o CP <3 o <s> 05 <L ^ ^ c> q. Q ^ % C^ 6> Q. OOl 05 a \^ o February 14, 1986 comETfrs Volume 61, Number 16 Re|X)rtage 7 Reprofocus 23 Phi Delta Theta installed locally as part SD's Lawyer Paul Vick is profiled. of National. Civil Engineering Award given by Features 10 & 18 Departments Software Shop System Inc. City Center sports a helpful program Letters 4 RIT trains great software engineers. for Industrial Studies. Zodiac 13 With 6 inches of new snow, Winter H. Preston Herring promoted to Portfolio 16 Assistant Vice President. Weekend and the Chinese New Year Tab Ads 28 were very successful. T.AG.A produces student journal. Bloom County 29 What's Happening 30 Reproview 21 CAB sponsors a local band, unheard of but good. Bette Midler and Nick Nolte star in a new movie full of cheap humor. Scoreboard 26 Men's hockey continue to do well. Illness and sloppy play plague women's hockey. RIT swimmers begin to wind down their season. REPROHLE We at RH'ORIKK suhscrilx- to the old There are several items to keep in upon which I base mv selection of the adage "the jxMi is mightier than the mind when submitting a letter to the letters printed. The Ix'st written letters, sword." We would modify it however editor. The first is to make sure of the regardless of who or what they criticize, to sav "the pen is mightier than the facts. We do not correct mistakes other run in the magazine. Institute." We believe that policy and than spelling and punctuation. We feel Editorial replies to letters are used attitudes change when something is it is the authors's jx-rsonal statement, rarely. We realize that they give the spelled out in print. This week, and as such he is allowed to either shine, editorial staff of RKI'OR I KR the last RKI'OR I KK has devoted three pages to or hang himself. A factuallv incorrect word, and as such are unfair. If the Letters section of this magazine. We letter almost always brings a response however, a letter sufficientlv incenses could not Ix- happier. which makes the original author seem some member of RKROR I KR'S editorial Not only does it lighten the burden foolish. board, a reply may l)e printed. Unfair, of this staff, but it shows involvement Next, he careful about personal ves, hut that's life. and interest among the Institute attacks. We have had to withold communitv. Things we have been told publishing some letters because their rejx'atedlv do not exist at RI T. content came dangerously close to Most, if not all, the letters are slander. A printed slanderous letter criticisms of some aspect of RIT, or in leaves the author. RKIHtR l KR, the staff, response to something printed in and RIT open to lawsuits, something RKPOR IKR. That is fine. Every media any responsible magazine tries to avoid. We regret the change in printing quality has as one of its functions the Finally, it is the Editor in Chief who of Rt.l'OR t EH Magazine. The Technical responsibility to allow for the public decides which letters are printed, and and Education Center for the Graphic venting of frustration. RKRORIKR is which are not. Even this week, after Arts is installing a new press, and are more than willing to live up to our end allowing for three pages of letters, we unable to print REI'OH IEH. We hope to of that responsibility hv publishing were unable to fit all which were be printing on campus by mid April, on letters which criticize the job we do. submitted. There is only one criteria a brand new Harris M I()()() press. REPORTER MAGAZINE Is published weekly during the academic year by students at Rochester Irtstltute o( Technology. One Lomb Memorial Drive. Rochester. New York 14623. Editorial and pro duction facilities are located In Room A-283 of tfie College-Alumni Union, telephone 716-475-2212 Subscription $4 00 per quarter Ttie opinions expressed In REPORTER do not necessarily reflect those of the Institute RIT does not generally review or approve the contents of REPORTER and does not accept responsibility for matters contained in REPORTER. • Letters must be submit ted to the REPORTER office by 4 p.m. Monday Letters must be typed and double spaced. Please limit letters to 250 words. REPORTER reserves the right to edit for libel and clarity. No letters wlH be printed unless signed arvd accompanied by a phone number. REPORTER will withhold names upon request. All letters received are the property of REPORTER Magazine. • REPORTER takes pride In its membership In the Associated Collegiate Press and the American Civil Liberties Union • £ 1986 REPORTER MAGAZINE. All righu reserved. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced without prior written permission from REPORTER. 