Betano, If ...... O'. 0 Sehuatk, b r f eea • ♦ e.ero • JP'F/rP'-'O of the greatest outdoor printers, Clifford 'Treat /Manchester 1 Dellafara, ig ..>••••••» • • will tnr toe hoard Hqor for-toe first swam to whaVwou^ hiri'e. been a Harry Girmberg bad hia cbaigdi 8 Klay, e 8' •yg 6 0, 0 time end h flddt of o t ^ newcom- praetodng day and night tor toe 8 Tnuau; rg f .’I" 4 aBy'.bg' m to the sasteni indoor circuit six ntontos. The team,- or im* 1 Crane, rg . . NIDDLElIEI^'nilE teams, raaUy showad a ‘sanf- 1 Camp, ig ..a.'..... 5* Aadarnbtt,' % .'.V.-.,«1. 8 f * m * % y *^ 5 Sop for toe east-wast of paaswerk and sevaral of Tfodate 12 . ] 84 duds to the leading events o f toe the. playora dladaFBfi rstnarkible Nort^^irrag' wroQgRf toCet an>eani to run about this iaed 14 witb Bto& d 1 aieeunuip in shooting from toe Onarda (t 'aSid fcfitfiebga^^p 1 Holland, r f '• i ■ *^<*•**>/ way; achod 4t toe local-poolxfidKt fMM* Poor. GoriOo Jcmtig llflets SUtughter Jf* e, e,» • *|a|[a.. .'Tte* Swades-ara-i^ aO0.meter ruo: Bupwtokle against xLau6k "Vbliowed laugh as- toe Nne- 1 McCaaa, If . . ioaasaeutiwnAaaBOi of Fhre 0 Mattaba, If, b At Clevflljto^l Boxings Hts Ned Turner, Olympie star .from 19 were shifted almost ovary two Week. i« .r*« a.a see 1c•e f eX ga^ef wdyte Michigan. : 40 OowM. mlniitea:;to aUow aU fbO oU dhtefs 4 Turkhigten, a rf ...... 0 1000-nmtsr run: Dan Btom, pdmr Maotoaqtefr Hantuton, Roabufy; plianty.eg ttms to. f4ma and 1 ‘Fiarr, rg ..., sylvania, fgatost ChaiMf Hombos* A. CbwieB, Manchester; time, 20.1 glory. It looked as toouito otleast 8 Dowd, te. ; • • « e a e New York, Jan.^SO—(AP) — A; gaUlwin; J f ...... SSrwybStTto r G o i t s n ^ B f middleweigbt carnival at Cleveland tf orora td. Indiana, Olympic littaliM ar aecondO. ■. fifty men^were*diS~fhe floor iF the tonight opens a busy week of boa- Bltite^e If ^•'••veeee** »‘v^' 800 BWleni. c:-. fe a . . lOO . yprds free style-—Moffert, same time and toe game iM ibe RoKbiuy: Dtckaen, Roabthry; ' * wgy frOm^footbaU. wrestling, beae- n It-lfl ing f o i the natfon. toeJ.a ^ vt • • •?- • 8,000-meter run: MeOnikes^ na» tS i^ Pfaaatoina_ ...., 11 J ll a 4^ Cleveland card is .a '^R U inl’ duql * tionaT CrpasHnuntry Infi.‘wtaniU* tine, Mw^eater; time, 1:10. ballqaiia- what have you. AffXoacb between GorlDa Jonra>|i Akron, O. chaaa chatripMh, ..aAiilM ? Mhpcar; 1(10' yatda breast ' GhEMig:'SaM to. onacdf'-hta.plaj’er^ Quarila'" fl, bqla, ManchflMar; J. : Beforee, Al Bbggml; Umiplre. and Sammy Slaught BrodtamMlh; mil" tea*ttnla "Tduntlto’ k-ohksartovaaro your 'Slier. B laa^ Soan "a t haKHaae, Haute, fod.r wifik ifiM r t l relay. Rec, ItobaHa, ^ a n bury; R Potuobli Roxbt^ irtter^ EI-.i2,,Pfumtb|iis. Thne, rtjht-inin- Association 50-1 Monte Wella, Sadfiteaph, JetoaOn: lOO^apd l:28;a:;‘ -.{■ A ute qnartraa. Boatoiv *iVillrooe winner; ftiWW,' N dfw iiii; 100 yahda i m t - ateOke^ealin., iiaate#a orlglnai 1 (.fofoprmy against Kdler> Ohio State, . Raej 4(>- MShcheiter; TSoineo," Rdihuiy toajgame,. tiih‘line- N ohampioc. yard frro a t i^ Gtedhay, Tay­ Mv^

