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11-2010 dilation in relativistic two-particle interactions B T. Shields Illinois State University

Rainer Grobe Illinois State University

E V. Stefanovich Weidlinger Association

M R. Ware Illinois State University

Qichang Su Illinois State University

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Recommended Citation Shields, B T.; Grobe, Rainer; Stefanovich, E V.; Ware, M R.; Su, Qichang; and Morris, M C., "Time dilation in relativistic two-particle interactions" (2010). Faculty publications – Physics. 16.

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This article is available at ISU ReD: Research and eData: A 82, 052116 (2010)

Time dilation in relativistic two-particle interactions

B. T. Shields,1 M. C. Morris,1 M. R. Ware,1 Q. Su,1 E. V. Stefanovich,2 and R. Grobe1 1Intense Laser Physics Theory Unit and Department of Physics, Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois 61790-4560, USA 22255 Showers Drive, Unit 153, Mountain View, California 94040, USA (Received 6 July 2010; published 29 November 2010) We study the orbits of two interacting particles described by a fully relativistic classical mechanical Hamiltonian. We use two sets of initial conditions. In the first set ( 1) the system’s center of mass is at rest. In the set (dynamics 2) the center of mass evolves with V . If dynamics 1 is observed from a reference frame moving with velocity −V , the requires that all observables must be identical to those of dynamics 2 seen from the laboratory frame. Our numerical simulations demonstrate that kinematic Lorentz -time transformations fail to transform particle observables between the two frames. This is explained as a result of the inevitable interaction dependence of the boost generator in the instant form of relativistic dynamics. Despite general inaccuracies of the Lorentz formulas, the orbital periods are correctly predicted by the Einstein’s time dilation factor for all interaction strengths.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.82.052116 PACS number(s): 03.30.+p, 45.50.Jf, 45.20.Jj

I. INTRODUCTION To study potential deviations from predictions of Eqs. (1.3), several works [8–11] have investigated the decay law of an The fundamental principle of relativity requires that the unstable particle acting like a moving . Using relativistic laws of physics should be invariant under changes of inertial quantum mechanics, they have suggested that the true decay reference frames. This property is formulated in terms of law for a fast particle is not provided by the Einstein’s time symmetry of the theory under the Poincare´ group of iner- dilation factor. Unfortunately, the predicted deviations are tial transformations [1–3]. For simplicity, in this work we several orders of magnitude smaller than the experimental error limit ourselves to one spatial dimension only. Then inertial of the most accurate experiments to [12,13]. observers are related to each other by space, time, and velocity In this work we consider another type of physical system, translations associated with the three generators P , H , and K, where deviations from Eqs. (1.3) can be, in principle, observed. respectively. In classical mechanics, they have to satisfy the We give a concrete example for a system of two mutually at- three Poisson brackets (Lie algebra) tracting classical particles. As these two particles oscillate with {P,H}=0, (1.1a) respect to each other, there are distinct periodic moments in time when their trajectories cross each other. The occurrences {H,K}=P, (1.1b) of these unambiguous events serve as a clock, and we can test how Einstein’s time dilation formula would describe the obser- {P,K}=H/c2. (1.1c) vations by a moving observer. In agreement with theoretical If we would like to predict how an observable A(X,P )(asa predictions [6], our numerical simulations demonstrate that function of the phase-space variables X and P ) is measured space-time Lorentz transformations Eqs. (1.3) do not hold for from a different reference frame, we have to solve the equation particle trajectories. Moreover, strong interaction potentials allow for particle higher than the . ∂A(s)/∂s ={G,A(s)}, (1.2) Nevertheless, Einstein’s time dilation formula remains valid with the initial condition A(s = 0) = A(X,P ), where G is for the orbital periods. either P , K,orH. Each generator is associated with its cor- responding group parameter s, which can be the displacement II. NONINTERACTING PARTICLES = −1 d, the cθ (where θ tanh (V/c)isafunctionofthe Let us consider a system of two classical particles. We velocity V ), or the time t of the new reference frame relative assume that they have the same mass m1 = m2 ≡ m, which to the laboratory frame. will make the expressions below a little bit more transparent. In the instant form of relativistic dynamics, both the The phase space associated with positions xi and momenta pi Hamiltonian H and the velocity boost operator K must depend for i = 1 and 2 is four-dimensional and we define the usual on the interaction in order to satisfy the Poincare´ relations Poisson brackets as {A,B}=i ∂xiA∂piB − ∂xiB∂piA.Ifthe [2–5]. Therefore one can expect that boost transformations particles are noninteracting, then Poincare´ relations (1.1) are of particle trajectories are interaction dependent and system easily satisfied by choosing specific [6,7]. This conclusion is in obvious disagreement with the traditionally assumed interaction-independent and P = p1 + p2, (2.1a) universal form of the space-time H = h + h , (2.1b) formulas (x,t) → (x,t ): 0 1 2 K0 = k1 + k2, (2.1c) x = x cosh(θ) − ct sinh(θ), (1.3a) ≡ 2 4 + 2 2 1/2 =− 2 where hi (m c c pi ) and ki xi hi /c and the t = x sinh(θ)/c − t cosh(θ). (1.3b) subscript “0” indicates the absence of interactions. It is

