Volume 40, Issue 9 (The Sentinel, 1911
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LA, rAdk l .e eko It is with a feeling of deep regret that we henberg and told them that the critical position Ambassador had to say about the Polish-Jew- announce the ,death of !S. Ansky, the famous of the Polish Jews is only an afitermath of the ish situation. However, Prince Lubomir- Russian Jewish publicist and poet, who died a war and that even the pogroms in Poland are sky seeing the clouds coming and expect- few days ago, in Warsaw, Poland. Very few by-products of the war. As to the future, his ing the rise of a protest movement against Po- of Mr. Ansky's works have reached the English Polish excellency told the representatives of lish atrocities attempted to dissipate the clouds reader, because as a publicist and political the American Jews, that our brethren in Po- just at this mosment when a representative of writer he was only interested in Central and land need not be afraid of mal-treatment or of the Polish government is on his way to Wash- Eastern European affairs and could not possi- prejudice. Let the war clouds dissipate and ington to plead for a Polish loan. A Jewish bly be an attraction to the English reader, and Poland will be a paradise for the Jews. Polish protest movement in America against Polish as a poet he was only moved by strong political diplomats in foreign countries, are always cour- atrocities would at the present juncture, jeo- ,motives or, a's was later the case by truly Jew- teous and smooth and certainly know how to pardize Polish financial interests. Prince Lu- ish mo'tives, and hence could noit find an Eng- present themselves 'in the best light. Prince bomirsky by calling in the Jewish delegation lish translator for his works. But to Eastern Lubomirsky is no exception to the rule. As a had only one aim in view; to postpone the and Central European Jewry, Ansky's writ- diplomat, it is his ,business to 'be polite and to American Jewish protest movement at least ings 'mean a great deal and are of great impor- say polite words to those who call on him. But until the Poles have obtained a loan in this tance. Ansky was first of all a powerful pub- the Polish Jewish situation cannot be remedied country. Whether he succeeded in this enter- licist and his power he derived from the purity by such diplotmatic superficialities. In the bot- prise or not, the near future will tell. We. do o'f his motives, from a great and pure heart and tom of his heart, Prince Lubomirsky knows not believe that Poland will succeed in raising from his clear thinking. He was the most very well that the pogroms in Poland are not a a loan in America because among all the newly wonderful synthesis of poet and thinker, of result of the war. Why are there no pogroms established nations, Poland is the most disre- scholar and artist and his thought was big in in Lithuania, or in Czecho-Slovakia, or in Ger- putable and its disrepute is largely, to be as- content and beautiful in form. For a number many, or in Jugo-Slavia or in any other erst- cribed to its pogrom policies. The Polish maark of years S. Ansky was one of the leaders of the while belligerent country. The Greeks for in- today is nearly valueless and there is no reason Russian revolution and at one time was con- stance are by no means friendly to the Jews why American bankers should invest more sider.ed one of the most. powerful opponents of because of keen commercial competition, but money in the Polish swamp. On the other Lenin. Ansky was opposed to Bolshevism and we have not heard of pogroms in Greece. Why hand the American Jews recognizing the man- was himself the leader of the so called socialist are there no pogroms in Soviet Russia that is oeuvres of the Polish diplomat will not lay low revolutionaries. However, as a revolutionary at war with nearly the whole world? Pogroms either,, but-they will sooner or later come out leader he was respected by friend and oppon- can be ordered and encouraged by a govern- with a strong protest aigainst the Polish atrocir ent alike, and was considered a sort of a saint ment and can be suppressed by a government. ties and it can be taken for granted that such by all the liberals and revolutionaries in Russia If pogroms are to be classed as riots against a protest movement if well organized will make under the Czar. Ansky was too honest a soul Jews or any other part of a population, each an impression on the American public. to expect results from the Russian revolution and every government has sufficient power to * * * without chagrin and to take everything for suppress riots and if pogroms are organized Henry Ford who has made a quick career granted. The pogrom wave in Russia that fol- massacres against the Jews as they are in Po- as a pogrom propagandist and who is today lowed the first revolution made him revise land, each and every government has sufficient cooperating with all the anti-Semitic conspi- both his attitude towards the Russian people power to prevent such massacres if it deems it rators and intrigue m'ongrels in Europe and in and the Jewish people with the result that he advisable to do so. In Poland, pogroms occur America with the object of bringing about abandoned the revolutionary business to de- every day. The Polish government knows per- Jewsh massacres, for that is the only object of vote all his life, energy and work to 'the cause fectly well who the pogrom chiefs are, and if H. Ford's anti-Siemitic propaganda, is spending of his o'wn people. Since 1905 Ansky was busy it is resolved to prevent or to suppress po- more than a million dollars a year on a mass with matters Jewish only. His pen was dedi- groms, why does it not punish the pogrom- distribution of his anti-ISemitic sheet, the Dear- cated to the cause of his people and his work mists? The Polish government is strong en- born- Independent. Though the subscription to the betterment of his people. He was not ough to suppress the activities of the radicals list of the Dearborn Independent is a very satisfied with explaining and elucidating things and to jail everybody who is suspected of radi- small one, for the American people is much too to the public but was himself purely engagerd calism. The Polish government is also punish- intelligent to spend money on journalistic junk, in active work, cultural, educational and liter- ing merciless'ly all those who disapprove of Henry'Ford prints every week, 400,000 copies ary, and only a few days prior to his death, he Polish Imperialism. If it be true as Lubomir- of his paper and sends it out to 400,000 men established the Jewish Ethnographic Society in sky says, that the Polish government has no and women in this country. How much he Warsaw. He was also busy with relief work hand in the pogroms and disapproves of them, spends on other anti-Semitic propaganda direc- ever since the war began and gave away a good why does it not deal with the pogrommists as tly or indirectly connected with his paper, we deal of his time to collecting and distributing it deals with the radicals? If it be true that do not know, but we suppose it is quite a res- funds. As far back as 1905 he already recog- the terrible situation of our people in Poland is pectable sum. Henry Ford, a selfmade man, nized that the Slavic Jewish relations were a only due to the war and its aftermath, why is is quite a business man and being a business problem, the solution of which would be very it that the Polish government excludes Jews man, he would not waste millions of dollars difficult and would assume tragic forms. See- from civil service and why is it that the Polish just to derive any intellectual pleasure or to' ing the pogroms, he lost his belief in the good- government helps every anti-Jewish enterprise, have some fun. If he spends such vast am- naturedness of the Russian Muzhik and turned economic, political and social? The govern- ounts of money on pogrom propaganda he must away from him. He also foresaw clearly and ments of other belligerent countries do not have his business reasons for doing so, for it with the mind of a prophet the coming eatas- think that Jews should be excluded from civil cannot be assumed for a single moment that a trophe to our people in Europe. His heart bled service because of the war. Why is the Polish practical minded man like Henry Ford would for his people and whatever he could do to al- government so different in this respect from throw away millions only to satisfy a "theore- leviate the sufferings of his people and to rem- other governments? The guilt of the Polish 'tical idealism." His pogrom agitation has edy his people's tragic situation, he did with government is so clear and so beyond discus- some practical purpose, some commercial back- devotion and enthusiasm and finally he broke sion that no diplomatic superficiality and ground. He certainly hopes to commercialize down under the strain of work and suffering. smooth phrases can hide it.