If ■■ / T >; R e a d fh e(-^ 7 s«///‘-- Heiiteii ; H i r - 1 . -*w i. *.J

P«1W4rt'v'~WirniTIIIIWIBlMIII il Ilim i mririMi r ---- <'».. .L

iiovm G ^rauqaino^ A P A R T l ir ■ ■ ■• ., ; . m ^i^oeuLL' 'A im ;L O N o > D w t i^ m liooir5pE5b52}35 'oaavlBffi ffMliaml trualdaa. Baite ------fW U r X+v.-, lam ing Herald or.,iW6./! • :S r S S ‘i- .At. Vbbs tBrftdd bimbI ilMim iRtan ■ -Off f.' -iT ■ j' ■ j \* fumltupB fe digfnt .8 . liM id afoddfii trabka. dspai .v, .wwiwaww ww' NWMif* i I'wwrwvi pppopt aanim aU^ tPcpir Y a l ^ H ' ZBlt surad whlla 1b tp ^ t aia ffita _ _ _ i- •wnpoBaa oOdPtd at BO aKtya* BjUfiBo te ynu. tanamaat, f^ worda M two W>da> MttUmom oooilo . DaUF trljfi .to HaoR prieo of tk m lnoa> 1 . InM^Biaatij^ a i!^ . Iiabt, with '*i /*v ■ V*- ^ Utoo hSm por tep Cot tni^oBt, ‘ dallpocod. diiROt 8MP ptOPR 'iRR|aI iBqii^a (W Oanito ftraet For ftirtliir' isfOM •di. 'oan 8068. ’n u t Y t t r ; ./v ddeo. 8M4. PfROtt p x > a !l t V ^ V ^ '^ ^ tannaaati’all llBpyoyaiBaB|a, ’ at 66' . Mfdow ^ I . I 8 , J J 8 BXLVBB ULNB BUB MMJp offtr tbo ^Btraa^ ]Rq0ro;Bt 48.Blfilqw atroat. } J S ! ■N0W ''Ii8^ f;(C ^ y 'T 'J n n ^ •86‘; - - M Anotitor of te 1 OOP 11 OtSI U McoBUBodatloB of thdlp.^ lu fa O f < h iwf* ' • >r «- All■‘ ordon rdon t m ------tnoBWOt bMortloM------Uuco bua f(B lod|P8,, M C9 op FO R ^IINT tI^ ddirafilalrs (A P )rrT ^ ,4>i)ich, o f, r4too#.^fMi 86 iEaother ecoBon^-' nmveM((aa^^^^^^ m MadldOA a ^ SquAto . mora than qaa tlaA ' Ghffter street o r . telephone* 786i. coneellAtion of thh combination crew Ufht*heavywdlghr" titW.'-:. "Oted dprajEig-tea.hlfM^ Tba ipadvartaat omiaaioa ot moo^ UB^ WANTED -TQ COllfccr race, normally held Uie 4181, dation, annound^ the chahg** Iwrt f'' v'fe''..'-'/” raaalatloBa aaforead bp tba pobUab- ter, WlBdior aad HattforAf Ra­ 870'Ham s tr u t •'■V/ ara aad tbap raaarra tba rlcht to' bble buitler olui etf^ ^ fualnf night, said they, were made purely ,>y y«y ^ adit, raviaa or ralaet any eopy .apn- 826 weakly ;fi^:/In^iM to redtiu expensu. « T' 2dlotoryi;Y4 atdarad eb^MtloBaUA ' Tbe Harvard'crew will report at > ' f . i ' <' CL06IW0 B0UBB--01aaaiflad ada to Write iinmedwtaiyirAi^ BUSINESS LOCATIONS m ba pabllabad aona dap mnat ba oepfc^cu-s^f. ^ its quartern: at Red Top June 8,~and A,'*> k a r i;9 a tt e ^ itet'. te a .. f:to|H'be.' oelTad by It.e'elodr noon: Saturdaya FOR RENT 64 haYe lO.^daya to practtcfe. The Ell jteyiiig db thtercMd 'utekara. 10:10 A^aa. ■ ___• WANTED—EXPBRwSTtobad- oarsmen vnll open thdr tiAiainfi at teay hmmibedir' TELEPHONE YOUR , CO oortdr. Frank Hartl, jaylor STpHB FOH RENT, ooriier BliseU Gales Feny the following day. In . By NAT.BOLMJ^ ' ' - • 4waai 'A;:,DcwariH .iwnVidaii^.i(m and Foiter s tr u ts ,' apartment If W A N T A D S . street, TalcottvlllR the past the two erw/r have normal­ Star , nayar, Coach ,alM 4totlier >af telaaBatao./, P ^ « r i 6 ;lMVd.^ desired. Inquire on premises. ’ day collowlas tba firat Inaartloa. of. rent for ladies bale dresring u> timt s io ^ for 12:years.. Campbell* hopes to more than doable that flrid:goiHP jqyi.tof9^ut^ aaob ad otbanrloa tba OBAROB oky, 91 Clinton gtreet | race will be held teat, afternoon. figure In hid fortbpomlng trials at Daytona Beaph. etrong..' , Way have, posainiii^.. .On .SAte^^^Hhidiit'i'.ha.; BATB will ba ooUoetad. No raaponai- tabllshment I Edward J. t?6Il. Tele­ balL What oonrse of aettdn more pqintA aa. Y a | a himdad>GtotiMill btllty for arrora In talanbOBad ada phone 4642. we take.f ; ___ ... ■ u ■ will ba naanmed and tbafr aeoBmoy FOR SALE-r-PB3f OF lay White its fourths .imocdsaim.-' jSHdi^ ' *' cannot' ba cnarantaad. Week End Sports ‘ ' (This ' iS''the- fohrthi of a series with 12-^yllnder motors, m- ntove4i2ttQ:ten:lflad'ki,tee Leghorn hens. Oidi ' stead of 'three. Answer—By.; i^Ona'keep, pos­ IN D E X O F HOUSES FOR RENT 65 af slA atorles, .on .'tee career'.^of ^ session tee lmlL',':neeto,:teA:bi^ Taee Blaleolm :€huhpbell; world’s greatest In tee last. few' years, seversu ngotor than. Ked CLASSIFICATIONS Americans, including Oldfield, have by making short $&tees /vrith; Au [ tee flJEL AND^^F^B^ • By Assodated Press ; 'radhg,ur driver.). men movmg ci^tefitly. Under tee ■toni./ ... Bfrtba o a • a • 0.0 o ajifiAO a BW.B Bdb* OJMIB • 4 JL FOR RENT-^HUDSON strut 6 annoiinced teeit'intention of builil- ; Ihe. StBniKiifB':; BnaacoBiaata :««B«woo*Bi.»«*««doddf S rodin single. ,hduu witli.^ garage, Ing recordTContending^noachlnes, but present ruimg tee bail indy; not'be ICarrl.'* raa .. .nar .k*. «»i:wo odbo o 0 ot O SEASONED HARD WOOD, etbvb Track' • By.-TED GILL - \ ■ / / . . w ; : hot water . hjWt; SundSet A t r ^ vriien tee ,ttm«\roiU around for tee taken .lieypnd tee center line, but JDaatba eejeoo*>e%ee**oo'lee.oeeeeow . ctae, furnace «^unke or fireplace ^Bpstonr^Ven^^^decked in.;4:i7 even', teem tee bOU 'Can he eBectiye-, eton * -y...... '.^...../« * C a H of TbUkS ...... 8 five rodit fiat, with; or Without ga- anqiial- speed trials, hbra only the leogthb 87 cord or toad; O ny 8t5, wins. K. of (^ipile ^ Prubt JHer: Daytona* Beach,; Fla.;-Jam* iso ^ ly/frpi^^wlteln' tee' ■ . - . V . In UOnOFlUD ooooodBw.oo.oiRbo.oov'.* 8 rage^r good condition. Inquire Man­ British have shown u p .. : . mbrial,'games, • VM*-ABUW' ! *«•'•••» 'J ' f |-g s 4 A ^**e a*« srAodi '1 Loat aad Foond o a 0 B •• • • •■0.0 o o\p oi. X birob 86 ^ ru . C%as;H|leeklei. teija> chester'Haalty Company. Telephone (APX-^Apilhrdnt 1 ^ to' interest by if . .tire ;p]^er8,’ tei^h tl^ ; AanoBnoamaBta a;o a a o 0 o • • B'o.0 o o o o f phpne Roeedaie XS^iS..'' ; New, York' — Noriiell capturu T^tmL.' i'i’-.'