Final Syllabus

HISTORY OF EUROPEAN FILM DIS Fall 2016, European Humanities 3 Credit Course Tuesdays and Fridays, 10:05 – 11:25, Classroom V7-31

Advertisement for Nordisk Films Co., the Danish film production company which was founded November 6, 1906. Nordisk Film is the world's oldest film production company still in existence.

History of European Film | DIS – Study Abroad in Scandinavia | Related Disciplines:

Final Syllabus

Instructor: Anne Jespersen Cand.mag. (English Literature, Film History and Theory, University of , 1982.) Editor of the film yearbook "Filmsæsonen" 1985-99. Bookpublisher (Forlaget April) 1985-94. Has translated several books and written film reviews and filmhistorical articles. Assistant Professor at the Department of Film & Media Studies, Copenhagen University. Has frequently lectured at The European Film College in Ebeltoft, at Hamburg Media School and at other universities abroad. With DIS since 1987.

Anne Jespersen

DIS contacts: European Humanities Assistant Program Director, Karen Louise Grova Søilen European Humanities Program Assistant, Matt Kelley

Content: The course offers an introduction to film understanding, the elements of film language, film aesthetics, and film history in general as a basis for an analysis of European cinema. Following an introduction to early European film history, the course will concentrate on Italian , Masters of Scandinavian Cinema, , Masters of Experiment and Modernism, European Cinema of the 1970's, 1980's, 1990's and 2000's. Examples from the American film history will be investigated as comparison. The main emphasis will be on seeing and understanding films and film makers in relation to their historical, literary, and motion picture backgrounds, partly through film examples, partly through reading material. Each class will concentrate on one theme or aspect of film history and will include a related film viewing.

The course does not include practical film making - the approach is analytical, aesthetical, and historical.

Objectives: By the end of the course, each student will have gained: - A sound knowledge of the history of European cinema in its relation to cultural and social conditions and general film history - An understanding of the basic facts and methods of film analysis - The ability to produce an academic research paper demonstrating a skill to interpret and discuss the history of European film

History of European Film | DIS – Study Abroad in Scandinavia | Related Disciplines:

Final Syllabus

Method The course will include lectures, discussions of films and required readings, and film viewings. Each class will concentrate on one theme or aspect of European cinema and will include a related film viewing. The films are in English or with English subtitles.

Academic Procedures and Regulations Please, see the Academic Rules on DIS Forum.

Attendance Policy Attendance at all scheduled classes is required, and each student is responsible for all material covered or assigned in class. All papers and exams must be completed in order to pass the course. Included in the computation of the final grade in the course is participation. Participation extends to all class sessions, film viewings, as well as activity in class discussion and a general contribution to the progress of the class. If you miss two classes, the Director of Teaching and Learning, and the Director of Student affairs will be notified and they will follow-up with you to make sure that all is well.

Laptop Computer Policy While most students find that taking notes by hand in class is quite sufficient for review purposes, you are allowed to use a computer in class for writing lecture/discussion notes. However, you are asked not to use your computer in class to write emails, connect to social media, surf the internet or other such activities as this is quite disrespectful and distracting for both the teacher and your fellow students. Failure to show this courtesy will result in a reduction of your participation grade.

Reading List: - Gerald Mast: A Short History of . 11th ed. Macmillan, New York & Toronto, 2011. - Articles uploaded on Canvas - on The Best Film Ever Made (Citizen Kane), New York & London 1971/2002.

Grades & Evaluation The grades used by DIS instructors are as follows:

A = Excellent = 4 B = Well above average = 3 C = Average = 2 D = Below average but passing = 1 P = Pass F = Failure or failure to complete = 0 I = Incomplete (only issued in place of final course grade if an agreement exists for completion by a definite deadline which is approved by the instructor and the DIS registrar).

Plus (+) and minus (-) grades are used for examinations and home assignments as well as for final grades. For purposes of calculating grade points and averages, the "+" is equal to .3 and the "-" is equal to minus .3.

History of European Film | DIS – Study Abroad in Scandinavia | Related Disciplines:

Final Syllabus

Evaluation: Short Paper 15 % Midterm 30 % In-class test 15 % Research paper (incl. synopsis) 25 % Class Participation 15 %

Short Paper The topic for the Short Paper will be given on Sep. 23 and the answer - an essay of 2-3 pages - must be handed in on Oct. 7.

