Agenda Document for Dukinfield District Assembly, 06/10/2015 18:30
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Public Document Pack DUKINFIELD DISTRICT ASSEMBLY Day: Tuesday Date: 6 October 2015 Time: 6.30 pm Place: St John’s Community Hall Item AGENDA Page No. No 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies from Members of the District Assembly. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive any declarations of interest from Members of the District Assembly. 3. MINUTES 1 - 4 The Minutes of the proceedings of the meeting of the District Assembly held on 7 July 2015, having been circulated, to be signed as a correct record. 4. NEIGHBOURHOOD SCENE The Integrated Neighbourhood Services Manager to update the Assembly. 5. BUDGET CONSULTATION To receive a video and presentation on the budget simulator as part of the budget consultation process. 6. QUESTION TIME Members of the public are invited to submit questions at least five minutes prior to the start of this meeting that are relevant to Tameside Council, on the green forms provided. For further information please contact Charlotte Forrest on [email protected] or 0161 342 2346, or the officer named in the report. If it is not possible to provide an answer straight away, either a letter will be sent to you by the Officer concerned, or a report will be made on this matter to the next meeting of the District Assembly and you will be invited to attend that meeting. 7. OBJECTIONS TO WAITING RESTRICTIONS - GORSE HALL LANE 5 - 14 AND GORSE HALL ROAD, DUKINFIELD To consider the attached report of the Assistant Executive Director (Environmental Services). 8. OBJECTIONS TO WAITING RESTRICTIONS - PARK ROAD, 15 - 22 DUKINFIELD To consider the attached report of the Assistant Executive Director (Environmental Services). 9. DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS To note that the Dukinfield District Assembly will meet on the following dates. All meetings will commence at 6.30pm:- 24 November 2015 Old Chapel Church 8 March 2016 Dukinfield Town Hall 10. URGENT ITEMS To consider any other items which the Chair regards as urgent. For further information please contact Charlotte Forrest on [email protected] or 0161 342 2346, or the officer named in the report. 2 Agenda Item 3 DUKINFIELD DISTRICT ASSEMBLY (Meeting held at Dukinfield Town Hall) 7 July 2015 Commenced: 6.30pm Terminated: 7.30 pm Present: Councillor Wild (Chair) Councillors Ballagher, J. Lane, Sweeton and Taylor. Apologies for Absence: Councillor Reynolds Kevin Garside – Integrated Neighbourhood Services Manager Officers: Garry Parker – Head of Environmental Services (Waste Services) Charlotte Lee – Public Health 1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest reported. 2. MINUTES The Minutes of the proceedings of the meeting of the Dukinfield District Assembly held on 25 March 2015 were signed as a correct record. 3. APPOINTMENTS TO OUTSIDE BODIES 2015/2016 RESOLVED That the following be appointed to serve on the outside bodies detailed below for the Municipal Year 2015/2016. Outside Body Appointees Community Safety Panel Councillor Sweeton Heritage Consultation Group Councillor J. Lane 4. WARD SCHEMES 2014/2015 The Principal Democratic Services Officer submitted a report detailing the grants awarded from the Dukinfield and Dukinfield/Stalybridge ward monies for 2014/2015. RESOLVED That the contents of the report be noted. Page 1 5. NEIGHBOURHOOD SCENE (a) Integrated Neighbourhood Update Kevin Garside, Integrated Neighbourhood Services Manager, reported on the following events/activities:- Dukinfield Festival – a well-attended event which had taken place on Saturday 4 July 2015; Graffiti – it was reported that there were problems with graffiti in many areas of the Borough, including Dukinfield. This was very costly to remove and everyone was urged to be vigilant and to contact the Council should they witness any graffiti activity; Enforcement Activities – details were given of Fixed Penalty Notices issued for littering and dog fouling; Community Gatherings – it was reported that there were plans for a Community Gathering in each ward which could bring together residents and key organisations such as the Council, Greater Manchester Police and New Charter Housing Trust, to deliver earlier interventions. (b) Public Health Charlotte Lee, Public Health, updated the Assembly on the work of the Public Health Team as follows: The Public Health Team had moved and were now based at Ashton Primary Care Centre, 193 Old Street, Ashton-under-Lyne; ‘The Boy in the Black Box’ project; Dementia Awareness Week; Baby Welcome and Baby Welcome Plus awards; Community Gatherings; and ‘Steps to Stay Safe’. RESOLVED That the content of the presentations be noted. 6. BIN SWAP UPDATE The Head of Environmental Services (Waste Services) updated the Assembly with regard to the ‘Bin Swap’ scheme launched in November 2013 with 4000 properties, which had been expanded to a further 26,500 properties in January 2015. It was explained that the Scheme had proved to be very successful with a 25% overall reduction of waste being sent to landfill, which equated to a potential saving of £3 million per annum. Plans were now underway to roll out the scheme to the remaining 70,000 households in the borough at the end of August 2015. A short video presentation was then displayed, which explained the benefits of the scheme and gave information with regard to key dates going forward. The key message was that Bin Swap was working. To date there had been less than 300 complaints and the current recycling rate was 42%. 