Mingary Castle Ardnamurchan, Argyll Analytical and Historical Assessment for Tertia and Donald Houston December 2012 Detail from a survey of c1734 by John Cowley (NRS) Addyman Archaeology Building Historians & Archaeologists a division of Simpson & Brown Architects St Ninians Manse Quayside Street Edinburgh Eh6 6EJ Telephone 0131 554 6412 Facsimile 0131 553 4576
[email protected] www.simpsonandbrown.co.uk Mingary Castle, Ardnamurchan, Argyll Mingary Castle Ardnamurchan, Argyll Analytical and historical assessment By Tom Addyman and Richard Oram Contents 1. Introduction i. General ii. Methodology 2. Mingary Castle, the MacIans and the Lordship of Ardnamurchan Richard Oram i. Introduction ii. The Historiography of Mingary Castle iii. The Lordship of Ardnamurchan to c.1350 iv. The MacIans v. MacIan Inheritance and the Rise of Campbell Power 1519-1612 vi. Civil War to the Jacobite Era vii. Conclusion 3. Cartographic, early visual sources and visitors’ accounts 4. Earlier analyses of Mingary Castle i. Introduction ii. MacGibbon and Ross iii. W Douglas Simpson (1938-54) iv. RCAHMS (1970-80) v. More recent assessment 5. Description and structural analysis i. Introduction - methodology ii. Geology, building materials and character of construction th iii. The early castle (mid-late 13 century) a. General b. The early curtain c. Entrance arrangements d. Site of hall range e. Other features of the interior f. Possible well or cistern g. The early wall heads and parapet walk th iv. Later medieval – 16 century a. Introduction b. Hall range c. Garderobe tower d. Wall head remodelling to N e. Modifications to the wall head defences to the west, south and SE f.