Queen's University at Kingston No. 27. THE Price 5 cts.


tend Mxml fpitag


1866. DECEMBER, 1S66.

CONTENTS. Pages Pages

ime and Distance Indicator 40 Port Hope and Peterboro. .-,. , 30 .' ficers of the . . . 15 London and Port Stanley;.. • 30 ailway and Steamboat Connections 41 Ottawa and Prescott 30 age Connections 43 Toronto and Colljngwood 31 ortland and 16, 17 Detroit and Cincinnati 31 mtreal and Toronto. 18, 19 Suspension Bridge and Windsor 32, 33 oronto, Detroit and Chicago 20, 21 Toronto and Hamilton 32, 33 ontreal, Lachine and Province Line. .20, 21 Port Dalhousie and Buffalo 32 3w York, Buffalo, and Chicago. 22, 23 Sumner and Mechanic's Falls 33 •thabaska and Three Rivers 22 St. John's and Waterloo 34 ontreal and Rouse's Point 23 Brockville and Sand Point 34 uffalo and Gode'rich 24, 25 Buffalo and Niagara Falls 34

Buffalo & New York (N. Y. Central R'y) . 24, 25 Skowhegan and Portland 35 Riviere du Loup, and Montreal. 26 Rouse's Point and Ogdensburgh 35

Detroit and Chicago (Mich. Southern) . . 27 Portland, Boston and New York 36 Detroit and Milwaukee 27 Halifax and Truro 36 Chicago and Milwaukee 27 Halifax and Windsor 36 New York and Buffalo (Erie Railway). .28, 29 St. John and Shediac 37 Montreal and New York 28, 31 Detroit and Chicago (Michigan Central )38, 39 Montreal and Boston 29, 35 St. Andrews and Woodstock Road 37 Stonington Line for New York 29 Portland and Boston 39 Port Hope and Lindsay 30 Boston, Portland and St. John, N- B 38

MONTREAL: PUBLISHED BY M. LONOMOORE & CO PRINTING HOUSE, 31 GREAT ST. JAMES STREET. Entered according to Act of Provincial Legislature, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, by John Taylor, in the Office of the Registrar of the Province of Canada —




Nearly the Largest Insurance Company in the World.

Annual Income £500,000. Invested Funds in hand to meet Claims, over <£800,000.

Advantages to Fire Insurers.

The Company is enabled to direct the attention of the Public to the advantages afforded in this branch.

1st. Security unquestionable. 2nd. Revenue of almost unexampled magnitude. 3rd. Every description of property insured at moderate rates. 4th. Promptitude and Liberality of Settlement.

LIFE DEPARTMENT. LARGE LIFE BONUSES DECLARED IN 1855 AND 1860. Two per cent, per Annum on Sum Assured. Being THE LARGEST BONUS ever continuously declared by any Office.

Boons to Life Assurers:

The Directors invite attention to a few of the advantages the "Royal" offers to its Life Assurers :

1st. The Guarantee of an ample Capital, and Exemption of the Assured from Liability of Partnership. 2nd. Moderate Premiums. 3rd. Small charge for Management. 4th. Prompt Settlement of Claims. 5th. Days of Grace allowed with the most liberal interpretation. 6th. Large Participation of Profits by the Assured, amounting to TWO -THIRDS of their net amount, every five years, to Policies then two entire years in existence.

II. L. ROUTH, Agent, Montreal. MESSRS. FORSYTH, BELL & CO., Agents, Quebec. MR. GEO. B.HOULISTON Three Rivers MR. JAMES MORGAN Sorel. MR. W. COOTE St. Johns MR. R. J. LONSDELL Lennoxville. MR. ANDREW THOMSON Belleville. MR. HENRY J. FREIL Ottawa. MR. R. A. YOUNG Aylmer. MR. JOHN DOWSLEY Prescott. | MR. GEO. EASTON Broekville MESSRS. DEACON & MORRIS Perth. MR. M. W. STRANGE Kingston. F. H. HE WARD, Agent, Toronto MR. WM.BELLHOUSE Hamilton. MR. F. B. BEDDOME London. MR. G. M. GOODEVE Cobourg. January, 1866.


ST. LAWRENCE HALL, Great St. James Street, Montreal. H. Hogan Proprietor.

rpiIIS First-class Hotel, the largest in Montreal, and which has long been regarded by the X Travelling Public as the most popular and fashionable resort, is situated opposite the Post Office, and contiguous to the Banks, French Cathedral, or Church Ville Mario, the Champ de Mars, where the Troops are reviewed, and other Public Institutions. It has been under the cha.rge of its present Proprietor for over fifteen years. A large part of the Hall was engaged by the Government for the Suite of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales on his visit to this city. The Pioprietor would take this opportunity of thanking his numerous friends for past favors, and to inform them that he has during the past winter built a large addition to the Hall, and hopes in future to be able to accommodate all who may favor his establishment. Telegraphic communication from the Hotel. RUSSELL'S HOTEL Palace Street,


THE above Hotel, known all over the Province, is still open for the accommodation of Guests, and every attention continues to be paid to those who favor it with their patronage. THE ST. LOUIS HOTEL, ST. LOUIS STREET,

Is also open. Extensive alterations have been made, and it is now equal to any Hotel in the Province. There is house commodation for a much larger number of guests than formerly. Carriages in summer, and Sleighs in Winter

Always at hand to convey Visitors to the various places of interest, such as the

Montmorency Falls, Plains of Abraham,

Chaudiere Falls, The Indian Village of Lorette, &c, &c. TERMS MODERATE December, 1865.

