Chec List ISSN 1809-127X (Available at Journal of Species Lists and Distribution

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Chec List ISSN 1809-127X (Available at Journal of Species Lists and Distribution Check List 8(6): 1134–1157, 2012 © 2012 Check List and Authors Chec List ISSN 1809-127X (available at Journal of species lists and distribution Noctuidae moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera) with Iranian type PECIES locality S OF Asghare Shirvani ISTS L E-mail: [email protected] Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, P.O. Box 76169-133 Kerman, Iran. Abstract: A list of 358 noctuid species with Iranian type locality, is proposed belonging to 21 subfamilies. Moreover, the original combination, citation of the original description and synonymy of each species are presented. Xyleninae, Noctuinae and Hadeninae subfamilies constitute the greatest part of the Iranian fauna. The highest numbers of species of these three subfamilies have been recorded from the provinces located in the Zagros and Elburz mountain ranges, by 95 (26.5%), 81 (22.7%) and 46 (12.9%) species, respectively. The genus Hadena Schrank 1802, represented by 29 species and subspecies, composes the highest number of taxa in the list. The map indicates the locations of the country and its main mountain chains. Introduction recently developed rapidly (for more information refer to: Iran is located in the Middle East where the southeast Hacker and Kautt, 1999 and Shirvani et al. 2008a). part of the country is biogeographically under the While checklists and monographs of the European noctuid fauna (e.g. Noctuidae Europaeae Vols) provided is bordered by the Afrotropical region. Besides the two complete information for readers, such a monographic aforementionedinfluence of the Oriental regions, region there isclimate, a Palaearctic and the region southwest that work has not been published regarding the Iranian encompasses the rest of the country. The southern border noctuid fauna (Shirvani et al. 2008a). Nonetheless, Hacker (1990) prepared an annotated systematic list of Noctuidae while the Caspian Sea is situated at the northern boundary. inhabiting the Near East and adjacent regions which Twoof Iran mountain is surrounded ranges by consist the Persian of the Gulf xeromontane and Oman typeSea, included nearly all of the data and information regarding (Varga, 1996) zonobiomes. First, the Elburz mountain Iranian noctuid fauna since the re-commencement of range stretches from the borders of Armenia in the exploration in the 1990s. northwest to the southern end of the Caspian Sea. Second, The present paper contains a list of 358 recorded the Zagros mountain range, which is the largest, crosses Noctuidae species and subspecies with Iranian type the Elburz mountain range in the northwest and extends locality. The provincial distribution of each species is to the south across the border of Iraq, terminating in presented with the synonymy of a given taxa. the Hormzgan province (Figure 1). Because of these specialized geographic and vegetative zones, Javanshir Materials and Methods This study is based on a literature review of published papers concerning systematic and faunistic studies on encompasses(1976) grouped the the most Iranian extensive vegetation area of coverageIran. into five Noctuidae material collected from Iran and is positively zones, including the Irano-Touranian floristic zone that supported by the recent faunistic expeditions carried geographic zones, a rich faunal assemblage is expected out by the author. Adult moths were collected using for Inthe the country. confluence By the ofend these of the different 19th century, climatic faunistic and light traps in different locations of the provinces such as and systematic studies on the Iranian Noctuoidea were Mazandaran and Ardabil (northwestern Iran), Khorasan-e- initiated by Christoph (1873-1874, 1877, 1885, 1891) Shomali (northeastern Iran), Esfahan (central Iran), Fars, Hormozgan, Kerman, and Sistan va Balouchestan (south and described. Extensive expeditions were carried out and southeastern Iran). In order to identify species and bywhen other a numberscientists of in the the moths beginning species of thewere 20 thidentified century subspecies precisely, genitalia of both sexes were dissected on the fauna of the Elburz Mountains by Wagner (1936, and stained. The genitalia and abdomens were then 1937) and Schwingenschuss (1937, 1939a, b). At the same mounted by applying Canada Balsam or Euparal mounting time, Brandt (1938, 1939a, b, c, 