Midterm The test consists of questions of relatively simple facts (like: Who made this or that film?), questions of more complex character (like: mention the characteristics of this or that director), and questions to be answered with a short essay (like: Comment on the typical trends in modern Bulgarian cinema and their relation to the country's recent history). The answers will be weighted differently. Topics included in the Midterm are all class material up to and including the day of the Midterm. The Midterm is a one-hour test and will take place in class on October 25.

In-class test The test will have questions of relatively simple facts, as well as questions of more complex character. Topics included in the test are all class material since the midterm and up to and including the day of the test. The test is a 30 minute test and will take place in class on December 2.

Research Paper Synopsis On November 15, you are to hand in a synopsis of your Research Paper. The synopsis should give the topic of your paper, the issue/question/problem you wish to investigate/discuss, a detailed outline, and the sources you intend to use. When grading the research paper, the synopsis will be considered.

History of European Film | DIS – Study Abroad in Scandinavia | Related Disciplines:

Final Syllabus

Research Paper The topics for the research paper are decided by the student and the instructor together. Normally, it would be on (or relate to) subjects and films dealt with in the course. It is possible to write about other topics by agreement with the instructor.

Suggested structure of your paper:

1. Table of contents. 2. Introduction: Presentation of the subject to be investigated. An overview of the contents. A comment on the methodology. 3. Description: Summaries, observations, references. 4. Analysis: Comments, discussions, comparisons. 5. Summary and conclusion. 6. Notes & Bibliography.

The paper should be based on the required reading, the additional reading found in the DIS library and/or the Danish Film Institute Library, the films seen in class, the class lectures and discussions. In the Introduction and Description, the factual material is presented. The main emphasis, though, should be on the analysis - that is: your personal discussion of the material. It is necessary to present the substance of the topic through paraphrasing and quotations (remember, always to footnote sources of direct quotations), but it is not sufficient only to paraphrase. The analysis of the material - your personal understanding and interpretation - is the important part of the paper. The paper should normally include a relatively detailed analysis of one of the films you have seen within the subject.

Length: Appr. 12 type written pages, or appr. 3600 words. You can choose between two deadlines for the handing in of the Research Paper: 1) no later than November 29 (in class), and the paper will be returned to you before the Final exams. 2) no later than December 6 (in class), and the paper will not be returned to you before the Final exams.

History of European Film | DIS – Study Abroad in Scandinavia | Related Disciplines:

Final Syllabus

Film Viewings Please note that it is mandatory to watch each film before the relevant class. Below you will find a schedule of film viewings that allows you the opportunity to view the films together as a class. If, for some reason, you are unable to attend a viewing or would like to see a particular film again, it will be available on reserve in the Library. Keep in mind that these films act as the texts of this course and it is therefore just as necessary to watch each film attentively (i.e. take notes) before the class sessions in which it will be discussed.

Films will be screened twice on Mondays and Thursdays at 4 - 6 pm – in DIS cinema, Vestergade 23 and 6 - 8 pm in Room F24-306

Viewing Dates: Film:

Monday, August 29 Thursday, September 1 Monday, September 5 The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari + Un Chien Andalou

Wednesday, September 21 Melancholia (Screened at Husets Biograf at 7 pm) Monday, September 26 The Thursday, September 29 The Crowd Thursday, October 6 The Grand Illusion

Monday, October 17 Citizen Kane Thursday, October 20 Monday, October 24 Thursday, October 27 Sunset Blvd.

Monday, November 7 Monday, November 14 Thursday, November 17 Belle de Jour Monday, November 21 Dr. Strangelove

Monday, November 28 Europa Thursday, December 1 Dekalog 1 Monday, December 5 The Celebration/

The Danish Film Institute Library is located in the Film House, “Filmhuset”, Gothersgade 55 (close to Nørreport Station). The Library has a large collection of books, periodicals, stills and other film-related material. The Film House also has a book store, a video library, a cafe, plus three cinemas that show films every day. When writing your research paper, it is highly recommended that you do some of your research at the library, and/or take out material from their collections.