OIL! OIL!! 01 L!!!

The LUBRIC OIL, manufactured by us, is the Cheapest and Best

LUBRICATOR in the Market, for Steam-Engines and all kinds of heavy Machinery. It is put up in superior packages for Shipment. LUBRIC OIL COMPANY, Branteord, C.W. JOHN H. STRATFORD, Manager.

Agents in Montreal Messrs. KERRY BROTHERS & CRATHERN.


No. 27 St. John Street, Montreal, C.E.

Sole Agents in Canada and British Provinces of N.A. for

Charles Cammell & Co., (Limited,) " Cyclops" Steel and Iron Works, Sheffield. The Bowling Iron Company (near) Bradford, Yorkshire. The Yorkshire Engine Company (Limited) Sheffield, Yorkshire. Patent Shaft and Axle Tree Company (Limited) Brunswick Iron Works, Wednesbury. Lloyd & Lloyd, Albion Tube Works, Birmingham. S. Moulton & Co.. Kingston India Rubber Mills, Bradford. Walker & Hall, Electro Plate Works, Sheffield. John Trippett & Brother, Shipping Agents, Liverpool and New York. Wm- F. Sim & Co., Pontpool Tin, and Pontypool " cold rolled" Canada Plates and Metals. Best Refined {$ Crown) Bar Iron, &c- The Hart Manufacturing Company (Successors to Bliven, Mead & Co.), New York. Green's Patent Tube Company (Limited), Sole Manufacturers of Green's Patent " Solid Drawn" Brass Tubes- Hockley, Bolt, Nut, and Rivet Company, Birmingham.

N.B.—A stock of Charles Cammell & Co.'s Warranted Cast and Spring Steel and " Cyclops" Files constantly on hand.


Forward Merchandise, Mosey, and Packages of every description, collect Bills with Goods, Notes and Drafts, throughout the CANADAS AND THE UNITED STATES,

Running daily (Sundays excepted) over the entire line of the GRAND TKUNK RAILWAY,

THE GREAT WESTERN (Toronto and Hamilton),


In charge of Special Messengers.

Packages and Freights forwarded by the Montreal Ocean Steamship Company to and from all parts of Europe,

Debenture Goods or Goods in Bond will be promptly attended to and forwarded with despatch. Invoices should be sent with all Goods going to the United States.

Montreal—D. T. Irish, Agent. Kingston—J. C. Clark, Agent. " " Portland—J. G. Prindle, Ottawa—W- H. Sawyer, " " Toronto—M. H. Irish, Quebec—W. C. Scott, Hamilton—J. D. Irwin, "

Liverpool, England—No. 22 Tower Buildings, Water Street, Alex. Blackwood, Agent.

July, 1866. G. CHENEY, Supt.




Capital ;£ 1,000,000 Stg.,

Annual Revenue ^300,000 Stg.

Head Office in Canada: 71 Great St. James Street, Montreal, C. E.

Directors in Canada: Henry Thomas, Esq., (Messrs. Thomas, Thibaudeau & Co.,) Director, Bank of Montreal, Chairman. Hon. Chas. Alleyn, Q.C., M.P.P., Quebec.

C. J. Brydges, Esq., Managing Director of the G. T. Railway, Montreal. Hugh Allan, Esq., Montreal. Thomas Cramp, Esq., (D. Torrance & Co.) Montreal. William Workman, Esq., President, City Bank.

In addition to Life Assurance, this Society issues Bonds of Security for persons holding Government or other situations of trust. LIFE DEPARTMENT.

Persons for whom this Society is Surety can Assure their lives at considerably reduced rates. Life Policyholders in this Society can avail themselves of the Society's Suretyship to a proportionate amount at any time free of expense. EDWARD RAWLINGS, Secretary. 10 11 GEAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.


" every SATURDAY, rE S. S. BALTIMORE" will leave PORTLAND, for HALIFAX, at 5 P. M., for the conveyance of Passengers and Freight.

For rates of freight and passage apply to the Agents of the Company.

C. J. BRYDGES, Managing Director. Montreal, Oct. 15, 1866.

WM. RODDEN & CO., Manufacturers of the best description of COOKING AND OTHER STOVES, Iron Furniture, Bedsteads & Railings, BUILDERS', MACHINISTS', AND ORNAMENTAL CASTINGS, All in great variety at the


Sample and Sale Rooms, 62 Great St. James Street, MONTREAL, C.E. May, 1866.

A. RAMSAY & SON, IMPORTERS OF OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, &c, Rolled, Rough and Polished Plate Glass, English & German Sheet Glass, GLAZIERS' DIAMONDS, GOLD & SILVER LEAF BRONZES, &c,

37, 39 & 41, Recollet Street, MONTREAL. May, 1866 CHEAP ENGLISH PAPER WAREHOUSE.


39 & 41 Great St- James Street, Montreal.