1941) was interested in media. Arc GIS 9.2, 2006 software was used to create the the fauna of unexplored regions in the South, Southwest geographical map of the country. The collected specimens and Southeast of the country. The most important faunistic are deposited in the Collection of Entomology, Department surveys regarding the fauna of the family Noctuidae were of Plant Protection, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. conducted up to the middle of the 20th century (Hacker and Kautt, 1999). After an extensive interval, investigations Results and Discussion have been re-intiated since the 1980s and 1990s, and have Compared to the total number of 1150 noctuid moths 1134 Shirvani | Noctuidae with Iranian type locality reported from Iran (Shirvani et al. 2008a), the subset of 249 Thalomicra Spuler, 1907; Polyorycta Warren, 1911; species and 109 subspecies, with the Iranian type locality, Gyophora Warren, 1913. constitute 31% of the total Iranian noctuids. Twenty-two subfamilies out of the total 29 Iranian noctuid subfamilies 1. Eublemma aftob (Brandt, 1938) were represented by species with Iranian type localities. Porphyrinia aftob Brandt, 1938, Ent. Rdsch. 55: 558. L.t.: Three subfamilies: Xyleninae, Noctuinae and Hadeninae Iran, Fars. constitute the major part of the Iranian fauna, including Iranian records: Fars (Brandt 1938). more than 600 species in Iran. Furthermore these three subfamilies have the highest number of type material 2. Eublemma agnella (Brandt, 1938) collected from Iran, with 95 (26.5%), 81 (22.7%) and 46 Porphyrinia agnella Brandt, 1938, Ent. Rdsch. 55: 559. L.t.: (12.9%) species and subspecies, respectively. Therefore, Iran, Fars. Xyleninae includes the highest number of genera. Iranian records: Fars (Brandt 1938). The genus Hadena Schrank 1802, (Hadeninae) with 13 species and 16 subspecies comprises, among the other 3. Eublemma argentifera Hacker and Fibiger, 2002 genera, the highest number of records in the list. This Eublemma argentifera Hacker and Fibiger, 2002, Esperiana genus, in terms of the number of recorded species, is 9: 264. L.t.: Iran, Khorasan. followed by the genus Caradrina Iranian records: Khorasan (Ebert and Hacker 2002). (Xyleninae) with 28 species, and the genus Euxoa Hübner [1821] (Noctuinae) with 23 species. Ochsenheimer 1816 4. Eublemma apicipunctalis (Brandt, 1939) The greatest number of species have been collected and Porphyrinia apicipunctalis Brandt, 1939, Ent. Rdsch. 56: described from the provinces located in the Zagros and 244. L.t.: Iran, Sistan va Balouchestan, Laristan. Elburz mountain ranges. Additionally, the greatest number Synonymy: guichardi Wiltshire, 1977. of the recently discovered species have been collected in Iranian records: Sistan va Balouchestan, Boushehr (Brandt autumn and early spring either in desert or mountainous 1939a). regions. Therefore, our results reveal the importance of conducting future faunistic investigations with greater 5. Eublemma boursini (Bytinski-Salz and Brandt, emphasis on the winter fauna of desert and semidesert 1937) areas, and autumnal surveys in the mountainous regions Porphyrinia boursini Bytinski-Salz and Brandt, 1937, of Iran. Entomologist`s Rec. J. Var. 49: (6). L.t.: Iran, Tehran, Karaj. Iranian records: Tehran (Bytinski-Salz and Brandt 1937), Sistan va Balouchestan. 6. Eublemma caelestis (Brandt, 1938) Porphyrinia caelestis Brandt, 1938, Ent. Rdsch. 55: 558. L.t.: Iran, Fars. Iranian records: Fars (Brandt 1938). 7. Eublemma draudti (Bytinski-Salz and Brandt, 1937) Porphyrinia draudti Bytinski-Salz and Brandt, 1937, Entomologist`s Rec. J. Var. 49: (5). L.t.: Iran, Tehran, Karaj. Iranian records: Tehran (Bytinski-Salz and Brandt 1937); Fars, Kohkiluyeh va Boyer-Ahmad (Ebert and Hacker 2002). 8. Eublemma fugitiva (Christoph, 1877) Thalpochares fugitiva Christoph, 1877, Horae Soc. Ent. Ross 12: 253. L.t.: Iran, Golestan, Shahroud. Figure 1. Geographical map of Iran, its mountain chains and neighboring Iranian records: Golestan. countries. 9. Eublemma jocularis (Christoph, 1877) Annotated List of Noctuid Moths with Iranian Type Locality Thalpochares jocularis Christoph, 1877, Horae Soc. Ent. Ross. 12: 245. L.t.: Iran, Golestan, Shahroud. Subfamily Eublemminae Forbes, 1954 Iranian records: Tehran, Kordestan, Kermanshah, Golestan, Zanjan (Christoph 1877; Ebert and Hacker 2002). Genus: Eublemma Hübner, [1821] Type species: Noctua amoena Hübner [1803]. 10. Eublemma leucota Hampson, 1910 Synonymy: Anthophila Porphyrinia Eublemma leucota Hampson, 1910, Cat. Lep. Phal. Br. Mus. Hübner, [1821]; Eromene Hübner, [1821]; Trothisa Hübner, 10: 154. L.t.: Iran, Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas. [1821]; Ecthetis Hübner, Ochsenheimer, [1823]; Heliomanes 1816; Sodoffsky, Iranian records: Hormozgan, Sistan va Balouchestan 1837; Microphisa Boisduval, 1840; Micra Guenée, 1841; (Ebert and Hacker 2002). Microphysa Guenée, 1841; Microphysa Agassiz, 1846; Thalpochares Lederer, 1853; Mixocharis Lederer, 1853; 11. Eublemma microptera (Brandt, 1939) 1135 Shirvani | Noctuidae with Iranian type locality Porphyrinia microptera Brandt, 1939, Ent. Rdsch. 56: 243. 21. Metachrostis sefidi (Brandt, 1938) L.t.: Iran, Balouchestan. Leptosia sefidi Brandt,
