Aj&Jii|Uejt, [Jliphjejilt
Aj&Jii|ueJt, [jlipHjejiLt: THE V.QM. NEWSPAPER Registered at the C.P.O., Brisbane, for transmission by Ettabltthcd In 1932. post as a periodical. Friday, 23rd February, 1962 Volume 32 — Number 1. PRESIDENT N.U,A.U.S, MEN VISIT SOVIET CENSURED The first delegation of Australian students ever to visit Russia left Sydney on January 17 to spend four weeks in Russia studying university conditions. It LHSgrGCB on rVclCOttlQ endeavoured to increase the contacts between Russian and Australian students. Freshers Welcome will this year be held at Cloud- , Two university students Russia were an Exchange throughout t h e world," land on Friday, March 2nd, and there will be an from Sydney and one from Scheme so that Russian he said. "N.U.A.U.S. is admission charge of 4/-. ' Melbourne comnrised IKP Students can come in large completely non-political, * ' • ^^iDourne cwnpnsea the numbers to Australia and and this delegation is in Sxfueafi6. Behind this simple balls, e.g., the Arts Ball.' delegation, lliey were Australian students go to r e t u r n for a visit by statement of fact there How then can the Union' Stephen Wilson (24), a Russia at minimum ex- Russian students to Aust- and lies a very interesting possibly justify Its desert- i law student at Sydney Uni- Pense. ralia in 1961." story which does little ing its own premises for versity Denis Baxter (11) Their expenses while In credit to many of the the wholly unsatisfactory ,^„''V p,„f„^^ "', p n, ' Russia were met by the (N.U.A.U.S.
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