^ iS- v-' t • ^S;-^-.?|- ■“■■ hjsti' ,-vsii^;> i-^<‘ -u % %s,to tS-S'^.v |a6.'4VT . JS • V V ^ " f,.| ^..sc^,- I.Vj[V^<Jr5" ■' *rrSJ ■•^ - irT-’'-' ' ‘"I ■ yA-:ar.<-. P T / >* f -• »v-] '.'?i ■' m V. .,, •.■*^w»->vV',wlfc*’'>' ‘ ■ '.3.iisi S(!1.4V i»ls»Wi**ta>tdLV-V ''J^f\it rv ‘V<* VrttSwL' . ‘ tiu»^ <ll ‘ V'- 'j .' lUGefFiriToReaiieAlMt Sm iDall^aiiiSM Ii^* dier fo riB » -^ . .:K?s $800 Firpm Great Fnh '0 * v'. gram At Slate Armei^ CeL ChamBeiti B Gnpst. ' 5 '*1 I Best A , iv :'New<«Wte.tAffc , .......... ^ , to meet hie oBHgatleas.;............... Tlw lianchemtet Bin«rf«iu7 Bin- Washington, Jam 80 — -;!> m'Wb-'S', hBunoiDvvtia^ SiiqKmDri has i»t Bsrt emnpany'a pkq^ent AssoDatlaB’a funD tBr the praaMng asiDe prajMsals ifcnr f^ ^ hD' fofCti^SAiirB'^ moftgai rt W ^factice^to- ihsti^tc johlese of Manchester was IncreaseD hearing^ the Seute fifiimoe.Mm!> .ceeDings for am’WVtoiii^ h7 close to $800 when' the ' OlD mlttee sent tlw Golliei>Hiatne ,3.00 taUiaanta o f ,princ4>aL 'Bom . — is fully* aware o f ^ is Deep-; Timers’ BasketBall team stag^ Its per cent Beer anD wine Bj|& 4>eei^Ung It. _ ^ ;^(5^^;ipanjr’!i. yiiiiSdta,i^ t h r at^ to -the prdblli^ Crah I seconD annual game With^the New Back to the Senate'toDay with aj Haeknte, the larm poj^ttro ioD^,’ Britain OlD Timers SaturDay night f AVOteUft MDOlt. anD has long since notifieD its coor at the State armory here. The en­ ^ a VolsteaD moDlfication;Ba'^uuM ;dmt;jDt'"trtcBix¥any*^^^^ ■; :• responDents-of its wOUagsjest:to<.Te« tire affair was stageD unDer the i>ei> ImproveD 13 to fi within little niore V “KkWuNit to tfeS^rerttSt 'Boat^i^ new -tu r n «ioitgag«| i^wtfhe m<M sopni Direction of J. Leo . Fay anD J. than an hour of oons|Dei«tkm ih Uterai^ term t. cDiwstimt vtitB .. the B. Dune. Nearly 2,000 persons were executive 8eSslcin< company's oBligattona to it& pDtcy- Chairman iSmoot saiD he woulD in the armory for the Big Benefit holDcrs.” ' '•■Betto, {ffogram . suBxnit the comufittee's report to- 'Vv'i . 1k> spapm tite ’foafelDi ure o f mortC Bitito.'ifietttmi^^i;^ ' OoL GhamBeilin Here Day,^ which will put the Bill Before ■gait^- ,3>«ic^ •ACllON IS VRAlSra[> ' Features that helpeD Draw out the the Senate, reaDy for action as soon ■ irBjjJ^-.tha'-isarin'i Waahingtoii;. JamV<80>>(AF} — G M inan' Big crowD were the appearance of as the parliamentary situation per- ttasteglslatow‘«DkC2rt^^ Jonee of toe House Agxt- ceitor o i i Col. Clarence ChahiBerlin, noteD nfita. - '“ mlfatocommittee tafity tnms-Atlantic fiy e r , anD Mayors No changes were maDe in the Bin OS t i^ p a fi^ i t DajD^.of tito N w Ypto itfe-in- Rankin of HartforD anD Quigley of as i^iproveD a week ago By the i '.-v’ " 'of-titovi^.TeinlLAto aintoce Contysny'-to -suspenD fsnn to Senate juDiDi^ committee. ' - .. *•■£.{.