Dynamics and Engineering 87 (2016) 63–81

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Three-dimensional P- and S-wave velocity profiling of geotechnical sites using full-waveform inversion driven by field data

Arash Fathi a, Babak Poursartip b, Kenneth H. Stokoe II b, Loukas F. Kallivokas a,b,n a Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA b Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA article info abstract

Article history: We discuss the application of a recently developed full-waveform-inversion-based technique to the Received 22 December 2015 imaging of geotechnical sites using field-collected data. Specifically, we address the profiling of arbitrarily Received in revised form heterogeneous sites in terms of P- and S-wave velocities in three dimensions, using elastic waves as 18 April 2016 probing agents. We cast the problem of finding the spacial distribution of the elastic soil properties as an Accepted 19 April 2016 inverse medium problem, directly in the time domain, and use perfectly-matched-layers (PMLs) to ac- Available online 7 May 2016 count for the semi-infinite extent of the site under investigation. Keywords: After briefly reviewing the theoretical and computational aspects of the employed technique, we Site characterization focus on the characterization of the George E. Brown Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation Full-waveform inversion (FWI) site in Garner Valley, California (NEES@UCSB). We compare the profiles obtained from our full-wave- Elastic waves form-inversion-based methodology against the profiling obtained from the Spectral-Analysis-of-Surface- perfectly-matched-layers (PMLs) Spectral-Analysis-of-Surface-Waves (SASW) Waves (SASW) method, and report agreement. In an attempt to validate our methodology, we also Vibroseis compare the recorded field data at select control sensors that were not used for the full-waveform in- Field data processing version, against the response at the same sensors, computed based on the full-waveform-inverted profiles. We report very good agreement at the control sensors, which is a strong indicator of the cor- rectness of the inverted profiles. Overall, the systematic framework discussed herein seems robust, general, practical, and promising for three-dimensional site characterization purposes. & 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction profiling of the soil shares common elements with medical ima- ging [17]. In both cases, elastic waves are used to interrogate the Reliable three-dimensional P- and S-wave velocity profiles of unseeable medium, and the medium's response to this probing is the near-surface soil have great value in subsequently used for driving the imaging. In the mathematical practice, and can play a vital role in the safe design of critical sciences, this process is referred to as solving an inverse medium components of the civil infrastructure, such as nuclear power problem. fi plants, bridges, and hospitals, among others. Wave velocity pro- Our goal is to nd the distribution of the P-wave velocity cp(x), 1 filing of the soil is referred to as seismic site characterization. and S-wave velocity cs(x) of the soil in three-space dimensions. We use a seismic vibrator to apply loads on the ground surface, Seismic site characterization techniques can be broadly classified which results in the propagation of elastic waves in the soil. Due to into two categories: invasive and non-invasive. Invasive techni- the possibly heterogeneous character of the site, multiple reflec- ques, such as -based methods, are costly and can typically tions and refractions occur. The time-history response of the soil provide only localized information of the site under investigation, medium to this loading is recorded by using geophones, spatially while, non-invasive techniques are capable of providing global arranged over the formation's surface, and is, hereafter, referred to fi imaging, and are generally more cost-ef cient. Non-invasive as measured response (Fig. 1). Arriving at a material profile can then be achieved by minimizing the difference between the measured

n Corresponding author at: Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental response at sensor locations, and a computed response corre- Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA. sponding to a trial distribution of the material parameters, under E-mail addresses: arash.fathi@.edu (A. Fathi), [email protected] (B. Poursartip), [email protected] (K.H. Stokoe II), [email protected] (L.F. Kallivokas). 1 x =(xyz,,) is the position vector. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2016.04.010 0267-7261/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 64 A. Fathi et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 87 (2016) 63–81