1050-2947/2010/82(5)/052116(6) 052116-1 ©2010 The American Physical Society SHIELDS, MORRIS, WARE, SU, STEFANOVICH, AND GROBE PHYSICAL REVIEW A 82, 052116 (2010) convenient to introduce the total mass observable M (which noting that c tanh(θ) is the of the moving has vanishing Poisson brackets with all three generators P , frame. Let us now calculate boost transformations for posi- H0, and K0) and the center of mass position R: tions. From Eq. (1.2) with A = xi and G = K0, s = cθ,we    / obtain M = H 2 − c2P 2 1 2 c2, (2.2) 0 2 ∂xi (θ)/∂(cθ) ={−x1(θ)h1(θ) − x2(θ)h2(θ),xi (θ)}/c R = (x1h1 + x2h2)/(h1 + h2). (2.3) = x (θ)v (θ)/c2, (3.5a) Then Eqs. (2.1b) and (2.1c) can be rewritten as i i which, together with the initial condition x (θ = 0) = x (0), = 2 4 + 2 2 1/2 i i H0 [M c c P ] , (2.4) results in the familiar 2 K0 =−RH0/c . (2.5) xi (θ) = xi (0)hi (0)/hi (θ). (3.5b) The time evolution of the particle position in the moving III. TRANSFORMATIONS OF OBSERVABLES BETWEEN frame is a function of time t measured by the moving clock: DIFFERENT FRAMES  = +  In this section we provide two examples for using the xi (θ,t ) xi (θ) vi (θ)t 2  Poincare´ generators (2.1) constructed previously to connect = xi (0)hi (0)/hi (θ) + c pi (θ)/hi(θ)t . (3.6) observables measured in different inertial frames, correspond- ingtoapassive coordinate transformation. These examples Suppose that the observer at rest sees the ith particle at location xi (t) at (lab time) t. Let us define a specific are combined to derive the usual Lorentz formulas (1.3) for  noninteracting particle systems. The corresponding equivalent time t (measured by the clock in the moving frame) by the active transformations, where the coordinates are shifted by requirement d, cθ,ort can be obtained by reversing the sign of the  t ≡ t cosh(θ) − xi (t)sinh(θ)/c. (3.7a) parameters. For example, if in Eq. (1.2) we choose A = xi or pi , with G = H0 and s =−t, then we obtain the familiar Can we find the associated position where the particle is Hamilton equations of motion for the time dependence of located from the point of view of the moving observer at particle positions and momenta: this time? To do that, we replace on the right-hand side of  Eq. (3.6) xi (0) by xi (t) − vi (0)t and t by Eq. (3.7a), and we ∂x (t)/∂t =−{H ,x (t)}=∂H /∂p 2 i 0 i 0 i use c pi (0) = vi (0)hi(0) from Eq. (3.1a). The right-hand side 2 = c pi (t)/hi(t) = vi (t), (3.1a) of Eq. (3.6) can then be expressed in terms of the original x ,t ∂pi (t)/∂t =−{H0,pi (t)}=−∂H0/∂xi = 0, (3.1b) observable i (0 )as  where velocities are defined as vi = ∂xi (t)/∂t. These equa- xi (θ,t ) = xi (0,t)[hi(0)/hi (θ) − cpi (θ) sinh(θ)/hi(θ)] tions have simple solutions, 2 2 − t[c pi (0)/hi (θ) − c pi (θ) cosh(θ)/hi(θ)] = − pi (t) = pi (0), (3.1c) xi (0,t) cosh(θ) ct sinh(θ), (3.7b) = + xi (t) xi (0) vi (0)t, (3.1d) which we recognize as the Lorentz formula (1.3) for the coor- corresponding to freely propagating particles, as expected. dinate. In other words, we have demonstrated that traditional For a second example we consider the passive boost Lorentz transformations for noninteracting particles can be transformations of the total momentum and energy. In this derived directly from the three Poincare´ relations by first applying a passive boost based on K to the initial position caseweuseEq.(1.2) with A = P or H0 and G = K0 with s = cθ. The resulting two coupled differential equations are and momentum which is then followed by the (active) time evolution with the Hamiltonian H (θ) transformed to the new 2 ∂P(θ)/∂(cθ) =−H0(θ)/c , (3.2a) frame. We note that only this particular sequence of two actions reproduces the Lorentz formulas and that the derivation is only ∂H0(θ)/∂(cθ) =−P (θ). (3.2b) valid for noninteracting particles. Their solution leads to the well-known formulas