7. QUESTION TIME During question time the following questions had been submitted:- Page 2 (a) Geoffrey Harrop of Gorse Hall Road enquired about double yellow lines on Gorse Hall Road opposite Beatrix House in addition to those at the side of Beatrix House Councillor Sweeton stated that engineers were currently dealing with this and a secondary scheme at Beatrix House was being advertised separately. (b) Mary Owen of Lodge Lane enquired about tree cutting on the allotments on Lodge Lane The Integrated Neighbourhood Services Manager agreed to meet with Mrs Owen after the meeting to discuss further. 8. DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS It was noted that the District Assembly would meet on the following dates, commencing at 6.30 pm: Date Venue 6 October 2015 St John’s Community Hall 24 November 2015 Old Chapel Church 8 March 2016 Dukinfield Town Hall 9. URGENT ITEMS The Chair reported that there were no urgent items of business for consideration at this meeting. CHAIR Page 3 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 7 Report To: DUKINFIELD DISTRICT ASSEMBLY Date: 6 October 2015 District Assembly Member Councillor Wild – Chair Responsibility: Ian Saxon – Assistant Executive Director – Environmental Services Subject: OBJECTIONS TO THE TAMESIDE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH (GORSE HALL LANE, DUKINFIELD) (PROHIBITION OF WAITING) ORDER 2015 AND TAMESIDE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH (GORSE HALL ROAD, DUKINFIELD) (PROHIBITION OF WAITING) (PART 2) ORDER 2015 Report Summary: The report outlines two objections received to the proposed waiting restrictions THE TAMESIDE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH (GORSE HALL LANE, DUKINFIELD) (PROHIBITION OF WAITING) ORDER 2015 and three objections to TAMESIDE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH (GORSE HALL ROAD, DUKINFIELD) (PROHIBITION OF WAITING) (PART 2) ORDER 2015 Recommendations: It is recommended that the restrictions be implemented as detailed in Section 5.1. Links to Community Strategy: The proposals underpin a number of targets within the Tameside Community Strategy (2009-2019) and more especially in the promotion of a Safe Environment through the provision of safer roads in our Town Centres and elsewhere. Policy Implications: None arising from the report. Financial Implications: The scheme proposals are expected to cost in the region of (Authorised by the Section 151 £500 and will be funded from the Traffic Operations Capital officer) Budget 2015 /16. Legal Implications: Members should have regard to the Council's statutory duty (Authorised by the Borough under S122 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 which is Solicitor) set out in Appendix D. Risk Management: Objectors have a limited right to challenge the Orders in the High Court. Access to Information: Appendix A: Drawing No. 001 Appendix B: Drawing No. 002 Appendix C: Drawing No. 003 Appendix D: S.122 of Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 All documentation can be viewed by contacting Traffic Operations, Clare Kenyon Telephone:0161 342 3929 e-mail: [email protected] Page 5 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Gorse Hall Road, Dukinfield is within a 20 mph zone but otherwise does not have any traffic calming features or parking restrictions. The section of Gorse Hall Road which is subject to proposed parking restrictions is on a considerable incline and is near to significant bends in the road. Since the development of Beatrix House, a supported housing scheme, the residents situated opposite have had complaints about obstructive parking. 1.2 Beatrix House is an extra care housing facility which is managed by New Charter Homes Ltd. It is situated on an otherwise residential street with some local shopping provision around the corner on Oak Tree Drive. Beatrix House comprises thirty-one, one and two bedroom flats and has its own off street parking facilities. The majority of residential properties that it faces on Gorse Hall Lane have driveways which were provided by New Charter during the development of Beatrix House. 1.3 When Beatrix House was built in 2011 Trief kerbing was used along part of the frontage to the development with the intention to dissuade parking. There are parking facilities within Beatrix House and an additional car parking area was created on land adjacent to the development. However, residents in the properties opposite regularly struggle to exit their driveways as a result of parked cars in the area. 1.4 Consequently a scheme to introduce ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ restrictions on the area of highway fronting Beatrix House has been proposed. These would prevent visitor parking along the frontage to the home, leaving the area clear for emergency vehicles that have to regularly attend the scheme (emergency vehicles have an exemption for parking in restricted areas within the legal order).