Fig. 1. Problem definition: (a) interrogation of a heterogeneous semi-infinite domain by an active source; and (b) computational model truncated from the semi-infinite medium via the introduction of perfectly-matched-layers (PMLs). the same loading, using a computational model. The computa- data, which are inherently three-dimensional, into two-dimensional tional model should mimic the physics of the problem as closely as full-waveform-inversion-based software, whenever the site condi- possible. A key challenge is proper termination of the semi-infinite tions would support plane strain assumptions. We demonstrated the extent of the domain of interest.2 We use perfectly matched-layers method's viability by characterizing a site in Austin, Texas [19].Inthis (PMLs) for domain truncation (Fig. 1) [5,15,39], since they are communication, we abandon the plane strain assumption, and con- among the best available tools in the presence of heterogeneity sider arbitrary heterogeneity in three space dimensions. To be able to [15]. A PML is a (practically reflectionless) buffer zone that sur- extend the framework described in [19] to the fully three-dimen- rounds the domain of interest, where outgoing waves are forced to sional case, various algorithmic modifications are needed, including decay. modifications to the forward three-dimensional wave simulator, per Obtaining the P- and S-wave velocity profiles of the soil in [15], to the inversion methodology, per [14], and to the manner the three-dimensional, arbitrarily heterogeneous domains, remains a field experiment is designed and the associated field data are pro- challenging problem. The inverse medium problem at hand is cessed post-recording. We use the mathematical apparatus that we notoriously ill-posed, computationally expensive, posed over a described recently in [13-15], and excerpt herein, but focus on the semi-infinite medium, and has challenging physics. Due to these three-dimensional characterization of the NEES@UCSB site in Garner complexities, and in order to render the problem tractable, current Valley, California, as a case study. To this end, we integrate recent techniques rely on simplifying assumptions. We classify these advances in several areas. Specifically, we use: (a) a parallel, three- simplifications as follows: (a) limiting the spatial variability of the dimensional, state-of-the-art wave simulation tool for domains ter- soil properties, whereby it is assumed that the soil is horizontally minated by PMLs [15]; (b) a partial-differential-equation (PDE)-con- layered (one-dimensional) [25,29,33], or has properties varying strained optimization framework, through which the misfit mini- only within a plane (two-dimensional) [3,12,19,21]; (b) assuming mization between the measured response and the computed response that the measured response of the soil at sensor locations is due is enforced [14]; (c) regularization schemes to alleviate the ill-po- only to Rayleigh waves, thus neglecting other wave types, such as sedness and solution multiplicity inherent in inverse problems, compressional and shear waves, as is the case in the SASW [33],or where the regularization factor is computed adaptively at each in- its close variant, the MASW method [30]; (c) idealizing the soil version iteration [14,20]; (d) continuation schemes that provide al- medium, which is porous, and, generally, partially or fully satu- gorithmic robustness [20]; and (e) a biasing scheme for the robust rated, as an elastic solid; (d) imaging only one elastic property, fi simultaneous inversion of both cp(x) and cs(x) pro les [14,21]. such as the shear wave velocity or an equivalent counterpart Most inversion approaches result in profile reconstructions that [2,11,27,28]; and (e) grossly simplifying the boundary conditions are physically acceptable. Validation of the inverted profiles, in the fi associated with the semi-in nite extent of the medium, due to the absence of borehole data, becomes challenging, if not impossible. complexity and computational cost that a rigorous treatment Herein, to aid in the validation of the inverted profiles, we use a set would require [11,36]. In recent years, the ubiquity of parallel of control sensors. Specifically, out of the 35 sensors that we de- computers, and significant advances in computational geosciences, ployed at the NEES@UCSB site, we use only 30 of them to feed our has created the opportunity of developing a toolkit that is capable full-waveform-inversion algorithms. The remaining 5 sensors of robust, accurate, and three-dimensional characterization of serve as controls. We compute a time-history response corre- geotechnical sites. sponding to the full-waveform-inverted soil profiles, and compare In this paper, we extend recent advances in site characterization them against the actual recorded field response at the location of using full-waveform inversion (FWI) to the all-important case of the 5 control sensors. We report remarkable agreement at the three-dimensional site profiling using actual field data. In recent control sensors. work [19], we described a methodology for accommodating field- The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: first, we review the simulation of elastic waves in a three-dimensional 2 The domain of interest is the region one aims to characterize. PML-truncated medium, followed by discussing a systematic A. Fathi et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 87 (2016) 63–81 65

Fig. 2. Wave attenuation via perfectly-matched-layers (PMLs): (a) implementation at the computational domain level; (b) conceptual depiction of amplitude decay within the PML.

Fig. 3. Equipment used for the field experiments at the NEES@UCSB site. mathematical framework for tackling the inverse medium pro- 2.1. The forward problem blem. Next, we report on the design of the field experiment, data collection, data processing, and characterization of the NEE- We review first the numerical simulation of elastic wave pro- S@UCSB site in Garner Valley, California, using full-waveform in- pagation in a three-dimensional, semi-infinite, arbitrarily hetero- version. We then compare the resulting imaging against the pro- geneous elastic medium, referred to as the forward problem. Due filing obtained from the SASW method. We also compute the to the semi-infinite extent of the medium, domain truncation is time-history response of the site corresponding to the inverted necessary to arrive at a finite computational model. Limiting the profiles, and compare them against field measurements. Lastly, we unboundedness can be realized by placing PMLs at the truncation conclude with summary remarks. boundaries (Fig. 2(a)), such that, ideally, when outgoing waves travel through the reflectionless interface, they get attenuated within the PML buffer zone, as illustrated in Fig. 2(b). 2. Theoretical aspects – a review The forward problem needs to be solved repeatedly during the inversion process. Therefore, having a computationally efficient The mathematical development of our full-waveform-inver- forward solver can influence the total computational cost sion-based methodology has been discussed in [14,15]. Here, for significantly. To this end, we use a recently developed, state-of- completeness, we excerpt key parts: there are two important the-art hybrid approach, which uses a displacement– for- components, namely, the forward wave simulator, and the inverse mulation for the PML buffer, coupled with a standard displace- medium problem optimizer. ment-only formulation for the interior (regular) domain. We refer 66 A. Fathi et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 87 (2016) 63–81 to [15] and references therein for the complete development and T RD {[∇+(∇)]+(μλuudiv un )}0 =gn on ΓN × J, ()2a parallel implementation of the forward wave solver. Herein, we only repeat the resulting coupled system of equations. Accordingly, find ux(), t in ΩΩRD∪ PML, and S,,(x t) in ΩPML (see ̇T T ¯ T PML Fig. 2(a) for domain and boundary designations), where u and S, (SSSn0ΛΛΛe ++p w)=on ΓN × J, ()2b reside in appropriate function spaces and: div{[∇+(∇)]+(μλρΩ u uT div u )}=0 u¨ inRD × J, ()1a

̇T T ¯ T divSSSuuuu( ΛΛΛρe ++p w)= (abc¨ + ̇ ++d ¯ ) inΩPML × J, ()1b abcSSSS¨ + ̇ ++d¯ T T =μΛΛ [(∇uuuuu̇)+(∇eė) + (∇ ) ΛΛpp + (∇ ) + (∇ ¯ ) Λw T +(∇ΛλΛΛΛw uuuu¯ )]+ [div ( epẇ)+ div ( )+ div ( ¯ )]0 inΩPML × J. ()1c

The system is initially at rest, and subject to the following boundary and interface conditions:

Fig. 6. A source located at ()=(xy,20,35) m, and four equidistant sensors.

Fig. 4. Field experimental layout. Fig. 7. Time-history of the source load shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 5. Theoretical time history of the chirp load and its Fourier spectrum. A. Fathi et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 87 (2016) 63–81 67

Fig. 8. Vertical displacement time-histories at the four sensors shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 9. Sensors used for full-waveform inversion (left), and validation (right), respectively. Control sensors are marked sp1 through sp5.

Table 1 Parameters used during each inversion stage. PML u0=×onΓD J, ()2c

Stage Temporal Normalized regularization fac- Cumulative duration tor parameter ϱ [14] iterations uuRD=× PMLonΓ I J, ()2d 1 0.5 0.60 10 2 1.0 0.55 180 3 1.5 0.50 350 4 2.0 0.45 430 {[∇+(∇)]+(μλuuT div u )}0 5 2.5 0.40 460 T T 6 3.0 0.35 500 ̇ T ¯ I nSSSn=( ΛΛΛe ++p w)×on Γ J, ()2e 68 A. Fathi et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 87 (2016) 63–81

interior domain and PML, respectively, and Eq. (2e) enforces the balance of tractions at the interface between the interior domain I and PML. We remark that at the interface Γ , Λe = 0, and ΛΛpw==0. We use a standard Galerkin finite element approach for the spatial discretization of the interior elastodynamic domain, where the unknowns are nodal displacements, whereas within the PML domain, displacements and stress components (i.e., uS, ) are both treated as unknowns. It can be shown [15] that the following first- order system of ordinary differential equations results: ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ x0 0I0x0 0 d ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ x1 ⎥ = ⎢ 00I⎥⎢ x1⎥ + ⎢ 0 ⎥, dt ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ st⎥ ⎣ Mx2⎦ ⎣ −−−GKC⎦⎣ x2 ⎦ ⎣ f ⎦ ()3

¯ st st ̇ st where M,,,CKG, are system matrices, xd0 = , xd1 = , xd2 = , st T T T d =(uSh,,h ) is the vector of nodal unknowns comprising nodal RD PML displacements uh,inΩΩ¯ ∪ ¯ , and nodal stress components Sh, ¯ PML st Fig. 10. P-wave velocity (in m/s) profile of the site obtained via full-waveform in- only in Ω , and f is the vector of applied forces. We use spectral version. The vertical section cuts through the domain from ()=(xy,30,60) (right), elements with a Legendre–Gauss–Lobatto (LGL) quadrature rule to to (30, 30),to(60, 30) (left). render M diagonal, and use an explicit fourth-order Runge–Kutta (RK-4) method for integrating (3) in time.

2.2. The inverse medium problem

Our goal is to find the spatial distribution of the P- and S-wave velocity profile of three-dimensional, arbitrarily heterogeneous formations. Due to the expression of the material properties in terms of the Lamé parameters in Eqs. (1) and (2), the mathematical framework relies on inverting for λ(x) and μ(x), followed by

computing cp(x) and cs(x) through post-processing, according to: μ()x λμ()+xx2 () ccsp()=x , ()=x . ρ()x ρ()x ()4

The inverse medium problem can be formulated as the mini-

mization of the misfit between the measured response um,at sensor locations, and the computed response corresponding to a trial material profile:

N 1 r T min1()≔λμ , ∑ ∫∫ (−)·(−)(−)uummj uu δ xxdd Γ t λμ, 0 Γ 2 j=1 m Fig. 11. S-wave velocity (in m/s) profile of the site obtained via full-waveform in- version. The vertical section cuts through the domain from ()=(xy,30,60) (right), +(9 λμ,, ) ()5 to (30, 30),to(60, 30) (left). where u is the computed response, obtained from the forward pro- where temporal and spatial dependencies are suppressed for blem, which is governed by the initial- and boundary-value problem 4 brevity; u is the displacement vector, ρ is the mass density of the (1) and (2); 1 is the objective functional, Nr denotes the total number medium, λ and μ are the Lamé parameters, 0 is the second-order of sensors, T is the total observation time, Γm is the part of the ground ̇ identity tensor, S represents the stress tensor, a dot ( )̇ denotes surface where the sensor response has been recorded, δ(−xxj) is the differentiation with respect to time, and a bar (¯) indicates history Dirac delta function, which formalizes measurements at sensor loca- 3 RD of the subtended variable ; Ω represents the interior (regular) tions xj,and9(λμ, ) is a regularization term, discussed next. domain, ΩPML denotes the region occupied by the PML buffer zone, Inverse medium problems are notoriously ill-posed. They suffer ΓI is the interface boundary between the interior and PML do- from solution multiplicity; that is, material profiles that are very RD PML different from each other, and, potentially non-physical, can become mains, ΓN and ΓN denote the free (top surface) boundary of the interior domain and PML, respectively, J0,=( T] is the time in- solutions to the misfit minimization problem. Regularization of λ and μ alleviates the ill-posedness. Herein, we use a Tikhonov regulariza- terval of interest, and gn is the prescribed surface traction. Moreover, Λe, Λp, and Λw are the so-called stretch tensors, which tion scheme [34], which penalizes large material gradients: enforce dissipation of waves in ΩPML, and a, b, c, and d are products R Rμ of certain elements of the stretch tensors [15]. Eq. (1a) is the 9(λμ, ) =λ ∫∫ ∇ λ ·∇ λd Ω + ∇ μ ·∇ μd, Ω 2 ΩRD2 Ω RD ()6 governing PDE for the interior elastodynamic problem, whereas Eqs. (1b) and (1c) are the equilibrium and combined kinematic where Rλ and Rμ are the so-called λ-andμ-regularization factor, and constitutive equations, respectively, for the PML. Eqs. (2a) and respectively, and control the amount of penalty imposed via (6) on (2b) describe the surface traction boundary condition for the the gradients of λ and μ.

t 3 For instance, ux¯ ()=(),,dt ∫ ux ττ. 4 See [4,7,9,10] for other possibilities. 0 A. Fathi et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 87 (2016) 63–81 69

fi Fig. 12. Cross sections of cp and cs pro les obtained via full-waveform inversion at x = 0m and x = 20 m.

A solution of (5) requires the satisfaction of the first-order 2.2.1. Optimality conditions optimality conditions [38]. We use the (formal) Lagrangian ap- We compute the first-order optimality conditions for (5) by proach [31,37] to impose the PDE-constraint (1) and (2). Specifi- using the Lagrangian functional (7a). To this end, the Gâteaux cally, we introduce Lagrange multiplier vector function w, and derivative5 (or first variation) of the Lagrangian functional with Lagrange multiplier tensor function T, residing in appropriate respect to all variables must vanish. function spaces, to enforce the initial- and boundary-value pro- We start by taking the derivatives of the Lagrangian functional blem (1) and (2) in its weak form. It can be shown [14] that the 3 with respect to w and T in directions w˜ and T˜ , residing in Lagrangian functional becomes: appropriate function spaces, and setting it to zero:

3′()(uSwT,, ,,,λμ wT˜ ,˜)= 0. ()8 N 1 r T 3(uSwT,, ,,,λμ )=∑ ∫∫ (−)·(−)(−) uummj uu δ xxdd Γt +()9 λμ , This results in the forward problem, whose semi-discrete form is (3). 2 0 Γ j=1 m Next, we require that the derivative of 3 with respect to u and T T ˜ −∇{[∇+(∇)]+()}∫∫ wuu:divddμλΩ u0 t S, in directions u˜ and S, residing in appropriate function spaces, 0 ΩRD T vanish. This yields ̇T T ¯ T −∇(∫∫PML wS:ddΛΛΛΩe ++ Sp S w ) t 0 Ω ˜ T 3′()(uSwT,, ,,,λμ uS˜ ,)= 0, ()9 −·∫∫ wuρΩ¨ ddt 0 ΩRD T which results in the adjoint problem, with semi-discrete form ¨ ̇ ¯ −·(∫∫PML wuρΩabc+ uu++ddd u) t 0 Ω ⎡ y ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ T 0 0I0y0 0 +·w g ddΓ t ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ∫∫RD n d 0 Γ ⎢ y1 ⎥ = ⎢ 00I⎥⎢ y ⎥ + ⎢ 0 ⎥, N dt 1 TT⎣⎢ My ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢ TTT⎦⎥⎣⎢ y ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢ adj⎦⎥ −(∫∫TS:dddabc¨ + Ṡ ++ S S¯)+Ω t ∫∫ T 2 GKC− 2 f ()10 0 ΩΩPML 0 PML T T : μΛΛ[(∇uuuuu̇)+(∇eė) + (∇ ) ΛΛpp + (∇ ) + (∇ ¯ ) Λw +(∇ΛλΛΛΛΩuT¯ )]+T : [ div ( u̇)+ div ( u )+ div ( u¯ )]0 d dt . w epw ()7a 5 See Appendix A for the definition and notation. 70 A. Fathi et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 87 (2016) 63–81

Fig. 13. Cross sections of cp and cs obtained via full-waveform inversion at x = 40 m and x = 60 m.