. .•'. . r. ■ ; l . Paraonala .•oafooao'ooowowwooooo oP3B 9 48i2;;;'. • novuig toward. •’ ' i,066 ' and i;6Db""j^tbr runs in American autom|otive' eh^^i^is in ^ n j i te«ir passes DiBTttiimfth Metrdpditaa • dtehe^w ips.-', building fast. racUm.earii.^ compete i' ... s ■' i: .4 Automobllaa tm saia iB A defensive ft ■ ■ _■ ■' ■ . -f ' ,' ' AnboBWbttaa for Batiupjra ...x « i jGARDEN—FA ^^D A lR Y ^ te. progi^v maoe; Ei^lahd.hds an :.cKendiye xme. ■ 'Hidi^ Anto Aoeaaaorlaa—glrai roTBOOO.aoo 9 PRODUUraV 50 L U 6 A L N OTICH ^ V; ;^ 8 Mc^tsealriffliidda; unquers- HaR, iHt ; ^ t CQUhtiy .supreihe'in*, tjhe shoot'ior lintods-inpositii^;V An: eaby Attto Bapalrlnw—Palatlnv f 6-2p^ 6-4, 6-2^^4!ii«'':T0lliiidian ihdOor .det^(^ip4nt;pf land speed Fe^ordff. tt^JbOslteteHi;> 'AwHaranw Anto Sdioola o:ooooooaooooBO'oaooi, layAip-shgt . / >^,'1 Antoa—Bblp tw Trnek ...... S WANTED— eUSTl^IrtlRS FOR AT A (^mRT OF PROBAVa title;;. ... -=*-^t'!TdWP^:‘a d !5 S , Astoo—For iro_ooBoooB«»ooLO« ' 9 atite^^odi ^|8rd^ WiUiam H. .drr, at.Manchuttf,, within,slid liHfUm, ESAt^'L^^ all-Spute ■ i \ ■ ■ 'T' ^ :»■*>.• i — . mt.M 10 Phone' SOie. v : i ' District of*jMjMqheStef, bn ,tktl Ujh itltlfc^tinf Sutterv;^6^ , 6-2,>.ft«I Motorjpaiaa^Piayoiaa ...... i i l day of .Jaau^^A^P.y irf^ ' /; GOT.OOAC^W'jil^^ .Waatad Antba—Mctoropd^ it Preaeat m iaAAJf S. HTOE, ''ES8.. 6-8::J^gln and BeU.'Idn dbu^|. hild^^b^ thb :Britete oh w orld h u ^ When I . first. ;went to/'America .I ■'f-. . - . >■ * Judge. - ■ ! -■ h^Mume-^Sledhilli greats'; ’;Hc- moi«Ue :i^l% ahd^'teen ; whs able. te was: told.^thst .a .'.man oveT' teeiti New Yote,. JanA30;J^ HOUSEHOLD G«^DS St BMate of ^Helga.F. Hobesthal' late l^BbBaaa's^lfloa OObrad ...... 18 of . 8ten°bestet In ' edlO District,^ db- 6-1,' to^i'ea^ finals hold teh'hjanelljto 'ohiy ii;i^ who wore , gloves; would be. mistak-^ ^xpsnit.tee.br EOoaabold Saiwleaa ^airaA ^.....it^A efStfsllaa‘ chwh.-*"“^-“'*^ ' ' Now, vrite^tee'-riiturn o f Sir Mal- en for an Engltehman, so Tve nev- BnUdiar-^Btraotlao o a a ora • • l i HIGH C lkxm ' 8 i .8i r ^ ^ ^ d^ C6t886cl# ' Flerlate—Ifaraarlaa OOOOBBOO ••’•B If 89, lamp 81, parior stove, rocker On faiotlbn of'BibJl Li. G.'Hohentbal, cplni'pam pt^, seekhtg to breiik m <:er . worn, ainy since Fimanl IMraotora 0.0 o o*B.o:r Bip'o • • • • -^;ll Jr.;, administrator. Jim Bausoh,; G l^ p ic hero, has ac- <>wn'r(ttb>.ra. of ’ 2^^ hour, .—ElamOn. de'Valera, ^president' of if any in tei BaatSaa Plnabiar-.BooflaB . » 17 60c, crib,. table 81.60.'^ 29 Strant OHDBRBD:—That alx months from 6129. u p ^ A job; with ra insuranuvcom- Englaind’s hope for fuytee.r.,suprem­ .. tee Irish Free Btate; in':;^tee im - ...V If the 28th day. of January, A. D., 1983 ite instrilctems ___ Dpaamaldag it be and-tbe Bamfr>‘ re limited and al­ pany; He cap^tc^e Ids prospects over acy' in oh iiand is-mounttng. ' , • . >;;• r-' , Moolawi-^rooklaB-HKomifa . . . 80 lowed tor tha-nredition within which tee hurdles. To J. M: white', . Plhladelphla In New York . .City,. * Tammany to" I^;w ftie of /G6I Palatlaw—Paparlag 81 ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 5f) to. bring In te'^ir claims against said numhfaptuj^r,;goes the credit for controls both .partlea;; but the' Re-i Profaooleaal fiarrleaa K«o a a a 0.0 oHH 88 estata, and the said administrator' is JUded of B biliri^ Bapairlng ...... m ...... - 88 directed to give public notice to, the being'the'-'Qhly 'America . con- publicans g et'tee loaeris ..dbaihl of; '-.in'i Vafierbur>-i)yala|jC>aaaalag . . . 84 FOR RENT—f u r n is h e d ROOMS creditors to bring Iq their' claims stniin a'l^repord-bVehm car . since te e gate receipts ^ Vollat Oeoda aad Mrrleo ...... i f fpt light hbuaekeeptng, all im ^ v e* within -said time allowed, by. posting the vhteritt 'Bimey Glitecld hung up -^-SamueP Saabuty, leader fight: tidn. at ; t^ 'M teeri^ ’ ' wraatad!.>Bii8laaaa Sarrlea 80 ments, etasm neat, gU and sink in a copy of this order -on the public A nuu^ of 181 mues ish hotu over a on Tamlnany coieruptiQn; tibnal Rrethall. rules ; i ' sign post 'nearest to the-place, where W ^ later. ■daoatlaBal uery room. Reni rtt^^able., m -the ^deoeased last dwelt within said pne*:k)tomqter :Niuto back' ih 1910. Connaa, aad daoaaa '87 ihe. BrlTAta laatmotloB ...... 88 town and by publishing the samS Jn OldflHd’s^' \ r(^ d '. steod for 12 Throiigm tee, AaritowihlP^, of' the; A A m*AL M Doaelag a a a a a a a*aa a.a».dCa;Bn-V- f '*/;• '/ .smon pPaatadislaatnxettOB ...... 10 single rooms, twp And threA'room peace has. become more ; jhbeefisaiy -return Make to.' thls oo'urC'br the.nib* V lag rlgHf'oui'of the wster, started'. teA "drive. [rive against b u r lta<'. suits, ill modem conysnlenceA Ap­ tice'given. itier' your balU Can^yph^ u «mfi^ He mda^^'Oldfihld’sIdfihld's mark .two two beeause, warteha become -niiiwe' dan Boado—btooko—Mortga ^ m..«. 81 ply Janitor, triepbone 7688 or A. WILLIAM a. HYll)® Bnalaaaa Opportnaltlaa a a a • 'raa a a 88 him in. the ‘8uule'''rectangle be* and- .ohq-hhtf'-^es an^,'horn and g i s r o u a / c ■: ■ "dSd I;r8idi»Phdr. L „. •r: ICoaay to lAna ...... 88 W, Harrlfon 6917. Judge.- k»wT- Gut 'om- the ;e e ^ : pieces from te^. ^226;'br rec­ ^Thom ia i B. ./yBaker,; , . iJ H-1-30-38. ■ • , my own oomppategy*.. , m Bala aad Mtaattona ords; becanib .a'favbrite pastime with Carheirih; &stitute'df Balp Wnatad—Famnla ...... 88 anji^iui ^em 'togdlil^. pgidn to ."Wag, tea AUdHn?a,!