Boise State University ScholarWorks

Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents

10-24-2005 Arbiter, October 24 Students of Boise State University

Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. H 0 N DAYOe tober24 2 DOli . THE INDEPENDENT STllD£NT VOICE: OF ,jSOISE STAT£ SINCE 1933 VOl.llHE 18 FIRST ISSUE FREE I ISSll£ 21

to ' Dynamic oenctmoves Boise State begins discussion of smoke-free campus BY JESSICA WIGLEY hances academic achievement, and suffer immediate symptoms (breath- . main entrances. Special to The Arbiter improves retention rates. ing difficulties, eye irritation, head- Although this is the current policy, Asurvey recently conducted by BSU ache, nausea and asthma attacks), the some students are unaware of any pol- " Research shows At last week's Faculty Senate meet- showed that over 1,750 respondents, , policy extends to some outside areas icies in place. that high-achieving ing at Boise State, the current smoking 8.8 percent of students, 15.6 percent as well as inside buildings, "1don't know much about it, people students are drawn pollcy was discussed and the possi- of classified staff and three percent of . Specifically, at least one designat- smoke where they want," said Pete bility ofBSU becoming a smoke-free faculty/non-classified staff, smoke on ed entrance, to all university build- Kutchins, a senior at BSU. to 'healthier' campus was Introduced. a regular basis. Ings and facilities shall be designated Kutchins said he is a smoker and'" campuses. I think Making BSU a smoke-free campus J According to the current BSUpolicy, and posted: "This is a SMOKE-FREE agreed that enforcing the current poli- one of Boise State's would support its healthy campus ini- all university-owned or leased build- Entrance." .. cies would help with litter control be- strongest selling tiative, which is compiled by constitu- ings, facilltles or areas occupied by An addendum was made to the cause people throw cigarette butts on ents; faculty, students and staff who state employees shall be designated . policy during the 2001 revision' that the ground as if they were biodegrad- points is our natural voice their opinions t.oBSU'sleaders. as "non-smoking" except for full-time states that "smoke-free" entrances able. resources and active, The initiative states that Boise State residential facilities. will be designated in order to provide "If anything, [enforcing the policy] healthy lifestyle... University is committed to the ideal Guidelines for residential facili- a smoke-free environment at the pri- would be most beneficial to the envi- This initiative that healthier students and a healthi- ties or areas may be determined mary accessible entrances to ronment ... They [smokers] wouldn't er campus community facilitates by the directors of such facilities. buildings. throw a pop can on the side of the would enhance that learning, en- The policy also states because many Smoking is prohibited within thirty - road, but don't think twice tossing a image further. , , non-smokers exposed to outdoor feet of main entrances. (cigarette) butt," Kutchins said .. - Ferdinand Schlapper, ''''''''''''';'''''1'''''_ tobacco smoke In support of this effort, Facilities BSU sophomore Jeremy McVey if.s>--.., , " ~...,~', ..- and Maintenance has provided Health and WeI/ness ashtrays thirty feet from' all ' See Smoking [paga4] Executive Director •rt ...,~ __

Sustainability Bridging living and learning encuuraqad this .. week at BSU TESSA SCHWEIGERT Residential College program Jl.sslstantHewsEditor serves to break down the four In the spirit of environ men- 'tal sustainability, Boise State <.. walls of the classroom University will host its first Campus Sustlllnllbility Day on Wednesday, ~' Oct. 26. More than .100higher edu-

" cation Insrlrutes In the United States BY SARA BAHNSON wJIIparticipate In the annual event. NewsEditor Campus Sustglnablllty Day began' three years ago and emphasizes the leading role higher education can " ~ The Residential College program, whose goal is to serve as a bridge between living and learning on cam- ,play in helping communities prac- pus, began its first official year this fall, according to tice environmental awareness. As part of an ongoing effort to , Marcy Ball, Residential College Coordinator. . , While the Honors College has been around for reduce BSU's impact on the envi- several years, Ball said the Residential College pro- ronment, the university will rec- gram now includes seven colleges: Renaissance, ognize the day with several activi- Civic Leadership, Business and Economics (COBE), ties. Events are scheduled from 10 Health Professions, Music, Engineering and Honors. a.m, to 3 p.m. in the Student Union According to a Residential College brochure, the pro- Hatch Aand B Ballrooms. Students, gram offers personal and academic enrichment be- faculty and staff are encouraged to yond the classroom by clustering students who share participate. similar interests and goals in a single residence hall or Campus Sustainabllity Day em- apartment complex. phasizes jhe leading role higher Four of the seven residential colleges are current- education can play in helping com- ly participating in the faculty-in-residence program, munities incorporate environmen- in which a faculty member of the college lives in the tal best practices in plans and op- 'residence hall and coordinates programming. The . BSU,acco ing to Ball. . , erations. Universities can also de- other three residential colleges have facultycoordlna- The idea of residential colleges is very popular on . velop curriculum and educational tors, in which the faculty member doesn't live in the the East .Co st, Ball said, arid the idea originated at outreach in the interest of environ- residence hall. Cambridge a d Oxford. mentally sound leadership...... Because a faculty member from your academic "It really to offat the Ivy League colleges like Yale The day will begin with a webcast department is dedicated to your community, you have ' and Harvard, e pecially the faculty ltvlng in the resi- titled, "A (recycled, of course) Six a tremendous opportunity to befriend, network with dence hall with he students," Ball said. "We'd like to Pack of Sustain ability Lessons from and learn from your professors," said Steve Zabel, BSU bring the Ivy Lea ue to Boise State." the Past Year in Higher Education." The webcast will feature a panel of .~. student and COBE resident in a Residential College .Residential coli es are "a living-learning expert- brochure. '" ence," Ball said. In e spirit of that idea, members of individuals reporting on campus- Most of the sevenresidential colleges also have a the colleges meet one a weekfor an academic gather- based projects and highlights of program assistant, a BSU upperclassman who de- ing, such as a field trip, Visiting lecturer or community sustainability-focused conferences velops programs; activities and the vision of that service project, according to Ball. held over the past year. National Residential College, Ball said. Program assistants re- For example, members of the Renaissance Public Radio's science correspon- ceive a rooin as compensation for their work. Residential College went to the Flicks movie theater dent, Joe Palea, will moderate the Ball's position as residential college coordinator is a in Boise,viewed a film and talked about it over coffee, panel. Attendees can participate in new position this year. Ball said. The Music Residential College had mern- a question and answer session. Participants in the COBE Heatdannal College bridge liVing and The afternoon will feature pre- "It's exciting to have this position to continue resi- bers bring in a different CD each time they met. They learning with their 4.0 COBE coffee shop (above). The shop 1s sentations on recycling, grounds, dential college development," Ball said. "I think it re- listened to the pieces and discussed them, according entirely student-owned and operated. The program includes a ally enriches our students'lives." to Ball. ' faculty-tn-residanca program, in which a faculty member co- alternative transportation and Over 100 students are participating in the Beyond her job as residential college coordinator, . ord/nates programming while liVing-in the residence hall. Lisa green buildings, followed by round- Residential College program this year, and most of S Li "'-. Brady (left) and Rob Anson (right) ara currently facilltat1ng table discussion groups. the participants are flrst- and second-year students at ee 'ving (page3J ' the Renaissance and COBE Hestdenttal Colleges, respectively. For more information, e-mail [email protected]: Alternative SpriIlg Break gives BSUstudents the chance to.serve, travel

school-wide spring break. program IsIn its third year at Boise community: Newbold said. programs. . . . According to Newbold, students . . Ameetingtoselectthedestination State, Last year, .volunteers traveled Inthe past, the trip has been lim- will have to raise a portion of their for the 2006trip will be held on Nov. Ii12004, BSUstudents participat- to Sante Fe, N.M. for the ..2005 lted·to· 20 BSU students, but this trip expenses, but the amountwon't Boise State's Volunteer Services i alG, p.m. in '\he Hatch Ballroom ed In an alternatlvesprlng break In Alternative Spring Break.' year VSBIsnot planning to limit the be signJficant.Last year, eachstu~ Board Is ·currently looking for in the Student Union Building, The San Diego Where they restored the ' The student volunteers helped r:number ofstudents who can partie- ..•.dent,rajsed about$100to hlllp.with students' to participate In200lj;proj~ets ,can range fromser..-ingat area along the San Diego Rl.-erand'c .·lpatei-t~w.1?Uld~al~··{:.·, '~:·::.::::trlpY;iis:~ ..r!~~!H-~l;l!4;f'i~;=C.~?·> Alternative. Spring Break, a pro~ a 'soup kitChen to Ielidingbooks t9 Famosa Slough'ii3I)-acre wetland. ,·~·wewaritlls many students as ; ApplicadomlUor. thettlp (are' gram in which students travel out childreD,SaidTa}"orNewbol~,di".. The studentscommltti:d,,toa 40- :pO~lble~o be ih~"Olved,~Nc\\'bold::iluclly- Oct(3;~ati6p~in/ of state to volunteer Inavarlety of- reetor ofVolunteer Services BOard. hour service'week.~ ," .' said '.. ,'.>'" iitfurinimon Desk ." e tS .sefvtt: PlJljects, ...... Snidro wUlbe'lnvite.dfosug-.. . ·Stude~tsstinb~ve tlie,opportu:' .~""·"•.a'n;Iti.....••..ta~fl.teca·•.·.••.d..ti·.·..·on•..s..t•...p...•..d...·,.·.:...D'n..·•..dts...·...:.....•.·,·..eat1\•... ·n'.·.•..·o',..•.•rmP.·•.i~....a··.. :.:.u.•.l\>n..··.1.•...•.•...·:..~ ..•._.M.n,.'a..•.reoJnfo ; ,,", This:year:S. Alt"rnati"e Spri!1g~est ~~vo.te~~~e·d,eatinauon 'at' 'nlty~fgol~g out ofstatefor ,atyp!cw, "" 11 o• w in i Brei!kwlll be. from March 25 to, ;:tbB :ee.· e"Al~. .". t'e'rna;::u:'-:.'ve·f.::s'p···r/n::'g:·.'·'B·'·'re'a"~k'...'.si·.SP•.rln"'.'.·re~re.'m'.,Ilk;, r...~bn.·litg·a"tI1dteffe·.e,dd,ec·~e·bl'Onnthu,. ..e .... .,.;--~..~ . April 2; WhlcllCoincideS with BSU's' Th ""'1. llAl ren . ;.".... !I!!!J!_;"/ . . <.:-" ,- <.;;~';.::.'(~~./-;~~~..>:! -~~''..~.;.':'-- Worid/NationaIlWhaf the? sto- ries courtesy of KRT Campus Wire Services unless otherwise credo ited. LocallBSU stories are cour- tesy of the Boise State Web site at All stories • Job Listings are compiled by News Writers.