P (θ) = P (0) cosh(θ) − H0(0) sinh(θ)/c, (3.2c) IV. QUASIRELATIVISTIC APPROXIMATION = − H0(θ) H0(0) cosh(θ) cP (0) sinh(θ). (3.2d) Results from the preceding section encourage us to seek Similarly one can obtain transformation laws for one- transformation formulas for interacting particles as well. In this particle momenta and energies: article we work exclusively in the instant form of relativistic dynamics where the interaction enters in H and K, while the pi (θ) = pi (0) cosh(θ) − hi (0) sinh(θ)/c, (3.3a) generator of space translations remains interaction free. Before dealing with a rigorously relativistic system in the next section, hi (θ) = hi (0) cosh(θ) − cpi (0) sinh(θ). (3.3b) here we consider a quasirelativistic approximation in which an From these equations we obtain the usual relativistic expansion is made in powers of the small parameter c−2 and velocity addition law all terms smaller than c−2 are omitted. In this approximation = 2 the noninteracting generators (2.1b)–(2.1c) can be written as vi (θ) c pi (θ)/hi(θ)  = − − = 2 + 2 + 2 + −2 [vi (0) c tanh(θ)] [1 vi (0) tanh(θ)/c], (3.4) H0 2mc p1/(2m) p2 (2m) O[c ], (4.1)