• : . Police art guarding Detroit {diants Of :the Briggs Manufkctiiriiig'Cta& foreokMBuresto .IBw i. > * The committee turneD Down o f BoDies ror the Fort'liP^ ren t ^ toB k ttoB toA fitoe cotoae,’’‘ he: chairman Bniootis proposal for tor Co., while pickets pwade. ThCilabor diqrate:at the Hrjllisidianthaati ' shutDown of nil in the Detroit area, ufowing I 60i000 work^^out iff 'eaq^Cyment. - Ex [ r o r tfixto; 'si|todugj^ B i. 1^ , saldi ^mD stoiilfi to.vfBllowfitHty ail hearings anD agreeD to Confine its and ofBDais’' o f- piat due,vprtod£fd id mortgage oonqMtales until aretoahe- consiDeration to the revenue fea­ company are meeting in afi atteiapt to leach'a settlement:. .Trt ,*plptan^li|ii9^ the Boain Ibckets are shown in the'center With the;fisg^^ > / v. a: 1 1 , 'satisfied ttot tiie bwbar Hvu^ 'iq^ Ing plan can be^worked out anDjm t tures of the Bill. toe farm ni endiiyoring to uj^ intOrOperatirm.’^ Revenue Feature ■MMaUi. Smoot saiD the vote to report the »i- *.. i--' •* • ^ Bill fevoraBly was on its revenue B m iii& iit B tiE features only, which proviDe for Ji ...’‘.;tMEBANH. tax of ^ a Barrel. Secretary Mills i^peaieD Before ~-Loirthi, Jan; the conunittee in executive session tonk:;<fi anD estimateD this tax woulD false sidered ImpregnalilKafi tto from $186,000,000 to $160,000,000. TO BRIOP CO. PLANTS Of CHbntiw^tod^lwnteiy The $6 a Barrel rate, the Treasury larHDttiof was 'briken into'____ secretary saiD, woulD proDuce more fi^ rttar midhight ' on Satito' revenue than any other tax ler>el; Gaat& k s h t e lAl The Vote Bol HB^rily StiH Ob Stiike c-Ebslory o f a bor^ was made in The vote 12 tB 6 By which the BUl Folica'Court trtty' wbea vRino^ was reporteD follows: For: Witson, InDiana, IteeD, Pemuiyivaala, ShortiiDgm Califor­ i l t o e l M nia; EHteham, O om M ictt^ L$ Foi^ ofFail Co. FaDaint JQ to -'e m ra i Jettie. Wlieaiwtn, a r t Hkilttaigb, ilet- aware, all BepuMcans^ aqD Hafri- &ya ComeDkrt B' JBl f Boette, Jsai. 30 ^ .<AP> -'-bank - V tovto Jan. 3p.~t4F>-^E^tomttv)f ^ . <3i0i>>^%tter4 tc3i ^ ^ laDii^ K requesteD: yfiateriiiy t o : » Hntueay, anD Hull, Teif* „ way^tp Jhe side ^ til* dtortleii #WAeaiam.'. ^a ‘ l .L e a l} B y 4iess^'.Hrtioerrtl. .Detrott Jan...30.- fiffu a:;new luitoesllfir that; ■3^ - J&aplf; flimlxig trartM P./j. .'He-.was'' itoBidalMyi’Jac i 'tille D .Joaeifii m apnsr^'-as.’saaw J V. 'T3if‘l leD to iA fian t dfEfrtd■^'ifi,rn^^ lim fn m : ffiHl in the ^nvaalng'initii 'ifitidrh^: iB tti- a r t 'tteouiifit vth^'8ti^t '-xe|mf' ■ ... .V. •ThifimaSie#: wife"^^ ■! y foi; an emkb profit anD rtfi.,asBVtBB.:DaeiMt|A. wira.toit bfiordtiF agBasaut cf Fay finD /fiune fhm i if i ta~3fiperrceiit: releaseD" wfiatol^ -f-’:* k ^ 'very . DBio to iBheDifie. The to\D(msi(ier':tto I h e ODiagt Gtifirit ; iiu^ataialantM haD’hen pronDaeD a w ith ou t avTCoii^ yotSi^ n OffiDaisj ity^^rtf^toUef tob A propoaid to increase the tai: formmr'■empltypsto haD rel watowiiigbriifiass ' 'o n rNStotifii generoua- amount ot^tlme foB dapc^ from $6 to $6 a barrd urns iaimilarty v ^ k : ■■ ’-.v-', toc'reialt;^ a'totifi^ tototveiD toDii^ Bank, aBout 26Qk miles 'Asst ef: ing aout the manngara saw to it.tiiat defeated. from New ' ' things .moveD rapiDly so, that the “ ABout . twolhimDreD,’’ also wpre Senator Com rtly, ,(D.; Tern), some r^rteD to have tatumeD .to woffi- the^Natio Dancera.woulD'have. plenty of time time after the committee’s action, t h e .W ^ on the flOor« atthe'Brijggs' Mnpany’SvtiMit "stoi *nie .O’R sto tos a dreto • ar $5 Issued a etatemehty explaining his piaat, pii those: .returping^,tBui Oewfila TnmBlMB . vote against the bill. ’ \ aboard.