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a \^ o February 14, 1986 comETfrs Volume 61, Number 16 Re|X)rtage 7 Reprofocus 23 Phi Delta Theta installed locally as part SD's Lawyer Paul Vick is profiled. of National. Civil Engineering Award given by Features 10 & 18 Departments Software Shop System Inc. City Center sports a helpful program Letters 4 RIT trains great software engineers. for Industrial Studies. Zodiac 13 With 6 inches of new snow, Winter H. Preston Herring promoted to Portfolio 16 Assistant Vice President. Weekend and the Chinese New Year Tab Ads 28 were very successful. T.AG.A produces student journal. Bloom County 29 What's Happening 30 Reproview 21 CAB sponsors a local band, unheard of but good. Bette Midler and Nick Nolte star in a new movie full of cheap humor. Scoreboard 26 Men's hockey continue to do well. Illness and sloppy play plague women's hockey. RIT swimmers begin to wind down their season.


We at RH'ORIKK suhscrilx- to the old There are several items to keep in upon which I base mv selection of the adage "the jxMi is mightier than the mind when submitting a letter to the letters printed. The Ix'st written letters, sword." We would modify it however editor. The first is to make sure of the regardless of who or what they criticize, to sav "the pen is mightier than the facts. We do not correct mistakes other run in the magazine. Institute." We believe that policy and than spelling and punctuation. We feel Editorial replies to letters are used attitudes change when something is it is the authors's jx-rsonal statement, rarely. We realize that they give the spelled out in print. This week, and as such he is allowed to either shine, editorial staff of RKI'OR I KR the last RKI'OR I KK has devoted three pages to or hang himself. A factuallv incorrect word, and as such are unfair. If the Letters section of this magazine. We letter almost always brings a response however, a letter sufficientlv incenses could not Ix- happier. which makes the original author seem some member of RKROR I KR'S editorial Not only does it lighten the burden foolish. board, a reply may l)e printed. Unfair, of this staff, but it shows involvement Next, he careful about personal ves, hut that's life. and interest among the Institute attacks. We have had to withold communitv. Things we have been told publishing some letters because their rejx'atedlv do not exist at RI T. content came dangerously close to Most, if not all, the letters are slander. A printed slanderous letter criticisms of some aspect of RIT, or in leaves the author. RKIHtR l KR, the staff, response to something printed in and RIT open to lawsuits, something RKPOR IKR. That is fine. Every media any responsible magazine tries to avoid. We regret the change in printing quality has as one of its functions the Finally, it is the Editor in Chief who of Rt.l'OR t EH Magazine. The Technical responsibility to allow for the public decides which letters are printed, and and Education Center for the Graphic venting of frustration. RKRORIKR is which are not. Even this week, after Arts is installing a new press, and are more than willing to live up to our end allowing for three pages of letters, we unable to print REI'OH IEH. We hope to of that responsibility hv publishing were unable to fit all which were be printing on campus by mid April, on letters which criticize the job we do. submitted. There is only one criteria a brand new Harris M I()()() press.

REPORTER MAGAZINE Is published weekly during the academic year by students at Rochester Irtstltute o( Technology. One Lomb Memorial Drive. Rochester. New York 14623. Editorial and pro duction facilities are located In Room A-283 of tfie College-Alumni Union, telephone 716-475-2212 Subscription $4 00 per quarter Ttie opinions expressed In REPORTER do not necessarily reflect those of the Institute RIT does not generally review or approve the contents of REPORTER and does not accept responsibility for matters contained in REPORTER. • Letters must be submit ted to the REPORTER office by 4 p.m. Monday Letters must be typed and double spaced. Please limit letters to 250 words. REPORTER reserves the right to edit for libel and clarity. No letters wlH be printed unless signed arvd accompanied by a phone number. REPORTER will withhold names upon request. All letters received are the property of REPORTER Magazine. • REPORTER takes pride In its membership In the Associated Collegiate Press and the American Civil Liberties Union • £ 1986 REPORTER MAGAZINE. All righu reserved. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced without prior written permission from REPORTER.

3 REPORTER LETTERS Magazine residence hails do not show me positive A Balanced View signs of change in "bad" policy. Thev Editor in Chief show me a lack of maturity and a fear of Kevin J. Minnick The RSA versus Greeks issue has gone far conflict in a professional manner. "The Managing Editor enough. The complaints the Creeks are Hitler ^'outh Croup, " "apr»>n stringed (ireeks" battleground. There are far more Bill Arnstutz making are essentially concerning the NY important issues to address on and off Executive Editor state law raising the drinking age to 21, and the open container policy that has evolved campus than the childish bickering we've Scott Stockham over the past vear and a half which is due been reading lately. Wouldn't it he more Mews Editor to a similar policy existing in the town of appropriate and Ix-neficial to organize a George Greven Henrietta. RSAs and Residence Life had meeting of R.As, RS.As, (ireek Council, Writers nothing to do with creating this policy; the and coordinators/advisors? Maxine Isaacson Ignatio Kang voters of this district did. Residence Life Carolyn Dateo Andrew Renna AAark Robinson became involved in seeing this effectiveness Residential Safety Aid as it is a resjxinsihliitv in their department. Tanya Farquharson SUN Member Speaks Entertainment Editor When patroling a residence hall area for five hours a night I tend to observe the Thank vou lor vour coverage of Monday's Kris Argento evening lifestyle t)f students. I lived in the kidnapping of Dr. Rose. .After hearing the Entertainment Writers dorms for two years, and I am aware of the opinions of many people about it, it is Dean Cummings Jim Winiarski need to let loose from the pressures of evident that there is still confusion Francisco Aliwalas Marc Evans school IK" it through a little partying. surrounding the event, and manv Steve Argento Trivial Pursuit and pizza, or l.ale \ight inaccurate perceptions. Features Editor l.etlerman. When RSAing, I am certainly Some people felt that the use of the Barton Fiske not snooping for trouble; hanging out in a words "kidnap" and "hostage" was Sports Editors lounge to follow the scent of alcohol to its inappropriate in this day of terrorism and under aged consumer, if that is the case. violence. The implication that these Catherine Pick Dan Long However, trouble dcx's find me. If a destructive acts could occur on our safe, Sports Writers student sees a vending machine vandalized, comfortable haven here in Henrietta was Chris Martin Robert Salzer I may Ix' the first jxrson in uniform thev indeed a shock to some, and mv apologies Mamie Salistxjry find to report the crime. Besides mv regular are extended to those who Ix-lieved that Dr. Photo Editor duties of safety checks, assisting RTT Rose was in danger, when in fact, he Grover Sanschagrin .Ambulance, and hx^king doors, I am wasn't. The kidnap was intended to cause Chief Photographer present to assist RAs, Campus Safety, and curiosity, not fear. most of all, the residents in conflict Some felt that the "demands" made Scott Daniels situations. If a student complains of noise \ 'ere su|XTficial and not reflective of the Photographers on their floor due to a party blasting music, real problems that exist on this campus. It Bruce Strong Jack Gruber and in the process of checking it I come is unfortunate that this was perceived, Scott Dlngman across a keg of beer, can 1 honestly he because in reality, the issues that were Calendar Coordinator expected to laugh at their fun interfereing presented are fundamental to all of the Tenrence James with another's right to sleep? Obviously problems and to the symptoms of these Cartoonist this isn't the case with most fratcrnitites, problems. hut in the same manner, can I really he Six areas of improvement were recognized: Mike Kerwin exjx'cted to ignore room parties or cups of Lack of communication is the number Illustrator beer wandering from (ireek basements into one factor in poor student life at RTT. Dominic Chiappetta lounges infei ing that there may he an Students need to know what RIT has to Production Managers illegal tap running? I must act as mv job offer, and it is very difficult to find out. Mils Morgan Geoffrey Schirm retjuires; contact R.As, ask for the permit of Students feel they have no effective way to the party, and even write names and ID communicate to the Institute. This is a Production Staff numbers on occasion for reports that I problem. Michael Ivancic Victoria Vavrinec must fill out. Students sometimes feel RIT has no Deirdre Campbell William Standwill My vocation is not to he an RSA human element. Staff and faculty who are Gabrielle Sinclair Patricia Rurak forever. I am at RIT studying Biomedical often as unhappy with RIT as the students, Ellis Canal Leslie Berryman Photography. In the pnxress of learning, I are creating negative impressions upt)n the Michelle Fryman Annamarie Daane have a job to help finance my education. I students they interact with. This is a Advertising Manager do like to take pride in my jobs. I've problem. Jim Henderson enjoyed RSAing over the past year and a Student organizations, the single most half because of the nature of the job effective way for any student to have an Advertising Representative meeting and helping residents. For the most impact on the functioning of the Institute, Louis Cocozza part I've encountered interesting and should he recognized and supported by the Business Manager friendly people, not hassling idiots who colleges and departments. These are Kathy Salemo don't knovY the act of resptect. learning exerperiences! I^ts appreciate the Bindery Staff Recently the RSAs have received a lot fact. Currently, most student organizations William Danesi Paul Governor of unnecessary abuse. The statements 1 are struggling because of lack of Advisor hear or read through RKPORIKR and involvement. This is a problem. various signs scattered throughout selected Our campus events; Alumni Weekend, Dr. Elaine Spaull