The Library is open: Monday: Closed Wed. & Thurs.: 12 noon – 5 pm Tuesday: 12 noon – 7 p.m. Friday: 12 noon – 4 p.m. SCHEDULE:

History of European Film | DIS – Study Abroad in Scandinavia | Related Disciplines:

Final Syllabus

1895-1910: European & American Film Pioneers

August, 26 INTRODUCTION Fri 10:05-11:25 Films: A selection of short films by Lumière (c. 1900); An Impossible Voyage by Georges Méliès (1904); Rescued by Rover by Cecil Hepworth (1905); The Gay Shoe Clerk by Edwin S. Porter (1903); Reading: Mast, Chapters 3: pp. 41-60, (60-67) (Mast, Chapters 1 & 2: pp. 1-39). Canvas: Texts in Module “Introduction”

Before Aug. 30: Viewing of Ingeborg Holm (70 min)

1910-1925: Scandinavian Pioneers

August, 30 Film: Ingeborg Holm by Victor Sjöström (1913); Tues 10:05-11:25 by Victor Sjöström (1921) (excerpt) Sir Arne’s Treasure by Mauritz Stiller (1919) (excerpt) The Saga of Gösta Berling by M. Stiller (1925)(excerpt) Reading: Mast, Chapter 10: pp. 240-241 Mast, Chapter 14: pp. 413-415 Canvas: Texts in Module “Scandinavian Pioneers”

Before Sep. 2: Viewing of In a Better World (, , 2010 - 120 min)

1896-2012 History of Danish Cinema – Past & Present September, 2 Film: Examples from various Danish films. Fri 10:05-11:25 Reading: Canvas: Texts in Module “History of Danish Cinema”

Before Sep. 6: Viewing of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (70 min) + Un Chien Andalou (20 min)

1920s: German Expressionism I September, 6 Film: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari by Robert Wiene (1920) Tues 10:05-11:25 Reading: Mast, Chapter 7: pp. 169-179 Canvas: Texts in Module “German Expressionism I”

History of European Film | DIS – Study Abroad in Scandinavia | Related Disciplines:

Final Syllabus

1920s: German Expressionism II + French Avant-Garde September, 9 Film: Various examples Fri 10:05-11:25 Reading: Mast, Chapter 7: pp. 179-190 Mast, Chapter 11: pp. 285-288 Canvas: Texts in Module “German Expressionism II”

Film: Un Chien Andalou by Luis Buñuel (1928); Entr'acte by René Clair (1924) (excerpt); Reading: Mast, Chapter 10: pp. 233-236 Mast, Chapter 10: pp. 241-243 Canvas: Texts in Module “German Expressionism II”

SHORT TOURS (Sep. 11 – Sep. 18)

September, 20 No Class Tuesday

Special Film Evening (together with other DIS film classes) September, 21 Film: Melancholia by (2011) Wed 7:00 p.m. Reading: Canvas: Texts in Module “Lars von Trier” NOTE!! Place: Husets Biograf, Magstræde 14

Lars von Trier September, 23 Film: Melancholia by Lars von Trier (2011) Fri 10:05-11:25 Reading: Canvas: Texts in Module “Lars von Trier”

Before Sep. 27: Viewing of The Battleship Potemkin (70 min)

1920s: Russian Propaganda Film September, 27 Film: The Battleship Potemkin by (1925) Tues 10:05-11:25 Reading: Mast, Chapter 8: pp. 193-203, 206-216 Canvas: Texts in Module “Russian Propaganda Film”

Before Sep. 30: Viewing of The Crowd (90 min)

1920s: American Realism September, 30 Film: The Crowd by (1928); Fri 10:05-11:25 Reading: Canvas: Texts in Module “American Realism”

History of European Film | DIS – Study Abroad in Scandinavia | Related Disciplines:

Final Syllabus

October 4 The Coming of Sound and Color Tues 10:05-11:25 Reading: Mast, Chapter 9: 219-229

Before Oct. 7: Viewing of The Grand Illusion (115 min)

1930s: French Poetic Realism October 7 Film: The Grand Illusion by (1937). Fri 10:05-11:25 Reading: Mast, Chapter 10: pp. 244-257

Canvas: Texts in Module “French Poetic Realism” NOTE: Short Paper to be handed in today!!

