Run, Portland, Run

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Run, Portland, Run Time to shine Oregon Symphony’s resident conductor Paul Ghun Kim picks up baton — SEE LIFE, B10 PTUESDAY, OCTOBERo 6, r2015 • TWICEt CHOSENla THE NATION’Sn BEST NONDAILYd PAPERT • PORTLANDTRIBUNE.COMrib • PUBLISHEDu TUESDAYn AND THURSDAYe Sears armory option Mayor, council for homeless shelter move to combat Council is slated to decide Council to decide Wednesday whether to call for a housing crisis whether to declare state of emergency, which could allow the city to convert some Another $90 million from being located in appropri- state of emergency city-owned buildings into shel- ate zones.” ters and waive zoning codes for a budgeted for shelters, Kurt Creager, director of the faster process, according to a re- Portland Housing Bureau, says By KELSEY O’HALLORAN lease from the mayor’s offi ce. affordable housing such time is needed to open Pamplin Media Group “This declaration will allow us shelters and get housing op- to work with our partners, Mult- By JIM REDDEN tions underway. A decommissioned Army Re- nomah County, Home Forward, The Tribune “Even if we suspend regula- serve Center on Southwest Mult- the state of Oregon and nonprof- tions, it takes time to act,” Cre- nomah Boulevard has become a its to move quickly on several The housing emergency to ager says. source of local chatter in the past fronts,” Hales said in a news re- be considered by the City The declaration of a housing two weeks, as some neighbors lease. Council on Wednesday is set emergency is just the most re- wonder whether the vacant While city offi cials say they’re to last a year and can be ex- cent action that city and coun- building is one of the city-owned still planning to turn the deco- tended every six months af- ty leaders have taken to ad- sites Mayor Charlie Hales is con- missioned Sgt. Jerome F. Sears ter that. dress chronic homelessness sidering converting into a home- Army Reserve Center into the Among other things, the or- and an increase in rents and less shelter. main emergency response center dinance submitted by Mayor no-cause evictions. Housing of- Hales announced Sept. 23 that for the west side of Portland, PAMPLIN MEDIA GROUP: KELSEY O’HALLORAN Charlie Hales would suspend fi cials say the problems are ex- he wants to declare a housing Multnomah neighbors wonder Neighbors wonder whether the Jerome F. Sears Army Reserve Center some city regulations prevent- acerbated by more people state of emergency for Portland’s on Southwest Multnomah Boulevard could be one of the sites Mayor ing “mass shelters and other homeless population. The City See HOMELESS / Page 3 Charlie Hales is considering converting into a homeless shelter. short-term housing options See HOUSING / Page 3 RUN, PORTLAND, RUN A CALIFORNIA MAN AND PORTLAND WOMAN WERE THE TWO TOP FINISHERS in their respective divisions of the 2015 Portland Marathon on Sunday. Jameson Mora, from Paso Robles, Calif., was the fi rst male to cross the fi nish line, with a time of 2:28:29. Susie Scott of Portland was the top woman fi nisher, with a time of 2:51:44. Mora and Scott were among the more than 15,000 paricipants who took part in the race, with the support of more than 4,500 volunteers. TRIBUNE PHOTOS: CHRISTOPHER OERTELL PSU arms offi cers over loud complaints cluding UCC and Portland Com- PSU critics say they feel less safe with munity College campuses. In order to have armed guns, not more, even after UCC shooting guards, in recent years many universities have created an on- By SHASTA KEARNS MOORE speech Sept. 21. campus police department with The Tribune Phil Zerzan, head of PSU cam- offi cers trained at the 16-week pus security, says the university Oregon Public Safety Academy The Oct. 1 shooting on the needs police powers to do things in Salem. Umpqua Community Col- like continue a criminal investi- University departments then lege campus has under- gation off-campus or respond often add other specialized train- scored a passionate debate more effectively to an incident of ing. Zerzan says that in response on Portland State Universi- rape. to the PSU implementation com- ty’s campus over the Board “People always try and reduce mittee’s requirements, his offi- of Trustees’ recent decision this down to a discussion about cers received about 40 hours on to arm members of its cam- guns, and it’s much more com- topics such as microaggression, pus security. plex than that,” Zerzan says. implicit bias, mental health re- Beginning July 1, the fi rst four “We’re not talking about guns, sponse and LGBTQ issues. armed police offi cers joined the we’re talking about having the “It’s not just about having an now bifurcated public safety de- police authority.” active shooter response, al- partment, with another eight Oregon universities histori- though that’s important. It’s police to be phased in over three cally