February 14. 1986 Homecoming and Graduation are not the After reading your recently published will find that these individuals care very exciting, meaningful experiences that they letter addressing the problematic members much for RIT, or they wouldn't he where should he. This is a problem. of the RIT dormitory community, we they are. The Campus is ugly. This is a problem. would like to graciously make you aware of It is sad that you have developed such a Lastly, the facilities we have are a few of our standings. It is quite obvious prejudice, and have chosen to overlook the outstanding, hut we aren't using them to that you only know one side of us, and that good qualities that are the outcome of our their fullest potential. Yet there is a need is the social asptects of our behavior. As a fully professional business organizations for more. We need more adequate places senior, have you not noticed the activities called fraternities and sororities. At least for studying, recreating and interaction. each quarter, in your past four years at we are proud enough to stick together and This is a problem. RIT, that are quite visible to anyone that defend ourselves, as Greeks, and have the These are the things that we as students walks the quarter mile or anywhere else on guts to include our names with the recognize as problems, and every gripe or campus? opinions we hold. complaint that we have can probably he We are referring to the many events that Judy Caputi & Chris Riggio labeled as symptoms of the disease. come out of long, hard hours of planning Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority The "kidnap" of Dr. Rose may have and organizing, such as "Quarter the seemd an inappropriate solution to these quarter mile," for Multiple Sclerosis; the Unit 340 Attacked problems, hut in fact it was not intended to Teeter-Totter for Cystic Fibrosis; or the In response to "Senior RSA, unit 340:" 1. he a solution to anything. Its purpose was "Pole Sit," for the United Cancer Society; The only part of your letter that I agree to act as a vehicle for students to hear and which all result in the raising of thousantis with is that RIT is an educational system. respond and interact with each other. of dollars for the less fortunate than us. 2. Your cowardice is surpased only by your Judging from the number of responses I've Does this sound like the behavior of ignorance. received from people, I would say without ignorant, monopolizing, unorganized How dare you accuse anyone of hiding hesitation that the event was a complete animals? behind "apron strings?" You hide behind a success. Believe it or not, we even manage to uniform you wear part time and a unit Now let's continue the process that was escape the cages of our "zoo" to get number. Is that any way to show your pride begun. We have all the resources it takes to ourselves involved in the immediate RIT in the RSA uniform? create change, lets use them. campus, outside the domain of Greek Row. And who better should decide RIT Angela Strode, Chairman We have representatives that not only policy than those that must live under it? If Student Directorate attend Student Directorate meetings hut you choose to accept and follow every keep the Residence Hall Association up to policy handed down to you, then that is I Like Fried Eggs date on all activities, to try to provoke full your right. Just as it is the right of the I strongly disagree with you in your reply interaction between Greeks and Greeks to try to change the policies that to a letter written by a senior RSA, unit independents. Like it or not, we are the they are dissatisfied with. Your defamatory 340 (LETTERS, An RSA Speaks, largest organized group that cares enough remarks and stereotypical castings of all RKPORIKR, February 7, 1986; page 4). I to attempt destruction of the monotony of Greeks into Animal House roles are as prefer mv eggs fried, not scrambled. I can RIT and make a difference. We try to unjustified as your tunnel vision remarks understand you not wanting to have eggs represent everyone! about RKPORIKR. You should exercise on your face, hut scrambled? Come on As two fellow seniors, we too are extreme caution in the way in which you Kevin, scrambled eggs just are not confused by the new policies, hut doing our throw around the word "ignorance." appetizing. Did you ever take time to look best to adapt, as are all the other fireeks Recall the old saying about people who live at your scrambled eggs? Fried eggs are subjected to such changes. We resf>ect the in glass houses. much prettier to look at, and they taste fact that you have a job to he done hut Incidentally, the "animals at the house" much better, too. Sure, vou can put cheese must you he so eager to throw around the are involved in philanthropic activities and other such additives in your scrambled authority you feel you have underneath throughout Rochester and are involved in eggs to make them tas'e better, hut that blue and yellow uniform? Whenever almost every organization on campus. wouldn't you rather have a big tasty omelet any animal is taken out of an open, free Many Greeks have served our community with cheese and other such addititives? I environment, and suddenly caged, they well. Some of the animals have even been would. Fried eggs also come in many must he given some time to adjust to their RSAs. varieties such as Sunny side up. Sunny side new constraints, and that is simply what we You, unit 340, are the one who needs to down, and Fried eggs on rye toast, a are asking for. reevaluate. What did you expect your letter favorite in Northern New Jersey. How As for the so called "unprofessionalism would accomplish? Improve the RSA many varieties do scrambled eggs come in? of the RKPORIKR'S handling of the image? Improve RSA—student relation- Not many. I suggest that you investigate matter," if Kevin Minnick is so biased, and ships? Do the Department of Resident Life, the many other popular ways to eat eggs the Greeks have such an upf>er hand in the vour supervisors, or vour fellow RSA's before you devote space in RKPOR I KR magazine, why would your letter have been agree with your position? In answering that Magazine to the promotion of such allowed to he published? We truly feel your I'll extend the RSA's the courtesy you obviously inferior eggs as .scrambled. criticisms have been handled in a failed to extend mc-I won't sterotype all Steve Hockstein pessimistic, unprofessional manner and we RSA's into one unit or will I cast them into Photography Fourth year arc appauled that a senior RSA could not at least make an attempt to work with us, the roles of anv movies, such as "The not against us! Narrow Minded Ones." I know that not Greeks Address RSAs everyone that works with vou feels as you We suggest that you sit down with a few We are writing this response to the proud, do, unit. of these individuals that you feel have anonymous RSA unit 340, as concerned If your looking for someone or a group chosen to make a personal attack on vou, representatives of the "ignorant, to blame for making vour job harder, look to demoralize you. We guarantee that vou animalistic" Greek community. at yourself and the people who share your

5 I)flicls. Quit hriiig .1 unit tli.it tares alxuit Ireedom ol s}X'e( h and press, ilu-re is also To participate iti none hut honest RI'I and start lieing a |KTs


Not Just Software Applied Science and Technology. Similar organize, plan, evaluate the elfei tiveness of to a sy stem analy sis, the computer scientist projects, and handle |X"ople yvorking in the Computer scientists have evolved through communicates yvith the system develojx-rs system." the last few decades from developing and the users to set objectives, consider .According to .McKinzie. a lack of machines that automated office work to u.ser's needs, and a proposal's feasibility . software engineers with management piloting space flights. However, as the "Software engineers with managerial training has contributed to the current rising level of technology increases, the skills are crucial as we develop 'mission "software crisis" in large system complexity of computer systems also critical' systems such as the space shuttle development. "Without proper increases. There grows a need for software that have emix'dded hardware and softyvare management, yve have develojx-d systems engineers who have managerial skills to systems within 1 i f e a n d cl e a t h that encounter cost overruns, maintenance direct entire projects. environments." savs Wiley McKinzie. problems, and an inability to interface yvith "It's no longer sufficient to train a director of the School of Computer Science programs." computer scientist to design programs in and Technology. "In general, current "The idea of software engineering is to isolation, without teaching them to see the computer scientists lack organizational approach these large systems using large perspective of entire projects and he capabilities involving large projects with developed procedures and management ahle to manage them," says William many different fx'ople. programs, and techni(|ues to avoid problems." savs Stratton. associate dean of the Colleee of interfaces. They must learn how to McKinzie. D for one and one half years, effective administrator's files, giving them siqieruser Students Suspended immediately. capabilities, according to both Tut/ and Two computer science students were Mike Uutz. chairman of the MacKenzie. Through this access, the suspended on February II, for allegedly undergraduate computer science program, students were ahle to jyeruse certain breaking into restricted files in the said. "One of the goals of this [computer solutions to computer mixlules thev had computer science department. The science] program is to turn out ethical been given as class assignments. In students, both male, had found a "hack computer scientists." He continued. "Had accordance with policy, the students will he door" through the security system of the these students reported the security breach off campus hv Monday, and according to computer systems. According to Stan thev had found, everything would have Tut/. " Their computer accounts have been MacKenzie, assistant vice president for been all right, hut thev tried to use it for disabled, and it will fx- some time Ix-fote we Judicial Affairs, "This may not he illegal, their own personal gain." consider readmitting them to the hut it is a suspendahle offense." The two The students allegedly gained access to program." • students have been suspended from RIT a high level. computer science

and attended aitredited (onstruction Scholarship Awarded programs. VACATION BOUND ?? .\ first annual scholarship was awarded to McBride yvon the si hohitship based on Cheryl McBride, a fourth year civil her essay on the use »)f computers in engineering technology major. The construction. 'This topic is also the basis of scholarship was given hv Software Shop her future career pursuits. When asked Systems, a national software manufacturer what she will do with the I.()()() dollar based in Farmingdale, New Jersey. Those scholarship, she replied. ".Spring (|uaitei is who applied for the nationwide scholarship coming soon and RTT is a very exjx-nsive were sponsored hv construction companies institution." •

New York Eta Phi Delta Theta has Ix-en Prepare yourself with a Phi Delt Installed a colony at RIT for the past two vears. A Base Tan from On February 8, the New York Eta Colony colony is a group of brothers who are of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity was installed pledging to a national fraternity in order to Tropic Tanna Sun Center as a chapter at RIT. Activities included an become an active chapter. Ome knoyvn as and face the southern initiation ceremony, an installation Delta Sigma Pi. an international business sun safely ceremony, and a banquet. Brothers from fraternity, the colony yvas established Alleghany College, McGill Chillege, and during the spring (juarter of UI84. There 12 visits only $39 00 Union College attended the banquet and are now 163 Phi Delta Theta chapters with this ad presented gifts of congratulations. nationwide. n • Tropic Tanna Sun Center TAGA Plans Journal students, as well as alumni, are eligible. 2829 W. Henrietta Rd. Allen Ko, secretary of RTT T.AG.A. said Vi mile north of The RIT Technical Association of the the main goal is "to shoyvcase the technical Graphic Arts (TAGA) Student Chapter talents of students here at RTT." The non Marketplace Mall next to will he publishing a student journal profit journal will he distributed Captain Tony's comprised of quality research reports in the nationwide to other educational institutions 272-0410 graphic arts area. The reports can concern and organizations in the graphic arts. other discounts available photo science, imaging science, engineering Judging will he based on technical for RIT students in optics, printing, computer graphics, or appeal, background, presentation, and anyorfier technically oriented graphic arts clarity. Manuscripts of 20 pages or less will call for details area. All RIT undergraduate and graduate he accepted until February 2.3. D 7 9? 9P