PROGRAM TOURS I (Oct. 8 – Oct. 16)

Before Oct. 18: Viewing of Citizen Kane (120 min)

1940s: & Citizen Kane October, 18 Film: Citizen Kane by Orson Welles (1941); Tues 10:05-11:25 Reading: Mast, Chapter 11: pp. 300-308 Pauline Kael: (= Pauline Kael on the best film ever made) Canvas: Texts in Module “Orson Welles and Citizen Kane”

Before Oct. 21: Viewing of Bicycle Thieves (90 min)

1940s: Italian Neo-Realism October, 21 Film: Bicycle Thieves by (1948). Fri 10:05-11:25 Reading: Mast, Chapter 13: pp. 357-364 Canvas: Texts in Module “Italian Neorealism”

Before Oct. 25: Viewing of The Third Man (100 min)

1940s: Post-WW2 British Cinema October, 25 Film: The Third Man by (1949). Tues 10:05-11:25 Reading: Canvas: Texts in Module “Post-WW2 British Cinema” + MIDTERM EXAM

History of European Film | DIS – Study Abroad in Scandinavia | Related Disciplines:

Final Syllabus

Before Oct. 28: Viewing of Sunset Boulevard (110 min)

1950s: American October, 28 Film: Sunset Blvd. by (1950). Fri 10:05-11:25 Reading: Canvas: Texts in Module “American Film Noir”

PROGRAM TOURS II (Oct. 29 – Nov. 6)

Before Nov 8: Viewing of The Seventh Seal (90 min)

1950s: Bergman & November 8 Film: The Seventh Seal by (1956). Tues 10:05-11:25 Reading: Mast, Chapter 14: pp. 413-422; Canvas: Texts in Module “Bergman” (Viewing Note + Text #19)

November 11 Film: Ingmar Bergman continued. Fri 10:05-11:25 Reading: Canvas: Texts in Module “Bergman” (Text #20)

Before Nov 15: Viewing of The 400 Blows (120 min)

1950s/1960s: French New Wave November, 15 Film: The 400 Blows by François Truffaut (1959). Tues 10:05-11:25 Reading: Mast, Chapter 13: pp. (376-) 384-394; Canvas: Texts in Module “French New Wave” Note: Research paper synopsis to be handed in today!

Before Nov 18: Viewing of Belle de Jour (100 min)

1960s: Modernism November 18 Film: Belle de Jour by Luis Buñuel (1967). Fri 10:05-11:25 Reading: Mast, Chapter 13: pp. 394-406 Mast, Chapter 16: pp. (566-) 570-575 Canvas: Texts in Module “Modernism”

Before Nov 22: Viewing of Dr. Strangelove (110 min)

History of European Film | DIS – Study Abroad in Scandinavia | Related Disciplines:

Final Syllabus

1960s: Cold War Cinema November, 22 Film: Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Tues 10:05-11:25 Love the Bomb by (1964). Reading: Mast, Chapter 15: pp. 510-513. Canvas: Texts in Module “Cold War Cinema”

TRAVEL BREAK (Nov. 23 – Nov. 27)

Before Nov. 29: Viewing of Europa/ (100 min)

1980s/1990s: Postmodernism / Lars von Trier November, 29 Film: A selection of shorter films & extracts Tues 10:05-11:25 Europa/Zentropa by Lars von Trier (1991) Reading: Canvas: Texts in Module “Postmodernism/Lars von Trier” Note: Research Paper must be handed in today - for the grade to be ready before the Final exam!

Before Dec. 2: Viewing of Dekalog #1 (60 min)

1980s/1990s: Postmodernism and After I December, 2 Film: Dekalog 1 by Krzysztof Kieslowski (1989) Fri 10:05-11:25 Reading: Mast, Chapter 14: p. 442-443. Canvas: Texts in Module “Postmodernism and After I” + IN CLASS TEST

Before Dec 6: Viewing of Festen/The Celebration (100 min)

1990s: Postmodernism and After II + December, 6 Contemporary European Film Tues 10:05-11:25 Film: Celebration/Festen by (1998) Reading: Canvas: Texts in Module “Postmodernism and After II” + Conclusion & Summary Note: Last day for handing in the Research Paper!

History of European Film | DIS – Study Abroad in Scandinavia | Related Disciplines:

Final Syllabus

End of course - No Final Exam

History of European Film | DIS – Study Abroad in Scandinavia | Related Disciplines: