Causa a Paid I for 26 Idaho Rlegisie Ators' 1 Trips

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Causa a Paid I for 26 Idaho Rlegisie Ators' 1 Trips Changes inir classes foorcounfyfcbir competitition annowinced AA7 |lh e n » at U li ( ... ■ » - r '- ' - N . 7 S3 0Q3... 5 .................. , AB C O R P a a x fY s — 0 ------------------------- LA<E CITY UT 3 < ,1 1 5 2i .. 80th year. No.1.171 17 ' . ' Twin Falla:ll3, Idaho Friday, June1614,1085 1-< Causaa paid fori 26 Idahorlegisieators’ 1trips ___________________ ^ ________ ■Copyright ® J5«S Idaho leglseglslators stayed at the Clarion AirportA city conference afterThe h atlended the Los Angeles — By Magic VaVey Newspapers; H o te l int DeDenver at the expense of the Unlll<illlcatlon, conference. C h u rc h lofor r a£ n o th e r o t th e con fe re n ce s, "Not al any time wawas there any pressure, any ByDEANS.MlLLBR - T h e legislatorslegi were Invited alongig with mentlonoflheUnlflcatl:atlon Church," Parry said. Ur]ification CChurch activee ------Times-News-wrilez------------------------------------ ^ -------m inister^!rs^ndopinton-leadersfromldaho:—---------------- • Cau8a*MA-presldenllent-Philiip'Sanchersaid-ln-a-------- V "We wer<were their guests all the way,” saleiald Sen, Thursday phone conveiiversation that at the conven- TWIN PALLS - Causa, thele activistac arm of the^ Atwell ParParry, R-Melba, W edne^ay, "Qu■Quite a 41ons, C a u sa sh o w s a documentary film.callcd . in Idaho p(political arenaI R e v . S ud Myung Moon’s UnlflcaIflcatlon Church, hes chunk of)f theth money comes from^he Unlficilficallon "Truth Is My Sword3rd’’ which tells about the sent at least 2S Idaho legislatorators on all-expense- Church,"" PiParry saldi.He said the legislatorsors were Koreagate influence peped d lin g sc a n d a l h e a rin g s In TWIN FALLS - The Rev. Sun)un member of the staff of Sen.en. S te v e paid trips to Los Angele^, SaltIt L(Lake City and Den- told thatt CausaCa Is also funded by (flarge corpora-cot which Unification ChChurch second<ln-command {”Myung Moon's Unification Churchrch Symms, R-J^bo, to CCet e n tr a l ver since the Legislature adjournDurned In March, The tlons andd largela churches" but he did not kno(now the Colonel BoHLEjik.was-lijfrimpHcated.- ------------------------ has cropped up a-number'cTtfmesfies Arherlca for meelingS'Wlth-?Ith -g o v --------- — Tlmer-Newjhajlearned: ^ n a m e s 01T an iiiy . Rep. L, Gene Windinchester, R-Kuna, said the In Id ah o po litics sin ce 1983. ernmenl offlclaUln Hondurasu r a s a n d Tbe trips apparently represen>sent the first time a "Paul VictorVic (a Twin Falls Causa suppcpporter) legislators were alsoso told in the film of Rev. Most recently, the Times-News>ws: G u a te m a la In M a y of 1964. s iz a b le g ro u p o( s ta te le g is la too rs fromI anjN ^here In w a s th e one th a t w a s In stru m e n ta l In gettingngmeto Moon’s life storj. Moonoon Is currently serving a fed- has discovered that a number o(ol A nd, in A u g u st o f 1964,964, th e ..the country..has attended the'che'church's anti-com- go," Parry;rry said. "I have to admit it (the UUn nillca- e ra l p riso n te rm fo r fed([ed e ra l Incom e ta x violations.*' Idaho legislators have been flowniwn Times-News reportedid t h a t ' — muDl3nuemlnar?,„-^ --------------_____ :______ tion Churcflurcfli: connection)-made-:m e-nerroiTous-a^ Winchester said he6 wasw lold Causa has a target to communism awareness con­on- Unification Cburch raembeii.^eii.were— “ O n A p ril 15-18 a t the“ P aciriifciflco-Hotel-ln-Eos— firsl^'liesaie s a l’d. figure o f 40,000 p e o p lele n a tio n ally It w an ts to a tte n d ferences sponsored by Causa, an selling copies of formere r 1R e p . Angeles, 16 Idaho leglsrators werw ere a m o n g 350 pco- V ic to r’ confirmedco he had arranged forfoi the the conferences this yea activist arm -of the Unificationlon George Hansen’s book "To0 HHa a r a s s pie at Causa’s three-day confconference on com- legislatorsirs loti a tte n d th e c o n fe re n c ^ .----------- Sanchet said that nuinumher would be Impossible C hurch............ ............. ............. -...... - -Our People;”-Hansen's boothl o t h a s a -------- munlsm awareness. P a r r y salesald.his mftglvings were.'put to restjst when since the average attenitendance at the conferences Is Another Unification Church-ch- chapter dealing with allegedeg ed In- O n M a y 13-16 a t (h e S a lt LakeL al City Sheraton he heardi theIhi workshops on (Jausa’s percepti‘pHonof - 350 people. spsponsored group, the Freedomom ternal Revenue Service'harh a ra s s - Hotel, six Idaho legislators attendtended a simllarcon* thethreatofitofcommunlsm. Rep. JoAn Wood, R-Ra-Rlgby, said Wednesday she Leadership Foundation, flew a • S e e CAUSA on P a g e)A2 A2 ference. Two had attended beforefore. O n J u n e 3-6, six P a r r y sasaid id h e w a s a co-convenor a t th e Salt a lt Lake • See LEGISLAlLATORSonPageA2 ___ -Poolvot recount ordered ByANNETTE CARY ___ • ^ j g a w S H B Times-News writer SL _ TWIN FALLS - Fifth DDls istric t Judge Daniel Hurlbutt has ordeirdered a , • ■ recount of votes cast In the ApiA pril 2 ■_ -.bond_elecUon_to-ralse..monej’J - _ 'Twin Falls city swimming pool. — — Thc first count cam e up eight;htvotes \ -• . \ ---------------------------------- short of the two-thirds mjijortty.rIty.need-- - s'.-.'.hr-r ■. - • . •. cdlopassthe4700,000bond. ; ^ ^ - i - - T ~ > .........The recount is set for Wednesdi - - ..... ............ ' ........... u, 3 p.m. in the city police station,:S ? s a y l ^ - yii C ity A tto rn e y Shane B e n g o ec h ea . s i ' - ‘\ i M The same precinct workersers w ho ^ counted the ballots April 23 wil aslced to "conduct the ‘reco'e c o u n t r ' ‘ Bengoechea said. Hurlbutt is requiring .that ththe e re- count be compleled before June Lance Clow, tbe co-chairmann of th e -Twin Falls Citizens Pool Commii wlll be responsible for the first $2i the recount’s cost, Hurlbutt h as ordered. If It costs more, the city p a y th e r e s t of the,costs._, Hurlbutt's decision followed a: - "* * _ formal hcaripg in the judge's o :u o v e i »ld • rwMt ot J ,-fliBlBC Both sides had already agreedeed in a : -> U m w b f l A r V i j t t ’' W a PM - ‘rtgati a to r a o d a^cW»«IUieif^p^ — _stlpulation entered in the casesse h a t , there, were irregularities In the i tion and a~rccount^auld_beJ’ They had also agreed to the paynfavs $9 m il plan that Hurlbutt ordered. illion moire may g30 towan•d’hop>p€e fsj^ y iiing Precinct 6 took a half hourr loilonger than any other prclnct to countIt votes'.v( By KENNETH A. BROWfOWN 'm i l l i on sspraying budget wlll have been:n sps e n t in S y m m s a n d M cC lureire are now trying to get beenI pressuringpr the Department of AgricultureAgrl the stipulation says. Also, severale ra l res- Times-News w riter Id ah o anand Utah by the tim e spraying flnl!Inlsheson Secretary of Agricultureure John Block to commit to tramansfer funds from the Commoditieslilies Credit Idents who were qualified to vote F rid a y , the remaining J9 milllillion of the original ap- Corporiloratlon to the spraying program.I. were turned away from the pollj,poll >1 TWIN FALLS - Acllor:tlons by Idaho's congrcs- Originifinally the department had predictlicted that pi'oprlatlon to the grasrasshopper spraying pro- Thee corporation,< which buys surplusrplus crops sa y s. sional delegation _may_rriy_m3ke..an_adtlliIonnl..J9:..Qnly J22jQiUioQ.WQuldbe.££quircd.forspcajd ptaylngJn.gram. ____________________________:— --------- throughJgh-default,-has-funds-available-fcile-for-pest — ------ The-CltyCouncllagreedrafterifterthe- million available for grasshoppergra spraying In the stateIte Thursday it looked “very“vi promising’’lhat the eradicaication. April 23 vote, that a recount shoulhould be the state.'the offices ofS{n Sens. Steve Symms and th e SeSenate action pushed by Symmss anda Me-. secrctary_wfluld m ake_t.fiihcjiddlll£inaU9jnlllifln __ Ih ft.c.ft.catch,QlsoncxpIalncdritthat-fundfunds-from-— made. However, offlcIairanhTshe"stale JlnTHcClure announces:e3'T)iursday. 1 Clure coicould add an additional (9 millionlion to the available for grasshoplopper spraying in Idaho, the ConCommodities Credit Corporation1 are tradi- attorney general's office saidid a re- Wednesday, the Houseise passed{ a supplemental sprayingIng program by re-directingg money according to Trent Ciarlark, a staff assistant for llonallyilly used only on pests which:h c an be count should follow a court action.tion.. appropriations bill whict'hich allots an additional alreadyly appropriated to the Departmrtment of Symms’office in Washinhington. eradicaicated, - —Thc-vote-was the city’s third:d effortel tio million for grasshoppe)pperspraying____ Agricultia ltu re----- - - .............. -- - ............Sim ilar action has beeleen going on In the House,- -Wbilelile the spraying program cannotit eelli lim in a te----- to pass a bond for a new city swimm*swir Originally, $10 miilionion h1; a d be en a p p ro p ria ted O rg ininally, a the Senate had agreedJd to ap- according to Kelly Olsorson, a staff aide with Rep.
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