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y sundown of last Friday Saturday night was the celebration night, there were four inches of the Chinese new year, the year of B of fresh snow on the ground, the tiger. What could be more the quintessential way to commence appropriate? Among the many the festivities of another Winter features of the new year's celebration Weekend at RIT. The snow, sent by were Chinese style food in the CD Old Man Winter to cover up ugly cafeteria, portions of the Chinese patches of frozen mud and piles of Opera, and a spectacular Lion Dance. grey slush, arrived just in time. The lion is made of brightly colored This year's celebration of the fabrics and is animated by three or 'RlTes' of winter was a success in more dancers who remain hidden every arena. The Broomball underneath. tournament, sponsored by Alpha Phi Overall, there was a huge variety Omega, attracted more than 30 teams of things to choose from for this year's this year. As usual, the games dragged winter weekend. Whether you wanted on into the early morning hours. to watch films, attend the theatre, play Confusion appeared to be the reigning in a volleyball or broomball element of team spirit for most of the tournament, get in a little free skating, participants, who did everything but or hear some great music, all of it was move gracefully across the ice. available. Broomball is a fine art of balancing. Many thanks should go to the Some people sacrifice balance for groups comprising the Winter beer, while others sacrifice Weekend Committee who helped to coordination for fame in the name of organize this successful weekend. Broomball. Winning the tournament Organizations such as CAB, OCSA, this year were the "Black Market Student Directorate, RHA, Chinese Babies," a professional Broomball Student Society, BACC, and Greek team sent from Libya. Council all pitched in their time, For the casually 'apathetic' RIT money, and genuine effort. Without student, there was simply no excuse them, this weekend would have been for boredom this weekend. Sure, most like any other weekend in Rochester, of us had papers due, tests to take, dull, grey and lifeless. and labs to complete, but come Friday, the commitment to hours of hard work dissolved into oblivion. And why not? When there is a POETS hour with Split Decision in the Ritskellar, a hockey game against Cortland, and a dance with Nick and the Nice Guy's immediately afterward, who is going to study? To attest to the strength of this philosophy, it should be noted that Nick and the Nice Guy's was sold out. Also sold out was the Comedy Show in the Ritskellar. Saturday arrived quickly, bringing with it a little more snow. But this wasn't about to dampen the spirits of eager sleigh riders who were treated to a horse drawn tour of the academic side of campus. The NTID Theatre did its part to entertain the RIT community. "An Evening of Short Plays" (interpreted) was a cultured alternative to multi- decibel and screaming hockey fans. Theater at RIT is a rare phenomenon, and the quality of these two plays, "Tennessee" and "Porch," was even more rare.



first have to sign a notarized affadavit money. But you won't need any money to High Rollers swearing to keep silent. A spokesperson buy the comic: it's free. .says the idea is to keep out tobacco (RNR) Workers at a Massachusetts missile industry spies. After all, she points out, Ninja Express plant are doing a great job of hitting the "they wouldn't let us into board meetings bullseve in the state lottery. In the past few of RJ Reynolds. " (RNR) There's going to be another months, five employees at Raytheon Japanese imfwrt on the market soon: not a Missiles Systems in Andover have scored Advertising Blitz car, but a credit card. Starting this fall, the big in the Massachusetts "Megabucks" Japan Credit Bureau will try to convince drawing. The total take has been I I (RNR) The best thing "Herb" could do for americans they can't leave home without a million dollars, but only two of the five Burger King is to taste a whopper— and "JCB C'ard." The big selling point: you have cjuit. hate it. That's the word from marketing won't need phone authorization for analyst Phil Lempert. He thinks making purcha.ses under 750 dollars. Aero Program Herb a classic Jerk may backfire on Burger King. Says Lempert: "No one wants to Tourist Paranoia (RNR) The paper airplane has gone high- emulate a nerd." tech. A new software program will let you (RNR) Concern over terrorism has caused indulge in flights of fancy on your a lot of people to rethink their European computer screen, then turn out a ready to vacation plans this summer. But bookings fold model on a printer. The software, are way up for one country: the Soviet from the authors of the "Great Inter Union. Reservations are up 50 percent over national Paper Airplane Construction last year, with some travel agencies Kit," even allows you to add customized expecting to sell out their summer tours. insignia. Making it fly is still up to you. Besides safety, travel experts say another contributing factor is the improvement in Soviet American relations following the Polite Pythons Geneva summit. (RNR) The good news from Zimbabwe is: snakes are not the most dangerous animals. lieum Treats Wild animals killed 572 people in the African nation last year, but snakes (RNR) Vou can't say the folks at accounted for a mere 28 of the fatalities. Whitman's chocolates don't know how to The other 544 unfortunates succumbed to to sample public opinion. The candy firm Elephants, Crocodiles, Buflalos and Lions. is test marketing "lite" chocolates this Valentine season. The 1/3 less calories Pesos Y Comida sweets are being tried out in New England, o^s because-fheyjusf New York and parts of Pennsylvania and (RNR) Filling a grocery cart is a lot more Virginia. expensive in Tokyo than it is in Mexico City. A government comparison of food No Taste prices in various foreign capitals found what costs S85 in Japan can be had for $20 "WITHDRAW u^as (RNR) Apparently today's college kids are in Mexico. The same food can be had for willing to take their grooming tips from $44 in Wa.shington, and $39 in Ottawa. "Miami Vice." The annual survey of top- selling magazines at college stores found Yes Master fashion oriented Gentlemen's Quarterly edged out for tenth place by TV Guide. (RNR) Pet owners frustrated by non Lobotomy Therapy Number one. Just like last year, is talking parrots now can get a high-tech Cosmopolitan. (RNR) Human brain transplants may hand. Just plunk Polly down in front of the ultimately be the cure for Parkinson's and \'CR and crank up a "parrot video tap)e." Alzheimer's diseases. University of Eclectic Trash Producer Donald Williams says most Rochester neuro-scientist Don Gash says parrot owners run out of patience before (RNR) Texas is celebrating its 150 birthday transplanted tissue could be used to their birds learn to talk, and parrots learn this year. With all the official souvenirs on regenerate damaged brain cells. Swedish better by mimicking other parrots anyway. the market, no one should have any trouble surgeons are already testing the procedure. The $70 tapes come in three degrees of remembering The Alamo or anything else difficulty: Bachelor of Sayings, Master of Enterprising Kids about the Lone Star State. The state has Sentences, and Parrot of Higher Dialogue. (RNR) "Spiderman" may not have to licensed everything from "official" minia- worry about the competition, but New ture barrels of crude oil to "official" York's Federal Re.serve Bank has gotten replicas of pearl handled six shooters. You Vexatious Group into the comic book business. Its first can also get sesquicentennial dominoes, effort, "Once upon a dime," teaches fourth (RNR) When it comes to keeping secrets, f>ork platters, Christmas cards, or even and fifth graders the ins and outs of the the CIA could take some lessons from the Texas-shaped taco shells. For $1,500, your monetary system. One story tells how anti-smoking movement. To get into heifers can be inseminated by a Longhom natives on the make believe island of strategy meetings called by "Action on Bull with a Texas map birthmark on its "mazuma" replace their unwieldy smoking and health" in Washington, vou forehead. primitive barter system with painted stone 13 8 ways to get a man to ask you out again. Mi 1. When he mentions "The Bears " FOR ALL YOUR know they're from Chicago. TRANSPORTATION NEEDS 8. Seem unimpressed when he tells •Tailored Toxl Tours you he scored a hat trick in the third period. •Package Delivery •Group Trans, (flat Rate) 3. Take his word for it when he tells •AIRPORT Service you that 1984 was a very good year for Chardonnays. 424-4475 4. Laugh at his Jokes, even when he m424-4508 forgets the punch lines. 8. Avoid, at all costs, letting him see you reapply your Hpstick. ST'GMAT.GBE 6. Order something more exotic than a white wine spritzer. 7. Compliment him on his taste in colors, even if he arrives in jeans and

a T-shirt. EDUCATIONAL CENTER LTD $• Tell him you'd ask him up for 1351 Mt Hope Ave f^^^^J (Near Elmwood) a Suisse Mocha, but you only do that on Rochester NY 461-9320 second dates. CLASSES BEGIN MOAT - 1/27, 2/11, 7/10 DAT - 2/13, 8/27 LSAT — 4/22, 5/14 Celebrate the moments of your life GMAT - 1/29, 3/19, 3/24 with C-eneral Foods'International Coffees. GRE - 3/20 SPEEDREADING — 2/25, Speedreading course available entirely on video tape at your convenience. PONTILL PIZ/J:RIA ONE FREE WATER BED 1687 Mt. Hope Ave. CONDITIONER Mt. Hope Shopping Plaza WITH COUPON UNCLAIMIzD I=I«£1GH7

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SPRING BREAK ATTEIVTIOIV "FUN IN THE SUN" RIT STCDEAfTS Nassau/Paradise Island from $369 complete Includes: Roundtrip air & transfers to hotel; 7 nights hotel E- 6 3-hour cruise; free admission Color SUdes fo Palace Disco; Drumbeat Hotel; Processed in the Waterloo Club; all taxes & gratuities HOI] FORT LAUDERDALE from $159-7 nights hotel only from $259 w/roundtrip bus from RIT 10% from $368 w/roundtrip air Student Discount includes: Welcome party with free refreshments, taxes, and gratuities IV rdit ()K turi-s For more information call Gory at