• Career Planning ~ -. Job Search Advising Kennings' struggle to deal with her ment. Competitors will compete on ----.Worl~~ _ father's departure to Iraq. Reynolds, two levels: sparring and poornse, going by the name Colleen or forms, Registration will be from .. Interview Training' Hastings, presented the girl as her 7:30-8:30 a.m, and competition Saddam's trial on niece, and they both became close will begin at 9:30 a.m, Competitors • lnternshipIntormanon murder charges set friends with students and faculty at who register by Oct. 26 will receive the newspaper. Over the next two a special price of $35 for one event to begin Wednesday years, the paper published stories and $40 for t\VOevents. Participants • Major Exploration about, and columns by, "Kodee,' who register by Nov, 2 will be • BAGHDAD, Iraq - Former Iraqi When confronted after the hoax charged $50 for one event and $55 • Resume & Cover Letter-Assistance .. dictator Saddam Hussein will en- was exposed, Reynolds told re- for two. .. ter a bulletproof cage in the center porters she carried it out to help The competition will be governed .. of an Iraqi courtroom Wednesday the career of a friend on the cam- by the rules of USATaekwondo and Call (208) 426-1747 -or- for the start of his trial on murder pus newspaper staff. That friend, the World Taekwondo Federation, charges. former student editor Michael the governing bodies for Unlike the trial in The Hague, Brenner, vehemently denieshe was Olympic competition. Netherlands, of former Yugoslav' in on the scheme and maintains he The Boise State Taekwondo Club President Slobodan Milosevic, was among those Reynolds duped is a student organization. Earlier Saddam will be tried by a court with the story. this year, it was honored for its of his countrymen, not an SIUC's School of Journalism is re- contributions by the Associated internationaltribunul. Viewing the incident, but director Students of BSU. Saddam - along with seven co- Walter Iaehnig said Monday there More information about reg- -defendants - will be placed in a had been no disciplinary action of istration or the tournament can cage in the middle of the court- any student or faculty member in be found at www.boisestate room. To their right will be the de- connection with the hoax, .edu/tkd/events.htrn. fense counsel's table; to the left, the prosecution. In front of the cage will be the bench, a panel of five judges. , local/bsu Returning troops It will be a televised national to be honored at - and international - spectacle, BSU Athletics before a public that's thrilled to see upcoming Neal the fallen dictator called to account presents Bronco McCoy concert 343-0494 for his alleged crimes, but mourn- ful to be reminded of the toll his Gymnastics Bash Idaho's 4th Marine Division Mon. - Sat., 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. rule took, members and their spouses will be It also promises to be a cathartic Are. you craving a Friday night 5200 E.Grand Forest Drive, Boise the special guests this Thursday, moment for American viewers. The without the kids? Worried about *After hours info hotline at 34~-1036* Oct. 27, for country music star Neal United States has fought two wars the crazy rush heading your way? McCoy's concert at the Velma V. against Saddam, losing nearly2,OOO The Boise State Gymnastics Team =~,..,.-----~._----~----. __.- ' Morrison Center for the Performing soldiers so far in the current con- Ilas an answer for this Friday night. Arts on the Boise State University f1ict and nearly 300 in the Persian The BtoncoGyrnnasncs Bash will d ' . campus. I aho s 4th Marine .:.,_.~.~,yCheeSemR3. Gulf War. befilledwitlffun,askidstaketothe D'" . d b k I I ivision arrive ac lome ast S..:" , delicIous me s, letJtJuce,", For Iraqis; the trial will he a de- air on Oct, 21; from 6 p.m.-II p.m. ao , week after seven months of pro- marcatioh line between the old re- "We'll be doing fill kinds of basic ., pickles, bo.matio and chips.' , viding ground and tank security in gime and the 1.IeW and assuage lin- gymnastics with the group. They'll Iraq. The Morrison Center will hon- Over 38 satisfying gering fears that the dictator might probably have the most fun on the rule again. , . - trampoline, or juinping into, the for any member of the division with sandwiches and salads ' , ree tickets to the show for the solid- o Many also hope that the-trial foam pit," said Tina Bird, assistant ers and their families. for lunch, dinner, plcruc.s will give Iraqis a sense of justice BSU gymnastics coach: Ian Zarr, executive director of the and parbies. and closure, Any youth, aged four to 14,'is wel- Unlike in U.S. courts, all defen- come to participate, with •or without . Morrison Center, came lip with the dants associated with a crime will previous gymnastics experience. idea after looking at Neal McCoy's \O{l'(t , long-standing' service to United be tried 'together. Saddanr and his ,The event will also include pizza, -Blll<.,< 'c;, B<,,,I" Service Organizations,' Inc. (USO) co-defendants are charged with the snac ks, ganles and prizes -.Kids will . and the armed.forces. 1982 killings ofl43 people in Dujail, stay in the BSU gymnasttcspracnce Saddarn is accused. of ordering the room the entlretlme, ,although lat- "Part of the Morrison Center mis- Fl'"" \Vircl.,ss .. siqn is honoring all of Idaho's citi- killings shortly after an assassi- er-night acrivitles.wlll involve less Inter-net zens, and this is our way of saying nation ..attempt against him In the gymnastics... ", k 322-7-401 ' - than s to the men and women of 4348 Chind'cil small northern.' Iraqlc.ity,. . Th,e .event is'IOStcd, by Bronco .,.~ '7:"',7.:r;.,~,~~-~~ G' . . the,4thMqrine Division who put ."'y convicted, he oould be eX" '.' ymnas~iC$ Express; a group dedi· ihCli':'livesand families on hold ".\'_ e.,.cuted,.eve..nbeforc.h.·e fa..~es, any , ·cated... to ra, is.,in,?,fu.nds ..,fof..t.he..u,n,,i- . . " for seven months while serving in ','\,,0, thercharge. s, .', ., . . '..•vel.'slty t,ea.m.. I m ex.cited t.o.gIve·. ,. I. Iraq 'irihonorof the state of some kids "in'thecommunity)JliS, Idaho." . ., .opportunity. Plus,'l think it'll hea" T.Jcke.tsar'e $19.50 and $30.00 and national greaJ break fiJr the pareiHs/"'com- . mentl;d programdirectorCitrla .can be-purchased by-calling the 1'11" • . ..', ;t' Ch'am.b,ers.. ', .' .' . '. -Velma V. Morrison Center for the InOISWOman·wo.n' Parents. are askedto callbe'fore, performingArts box office at 426- be' prosecuted for : hand to register, sincelimitedspac~' :1110.Doors open at 7:00 p.m., show ' t'I h '. . isavai,lable ..T,heco,sti.s.·$25p.e·r'chl·ld· begins at 07:30p.m. Iett.ers'"0- raq oax...· I M fl' ,. M , a~d $20 foreach addiiio.rJaI sibling. n ay 0 .t liS year, cCoy won , .' ," I,f you' are starting' to ~.eel.t.he the fan-voted Academy of Country SPRINGFIELD, Ill.- A woman M . III D' 'H '. . , '. stress of this semeste. r,'·o.rJ'ustneed . lISIC . ome epot umamtanan wl10 fabricated an eJanora.te stoT.·y A d~ I' k' . a' night a.way,. consi.der tre.ating war or liS wor supportmg our ahou..t.a non-eXistent Iraq' 'troops via n"merou . USO t d ' yourself ~ ,ilnd your kids -, to the .'" s ours an may have embarra.ssed tl,lestudent on p'nin 'eftort 'th th E t'I' Bronc.o Gyn\nastics Bash. Western . -u - g .' SWI e 'as exas newspaper at Southern . Illinois" A I'e'I N t k th " Gy'mnastics ..conference Gymnasi nb e wor, e orgalllzatlOn University Carbondale, 'I'llt she h t d'd 'th h' 't M I' d \1 of.t.h..e Yeoar Lind.·.say W.ard, a J'~nior e .oun e WI ISWlie, e III a. appa. rend. ydidn't break ~h.y'..laws 'fl i 't' I . d '1 . 'on the team, promises, "It's gonna I s orgamza IOn las rillse ml- -there: .. be, a great time!;' r:~ll Carla at 426- lions of dollars to support families That's the conclus,ion of·~ p·..ros- "" of chl'ldren wl'th t' mi' I I·t ecutor. in Carbondale, .who., said 3867 for more ·informatio. n or to . er na or lie- Monday he would passon pursu~ registcror jus! simply show up at 6 ing any criminal charges against p,m, .what the'? ' Jaimie Reynolds. Reynolds is the Marion, Ill" woman who has ad- BSU taekwondo club ·threatening diseases, mitted she made up the story ofa h little girl whose published letters to' . osts tournament ~Who you calling her father overseas riveted readers of the campus newspaper The Dail . , The ,Boise State University morons, lazy boy? ' Egypt:an for two years. , ·aekwondo. Club will- host a iour- . ;'1can't see a crime here," Jackson riamen v. 12 in the Student A judge in Pittsburgh was so up- County State's Attorney Michael Union Jord Ballroom. The 2005 set at having to substitute for a Wepsiec said Monday after review- Boise S' te Taekwondo Open colleague and preside over traffic ing a report from the SIUC campus Champ' nships are open to the court for a day that he found all 30 police department compiled on the public. dmission is $3 general, $2 , defendanis innocent. hoax after· Reynolds' story finally for studen seniors and children, When his announcement was . collapsed this summer. More tha 200 competitors from met with a stunned silence, 'he The Daily' Egyptian first wrote around the Northwest will be on said "I told you you're all not guilty. in 2003 about. 8-year-old Kodee hand for t e 10th annual tourna- ... What are you, a bunch of mo- rons?" A judicial inquiry has been

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:,::;:jr~:~':i,'.~""~t:,;-~<~:~~l~{r:-;,.;~:i§:{l\;'.~ Writing Center director leads ,-,:Xi;; ('<-.~ on se, lin on ·team of student consultants irs ve BY GINNY EGGL.ESTON ~nt Hews Writer lis be Every semester thousands of stu- 'THE BOISE STATE 55 ',."...,' dents find themselves struggling ··t" ..·~:;",'."·.•·.,.,d with college level writing. Last year . ' . .- "'.\ . ," u.)"j. .. "-<.:- ed , . WRITING CENTER . . '. _. ,-' alone, the Writing Center handled m ",.: . id nearly 3000 individual consulta- n, tions. Mike Mattison, BSU Writing or center director, and his group of student writing consultants make it ib their business to help students of all er disciplines improve their academic ts writing. ' .d The BSU Writing center has been serving students for over 25 years; g- Mattison has been the director for III the last three years. He began his te career as a writing consultant while he was pursuing his master's de- gree in English Literature at Iowa State University. Mattison found that he enjoyed consulting and continued his career through his doctoral program at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, even- " PHI1lO BY M@ALLREDrl'llEABBITER tually becoming the assistant di- The Wrltl'lg Center served almost 3000 students last year. Mike Mattison, Writing Cenler director, and his rector of the writing center there. learn of Boise State student consultants assIst students struggling wIth college-level wrItIng. 11 Around 20 consultants work in 'C the Writing Center each semester. either for more internship credit about the assignment, about what show students how to manage cita- y, Mattison said they are the most im- or for pay. Some consultants are questions they want answered, and tion, but the ultimate goal is to show II portant part of the program. graduate students, and many con- then we can address those." them how to do it themselves. I. "These folks are great people. sultants are undergraduate English Mattison said the two methods "We don't try to memorize either g They are very hard working. If the majors. Currently a Philosophy ma- are "simply different" and ideally a APA or MLA, and we don't play it y center is well-received by the writ- jor and a Science major are taking student should try both ways to.see as someone comes in and we need e ers, then that's due to [the consul- English 30~ and will soon be work- which they prefer. Currently about to edit the paper as far as format. il tants]." The consultants are usually ing alongside veteran consultants. 10to 15percent of consultations are Consulting is about the ideas that referred to Mattison by professors or Mattison said he recruits from all done via e-mail, Mattison said. are behind the styles." Mattison other consultants. He then recruits the colleges for the center. Mattison said the most important said. BEITER INGREDIENTS them' and gives them an interview "There's a relevance to writing for part of consulting is to work collab- The Writing Center is open to see if the center is a place they'd everyone," Mattison said. oratively with writers and prompt Monday through Thursday from 9 BElTER PIZZA like to work in. If so, the prospec- The center offers two modes of revision through questions and a.rn, to 8 p.m., Friday from 9 a.m. to BROADWAY AVENUE tive consultants take English 303 consultation: face-to-face or via e- conversation. 4 p.m, and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1323 (Theory and Practice of Tutoring mail. Mattison said there are good "[Consultation] is more a matter 4p.m. 367·9200 'Writing) in the fall in conjunction and bad things about both. of us asking questions and figur- Appointments can be made over with a one-credit (50 hour) intern- "[With] face-to-face we can talk i1igout what direction do you want the phone at 426-1298, through ASK FOR BSU SPECIAL DISCOUi~TS FOR ship in the Writing Center. , back and forth on ideas and we to go in this paper, where can we the Writing Center Web site http:// BOlSE STUDENTS AND FACULTY Mattison said manystua'ents con- can clarify points in a way you're help you, where.can we make sug- tinue to work in the Writing Center not able to do in a letter ...with the gestions, what else are you thinking dex.htrnl, or in person in the Liberal $5.99 LARGE '-TOPPING PIZZA after they have finished English 303, e-mail, writers can be very specific about." The consultants will also Arts building LA 200. DELIVERED ANYWHERE ON CAMPUS OR CARRYOUT WITH. BSU 10. Li',nenn' [frompage 11 veloped forthem without too much I • .... ~ effort," Ball said. " There's something unique about Ball and her husband are faculty co- ,,0 However, Ball said students don't , ordlnators for the Civic Leadership haveto be registered for a inaJor in a student watching 'Monday ".... ".. .. ' 'I Residential College. the college to participate. Night FootbaU'wifh a facIlity "We strive toward civic engage- "Aphilosop~y major can join the ment, enhancing personal aca- Music Residential College if it's a member in his baseball hat. " demic development and just hav- passion of theirs." - Marcy Ball, Residential College ffoordinator ing a good time," Ball said. "We Ball said she's excited about the ·t develop the leader within future of the Hesidential College each student." program at Boise State. Ball said she thinks the Civic . "Atthis point, we're going to con- Leadership Residential College tinue what we've started and not will be a great success. . add [more Residential Colleges]," "I envision the whole residence Ball said. "In the next couple of hall of Keiser Hall to be all Civic years, we'll consider adding. For Leadership Residential College now we're concentrating on quality members." over quantity," Ball said the Business and Ball said retention of studentsis Economics (COBE) Hesidential a big issue, and she said she thinks College has been a great example that the Residential College pro- of a true residential college, spe- gram may help. cifically because of the 4.0 COBE "Since it's such a ne~program, Coffee shop in Keiser Hall. The cof- we're going to look at comparing fee shop is entirely student-owned students' GPAs [before and after and operated. joining the Residential College "They real1¥ bridged the living program] and determine how and learning relationship," Ball Residential Colleges retain stu- said. "They're getting great practi- dents in the residen.ce halls," Ball cal business experience." said. "It's going to be interesting to The Engineering Residential see how many freshmen involved College is working on developing in this program return next year. I a robot, "using the variety of their thirik we'll see that they stay." expertise," Ball said: The application process will' The resldentlal colleges are fo- begin in Ianuary for particlpa- cused either by topic or discipline. tlon in the. residential colleges "Acommunity is formed and de- ,for 2006-2007 . • Owital. EdUcators ·FEDERAL· CREDIT UNION Web: WWw.CapEdfCU.or9 BSUF.Y.Students & Employees Tel. No: 108.884.0150 FREEChecking Acc~u.nts .NO peritero fees,'

~~~~:~::::::~:;sf~rs,NO mi~~~;t~:~~~;~,~IB~1~;;.I :FREt.t~Stat~ments ..'~~~~~~p,~~~~¥,~en,,,s~~fi~.~~~I"~E l~~iJ.ill;~~~nt*.....~T"i"~h~,S"B:~ .·:~;·~~~I~~~om~~J~'jt"~~~i[ t::....~L-i......

.I.I,&J~IY, .- " ,-\,. said hethinks'the polley that ,pro~ hlblts smoking near entrances, , doesn't hinder people from smok- canadian artists, eh? ing at any given place on campus. "W~en you walk in' the first Course foc~seson poet, musician, painter from our neighbor to the north double doors of the student union building, It smells like smoke,' BY TESSA SCHWEIGERT McVeysaid. AssIstant News Editor At one point In his life, McVey said he took up smoking because a Next spring, a new Boise State co-worker openly smoked around PHOTO BY RIl:HAE SWANBECMHE ARBITER course will fuse ink, paint and him. Boise State mayJoin 16 smoke-free U.S. colleges an unlversllles. melodies to heighten the un- He said he believes that smoking derstanding of three 'Influential Is contagious within one's environ- Canadian artists. The special topic ment. Canadian 'Studies course, taught "When you hang out with some- However, ASBSU senator by BSUadjunct professor Norman one who smokes too much, you Christian Busnaro who sat in at the Weinstein, will Introduce stu- could start smoking too," McVey Faculty Senate meeting last week, dents to the multi-dimensions of said. doesn't think that enrollment would Canadian culture as reflected by Anthony Thomas, a Boise State, be effected because Boise State is singer/songwriter Joni Mitchell, freshman, said he often sees people already turning students away and artist Robert Davidson and poet smoking c1oserto the buildings, as raising admission requirements Fred Wah. if no policy were in place. , and therefore a smoke-free policy "It's an adventure in Ideas' and "Some people leave class during won't significantly impact incom- will be absolutely different from their breaks and smoke right out- ing students' decisions. anything (students) have ever side the building," Thomas said. Additionally, Busnaro said he taken before," Weinstein said. "It' PHOTO BY TESSA SCHWEIGERTII'HE ARBITER Currently 16 colleges and uni- thinks that smoking is becoming crosses borders." Norman Weinstein will teach a versities are smoke-free campuses, less popular among young adults. Weinstein said the course cross- course that focuses on three both indoor and outdoor. "The evolving trend in society is es the border between Idaho and Canadian artists (above). . One of these colleges is San to not smoke," Busnardo said. Canada, . exposing 'students to a One of the artists, Hobert Ilavldson, Antonio College. While the topic of Boise State be- culture they may notreally under- will visit campus this spring (his When the new policy went into coming a smoke-free campus has stand. Yet the course also moves artwork, left). effect this past August, the college's been in discussion for many years, beyond the borders typically divid- president, Dr. Robert E.Zeigler said, nothing has been put in writing. ing art, English and music at BSU. prlntmaker, building on his an- "This policy will benefit everyone Additionally, a smoke-free cam- Weinstein said he loves to com- cient Halda heritage, yet also has by creating a healthy environment pus resolution and any revisions bine these three elements in one expanded into entirely new artistic for study and work." made to the current policy would course, and he hopes students terrain," Weinstein said. A study was conducted by the have to gO'through several avenues share his fondness for the unique Because there's no textbook in Health and Wellness Center at.BSU ofapproval before any changes will blend of artistic expression. existence that outlines Weinstein's regarding possibility of Boise State be made. Weinstein said he designed the inventive class, the materials for - becoming smoke-free. Accordingto two Harvard School course with music, art and litera- the course include books on Wah The study found that 86% of stu- of Public Health studies pub- ture that work together with an un- and Davidson as well as Mitchell's dents, 92% of faculty and 87% of Iished in the American Journal of derlying connection. recently released album "Songs of staff agreed that universities should Preventative Medicine, smoking . In designing the course, a Prairie Girl." The album is a col- provide a smoke-free environment kills more Americans every year Weinstein found parallels between lection of Mitchell's songs about for students. PHOTO COURTESY ROBERT DAVIOSON than alcohol, illegal drugs, homi- Mitchell, Davidson and Wah. They her Canadian Identity, and was re- A new smoke-free policy may in- with it. ness, butPlew said he hopes stu- cide, suicide, car accidents, fire and each draw from their Canadian leased after Weinstein conceived crease future enrollment, according AIDScombined. "A course like this has never dents will also learn more about heritage while also experimenting the concept for the course. to Health and Wellness Executive been done before, and some fac- the dynamics of Canadian culture The Faculty Senate plans to dis- beyond tradition, Weinstein said. Weinstein said he hopes stu- Director Ferdinand Sclilapper. ulty might find it questionable," he through courses like Weinstein's cuss the topic in future sessions, as "Allthree take extraordinary lib- dents will come away from the "Research shows that high- said. "Because she doesn't call her- spring class. does ASBSU.No specific dates have erties with ancient artistic forms to course with a deeper level of un- achieving students arc drawn to self a poet, to study her songs as po- Plew said only about 18 stu- de.en m.ade available in regard to create a distinctively modern art," derstanding about Mitchell's mu- 'healthier' campuses," Schlapper t~IS tOpIC. etry can be offensive to professors dents are currently minoring in Weinstein said. "Mitchell impro- sic and identity, as well as Wah and said. who have a traditional definition of Canadian Studies, but any student ASBSUsenate meetings arc every vised with jazz, Wah with musical- Davidson's artistic expressions in "Ithink one of Boise State's stron- what poetry is. She doesn't fit it." can enroll in the course as an elec- Tuesday and Thursday at 4:40 p.m, ly experimental poetic forms and the Canadian culture. And, with gest selling points is our natural Mark Plew, the director for BSU's tive. in the Forum in the Student Union Davidson with abstract art." every course, Weinstein said he resources and active, healthy life- Building. The next Faculty Senate Canadian studies program said he Students will get the rare op- The course itself is an experi- hopes students will learn more style, with the mountains, foothills, meeting is this Tuesday at 3:15p.m. thinks the course "brings home the portunity to meet one of the art- ment, and Weinstein said he is un- about their own identity. rivers, whitewater rafting, skiing, in the Bishop Barnwell Room in the importance of Canadian culture." ists they're studying. Davidson will aware if there's anything like it on "I hope people always learn hiking, biking and greenbelt. This Student Union Building. The Canadian studies program visit BSUin April, Weinstein said. earth. Due to the' course's novelty about themselves in any course," initiative would enhance that im- Anyone is invited to attend either is relatively new at BSUand began "Davidson has distinguished and focus on Mitchell, Weinsteih he said. "D.H. Lawrence said 'I do age further." groups' meeting. including art in 2003. The program himself as il master carver of to- said some people don't agree not believe in art for art's sake, but focuses more on politics andbusi- tem poles and masks .as well as a for my sake.'''

It6s yourfutllre. Charge ahead .


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iff; , , EDITOR: MartanaBBkker .([email protected]) cu ure

The ERI8k: Fashion's hits and misses

rER Facial hair: part deux- let's find a look that's right for you a,

BY MARIANABEKKER Culture Columnist l- is "To shave, or not to shave - ic that isthe question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to n BY JOHN HELLMAlII with a bout of Latin danc- PHOTOS BY RYAN PfLEGERITHE ARBITER suffer the nicks and cuts of 's Culture Writer ing fun. The music began outrageous grooming, or Ir Mansi Loya teaches a at 7:30 and dancing contin- group of eager learners take a stand against the h I approached Filipino Dance ued on late into the night. some salsa moves during bareness offace and by patch of hair underneath the bottom s Night not knowing what fa ex- Our instructor, Mansi Pthpmn Dance Night. opposing, grow hair - moustache and lip and another patch of hair on the If pect. Would I bear witness to the Loya, . has been teach, beard." chin (none of which are attached) can vast cultural cache of tradition- ing salsa dancing at Boise forms part of BARCADA, OK, I know that it's pretty cheesy help add some edge to your style. This :t al Filipino dance? Would I learn State for a while. He re- a Tagalog word that means to reference Shakespeare in a fashion can work with or without a small han- to move my feet to the beat of cently hosted a class at the "group of friends," as well column, but-someone gave me this dlebar-like mustache (the keyword Tagalog rap? Cultural Center and volun- as an acronym for the quote in reference to my column last here is "small"). I was surprised when I entered teered to help out Saturday Boise American-Filipino week and Ithought itwas most appro- the Hatch Ballroom at the Student night at the Filipino dance Relations Club and priate for the sequel. I mustache a question Union Building,onlyto find myself event. His Latin dance styl- Diversity Association. We Last week I took it upon myself to Celebrities may be wearing milk face to face not with a Filipino au- ings are absolutely con- talked about the Filipino list an array of facial hairstyles and mustaches on billboards to promote dience, but with a bunch of white tagious. If you've been in community on campus, whether they are a fashion hit or the importance of milk, but real mus- guys and a very talented and flex- town for more than a week, and I asked her what she miss. taches are a different matter. The way ible Hispanic instructor named then somebody has prob- thought of the salsa les- Styles come and go, of course, but a mustache looks really depends on Mansi. The music was salsa. ably asked you to go salsa sons. with facial hair the same looks have the man. It Is definitely not for every- Eyangeline Beaver, head of the dancing, to learn meren- "It was a great experi- remained popular, albeit with some one. The 'stache may not be in style committee that organized the gue, or to try and tango. ence," she said. "He's real- slight adjustments. It seems that ac- anymore: even Magnum PI, Tom Filipino Heritage Month, told me Boise loves Latino dance lygood," Indicating Mensi, tual hairstyles are serving as the real Selleck, has chosen to keep his upper that modern day Filipinos prefer to music, but apparently our teacher and hlp-shak- centerpiece of a man's look, but that lip bare and rid himself of his trade- shake their stuff to Tito Rodriguez America is not the onlyven- Ing role model. can change depending on how much mark. In fact, I dare say that college and Ruben Blades. ue upon which the genre Boise is not known for effort you put Into changing your fa- men look a bit odd with the 'stache, The traditional native rhythms has left their mark. Latin Its diversity. It's great to cialhalr. It's klnda creepy. of the beautiful island land- So, here's a couple more styles you ,- tunes have found a more.,.. see that a foreign culture ," scape in the South China Sea, the' than willing audience In can Integrate its own her- may want to consider when changing Philippines, is composed ofTagalog the Philippines. that facial accessory, I pity the fu manchu itage with that of. other The other moustache style includ. songs and beats. Back in the day, Yours truly began his les- groups in our fair city. ed here is the fu manchu. The polItI- ' the Spainards Introduced Tagalog son and found himself with There are only about 600 Burn, baby, burn cally incorrect name comes from a dance to the Philippines. The style Evangeline, the lone first ments. We started off slow, but Filipino immigrants .in One style of facial hair that is of- popular film from the late '60s called can be flirtatious or formal, siow generation Filipina who attended gradually got the hang of it, and Boise, but at least they make their ten overlooked as being facial haIr is "The Many Lives of Dr. Fu Manchu". or 'fast. The Filipino Dance Night the event. two dancers In particular man- presence known. Who would have sideburns. It's an easy and versatile The fu manchu is characterized by was a cultural experience, but not Luckily for me, Evangeline aged to show up the rest of us. They thought that their presence would look to pull off that are a staple on the' its position over the lip and extension in the way that I expected. Filipino knew how to shake it like the best were Tyler and Amy Jones. I caught have me shaking my booty to Marc men's fashion scene. When it comes down each side of the mouth to the Heritage Month has celebrated the of them. She and Mansi worked up with Amy as we all rested out- Anthony? I came away from the to sideburn length, the norm is for Jaw. Yesit is ugly, and yes you should native language of Tagalog, the together and showed the rest of side the sweltering ballroom. She event with sore feet and a profound your sideburns to end at the midpoint not wear one. yearly festival of Galing-Galing, us the baste steps of salsa, as well was one of the two Filipinos that awareness of the shifting cultural of your ear. Sideburns add a nice and now it is finishing off its run as several turns and fancy move- turned out for the event. Amy dynamic in Boise, Idaho. touch to a man's face, but again, make The soul man sure to keep your sideburns short and The soul patch Is 'most readily trimmed. You may want Wolverine's identified as a style popular among claws, but you don't want his side- the' beatniks and Jazz artists of the burns.If you've never heard of the Recipes of the week: Bruschatta and tiramisu x- '50s and '60s. In earlier periods, the Men, Just think of Elvis Presley's side- soul patch was called a 'small beard' By AMBER FUGER burns - avoid looking like the King at Since 1 received an espresso ma- for obvious reasons. It Is character- all costs - and that includes the se- Assistant Culture Editor chine for my birthday, we' brewed Ized by Its confinement to the area quined white Jumpsuit too. A quick trip to my hometown some fair trade espresso, dipped Just below the lower lip. It has been almost always results in a day of the ladyfingers for a mere second seen trimmed short, or grown long Italian cooking. Being raised with on each side, and layered them In The straptee and groomed. The Jury Is still out on Italian influences, it is no surprise a Tupperware dish. We then took If you want to go for a more rug- . whether this look Is groovy enough most the recipes I favor are Italian. the mixture we made by whipping ged goatee, you can try a goatee with for the millennium - so try It at your Over this quick trip to Pocatello, together one third of a cup sugar, a mid-way chinstrap, as seen on rap- on risk my mother and I dabbled with a three fourths of a cup heavy cream, pers and athletes. I took It upon my- classic appetizer, bruschetta and and eight ounces of soft cream seIf to name this new look which is And the survey says ... a traditional delightfully rich des- cheese. We spread this on top of basically the goatee the same as it According to a recent survey of sert, tiramisu. the layer of ladyfingers, followed used to be (with or without the patch both women and men, less is more For the bruschetta we took roma this layering process once more of hair right underneath the bottom when it comes to-growing facial hair. tomatoes and beefsteak tomatoes, and put the dessert In the fridge lip), only it has longer sideburns that The survey revealed that almost half diced them up arid threw them to set up for two hours. When It morph into what's known as a semi- the women polled said they preferred Into a serving dish with an olive oil was time to Indulge we sprinkled "chlnstrap," and balsamic vinegar sauce. Then shaved dark chocolate on top, the clean-shaven look over every we added some toasted garlic and marscapone cheese, which is an another try, but by a simpler more poured a glass of wine and drifted other style. The,survey stated women fresh basil. After seasoning with Italian dessert cheese. I have been cost-efficient ..recipe. This recipe Into a reverie of the Italian coun- Add a dab of Depp find the clean-shaven look to be sexier a little salt and pepper, we sliced infatuated withthis dessert since I called for a whipped cream cheese, tryside, while sitting in my mom's You might get annoyed with than stubble or a moustache. But you some buffalo mozzarella, placed was a teenager. Last Christmas, my heavy cream, and sugar mix to sub- rustic Italian influenced kitchen in johnny Depp's bohemian look and men out there know that. The survey the slices on some toasted baguette best friend and I tried to follow the stitute for the marscapone cheese. Pocatello. method acting technique, but you also stated that when men were asked bread and delved into this tantaliz- formal recipe that host of the Food The recipe also calls for instant A simple, affordable, and deli- have to admit that he boasts his own who mostinfluenced their facial hair- ing version of bruschetta. Network's Everyday Italian, G1ada espresso, Italian ladyfinger, and' cious appetizer with a delectable style - and that's pretty darn sexy. In style, women topped the list. Nowontothedeledable,rich,and De Laurentlls uses, but it was Just cocoa powder. On Saturday night, dessert all made possible on a col- addition to his shaggy hair and mis- Take that as you will, but I see it as decadent Italian dessert, known too complicated and time consum- after an afternoon in the kitchen, lege student's budget. Check back matched clothing, Depp's look has clear indication that the ladies have a as tiramisu. Tiramisu is espresso _ Ing. For my 23rd birthday, this same my mother and I gave this easy rec- next week for twist on .a classic become part of his trademark. This ' sayan how often you shave. soaka.i ladyfingers topped with friendgavethehomemadetiramisu ipe out of Everyday Food a try. Halloween treat. thin mustache along with a small " Unfortunat~IY there are alof of young women who 'have met who have true desires to learn a trade that simply 'don't have the sup- 'portin pursuing'. them.'" '