Importers of the best English Hand-made Papers; Bookbinder^' Materials of al kinds. A large Stock always kept on hand. November, 1865. 12 i 1 t i 1

13 PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS. o M ~~~~~~~~~~ 3 J. C. BECKET'S PQ & o c5 Steam " tS ^ H pq H January 1866. 1-1 i— ft BOOKSELLERS, &c. OS3 a o 1 O ^ O GRAHAM & CO., H 02 i— R. _ d P ^ Importers of i> .2 Pn £ o o <1 o English, French and German o c3 o 02 q o ^ d STATIONERY, e3 Ph >_3 @ £ Manufacturers of Blank Work of every < -*a n CO description, 02 No. 47 St. Francois Xavier Street, K 02 CD (Opposite St. Sacrament St.,) CO 1— < .2 w Montreal. o July, 1865. H < d H o O O w T. RIDDELL, si O Importer of CO t3 <} d British and Foreign Stationery, p Wholesale and Retail, H <1 22 Great St. James Street, M 5Z5 H EH November, 1865. Montreal. H O O GEORGE HORNE, 02 o Wholesale and Retail pf ft d o h3 STATIONER, ACCOUNT BOOK d Manufacturer, a M H Print Seller and Picture Frame Maker, w C±5 52 k 54 St. Francois Xavier Street, n July, 1865. Montreal. •I. — 14

RICHMOND./ **^ *^* AND •^ "JK


4kmd Mx\m\i faitwmj ©otwjjimtj fit featfa.



OFFICERS : JOSEPH HICKSON, Secretary and Treasurer. RICHARD EATON, Locomotive Superintendent. J.E.BARNARD Engineer, East of Montreal. " E. P. HANNAFORD " West H. SHACKELL Auditor. F. C. STRATTON, General Eastern Freight Agent, Montreal. P. S. STEVENSON, General Western Freight Agent, Toronto.


( Montreal to Detroit.

W. J. SPICER, ] Buffalo to Goderich. ( Montreal to Province Line. Montreal to Portland. ±$AiJjJii,-d a tt -p-v- $ j Montreal to Rouse's Point.

A. S. MACBEAN, .. . . . Richmond to Quebec and Riviere du Loup.


OFFICES : 88 McGill Street, Montreal, C. E. 42 Front Street, Toronto, C. W. " King Street, Hamilton, " " Richmond Street, London " " Grand Trunk Railway Freight Office, Gait, C.W. " do do Detroit, U.S. Shippers or Consignees of Merchandize will insure Safety, Economy and Despatch in transporting Freight by directing consignments "care of John Shedden " at any of the above mentioned places. November, 1865. "CANADA TRUSS FACT"oIy" F. GROSS Surgical Machinist and Elastic Spring Truss maker, inventor and Manufacturer of all kinds of Instruments for Physical Deformities ; worker in Brass, Steel and Iron of every description. 36 VICTORIA SQUARE, MONTREAL. June, 1866. 16 PORTLAND TO MONTREAL. Via Grand Trunk Railway. [Nov. 12.

Total Local Express. STATIONS. 1 Express. Miles. Trains.

1 BOSTON Depart 1 7.30 A. m. 3.00 p. m. 12.2") PORTLAND Arrive p. m. 8.00 p. M .

PORTLAND . Depart 1.10 P.M. 7.40 a. m. 5.00 p. m. 5 Falmouth 1.30 " 7.55 « 5.20 " 9 Cumberland * 11 Yarmouth 1.45 •• 8.10 " 5.45 12 Yarmouth June 1.50 « 8.14 " 5.50 " 15 North Yarmouth 2.00 " 8.24 » 6.05 ll 18 Pownal 2.10 » 8.33 " 6.15 '• u 22 New Gloucester 2.23 * 8.43 " 6-35 27 DANVILLE June 2.40 p. m. 9.00 A. M. 7.00 p. M. 138 BANGOR Arrive 8.30 p.m. 33 Empire Road 2.55 p. m. 9.15 A. M. 7.20 p. m. 36 Mechanic Falls 3.10 " 9.27 " 7.40 " 41 Oxford 3.25 « 9.40 " 8.00 u 47 South Paris 3.45 « 10.00 a.m. s.30 p. M 55 West Paris 4.08 " 62 4.25 « 65 Locke's Mills 4.40 " 70 74 West Bethel- 5.10 80 5.30 " 86 Shelburne 5.45 " 91 G-orham : 6.05 98 Berlin Falls 6.25 " 103 Milan 6.40 " 109 West Milan 7.00 " 116 7.20 " 122 Northumberland 7.40 « 126 Stratford Hollow 7.50 " 130 Stratford 8.00 " 134 North Stratford 8.15 " 141 Wenlock 8.40 " ( Arrive 9.00 " 149 ISLAND POND J Depart 10.15 " 6.00 A. m. 8.45 A. M. 160 Norton 10.45 il 6.30 " 9.30 " 166 Boundary Line 11.05 " 6.45 " 9.55 « 10.30 " 175 11.35 " " Coaticooke 7.15 11.00 « \ 183 11.55 " 7.35 " 11.35 " 186 12.05 " 7.45 " 11.50 " 193 12.25 A. m. 8.00 " 12.20 p. m. 12.35 " 196 i 12.35 " 8.10 " 12.45 " 203 12.55 " 8.30 " 1.20 '' 211 1.20 " 8.50 " 2.00 " 1.50 « 9.15 " 2.50 " 221 RICHMOND .. \ Depart 2.15 " 9.30 " 3.10 " 231 *2.45 " 10.00 " 3.55 " 235 ->:-2.55 " 10.10 " 4.10 " 243 3.20 " 10.40 " 4.45 " 249 3.45 " 11.00 " 5.10 " 252 *3.55 " 11.10 " 5.20 " 255 *4.05 " 11.20 " 5.30 tl 262 4.25 " 11.40 " 6.00 " 269 *4 45 " 12.00 " 6.25 " 275 5.00 " 12.20 P.M. 6.55 " M 276 12.28 " 7.05 282 -x-5.35 " 12.42 " 7.30 " 287 it 12.55 " 7.50 " 290 6 10 " 1.05 " 8.05 " p. m. 297 Arrive 6.30 a.m. 1 1.30 p. m. 8.30

* Trains do not stop unless Signalled. C. J- Brydges, Managing Director, Montreal, C-E. . . 17 MONTREAL TO PORTLAND. Via Grand Trunk Railway. [Nov. 12. Local Total STATIONS. Express. Express. Miles. Trains.

