arXiv:astro-ph/0206332v1 19 Jun 2002 S P48 uut20 d.F asn&TBD & Jansen F. eds. 2002 August SP-488, ESA Netherlands The ESTEC, aeynrht ot)i o togypeet indicating present, strongly not approxi- is running south) images to optical north in mately (seen the visible, are the arms the of spiral bar location of the the Although tracing formation. arms presumably star of spiral UV, the the in structure from able 3783 and 30 NGC from are nucleus which of emission galaxy 1 taken UV be Seyfert shows to waveband, the image this ever in first (z=0.00973) the 2, Figure star. Galactic a is right top the (z=0.01915), at 7313 object bright NGC The galaxy 4.3 spiral right, the bottom image this in rc Symposium Proc. 1 about extend 2.7 and to here) observed seen are galaxy. (as the horizontally arms of centre spiral the the nucleus at region Overall, Seyfert UV-dark The mostly galaxy. a in the UV sits in the regions emission) where HII optical of arms, locations (and spiral the is the with nucleus coincides than mostly active UV emission its in Seyfert bright that a less shows left), far z=0.00474, top 1; at (Figure galaxy 7314 1.9 NGC of image UV The e:Syet–glxe:sabrt–utailt aais– formation : stars: – – starburst evolution galax- galaxies: galaxies: – 5283) – IC Seyfert 7469, NGC ies: 3783, NGC NGC – 7313, -6-30-15, NGC active 7314, MCG galaxies: 766, (Markarian – individual XMM-Newton galaxies: Missions: words: and Key galaxy Nucleus. host Seyfert the the of to evolution relationship the its to perhaps as thus clues occurring, is us formation nu- giving star emission where active UV shows of galaxy the the distribution both in The galaxy. from host the emission and before. cleus UV of waveband show this some images in galaxies, observed The Seyfert been never various have of UVW2 which OM nm), the Here (140-270 with Nuclei. taken filter images, Galactic ultraviolet Active present of we observations di- to multi-wavelength mension exciting an provides XMM-Newton h pia oio eecp Msne l 01 on 2001) al. et (Mason telescope Monitor Optical The LRVOE MGSO EFR AAISFO H PIA MON OPTICAL THE FROM GALAXIES SEYFERT OF IMAGES ULTRAVIOLET ..Blustin A.J. .NC71 n G 7313 NGC and 7314 NGC 1. 1 SL nvriyCleeLno,Hlbr t ay Dorkin Mary, St. Holmbury London, College University MSSL, ′ NwVsoso h -a nvrei h M-etnadChan and XMM-Newton the in Universe X-ray the of Visions ‘New ′′ wyfo h ulu fNC7314. NGC of nucleus the from away ndaee.Teei lal discern- clearly is There diameter. in .NC3783 NGC 2. Abstract 1 .Branduardi-Raymont G. , 2 RN obnean2 54C teh,Netherlands Utrecht, CA 3584 2, Sorbonnelaan SRON, ′ 3 etcly eas see also We vertically. oubaUiest,NwYr,N 02,USA 10027, NY York, New University, Columbia XMM-NEWTON 1 .Breeveld A. , ′ ao,KO ta.20,AA35 L36-L44 365, A&A 2001, al. et K.O. Mason, (NASA). USA the and States Member ESA d by contributions and funded instruments rectly with mission science XMM-Newton with ESA obtained an observations on based is work This a 6 osehbtU msinfo t prlarms, spiral its from emission UV Markar- 10 galaxies exhibit although about host does here, their 766 described from ian objects other emission the UV than extended less image far z=0.007749, 5; 25 (Figure approx. 38 -6-30-15 approx. MCG image and z=0.012929, square) 4; (Figure 766 Markarian to seem arms spiral outer and regions. nucleus the HII 1 in with Seyfert knots coincide a The of galaxy host starburst. the this a activity; both as formation well-known star ra- is of the undoubtedly it - location of by the some ionisation and traces or itself, nucleus - the of from reflection diation to due probably is rmisinrsia rs hs xedu oaot15 further 30 observed about about be to at can up out arms fainter extend and These nucleus, the arms. from spiral inner also and its active right), the from bottom (z=0.016317; from 7469 emission NGC UV of shows nucleus 3) (Figure image This dust. by obscured is it that or than arms, bar the the in in important is less it much is formation star that h neatn opno aayI 23(z=0.016024), 5283 IC 1.3 galaxy companion interacting the ′ wy oeo h o-G msinfo G 7469 NGC from emission non-AGN the of Some away. .Mrain76adMCG-6-30-15 and 766 Markarian 4. ′′ ′′ across. 1 .Brinkman A. , qae,bt arwLn efr s show 1s, Seyfert Line Narrow both square), .NC76 n C5283 IC and 7469 NGC 3. ,Sre H N,England 6NT, RH5 Surrey g, ′′ eas e tplf)U msinfrom emission UV left) (top see also We . Acknowledgements r Era’ dra References 2 n .Kahn S. and , 63 oebr2001, November 26–30 TRON ITOR 3 i- ′′ ′′ 1 , 2

Figure 1. UV image of NGC 7314 (top left) and NGC 7313 (bottom right); image rotated so that North is upwards and East is to the left (all the images in this paper are oriented the same way), image size approx. 6′x 5′. The angular resolution of the image is 1′′, except for the central 2′ of NGC 7314 which is at 0.5′′ resolution

Figure 2. UV image of NGC 3783; image size approx. 50′′x 40′′, angular resolution 0.5′′ 3

Figure 3. UV image of NGC 7469 (bottom right) and IC 5283 (top left); image size approx. 140′′x 110′′. Note that NGC 7469 is within a higher resolution imaging window (with 0.5′′ imaging pixels), whereas IC 5283 is imaged at 1′′ angular resolution

Figure 5. UV image of MCG -6-30-15; image approx 25′′ square, angular resolution 0.5′′ Figure 4. UV image of Markarian 766; image approx. 38′′ square, angular resolution 0.5′′