have had unarmed peace about having a law enforcement years. This has sparked several offi cers, who have the authority response that is more consistent protests from student groups — only to stop a crime in progress, with the values and tenor of the including an interruption, walk- not to investigate or capture a campus.” COURTESY PORTAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE out and rally during President suspect. This is still the case at Portland Community College held a moment of silence Friday at noon in honor of the victims of the Umpqua Wim Wiewel’s convocation most community colleges, in- See GUARDS / Page 2 Community College shooting. Sylvania campus President Lisa Avery led the moment of silence. “Pamplin Media Group’s pledge is to Portland Tribune LEONARD READY deliver balanced news that re ects the stories of our communities. Thank you TO STRETCH for reading our newspapers.” Inside — SEE SPORTS, PAGE B1 — DR. ROBERT B. PAMPLIN JR. OWNER & NEIGHBOR A2 NEWS The Portland Tribune Tuesday, October 6, 2015 Hales: Gun Safety, sympathy on minds of many violence Concern flows from at Umpqua Community College. My heart goes out to the vic- across state, nation tims and their families, as well takes as to the students, faculty and following shooting staff at the college,” Wiewel said. By SHASTA KEARNS MOORE PSU spokesman Scott Galla- ‘terrible toll’ The Tribune gher said he did not immedi- ately feel prepared to answer Portlanders urged A few dozen people, in- questions about PSU’s trainings cluding several religious or policies regarding defense to volunteer to help leaders from churches and against school shootings. synagogues, gathered out- “There’s lots of possible sce- prevent gang violence side City Hall on Thursday narios, and you just cannot an- evening to take turns speak- ticipate what they would do,” By JIM REDDEN ing and being silent over the Gallagher said of mass shooters. The Tribune tragedy at Umpqua Commu- This is the 142nd time a fire- nity College. arm has been discharged on a Mayor Charlie Hales is la- The somber candlelit vigil school campus since Newtown, menting the growing gang vi- heard calls for political action, Conn.’s Sandy Hook Elementa- olence that claimed three but also self-reflection. Mem- ry School shooting in December lives this weekend — and is bers of the Oregon Symphony 2012, according to Everytown urging Portlanders to volun- added violin music to the col- for Gun Safety. teer to prevent it. lection of people ranging from “My heart is with all of the teenagers to the elderly. Police patrol local schools families that have lost loved ones Across Oregon and the na- TRIBUNE PHOTO: JONATHAN HOUSE The Portland Police Bureau as we continue to experience a tion, reactions poured out to Mourners, religious and political leaders filled the City Hall plaza for a Thursday night candlelight vigil to announced Thursday afternoon year of unprecedented violence the Roseburg shooting, one of remember the victims of the Umpqua Community College shootings. that Chief Lawrence O’Dea here in Portland; gun violence is the bloodiest in the nation’s asked his chief of operations to taking a terrible toll on our com- history. Reynolds High site of 2014 “Any tragic incident brings campus or their state, and we’re step up patrols around local munity,” Hales said after at least The American Association of shooting up memories for our students, praying for them,” Avery said. schools to offer a “visible pres- four gang-related shootings in Community Colleges and the our parents, our staff and our “It’s a small community college ence and to enhance public which three other people were Association of Community Col- The Reynolds School District, community. Our response in- family in the state of Oregon safety,” according to a news re- also wounded. The injuries in- lege Trustees called the which had two students killed in cludes reaching out to our staff and we work closely together.” lease. cluded two women at a party at Umpqua shooting a “tragedy,” a shooting in June 2014, issued a and students and providing any PCC interim President Sylvia “There is no information to the Red Lion Jantzen Beach Ho- but also said it was not unusual. statement of sympathy Thurs- supports they may need,” the Kelley said public safety officers indicate there are any threats to tel, where gang violence erupted “We are deeply saddened by day. “Reynolds School District Reynolds district statement have stepped up their patrols Portland schools related to the early Sunday. these events, and our thoughts is sad to learn of the tragic said. “Because we know how and college counselors are of- tragic events in Roseburg,” “A gun violence crisis has and prayers are with all those events at Umpqua Community deeply this impacts the people fering services to upset stu- reads the release.
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