- Tamml Milford BSU welding student "Monster Garage" will air Nov. 14 on the Dil/covery ChanneL

Gender- discrimination:' , very much alive and weld

BY AUTUMN HAYNES Welding isn't traditionally a at places that had hired guys out of SpecIal to The Arbiter Q: female occupation, why did you the same welding Class I was in that choose to go into welding? would tell me 1 needed more expe- Imagine you are hired by an rience when I would call to check employer to do a job, but you only on my application. I had a place flat get paid half-as-much as your col- A: The whole concept of weld- out tell me it would be too heavy of , leagues doing the same work. Do ing has always intrigued me since job for a woman. Rule Steel was the you lack the training? No. Are you I was little. I worked for Selkirk last place I went. When I got called lacking a degree or educational cer- Metalbestos in Nampa years ago, in for my interview and weld test, I tificate? No. You are female, there- that's when I first started learning was so scared. I kicked butt on my fore; your time and energy is not as a little about the different processes test and sat down with the foreman valuable as your male peers. Now of welding. I never got the chance to who was very skeptical about hav- imagine that you have studied and try to weld but I asked a lot of ques- ing a woman in the shop, that was earned your degree but when you tions and that's when I realized when I let out a lot of frustration go job-hunting you can't even get that's what I wanted to do. I still and 11e sat and listened to every- an interview because of your gen- don't truly understand what it is thing I had to say. I left with a "we'll der. about welding that I enjoy so much, call you:' He called two hours later Sound like an over-exaggerated I just love everything about fabrica- and asked me to start the next day. complaint from an Equal Rights tion, It still fascinates me. ' Amendment lobbyist? Tammy Milford's story will give you pause Q: Why do you think more women to reconsider. Q: Can you describe your first don't go into the mechanical arts? Like many BSU graduates, interview experience when you ap- Milford was enthusiastic to pursue. plied for a welding job? a career after studying welding and A: Well, honestly I think you have the mechanical arts. Unfortunately, to be a certain type of women to A: (laughing) Well, I applied at too she was met with 'gender want to do something a little bit many places to keep trackof, I didn't discrimination, despite her degree out of the norm like going into a get a formal interview with anyone qualifications. until I went to Rule-Steel. I applied See Welder [page 81 '

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,r I BY AMBER FUGER .' "Funky, psychedelic, dance, with the business side of making a AssIstantCulfure Editor evolving, fun:" . . even though the have mad respect band. He quickly caught on and for Idaho 'in general, they desire . . Jupiter' Holiday started jam- has been using his skills to promote more, not just the playing, but the A bassist, a guitarist, a drummer, ming together this last year. They Jupiter Holiday. harboring of experiences as well. a keyboardist, and a slew of guest " scored. their first gig at Plank, where . "I followed this band around Experiences are crucial when. artlsts-Phis new local band, Jupiter Kleinkopf used 'his connections to for three years, from Seattle, to composing transcelldent lyrics' Holiday, found their muse and the expose-the talems and passions of Moscow, to Ketchum, and all over connectiohs needed to create a psy- the band. that speak to the audience as much Boise. I. watched how they dealt as the music, both Klelnkopf and chedelic fused rock band offour 10- They don't have many songs, they with the business standpoint and _ Grazlan agreed. . cals with unique styles. With gigs are haminerlng out lyrics, but both the whole process from dealing' In order to make this work, each recently at the Bouqet and Terrup . Kleinkopf and Grazian said those with band members to the creative musician needs to possess the same and Station, these four music fan at- will come later, for now they' work process," Kleinkopf said. These as- goals and drive, said Grazian, ics have come together to celebrate on the music itself, hoping their pects combined provoked a serious Each member works' part-time one passion, making music. Testing. jams will emit their vibes 'and in- drive in Kleinkopf to put together a PH011JS BY RYAN PFU:GEA!THE ARBITER jobs to pay the bills, but their full- riffs, writing lyrics, constant com- tentions. band and really make it succeed. Jupiter Holtdavchtllm' out before their show on Friday night. rime positions are devoted to the promise, all in pursuit of one goal, With influences like Led "Starting a band is like a big mar- . . band. BUilding a band from tl\e melodic rhythmic tunes. Zeppelin, Frank Zappa, Talking riage," Grazian said. Jupiter Holiday Growing up with strong music While Smith pushes out a salsa, ground up is challenging, but when : Jason Grazlan, Kreed Kleinkopf, Heads, and an array of old jazz, is dedicated tCJmaking this relation- influences in all their lives deep- sound, Basset might be experi- the 'drive is evident in each rnem- Mike Bassett, and Stas Smith make Jupiter Holiday fuses each rnem- . ship last. Bassett,' Jupiter Holiday's ens the passion and increases menting with the blues, Grazian bel', success is that much' easier up the core of Jupiter Holiday. ber's radical ideas and aspirations guitarlst/vocalist, and Grazian met the drive· (0 play in a band and said, so in order to make it work to achieve as both Kleinkopf arid Bassist Kleinkopf and drummer into groovy feel good music. in high school on the drum line. make the band want to succeed. they tweak some sounds here, pluck Grazian attest. Grazian said theirstyle was dance- . They have no tracks laid down, Grazian met up with keyboardlst Grazian, Kleinkopf, Smith, and some strings over there and ere- Fliers can be seen around cam- able psychedelic rock/rock fusion. no Web site, and only a few songs. 'Smith through Boise State's mu-' Basset all bring a different style to ate a funky psychedelic style they pus, and if you have a Myspace When asked to sum up their Kleinkopf spent some time trav- sic program, and two years ago the mix causing them to. have to all are intrigued to play .. Grazian, account, do your thing to check sound in five words, Kleinkopf _ cling with another' band a few through "random friends" Grazian flex more resulting in this groovy Kleinkopf,Basset, and Smith all in on the next happenings with and' Grazlan went back and forth. years ago and became fascinated met Kleinkopf fusion sound. grewup in the Treasure Valley, and Jupiter Holiday,

Activist .chill with Julie Loyd The SY m.p-~ds ion ';' ;;;';.~~~-~-:.~' .:,-, Cocktail Lounge 21 and Over - ID Required Daily, Speci.aJs Mon - Jack Daniels $3.00 Happy Hour rue -:41 North $4.00 4 - 6 Mon - Sat ~ Wed- Chili Bombs $4.50 5 -7 Sunday 1hur -Iagermiestet $3.00 Sun - Bloody Mary $3.00'

FREE 25 MOVIE CHANNELS ..~:'i FREE DVR dI() .. ~IW/IIlIE. 3 MONTHS r- EQUIPMENT UPGRADE FREE OVER 200 CHANNELS BY TAMERAHELGESON and making herself kno~ht .,;"'nd ri:iore lntormatlon about signs in frol'lfotthe Broadway FIRST MONTH Arbiter Staff "Loyd's hard. bass gujtar.~·:their.9·tollps will be available Taco Bell and the Taco Bell strumming·of:,atthen~vent that starts at 7 Stadium, asking that the Tact? FREE STANDARD "Give up everything before contemporary fol.k rot~~t~;..~;f:J:l:.':V>i ., . Bell Corporation be account- PROFESSfONAllNSTAllATfON you give up this," said one states Perform~r·~Cl~azlne. ..R Y,.OGEEralsed over able to the migraht';-work- listener of Julie Loyd. It tops Just haVingreleaseclMtJhh'l:I' $8 . thesaleofchocolate ers and gaining local public roP-RioNKED IN CUSTOMER SATISFACTIO~ BYAeSI her list of best audience re- alburn.c'The Wait\ng;,R,OQOl,".vag, . ,lhthElStudent Union awareness. actions, and probably invokes Loyd i~ still a mere23Y~.a'rs, . 'Buil~l~g, fOI')":.tffe';Louisian.a The evening of Oct. 25 will images of an open mic night of age.;,/{:",:" CoalItion Agalllst,;;DomestIc be an opportunity for stu- long ago, when Loydwas still Tuesday evening, Loyd will Violence. In the past OGEE dents to learn how to become only 17.. .berevealingherrambunctious members havegiY/;!11out free more involved with these N'gilisRTWO II. K Playing energetic, forceful essenc:e at Satchel's Grlll,sClfesexawareness bags, campus clubs and to listen to folk music and hailing from found at 705 w. Bannoc~,be';"'whichcontained condoms, Loyd's contagious foot-tap- Better TV for all. Virginia, she has been called tween Capitaland~th_Streets pregl'19ncytests,ancl lubri- ping style.. .. Treasure Valley a great performer and an ac- ih'downtown Boise. .'.. cantl and informational bro- OGEEmeets every Monday complishedguitar player;.aC-~;TheOrganization for Gender chures pertaining tolndepen- afternoon at 2:15, and IPSA Next Day Install cordingly, she composes her " EquaIJty&Education(OGEE) dent sexual freedom to.stu- meets every Sunday evening In South West Idaho 'and own poetic tunes. . ...• "and the Idaho Progressive dents. TheIPSA organized a at 5pm, both groups meet in Eastern Dragon In 2003, at the age.•of 19, StudentAlliance(IPSA),Boise yearlong boycott ofTaco Bell the Student Union Building; 208-442.Q07D she started her musical road State University campus last school year. Every week and all BSUstudents are wel- trip, traveling acrossA:~erica ~Iubs, are bringing her here they could be seenwlth,their come to attend. Call 208-447-9243

'~''';~'' p i:t. ~\.." ' '. ·ri~.... PH011J COURTESY BRIANNA LANE MELI'lJRD for Student Specials! ,Lr.~king To Bring 'YourHalloween -.. Party to Life? Timeis runniBg outl Wehave the Masks, .Costumes,Wigs, Mak.up, Props,andyes, we .even .have the. GoreI WherenlghtJll,ares really can com_etrue. build team. Anytime you put five. cO~p'le week~ so Ijust figured they [i1InJllllll6) A: .Yes, there were times that we women together fora week, un- bad found someone else. I got home alI were very concerned thatwe just non-tradltirinal~eld. Just like you der pressure bound to. be from work one day and had an e- there's weren't going to make It. Ican't re- . have to be a certain type of women drama. There were four of us that mail tell~ng me. they needed me alIyexplaln why we thought that, to be a doctor, or pollee officer or .formed a strong bond from day one. in califorqla on a certain day and you'll alI just have to watch the teacher. To me It's just the partIc- Mary Jo Emerick; Mandie Gordon, would be ~ettlng my flight Info in show on Nov. 14. , ular career of my choice that best and Kathy Pierson, all three that I a couple dlfYs. Ileft for Long Beach fit what Iwanted in a job to make stlll talk to regularly. The other gal, about a wee.klater. It alI happened .me happy. Unfortunately there are Wanda, just had a totally different Q: How did Monster Garage find very quickly:' ~t didn't totalIy slnk In a lot of young women who I have personality than the rest of us and out about you and what was your until I actuallj; got to the garage on met who have true desires to learn didn't really have the desire to be thought when theyasked you to go the first day. II a trade that simply don't have the involved with the TEAM. I worked on the show? \, support in pursuing them, or per- with four highly skilled and ex- Do you have\~ny role models or haps haven't found the support or tremely Intelligent women. It was Q: mentors that have'belped you in the encouragement that they need. definitely an Interesting and excit- A: My instructor, Juan Martinez, had been Monster Garage about . recent past? What have they meant Perhaps [they are) afraid to fail. ing experience, drama and all. on I a year ago and the producers con- to you? ',., tacted him and he gave them all 1\ l Q: What was the Monster Garage Q: Without giving the e~d away, my contact info, so when the pro- '.,.'" Oh, absolutely: Juan Martin~z, experience with an all female crew was there a moment when you ducers contacted me I was really A: my Instructor. Juan has been su~- like? thought· "we're never going to fin- shocked and excited. They sent me portive of me from day one. He an'{1 ish this project in time?" an application to fill out, I sent it I have butt heads a time or two, back and didn't hear any.thing for a I Tamml Milford proudly displays har work. A: There were five of us on the think just because we are a lot alike, I but he still was supportive of me even when we were pissed at each, other. I wasn't the type of person who could learn how to weld sitting in a booth welding plate after plate SOME OF THE after plate. So, one day when I was so frustrated he said, "you and I are PLACES WE FLY going on a field trip today," He took me to the Women of Steel art gallery in Garden City. The gallery had the most beautiful pieces of art made Albuquerque out of steel. I told him right then (Just an hour away from Santa Fe) and there this is what I want to do. When we went back to the school, I went to the scrap piles digging out Austin pieces I'd seen in a totally different way. I ended up making a sculpture of flowers, vines, and butterflies out of those pieces. That particular Baltimore/Washington (BWI) piece is sitting in Iuan's yard now. (29 miles to downtown Washington, D.C,) I was in a very serious car acci- dent when I was in college. I lost my sister in that accident. Juan Game to my house after I was out of the hos- Chicago (Midway) pital. We cried and we talked, and he was one of the key people who helped me through that time and helped me to keep moving forward. Ft. Lauderdale I was still in a wheelchair when he (22 miles to downtown Miami) came to my house with papers to fill out to put my artwork on display at a gallery in Boise. He didn't give .',: ~'\ ,: > ' me the chance to give up. I ended '.' Ft. Myers/Naples up going back to school and finish- ing as a certified welder. He was the first person I would call when Iwas getting discouraged [about) not be- Harlingen/South Padre Island ing able to find a job. His words of advice have helped me stay deter- mined. Juan has taught me so much more than fabrication. He has and Las Vegas , continues to be a huge influence in my life. Juan is honest and straight- forward. I respect him as my in- structor and I admire him as my Los Angeles (LAX) friend.

Q: Do you see yourself as a pioneer Oakland in the welding field? (18 miles to downtown San Francisco) A: Well, I never intended to be a "pioneer" but after experienc- Philadelphia ing first hand the frustrations of the ignorance of discrimination I have been determined more than ever to make a name for myself and . Phoenix help other women I have met find the strength to deal with the same frustrations and to keep the desire and determination to succeed in Pittsburgh .. whatever endeavors they desire to conquer.

Q: What advice would you give Providence to a womanpursuing a male domi- (A better way to 80S ton) nated field?

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. EDITOR: DrewMayes ...... " ( ) y e • e :i 1 1 o I :i

:I r I involved in the various 'groups it e-mails and submissions I have got ing of the week. After all, BSU is supports. tenhere at The Arbiter during the one of few universities in the coun- Gay week goes by I get it, but everybody else is past month-and-a-half. try that has such a week specially I don't understand largely unnoticed thinking it, so Imight as well be the . The lack of participation, or out- designed for this group. That's a why people.made one to ask, where were the protest- rage (.depending on what side of powerful marketing tool you can .such a big dealabout : by the student body ers? the fence you fall), might lie in the use to attract certain people to the Where were the outraged stu- fact that organizations like BGLAD college. it because I didn't dents who were going to transfer to (Bisexuals, Gays, Lesbians, and I have a sneaking suspicion that even notice it. a different school? Allies for Diversity} chose not to most people .didn't even know' the BY DREW MAYES Where were the 'BSU stands for 'heavily promote the week. The event was taking place so soon. Opinion Editor Bisexual University' signs and the most likely reason for this is the The question then becomes, if Zac Creech outraged conservatives? majority of their resources were those who strongly opposed the Criminal Justice have to be honest; I'm a I haven't been this disappoint- spent trying to get the bill passed recognition week would have been' Administration little disappointed. The big ed since sophomore year of high through the student senate, aware it was taking place so soon, Icontroversial gayweek was school when my girlfriend left me Or maybe that was a strategic would anything different have hap- nothing more than a few speakers, for an upperclassman so she could move on their part; get the first pened? I honestly don't know. a typical march to the ca itolbuild- go to prom. event .passed without a hitch,' My experience has been that ing, and a drag show. Calln crazy, . Don't get me wrong; I wasn't which sets the precedent that most those who chirp the loudest don't I didn't even know . but I seem to remember som thing . rooting for a sexual orientation war of the Boise State community sup- seem to show up when the chips they had it already. . like this taking place every yea on where it would be 'brother against ports this week. are down and it really matters. campus minus the official label. brother, friend against friend, etc.'. However, you would think that I would like to hedge my bet now do understand the importance that ",st thought there would be a lit- due to this being the first annual that one way or the other, more peo- label has - the legitimacy and rec- tle bit more to the week from both event, more preparation would pie from both sides are involved in ognition it brings to those students sides based on all the comments, have gone into the actual market- gay recognition week next year. You are wrong on so many levels We had a gay week BY DAWN M. RAMIREZ . in fatherless homes." Hewentontosay that, gang I also think that Mr. Stoker should serious- Guest Opinion membership is directly correlated to the growth Iy look at how many African American and on campus? and decline of single-mother populations in Hispanic males are incarcerated in the United .gang-saturated communities. Wrong! Your own States (personally, I feel that this is the "newra- Jennlfer Cooksey I wanted to personally thank you (or calling statistics and references don't even jive with cial cleansing). Health Promotions , me a non-virtuous mother. .that statement. Then, ifhe is not fully convinced that his raclsr" When I had my son 14years ago he was an un- Let's get to the issue ofrace because I am more opinion has no place in higher education, I sug- planned pregnancy and part of the infuriated in these statements than bouncing gestthat he familiarize himself with exact num- 54 percent of black children from a fatherless statistics back and forth with Mr. Stoker. bers of African American and Hispanic males home Mr. Stoker referenced, Though I am mar- You owe me an apology. I took your article' who are victims of homicide. Does he know that : ried now (like that should matter) you have just personally; you must not realize that you just homicide is the third leading cause of death for called me II contributor to the 'gang problem in called me and overy woman in my family who •.. AfricanAmt


BY BRIAN HOLMES ly. Now, as I understand it, part of the conserva- Opinion Writer tive agenda, aka Operation A.L.E.C., weighs heav- ily.on the family'. No one wants to see grandma and The time for lamenting over past dues and mistakes grandpa start dropping like flies, so let's come up is over, long over. Let's pick our jaws up from off of the with a way to save on vaccination. costs, reliability floor and do something. Anything. Look, we already and distribution. know that we lost the election, again. We lost the ma- Instead of making the immunization of our elderly jority count in the U.S. House of Representatives. We a top priority, when they have a much lower rate of ac- lost seats in the U.S. Senate. Our new chief justice is tually taking to the vaccine, why not immunize our • decidedly conservative. Halliburton is running Iraq youth? These legions of virus factories touch every- into the ground and the best we can do is dejectedly thing, cough on everybody and bring home all sorts ",:::'. kick at the dirt. of foul, decrepit material to our homes, our work and '::'.,';;:~'~',::.~ Tohell with that nonsense, the time is now. Here we our hospitals. have opportunities to change the course of our own They also have a higher percentage of taking to the political landscape and can do it by giving the conser- vaccine. They, in turn, can make all of our lives much vatives a reason or two to agree with us. easier. Japan did this very thing a couple of decades For instance, there is a terrible outcry that there ago, and what do you know? They have a very healthy might not be enough avian flu vaccine to be dis- population. _ tributed among the population; something in the: Let's stop getting our collective asses handed to us range of only 150 million doses. That is some po- and startshoving the obvious back into the faces ofour tentially gripping news, especially for our elder- policy makers.


Photo EdJlllr' .: . Webmaslers The Arbiter ~m'I'O!!,!H-CH!Ef' Prodw:t1lJn ~g~ ...... _.6!!!l!'!'\l!t.f~.~cc .... I I M@Allredlrl2fi7': -FranCis Delapelul,[ilio] Harsh Mantrl [dOD] Brad Arendt (x1D1] Distributed HcndO~S & ThutSdO~1 during MANAGING EDITOR Tra.1ll ESt.oId IxllI6l "",d@ulii""oIlJ."" .1910 UnlY~rslty Drive LIS~i Chugg'[~1DO) •• n"l@ballUtitl~ '.. the ocodetn)t school l.I~r. 1M J.rblter ..• PbolographefS r:·: Asst. Prodw:t1lJn MenSlJ8f .• . 'NEWS EDITOR Sara Bahn.en 1x102I•••• II t"'t'Oftk:IaII"d~nd.nt ,Ioctent ~"b""';I1...... ; •., ....StanleyBrliwster' "il~~der .- .. , ',. (xt10] BoiSe. 11)83725 .' Heather Engl1s~ WRIT-rns n.. spap.,'O?eOtN~_U~ . .ASST. NEWS EDlTilB Tes.a Schwalgart Ixl02] MarcUIi Hackler (xl17j - - - '. ~;.~.@"b"."'.I;,;•._. ..,:BvanPfleger " . , ..,-',;.~:',;;: . -,_ •• _-_ •••• "-<",,,.~ ~ • ." " ;-::~:"t-:· ~ ..,-,~,; ~';:::;;'!' an..~Pvbi.efO'i;"o; .. ~~RlthaeSw!i11baC~¥'~... '~~;' -<";'. ShsivDA!Ilbi.~':~~3;~iZ;';~...... I\<... ~.#; Phone: 34!f8204 [x1001 ~'tUd.rrt~'~ ~Olt. .- .- . OPINIGi~ EiUTOR DrawMayas IxlllSjlOiim;;;UiUmo ~·:·· '. :'-~Zf""?' ' . ..'" .. ~~.. . J~.II<.Chrts!8iJii8ii,'Hailhar Curran, .. .. - . :'\ all con'ent"-::~". -0 ~ ',. " ,-- " '. • 't' .. ,'. ','.' ',' ,: . Lenria£ilswortii'[x111] "SPIJIlTStDti1IB B8Illeiritifppch#h~i11J FCJX:426-3198 ::r;d,:-=,,::=~~~~J 'JilremtiHHagle'i'lx111j ':'[~f:~ti~·· . ' " . '"-:t·~.;'· COMItO Of;"s paid b\llht =-8:;" .' ., .. ' ~,'- ~o~Hi.rtkl~ItJ~: T".~'· ~~.~~cOPu "~'~~'~dttl~.~'eop~~..~:.: ltDiaxim to live by: Don't be a deadbeat-parent Somebody needs a and parenting,· a .qualifier with pendent withers away, they are be. black or white - do a great dis- specifically indicting' those who set by educational and experiential service both to their posterity and Opinion writer intentionally. or negligently posi- history lesson in gangs disadvantages. When alimony and to society at large. Gang activity tion themselves and others in such child support is insufficient or un- statistics are only a case in point clarifies intent of situations. paid, which is quite common,' their - the disadvantages and dangers BY CHANDRA SILVA Before the Civil War, the mos Many single parents are not re- last column' families suffer. Who are the prin- cast upon neglected children are Guest Opinion prevalent type of gang activity wa: sponsible for the Circumstances cipal culprits in these sItuations? innumerable. horse theft and the counterfeinnj that have dictated their lifestyle. Most likely men, who shirk their Why do I raise this point? I am Brandon Stoker's opinion piece, of bank notes. BY BRANDON STOKER The sundry factors that can render parental obllgations and thrust not simply passing judgment, I am "Destroy the family and you de- After the Civil War, a new en Opinion Writer a parent single are virtually innu- the daunting responsibilities of indicting those who support, en- stroy society,' is but one-too-many of gangs began with the popular- merable, though common situa- parenthood singly upon mothers. courage or perpetrate this behav- of the examples of right-Wing con- izatlon of train robbery. And then It's startling that a profoundly tions Include: emotional or physi- Sometimes women do the same. lor.Anything thatdetracts from the servative propaganda that Is rna- there's the era of big-city organized obvious statement to the effect that cal abuse, Infidelity, irreconcilable These people are, in part, the tar- sanctity of the family is destructive Iiclously directed toward. hurting crime with police and political bad pareriting produces bad chil- differences, death or. abandon- get ofrny criticism. to the fabric of our society. Families some people (single-moms) and connections emerging in tpe 20th drenhas elicited such a stirring ment. To these people I offer my More specifically, however, I in- always have been, and always will elevating a theocracy within the century. ~e know that gangs exist response. Nonetheless, Itwould be deepest condolences and support. .diet those who engage In blatantly be, the bedrock of civilization . secular institution. in urban centers everywhere and in expedient to clarify several issues I have witnessed abuse, divorce irresponsible procreation and par- That is where citizenship in the I refute Stoker's claim that "Gang every country. pertaining to my previous article and various other challenges in my enting. So many take part in dan- human family is crafted and cul- membership is directly correlated Gangs all over are being re- entitled "Destroy the family and own family, and I affirm from per- gerous sexual activity, which often tivated. Parents must love, teach to the growth ... of Single-mother ported upon with the same sen- you destroy society." sonal experience that those who produces unwanted children in and nurture their children. Those populations in gang-saturated sationalist distortions by govern- First and foremost, the article rise above failed relationships and situations where. proper and ad- who do, whether single or married, communities;" and I am mostly ment intent on blaming victims was not an indictment of all single forge through tribulation to pro- equate childrearing is near lmpos- . can contrast their familial success taking issue with Stoker's refer. and creating diversions from real parents, particularly single moth- vide and care for their families are sible; 'still others, once children quite sharply withthose who do ence to the "traditional" family as domestic problems, and autho- ers. To argue such would be pre- heroes worthy of great honor. have been born, abandon or fail to not. In conclusion, it would benefit "dlvlnely ordained," consisting of a rizing disregard for human rights posterous! Instead of writing "the Women in particular face moun- support their partner in child rear- us all Individually and collectively "married mother and father which destructive and irresponsible re- tainous obstacles as single parents. under what increasingly looks ing, leaving the task to street gangs to cultivate, to the greatest degree [are] both the indispensable and like fascism in America (see www productive behavior and parent- Many women honorably forego ed- and popular culture. What a crime possible, a culture that encourages fundamental unit of society." ing of single parents," I should ucation and careers to raise farnl- . to deprive children of a supportive responsible procreation, good par- Seems to me that it is love that .htm). have written "destructive and ir- lies, but when the' family support family and home! Negligent par- enting and virtuous llvtng. makes a family and there are and responsible reproductive behavio~ structure upon which they are de- With one report after another, ents - whether male or female, have always been all kinds of fami- t, ------_ the government is moving towards f;\ lies for all kinds of reasons: families the legislation of utlllzlng with one mom, one dad, two moms, terrorism laws to prosecute gang two dads, extended families rais- activity. ing kids, siblings raising younger Interested in becoming educated members, and many folks raised by on the domestic sociology of gangs? loving, protective guardians, You could check out a Web site by You have to be suspicious of a the National Youth Gang Center, report coming out of the National that ana- ~11111~1~\\y", Criminal Justice Reference lyzes gang-related data on a na- Service report sponsored by the tionwide basis, generating annual Department of Justice that reads surveys and reports. something like James Dobson's Nine national surveys have been Focus on the Family Forum or any completed, producing critical na- other politically-motivated right- tional-level information. The 1996- wing syndication; 2003 surveys were collected from a '1'7J1)\\'\~ For a government-sponsored re- representative sample of 2,500 lo- port toIndict female-headed house- done. Hethlnks I should just cal law enforcement agencies. holds, poverty, media, immigration get a job and start making some While you're online, if you re- and the drug trade, as contributing I am . money. I'm working part-time and enjoy ally want to protect children and factors to gang activity sounds to • an accounting major . school quite ablt, but I don't want to put a finan- families, and reduce violence in .rne like the perpetuation of a racist • and have been working part time as an cial drain on my family. Mywife was suppoll- the world, you could check out the O will and sexist political agenda. Social Science Research Council accounts payable clerk for the last three years. ive, but after three years of going to school, even I am no expert on gangs but I find Can I count this as an internship and get credit she rolis her eyes at me sometimes. I don't know be a Web site, it ridiculous to assert "adolescent for it? if I should dump school or my wife. good, fit children/ . for you and match what males in fatherless homes gravitate This is a good place to begin toward gangs." - You are getting valuable experience you want to what Is actually out there. You must forming a systems analysis regard- Pursuing a college education can be . There are female gangs, you • that will add nicely to your resume; also take time to set some go,i!s and develop a ing national policies, globalization • not only financially but emotionally know. Do adolescent females in of violence, organized activity, and A • however, if you want academic credit, • taxing as well. A support system offam- concrete plan about how you are going to' get to A single-father homes gravitate to- you will need to work with your employer to add where you want to go. Please cail us at 426-1747 what we can do about it. ily and friends around you is very important. ward gangs? A study of the history. something new to your job. An internship is a to set an appointment with a Career Counselor. Before jumping into a hasty divorce, we would of American criminal violence learning experience and since you have been Chandra Silva is an adjunct encourage you to come into the Career Center reveals organized gangs to be an doing the job for awhile, the learning curve What if I don't know the name of the instructor in the History and begin making some choices 'about your old story going well back into the has probably leveled out considerably. Don't Department and also major and career. The Career Center offers two • hiring a.t the. o.r.gani.zation I 18th century, teaches Gender Studies let this discourage you, as employers will often career assessments that will help you evaluate O • amsending my resume and cp,v~r letter. add some type of project to your day-to-day re- where your interests, skills and values are and to; should I use, "To whom it may concern" or "Dear Sir or Madam?" . sponsibilities in order for you to take advantage how they match up to majors and careers. of the internship credits, learn something new After finding out who you are and where your and help the employer with a project. Then reo interests are, the Career Center can assist you in First, make a good effort to get the ac- view the job duties with your department's in- researching what jobs are available. There are • tual name. Contact the organization's " Seems to me that it is love that ternship coordinator to'see if they qualify. A • administrative assistant, who should several wonderful resources that give you in- formation about salary, outlook, education and bevery helpful in providing that information makes a family and there are and My brother told me the other day he just training, as well as descriptions of career titles. for you. V{hen you can't obtain the name, or • couldn'tunderstandwhyIwasstillgoing Choosing a major probably won't happen in a the interviewer has not yet been determined, have always been all kinds of O • to college if I didn't know what I wanted matter of hours, nor will it happen while you sit don't use a salutation. Instead put ';'RE: Name . to major in or what kind of job I'll get when I'm and wait for an epiphany. of Job;" for example, "RE: Management Trainee families for all kinds of reasons. " Position.' It takes a great deal of time to search for what .'(-'~~\~",- »>: ,.•~ ~,.""". . -,~ r-.''-.. .' /;>-..''_.';-~"'_=;:"'~_. . - -;?j/ . .", -!'P· ... __..

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You have no idea should have done more research before assuming that single par- Too bad the State academics and the arts. by breathing a steam cloud onto the I what the plight of This is just another example of nine, the pointlessly inflammatory, ents suck, since that is what his ar- Board of Education glass door of a convenience store and the entirely mundane. I'm no ticle made single parents feel like. our reactionary pendulum SWings a single parent is freezer and using his finger to write journalist, but it seems to me that Maybe next time, if Brandon will in the field of contemporary edu- can't be bothered the words "bite me." His impressed proudly pursuing any story, regard- still be allowed to write again and cation policy. Without a well-re- Being a single mother of a won- friend says "Hahl Some ice cream less ofits worthiness, and gleefully 1 hope that he won't be able to, he What the Arbiter missed [in a searched, attainable, and demo- guy's going to see that, and it'll blow derfuI4-year-old son has made me cratictheory of American educa- glvlng voice to the vitriol or inan- a better person. will think before he speaks and 10/20 article entitled "State Board his mind." . tion, the students are at the mercy ity of any boob, is not something to Brandon Stoker doesn't have any points his finger in blame at Some- faces community opposition"] was I am struck by the similarity this boast about. one. that the sole SBE representative of politicians who are not, nor ever exchange bears to The Arbiter's ed- Idea of what it is like being a single have been, educators. The Arbiter: Proudly Promoting parent. What really upsets me is that left long before the testimony was itorial philosophy. . Total Indiscretion. Brandon is suppose to represent complete. By 9:30, Terrel -- who ap- Why are we letting Bill Gates __ Apparently, as Drew "Mayes I am sure that he came from the Do not confuse being provocative. Boise State students and it seems peared by all accounts to be paying ubergeek high school drop out who so reverently explains, "The ideal rich, white picket fence, stay was lucky enough to make it bIg in with being profound. Selectivity is at home mother environment. I to me that he showing a lot of prej- very little attention in the first place Arbiter follows up on all news not censorship. udice in his article. -- had slipped out a back door,and a very rare way -- make decisions leads," "refuse[s] to judge," and, wasn't born with a silver spoon in Your "bite me's" aren't blowing I thoughtthat an ASBSU senator the community was left preaching about our children's education? embraces all the "diversity" my mouth and was able to have any minds. The only thing sillier was suppose to neutral and unbi- to the choir. Sure, the SBE was reo that "has been such a source of everything I wanted, materialistic than Mayes' indignant apology/de- ased in their comments and their cording all of the comments -- but K. Baker contention." wise, but I was happy. fense is the fact that people actu- actions. if they couldn't be bothered to show Graduate Student I want to know if Brandon is go- I would venture to guess that ally grant this publication enough Well Mr. Stoker,thank 'you so up and stay for the entire thing in 'BoiseState UniversIty most people share my attitude to- ing put down military families validity to become offended when one or the other parent has much for bringing back racism the first place, what are the chances ward The Arbiter. We don't object by its content. against single parents. Just re- that they're going to go back and to alleged political or ideological to be sent overseas on assignment The only excuse I can offer for member, what goes around, comes read pages of transcripts? agendas, because to attribute any and they are gone for months, pos- Selectivity is not them is that they, unlike me,have around. Our schools need more rigor, but sense of purpose to thls publication sibly a year or longer. yet' to resign themselves to the not atthe expense of rural schools ... censorship .Is hegoing to blame the military is giVing it much more credit than spectacle that is you who play at be- not at the expense of parental and it deserves. for causing a "single parent"envi- Michele ShoDland ing ~e.aI..grown-up jaurh3H~t;. student Ireedom.; and certainly In .a classic scene from The ronment? BSU StUdent and Rather, we have come to recog- not at the expense of arts. It's wrong Simpson's, Ilmbo Jones, pre-teen nize it as the' intellectual wilder- I honestly believe that Brandon Proud Single Mother Hollie Hulme to force students to choose between thug, .Impresses his fellow bullies ness it is: a hodge-podge of the asi- .Up. - Graduate Student .Guest opinions of no morethan 500,words . guest oplnionsand letters to the editor may columnists reflect the diversity of opinion . l may be submitted far pUblicatlorion' any Sh.OU d topic. Letterstothe editormllsf not exceed be sent via e-mail toletters@arblteronline. in the academic community,.' and often will. com.'TheArbiter cannot verify the.accu-becontroverslal, but theydonQtrepresent' '0' aOOwords and must includeJhewfiter'sfuli W racy of statements'made In letters to the . the'lnstitutional opinion of The Arbiter or •.. ". '..'. ". n~meicitYlstate and major (Ifappllcable). •...... •... '.';. AUsubmissions are subject to, editing. Both . editor; thEWreflect the· opinion of tile. writ- .anYOrganlzatiori.theauthormaybe afflli- n ers.Oplnionsexpressedbyguestand ·staff .ated withuhless it Is labeled as such.' " -" - .: .. , -. "" - ,'. -'. - '-,' .','. -.', :", .. :, -", - .-',.- -", -',' - .. ' . ,'.' .... '-' ......


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P.D1TOR: ~Harn ::~,[email protected]) .'I ", !\I"',:. !' lost was :Ing or· 5 era lar- " ASST.EDITOR: DustinLapray len ,. ( ([email protected]) zed t> cal Jth tlst [THISW£EK IN lin SPORTS] re- m- Football .n- Saturday ns Nevada@BSU sal Time: 1:05 p.m, 10- Its ks Volleyball rw Thursday ts LaTech@BSU Time:7p.m. er, Saturday Is New Mexico State @ BSU Ig Time:7p.m. Ig

!d Soccer Friday ,? BY DUSTIN LAPRAY BSU @Utah'State Iy Sports Columnist Time:3p.m. r, Logan,Utah I~ I am such an ass. I- Here Iam, an American man and ii Men's golf proven sports addict, yet I haven't put jack squat into my personal column, f Monday & Tuesday I' the one tagged with that infamous n BSU @ Santa Clara University trash receptacle nickname headline San Jose, Calif. in which I am supposed to dive in wholeheartedly to the realm ofsports' a Cross country Saturday present, about the baseball playoffs. WAC Championships Here Iam, blabbering about college BSU @ Eagle Island State Park football travesties, lecturing my audi- Eagle, Idaho ence with lessons on winning and • PHIlTIl BY STANLEY BREWSTERfl1IE ARBITER bullshitting about how much horror Drlsan James(l1) breaks away from Uta'h State linebacker Spencer Bailey (53) as the Broncos defeated the Aggles 45-21 Saturday. is involved in the writing of stories. No longer can I sit idly by and leave you dis-informed of the malady that [SIDE is October and diamonds. qu~meager student paper tries its damnedest to leave the national me- LINE] Broncos unload in Logan dia out of our pages. We are dedicated to BSUsports and we do very well, but until Trevor gives me World Series BSU Golf at Santa BY TREVOR HORN ning back Jeff Carpenter said. Boise State's offense-most nota- found ways to convert the first tickets, we won't run a game story Clara Invite Sports Editor The Broncos rushed for a season- bly the passing game-got off to a downs. The Aggies made it look like of the Astros and White Sox, even low 84 yards, 55 coming on the fi- torrid start. Boise State couldn't find an answer though the present will change base- Boise State Mens and womens Needing to ditch the best run nal two drives of the game. The initial drive of the game, for Jackson and his ability to com- ball lore forever and add new tread- Golf will partipate today and to- game in the conference and air However, Zabransky has Wiped Boise State droveZ? yards, scoring plete passes and find open lanes on lines to the memoirs of sports history. morrow, Oct. 24-25 at the Santa out the ball didn't affect the Boise away nearly all questions about his a 29-yard touchdown on a roll-out the ground. Let me catch you up: The Astros Clara University Invitational golf State offense as Jared Zabransky ability to eliminate turnovers and pass from Zabransky to Legedu "He. just found a couple seams beatthe Braves and the Cardinals tournament in San Jose, Calif. The threw for 328 yards and a personal his ablllty to lead the Broncos. The Naanee, giving Boise State (5-2,3-0 and he was just taking whatever to advance on' the strengths of solid' invite is the final faIl tournament record four passing touchdowns to .junior completed 26-0£-39 passes. WAC)the early 7-0 lead. he could get," defensive end Mike starting pitching, that bat-breaking' for the Broncos until next Spring. lead the Broncos to an impressive "Our whole team was that way, Pollowing two unsuccessful Dominguez said. closer Brad Lldge and some time- Bronco senior golfer Graham 45-21 road victory over Utah State not turning the ball over and going drives from both teams, USU soph- Jackson was a perfect 9-of-9 in less hitting; the White Sox swept the Red';Sox, then only had to use their "DeLaet was named the Western Saturday night in front of 12,922 back and Winning that turnover omore quarterback Leon Jackson the first half, and rushed for 35 bullpen for 2/3 of an inning against Athletic Conference Golfer of the fans at Romney Stadium. battle," Hawkins said of the best connected with Tony Pennyman yards before intermission. l the Angels to win the pennant (their Month in September. DeLaet has "I thought he did an awesome turnover performance of the sea- (four catches, 77 yards, 1 TD) on a "They had us figured out as far as starting pitchers threw four consecu- . won two titles this season, incuding job," Boise State head coach Dan son for Boise State. pinpoint 35-yard strike. our passing drops and what cover- tive complete games, Jose Contreras the Boise State Bronco Invitational. Hawkins said. "He made some key Zabransky's completion percent- The Broncos regained the lead ages we were going to be in," line- went 8 and 1/3 in his Game 1loss). throws and obviously the big thing age is at a blistering 70 percent over on the next drive as Anthony backer Colt Brooks said. He has nine individual titles as a So here we are, two teams battered is just being reat clean." the last three games. The 300-yard Montgomery hit a season-long 44- But, Boise State found the an- Bronco, 21 Top-10 finishes and 30 by bad luck and the untamed fate that game for Zabransky was the first yard field goal, and Boise State took Top-25 finishes. The Aggtes (2-4, 1-3 Western swer on defense, and continued to is baseball. this season, and the most touch- a 1O-7iead. dominate through the air. Athletic Conference) had a tre- The Astros have never even been to mendous defensive scheme that down passes thrown by a Boise Jackson then led the Aggies on an "We did a good job in the second a World Series.let alone won one in 44 Steelheads beat Ice Dogs contained the Boise State running State quarterback since 2003. impressive 13-play, 75-yard drive half figuring things out and mak- years of play. game well into the fourth quarter. "I feel good about my perfor- that ~te up nearly seven minutes ing adjustments," Brooks said. The White Sox, on the other hand, Steelheads' special teams made "We felt this was the best front mance. There is always a few plays off the clock and gave Utah State The trio of llnebackers-s-Brooks, have a much different past. The the difference, with Idaho notching seven we've seen since Oregon in there that you can clean up, but the 14-10 lead. Korey Hall and Chris Barrios- White Sox won the1917 World Series. 