052116-2 TIME DILATION IN RELATIVISTIC TWO-PARTICLE ... PHYSICAL REVIEW A 82, 052116 (2010)   =− + − 2 + 2 2 + −4 Constructing a relativistically invariant interacting model is K0 m(x1 x2) p1x1 p2x2 (2mc ) O[c ]. a rather nontrivial task. In 1953, Bakamjian and Thomas [15] (4.2) suggested an ingenious method for solving this problem. In Note that even though O[c−2] terms in (4.1) are omit- our one-dimensional case their method amounts to finding a ted, these generators (together with P ) satisfy Poincare´ function U(x1,x2,p1,p2) that has vanishing Poisson brackets brackets (1.1) to the order c−2. Within the same quasirela- with the total momentum and the center-of-mass position tivistic approximation interacting generators can be chosen { }={ }= as [14] R,U P,U 0. (5.1)   H (x ,x ,p ,p ) = 2mc2 + p2 (2m) + p2 (2m) This “interaction potential” U can be used to replace qr 1 2 1 2 1 2 the mass observable Mc2 in the Hamiltonian and in the + − U(x1 x2), (4.3) corresponding velocity boost generator by Mc2 + U. The new K (x ,x ,p ,p ) =−m(x + x ) − p2x + p2x m qr 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 mass inserted in definition equations (2.4) and (2.5)gives + x + x U x − x c2 , ( 1 2) ( 1 2) (2 ) (4.4) H = [(Mc2 + U)2 + c2P 2]1/2, (5.2) − −2 where an arbitrary function U(x1 x2) has been introduced to K =−RH/c . (5.3) serve the role of the potential energy of the interaction. Despite the interaction, the three Poincare´ brackets, Eqs. (1.1), can be Then it is not difficult to prove that the defined generators verified up to the order c−2. of time translations and boosts together with the nonmodified Let us now see how this interaction potential modifies generator of space translations P exactly satisfy the funda- the Lorentz transformation rules. Using the transforma- mental brackets, Eqs. (1.1). tion equation (1.2) for the velocity translation we need The practical way to construct a Bakamjian-Thomas in- to solve the four coupled partial differential equations for teraction U that satisfies Eq. (5.1) is first to define the i = 1 and 2: canonical pair of relative position and momentum variables r and p, which fulfill the relations {R,P}={r,p}=1 and ={ }=− = −2 ∂xi (θ)/∂(cθ) Kqr,xi ∂Kqr(θ)/∂pi pi xi /mc , {R,r}={R,p}={P,r}={P,p}=0. Here we choose the  (4.5a) relative coordinates in the form [16] ={ }= =− − 2 ∂pi (θ)/∂(cθ) Kqr,pi ∂Kqr(θ)/∂xi m pi m 2 2 −1 r = (x1 − x2) + (x1 − x2)P [(h1 + h2 + Mc ) + U(x1 − x2) + (x1 + x2) 2 −1 −2 −2  − 4p (h1 + h2) M c ]/M, (5.4a) 2 × ∂U(x1 − x2)/∂x1 (2c ). (4.5b) 2 p = (p1 − p2)/2 − P (h1 − h2)/(h1 + h2 + Mc )/2. For the specific initial condition xi (θ = 0) = 0, Eqs. (4.5a) (5.4b) yield x (θ) = 0. The two momenta equations (4.5b) become i →∞ decoupled and can be solved analytically too. In the lowest In the nonrelativistic (Galilean) limit c , these com- − → order in c 2 and approximating the rapidity θ ≈ V/c,we plicated expressions take the much more familiar forms r − → − obtain (x1 x2) and p (p1 p2)/2. Any reasonable function U(r,p) of these variables immediately satisfies conditions (5.1) ≈ − − = 2 pi (θ) pi (0) mV U(r 0)V/(2c ). (4.6) and thus can be used in the Bakamjian-Thomas construction. The second is the Galilei transformation and the third In what follows we consider only interactions U(r) that do term is correction associated with the interaction. We expect not depend on the relative momentum p and vanish at large →∞ = this correction to have a significant effect if the interaction is relative distances U(r ) 0. strong, |U(0)| > 2mc2. It turns out that the mass function M depends only on the relative momentum, M = 2(m2c4 + c2p2)1/2/c2. This simple Similar to the boost transformations of xi and pi described previously, all equations from (3.1) to (3.7) in Sec. III should equality follows after a complicated algebra if we insert be modified in the presence of interactions. This conclusion, the expressions for h1 and h2 into Eq. (5.4) and solve however, does not refer to the boost transformations of the total this equation for the mass. Then the Bakamjian-Thomas momentum and energy in Eq. (3.2). These formulas are always Hamiltonian simplifies to valid, whether or not the particles interact, because they follow H ={[2(m2c4 + c2p2)1/2 + U(r)]2 + c2P 2}1/2. (5.5) directly from the fundamental Poincare´ brackets (1.1), which are not altered by the presence of interactions. VI. NUMERICAL RESULTS IN THE V. THE RELATIVISTICALLY INVARIANT LABORATORY FRAME BAKAMJIAN-THOMAS INTERACTION In order to study the time evolution and to go beyond the The necessity to modify Lorentz transformations (3.7) in the nonrelativistic limit, we have to solve the system numerically. presence of interactions is well known. In 1963, Currie, Jordan, For this task and also to establish the complicated Poisson and Sudarshan [6] proved a theorem stating that in relativistic brackets shown previously, we used the Mathematica software Hamiltonian theories Lorentz formulas can be valid only in package that allows for advanced symbolic manipulations as the noninteracting case. Our goal in the rest of this article is to well as numerical solutions. We used the attractive Coulomb- 2 2 1/2 illustrate this remarkable theorem for a classical mechanical like potential U(r) = U0/[r + a ] , where the singularity system of two interacting particles. has been removed at the screening length a.Fromnowonwe