3 REPORTER LETTERS Magazine residence hails do not show me positive A Balanced View signs of change in "bad" policy. Thev Editor in Chief show me a lack of maturity and a fear of Kevin J. Minnick The RSA versus Greeks issue has gone far conflict in a professional manner. "The Managing Editor enough. The complaints the Creeks are Hitler ^'outh Croup, " "apr»>n stringed (ireeks" battleground. There are far more Bill Arnstutz making are essentially concerning the NY important issues to address on and off Executive Editor state law raising the drinking age to 21, and the open container policy that has evolved campus than the childish bickering we've Scott Stockham over the past vear and a half which is due been reading lately. Wouldn't it he more Mews Editor to a similar policy existing in the town of appropriate and Ix-neficial to organize a George Greven Henrietta. RSAs and Residence Life had meeting of R.As, RS.As, (ireek Council, Writers nothing to do with creating this policy; the and coordinators/advisors? Maxine Isaacson Ignatio Kang voters of this district did. Residence Life Carolyn Dateo Andrew Renna AAark Robinson became involved in seeing this effectiveness Residential Safety Aid as it is a resjxinsihliitv in their department. Tanya Farquharson SUN Member Speaks Entertainment Editor When patroling a residence hall area for five hours a night I tend to observe the Thank vou lor vour coverage of Monday's Kris Argento evening lifestyle t)f students. I lived in the kidnapping of Dr. Rose. .After hearing the Entertainment Writers dorms for two years, and I am aware of the opinions of many people about it, it is Dean Cummings Jim Winiarski need to let loose from the pressures of evident that there is still confusion Francisco Aliwalas Marc Evans school IK" it through a little partying. surrounding the event, and manv Steve Argento Trivial Pursuit and pizza, or l.ale \ight inaccurate perceptions. Features Editor l.etlerman. When RSAing, I am certainly Some people felt that the use of the Barton Fiske not snooping for trouble; hanging out in a words "kidnap" and "hostage" was Sports Editors lounge to follow the scent of alcohol to its inappropriate in this day of terrorism and under aged consumer, if that is the case. violence. The implication that these Catherine Pick Dan Long However, trouble dcx's find me. If a destructive acts could occur on our safe, Sports Writers student sees a vending machine vandalized, comfortable haven here in Henrietta was Chris Martin Robert Salzer I may Ix' the first jxrson in uniform thev indeed a shock to some, and mv apologies Mamie Salistxjry find to report the crime. Besides mv regular are extended to those who Ix-lieved that Dr. Photo Editor duties of safety checks, assisting RTT Rose was in danger, when in fact, he Grover Sanschagrin .Ambulance, and hx^king doors, I am wasn't. The kidnap was intended to cause Chief Photographer present to assist RAs, Campus Safety, and curiosity, not fear. most of all, the residents in conflict Some felt that the "demands" made Scott Daniels situations. If a student complains of noise \ 'ere su|XTficial and not reflective of the Photographers on their floor due to a party blasting music, real problems that exist on this campus. It Bruce Strong Jack Gruber and in the process of checking it I come is unfortunate that this was perceived, Scott Dlngman across a keg of beer, can 1 honestly he because in reality, the issues that were Calendar Coordinator expected to laugh at their fun interfereing presented are fundamental to all of the Tenrence James with another's right to sleep? Obviously problems and to the symptoms of these Cartoonist this isn't the case with most fratcrnitites, problems. hut in the same manner, can I really he Six areas of improvement were recognized: Mike Kerwin exjx'cted to ignore room parties or cups of Lack of communication is the number Illustrator beer wandering from (ireek basements into one factor in poor student life at RTT. Dominic Chiappetta lounges infei ing that there may he an Students need to know what RIT has to Production Managers illegal tap running? I must act as mv job offer, and it is very difficult to find out. Mils Morgan Geoffrey Schirm retjuires; contact R.As, ask for the permit of Students feel they have no effective way to the party, and even write names and ID communicate to the Institute. This is a Production Staff numbers on occasion for reports that I problem. Michael Ivancic Victoria Vavrinec must fill out. Students sometimes feel RIT has no Deirdre Campbell William Standwill My vocation is not to he an RSA human element.
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