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    Provided for non-commercial research and education use. Not for reproduction, distribution or commercial use. Vol. 11 No. 5 (2018) Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences is the official English language journal of the Egyptian Society for Biological Sciences, Department of Entomology, Faculty of Sciences Ain Shams University. Entomology Journal publishes original research papers and reviews from any entomological discipline or from directly allied fields in ecology, behavioral biology, physiology, biochemistry, development, genetics, systematics, morphology, evolution, control of insects, arachnids, and general entomology. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Citation: Egypt. Acad. J. Biolog. Sci. (A. Entomology) Vol. 11(5)pp: 103- 125 (2018) Egypt. Acad. J. Biolog. Sci., 11(5):103– 125 (2018) Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences A. Entomology ISSN 1687- 8809 Review of subfamily: Xyleninae of Egypt (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) Abdelfattah, M. A. Salem1, Ashraf, M. El Torkey 2 and Salah, A. Al Azab 2 1. Senior Scientific Officer, Inter African Phytosanitary Council, African Union 2. Insect classification and survey Dept., Plant Protection Res. Inst., Agric. Res. Center E.Mail: [email protected] REVIEW INFO ABSTRACT Review History Based on material from the main reference collections in Egypt, Received:25/7/2018 light traps collections, National museums and other references, 44 species Accepted:29/8/2018 in 6 tribes (Apameini, Caradrinini, Cosmiini, Phlogophorini, Prodeniini and _________ ___ Xylenini) and 21 genera were listed. Some further taxonomic changed re Keywords: proposed. Taxonomic position, synonyms and types are included and Lepidoptera, photographs for available species are provided. This subfamily according to Noctuidae, the new taxonomy of Noctuidae and it is the first time to review in Egypt.
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    REDIA, XCVIII, 2015: 77-92 MEHDI ESFANDIARI (*) - MOHAMMAD MAHDI RABIEH (**) - ALEXEJ MATOV (***) MOHAMMAD SAEED MOSSADEGH (*) A SURVEY OF EREBIDAE, NOLIDAE AND EUTELIIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA) IN SOUTHERN AND NORTHEASTERN OF IRAN (*) Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran. (**) Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran. (***) Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ZISP), Universitetskaya nab., 1; 199034, St. Petersburg, Russia. Corresponding author: Mehdi Esfandiari, e-mail [email protected] Esfandiari M., Rabieh M.M., Matov A., Mossadegh M.S. – A survey of Erebidae, Nolidae and Euteliidae (Lepidoptera) in Southern and Northeastern of Iran. Noctuoidea are the largest superfamily of Lepidoptera which have not yet fully investigated in Iran. In order to inventories such important group, faunistic studies on the families Erebidae, Nolidae and Euteliidae were made by light traps mainly in the three Iranian provinces of Fars, Khuzestan and Khorasan-e-Razavi during 2009-2011. Totally, 42 taxa belonging to 26 genera and 7 subfamilies were collected. Among these, one species – Drasteria kusnezovi (John, 1910) – is newly reported for the Iranian fauna, together with 23 new provincial records. For all species, illustrations of adults and their genitalia are given with remarks. KEY WORDS: fauna, Noctuoidea, new record, Drasteria, distribution. INTRODUCTION using light traps powered by 12 volt batteries and 8 watt Black light UVB tubes. Genitalia of the specimens were While specific geographical situation of Iran promises a dissected, stained and mounted according to FIBIGER (1997) rich entomofauna, inventorying the large insect order with some modifications. The specimens and slides of their Lepidoptera has a great importance.
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