Depart 10.10 p. 2.00 7.00 A. M. MONTREAL " 10.50 2.23 7.30 7 St. Lambert " 10 St. Hubert 11.00 2.32 7.40 2.45 8.00 " 15 Bou. Mountain " 3.00 8.20 21 Beloeil " 11.30 3.08 8.30 22 St. Hilaire " 28 Soixante 11.55 3.25 8.50 35 12.15 a. 3.45 9.20 St Hyacinths " 42 Britannia Mills 4.05 9.50 St.Liboire 4.12 10.00 44 " 48 4.20 10.10 Upton " 54 1.10 4.45 10.40 Acton " 62 Old Durham 5.05 11.10 5.18 11.25 " 66 New Durham " 2.10 5.45 12.00 76 Richmond... :;;;::::;:;:;;:;::.;;::;;;-^epirt 2.25 6.00 12.20 p. m. j " 86 6.35 12.55 Windsor " 94 Brompton Falls 7.00 1.20 1.45 " ( Arrive 101 Sherbrooke 7.25 2.00 " Depart 3.25 i « 104 Lennoxville 3.33 7.35 2.15 8.00 2.45 " 111 Waterville , " 114 Compton 4.00 8.15 3.05 " 122 Coaticooke 4-30 8.45 4.25 " 131 Boundary Line. 5.00 9.15 5.25 " 137 Norton 9.30 6.05 5.45 '< 10.00 7.00 p. m. , Arrive 148 ISLAND POND Depart 6.30 " j « 156 Wenlock 6.47 « 163 North Stratford.... 7.10 " 167 Stratford 7.20 171 Stratford Hollow.. 7.30 « " 175 Northumberland.... 7.40 " 181 Stark 8.00 « 188 West Milan „.., 8.18 194 Milan 8.35 " 200 Berlin Falls 8.47 "

. Arrive 206 Gorham 9.05 « .Depart 212 Shelburne 9.23 « 217 Gilead 9.37 « " 223 West Bethel...., 9.55 227 Bethel 10.05 « 232 Locke's Mills.., 10.20 " 236 Bryant's Pond. 10.30 « " 242 West Paris. ... 10.47 " 249 South Paris. 11.15 5.45 A. M. 2.50 p.m. " 256 Oxford 11.33 6.03 " 3.25 " " 261 Mechanic Falls. 11.45 6.18 " 3.45 " 265 Empire Road... 11.57 A, M. 6-31 A. M. 4.05 p. M. 138 BANG-OR Depart 7.00 A. M. 270 Danville Junction 12.15 P. M. 6.47 A. 4.25 p. M. 275 New Gloucester 12.30 7.03 ( 4.55 "

' " 279 Pownal 12.43 7.15 5.10 282 North Yarmouth 12.54 7.24 5.25 " 285 Yarmouth Junction 1.05 7.35 5.40 " 286 Yarmouth 1.10 7.40 5.45 " 288 Cumberland •' 292 Falmouth tl 1.30 7.55 6.15 " 297 PORTLAND Arrive 1.45 8.10 A.M. 6.45 p. m. PORTLAND Depart 250 P. M. 8.40 A. BOSTON Arrive 7.30 P. M. 1.45 p * Trains do not stop unless Signalled. C. J. Brydges, Managing Director Montreal, C. E . 18 MONTREAL TO TORONTO. Via Grand Trunk Railway. [Nov. 26

Total Local Local STATIONS. Express. Express. Miles. Trains. Trains.

MONTREAL ...Depart 9.30 a.m. 9.30 p.m. 7.00 A M. 2 Tanneries Junction.... 9.40 " 9.40 " 7.10 " 14 Pointe Claire 10.17 " 3.10 " 21 St. Anne's -x-10.34 " 8.38 " 24 Vaudreuil 10.40 " 10.45 " 8.55 " 29 Cedars -x-10.56 " 9.18 " 34 River Rouge -x-11.11 " 9.45 " 37 Coteau Landing 11.16 '• 11.22 " 10.00 « 43 Riv. Beaudette -x-11.37 " 10.28 " 53 Lancaster 12.00 " 12.08 A. M. 11.15 "

... Arrive 12.40 P.M. 12.50 " 67 CORNWALL \ •; ...Depart 12.55 " 1.00 " 12.20 P. M. 72 Moulinette 77 Dickinson's Landing. 11.20 " 1.25 " 1.30 " 81 Farran's Point 1.45 " 83 Aultsville 1.36 " -x-1.42 " 1.55 " 92 Williamsburg 1.58 " 2.05 " 2.50 " 99 Matilda 2.22 " 3.35 " 104 Edwardsburgh *2.30 " 4.10 " 5.00 " 112 PRESCOTT JUNCTION £™ | 3.00 " 3.00 •« 5.15 « 120 Maitland 5.52 " 125 Brockville 3.35 " 3.35 " 6.15 " 129 Lyn 6.35 « 137 Mallorytown 4.10 " 4.05 " 7.10 " 146 Lansdowne 4.25 " 7.52 " 155 4.50 " 4.52 " 8.35 M 164 Ballantyne's .. Arrive 5.30 " 5.35 " 10.00 p. m. 172 "'""; KINGSTON... »« | .. Depart 5.50 5.40 " 6.45 a. M. 187 *6.30 " 6.25 " 7.55 « " 198 Napanee 7.00 " 6.55 " 8.46 c 206 Tyendinaga 7.20 " -x-7.16 9.25 " 213 Shannonville 7.38 " x-7.32 " 10.00 "

