D3.2 Functional Specification
ADVENTURE WP 3 D3.2 Functional Specification D3.2 Functional Specification Authors: INESC (Lead), UVI, TUDA, UVA, ASC, TIE, ISOFT Delivery Date: Due Date: Dissemination Level: 2012-06-06 2012-04-30 Public This document contains the functional specification of the ADVENTURE platform. It defines the functionalities of the platform and shows, from a user perspective, how its components fit together in order to provide and intuitive and user-friendly interface for the management of the virtual factories. It also shows, from a process perspective, how the components of the platform interact in order to execute, orchestrate, monitor, forecast and adapt the dynamic manufacturing processes of the virtual factories. D32_Functional_Specification_v2.0 Authors: INESC and Partners Date: 2012-06-08 Page: 1 / 240 Copyright © ADVENTURE Project Consortium. All Rights Reserved. ADVENTURE WP 3 D3.2 Functional Specification Document History V0.1, INESC, November 16 th , 2011 V0.2, INESC, March 16 th , 2012 V0.3, INESC, March 18 th , 2012 V0.4, INESC, March 20 th , 2012 V0.5, INESC, March 29 th , 2012 V0.6, INESC, April 1 st , 2012 V0.7, INESC, May 2 nd , 2012 V0.8, INESC, TIE, UVA, TUDA, May 3 rd , 2012 V0.9, INESC, TIE, ISOFT, ASC, TUDA, UVA, May 11th , 2012 V1.0, INESC, TIE, ISOFT, ASC, TUDA, UVA, UVI, May 23 th , 2012 Draft Version V1.1, INESC, TIE, ISOFT, ASC, TUDA, UVA, UVI, May, 24 th , 2012 V1.2, INESC, May, 25 th , 2012 V1.3, INESC, May, 28 th , 2012 V1.4, INESC, May, 29 th , 2012 V1.5, INESC, May, 29 th , 2012 V1.6, INESC, May, 29 th , 2012 V1.7,
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