Taming of the Shrew to Be Presented
SCHOOL OF PROPHETS "TAMING OF THE SHREW" ALL NEXT WEEK THE ECHO FRIDAY AND SATURDAY -OF- TAYLOR UNIVERSITY VOLUME XIV. UPLAND, INDIANA, TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1927. NUMBER 25. Taming Of The Shrew "• ^ "tSXi Eurekan Club Wins Special music and Easter Music To Be Presented Features Inter-Club Debate The choir rendered an Easter an Barton Pogue Takes Leading Part them requested by Dr. Blodgett, then Recognition Of Soviet Russia Discussed The Senior Class of Taylor Uni Miss Purchis and Miss McCain sang, versity is presenting Shakespeare's "How Much I Owe," and Mr. C. A. At 6:45 o'clock on Saturday even "Taming of the Shrew," to be given Miss Hawkins Douglas sang, "My Redeemer and My Thalonian Officers ing in Shreiner auditorium the Eu- in modern dress, Friday and Satur Lord," after which the Atkinson-Rupp rekas and Eulogs met, backed by their day nights, April 22nd and 23rd in Leads Volunteers quartette sang "All Hail the Power of Elected sister clubs, to engage in an intellect Shreiner Auditorium. Jesus Name," and concluded the ual conflict. The judges were Prof. Ada Rupp Sings musical program. M. Madeline Southard, Dr. Newton The fact that Barton Ree Pogue H. M. Skinner President is to take the leading part adds tre All were greatly helped by Miss Dr. R. A. Morrison was the speak Wray, and Dr. B. W. Ayres. The ques Hawkins' impressive message last er and brought a very interesting mendous interest to the production. Th Thalonian Literary Society has tion was, resolved: That the United Monday night. Her text was, "It Easter message.
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