220 Belleville 7.58 " 7.52 ' 10.40 " 231 Trenton 8.28 " 8.25 '« 11.35 " 241 Brighton 8.52 " 8.50 " 12.20 p.m. 248 Colborne 256 Grafton *9.30 " 9.30 » 1.35 " " fl ... Arrive 9.55 " 9.55 " 2.10 263 :::::::::: 1 cobourg. •;;;;;;;;;•; 10.10 « " | .. Depart 10.10 " 2.25 I ' 270 Port Hope 10.30 ; 10.30 " 3.00 " i 280 Newtonville 10.58 ,4 3.55 " 285 Newcastle ilLls"""" 11.15 " 4.30 "

Ir 290 Bowmanville 11.28 " 11.27 " 4.50 " '299 Oshawa 11.55 " 11.50 " 5.35 " 303 Port Whitby 12.05 A.M. 12.03 p.m. 5.55 " 310 12.20 " 6.25 " 312 Frenchman's Bay 12.26 " 6.35 " 316 Port Union L2.37 " 6.53 " 322 12.50 " 7.18 "

331 Don . 1.20 " 333 ' rORONTO ...Arrive 1.30 A. M. 1.30 p. m. 8.05 p. m. |

The Train from Montreal on Saturday night lies over at Belleville till Monday morning

Refreshment Rooms at Cornwall, Prescott Junction Kingston, Cobourg and Toronto.

C- «J- Bydges, Managing Director, Montreal, C-E. .

19 TORONTO TO MONTREAL. Via Grand Trunk Railway. [Nov. 26«ft. Local Local Total STATIONS. Express. Express. Miles. Trains. Trains.

TORONTO Depart 6.30 a.m. 6.00 p. m. 1.00 P. M. " 1 Don 1.20 " 11 Scarboro' 6.30 2.05 " 16 7.17 « 6.53 " 2.35 •« 20 Frenchman's Bay 7.05 " 2.55 « 23 •/ 7 30 « 7.11 " 3.05 " " 27 Port Whitby 7.55 " 7.31 3.40 " 33 8.09 " 7.45 " 4.00 " 43 8.35 " 8.15 " 4.50 " 47 8.47 " 8.30 " 5.15 " 53 9.00 " 8.48 5.50 " 63 Port Hope 9.30 " 9.20 " 7.00 " A 9.50 " 9.40 " 7.40 " 69 coBouEa| ;™ :=::;b 10.05 " 9.55 » 7.55 « 77 Grafton *10.28 " 10.24 " 8.35 " 84 Colborne 10.48 " 10.46 " 9.12 " 92 9.52 " 101 Trenton 11.35 " 11.42 " 10.38 " 112 Belleville 12.20 a.m. 11.38 " 120 Shannonville *12.27 " 12.08 A.M. 126 Tyendinaga -v-i2 45 " 1.05 " 12.38 « 134 Napauee 1.05 " 1.32 " 1.45 " 145 Ernestown 1.35 " 2.45 " " 2.55 " 4.00 A. M. 160 Kingston... ;£™ 2.15 ] ;:; = 3.00 " 6.15 A. M. 169 Ballantyne'a 178 Gananoque 3.23 " 3.45 " 7.40 " 486 Lansdowne 3.47 " 4.25 " 8.25 •' 195 4.10 " 9.05 " 203 Lyn 4.30 " 9.50 " 207 Brockville 4.42 " 5.30 " 10.10 " 212 Maitland 10.33 " 221 Prescott Junction 5.15 " 6.03 " 11.15 " 228 Edwardsburgh.... *5 33 " -x-6.25 " 11.50 " 234 Matilda 5.48 " 6.40 " 12.16 p.m. 240 Williamsburgh 6.06 « 6.55 " 12.50 " 249 Aultsville -x-6 30 " -x-7.21 " 1.55 " 251 Farran's Point *7.26 " 2.05 " 256 Dickinson's Landing 6.47 " 7.38 " 2.25 « 260 Moulinette 7.10 " 8.05 " 265 CORNWALL.] ;•;•;•••; 3.07 " *J*™ 7.25 " 8.20 " 279 8.02 " 9.05 « 4.10 " " 289 River Beaudette •k-9.38 4.55 " 295 Coteau Landing 8.42 " 10.00 " 5 20 " " 298 River Rouge -x-10.08 5.35 " 304 Cedars *10.26 " 5.58 " 308 Vaudreuil 9.15 " 10.40 li 6.18 " 312 -x-10.50 lt 6.33 " 318 Pointe Claire 9.40 " 11.06 " 7.00 " 331 Tanneries Junction 10.20 " 11.35 " 7.50 " 333 MONTREAL Arrive 10.30 p.m. 11.45 a.m. 8.00 p. m.

The Train from Toronto on Saturday night lies over at Brockvill 3 till Monday morning.

* Flag Stations.

Refreshment Rooms at Cornwall, Prescott Junctio n, Kingston, Cobourg, and Toronto,

C. J. Brydges, Managing D irector, Montreal, C. E. 20 TORONTO to DETROIT and CHICAGO. [^,.2^ Via Grand Trunk and Michigan Central or Michigan Southern Railways-

Total STATIONS. Express. Express. Express. Mail. Mixed. Miles.