< AT. A jObURT OF PROBATE.HBLD ;*forAi hit Allfiouehe; , English' duvets; wbile.v America a ^ ?” . inquiry, hto^^ Halp Wnatad^-Mala aaaaaaaaa aMB 80 BOARDER^ WAlirrap at Jaaa'oh.eeter, within and .'ter‘ the ogy t s s Halp Wnatad—Mala or Faainla .. 87 Distrtet'ofrliilanoheater. on tha.Iflh m ostly :<.iiit' ;^on tlif6~sldMlheb . and *T cainneit toll m s Agaata Vfnatad ...... :*87.A watoHedr‘ ; '';' 'r y-'-'y.' '■- The JHtwet^gpverhme^ doing m Bltnntloaa Wnatad»7aainlo...... 88 RobM AND BOAJtD;at"^»D0:vper dSV of).January. A D.', 1833. week. The Hotel Sheriditt. TtL Tmitv-JiBtetA u-w .of James: Mc> ■ Fi^yesirir;' hgo,'^^i^4^v4iv white d m ^ L ^ . ' ■ aon (Rep.i Ihd-)■■■ (■' ■ ■“ Boat! and AaoaoaOrloa ...... 40 WANTED—HOliitt iO H elderly In- assigned bek'lBK bn-'the.allow- Brttteh.Take Ppaaci sion ------:— BuUdlag Uatarii^ '*aaaaaaaa aa.a.o a 47 valid. ¥elephbn4 7(E2. ' ancs Qt.< Aunt, with said, sstata, ^ \ *• V v‘ I DlaraoBda—Watanaa—Jan ' and .thH , A(r4ets the mrastes to A ooqp t^ ^ ' teo la t^ t. chhilenge, 'Britlte driv^'. in^abto .built F.nal aad b'aad •«£...... 'j..*...48*A give publl ires to all psTune la- Oardaa — FaraMtaliy Faranata 80 terssted ilU'ito' aupta^.'pbd.'lM -ttbre'that APARTMElNTS»FLATS, bsara, teevsh by j»uMlahii*,,Alopy abt: 0^ dsIvY-'* t e r riehM back Sale LaSa' Eouaabold Qooda ...... > . II' of______tails ordsr^ in soma soi ISwspaper.hav­ M n e b l a a n aad ^ola a a a a a a.‘aa:a a 0 . , TBNmittipS 63 to milk .w6gohibot)te,;_pr*iy^.^3^^^^^ ing a eireiOattoa Id: sail plstriet, on driver , that ha has. hmM >aiDaa;[.Tba Knatoal -iBatrumaBta a a a a a^d a a a a a a 81 or before.'January 10, 1811,' iM by ijte pNMtet llrvel, '1^ tee four- ■; rV'* ' < Offloa aad Stora BqnlpmaBt 84 FQH RHNTt^BIRST 4nt, 6 ndikinah: ,tg. f .*'^4 VtJOOR 'posting, a oopy^f. tela .order oa the mUa^imiaUte eih^'PO *■ . V- • ' '• ‘ 'vl Bpaetala'. at tba Storaa ...... 'fi. cobiuil and bath, ateain heait, else* tea hotod: to.. Waarlai Apparal—Fnra*Fora ...... 87 .public , sign post In the Town where V'The'late'“ * L'tlookhart, one of trie ’%ht8 iuid faf,'garage, at t i l Che dsosaeed laet dwelt, five .daye be­ the horse hinhpbd hlmT .AmV. * its WaBtadl-.To Bay .laaaaaaoaaaaoa...... ' II fore said .day of bearin', and return the mtfat; ;'i9|C|e''chr drivers: • / ,L ; ::, ■ '"v-''' ;. Hoomb—Board—Hotair Baaorta Russell atrefeU ItaOulre at 118 9ui^ make to thie OousL : tblaVCbuhtfi^ :h|C;(WA]e,^ known, also J,' i I. i': 'J, . . , ) V BaatanrantN leU dr Phoaf t465s -... ' i^ '______'/ WHJJAM S. HTOB i whs ' teA' hlfeh bug .‘ 1 /i Rooina VPItbout Board...... ,...*- II Judge.' in' thk cooled and ha g oardara Waatad...... FOR RtBNT-NAW FOUR .^iddm H-l-IO.II.:' : ftom hig cstoit ■'/■Hi 'jmyjt'i'j .'.'•i',*,*■ luntry Beard—Raaorta ...... 88 tenement, 87h>Kuttbrd Road, mod- Mt raite'dd^'ended. holding up.hia: lib' .tra||iin82F l^ ^ ^ of otala -iBabtaaraata aaaaad^addd 01- erii, garige includl^d, rent 120. Call driver teat a ‘ ;|B^W hitd' Wan tad A.jtpeaa—Board ...... 08 6212. ..r . ; B 0 m oBA£LENOBS his cm ^li^vaitire: HaN/dut and he lodged .theva.. and aaqkinr Baal Batata Fat Bant was, di|i!dijid-etpf dtete^t^r tee beach. u ^ t a g ; dlited^U Apartmanta, Plata, Tanamanta 88 FOR H flN l^ HOQlk^ TENHidm^ , — itQ:9rt^9y Id tlM' Bualnau Loeatlona for Rant ... 14 GMongo;' Jan.' WhidirStehhok'iA 19M,' l^ fato Bouaar for Rant ...... i . .* ’ Of all improvdfi^^. yrith dr without Hoppe,. TloiidnBlni7.dhnm at 18,1 ; AN . Ff ■ubarban tor Rant ...... V<0 garage, on.. Spriirt'*. near Center How did y|u fart, with , tea: updottuiililly .'.'.out; :ali6irt hla . en­ Bummar Homaa for Rant...... 17 d ea v or White’ s street. Cah 61^.,.. ' ■ the wiangh'of 'thp wprld thrse^euili- ter RT Here'a teA way tea rttea Nphotte, nead ffsl ^ V. •'-'•ji Wantad to Rant...... fl pieeM go 'fbgether- to fonh^tea Se-i^lfhlteryM of t o r r y ^ ; dhiv^'wl^lAvh^^ te dbdP Bral Batata For lala FOH R EN r^^ RO^'ApiM iiiiehtfi, ,tba> ohr.vfwla ^pm n^ Apartment Building for Bale . .. ft Stm in thfe ■ 'letter. m dof IftiiMM''^ epMtiena X.: Buatnaaa Property tor Balo . . . . . 70 86-88 Maple iti^ r a jllb . four riodhy v M f i g tat H%4itU, hAVA njwlpfpd. AD;;i^r;ai^j|r^^t waa kteed. Farma and Land tor fa la ...... 71 tenement,. <2 MapU street. .Telel H oiM otfpre4, A eSdp heb' of 'IliW ) aH*- ■HertlAe harmf^'la'te««w#a«l 11..;^* 4 ' ’'.J Rouata tor ShII aaaavaaaaoa atFa #• 71 phoB A A ftT^ teAt.he' Peuld d i ^ t tha filter ■•'iff.. IMkhgRdtear ’ ear. to luburban for Bala...... 7f pOH RENT-^S Ropm.' ;Apaitment8i master-of balUlBa, J /N . Boaamap, He al l haa. thhtelne "OB litdp in ao tfufy^'otewled Real Batata tor Bzohanga...... 70 all nsTriy renovAtad. new gU Jr., Aiiglc Klsokbafar aind; JPhany pgpari'*'but;liia.’ ;‘06t intAthd,.one; tt.;teHr yard and went C Wantad—RaalAMtfea—Lcgnl Batata...... Nsdees. 77 rangurataAm h u t, hot owtor boat­ XAytoB; fait 10' oonfldant that ward itei ' ActuU 'ledlB atn^^ ' 1^ to sleep.. >cJt. w B A ^t tihtU: tedy bad Lsgal NoMcts ...... 78 er, gan^ie If dealred. Rent reason- each atated wUlingiiMa to play ptaB8':e6Bfiar;rtha; o|d'lkf|fi)iiL hut..pbwer^ their ftohtte.'fitear toiad'tedte' ■ ‘.' it' ' (1 : X„. GAS BUGGIES->Just a Father/ B y F i L t N i ; ’ /* \ ' ' r. M '.i O H , DARUIN6 , .e v iR v TIMB r;..' 'V:-. :■ .• ■ V ; Iv'-w - ..- ••fill. ■* ■ * •'*W* ••*4» — ly.. • •»—2, .* ------a- w iL i y o u r J (r ;O0WN: K z”" ‘ , •ARtARA AVHIU MlKuiTR 'VYlu'ai .'/ . w-'T/l ■ ' ,* .**i f * ' - V " • i,' • H iv •' ^ il"'.; tA' SO .X Otei n n N 6. iW*;-:' SKJOriPOO !i ‘ ' . '2. 'V*'-‘6, .‘r-'-ti i‘-: i i i i “ 'tC ‘ m m i L 4 / '3 • ’•T-"'*''/..) '..j.-fi -f. .v'-c'. ,1-" Mmiilid'-;