3 with the full interaction-dependent boost generator (5.3). This x(t) (a) V= 0 leads to initial positions x1(θ,0) = x2(θ,0) = 0 and momenta p1(θ,0) =−83.82 and p2(θ,0) = 1381.4. In this case the 0 orbits also exhibit mutual oscillations, but since the center of mass is not at rest, there is an additional drift . For better graphical clarity, in Fig. 1(b) we have subtracted this constant -3 drift from the two orbits, xi (t,θ) − Vt. The asymmetric shape of the orbits might seem unusual. However, in contrast to 3 x(t)-Vt (b) V=136 the nonrelativistic Hamiltonian (4.3), where the potential U depends exclusively on the interparticle position x1(t)–x2(t), the relativistic potential energy is a very complicated function 0 of x1, x2, p1, and p2. This momentum dependence makes it difficult to interpret the orbits within customary nonrelativistic concepts. -3 The characteristic crossing can be read off the graph 3 as t = 0.7514n. The fast moving clock seems to tick 8.15 x'(t')-Vt' (c) Lorentz n times slower than the clock at rest. This effect would not be predicted by the nonrelativistic Hamiltonian (4.3), for which 0 the dynamics of the relative and center-of-mass coordinates are completely decoupled. t t t We should also comment on the unusual relationship -3 1 2 3 between the canonical momenta and velocities. The veloc- 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 ities (defined as vi ={xi ,H }=∂H/∂pi ) are nonmonotonic time functions of pi due to the relativistic interaction. The first set of momenta p =±400 is associated with velocities FIG. 1. Two-particle trajectories x (t)andx (t) as a function of i 1 2 v =±129.64, while the second set corresponds to velocities time: (a) for p1(t = 0) =−400 and p2(t = 0) = 400 [corresponding v1 = 94.12 and v2 = 140.85. As the velocity v2 is larger than to v1(t = 0) =−129.64 and v2(t = 0) = 129.64]; (b) for p1(t = 0) =−83.82 and p (t = 0) = 1381.39 [corresponding to v (t = c, it is obvious that the usual velocity addition formula (3.4) is 2 1 not valid in the interacting case. 0) = 94.12 and v2(t = 0) = 140.85], the drift term Vt has been subtracted out; and (c) the Lorentz-transformed trajectories based  on the solutions displayed in (a). The drift term Vt has been VII. PREDICTIONS BY THE LORENTZ FORMULAS subtracted out. [Parameters in all simulations are in atomic units: 2 x1(t = 0) = x2(t = 0) = 0, m1 = m2 = 1, c = 137.036, U0 =−5c , Let us next examine how the usual space-time Lorentz a = 1]. formulas (1.3) would predict the time evolution seen from a frame that is moving with a negative velocity, V =−136. If these formulas were applicable, the result of their application use atomic units in which c = 137.036 and m = 1. Parameters to the first set of orbits [x (0) = 0 and p (0) =±400] would of the interaction potential were chosen as a = 1 and U = i i 0 have to be identical to the trajectories obtained in our second −5c2. This means that condition |U(0)| > 2mc2 is satisfied simulation [Fig. 1(b)]. We inserted the numerical solutions and we can expect to see a large effect of the interaction on x (t) shown in Fig. 1(a) into Eqs. (1.3) and thus obtained the boost transformations. We solved the corresponding four i the Lorentz-transformed orbits x(t). These special-relativistic coupled Hamilton equations of motion numerically for two i predictions are displayed in Fig. 1(c). For better graphical sets of initial conditions both of which are characterized by clarity we have again removed the overall drift. In obvious x (t = 0) = x (t = 0) = 0. 1 2 violation of the principle of relativity, these trajectories are In the first case, we chose the initial momenta p (t = 1 quite different from those shown in Fig. 1(b).Themost 0) =−400 and p (t = 0) = 400 such that the center of mass 2 obvious difference is in the maximum amplitude (excursion) remains at the origin, R = P = 0. As our interaction potential of the two sets of trajectories. For the original set of orbits is negative, the two particles are attracted to each other and [Fig. 1(a)] the oscillation amplitude is 2.974. In contrast, periodically pass through each other. The corresponding orbits the correct amplitude for the moving system in Fig. 1(b) is are shown in Fig. 1(a). We note that the two orbits cross each − contracted by a factor of 2.07 to the value of 1.435. The other x (t ) = x (t ) at characteristic times t = 9.22 × 10 2n 1 n 2 n n amplitude in Fig. 1(c) is shrunk 8.15 times with respect to Fig. (for n = 0,1,2,...). 1(a). This corresponds exactly to Einstein’s length contraction The second set of initial momenta p (θ,t = 0) and p (θ,t = 1 2 factor of cosh(θ) = 8.15. This discrepancy shows that the 0) was obtained by actively boosting the original momenta usual length contraction formula does not work in the presence by the positive velocity, V = 136 (θ = 2.79 and cosh(θ) = of interactions. 8.15). The numerical values for the new initial momenta were From these results it should be clear that Lorentz trans- obtained by solving the boost equations formations (1.3) cannot be used to compute the evolution in a velocity-boosted reference frame. The correct approach ={ } ∂xi (θ)/∂(cθ) K(θ),xi (θ) , (6.1a) would be to passively transform the initial conditions from ∂pi (θ)/∂(cθ) ={K(θ),pi(θ)}, (6.1b) xi (0,0) and pi (0,0) to xi (θ,0) and pi (θ,0) by solving the