1.45 A. M. 7.30 1.45 p. m. 3.45 p.m. TORONTO. .Dep " '7.42 2.00 « 3.57 Carlton " Weston 7.53 4.05 8.13' 4.22 " Malton " 2.40 8.30 4.40 Brampton " 8.46 4.55 Norval " Georgetown- 8.52 5.00 *9.02 5.10 « Lime House... " 3.15 9.10 3.25 5.18 Acton West.. " 3.30 9.23 3.42 5.33 Rockwood.... " 3.50 9.45 4.07 5.52 Guelph " Breslau 4.25 10.13 6.20 Berlin 10.27 4.50 6.30 p. M Berlin Dep 8.20 p. m. Doon Ar 8.50 P. m. Petersburgh... *10.48 A. M 5.0^ 6.50 p. m. " Baden 10.57 7.01 " " Hamburgh 11.06 5.25 7.09 " " Shakespeare .. 11.25 7.30 " " Ar 11.45 7.48 " STRATFORD i ]De 5.35 " 12.00 NOON. 6.00 98 St. Marys...... 6.02 A. if. 12.25 p. M. 6.22 8.20 p. m. St. Mary's ...De 7.45 a.m. 12.30 P. M. 3.20 P.M.

110 Thorndale. ,. 8.23 " 1.03 5.53 120 London Arr 8.55 A. m. 1.30 P.M. ).20 98 St. Mary's 6.02 A. m. 12.25 p.m. 6.22 p.m. 108 Granton 12.50 " 113 Lucan -x-1.05 " 120 Craigs 6.58 1.20 " 7.15 128 Park Hill 1.37 " 136 Widder 7.52 145 Forrest .02 2.15 815 154 Camlachie 2.37

168 SARNIA \ 9.00 3.05 9.10 PORT HURON.. .30 3.05 10.00 6.45 169 Smith's Creek.... 3.30 7.18 190 Ridgeway 10.12 3.58 10.42 7.55 196 New Baltimore.. 4.12 8.15 206 Mount Clemens. l6'.45 4.38 1L15* 8.55 211 Utica Plank 4.52 9.12 223 Milwaukee June. 11.20 5 20 11.45 10.00 228 Detroit Junction 11.35 5.35 12.00 10.20 231 DETROIT Arr 11.50 5.50 12.15 10.35 DETROIT Jun.D 11.35 A. M. 5.50 p. 12.00 A. M. OHICAGO...Ar 11.00 P. M. 6.00 A. 12.30 P. M. Between Toronto and Sarnia, Toronto Time. Port Huron and Chicago, Chicago Time. Refreshment Rooms at Toronto, Stratford, Sarnia, and Detroit Junction.

MONTREAL to LACHINS and PROVINCE LINE. Via Grand Trunk Railway [Oct. 22 Pitts- Miles. STATIONS. burgh Mail. A. M. A.M. P.M. P. M. MONTREAL Dep 8.00 9.30 3.00 4.30 8 Lachine 8.30 10.00 3.30 5.00 10 Caughnawaga 4.00 15 St. Isidore 4.20 21 St. Remi 4.45 25 Lapigeoniere 5.00 32 Johnsons 5.30 36 Hemmingford 5.45 40 PROVINCE LINR.Ar 6.00 Flag Stations. Note.—The train leaving Montreal at 3.00 p.m. arrives at Pittsburgh at 7.15 ^A 21 ===== CHICAGO and DETROIT to TORONTO. [»*.« Via Grand Trunk and Michigan Central or Michigan Southern Railways. Total Express. Express. Express. Mail. Milk STATIONS. CHICAGO....D 5.30 p. m. 4.45 A. M. 9.45 p. m. DETROIT JCT... 5.55 a. m. 5.50 P. M. 9.45 a. m. DETROIT D 6.10 A. M. 5.45 9.30 Detroit Junction 6.25 " 6.00 9.45 " Milwaukee June. 6.35 6.10 10.00 " 19 Utica Plank 7.06 6.40 25 Mount Clemens. 7.20 » 6.52 10.45 35 New Baltimore.. 7.42 « 7.17 41 Ridgeway 7.55 « 7.30 11.22 " 51 Smith's Greek.... 8.18 7.57 " 62 PORT HURON.. 8.40 8.20 12.15 p. M. " 63 SARNIA 9.35 10. 1.15 " 76 Camlachie 10.45 1.50 " 85 Forrest 10.30 11.06 2.15 •« 94 Widder 10.52 11.30 103 Park Hill 11.11 110 Craigs 11.30 12.09 117 Lucan 11.46 123 12.00 Granton , 132 St. Marys Arr 12.25 P.M. 1.05 A. m. 4.05 p. m. LONDON ...De 11.25 A.M. 2.45 p. m. 6.45 A. M " 10 Thorndale ... 11.50 3.15 7.08 " 22 St. Marys... Arr 12.20 p. m. 3.50 P.M. 7.35 A. m. 132 St. Marys De 12.25 P. M. 1.05 4.05 7.35 A. H a 12.50 1.30 4 30 143 STRATFORD | 1.00 4.40 8.05 149 Shakespeare 1.17 5.00 8.18 156 Hamburgh 1.35 5.25 8.37 159 Baden 8.45 162 Petersburgh 8.53 Doon De 1.15 A. Berlin Ar 5.45 A. 168 Berlin 2.10 P. m. 6.05 9.10 A. M, " 173 Breslau 2.47 6.20 9.22 183 Guelph 2.50 3.10 6.50 9.45 " " 190 Rockwood 3.30 10.05 " 196 Acton 3.25 3.45 7.25 10.18 198 Lime-house 10.25 " 202 Georgetown 3.45 7.42 10.35 '• " 204 Norval 10.40 " 210 Brampton 4.05 8.05 10.56 216 Malton 4.22 8.20 11.12 lt " 223 Weston 4.40 8.37 11.30 " 226 Carlton 11 43 231 TORONTO Ar 5.00 p.m. 5.30 a. m. 9.00 p. M. 11.50 a. m. Flag Stations. Refreshment Rooms at Detroit Junction, Sarnia, Stratford and Toronto. PROVINCE LINE to LACHINE and MONTREAL. Via Grand Trunk Railway. [Oct. 22. Pitts- Miles. STATIONS. burgh Mail. A.M. PROVINCE LINR..D 7.30 3 Hemmingford 7.45 7 8.00 14 Lapigeoniere 8.30 18 St. Remi 8.46 24 St Isidore 9.10 29 A.M. 9.30 P.M. P.M. 31 8.30 10.00 3.30 5.00 40 MONTREAL ..Arr 9.00 10.30 4.00 5.30 A.M. A. M. P. M. P.M. r