475-3597 or stop by 2771 W Henrietta Road Kate Gleason Hall Rm 5044 between 1 Block North of 8pm 8L 11 pm Brighton-Henrietta Tovvn Line Rd 424^90 LAST CHANCEI SIGN UP NOW! PORTFOLIO


Capturing the moment in time that would otherwise be lost has proven to be a constant and rewarding challenge. Photography has long been a passion and through my experience working on publications I have had the opportunity to meet a variety of people, from actors to politicians to murderers. Although RIT no longer has a program in photojournalism, my experience here was enriching because of a handful of outstanding professors. In addition to Reporter Magazine, I have had numerous photos published in Gannett Westchesier Rockland Newspapers and other newspapers. My future plans are to continue my education at Ohio University and pursue a career in photojournalism. BY Bill AMSTUTZ Filling the Vacuum of Educatlou SAIS Offers A Unique Educational Opportunity

Lir tuition is lower over here," explains Jim It is a little known fact that there are RIT forman, director of the School of Applied students who pay to park in the city of Rochester "OIndustria l Studies (SAIS) at RIT's City and attend classes on the first three floors of City Center campus, "but we have to pay to park in the Center They are members of possibly the most city. Believe it or not, it basically evens out " It unique offshoot of RIT —the School of Applied costs a bundle to park in downtown Rochester so Industrial Studies. be thankful for our parking here in Henrietta Your SAIS, according to Forman, "fills the vacuum car may be a mile from class, but it does not cost of education." He speaks with authority and a cent experience as he explains the maturing of the 'A



Operating the Jig bore, Roger Johnston works on one of his many projects at the RiT city center machine shop.

18 February 14. 1986 Associate degree, creating a need for individuals trained for hands-on technical careers. "No longer do people with college degrees hegin in industry at the bottom of the ladder. They start on a middle rung, leaving a vacuum at the bottom. We fill that vacuum." he boasts. SAIS is a reaffirmation of some of the original educational concepts of RIT when it was the Mechanics Institute and the Rochester Athenaeum. Initiated by the leaders of Rochester area industry, SAIS is one of those programs that confirms the feeling that Rochester industry must love RIT. In the mid 70s, leaders of Rochester industry met with RIT administration and voiced a need for skilled labor Trained people were needed in the areas of maintenance, trouble-shooting, and mechanics to work —w/fh their hands —on high• tech industrial machinery. As a result, SAIS was horn and has worked well The students enjoy it and local industry is ecstatic because they do not have to pay to train their employees anymore. They even get input. A hoard of over 40 industrial leaders act as advisors for SAIS. The future looks good because the programs are flexible and can meet the changing needs of industry. The average age of an SAIS student is between 24 and 25 years old, a good deal higher than most college students. They participate in only a one- year program The reason for this great age dif• ference is that many students attend SAIS for a quick change of career With virtually 100 percent placement into good jobs after only a year of school, you cannot find a quicker, more depend• able career change The school is broken into five separate pro• grams which include packaging machinery mechanics, drafting, computer service, machine tool, and automated equipment technologies All of these programs incorporate hands-on lab experience combined with a study of theory, communication, and mathematics. SAIS is set up to emulate a job Students at• tend classes all day long, five days a week, and are not able to skip classes without a valid reason. As Robert Klaufehn demonstrates one their motto states, "A year to learn A lifetime of the many pieces of packaging to earn!" When they say a year, they mean it The equipment at the RIT city center. school operates on four, 11 week terms per year, with a new class beginning and an old class graduating every quarter Despite its many shortcomings, it cannot he denied that RIT provides an outstanding education with specialization in diverse technical career pro• grams. SAIS is a perfect example RIT is cool Smile and he happy

19 NATIONAL PROGRAM UNE-UP COLLEGE AUDIOPULIA Our music in concert series spolliqhis such TELEVISION lumin^es as Phil Col- lins. David Bowie and HASARRIVCD! Tina Turner

THE National College Television WALTER WINCHELL nix is back on the air! Exotic Drinks: America s number one newspaper columnist. Coast to Coast, delivering Waiter WmchcU was Zombie, Mai-Tai, host and narrator of programs that go from New Wave this action series, to nostalgia, fromslapstic k Volcano Bowl, based on actual events Some of the to sensitive,from nutty to most dramatic stones Specialize in ever to appear on tele- newsworthy,from hot music Mandarin, Szechuan, vision, now an NCTV to heated issues. All on one channel! Cantonese CARE^TREE COMIQUICKIES Sunday thru Thursday 11:30-10:30 pm Comic relief zany Tune into NCTV on your Friday & Saturday 11:30-11:00 pm comedians, wry am mationsand other local campus channel assorted nonsense 427-0680 or in TV lounges. NEW GROOVES 368 Jefferson Rd. The alternative new (Across from Southtown Plaza) music video show, Bringing You charting both today's Rochester, NY 14623 hits and tom.oiTow's 'rends RIT

THE Tiger Hockey AOULT-CARTOON SHOW THE Adult oricnred selec rions from 'he archives SPEAKER of the Museum of Car- toon An Featuring Popeye Betty Boop. PLACE Bugs Bunny and other golden oldies Everything You Need! THE • Build Your Own - SPIKE lONES SHOW This -wacky slapstick • Save 50% & More music comedy show features the great, • Replacement Parts innovative jazz show- man and his original • Improve band The City Slick

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NCTV NEWS Updates on the latest news events and trends of vital interest to campuses across America With special features by Lisa Bim- Visit Our bach and Ian Shoales. Listening Room

424-3680 IS A PROGRAMMING SERVlCCOr _ 10:30 to 6:00 M. T, Th 10 30 to 9 00 W. F 10 30 to 5 00 Sat 3047 W Henrietta Road near Abbots Custard REPROVIEW Midler and Nolte—Down and Out

Picture a dirty bum (Nick Nolte) family has. Midler plays the part of causes lots of problems, because he pushing a shopping cart filled with Barbara Whiteman, a wacked out, rich winds up sleeping with every female in garbage, and in the background, the wife who gets her sexual satisfaction the household, even the maid. Talking Heads crank out their hit, through mediution (her own private Mazursky based his movie on the "Once In A Lifetime." The sights and guru, of course), and also through 1932 Jean Renoir film, Boudou Saved sounds in the opening credits alone are daily afternoon shopping sprees. From Drowning. What is sad about enough to grab your attention and Dreyfuss plays the part of Dave this film, is that it could have been make you want more. Looks like it Whiteman, millionaire hanger really excellent, hut instead it only could be an excellent movie, right.-' manufacturer, and a definite achieves mediocrity. The script is Well, unfortunately Down and Out in stereotype of the wealthy Beverly Hills hilarious, hut only when it is delivered Beverly Hills does not quite stand up with comic timing, which is what this to the expectations it raised. film lacks. Even with the let down in The two contrasting lifestyles are the comic delivery the film is still not evident right from the beginning; the had. Mazursky catches the essence of Beverly Hills' filthy rich versus the the wealthy elite with exceptional down and out bums. Nick Nolte plays cinematography that really catches the Jerry Baskin, a street bum who tries to bright colors and sights of Beverly drown himself in the backyard pool of Hills. He also shows the squalor in Dave and Barbara Whiteman, played which transients live through Nolte's by Richard Dreyfuss and Bette Midler. character. Dreyfuss, however, pulls Nolte out Some people will find Down and and performs mouth to mouth resus- Out In Beverly Hills extremely citation, which causes Nolte to hilarious. Others will he let down, hut respond hv spitting up in Dreyfuss' Nick Nolte arid Richard Dreyfus. not entirely upset that they paid $5.00 face. Meanwhile, Midler is ranting community, caught up in his business, for this film, because it is not a truly about how her husband might catch and also sleeping with the maid. Their had movie and it does have its funny herpes from such an act. son is slightly effeminate and their moments. Little Richard makes his Down and Out in Beverly Hills, daughter "docs not eat." Nolte gets major motion picture debut and he directed by Paul Mazursky, is filled taken in to the household by the symp- does not do too had of a job. This is with these kinds of comic gags, and athetic side of Dreyfuss, hut later probably another one of those movies repeatedly pokes fun at the different convinces everyone he posesses a better left for viewing on some pay problems the neurotic Whiteman strange wisdom which in the long run television service. — STEVE ARCENTO CAB sponsors concert without Kinks Believe it or not, on Friday night, on teenage fanaticism, Rick Dohn, the hand has had a rough time getting a January 31, a hand played in the Col- keyboard player, did not mind start in the music industry. Bast says lege Union Cafeteria. Surprisingly this autographing a fanatic teenage girls' that they have some people interested particular band not only sounded breast! Can Billy Idol say that much? in hacking them, hut as of vet they gocxl, but was capable of enticing a Overall the hand is a hunch of have no definite plans for the future. dead audience into dancing and hav- good natured, fun loving guys that just The energy and enthusiasm of this ing an all around good time by playing like to have a good time. The hand is contagious. They really like a variety of . The pierformance, members of the hand include Gene what thev are doing and it shows in which was sponsored by the College Micheal Bast (bass, lead vocals), Chris their performance. Considering that Activities Board, should have been MacKay (lead guitar). Rick Dohr this is just a part time band (for the considered a flop in regards to turnout (keyboards), and Dave Tihrio (drums), time being) Drama is in a very good because of poor advertising, hut to who is soon to leave the hand in pur position to hit it big. If the band everyone there it was a huge success. suit of a career with Robin Fear. begins playing originals and finds The hand's actual name is Drama, Basically the hand played top hits some financial hacking, we may he even though thev contracted as Ras from Genesis, The Police. U2, and hearing more of them in the future. Dras. It consists of a hunch of college Prince. Especially enjoyable was their As a final note, the Tech C'rew did students and graduates who have just short set from David Bowie at the end. an excellent job of setting up, picking the right relationship in order to keep They played a few originals, which up, and coordinating the equipment the hand together under a part time came off their two former homegrown during the show. I'nfortunatelv status. Although the hand is originally albums. Drama feels that the only wav Drama's performance was poorly from Rochester not too many fjeople they are ?oing to make it is to start advertised and the low turnout can be have heard of them. Thev have chang playing all originals, which is what directly attributed to this. Overall, the ed their name several times and they really want to do. They have had hand performed with quality and generally aim towards teenage groups some trouble attracting the public. energy that was well accepted by the who seem to exalt them as idols. Because of bad publicity, name small, hut enthusiastic audience. Although the hand claims not to thrive changes, and member changes the — ToDD BENNETT Get More For Your Used Books ! List the books you're holding in the Used Book Catalog

Here's how it works: step 1) Fill out the order forms provided below Title Condition: Fair Good Excellent Author(s). Asking Price $ Edition Your Name Publisher. Phone Number.