'three power play tallies in a 5-lvic- State, so we knew it was going to be when we had to go to the air, it was Three times on the drive, the The following year the Red Sox won, tory over the Long Beach lee Dogs tough to run the ball," senior run- there for us," Zabransky said. Aggies had third-and-one-and See Football [page 12J on the strength of two complete- Saturday at Qwest Arena. The 4,118 game shutouts by George Herman fans were treated to a physical game Ruth. They sold him a year later to that ended with the Steelheads tak- the Yankees for 125 grand, the cost of ing a two-game lead in the three- funding a Broadway Musical. The fol- game series. iowing season, eight White Sox play- Volleyball gets its first win at ers were bribed by gamblers to throw The first period ended the way it the World Series. They did. They lost. began - scoreless. Long Beach out- They haven't won one since. shot Idaho 7 to 3, but Steelheads The Red Sox' mistake was forgiven goaltender Matt Yeats stopped them by the baseball Gods in 2004 with all including a great glove save he La Tech, falls at New Mexico State the greatest comeback series win in made on a Chris Kenady breakaway baseball history. Down 3-games-to- toward the end ofthe frame. BY SARAH JOHNSON going into every match is to give none to the Yankees they roared back At the midway point, the Sports Writer great effort, believing that the wins to win eight games in' a row to kill Steel heads were controlling the Boise State Volleyball sealed the will take care of themselves. Head Bambino's Curse. puck with another man advantage deal Thursday Oct. 20 with a win coach Scott Sandel reportedly ac- Is itthe White Sox' year? Oris gam- and as Long Beach tried to clear over Louisiana Tech in Ruston La. knowledges the team's effort, but bling a bigger sin than slavery for bal- the puck out of their zone, veteran The Broncosmanaged to take care urges itto take the final step in exe- let? forward Scott Burt kept it in, got the ofthe Lady Techsters in five match- cution. Telling the team that action What we have here is twotearns, ar- puck to captain D'Arcy McConvey es. According to Kim Fenneman, is not achievement. guably(otherthan the Chicago Cubs, in the right circle and McConvey BSU killed La Tech.. the first game Sandel got the execution he OUCH!) the most worthy, by history's passed to Jonathan Zion who suc- 30-18. However, The Broncos failed was looking for on Thursday. The precedence, to win a title. ceeded on his second tap, beating to keep their focus in games two performance of Broncos' offense The fans, think about them for a lee Dogs' netminder Greg Hewitt andthree losing 23-30, and 23-30. played a huge part' in the victory minute .. for the first goal of the game, a pow- .By game four, the Broncos fought over La Tech. Jeanette Jenkins lead The match-up is a thing of beauty. erplay goal, at 10:13.Idaho's offense back, winning a close game 30-27. the team with 18 kills; Cameron Both teams have immaculate start- took a 2-0 lead on a breakout pass to BSU and La Tech were neck-n- Flunder with 17, Telia Peterson ingpitching:RogerClemens,}lreddie _ Blake Forsyth in the neutral zone. neck in Game five, but the Broncos with16 and Tiffany StarringwithlO. Garcia, Andy Petitte, Contreras (ain't' finished on top 16-14. "I'm excited Ki Eveland fed the offense with 46theYankeessorrynow?),MarkBuerie Forsyth fed Burt who set up a cross- and Roy Oswalt, When you look up lee one-timer toDavid Bararuk past about the win; but we need to ex- assists, and the defense contribut- and down the lineup there arena Hewitt at 15:20. ecute, it shouldn't have been that ed with 15digs from stroud, 19from musclemen. You see Craig Biggio in Long Beach got on the board . close." Said Ferineman. .Peterson, and Eveland with 11. his. 20th season, Jermaine Dye (wbo with their lone goal in the final Libero Jackie Stroud agrees with BSU Volleyball traveled to Las. fouled a ball off his leg a Jew. years periouA:'Oil the po-ncr play, Jasen teemmate Fenaeman.> ,.'..~,_..:.~CrtiCe5, t~r,1'after their win on . back inthe plaYoffs wl~'ihe)\'s':arId-,·.. Sessa slipped the puck under Yeats' "1m glad we stayed together as a Thurs, to face New Mexico State for broke it), Jeff Bagwell (who will PH '.. right pad. Anders Strome and David team, to take home a win. I'm not the first time this seasen. Broncos and has misSed most· of the season Walker each got a helper on the tal- satisfied though/because we could were defeated in three games by the due to injury), A.J. PlerzynSlcfCthe lyat8:46. . ' have played b,etter." - .... Aggies,30-21,30~26, 30~18,onSat.strikeout savior) ahdlistsofb~ ".ldMa regained its two-gilallead less 'than two minutes later on Po~:~~~~~tr~~~~a~:~ff~a:~ ...' O~~:·~ro~cos •.return home'Mth •yet~~n;~si~~tri' the poWer play when MikeStutzel .. ,Tbtirsc!ay, she thinks thatthiswin a split winJor the weekend, goi.!ig -yournursmghomes ~~J?SPN:. knocked'onehome. Then, 20 sec- wlll get.theball.roiling for asue- '1 ~l.VolleybalL now standsl.Bm Classic and the 2005series" ...•. onds later, Justin COX'took a shot, ~essftI1secon~.h.alf 0fCj)nf~rence" 'conferellcepl!lY, a~d,.5.11overalt::=;~~t. . . which was' blot;ked by Hewltt, buf play. "Ibelleve,thls.WinWtIlgener" VolleyballwiUhostthe same, two . Iwl1IbEl····" Co~pl~d up the rebound andbeat at~:Il)o~en@l1ror o~rn~~a¥, •.•..•teams this roIDil1g ive~k.TI1ey Will·.·· •. acOllfrnftistot' ~1ri1dive.hole; MCCOl'lyey.scored ~'j~t,havetot~.onegiun,~~t.;·; plaY!,.l)uisilinaTech~n O~~7and""" .•. '" , '~',- -: J<-;--... ''--:~,~ - ' .. ,,' " ,.'. -' ' . " :' , ' , .: • Ida1l11~'fif$aAtt finl\l g!!al . '~i';' " ikataa~fIt~Pt1~;dqwn.,;tJle~ i::a§U ~d~~~dfiV#.liQi~.~ .,;;}~iWith 121 SPORTS. October 24 2005 '. all' ' . . , '. " it just bounced rightto me" ~..'Dotb.' ..... ' . . (iunIJlllllltt) Just seven plays-and a fourth- down conversion later-Zabransky combined for 31 tackles, 2.5 sacks connected on his fourth touchdown and 3:5 tackles for loss. pass ofthe game-a career high-to Down 14-10,the Broncos punted senior running back JeffCarpenter. on fourth and three on their own The Kuna, Idaho native led the 41,but a defensive holding call gave Broncos with 99 yards receiving on Boise State an automatic first down seven catches, despite rushing for and the Broncos capitalized on the just five yards on two carries. penalty as Zabransky found tight "That guy does everything for end Ryan Putnam for a 16-yard FIFTH and IDAHO us. A lot of the time he's not getting pass, giving the Broncos the lead for downtown bolle the ball on run downs and that guy good at 17-14with sixminutes left in just sticks it out and sticks it out and the first half. . never says a word. He's got the ut- Jackson was' benched for one se- most respect of every guy on our ries in the first half as true fresh- team,' Zabransky said. man Ierod Walker rushed for a first Utah State managed to stay in the down, but was stopped after that, game into the fourth quarter. ' and Utah State punted away. Jackson led another impressive Three series later, Boise State got drive for the Aggies,throwing for 33 matcha momentum' the ball back with just 1:22 left in yards and he rushed for another 30 A nutritious source of lasting energy. We blend the half. on the drive, which was capped off rnatcha g-reen tea with passionfrUit-mango Zabransky led the drive, com- by a tipped ball in the -end zone to PHIJT(JBY STANLEY BREWSTEIllI'HE ARBlm juice, soymllk, peaches and mangos. pleting 5-of-7 passes, and connect- Jason Stephens, to pull the Aggies Boise State linebacker Korey Hall (25) sacks Aggie quarterback Leon ed with senior wideout Cole Clasen to within 10points with more than Jackson In the third quarter. The Bronocs had five sacks In the game, rM in the end zone. Clasen had to dive at;ai eye-opener 10minutes left in the game. !'Jf"" for the pass, but hauled it in. Get started and keep going with a~af. (Ah-sah-yee.) But, Boise State was able to utilize "I put a ball out there that he ob- The juice of this Brazilian berry, infused with the run game for the first time and viously had to make a great catch on guarana, adds antioxidants and omega fatty acids the Broncos lunged down the lield )11~J~i~l~~)'10;'"... it but it gave our guys a chance and JrornJal$ (HambU!l:~ickk3:52 into strawberries, bananas and soymilk. on two piays behind running back they will do that for us," Zabransky Antwaun Carter. . said. er.:j)0;r~K!~;;~:'.t~r',\,\';..<::.,:··::' ',',:.' . 7709 1"1 ...... \,,,c:\f:{·~·r;\fJll&f'J- '.ht""~Jt-" ". ~'j'4 J '~ittil"~~ "_.f'f,~lIo1 ~'jo 11/.)fJ The senior led the Broncos on !,2,q,p~~~Jro,nqaC~on,(Hab!I!.,.1_\~::\~:: "I think we are getting better, l-of-B passing through the first two 'BCllse~~~te that's a nice thing. I think the oth- drives for Utah State in the third P~sslngAtt;C6trip-lnt·· Yds .10 Lo~g "Sack er awesome thing is we are pretty 'Zatir~nskY'39-26~0' •. , 0 quarter. "328 4 38 good and we can still get a lot bet- Rll,stil~fi 'NoYds , TO . Long On the next drive for Boise State, AVg:" ter," Hawkins said. Carter"", . ,:14" 53 2 '14 3.8 special teams again came up "big 'Marks,<. 9..17 Boise State has now won five con- 0 4 1,9 for the Broncos. On a three-and- ~ecel\!ln9 No Yds TO secutive games, and extended the ·Long'; Avg. out drive, freshman Tanyon Bissell Carpen~ElL.rv. 7 99 1 . 30 14.1 team's conference win streak to 29 James" 5, . !)1 recovered a fumbled punt return 0, 38 18.2 games. Clasen' 4 .: 60. 1, as the ball was caught in between 24 15.0 Next up for the Broncos is a sur- .UtaljState his legs before he was able to get prising home game of unbeaten Passing Att-Comp-Int , Yds Long . Sack possession of the ball. The play set ,Jackso(\ . 29-16:0 5 , teams as Nevada comes to town 206 35 up another scoring drive for the Rushh19 No" yds TO with an identical 3-0 record in the Avg. Broncos. Jackson 22 49 0 WAC. 2.2 "The ball came loose and I dove Johnson ~ 11 23 . 0 2.1 '. "it's a big game. We got them at Recelvin!l, . No Yds on the ball," Bissell said. "Someone TO Avg.c home," Zabransky said. "They are , PeimYfTlan 4 '77 1 . came in and knocked it out and I 19.2 obviously playing really well." Stephens" 4 55' 1 13.7 guess it was just rolling around for a Stat :Lin~ BSU little bit and then I turned over and .FlrstDowns 22 Net ~ushlngYads , ' . 84 Net PasslngYads, 351 Box Score Total Yards 435 Boise State 45, Utah State 21 ' Purits-Yds .. 4-195 . AVg. '.' 48.8 BoiseSt. 4'~downcotiversion ' 20f 2 Utah S1. ,SacksBY:#-Yds 5-.35 , :fime of ~oss: '.. 30:38


~ ~ ~ Graduate and Professional School Day ~ iii Thursday, October 27, 2005 iii iii 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. iii iii Boise State University iii iii Student Union,Jordan Ballroom iii iii Meet with National, Regional, and Local Representatives from: iii

iii • Law Schools ~ iII· • Health Care Programs iii ~ • MBA Programs r.1l ~. Engineering Programs ~ ~ ,~ • Boise State University Programs ~ ., • Plus Many atfiers a=w ill See a list of schools attending: iii ~ ~ ~ IJ .ft:i1 This is a free .event for college students and community members m1 ., . interested in post·baccalaureate programs; .,

Ii Sponsored by the Boise StatsUrf/verslfy C~reerCenter426·1747 I E 1m 111 . ·E

"'illl.. '•. "':" .•..""/'"iJIJElIIIJIlIHiJiliJIIIJIIJilElIIII.lllihmlIllIVIiHI>lIIflll;lI;!;.. ' c .•.· ,.,·, " .. ,.,,"'," ,,:., '.' ',' "'c"" . '. .•..... " , ",...... :, ',,': '.' ":,' ' ,,:c;: ..•\,: •.,,;:".:.";:'.<.:.', '" . BY R1CHAE SW ARBITER Boise State defender Handt Baker swlpas the ball from a San Jose State defender last weekend. The Broncos beat Idaho 1-0 Sunday. Bronec 'succer blanks arch-rival Idaho 1-0 Courtesy Bronco sports year's encounter had added impor- tance, as it became a league match The Boise State soccer team de- again for the first time in five sea- feated the University of Idaho 1-0 sons with Idaho joining the WAC in Moscow Sunday afternoon on a this year. 4 Randi Baker first half goal. . The rivalry game is always a bat- r - 1••••••• 14•••• '1'11"**II1II' ilio"_, .: • The victory over Idaho and tlc.In the first seven matches of the rilE PHOTO BY srANLEY BREWSTEIVTIIE AHBITER Nevada's 4-0 win over Louisiana series, six have been decided by one BSU sophomore men's tennis player Luke Shields did not lose a set on his way to winning the ITA Regional singles title, Shields and his doubles Tech clinches a Western Athletic goal with tlie other two having a partner BSU senior Thomas Schoeck also won the ITA Regional men's doubles title, Conference Tournament berth for two-goal margin. • Compiled by Arbiter Staff Shields defeated lnel Kielbowicz the Broncos who improve to 9-6-2 The win Sunday gave the Broncos of UNLV 7-6, 6-4 in the quarterfi- ~ : .:;. overall and 3-2-0 in WAC action. the Gem State bragging rights, hav- LAS VEGAS, Nevada - Boise State nals Baker tied Nicole Coleman for ing also defeated Idaho State this sophomore Luke Shields defeat- Shields and Schoeck defeated

11 1 the team lead in goals, netting her season. ed Shannon Buck of the U.S. Air BYU's Chip Hand and Jonathon ! .'m: 1. '.[/" ::-,.{II".-\/-'?lI·.lS'·-'-i : ! I r j ( fifth score of the season against the In 1998 all three ofldaho's NCAA Force Academy in two sets, 6-3,6- Sanchez to cam a berth in the !,. \: (I, \\ <.~ [ .... ! \, : I,,' i : i ! l I Vandals. Baker also has one assist. Division I schools added the sport. 3, to win the 2005 ITA Mountain championship match. ....,,,,'-:\"".J '..',-.J : .. ; '..,,,,__// Coleman has five goals and five Since that season the three pro- Region Singles Championship. 'Shields earned an automatic assists and forward Kristen Hall is grams have competed in an un- Both Shields and Buck have quali- berth to the ITA National Singles C uppee Ii espressu third with three goals and one as- official round robin competition fied to the ITA Singles National Championship as a result of mak- ~ ... ~ .. ~:I..Bjloa.k.SOUt:hof.'Campua sist for the state title each season. The Championship, which will be held ing it to the championship match of Boise State went 1-1-0 last week- Boise State win on Sunday gave the February. the region. '~~~~d in a pair of double-overtime Broncos the outright state champi- Shields and senior All-American With the doubles win the Shields/ matches in Boise, while Idaho went onship. An Idaho win would have Thomas Schoeck defeated Buck Shoeck duo took the doubles 0-2-0 at home against the same meant for the second year in a row and his doubles partner, Trevor championship and earned an au- teams (Nevada and Fresno State), the three schools would tie at 1-1-0. Johnson, for the regional doubles tomatic berth into the national then lost 2-0 this past Tuesday at Idaho lost at idaho State (3-1) ear- title 8- J. championship bracket. Long Beach State in a non-league lier this season. The titles bolster the Broncos' "We dominated," Patton added. match. Midway through the conference status as the top team in the region. "Some people said that this was a The series between the Broncos season Boise State finds itself in "Our nose is right at tlie gates to down year for Boise State. Don't and Vandals has been a tightly con- fifth place in the league standings the border guards, set to the prom- ever underestimate a Bronco." tested one over the years. Boise at 3-2-0. However, they arc only ised land," BSU head coach Greg State currently holds a slight 5-3- one match out of first place trail- Patton said. o edge over Idaho all-time. Boise ing Hawaii and San Jose State who Shields, an All-American sopho- Have questions, comments, ,., State won last year's match 1-0 in are both 3-1-0 in league, followed 1110l'C, advanced tu the champion- " or story ideas? Call the Arbiter . the closing minutes of regulation. by the trio of Fresno State, Nevada, ship match by defeating Peter Bjork Sports Department at 345-8204 Already a heated rivalry, this and Utah State at 2-1-0. .of Colorado 7-5, 6-4 in his semifinal [xI03] or send an e-mail to singles match Saturday. [email protected]