NEW YORK AND BUFFALO TO DETROIT AND CHICAGO. (Nov. 26th. Total STATIONS. Express. Express. Express. Miles.

NEW YORK Depart 8.00 A. M. 10.00 A. M. 6.30 p. M.

BUFFALO Arrive 1.30 a. m. 6.30 A. M. 1.30 p. m.

BUFFALO Depart 2.00 A.M. 7.00 2.15 p. M. FORT ERIE 2.05 " 7.10 2.20 " Bertie 7.28 13 Shirk's 19 PT. COLBORNE 2.53 7.53 3.00 24 Wainfle,^ 3.10 :-8.07 30 Boultoi>l)itch 32 Feeder 3.24 8.26 3.30 38 DUNNVILLE 8.40 3.45 46 Canfield 9.00 405 51 Cook's *9.U 59 Caledonia 4.17 9.30 4.32 65 Middleport 4.32 *9.45 68 Onondaga 72 Cainsville X-10..03 75 BRANTFORD 4.57 10.11 5.J3 5.15 83 PARIS , 10.30 5.32 89 Richwood 5.45 92 Drumbo 10.50 97 Bright 100 Ratho " 107 Tavistock 11.25 6.25 " 6.30 1145 6.45 115 STRATFORD 6.35 \ ZZZ'ZZZZd^ 12.00 NOON 7.00 125 St. Marys 7.00 12.25 P. M. 7.25 " 155 Granton 12.50 " a 140 Lucan -k-L.05 8.05 147 Craigs 7.50 1.20 " 155 Park Hill 8.40 a " (t 164 Widder 1.37 9.00 « 173 Forrest 8.45 2.15 182 Camlachie 2.37 « 9.40 ii " " u 195 SARNIA 9.35 3.05 10.10 " " u 196 PORT HURON 9.30 3.05 10.00 217 Ridgeway 10.12 " 3.30 " 10.42

' « 233 Mt. Clemens 10.45 4.12 11.45 '

' " 255 Detroit Junction 11.35 5.35 12.00 258 DETROIT Arrive II 50 A. 5.50 P. M. 12.15 A.

DETROIT JUNCTION ....Depart 11.35 a. m. 5-50 p. M . 12.00 A. M.

CHICAGO Arrive 11.00 p. M. 6.00 A. M. 12.30 P. M.

The Train leaving Buffalo at 2.00 a-m-, runs through to Detroit on Sunday morning, but not on Monday. * Flag Stations.

Arthabaska to Three Rivers. Three Rivers to Arthabaska. [Sept. 24 Via Grand Trunk Railway. Via Grand Trunk Railway.


ARTHABASKA Ju'n...De "7730 am DQUCET'S LANDING, " Walker's Cutting 7.48 (opposite Three Rivers)..De 4.00 p m Bulstrode 8.14 » St. Gregoire 4.16 " « " Aston 8.42 St. Celestin 4.36 " St. Cele3tin 9.12 Aston 4.57 « " " St. Gregoire 9.34 Bulstrode 6.22 DOUCET'3 LANDING, Walker's Cutting 5.45 « (opposite Three Rivers).. A 9.52 am ARTHABASKA Ju n... Ar 6.15 p m "

23 ,

CHICAGO AND DETROIT TO BUFFALO AND NEW YORK.**.* Total Express. Express. Express. Miles- STATIONS.

CHICAGO Dep 5.30 p.m. 9.45 p.m. 7.00 A.M.

DETROIT JUNCTION Arrive 5.55 a.m. 9.45 a.m. 5.50 p.m.

DETROIT Depart 6.10 A.M. 9.30 a.m. 5.45 p. M. 3 Detroit Junction 6.25 " 9.50 " 6.00 "

25 Mount Clemens .. 7.20 " 10.47 " 6.52 " 35 New Baltimore 7.42 " 7.17 « u 41 Ridgeway 7.55 « IL25""'"" 7.30 62 PORT HURON 8.40 " 12.15 p. M. 8.20 " 63 SARNIA 9.35 " 1.15 " 9.10 " 76 Camlachie 1.50 " 9.40 " 85 Forrest 10.30 » 2 15 « u 94 Widder 10.52 103 Park Hill 11.11 « 110 Craigs 11.30 «* 10.54 " 117 Lucan 11.46 " 123 Granton 12.00 " 132 St. Marys- 12.25 p. M. 4.05 " 11.38 " r " 4.30 " 12.00 143 STRATFORD ) . Arrive 12.50 A. M. ..Depart 1.00 " 4.40 " 12.01 * 151 Tavistock 1.22 " 158 Ratho #1.40 " 161 Bright 1.50 " 12.40 " 166 Drumbo. , 2.04 " 169 Richwood -x-2.11 " 5.45 «