Step 2) Bring the order forms Mall the order form by with 50 cents each to by Feb.27 to: the table In the College Used Book Catalog Alumni Union on: OR: c/o Brian Wren Thursday Feb. 20 9 to 3 P.O. Box 63511 Friday Feb 21 9 to 3 Marketplace Monday Feb. 22 9 to 3 Rochester, NY 14623 Tuesday Feb. 23 9 to 3 (Check or money order only)

Step 3) We add your listings to an alphabetical list of hundreds of other RIT used books. Total Cost Number of books listed x .50 = Step 4) A catalog of used books Have the catalog listed by Title will be mailed to me +.75 = distributed throughout the Total= RIT campus on the first day of classes spring quarter. (Make checks payable to B.F. Wren) Have the catalog mailed to you early by completing this section and enclosing an addtional 75 cents (forward with order forms) Name *The catalog will be sold St reet for 50 cents Clty,State,Zlp each on the first day of spring classes, spring quarter.

A Service of UBC and the Graduate Management Association WRII IK\ BV BAR ION C;. KISKE REPROFOCUS Pn()i()(,RAFUKi) BY Scon DANIELS Can It Be? A Free Lawyer: Paul Vick

You are at a party of friends at Riverknoll Rochester-the clouds. As Vick says, "You more. He attended Buffalo University apartments. All have settled in for dinner name it. We hear about it." Vick has (1972-75) and received his Juris Doctorate on a frigid Rochester winter night. Looking counseled rape victims, students involved in law. Vick has been at RIT since 1976. out the window, admiring the light in apartment disputes, and students who In at least one way, he still hasn't escapied snowfall, vou notice a car enter the parking are looking to start businesses of their own, the academic environment. In addition to lot at a high rate of speed. The car fish-tails just to name a few. In one particular counseling students, Vick is the legal around the corner and spins its wheels incident, a student from the School of advisor for Student Directorate and all trying to accelerate. Suddenly, it slides to .American draftsmen was arrested for other student run clubs. He also teaches the left, out of control. Your heart Ivegins possession of a hypodermic needle, business law here at RIT. to pound. Your next breath is stifled hv a commonly used to inject drugs. But he was Vick would recommend an education in gasp. The maniac behind the wheel of this using it in one of his classes as a tool with law to virtually anyone headed for a vehicle is headed for professional career- another car. But it is not oriented environment. just another car, it is Vick reflects on his years YOl R car. There is no in law school as squeal of rubber on providing him with one pavement. All you hear is of his greatest assets. Says the crunch of metal Vick, "Law school gives grinding against metal you a problem-solving and the sickening shatter mindset. It teaches you to of broken glass. Before look at all aspects of a vou can get your coat on, given dilemma, attack it the maniac has put the in a structured manner, car into reverse and hacks and often it allows you to away. Bv the time vou get come up with more than outside, the car one solution. This disappears into the night problem solving ability as quickly as it came. provides well for any What can you do? endeavor." You can start by The philosophy of the talking to Paul Vick, a Student Directorate professional lawyer sponsored legal assistance serving as free legal program is that of counsel to RIT students. Vick can he which to apply glue. Eventually, with helping students to help themselves. At one found in his tiny office, Tuesday and Vick's help, the student managed to heat point, the demand for aid was sufficient to Thursday mornings, on the second floor of the allegation. necessitate training volunteer students in a the RITreat. He can advise you what legal Vick can do a lot for a student, hut he layman's set of basic law. A paralegal rights you do and do not have. He can also will not go to court for them. He can help course was developed through the criminal instruct you on how to file a complaint them prepare their own cases if they wish, justice program in the College of Liberal with the police and how to provide your hut he cannot intercede. Also, he can not Arts. Students who passed this course insurance company with the necessary try any cases against the Institute. could then become eligible to work in the details to process your claim as fast as Vick has a broad base of experience to legal aid office and screen out the more possible. If the driver of the vehicle is work with. His education alone spans 12 common problems students had. At the caught, he most likely can be sued for years of diversified study. He earned his present time, only Vick is available. While damages, and arrested for a hit and run Bachelors degree in history and (wlitical his schedule is usually full, his presence at violation. Information like this is not science in the tumultuous latter half of the RIT is not widely known. common knowledge to most of us, and as sixties (1967). He was not ready to merge The next time you find yourself in a such, it is subject to a high price for its into a country in the midst of radical legal hind, there is somewhere you can go disclosure hv lawyers. This could mean change. He decided to remain in school and without having to pay a fortune. Vick is hundreds of dollars or more. Vick's attended the Colgate Rochester Divinity extremely intelligent and knowledgeable of services are free. School for another four years. This the kinds of problems specific to students. Paul Vick is blue eyed, with a crop of prepared him for the ministry and he is He can also extend a sympathetic car in reddish brown hair and a demeanor that currently an ordained minister. addition to straightforward legal counsel. suggests objectivity and fairness. He is here Rich Holtzhcrg eventually persuaded He is worth getting to know, even if your to help students with just about any legal Vick to study law as a profession. So, after car hasn't been totalled. matter under the sun or-here in eight years of school, Vick went hack for

23 CO FOR THE GOLD. You ve just about completed one big challenge—your degree. Ready for the next? Go for the gold. The gold bars of a Second Lieutenant in the Army. It's no picnic. O.C.S. (Officer Candidate School) is a M-week challenge that will make you dig deep inside yourself for mental and physical toughness. When you come out, you'll be trim, fit, a commissioned officer in tne Army, and ready to exercise the leadership skills civilian companies put such a premium on. Go for the gold. It could help you when you're ready to reach for the brass ring. Captain George Blackwell will be at the Placement Office on 10 February 1986 to conduct interviews. ARMT. BE AaYOU CAN BE. "Join the Club!" Be Recognized by Student Directorate! If your club is one of the many clubs that is not under Student Directorate, now is the time to do so. All you need to do is have at least 15 members, one advisor (faculty/staff member), and a Constitution. (Don't forget to come and see our Director of Activities, Adriane Louard) Why should your club be recognized? —Insurance: Your club will be insured by RIT in the event of a law suit on or off campus. —Request for funds: Your club can request funds for the club for speakers, conventions, etc. —Programming: Your club will be able to take part as a club in special programming sponsored by Student Directorate.

Student Directorate! "Your student government here to serve you!"

Our three-year and two-year scholarships won't make college easier. Just easier to pay for. FA CFI if you didn't start college on a scholarship, vou could finish on one. Army KOTC Scholarships Yay for full tuition and allowances for educational ees and textbooks. Along with up to 51,000 a year. Get all the facts. BK ALL ^ OU CAN BE. CALL 475-2881/2882 and ask for Captain Hank Waters. We are accepting applications. APPLY TODAY! STOP BY BUILDING 1. RM 3161 and find out about tfie best program on campus.

Af^MV RESERVE OFFICERS JI^MNINC CGRPS SCOREBOARD Swim Teams Successful In Recent Action Sporting .1 third plate liiish at the places alone, it was the seconds and thirds invitational, and lost to William Smith. Iii