¯ adj adj ̇ adj adj T TT where y0 = d , y1 = d , y2 = d , d =(wTh, h ) is the vector of nodal unknowns comprising discrete values of w in ΩΩ¯ RD∪ ¯ PML and discrete values of T only in Ω¯ PML, and fadj is a vector com- prising the misfit at sensor locations.6 Moreover, system matrices M,,,CKG, are identical to those of the forward problem. We remark that the adjoint problem (10) is a final-value pro-

blem (i.e., y00()=T , y01()=T , and y02()=T ), and thus, is solved backwards in time.7 We use spectral elements to render M diag- onal, and employ an explicit RK-4 scheme to integrate (10) in time [14]. Lastly, we require vanishing derivatives of 3 with respect to λ and μ in directions λ˜ and μ˜, which yield the gradients with respect to λ and μ, respectively:

3′()(uSwT,, ,,,λμλ˜)= 0, ()11a

3′()(uSwT,, ,,,λμμ˜)= 0. ()11b

Fig. 14. Poisson's ratio obtained via processing of the full-waveform inversion 6 Superscript “adj” refers to the adjoint problem. profiles. 7 See [22,35] for alternative approaches. A. Fathi et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 87 (2016) 63–81 71

Discretization of (11) results in: regularization-part and misfit-part of gλ and gμ. We refer to [14] for matrix and vector definitions, guidelines for selecting the ˜ λ λλ Mg=+Rλ g g , reg mis ()12a regularization factors Rλ, Rμ, and a comprehensive treatment of the inverse medium problem in three-dimensional PML-truncated domains. ˜ μ μμ Mg=+Rμ greg g mis, ()12b 2.2.2. Gradient-based optimization λ where M˜ is a mass-like matrix, g and gμ are the vector of discrete In a gradient-based scheme, discrete material properties are λ μ λ μ values of the gradient for and , respectively, and greg, greg and updated iteratively, using the gradient of the objective functional (5) with respect to λ and μ, until the misfit is minimized. We start gλ , gμ are the associated vectors corresponding to the mis mis with an assumed initial spatial distribution of the material para- meters λ(x) and μ(x), and solve the state problem (3) to obtain st T T T fi d =(uSh,,h ). With the mis t known, we solve the adjoint pro- adj T TT blem (10) and obtain d =(wTh, h ). With uh and wh known, the (reduced) material gradients, i.e., gλ and gμ, can be computed from (12). Next, the vector of material values, at iteration k + 1, can be obtained by using a search direction via:

Fig. 15. Locations of the SASW-method array lines. (For interpretation of the re- ferences to color in this figure caption, the reader is referred to the web version of fi this paper.) Fig. 17. Inverted pro le for cs via the SASW method.

Fig. 16. Comparison of site shear wave velocity profiles obtained via SASW and full-waveform inversion (FWI); SASW profile is horizontally layered; FWI is spatially variable: profiles are shown along 3 array lines at y = 10 m, 30 m, 50 m. 72 A. Fathi et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 87 (2016) 63–81

Fig. 18. Comparison of measured surface displacement time-histories against those resulting from the SASW and full-waveform-inversion-based profiles at the control sensors (sensors not used for the full-waveform inversion).

λλ 3. Field experiments λλkkkk+1 =+α s , ()13a

We report next on the design and data processing of two field μμ experiments that we performed at the NEES@UCSB site in Garner μμ=+αkks , ()13b kk+1 Valley, California. The first field experiment is aimed at collecting fi λ μ data for the three-dimensional cp and cs pro ling of the site, where λ and μ comprise the vector of discrete values for and , using the full-waveform inversion methodology discussed earlier, λ μ λ μ respectively, αk , αk are step lengths, and sk , sk are the search and the second experiment seeks to collect data for re- directions for λk and μk. Herein, we use the L-BFGS method to constructing a one-dimensional cs profile, using the SASW compute the search directions [26].8 Moreover, to ensure sufficient method. We first introduce the equipment that we used in the decrease of the objective functional at each inversion iteration, we field experiments, followed by the experimental layout. Next, we employ an Armijo backtracking line search [26]. Furthermore, to discuss the key characteristics of the surface load signal, and alleviate the ill-posedness, and assist the inversion process, we comment on the post-processing needs of the collected data. We fi bias the search direction of λ based on that of μ at the early then present the full-waveform-inversion-based cp and cs pro les fi iterations of the inversion process, as detailed in [14]. of the site, and compare them against the cs pro ling obtained from the SASW method. Lastly, we show simulated time-history response at control sensor locations due to the soil profiles ob- tained from the full-waveform inversion, and that of the SASW 8 We store m¼15 L-BFGS vectors. method. We compare the simulated time histories with actual A. Fathi et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 87 (2016) 63–81 73

Fig. 19. Comparison of measured surface displacement time-histories against those resulting from the full-waveform-based inversion and SASW ( x = 0m).