f # #

6' . ^ mm , ..... i- . ' '.’A -■ "i- ' ii •'■' .' - ^ ---;L^•-. i ■'— 7 i? c>Cd »t

■ 4 i ■■«?■' • -•S». *.A.

^Stm-JIM.v ' S ' j 52»»;*«V-.xr‘ -».''".rL» * * - . - ^ 5 Tto-thingw- . > jBflw ode’a xoMia- fsMTi^ dStei^oBT' -, .5 A rostar ^ af:juxik. U s teat r> But --i. .y.- «. ■-'i-''!< 4.S f i • M i ' ' ' W z I driveiijra it stilly though wif<^ won’t , ' time^'fb'fCad the' Dearie, V.M ' ttaw flld oi^^iKiiid for. t e d an

Beware ttM tMnuUtiaa on cold A p e te ^ tte te %inanv whose wiM ■twt Ifte ^ J n n • ’ ;• r-- :: ttm ^gtatagv d o k *' cfeeeiLlltidiM te ont_,ia.}0^. |gj|. . . the Inslduous c a r t e monoadde whicih i^aya witlibut wa^gdng > t e > Smad^Gbrl (S/sSw-ywukilii bOy edglnea are run in cloeed InSldinge: fUendVDhj I thte yirn’ra^l^ '■y ' ' tef Ippldng tlMufcy»im V { ; Small Boy< ' Daddy uRu nm.' into Boy (true (^ w of -t e naDtorHBca) by aa antomoMla t e 'ltr waati to «— I ou^a bo^m a < liilf know if yo a ll let hlm have grooeilee sewieL''■ on crednIti GtehP»-am^ -he ' got n ' good legislattelltink it a ‘stro|e ." 4 ' la w y e T i t e a j T T o f Btatesraanshtp to propose an 'r ^ ditton to the gasoUae tax. -^.-;- The Ite it over te autoi mobile, ) virhen It haa outtlvad , L8wyerr^ .W n yopr car \uiider its usrfulaiia. ,it can h e'tetetid coo^blsts cimtiiot at the timeTI into ao8^ oif feHillser. ’/ j . ' D^jm | j . ting in the t e r S (^ A woman t e i in A Bjg City. She -Idred a tOClcah, ' Tha door of the ' Attorney—Are positive t e was hardly cloeed before the en­ the prisoner Ui the man who jffia I gine started vHth d jerk, and the your car? Witnesa^Well, -Ivtei; tmtil you cab began to race mkdly'along, nar­ .■-V’ rowly mlgatngr the lamp^posts, cross-exandned me. Mfbw, Tm-' not I ’street-cars, motoHrtisaS, j^ e s - sure whether I ever bad a car..' at | trians, poUoemdi and Any thing else all. y ' • about the street. Becomli^ fright­ * ^ ' ened. the woman remonstrated with Try Instaliing -some bright lights I the\ taxi-driver. . . v - outside and awityTtom the imreened* The Wonan—^Please' be c a re ^ ! in., ffont pofch if ypu desire to keep | This is the first time-1 ever rode in insecte.-away.ih summer. a tasL Taxi-Driver — ' That's afi rig ^ ma'am; this is the first time I ever drove one« “^^**^** Jeny—Say Hike,. I bought a set of balloon tires the other day.' terwwwmltey Mike—Is that so, Jerty.^I dldn^t known you owned a balloon. .. v». As another example of human nattQ-e. lry. to find a parking pMee SGOSCHY SMITH on the. main streets of the city \ which is too poor to care forJts own • ■^-. needy; r Eight and Hi half years ago the "v?*- -v A- ~ safety, seetiob o f the American ReCCNTHAPPeNIN6S way ateclation began compihng mon^y statistics on fallroad-^gh- way grade, crossing, accidents. In August, the latest nionth for which repi^ is available,persods were fatally injured. Ib is was the low*, eit numte'Since monthly tebte-* ^ott began. The best prteding month was June o f 1931, w|th 89/ ■ The total number^ o f adUdeots is 'also being substantially reduced; 1838 was the peak year, and each, sttbstesnt year has bni^ht im­ provement in safety records. Bhmination o f a good many gradi oim crosstnga haa h e lp ^ 'W itb ' more The .gbte gM'^wUh ra bright col­ 1 ^ than 1,000 Uvea a year loet at grade ored freek has* two iChiAcies—diet | OToasings there is abundant resb-a or dye it. .. I I ■ • H i I - I i » ■ I

.. .V J . .t . . . -y ,:- 4 ist^ f .1 n t ^ ^ WO RIO W ASHlNG'rON TUBkS II N ', By (Intne OUTOUBWAY W f l i l a i n s /C£AVO^ .V,- p. ,y<..

.1 ^ I twi&88iUiPEP, cookiEft ma eor^^piSHes fitte d pdR6ois,X aw l m am w’ iHiciciMj


'S "■ » i • • • . 'Ml fr V i ...... ♦ f---. At’ ■\. ..jjiidTh^s Bieof, biiw ■ / v .. ( 'k'L i. •• -'.v- - ' 1 • „ , -f-' .A.V.TC. i, ■ iz>. * M E I i « pqWRj !R d o N x M i w n r ■itMCROM THEY.AkE C; ^ 'THoMl • < Ll $HQQTv r yl^eSjffyU g^,. •JWE-T-iRE*"' ^ ‘ A** ZLLm i I ^ S H S T ^ ! y !T _\1 'V’' CJ lt>i ■ '[if

-S'? -i* m-M I 1^ " jm ' ' ”> J, : IM 11 i . t ; Br » t » 4 i < « -n r: *'*■ -Ss-i-'S ' :'I .l r.| « ti?*? f\ .. Mm . i>V Ut - -^VVTy'-

v W i y eifcky. M:: .>Tte i)iAi« ' „fgOcnNd l9^eaB4y ’;.-.i,. i hi- !7J» m S m t. >• ..j '.v j-v i. 'ft

an ■n->- A Sat tte fineval at vaummi ... , wMaxtha^om^Sm '.uif EL W-rBUdnly. , < , ti^ tlw -.. , N «r.. rdpa will be'^ven. O n n i» w a bt iBiMlad UM for the t^ g y '» ■ r". 1 ^ ^ OddVVlowB baa tqf-Btato is in effect for tonight, Httndayi Maatae!«. BMtoig^toacvoiatii; Ub. having their dub 'j The Klwanla were'weU maintained dor| '^vTita, nehfri11fcsaiy''to .'SOOredm^ ^oman of the Moose and the cur' gueets again big . 1 ^ , Slmwiiti a decBne of lidilto wai .hto^^JtodWa . , ^ , j 2 4 6 515, Men’s lodge arut ooaMaa In .^vtng Jane Aldrich, of,the allghtly. more ttian onu^half^cl ^one ccotiitnniiito'St- botoa and tUl'ipe.' 5gf^-.;. to 7;( a puUio setAwdc party tOo^^ sit Memorial pdr eent, or 'g(B!,066,961, .(OJsg.^pbf toto e>of the Epwdrtti Cir­ a'-final good feelihg :n* theb; ipbutha debldied hy 195.668,7^ to a total of gtim tosifw Ttofv tixg comletoo-by amsytolng jHirvlce,^ai| 5. High ^ cle. . . as they phte * on -into ',H ^ 4U^8(h708.996i^Thdt.r .raotoUned inrplua aeeobnt. gained t y gi8.$59,« vmth . Odtoal.. Jhapeph' ‘Atktoaoni ; 5 tolJ i school In a few' days more' T^i^ Ntoigaigiato^Rrdd^ The choir Of the South Methodist ffmtk over Sidnrday .fftranopo and 04^ mafchig a total of «.142,U8.* .. f; ■4 .-'■ - V i y .' * i •. IM. '- - church under the direction of. O. playufl cur Cuba.. ^i|huifng Bh^^tO M, olOv. • 1. \ / effpredded,; Bitoatoeraaeated "The The Cubs and Junior CUbp wopt Depbdtors vrore reduced 9L9(lb .bevt .Baton of Hartford :wer<|r.sla0.wt 8116 to i-f ,.- " X-- ■ tto . sendee; Mectlona by ' tbp Car Sld^sr uidor praetice ! ''J ?•'' ‘ Cantldo o f thd S t^ ” by Mrs. H. H. jtQ .Talsot^o Saterdna^ night v i^d t6;i5;9M,4{|8. tws ,ai8«rtoN/to* i iJO itothm A. Beadi aClQ^'Second CoiSgtt^' haid gamut with the boya - of .ttc Sciigsttoi- BetobSe^^ ^8:09 to A9>iyed .mahy . amhll schodcj:ai»tog| Omps qitortet ware rehi" ton M u Itoat Nlghi;^^^^ : Ndrtk to 10 :00, Jitoi \i-t^ vJ": , : . Uonal cbuidi. New London, last County Y.M .-G . A. gmmiNi.ef dub acobimto. The avisrago ao; &rvlcft\StotlonV. if,. • ir.v/ evening. They also Joined in a Racb commitiityZ Our .Juntos wets able <$bUnt rose from. $750.77 'as- -Jtau- the service.' w..»- ■ '‘f I »**ri A "• . '' •' ' - r /■ ■■ .r ^ Friday%>8:$a'to::4:$0; open; $;»l a':/ ' number wltt the choir of the Ndw fo win put but the Cuba lost to t my 1; I9t2, ;to.$^^48.ph: j^pei^- , Andrew PanSM, ot>75 SSymour ■fo<6:8ti: eupotmtared btog to 'C6a^toaHia;:sdth tod to b6vtKc^**iiit” b l th e S eu oa ;! and Lieutenant M n ^ town court this inonupg. the eato the sato sftuatloni friends from SpitogHeldr Hartford was continued . until Saturday at thd In ehazge .of arthtei^itenta d e d M to haveh’ ajpeda! hdttr ' any o|her result .of 19U and..jntod>^ Pftoent Commander Gilbert Aahley, sobw' oommlsslbner recpiest o f Panadi;^ the midgets -ca > Thursday after shows to deariy the etrti^ eif Fred to< banquet, The trial df Carmelo Lombordo of of Hai^ord w” * be 4~guest Wedne^ school. If you have a boy from nine p n l«e ztofstahee to th;, vrbfllenltieB day evening. ,. and idiort'talks. wefe given hy .C^m- 104 Homestead stradt, charged with to deven. this id thd hour tor hint o f jOie tlmea’* said WilsoD.O. Whig, totoder .Jobn G. Mahpney of DD- keying liquor to to-intent to sell, prtoident of the Nathmal Associa­ woFto-Oprnell Post, i^ e r ic to . £ «- will' be beard in town court tomor­ Chariee GMftith,' of 56 Fleasaht a 13V$!RTTSB1CB3NT tion of Mutual Savings Banks. 'Tt BEAUTY SALON street, is baek hems from tbs gito; A ^ ttot James toiOiton of row moridng. Lombardo was ar­ \ . Mr. and Mrs. William KrpnijA -of Is.'aatistying'bidsed to know $hkf ApdersofeBbea. Rpat V. F.?W.j Pnj- rested by Sergeant John J,. McGlinn Hartford hospital and is aldwly im­ s i ^ a^.latge hiuhber of! p ci nie hive proving from his' serious UlneaB. He The Wilrone Ebsss 8 1 ^ are in New Cotomtodei^ ^Isiwtonce' Converse of and two patrolmen last Friday night. is stiU vary weak and is confined to Tbrk;, vidtii^-me^gtowr^ms . of had to!4raw upon toeir rdjierveB few the 'Ward. Cheney Canyh, U„ 8. 'W, his be(L Mr. Grlfflth was brobgtit America’'s iead^xic^gnersi wnc ophr . slightly, more than (me-half V.; tod Odmnmndse.