26 February 14, 1986 Tigers Tune Up For Stretch Drive The RI T men's hockey team went into its broadcasting hack to Rochester. The net. James Cotie found John Hinrichsen two games last weekend against weaker pregame show starts at 7:15 p.m. breaking in on the Brockport net for the opponents. They were looking to tune up John Bourhonnais got the Tigers on the second goal of the game, and Cotie later for the New York Ca)llege Hockey hoard first against Cortland less than three made the first period margin 3 0. Six Association (NYC^HA) stretch drive and the minutes into the game. John Hawkins second period goals and three final period playoffs. They did just that, hlowing out wound up from the point, and Bourhonnais goals (6 of the 9 on power plays) made the Cortland 18 3 and Brockport 12 0. The got a piece of it in traffic. Pete Schroeder final score 12 0. Schroeder led the Tiger nation's top ranked Division III team made it 2-0 30 seconds later when he charge with two goals and four assists. played well against much weaker teams in pulled a rebound out of a pileup in f ront of Hinrichsen, Cotie, and .Mark Dovie each both games, playing 60 minutes of intense the Cortland net, stepped hack, and added a goal and three assists. hockey and executing well in all phases of popped it in. After a Cortland score, the On the year, freshman center Scott their game. The team's record is now 2.5 4 Tigers hit three more for a 5 1 first periixl Brown has 27 goals and 35 assists for 62 overall and 14 2 in NYCHA play. lead. RIT would score a total of 10 points. .Ml three are team highs. With two RIT has only Oswego and Elmira left in unanswered goals before Cortland made it more regular season games plus playoffs, the regular season. fJmira is 12 2 in the 12 2, and the barrage ended at 18 3. Cord he will likely break Chris Johnstone's NYCH.A, tied in the loss column with Rivington led the wav with 4 goals and 2 record of 67 points in a season. Linemate RI T. The RI T Elmira season finale could assists, while Bourhonnais and Scott Brown Ritchie Herlx-rt is next at 20 28 48. Senior decide the title. First the Tigers must heat were each 3 3 6. In all, eight players had John Hinrichsen, having a career season, is Oswego tonight. The Lakers own a 7 6 win four or more points. third with 16-24 40, with linemate Cotie over the Tigers hack in December, hut RIT Brockport, using only 12 skaters (13 26) and defenseman Maurice did not play with the kind of consistency (including the third string goalie), managed Montambault (8 31) tied with 39 points. In then that it has going now. Came time to keep the Tigers off the board for over I 3 all, 1 I Tigers have 30 or more points, 16 tonight is 7:30, and if vou can't get to minutes before Bourhonnais put a rebound with 20 or more, and 18 in double figures. Oswego for the game. WTFR will be away in a pileup in front of the Brockport — DAN LONG Women's Hockey Downed Twice In Tough Week There comes a stage in an athletic team s Providence came out charging in the opportunity lor victory, as they spent more season when it Ix-comes its worst enemy. second 18 minutes of action. With RI T than one jieriod shorthanded. Mental mistakes and the flu have taken playing shorthanded. Providence evened This weekend, the RIT women's their toll on the RIT women's hockey the score 1:03 into the pericxi. ChHulwin hockey team is slated for two home games. team. Coach Clenn Collins feels this year's put the Tigers hack into the lead with a On Saturday, Saint Lawrence I'niversity extension in the .schedule is more than the helping hand from Jill Turner and Testa. obtains its guest status for a 2:00 p.m. start. scpiad can sufficiently handle. Providence retaliated with two additional The folowing game will showcase the On Wednesday, February 5, the Tigers goals. The final goal transpired during a Tigers against Harvard I'niversity. The met Cornell l^niversity for the second time four on four situation. Once again, the faceoffis 12:45 p.m. — BOB SALZER this season, hut were unable to duplicate its large amount of infractions hurt the Tiger's 4 2 victory of a month ago over the Ithaca based institute. Illness and penalties hurt Athletes of the Week the lady icers' chance for a win. Both starting defensemen began the game in Sophomore Swimmer ailing health. goa I tende r (^hris Martin Cornell broke the ice with a goal 4:09 Julie Handzel \Nas named into the contest. RIT responded some was named Male Athlete seven minutes later. Sophomore Lucy F e m a I e of the Week Gocxiwin tied the match, gaining assists Athlete of the for his perfor- from linemates Janet Testa and B. J. Week for two mances vs. Morgan. At the onset of the final pericxi, strong jx-rior Canisius and the score stocxi at 2 1 in Cornell's favor. m a n c e s .Alfred last Things went downhill for the Tigers, as against Divi- week. Against they were penalized eight times for 16 sion I hockey Canisius, minutes. This lead to five opposing goals, opponents. In Martin placed four of which cKcurred on a fxiwer play, a 7 I loss to second in the and 7 I loss. Cornell, Handzel stopped 23 shots, 20.I0 yard Freestyles, recordin g a personal Last Saturday, in an attempt to bounce while allowing five goals. I^st Saturday best of 1:51.32. Later in the meet, he hack, RIT went up against Providence aginst Providence, she allowed only won the 200 yard Breststroke with a College, the 1 984 85 National three goals and turned aside 25 shots in time of 2:19.48. Last Saturday in the Tournament champion. It proved to he the a brilliant, hut losing (3 2) effort. She Alfred meet, Martin went up against the Tigers most challenging compietition yet. held the Friars scoreless in the third top hreastroker in the conference. He Morgan, a right wing, put the first and only pericxi, but RIT could not tie the game. responded with a come from behind vie point of the initial pericxi on the Handzel is an interior and industrial torv and another jx-rsonal best time of scoreboard. Testa and Gocxiwin were design major at RIT. 2:17.45 in the 200 yard Breastroke. involved on the play. 27 TAB ADS

friend Know that I love you, Chardo on this next week' Happy Announo«m«nt« Valentine's Day to a very SPECIAL 8al*« and Sarvloaa Kathy.Can I have 100 more Valentine's friend Days with you'' I love you' Brad PROFESSIONAL TYPING: FAST, Gamma Epsllon Tau business Val, Sorry we couldn't get you that Birth• And on the Eighth Day, God said, dependable, accurate A Winter break meeting Thursday at 7p m Anyone in• day present, but how about tor Valen• "Leave RIT " February is dose $1 per page of PICA type, double spaced terested please attend Bidg 7 College tine's Day'" is name is Jeff, he lives in enough with ttiis ad 8a m-8p m 424-1231 Conference Room H Ellingson 9and he's HOT" From the Denise, Dad said he's getting too HELP WANTED—$60 PER HUN• RITISA—Get psyched! Get involved' old for the car routine, even though DRED PAI[i|1or remailing letters from Penthouse RITISH meetings every Wednesday, It IS a Jag home' Send self-addressed, stamped 5:30-6 30p m . CAU, rm M-1 Come Johnny R. (In Penthouse), Quit pick• envelope for information/application one. Come all ing radishes, aisle six is empty Please Jeremy, We finally caught you in the Associates. Box 95-B. Roselle, NJ restock the manhole covers Love, act Now we really do know Attention CD owners! Let 's start a CD 07203 R,A,S,K,N,V,S P S BE NO' If I owned RIT and Hell, I'd rent RIT user group to exchange CD's for making Amy L, Figure out ttKDse battiroom sinks and live in HELL WORD PROCESSING—Professional great tapes Call me at x3914 evenings on drunken Friday nights We know we resumes, cover letters, term papers, and RIT/TAGA RIT/(Technical Association Grover, Wipe that smile off your can't' Love, the Penthouse theses prepared with care' Experienced, of ttie Graphic Arts) student chapter face' accurate, letter quality Proofreading and business meetings meet every 1st and Digger Happy Valentine's Day from Ft Happy Birthday Suzanne Marie' corrections included Campus 3rd Wednesday of each month, at 7p m Lauderdale' Hey, you're more cuddly Beware of the blue trays today (but pickup/delivery IntelliType, 288-1025 in bidg 7 room 1104 All are welcome than Cleo and May combined Won't It could be exciting it you did—who Frats, Teams, Clubs!!! We will knit Jewish RIT/NTID students interested in you be my far away Valentine, hutf said thaf) Hope you get shaved Smak, Mg CUSTOM RUGBY JERSEYS for you in having a Stiabbaton or spending tradi• sides for your birthday any color or stripe pattern $32 each tional Stiabtjas with a (ami 1/7 Conatact L Dear Mike-Thanks so much for mak• Dad & Mo: Today is more than just Stevenson USA, 82 Broad Street, Flem- Levitan, Tower A mailfolder. or ing the past five months the best ever any Valentine's Day, it is the beginn• ington. NJ 08822, (215) 386-6047 475-6149 Happy Valentine's Day" I love you' ing of a lifetime of Valentine's Days (Boink. Boink) Kelly Hair Stylist—Curls, Perms, Braids (Ex• HELP! To the person who took my Be Happy Together" Jordan tensions), $20-$25 Please call after green binder notebook out of room 3215 Frank: Happy Happy St Valentine's Chief Kid, Hey, Now don t be forget• 4 30, 544-4604 (Soma) in the Liberal Ads Building—Could you Day & a Happy 2 year anniversary to ting you shoes and keys, ok'' Oh Overnight Typing Service: please, please, please return if You've me' Congratulations' I love you— xxx yea, Happy Valentine's Day' Resumes—Reports—Manuscripts— made my life a living hell My name is on 000 SMACK'" Sincerely. The Pink Kid Term papers—Letters—Ttieses—Disser• papers inside Thank you' Kathie Davis-You sex puppie So• Ed, Nice Tooook' tations Editing and proofreading Pick Celebrate Valentine's Weekend meone loves you Happy Valentine's Scott, No sexual muendos, sug• up and delivery if needed with songs of love and romance—The Day An ex-roomie gestive comments or obnoxious Reasonable—Accurate—Dependable RIT Singers present "LOVE SONGS," a Frozen Moments. Could we freeze messages—This.is just to say that I 271-6913 musical cabaret Show times Friday, 3am but. alas. It never arrives yet really love you and appreciate your Want a Job!: I wiii professionally February 14 and Saturday, February 15 Happy Valentine's Day. JZJ kindness and companionship typeset and reproduce your resume on at 8p m , and Sunday. February 16 at Bob. Fiori-ucking-da Ttie roommates Ttianks for sticking around As campus, quickly and at reasonable 3p m For ticket information, call do It again Happy Valentine's Day, I always. Bobbi 475-6087 prices Great updating benefits for Co• love you RAYMOND —Rosies, B-Gardens, oping students Call evenings x3914 Weeber Feet, Thanks tor an the tickets Epcot, M-Kingdom and the beers Nation's largest college tour operator Housing Good thing you asked me to help you were all great—This was one looking for campus representative to with Psych Please take me H20 Skiing, weekend that is not repeatabie but market spring trips to Ft Lauderdale or TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT we'll PCS" Happy Valentine's we could try" (Let's skip the Daytona Beacti For more inlormation, AVAILABLE MARCH 1 Excellent area Day'—Weeb Newark part) Well here's to "I can't call 1-800-323-8091 downtown on Alexander Ave , near Thank RIT for all the Valentine s Day believe I'm m Florida "—Ric Amnesty International, Rochester Park Ave , Separate entrance, parking, radio grams K2GXT—RIT Amateur Rich, Thanks for being mine You're group 89 Note cards, sparrows, faces, laundry, private storage room, carpeting, Radio Club so special to me Happy Valentine's outreactiing arms, abstract design Col• unfurnished, new paint, etc ONLY Day sweetie" Hugs. Jiii xoxo ors are brown, wtnte, and yellow 12 $375 plus gas & electric Call 325-2158 Congratulations to the CSH Hockey To Val—I would like to wish you a w/envelopes $3 50 Call 624-4904 or and leave message' team' Especially the leading scorers, write Amnesty International c/o Yui Brand New House, short nde to cam• Mike, Frank, and Craig Unicorn Happy Birthday and an enjoyable Zinaman, 46 Mendon Victor Rd Men- pus. Elmwood Ave across from After all is said and done, much is Valentine's Day—Love. Tony don, NY 14506 Genesee Valley Park. 4 bedroom, 2 full said and littie is done May the SUN Serena & Man—You two are my baths, wall to wall carpet, oak cabmets. stiine bright on everyone heart Happy Valentine's Day Love, CANON EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: garage, $895 per mo plus utii. Jenny, Happy V D ' There's only 12 Mom "Lay oft the candy please " F-1 body $295: Sportsfmder $100. 381-7215 more days until we are on our way to To Thomas —Happy Valentine's Booster-T finder $50, Motor Drive MF Lauderdale Betty, Freddy, and Eddy Day with love from your loving wife. $275, 24mm f/2 8 w/uv and hood $75, House tor Rent—(Duplex) Downtown Joyce How at>out Rund's for din• 50mm macro f/3 5 w/uv $50, 100mm area—near Culver Rd Immediate oc• can't wait Love, Jane P S Dead Frogs ner? t/2 8 w/uv and hood $100, 80-200mm cupancy 3 bedrooms, dining room, liv• do' f/4 w/uv $175, 300mm 1/5 6 w/uv ing room, kitchen, porch, alley, base• To Three TKEs: Thanks for the Sun• My Reach, Pauline—You are the $50. Vivitar series 1 28-90mm f/28 ment, wall-to-wall carpeting—For into day steak dinner and wine coolers nicest package I could wish (or on w/uv and polarizer $70. Metz 45ct-l call 654-7974 after 4p m Hope you guys had a good Winter Valentine's Day Love "D " as oppos• w/nicad ctiarger $50 Call 325-2158 For Rent —Brand new, four bedroom, Weekend Love, two TEPs PS Next ed to "T " and leave message two bath, house, near cam- time we'll bring extra ear muffs To Lisa Lisa, Have a Red Rose on puss—Available Spring semester SPRING BREAK 86 Party in Fort Molasses: Next time try to make it me Sorry I didn't call Skippy Reasonable rent Call 381-7215 Lauderdale Trips include seven mgtits to the mountain before sundown, Pause—I got lucky, when l met you. accommodations, an taxes and gratuities, and don't (orget your earmuffs Jane —Love The White Stockings" poolside parly as Summers, daily tiappy Psrsonals and Jenny While you see a chance take it— hours. Hawaiian Tropic parties, round- Find Romance To all friends of Bill W and Jimmy K Michael, Happy Valentine's Day' I trip jet and more" STUDENTS TRAVEL can't wait to celebrate, alone, with Pause—I'll stop the world and melt SERVICES 1-800-648-4875 We meet to do the 12-Step Shuffle (one day at a time of course') We re Always you witti you Lonely, Need a date? Can Available and Never Avoid Hard To: Loretta Miske From Jotm Kelly (NRH), Our paths rarely cross Datetime—1-800-9727676 Issues. Join us in the Conference White, Red, Thank you for being during the week, but I really do want For Sale: 1974 Dodge Dart Many new Room Interfaith Center (in the Union), who you are. where you are, in love to get to know you L (CD) pads—little rust Asking $400 Can even• 11-I2p m every Friday with who you are me' I love ya Marie: Happy Valentine's'Day Your ings 424-5326 Winter Weekend, HA! Nobody DAW—Have I told you lately that true love. WKH Overseas Jobs . . . Summer, yr RALPHED you're ttie best' I love you and I'm Too Shy For Your Own Good, You round Europe, S Amer , Australia, looking forward to spending a fan• To the Lonely Son: Where are you77'7 intrigued me with your note I'd like Asia ALI fields $900-2000 mo Wtiere are you^'/'^—One lonely tastic weekend with you Love TSW to meet you, and get to know you Sightseeing Free info Write IJC.PO daugtiter Hey Chicko! Guess what day it You pick the place and let me know Box 52-NY-26 Corona Dei Mar, CA IS—we'll have to do something Hope to see you soon, Laura 92625 To the Slime: Happy Valentine's tonight to tell our kids about And Hey Dudes: We finally found out Day. Love, your Tramp. Boston IS only weeks away, as well Wood Bar 3 wide X 6 long Great tiow to tell you apart Don't worry, for apartment or residence tiaii Lor—You are an amazing woman' Keep as. well, you know More adven• your secret is sate with us The floor Call Bernie or Jean, 272-1084 becoming THanks for being my best tures, more men, more stones, more Dudes 28 February 14. 1986 BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed

TKE Little Sisters—You are an in• credible group ot women —LET'S PARTY —Love, ttie Brottiertiood rmri-neLfier Senior RSA—It I am a rtL tawr' tiidmg betiind ttie apron strings ot t/OCKWOONHR NNEW5 MV aXK, Greek Fraternities ttiat must make you a misinformed old man hiding behind OfWW USTENm?/ ^ your unit badge number (340) MDYM M. Kerwin \ 1 If Heinz—Sorry I missed class Ttiurs —I was getting a gerbiiec- tomy Get a real apartment —Move downtown Alvin, I tiope ttie gobies get you to ttie battiroom before ttie balcony next time —gotta watcti ttiose memory lapses —Happy Valentine's Day Love you Amy UFO's are for real, Ttie Air Force doesn t exist THERESA —You re a very special person and I'm glad I met you before it was too late Tomgtit is our nigtit I M love you always, Murbie II \ % To the coffee club down the hall: 1*' L You girls are Itie greatest' Happy Valentine's Day' Kris To the Janitors m Buiidmg 8— Ttianks for being so talkative lately I can always rely on you tor a good comment R.B. I love you Happy Valentine s Day Love always. Karen IT MOKKS MtlH Miss Hennessey, I just sold ttie Hen• !CHNA;2Ef& a/r nessey Memorial paper airplane to a vyOUPrTWORKON OMGO?. tiemoptiiliac blood donor from Tran• WW. mas 5CHLARY ? I'm HfT sylvania for $1 million Do you want Mm, www your 7% 7 STH i»epic.' Appearing LIVE at AEPi on Saturday WyhT- evening. Feb 15 Still Kickin . a rock and roll band ttiat plays Neil Young, Allman Brottiers. Grateful Dead, CCR, and CSN Party starts at lOp m Robert Plant —Ttianks tor being my everyttiing Happy Valentine's Day MB—Ttie bunny tias been personified Almost all obstacles are down, only one more left I tiope you like your Valentine s Day Lifesaver Jill A. JABS: Move ttiem or lose ttiem" Oil—you noticed ttiat I did not excuse fw.. cAPtes. HflME yOV Seew 9ETTY drop off ttie face of ttie eartti' 800P RANOGUPWG «T LEAST Thanks" SLUGGER HERE RECeNTLY 7 -r>€NTV Tape H: Look—it s a tieiicopter from mmms. t«u. ttie sun'' Ttie quest for fun continues'" Beware Spring quarter" Hey Punkin: I m glad I gave you one more week' Happy Valentine s Day—I LOVE YOU TONS'" Your Buddy xox Kray & Troll: Hey are you brewing and if so wtiere is Bert when you need it" Happy Birttidays'" L & J Happy Birthday Hubby—Hope it s a good one' Happy I4tti also' Love, your wile Margaret Dear SHEMP, Happy Valentine s Day' Did I tell you how mucti I love you pom eca emso ixxm BUT MATT.' efmeo OMUPBPm today7 Wilbur HK nu£P our A oe/Y THtKF M»nJN6.* SMKaO A BOPi SiAfA '. AMP -mjCKAxu mom HIS ST, Happy, happy. happy UX3K ' rmfAAfMUiCYKAeS THe DftASKEP IVVOHO; TWMCS PMP IMSSThe msacsiyt Anniversary'" xoxo, Anne A HKT IfiPX mXATHe /*V»€K our WfTH ONB fCNL! HAVC JWSrjWWEP PfiMrrroN AMPAmMGJS MHOLflMNG. Hey! City Chicken will you be my RDUNP ONe... smgo Ywr'!}€ fPC6 BLOW 10-me UMUSA Valentine^ Love, Polak no 2 \ mo HecK.L. \ Bobby, Wtienever we are apart, you rr jpfHta still have my heart' Happy Valentine's Day' Your hot tub partner f Silly Bear—You re ttie best bear m ttie wtioie world and I love you so' Have a friendly Valentine's Day From the Bear with very little brains