field measurements in an attempt to assess the quality of the We consider a portion of the site of length and width 66 m × inversion. 68 m, and 40 m depth. The experiment layout is shown in Fig. 4. The main grid lines are 10 m apart. The sensors are shown with 3.1. Field equipment (black) solid circles, while sources are indicated by (red) squares. Overall, we “shake” the site at 12 locations, and record the site's We use the T-Rex Vibroseis of the NEES@UTexas equipment site response using 35 sensors. The experiment was performed on for applying loads on the ground surface (Fig. 3(a)). The equipment March 13, 2012 [6]. can apply vertical loads with a maximum force amplitude of 267 kN within a frequency range of 12–120 Hz. The Vibroseis is 3.3. Surface load signal characteristics also capable of applying loads outside this frequency range, albeit, at a lower amplitude. We record the resulting motion on the Loads that have a broad range of frequencies can probe the site ground surface with 1-Hz geophones (Fig. 3(b)). more effectively than those containing only a few frequencies. In this study, we use chirps, since their frequency content can be adjusted to 3.2. Experimental site and layout increase progressively from low to higher frequencies with respect to time. They have been used successfully in site characterization [19], We aim at the seismic site characterization of a subregion of the and are also common in radar and other geophysical applications. [email protected] Specifically, we use a linear chirp of the form: valley, within the Peninsular Ranges batholith, 23 km east of Hemet, ⎛ ⎛ kt ⎞ ⎞ 20 km southwest of Palm Springs, and is situated just 7 km from the f ()=tfsin⎜ 2π⎜ + ⎟t⎟, ⎝ ⎝ 0 ⎠ ⎠ San Jacinto , and 35 km from the San Andreas fault [1]. 2 74 A. Fathi et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 87 (2016) 63–81

Fig. 20. Comparison of measured surface displacement time-histories against those resulting from the full-waveform-based inversion ( x =+ 10 m).

where f0 is the starting frequency, typically decided based on the We remark that T-Rex is unable to generate a chirp signal in its geophone's resonant frequency, and k is the chirp rate, which con- exact form, nor is this vital. Thus, by installing accelerometers on trols how fast the frequency content of the signal increases with its baseplate, we compute the force that the equipment applies on the ground surface. This load is then used in the solution of the respect to time. We use characteristic parameters f0 = 3Hz,and k = 2.8 s−2, with a total active time duration of 2.5 s, which results in forward problem (3). a loading signal with strong frequency components within the range of 3–10 Hz. Fig. 5 shows the (theoretical) time history of the load and 3.4. Processing of the collected field data its corresponding Fourier spectrum. It is worth mentioning that for the numerical solution of the The recorded field data is inevitably contaminated with noise. We adjoint problem (10), and evaluation of the gradients (12), solution identify the parts of the signal (in the frequency-domain) with low history of the state variables9 is required at all time steps. Thus, a signal-to-noise ratio, and eliminate them, by using an equiripple fi- signal with a longer time duration may necessitate more storage10 nite-impulse-response (FIR) filter, which preserves the signal's phase in addition to increasing the computational cost. Therefore, the information [32].Specifically, we use a bandpass filter, with high and temporal duration of the signal should be only long enough to low cuts of 1.5 Hz and 14 Hz, respectively, and high and low slopes of probe the site effectively. 66.6 dB/Hz and 15 db/Hz, respectively. We use a sampling frequency of 200 Hz for digital data collection, which, according to the Nyquist sampling theorem [32], is adequate, and prevents aliasing, if the 9 Storage of the adjoint variables can be avoided by updating the gradients on recorded data is contaminated with noise up to 100 Hz. Moreover, to the fly, while solving the adjoint problem backwards in time. fi 10 Checkpointing strategies may be exploited to relieve storage requirements, reduce the effects of ambient noise, we repeat each loading ve albeit at additional computational cost [11]. times, and use the averaged recording for inversion. A. Fathi et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 87 (2016) 63–81 75

Fig. 21. Comparison of measured surface displacement time-histories against those resulting from the full-waveform-based inversion ( x =+ 30 m).

Next, we present a subset of the processed recorded motion at 5 control sensors to validate the resulting profiles. The two sets of select sensor locations. Specifically, we consider the displacement sensors are shown in Fig. 9. time-history at four sensors, placed at ()=()(xy, 0,60, 40,60, ) We consider a cubic (regular) domain of length, width, and depth ()(0, 10 , 40, 10) m, due to loading at ()=(xy,20,35) m. These 66 m×× 68 m 40 m. A 10 m-thick PML is placed at the truncation −1 sensors are equidistant from the source, and are shown with solid boundaries. For the PML parameters, we choose αo = 5, βo = 500 s , circles in Fig. 6, while the source is indicated by a square. The load and a quadratic profile for the attenuation functions, i.e., m¼2(see and displacement time-histories at these locations are shown in [15] for notation and other details regarding the PML parameters). 3 Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. Fig. 8 depicts both the raw sensor re- The mass density is considered to be ρ¼1760 kg/m for 3 cordings, as as the processed records, per the earlier outlined −≤≤2m z 0, ρ = 1880 kg/m for −≤≤−4mz 2m,and procedure. Notice that, although there is general agreement be- ρ = 2000 kg/m3 for −≤≤−40 mz 4 m,accordingtopriorsite tween the time-histories of the equidistant sensors, there are investigations.11 The material properties at the interfaces ΓI are ex- differences, which are indicative of the heterogeneity of the site. tended into the PML. The interior and PML domains are discretized by quadratic hexahedral spectral elements with 2 m sides (i.e., 27- noded bricks, and quadratic–quadratic pairs of approximation for 3.5. Full-waveform inversion using field data displacement and stress components in the PML, and, also, quadratic approximation for material properties). The time step is Δ=t 10−3 s. Based on the inversion framework discussed in the preceding This discretization leads to 2,433,408 state unknowns, and 379,086 sections, we use the collected field data to compute the three-di- material parameters. To probe the site, we use the chirp signal mensional cp and cs profiles of the probed site. From the 35 sensors where the time-history response of the site was recorded, we use only 30 of them to drive the inversion, and use the remaining 11 We do not invert for the mass density. 76 A. Fathi et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 87 (2016) 63–81

Fig. 22. Comparison of measured surface displacement time-histories against those resulting from the full-waveform-based inversion ( x =+ 40 m). discussed in Section 3.3. Owing to linearity, we apply all of the 12 optimizer. For instance, a smoothed profile obtained from the loads simultaneously, and consider their superimposed responses at SASW method may be used as the initial guess: specifically, we each sensor location, after synchronizing the recorded response. performed SASW at one location, smoothed out the staircase, Due to the construction of the chirps, their frequency content layered profile the SASW produced, and used it as initial guess for increases with time, which can be exploited to advantage by fur- the three-dimensional full-waveform inversion. ther regularizing the inversion process. That is, we start with a After 500 iterations, the misfit between the measured response portion of the signal to drive inversion, and as the inversion and the computed response becomes reasonably small, with no evolves, we increase the temporal duration of the signal, thus, strong update for the material parameters. The corresponding three- fi progressively including higher frequencies, which allows for pro- dimensional cp and cs pro les for the Garner Valley site are shown in file refinement [19,23,24]. Table 1 shows the details of this process. Figs. 10 and 11, respectively, whereas Figs. 12 and 13 show the cross The inversion process begins with an initial guess for the ma- sections of the velocity profiles at x = 0, 20, 40,and60m.These terial profiles, which is then updated iteratively, until the objective profiles indicate that the site under investigation is heterogeneous. fi functional (5) is minimized. The speed of convergence, and even Having obtained the cp(x) and cs(x) pro les, we then seek to compute the success of the inversion itself, relies heavily on the initial as- Poisson's ratio ν()x everywhere in the probed region.13 Poisson's ratio sumption for the material profiles. Although, in principle, it is distribution is shown in Fig. 14. Except for a small region, con- possible to start with a homogeneous initial guess,12 oftentimes, centrated around x = 60 m, Poisson's ratio varies between 0.30 and prior information about the site may be of assistance to the 0.35, which is quite reasonable. Since the P- and S-wave velocities

12 A homogeneous initial guess may necessitate a multi-scale approach, using a 13 The computation is based on post-processing the inverted-for distributions sequence of finer grids, to avoid trapping in local minima [8,16]. of the Lamé parameters λ(x) and μ(x), according to ν()=()xxxxλλμ/2 (()+()). A. Fathi et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 87 (2016) 63–81 77

Fig. 23. Comparison of measured surface displacement time-histories against those resulting from the full-waveform-based inversion ( x =+ 60 m).

were obtained by simultaneously inverting for both velocities, and curve, by assuming a trial distribution for the material properties of a since we had not imposed a constraint on Poisson's ratio, the fact that layered profile; and (c) varying the material properties of the layered Poisson's ratio ended up being within a narrow and physically ac- profile, and repeating the previous step, until a match between the ceptable range is a strong indicator of the correctness of the inverted experimental dispersion curve, and the theoretical dispersion curve profiles. is attained [18,33]. fi We performed eld tests using the SASW method to obtain the cs profile of the site along two array lines. The profiles are obtained 3.6. Comparison with SASW along x = 0mand 40 m, which are marked with red lines in Fig. 15, and are shown in Fig. 16. The corresponding c profiles obtained from fi s Having obtained the cp and cs pro les of the site via full-wave- the full-waveform inversion at three different locations along these fi form inversion, next, we compare them against the cs pro le ob- lines are also shown in these plots. There is very good agreement tained from the SASW method. While full-waveform inversion uses between the profiles at near-surface regions (top 25 m), while at the the complete waveform of the recorded response at sensor locations, fi deeper part of the site, the full-waveform-inversion-based cs-pro le and is capable of imaging three-dimensional, arbitrarily hetero- predicts lower values than those obtained via SASW. geneous formations, SASW considers only surface (Raleigh) waves, and outputs a one-dimensional layered profilefortheshearwave 3.7. Time-history comparisons at sensor locations velocity:themethodreliesonthedispersivenatureofRaleighwaves in layered media. A material profile, based on the SASW method, is We compute the time-history response corresponding to obtained by: (a) constructing an experimental dispersion curve, a forward wave simulation of the site, based on profiles based on a field experiment; (b) constructing a theoretical dispersion obtained from full-waveform inversion and that of the SASW 78 A. Fathi et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 87 (2016) 63–81