* ^ le||.-port^^toBib'rtpl --f * The.outstanDing event: of the morning a n fDrmer empBpiea of'thA uegenty ^ tim mitof ritiwtion. an ■ .-■ t v *; ; - » “Three and two-tenw per cent :ti». n e rt.^ jitsto^aw to meeting, it oftb^^ .lartsr T b s .news: d beer by weigdit la equal to'four pet ai^ streoMA covBnkir to* ' ‘ *. ,. • i (OoBttnueD On Page Two.) (ConiinneD <ni Ii| v s F in ) ? X r 4 ’ T I Dtoripto as .48i-'4tiBii^--toe-:-.-Ai cent beer by votaimei" it a ilA • f-r-i. S*C-<-K:ir .. ‘ -■ V ' t -V y~i .: :v ‘ premfer,. J * out atirts.; This is. suhBtantiaUy the same an^ Qovemmr Chx>toaaDD,.h» in t ^ ■ ' ‘ ' ~ *'* ■* ' percentage as ordinary ' beer sold to to. toant toe re^^#tito)«b'b^ before the adoption ^ the Bi||^<- action, he. pototofi ouUto; fiat to Be V ,1; ''V SEN.UIRi:nCIIED teenth Amendment, which I r^iard FIND POET DEAD cohstimeD .V ,this‘^tiiiai c^. a'e< iin ^ Jrt-'^SO^APii AV totoitoiifi :to.' as Intoxicatfiig. ia ia i ^ , , o f ' s '' . "So long as the Eiiditeenih AH' OfOt aWSPAPERS Amendment is the law of the land it ... The' state ato { ^ . whi& is out- to-fBe to^ .'■irV ought to be respected and fo rces toeD , to a tommirtoation frBto the l A ’ ■ emq^rsney; <tomestie. a l^ ^ and I shall not vote for arty meas- Am Briiti^ of Oomtounity,Chests :'rtoefi.'lrt .hflctotot^'A-laWc.rti'.Miip' ^^either nullifying, or evading it; anD - OoimBils. ■ toe aDlDuito^itive fimted, to atoa^^vfii^eult^ l'::,to.i agency^fw ^ 'mo^Uaatioa; will Be cturtotttea toDay:i a m San TeuiaB ^ given jctotiDen^qn,. tt^r.lgovtonor thrtoeat'-paDktos.'. v ■ '-t, ^ >< Has Derit R oD Long Artkk “The Democratic platform of 1932 V. 4. does not sanction the .sale of bever­ saiD, although ha.uDll maim no'me- ages of an intoxicating , alcohoiio rtO ftai ^aBe ef Sai- onmsBtotions.tor or :agatoat it until WkiDiTelk ABout Lonisi- content. It provides ouy tof such to e Bi ptoperiy Diseneaed.- of "Aaririeto' a conttot ‘as la permlsslhle under .mjt isn’t, reaDy yet to the Constitution’.’’ d i k . ' - - toto tiiA Ifiige, .patoer stAtoB .Uke HetiraL ___ _____ _ __ ; tort*”lSMC| anaPoRtki ■ V ■' 1 'w . s.-j Nellie, Tfirit,. iWltytyaiilaL, .llto O s , *W Vv.^ : artLCto^ Fto fiwBg'ftoDs''ftonl ' nhnwffllMfTfiiT rtf VI New fork; .Jan. 30;--,(AR) .w Washington,, Jan. 30.~(A P)~ govarnor-''saliiL’<v ' S ayin g “i“no more damnable false- BOOSE CONSIDDIS physicians aoui^t. to leato-' toDay what causeD toe Death . Qf - ' Sarai A 'fltinlty'. todW^tiie hood has eyer been utterefi. in ■ JfiB. Sfi^rs; newspaper,’’ Senator Huey Long of TesaDifie, noteD tyrio poaV her btorria art. j a a r ' frienDs .prepareD tov aoaUec''her nothing about it;.'.waarr* % ^^RcoMvelf Louisiana undertook Ih the Senate TiUnEFFROaSI hlaipitttisal'i^ to today to answer what he termed ashes OB tto ato WfiitotoDfiy, Newew JerseyJerfijpy todfiy.
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