^Qsorgo Schrqck, - V Adinira^oii; Pe Luxe a sdectUl'purclNi^CKjfiprlng styles 'per oMit in a critical year, 'rtds home from the hos|dtal in so am-, of, ManchsBter Chapter, D. A, V., sU idM. bulanoe last Thuradiy. '' win be Jbt^ed* '' p ' fact also shows, that . cqnsiderilde of this town. m C R A SH HEAD-ON nunVer of'depositors pave : aome Sp^iiiess i$hai(iiIM irt i : V stophis biQome. abtoe sspsnsss, add Commtoder T h o ^ v Gtolditraw of • 9 ^ a sobstmMiun ^ r t ^ this suipHis is Bdlth Cavdl Command; Rrltisb War DDiyMSNdW SrORH ibu 3^ -tto way into, the /stoifigs Vetertos Of Harifdid; and Comman­ der Ivoiy tod .Vied: dbmmander Fur- 9 ^ bmum.!;7|e aheuid sU tak e/ confl- h a l e s SELr-ifcRVl dtoce this inmresdvc ed- ley o f toe djHttogfidd Post, &itbdi Bridgepm't Wmhigii and W ovc^ <)nallty at tov prlees ttb . keynato' of a successful. U$S dence Of the toim try's underlying War Veterans irare stoo pnaent and .ter Man InvplVed 'In AccM ut brought mtoeages of. conurad&ihip at PtaieliniBL lU s depieaslsh bta ahiupened the dsorlndnatlqa strengthi” ' ■ At Oakland Laift EYening. . Oaat «f Series) of aD huyenu Vsqile eanH .afford to .waste toefr; hRdeanled ■ /UialysiB the flg u ^ disdoste ftom toe Brttlito.poSli to theto cities. TOMl^Y. J^:.8L-5il»;|^:M.' G p q C.EPS Bspney on ffltansy goods mKl they riun^ do It. 3 :' that mutual tnatttutians^ opefattog 9ommsuder B>ed Baker jieadcd • ' ' , ♦ *\ 4 ■' *•/ to 18 sto^,- hdd no less tbim 4j toe coihihlttee which planned She '’ A: head-on tolu& ,-of autdmd&iles Fairik, f^omantoHy Glu^ 43eBUiae kOtdieu Tested ^'-v... percent irf:tovtogs .deptoito to- ill annual event tod toVwlsSasisted ;by on Tolland TUtoidke tovdlvii^ ears typto of' hihks bTthe w itotas 00 Gtotrades Frank Tigtottt Jtos.Herr driven by Mrs. James Ooonors of .Jamiary l i t A year'ago thdr-ratio rop tod John Mc*jo^ E members of 1959 North avenue/ Bridgepmt aisd G old M edal FLOUR was about 84 per edit, imllecttoR a toe supper committee.. Odnald -Neisah of 607 Main street, sharp rlSe to 19881, Mortover. mu­ .1 ' ... Worcester, Jtoss., occurred I* at 5 Oettveiwdwifli other ordeni. tual savings depedts constitute 24 • V^'* ■'i ■ ■'i? »f!t O'clock lu t iito^ near the intersec- per ctot .yap driving w tot on , Niw York'tosih' led to point of i TdllaPd_Timiplke end when J50 ya;rdB todkhw r 2 q t & 2 9 c «2ioF Idtel depbeito wlto .a glto for thi year of , tost of toe intorsection iiotioed a oar t i.i $8|l.7nt.*9*/ New hid. ah iifc ahead of'b«L h u iM toe,Jpde^df ereato Of $9.Sin,80f; Penusyltonia; ■>rv r -^s U.(/* ^ » Ripe Bananaa O Freshly Groond B ^ 1 'Of 111«^-Ob€ Morw^ittiRg To toe hlgbwayl^R was f U o ^ g hard 19,848,508; Matoi. tL3$^^4i; 1^ “ ■■V V'.’k'v.-r* tiZ. .>V .1 ' 4 t b s ...... m OC waiO,. $552,521; ' Oxeidn. gl^OOg at toe tinM, Uhver^ slippery. Mrs. • ’ * e Connors.attempted to turn out to toe ■ ' ' 7 TTre remMUtog 18 states to wtocli mutual toitltutlans openite'report­ sad 8^ ; Riy. PiUsi^ ted left slde.,of the parked car but as she started to turn a car driven, by -A "''v 7 iipare Bibs •...... IgyibSi 25c ed'moderate recessiona toth a score of . Ill in the fourto Ivory Soap idttitag o f'to e fSninfi^-Clob dupli' Ikmmd NUson appraaoued from toe ‘I KraoW 3 lbs. . . . .jl.^ , .^.V.i;25c eale ctotriet touriubtoUt;-M^^ and tofL^ Wlto great^presence of, mind, ’SYBIGTI^ ..A,... ,,, n • ■■ ■ -2^^* csk e q o ck s , A . 4 lie lb. Mirs. Ca P. Q ^by -'Were/ qett 4b«. Oonnoto turij^ aha?F luft off the highway in an effori; u> get clear iS--.. 'Sfi Limit 3 cakes. Fresh ShoiijUter8^AfA^..4l.^>5^^% with 98, M r.. and Mna > rWaTren Keith ' 88^ , playlag' Norto: and, of toe two cue. Scpith; ^in^toe Bast^ and.. Well see- jtoto dan gobig Wd^y met head Stewiiijg Veal. _. -1 - ffASON ltinRM N ^ lArgWAlptoi’eieH e* a bSd'm tito, :Mr,: ,aBd -Arvid Gustaf- on; The Connors ear pma Padly dam­ ■ ■ - •, . ..'L- .,• , .■ .•■: '■.■'■ ■'% . ' 1 l;„- <>. . . .■ ' ■ -• .■ A- ■ ::- , '-i • ..-'n - ^ 1 U pside Pow n top!e aopri m Miv aad Mrs. aged, suftsiining a bixAcen right M/ J.' TU|^cmgt!m.^94H.l: Mfs. Wal front xtoeel, fqndtos/. hamper and idllliBBG - -I- o f" B iK li jisto Dinifef snd.Ji&s. .^ddaide Wil' other daupge. todtoaNei£kn dar re-^ Cake Pan Free / ’ L itoves ■ S k m m a Lean Rib Bdflins^MiMt^J:': |iams,vW'5fc.''.wv,. V...O ■ 7 ^ . . ' ceiyedA btot ftdnt axle,/smiuhed >l We f^T 5 Inrastote lor all r a ^ i y / 'y W i t t i V ■ Cooldnf vBtit- Finds. It; Gqflig Tbstoto#!i$<^ nukatoL. asid tire; Neither, o f toe types of power motc^ in stoei , -3 Ibsj^ •• •' • .t^r d w** '# A S a s 2SiC toe periBeptiiges 'to arp- as fol- 1 WUUams’ Vsaills S9c er p<^- waa the ^ ELECTRICAL HI to g h t^ i^ he retUrhed later eap parked at ^ itDadsid; ahead cf lioitb tod " apd. boner‘hid::dlto|ik ' j fix -... f' -Ti i J .J'-'.'V - -i ,that:, the. ■ lCr8...CoaiBora’ at to i ton e of'toe ae^ ddenh 9 ^ witdipcrtilla^jtiouM RffliiU!d, S ^ ; ■ BfaSwltester Oto a*oa<^- 5Pho«e.'4iMWv t.i 1 : up-itoe 10UiuLfdnQ|iriBg toer,■- *.’• a *• e a w t pp^lsieat!^. \./-/V^ Stoii iv'V ‘ "'H pse

