We Are All One Indian Residential and Day School Art Collections and Survivor Communities The Alberni IRS was located in the traditional territory of the . Picture is from 1941 of the school. Dennis Thomas. Ditidaht Nation. Max Lincoln. Nisga’a Nation.

Donald Edgar. Ditidaht Nation. Charles August. Ahousaht Nation. Anthropology students at the University of Victoria work on paintings as part of a course on communities and collections. Summer of 2010. Paintings and the photograph archive are brought to the Huu-ay-aht First Nation offices for Survivors to come and view and talk about the paintings. Spring 2012. Commemoration/Reconciliation Feast. , BC March 30, 2013. TRC Commemoration/Reconciliation Feast. Port Alberni, BC. March 2013. Paintings were repatriated to Alberni IRS Survivors through the University of Victoria. TRC Commemoration/Reconciliation Feast. Port Alberni, BC. March 2013. Paintings were repatriated to Alberni IRS Survivors through the University of Victoria. Hereditary Chief Jeffrey Cook of the Huu-ay-aht First Nation teaches the next generations about his time in the Alberni residential school through his adoption of his childhood painting of the raven as a chiefly crest. His hereditary name, rights, responsibilities, and history will be passed to his grandson to carry forward. To Reunite, To Honour, To Witness. Exhibition of Alberni IRS paintings at the Legacy Art Gallery, Victoria BC. June 2013. Survivor and Elder advisory committee to the exhibition of the Alberni IRS artworks. Alberni Valley Museum 2014. We Are All One (2014-15) Alberni Valley Museum, BC. Alberni IRS Survivors and family and UVIC research team travel to see the Alberni IRS paintings installed in the Canadian Museum of History, Canadian History Hall. October 2017. (Left) Jeffrey Cook, Huu-ay-aht First Nation recording video of the story of the return of his painting for the Canadian Museum of History. June 2015. (Middle Top) Installation of videos of Survivor Stories and repatriation of paintings in Canada Hall at the Museum of History. (MIddle Bottom) video screens of Survivor stories and paintings. (Right) Survivors take videos of their videos to share with family and friends back home (2017). Return of paintings to Survivors from the McKay IRS. University College of the North, Thompson, August 2018.

Survivors and families from 2 residential schools and 1 day school gather as part of the There is Truth Here symposium for families in November of 2017. There is Truth Here: Creativity and Resilience in Chidren’s Art from Indian and Residential Day Schools. Museum of Vancouver April 5 – December 31, 2019. Heritage Museum & Art Gallery Black Our Lives Through Our Eyes: Nk’Mip Children’s Art Jan. 19-April 14, 2019 Kelowna Art Gallery and Okanagan Heritage Museum.


Pantone Kleco Kleco, T’ooyaksiý ńin, Gilakas’la, Huy Tseep q’u, Limlmpt, Thank You! to the Survivors and their families who graciously and courageously guide our work.

Chuck August, Ahousaht First Nation, Alberni IRS Survivor with Dr. Jennifer Robinson, research collaborator.