MUSIC—WITR 89 7FM presents Just Jazz at 9pm Ttie Jewisti Family Senvce and ttie Bureau ot Jewisti Friday, February 7 witti Tony and late nigtit )azz on 'Round Midnight at Education Series "Intiumanity Ttie How and Wtiy ot 12am witti Terrence Call 475-2271 ttie Holocaust' will present "Genocide An Over• FILM&VIDEO —Talisman presents Paris Texas at Ttie RIT Singers present Love Songs, a musical view " facilitated by Margot vanderWalde at 6pm at 7pm and Desperately Seeking Susan at lOpm cabaret, at 3pm in ttie Fireside Lounge Call ttie Conference Room of ttie Jewisti Community botti in Ingle Can 475-2509 tor turltier information 475-6087 tor ticket information Federation. 441 East Ave Call 461-0110 George Eastman House Breaking ttie Stereotype Ttie Eastman Sctiooi ot Music presents a recital MEETINGS—Ttie RIT Community for Nuclear Blacks in Film ' Series The Wiz at 8pm at ttie (eatunng Philip West, oboe, at 3pm at ttie Kilbourn Awareness meets weekly at 5pm in ttie M-2 room ot Dryden Ttieatre/GEH 900 East Ave Call 271-4090 Hall Free Call 275-311 1 ttie College Union Ail are welcome for ticket information RADAR —Andrews dorm/Perkins (day) Perkins/An• Ttie RIT Finance Club meets at 7pm m ttie Alumni UR Film Series The Flamingo Kid at 7 15 & drews dorm (nigtit) room of ttie College Union All are welcome 9 15pm at ttie Hubbeli Auditorium Can 275-5911 ETC. —Ttie National Kidney Foundation will tiold a Student Directorate meets at 6pm m ttie 1829 room MUSIC —Ttie RIT Singers present Love Songs a Cross-Country Ski at Stiadow Lake, Penlieid Start ol ttie College Union musical cabaret at 8pm in ttie Fireside Lounge Call times are from 11am-1pm Call 244-8893 for up• Ttie Roctiester Wargamers Association and Guild 475-6087 tor ticket information dated information meets at 7pm m itie College Union Cafeteria Open Ttie Eastman Sctiooi of Music presents ttie Eastman Jazz Ensemble at 8pm at Hie Eastman to ttie public Ttieatre Free Can 275-3111 Monday, February 10 RADAR—Andrews academic/Perkins (day) An• Ttie Eastman Sctiooi of Music Eastman Opera drews academic/dorm (mgtit) ETC- Ttieatre presents Sing for Your Supper at 8pm at MUSIC —Ttie Eastman Sctiooi ot Music presents ttie A-804 Opera Studio Call 275-3500 tor ticket ttie Eastman Wind Orchestra at 8pm at ttie information Kilbourn Hall Free Call 275-31 1 1 Wednesday, February 19 DRAMA. DANCE & POETRY —Ttie Roctiester Nazaretti College presents The Big Band Gospel Community Players present ttie opening nigtit Connection leatunng ttie Nazaretti Jazz Ensemble FILM & VIDEO—UR Film Series Woody Allen celebration lor Sea Marks beginning at 5pm Can I and ttie Roctiester Music and Arts Mass Ctioir at Salute; Take the Money and Run at 9pm at ttie 546-6237 for information and reservations 8pm at ttie Gerald G Wilmot Hall of Music Free Strong Auditorium Free Call 275-5911 Nazaretii College presents ttie National Dance Call 686-2525 ext 621 Company of Senegal, Africa, at 8pm at the Arts LECTURES, SEMINARS & WORKSHOPS-SUNY MEETINGS —Ttie International Students Associa• tion meets at 5 30pm in ttie M room of ttie College Center Main Auditorium. 4245 East Ave. Call Brockport presents a lecture/demonstration by -1 Union 586-2420 for ticket information. ctioreograptier Kennetti King at 7pm as part of MEETINGS—Ttie intervarsity Ctinstian Feilowstiip Dance Awareness Week Free Call Call 395-2153 RIT Toastmasters meets at 7 15pm in ttie Alumni meets at 7pm m ttie 1829 room ot ttie College MEETINGS—Ttie RIT Gospel Ensemble meets at room of ttie College Union Union Call 396-2240 lor lurttier intormation 6pm in ttie music room in ttie basement ot ttie Col• RADAR-Wiltsie/Lomb (day) Lowenttial/Perkins RADAR —Lowenttiai/Wiilsie (day) Andrews lege Union Call 475-6991 (nigtit) dorm/Wntsie (mgtit) Ttie RIT Singers meet at 7pm in ttie 1829 room of ETC. —Ttie Strong Museum otters tree admission ttie College Union Call 475-6991 Thursday, February 20 from 10am-5pm to Itie Museum. One Mantiattan Ttie RIT Ptiiitiarmoma meets at 7 30pm followed by Square, to ttiose wtio bong a valentine ttie RIT Jazz Ensemble at 9 30pm. botti in Ingle Call FILM&VIDEO—Talisman presents Deliverance at Dawson Gallery presents Bcrat Spirits . works m 4 75-6991 7 30&9 30pm in Ingle Call 475-2509 brass and tiand made paper by Bruce Sodervicti Ttie Astronomy Club meets at 7pm in ttie 31 78 room George Eastman House "Breaking ttie Stereotype ttirougti Marcti 18 at ttie Gallery. 349 East Ave Call ol Bidg 08 Blacks in Film Series Rufus Jones for President 454-6609 25* Group meets at 5pm in ttie M-1 room of ttie Col• and God's Stepchildren at Bpm at ttie Dryden lege Union Call 475-6991 Ttieatre/GEH. 900 East Ave Call 271-4090 for ticket Saturday, February 15 RADAR —PerkinsA/Viltsie (day) Lowenttial/Andrews intormation MUSIC—Ttie Eastman Sctiooi of dorm (nigtit) Music presents a composer s torum featuring music of ttie Eastman School of Music Composers at FILM&VIDEO—Talisman presents Desperately 12 30pm at ttie Kilbourn Hall Free Call 275-3111 Seeking Susan at 7 30pm and Paris Texas at Tuesday, February 18 MEETINGS—Ttie Black Awareness Coordinating 9 30pm bOtti in Ingle Call 475-2509 tor furttier Committee (BACC) meets at 4pm in ttie Clark Dming information FILM&VIDEO—Talisman presents A Cold Day in Room on ttie mezzanine level ot ttie College Union Ttie Otf-Campus Student Association meets at UR Film Series After Hours at 7 15 & 9 30pm at ttie the Park at 7 30pm in Webb Call 475-2509 Hubbeli Auditorium Call 275-5911 George Eastman House Breaking ttie Stereotype 5 30pm in ttie (XSA office m ttie basement of ttie MUSIC—Ttie RIT Singers present Love Songs a Blacks m Film' Series Amazing Grace at Bpm at College Union musical cabaret at 8pm in ttie Fireside Lounge Call ttie Dryden Ttieatre/GEH. 900 East Ave Call Brottiers and Sisters m Ctinst (B A SIC) meets at 475-6087 for ticket information 271-4090 for ticket information 6 30pm in ttie Alumni room ot ttie College Union Ttie Eastman Sctiooi ot Music Eastman Opera SUNY Brockport Women in Film Series Miles to Gays, Lesbians and Friends Student Organization Ttieatre presents Sing for Your Supper at 8pm at Go at 12pm at ttie 236 room of ttie Tower Fine Arts (GLFSO) meets at 7pm m ttie M-1 room on ttie mez• ttie A-804 Opera Studio Call 275-3500 for ticket in• Center Free Call 395-2350 zanine level of Itie College Union formation MUSIC —Eastman Sctiooi of Music presents ttie Gamma Epsilon Tau meets at 7pm in ttie College LECTURES, SEMINARS & WORKSHOPS— Eastman Forellen Ensemble, featuring Sylvia Conference room ot Bidg 07 Nazaretti College presents ' Finding and Healing Rosenberg, Abram Loft, Robert Sylvester, James RADAR —Lowenttial/Perkins (day) Wiltsie/Lomb Our Missing Ctuldren ". a workstiop lor ttie adult VanDemark. and Robert Spillman at 8pm at the (nigtit) ctiiidren of alcotioiics and ottier dysfunctional family Kiltxiurn Hall Call 275-3500 for ticket information types, from 8 30am-5pm at ttie Arts Center Call Ttie Strong Museum Music ot Our Time Series 586-2525 ext 455 for registration intormation Novelty Songs at 7pm at ttie Museum Auditorium, Continuing Events— MEETINGS—Campus Ctinstian Feiiowstiip meets One Mantiattan Square Call 263-2700 ext 255 EXHIBITS —Ttie International Museum of at 7pm in ttie 1829 room of ttie College Union Nazaretti College Faculty Recital Allan Mosher. Ptiotograptiy/George Eastman House. 900 East Maeltiedron. a division of ttie Roctiester Wargamers voice, at 12 30pm at ttie Gerald G Wiimot Hall of Ave , presents "Blacks in America A Ptiotograptiic Association and Guild, meets at ipm in ttie M-t and Music Free Call 586-2525 ext 623 Record " at ttie Brackett Clark Gallery from January M-2 rooms of the College Union LECTURES, SEMINARS & WORKSHOPS—Ttie 25 ttirougti Marcti 30 Call 271-3361 RADAR —Andrews academic/dorm (day) RIT Counseling Center presents "Relax In Ttie After• Ttie Visual Studies Workstiop, 31 Prince St . Wiltsie/Perkms (nigtit) noon ' featuring relaxation activity including visual presents large format color ptiotograptis by Brian exercise and guided fantasy from 1-1 50pm in ttie Ogiesbee at ttie Mam Gallery through Febraury 28 Sunday, February 16 Wrestling Room of ttie Clark Gym All are welcome Call 442-8676 Call 475-2261 Pyramid Arts Center presents a Pyramid Satellite Ttie Co-op and Placement Office will tiold a special Project featuring works by Robbm Begy, Linda FILM&VIDEO—Talisman presents Spring Break seminar on preparation for ttie second ptiase of in• at 7 & 9pm in Ingle Auditorium Call 475-2509 Lesinski, and Cecilia Mynck at ttie Little terviewing at 4pm in ttie 3263 room ot Bidg 01 Ttieatre/Sweet Stuff, 240 East Ave , through March UR Film Series Marie at 8pm at ttie Hubbeli Register witti ttie receptionist m ttie Co-op and 1 Call 461-2222 Auditorium Call 275-5911 Placement Office in advance February 14, 1986 30 My leading competitor's large pizza weighs only about 6 oz. more than my medium.' His so-called large costs you $3.35 more. When I say large, I mean large.

'Based on an independent sampling of large pizza with cheese, pepperoni and mushrooms.