itod^.fefr^-|t had'% JM Jtow tor; dngifon p« ^toe^JBirtlckd^Obd^ Y o u r Old C a r T d k o n In # Y. «M. a A* ’ OO^ngAOufeef; Saturday at- tha S S L S l t ' " ' .EnblDOw “ ■Mwiii'u''*%\ WAS PAYanBNT •• v> ’r :-.’. 1931 IMfe-Spfdt-'v:^-- .TIM two 81RL01N R O P ^ S I f hatt f. 1^ ■ Se4 |f)! .'i , ..'$iQ^i)0.' $ 5 4 7 ohQ ' a tlfftd aofi a ,P 0 RTEippu)S|S; t . .r. .. * • ■ . $ 2 1 5 Jiptllks'BSW. .'."'--V-'' -'a i ' - ‘ . , -V w u top n t, $^oimiS5|Bd‘S S fc"S S i 1930 podge b . A. 6' hoihe':ofY " “Tiiato f# tow • tr^ -'a t: 'lAji ''m Sedan f ...... 9895 ;# 4 f ; $ 1 4 0 New ear gfhraotoe.. ■ ^ ..r . . i f K / 1930 Dodge D. A. 6^ m s vMfiflis8Sr~5ada-ra' Sedan ...... 93#50 .toa wRi, fJBpsdM ..'Was * 2 8 7 ’ i * i 2 o -jr*A AO amr ttzes, a.geod faaaOy t- . y ,. ■* car. ■ *' ■ r \ RasnMI' im 8btoiito.v:!ntoMi^^ FravQnattty^teeir r ' ■ *.'■ .A.s' K‘. ,1 \ 1/r •. iz'io t % 1928 V icto ry 6 M tt. 'm k -^ Sedan 9225 - . * ' i - 7 k ■■'/"••.SfiS . ztow^^pvfk'diit] ■ rad^ % igptoiFM ;^ h : m m 1929 P a d E ^ t .,A -if ; Fnaeeiiger Sedan 9770 : # i 0 New pa|w^ noiB.mM new., .t-:*/ J* • , *i» —F"i ? 1981 Anbnni 8 '! ______Sedan ... a....:. $t^ AD new Un§ a iaa ear. - , . ' ' - • ,r U p i ’ y ^ ■ f a r 1927 PoBtiae Gsach 0^^ , A ,. Hu'

«:•, .jj. 7 imOunM ii Conw ...... w .. 1 8 0 ';

— ',, V. s *

jWif ,'.V / ’ii K.y, i'i