Fig. 24. Comparison of measured surface displacement time-histories against those resulting from the full-waveform-inversion-based profiles, with the groundwater level set at 6 m (FWI-6), at 20-m (FWI-20), and at infinity (FWI). The response is evaluated at the control sensors (sensors not used for the full-waveform inversion). method14 (Fig. 17), and compare them against the measured x = 0, 10, 30, 40, 60 m array lines. Overall, there is very good field response at various sensor locations. We perform the agreement between the measured field response and the response – fi comparison in two parts: (1) for the 5 control sensors sp1 sp5, computed based on using the full-waveform inversion pro les. which were not used during the inversion, shown in Fig. 9;and fi Speci cally, the agreement at sensors spspsp12,,3 and sp5 is re- (2) for the remaining 30 sensors that were used during the in- markable. At sp , the amplitudes are not well-matched; moreover, fi 4 version process. Part 1 is an attempt to validate the pro les the measured response and full-waveform-inversion-based re- obtained via the full-waveform-inversion-based methodology, sponse are out of phase after, approximately, 1.5 s. As it can also be fi whilepart2gaugesthesuccessofthemis t-minimization al- seen, the time-history response at the control sensors computed gorithm when using field data. based on the SASW profiles, differ from the recorded response: Time-history comparisons at the 5 control sensors sp – sp are 1 5 overall, it appears that the SASW-based traces match the fre- shown in Fig. 18. These sensors are placed along the quency content of the measurements, but not the amplitude. Time-history comparisons for the remaining 30 sensors (see 14 fi To compute the cp pro le for the SASW method we set ν = 0.33 when Fig. 9)areshowninFigs. 19–23. Time history traces corresponding to z >−6m, and set cp = 1500 m/s otherwise. The z =−6 m corresponds to an es- the computed response based on the SASW-inverted profiles are fi timation of the location of the water table. Furthermore, since the SASW pro les for fi the two array lines are almost identical, we average the velocity values for time- included for the rst 6 sensors only (Fig. 19). As it can be seen, the history simulations. SASW traces depart from the recorded response; this trend is true for A. Fathi et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 87 (2016) 63–81 79

Fig. 25. Comparison of measured surface displacement time-histories against those resulting from the full-waveform-inversion-based profiles, with the groundwater level set at 6 m (FWI-6), at 20-m (FWI-20), and at infinity (FWI). The response is evaluated at the array line x = 0m. the remaining 24 sensors too. We remark that it may not be fair to simulations: one that corresponds to a groundwater level at compare the SASW-based time histories at these locations with those z =−6m, henceforth denoted by FWI-6, and another one, FWI-20, resulting from the full-waveform inversion: these sensors were used which corresponds to a groundwater level at z =−20 m.We during the inversion process to minimize the misfit between the compare the computed responses corresponding to FWI, FWI-6, and measured response and the computed response; therefore, good FWI-20, against the measured response. In these simulations, we fi agreement between the full-waveform-inversion-based time-his- use the full-waveform-inversion-based cs pro le. Moreover, for fi tories and the measured response isexpected,asisindeedthecase. soil depths above the water table, we use the cp pro le that had Overall, the plots indicate that the optimizer performed successfully been obtained earlier from full-waveform inversion; by contrast, in matching the computed response with the measured response. for soil depths below the water table, we set cp = 1500 m/s uni- formly. The resulting time history comparisons at the 5 control – 3.8. Groundwater level effect sensors sp1 sp5 are shown in Fig. 24. It can be seen that the time- histories are not very sensitive to the precise location of the According to prior investigations conducted at the site, the groundwater level for the considered cases. In Fig. 25, we compare groundwater table is estimated to be between 6 m and 20 m. the time histories for sensors located at x = 0m, where a con- While one would have expected that in fully saturated zones, the clusion similar to the above can be drawn. The response at the P-wave velocity would take values closer to 1500 m/s, the full- remaining sensors (not shown) follows a similar trend. fi waveform inversion did not return a cp pro le suggestive of sa- In summary, the elastodynamic model at the heart of the full- turation at any depth up to 40 m. Thus, in this section, we in- waveform-inversion does not account for saturation, and cannot vestigate the sensitivity of the computed response to variations of reveal the groundwater level, as the sensitivity results suggest. the groundwater level. To this end, we perform two forward wave This limitation is also present in most other site characterization 80 A. Fathi et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 87 (2016) 63–81

approaches. We remark that overcoming the limitation is possible (().-qq,,˜ )=/ ′()( qq˜ )∀ q˜ ∈ / ()A.1 within the FWI framework by appropriate modifications. Such an enhancement will be addressed in a future communication. where . denotes the gradient, and we use the following notation for the Gâteaux derivative of - with respect to q in a direction q˜ : --(+qqh ˜ )− ( q ) - ′()(qq˜ )=lim . 4. Conclusions h→0 h ()A.2

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