. POOL T,ABLES t DARTS ' Early seasan woes stand in Zabransky's past DRINK SPEeIALS ' BY TREVOR HORN catches this season, and Zabransky ~J . 21 and over with' ID . , Sports Editor completed 26 passes to eight differ- 2801 Fletcher (off 27th_+,Fairview) ent receivers Saturday. Jared Zabransky seemed inef- "Our wide receivers stay patient ficient to begin the 2005 football because we have so many guys season? that filter in, and when the ball If you told someone who didn't comes to them-they make plays," sec the three of the first four games Zabransky said. this year-it could, very well be a Saturday may have been the com- question one would ask. plete turning point for the Boise Numbers wise, Zabransky has State offense. When the passing been dominating. He has complet- game was in doubt early in the sea- ed 70 percent of his passes in the son, the Broncos used all four of the past four games for 833 yards and running backs and were 161h in the five touchdowns. But, most notable nation in rushing yards per game. is his ability to reduce turnovers. Saturday, Utah State used a strong The junior turned the ball over run defense, but the Broncos coun- eight times in two consecutive loss- tered with 351 yards passing. es to begin the season. Since then, "You can't complain, because he has thrown three interceptions when you are winning and have an and lost just one fumble, at Hawaii, offensive line like we have, a run- during the Broncos five-game ning back crew that we have, you win streak. just got to feed them," Zabransky " just playing the waywe know said. "But we needed to throw the he can play," senior wide receiver ball (Saturday) to get them off us Cole Clasen said. and our guys make plays when they Saturday at Utah State, Zabransky get the chance." finally put it all together for his It could finally be the turning THE:cART first 300-yard passing game since point for a quarterback that had a /-. .' PHOTO BY srANLEY BREWsrEIIITHE ARBITER .. Nov. 20 of last year at home versus lot of doubters-but not from his , './' "-OW'_ ,...., I."~ BSU Wide receiver Cole Clasen hauls in one of Jared Zabransky's teammates. Louisiana Tech. His four touch- career-high four touchdown passes Saturday night versus Utah State. "He's a great quarterback and down passes were a career-high LIVINO~COURS. \~ \ i E and the most by a Boise State quar- and make some plays," running receiving through the seven games it just took a couple of bad games fP" .....-:"N'4 t ,--. \~\\ '" ; I terback since Ryan Dinwidde threw back Jeff Carpenter said. this season. and a couple ofturnovers and that's, L t. four against Nevada in 2003. ' Carpenter was the recipient of . Another eye-popping statistic is what happens,"' Carpenter said. "I Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Founder, Art of Uvlng "It was awesome for Jared to come seven passes fer a game-high 99 the number of players Zabransky just kept telling him all through the out and finally get his first 300-yard yards receiving Saturday. Four dif- throws to every game. season, 'you've just got to regroup game and have some guys step up ferent players have led the Broncos Seven players have at Jeast 10 and come back out and do well," FREE INTRODUCTORY SEMINAR \VHEN:TIrnSDA~ OCTOBER 2Sth[12PM:l:30llMl .WHERE:BOISE$TATEUNIVERSITY· ',. BISHOP BARNWELL ROOM (2ND FLOOR,SiJBl

Powerful Breathing. Techniques that will increase your well-being through: +Greater Relaxation andImproved Sleep + Enhanced Self-esteem and. Self-Confidence + Greater ClaIity(}f Mind and productiVity .... lmProvedReladonships ...... Ip.ereased Enthtisiasm.~d Creativity i

'..- .\ .r. ArbiIBr classifisd adYlll'lisarnents are he to stwIsnts. Claasifisdads may be p1acad thnIe 1N8}'B: 1IIlIIIi1: [email protected] phiJiui: 345-8204 x too or &tap by the uffice at 605 UniYlll'llity Drivs (across from the SUB). !THE ARBITER OCTOBER 24 2005

$600 Group Fundralser Bonus 6-mo. lease," no pets/ in a progressive home 4 hours of your group's time PLUSour free (yes,free) smoke. $750/mo 1602 health care company. Su- Indraislng programs EQUALS$1,000 - $3,000 In earning: Division 385-0943 pervisory experience & .·ryour group. CallTODAYforup 10$600 in bonuses wher pediatrics helpful. Submit Crossword you schedule your fundraiser with CampusFundraiser. resume to :ontact CampusFundraiser at (1-888)-923-3238, or visit ACROSS 2 3 4 5 7 B 9 TLC Home Health Care 1 Nebraska city 10 & Nursing, 7456 W. State 6 Suffers defeat 14 dition, Moving -Must Street, Boise. Phone 853- 11 Spider's lair Sacrifice, 672-97~6. 5050; fax 853-9852 14 Wanderer 17 SRY IT 15 Dickens' Heep '98 Volkswagen Passat 20 GLS 1.8T, 5 speed, 74K, 16 Tiller'stool 17 Stagnant moonroof, white, 6 disc 18 Creating 23 CD, 28-42MPG, all main- Career Center farmland on 30 tanence work updated, hillsides new brakes, 'like new con- . .~onCOJObS 20 Monstrous Join the IEA/NEA dition, full warranty until On-and 22 Coin channel Student Program the 92K. $9200. 989-5368 23 _ Gatos, CA Professional Organi- off-campusjobs 1982 Volvo 240DL Wag- 24 Flock members zation for Future and internships 27 43 Teachers. on, Tan, Manual, 2nd Fertile loam , owner, great car. $1500/ AllUtilitiesAnd Basic forcurrentand 30 College of 2.7 million members Cable Included graduating voters? 47 strong obo.429-6573 '. EVERGREEN SUITES 384·1600 students 32 Kukla'sfriend 54 Join online at: 7-Piece Cherry Bedroom 33 Clerqyrnan's tit/e: www/ set. Brand-new in box. abbr. student-program F roommate wanted to 57 Retail $2250, sacrifice 34 Take a break share nice home close to . Greg Wilson, President $450. Call 888-1464 . Check out 36 Rage BSU. Rent is $400 and BSU Teacher Education Cherry Sleigh Bed, solid 37 Effortless . Association includes all utilities. Call BroncoJobs 40 Keyof "Eroica" 66 67 [email protected] wood. New-in-box. Value 4:ititii'i,'i'iitiig';fii'j Jenny @ 860-3068. 42 Hivedwellers $899, sacrifice $249. Call 69 70 888-1464 .: For Rent 2 bedroom, 43 Fruitbeverage I bath basement apart- 44 Ali,formerly Full size orthopedic set. Lifeguard - CPR, and 45 Top card © 2005 Tribune Media Services, Inc. ment in house three doors Allrights reserved, R.U. LEGAL? If you are Brand new in package. 10/24/05 from campus on Manitou. AED certified. First level 47 More docile riding a scooter you are Sacrifice $99. Call 866- (Ncar COEN). BSU wire- lifeguard certification. 49 Hallwayitems required to have a motor- 7476 less accessible. $490/010. Weekends: F, Sat, Sun. If 54 Wide grin 5 Pretentious cycle endorsement or in- 55 Follow Solutions Honda Metro Scooter + Elect. $450 Deposit. you aren't certified, we performer structional permit to ride SUbsequently 2003, 700 miles. 37mph, 284-6200 or 841-3343. can help. Also hiring Club 6 Part of M.L.K. legally. Passing a safety 56 accessorized. Perf. Condo Porter FIT M-E 853-4224 Ignited 7 Minedmineral course will help you to 57 $1500. Deliver to Boise? Diplomat's skill 8 Tit/ed Brit . get your endorsement. Start @ $70 for a 5-hour 59 Provencal verse 541-473-5211 event! Promote brands 9 Jug lugs If you arc under the age 61 Loco in the Old by distributing samples/ 10 Onion relative of 21, you must pass the King size pillowtop mat- West? 11 'brochures and/or demon- Harmless fib safety course to get your tress set, brand new in 65 "DriVingMiss 12 Longtime strating products to con- endorsement. Prevent the bag. Must sell, $225. Can Daisy"star 13 Say pretty please hassle and expense of a Deliver. 866-7476 sumers. Premier in-store . Jessica 19 Groovy! Promotions company traffic ticket and learn life Queen Pillow Top mat- 66 Nolof Cambodia 21 Digger's tool """". Parklane Apartments and authorized agency of 67 saving skills by enroll- tress set. Brand new, still Disney's middle 25 Near the Askabout specials! Mass Connections, Inc., name beginning ing now in special Idaho in plastic. Must sell $129. 68 Napoleon's fate- STAR Safety course of- Can deliver. 866-7476 '-; TTrr{onthlease: has great opportunities in 26 Petition 1 $499 69 CivilWar fered in cooperation with bdrm various ID cities. Posi- 28 Address fora Queen Tempurpedic . 12month lease: general the Selland College and tions available arc part- king style visco memory foam 1 $540 70 Swine supper the Department of Uni- bdrm loft time, mostly weekends, 29 Goes out with mattress set. Brand new 71 Chopped into 31 Waillikea baby versity Security for Boise (JosetoBSU and typically 5 hours. For small cubes in plastic. Retail $1599. ,_\1 .. Greenbelt more information and to 35 _ of Liberty State students. This one Must sell $399 855-9688 l':. HydePark 37 Has a meal time scooter safety course apply online, visit www. DOWN Water,Sewer,and even tsandpro mot ion s. 38 Comic Sandler 48 Spirited 60 DeVitoTVseries will be held November I 1- TrashIncluded 1 Baseball bird 39 Musicalhalf step style 13 for BSU students only. com. 2 Genghis Khan, 61 Feeling under -208.342.1888' 41 Visage 50 Evaluate the weather The course is for geared Top Companies filling forone 42 Arthuror Lillie 3 51 Medicalfacility 62 Fish eggs toward beginner and in- 1 Bdrm roommate, or Room for rent in cozy FT/PT positons. Log onto Strongly 44 Nativity scenes disinclined 52 Ignite 63 Duran Duran termediate riders. Cost is 2bdrm. $375 or $750. house. Responsible F, or 46 Peaked, as a 53 Failed to leave song $75. Space is limited 10 1101 N. 8th St. Spacious, call 1-866-602-6827. 4 Inthis place large room/private bath. flood 58 Peal 64 Blackjack 12 students and you must Attractive N. End Apt. 12 min. drive to BSU. bring your own street le- Walk to downtown & $3 '/010. 867-1850 STUDENTS! gal scooter with proof of Hyde Park, 6 mo. lease. Roo e wanted to live . . insurance. Registration is Please No smoke/pets. in 3bdl.2ba house in SE PART-TIMEWORK on a first come first serve Call Woody @ 332-5503 Boise, 10 min from cam- • basis. To register call 426- or Jenny @ 794-4225. pus. $300/010. 859-3961 5552. 2BR, IBA house. WID, gas & solar heat, win- $14 dow AC, auto sprinklers. comes Close to BSU. 6-010. BaselAppointment, lease, no pets/smoking. $800 weekly guaranteed $11,500 OBO, Chevy FlexibleSchedule, $650/mo 1517 Division Stufllng envelopes. Send Blazer LT, 4x4, memory/ 385-0943 a self addressed stamped .heted seats, loaded, leath- Sales& Service, envelope to: Scarab Mar- Cute and clean 2BR, IBA er int. 342-7965. Must keting, 28 E. Jackson, sell! house. Close to BSU, Allages 17+ 10th floor, ste. 938, Chi- downtown and green- '02 MAZDA Tribute cago, IL 60604 belt access. WID, DW, ConditionsApply SUV Loaded, Low gas heat, central AC, Director of Nur.sing Ser- Miles, Outstanding Con- hardwood floors, auto vices - Seeking dynamic Call - 343-5092 sprinklers, and garage. RN to take leadership role

noroscco "I love you with all my heart, Wendell ... .. Terms, conditions and restrictions may apply." "Hey, check it oull Baby's got back!" By Linda C. Black Gemini (May 2l-June 21). Tribune Media Services Libra (Sept. 23-0ct. 22). Today is a 6 - Finding out what doesn't Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Today is a 6 - Keep quiet about your work is an important step. Don't be Today is a 7 - Careful research is hopes, dreams and suggestions for the Today's Birthday (10-24-05). afraid to take it. required to make the best decision. future. Write them down, but don't tell You']] be able to expand your territory Basically, this means you get to do some this year, and that's good. It leads to new anyone yet. You']] get closer to making serious shopping. • Cancer (June 22-July 22). them happen. responsibilities, and more income. To get Today is a 7 - For the next the "advantage, check the day's rating: 10 several weeks, you may notice an Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21). is the easiest day, 0 the 6 - urge to make long-term commitments. I Today is a Don't say "yes" to most challenging .. Today is an 8 - Morethought is required. This is perfectly natural, and is to be everything. You'd stretch yourself too Spend more time cleaning up oid messes encouraged. '. . thin. Finish the job you're doing before Aries (March 21-April19). before drawing attention to yourself. Be taking on something new. patient, and- diligent. Today Isa 7 - If at first you don't agree, Leo (July 23-Aug. 22). try, try again. It might also help to wait Today is a 5 - You're running out of time Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20). until later to make your decision. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). for checking out options. Very soon, .. Today is a 10 - There's not quite enough Today is a 5 - There's not enough money you']] haveto choose. money yet, to live in the ~c;tyleto which to launch a new project yet unless, of Taurus (ApriI20-May 20). you'd lik.eto become accustomed. Make course, making .more money is your Today is an 8 - One of the lessons you're Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). do with what you've got.' . learning is that you can't do it all by intention. Eventhen,plmttill after next Today is a 6 - Don'fgointodebtjust to weekend. yourself. Look around fora partner with . impress your friends;· That,'s silly. The ------===::::;===;:;::==.===~= complementaryskiUs. - peopleyollshould hatigaround with' (c) 2005, TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC. Distributed by. Knight Ridder-Tribune , don't want,youto,any\.vay,<

InfomiatiollServices.." .... ,-," ." '",-" .,