052116-4 TIME DILATION IN RELATIVISTIC TWO-PARTICLE ... PHYSICAL REVIEW A 82, 052116 (2010) coupled equations (6.1) with θ =−2.79. Due to the inherent From the last equality in (8.2), the prefactor of the integral be- equivalency of active transformations by V = 136 and passive comes E(θ)/E(0) = cosh(θ), leading together with Eq. (8.3) transformations by V =−136, this procedure leads exactly to the final result (8.1). to the initial values used for Fig. 1(b). Then these four initial conditions need to be evolved in time under the boost-transformed Hamiltonian H(θ) = H(r(θ),p(θ),P (θ)), IX. SUMMARY AND BRIEF DISCUSSION thus resulting in the same time evolution as obtained in the laboratory frame for the second set of initial momenta [shown We have modeled a classical mechanical clock by two in Fig. 1(b)] and restoring our confidence in the principle of particles bound to each other by an attractive potential. The relativity. time interval between particle crossings is a natural period of the clock. We found that usual space-time Lorentz formulas VIII. VALIDITY OF THE TIME DILATION FORMULA cannot describe the internal dynamics of this system in the FOR ORBITAL PERIODS moving frame. Nevertheless, the increased period of the moving clock is fully consistent with Einstein’s time dilation In the preceding section we established that transforming formula. This is interesting as particle velocities can even particle orbits by the standard Lorentz formulas (1.3) leads exceed the speed of light. The key for understanding these to wrong results. However, there is one aspect of these unusual effects is the fact that the generator of velocity boosts transformations that works surprisingly well. According to the K is interaction dependent. Lorentz formula, the transformed orbits exhibit particle cross- The two-particle model investigated in this work is open to   =    = = ings [x1(tn) x2(tn)] at times tn tn cosh(θ) 0.7514n.This some objections. One could argue that this model is unphysical period of oscillations is exactly the same as in the correct result because it involves instantaneous action at a distance, which [compare Figs. 1(b) and 1(c)]. In other words, Einstein’s time is known to violate causality. One could also argue that a dilation formula more realistic analysis of Lorentz transformations should be = performed within quantum-field theory where interactions tn(θ) tn(0) cosh(θ) (8.1) are transmitted by force-intermediating subluminal virtual is still valid even if the two particles interact. This property is particles and the concept of action at a distance is not not an accident, but a rigorous result. required. However, these objections do not look undisputable The proof is based on the universal (interaction- to us. independent) relations (3.2). From Eq. (5.5), the orbit of the First, the claims of causality violations by instantaneous moving system r[p,P(θ)] in terms of the relative coordinates interactions [17] are based on the validity of usual Lorentz r and p and total energy E(θ) is defined as the solution to formulas (1.3). However, as we have shown here, these formulas are no longer accurate in the presence of interactions. 2(m2c4 + c2p2)1/2 + U(r) = E(θ)2 − c2P (θ)2 = E(0)2, If the interaction dependence of boost transformations is taken into account, then it can be shown [7] that the cause and effect (8.2) remain simultaneous in all inertial frames, and the causality is where the latter equality follows from the boost invariance of not necessarily violated. the mass-squared function (Mc2 + U)2 = E(θ)2 − c2P (θ)2. Second, the speed of propagation of interactions in The equation of motion for the relative momentum dp/dt = quantum-field theory is still an unsettled issue [18,19]. In {p,H}=−∂H/∂r can be integrated in time from t = 0tothe fact, the entire QFT framework is oriented toward scattering first crossing time t1 and correspondingly in momentum from problems and is not designed to answer questions about p(0) to p(t1) =−p(0). For the system at rest this leads to the time evolution and boost transformations of particle  observables in the interaction zone. The visualization of −p(0) −1 interactions in terms of exchanges of virtual particles is t1(0) =− dp[∂U(r(p))/∂r] . (8.3) p(0) nontrivial as these particles are not directly observable. In the dressed particle approach to quantum-field theories Using Eq. (5.5) we find for the moving system [7,20–23], physical particles interact with each other directly  −p(0) without virtual intermediaries. Nevertheless, the physical 2 4 2 2 1/2 t1(θ) =− dpE(θ)/{[2(m c + c p ) requirements of relativistic invariance and causality are sat- p(0) isfied. The possible violation of the Lorentz transformation + U(r(p))]∂U(r(p))/∂r}. (8.4) formulas for interacting particles is obviously a very fun- damental and nontrivial issue [24,25] and deserves further = In the special case of x1 x2 the relative momentum p discussion. is invariant under velocity boosts: {K,p}=0; therefore the initial condition p(0) [and thus the limits of integration in (8.4)] does not depend on θ. If we further use the first equality in (8.2), expression (8.4) simplifies to ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We enjoyed several helpful discussions with Drs. S. Bowen, t (θ) =−E(θ)/[E(θ)2 − c2P (θ)2]1/2 1  C. C. Gerry, S. Hassani, and R. E. Wagner. This work has −p(0) − been supported by the National Foundation. We also × dp[∂U(r(p))/∂r] 1. (8.5) p(0) acknowledge support from the Research Corporation.


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