152 Duncan Street Wallaceburg, ON N8A 4E2 “Bridging Opportunity” Phone: (519) 627-1443 Fax: (519) 627-1485 2010 EDITION — I S S U E 2 Email:
[email protected] Web: www.wallaceburgchamber.com Message from President, Stacey Ewing SYNERGY…. “combined effort” being greater than the parts. AN OBJECTIVE OF THE CHAMBER AND ONE THAT WOULD BENEFIT THE COMMUNITY Dear Valued Members, Your Chamber applied for funding for two summer students recently (as mentioned in our last issue) and we have been granted the funding. The selected students will work through a joint venture with the Chamber of Commerce, United Way and the BIA for 10 weeks this summer on several projects within our community. This is a great opportunity for our youth to experience and understand the importance of Not-for-Profit organizations and the roll they play in the community. This project is yet another example of how working together benefits everyone. Recently the Chamber partnered with the Wallaceburg Museum, who hosted the first Wallaceburg tradeshow “Tip of the „Burg”. This event highlighted several of our new businesses in town. Participants were Eternity‟s Touch, CKXS FM 99.1, Wallaceburg Downtown BIA, GSL Group - Alternative Energy, Brent Foster, Select Finishing, Kinsmen, SOS (Save Our Sydenham), Latasia, EMC Ready Mix and the Wallaceburg Chamber. With a special THANK YOU to Tim Horton’s and Chez Denise Bistro & Café for providing the refreshments at the event. SPECTACULAR … the only word that can describe our 13th Annual Business and Community Excellence Awards Gala held in April. From the talented emcee‟s, the absolutely delectable dinner, to the outstanding nominees and our nine Honoured Award Recipients (see inside), our gala was a night to remember for all who attended.