" ' 175 PARIS 2.25 " 5.58 1.08 « 183 BRANTFORD 2.48 " 6.18 " 1.25 " 186 Cainsville. " 191 Onondaga . -x-3.08 193 Middleport -x-3.15 " 200 " « Caledonia .. , 3.32 7.02 2.00 " 207 Cook's -x-3.52 " 212 Canfield 4 05 " 7.35 " 220 7.57 " 226 4.42 " 8.10 « 2.55 " 228 Boulton Ditch 3.10 " 234 Wainfleet *5.00 " 239 PORT COLBORIs E 5.15 " 8.46 * 3.24 " 245 Shirk's 249 Bertie 5.43 " 257 FORT ERIE 6.00 " 9.30 " 4.00 " 259 6.45 p. M. 10.15 p.m. 4.45 A. M.

BUFFALO Depart 11.20 p.m. 11.20 P. M. 5.30 a. m.

NEW YORK Arrive 3.45 p. m. 3.45 p. m. 6 00 A. M.

Montreal to Rouse's Point. Rouse's Point to Montreal. [Oct. Via Grand Trunk Railway. Via Grand Trunk Railway.

M ilea STATIONS. Exp. Expr's Miles. STATIONS. Exp Exprsl

| A.M. P. M. A.M MONTREAL.De 8.30 3.30 RC)USE'S P'T..De 7.00 6 S1 . Lambert 8.55 3.53 6 La 7.15 n Br osseaus 9.12 4.05 10 Stc 7.25 19 Ljicadie 9.32 4.23 16 Or ande Ligne 7.40 Am 9.45 8.00 p. M. 27 SIr. JOHNS. 4.35 22 ST • J0HNS J AM. l::.De 8.00 7.50 32 G rande Ligne 4.50 29 La ;adie 8.15 8.05 38 SI ottsville 5.05 38 Brc sseaus 8.35 8-25 42 Lj icolle 5.15 43 St. Lambert 8.55 8.45 49 R OUSE'SP'T..Ar 5.30 49 IyTj5NTREAL- Ar 9.20 9-10 P.M. A.M. P.M. —T^ 24 BUFFALO TO G-ODERICH. Via Grand Trunk Railway. [Nov. 26th Total Express. Express. Express. Local. Local Miles. STATIONS.

BUFFALO TOep 2.00 A. M. 7.00 A. M- 2.15 p. m. 3.30 pTm. 4.00 M FORT ERIE 2.05 " 7.10 " 2.20 " Bertie 7.28 " 4.30 Shirk's 4.47 5.15 PT. COLBORNE.. 2.53 7.53 3.00 " Wainfleet 3.10 8.07 5.42 Boulton Ditch. 6.08 Feeder 3.24 8.26 3.30 6.22 6.52 DUNNVILLE. 8.40 3.45

Canfield , 9.00 4.05 7 35 Cook's :-9.11 7.53 Caledonia 4.17 9.30 4.32 8.23 Middleport...... 4.32 :-9.45 8.48 Onondaga 8 58 Cainsville ::-10.03 9.15 9 30 BRANTFORD 4.57 10.11 5.15 j ^ 1WT. 5.10 A- 5.44 83 PARIS 5.15 10.30 5.32 8.15 89 Richwood 5.45 8.50 6.08 92 Drumbo 10.50 9.05 6.19 97 Bright 9.35 6.42 100 Ratho 9.50 655 107 Tavistock 11.25 " 6.25 " 10.20 7.25 " r 6.30 11.45 6.45 p. M. 11.00 A, 8.00 115 STRATFORD i ^ ( De 12.50 p. M. 7.50 p. 8.15 " 128 Mitchell 1.25 8.40 9.10 " 133 Carron Brook... 1.40 9.00 ' 9.30 " 139 Seaforth 1.57 9.24 9.55 141 Harpurhey 147 Clinton 2.20 " 9.57 " 10.30 160 GODERICH ..Ar 3.00 p.m. 10.50 p. m. 11.30 a. * Flag Stations. Refreshment Rooms at Buffalo, Stratford, and Godench. The Express, which leaves Buffalo at 2.00 A.M., runs through to Stratford on Sunday morning but not on Monday morning. C. J. Brydges, Managing Director, Montreal, CE. HUDSON RIVER and NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILWAYS. Hudson River Railway Trains are run by Poughkeepsie Time. [Nov. 19th. BUFFALO TO NEW YORK

0Q o STATIONS. Express. Express. Express. Express. Express. i

m. BUFFALO Depart 5.30 a-m. 7.30 a.m. 2.20 p.m. 6.00 p.m. 11.20 p. " 1.40 a.m. 69 Rochester 8.10 " 10.(15 " 4.50 ' 9.00 " 150 Syracuse 10.55 " 1.35 v. m. 8.10 " 12.10 A.M. 4.25 " " 2.15 " 6.10 " 203 12.50 p.m. 3.45 10.05 " 4k 7.' " " 5.15 " 9.00 281 Schenectady 3.45 )0 1.00 " " 9.40 " 4.30 " 7.45 6.00 " 298 Albany < " " 4.45 10.15 „ 1.50 A.M. 6.15 10.00 " 7.35 " 11.17 " 326 Hudson (i.OO " 12.01 A.M. 2.46 " 1.00 p.m. 367 I'ouf-hkeepsie 7.42 " 2.15 " 4.18 " 0.26 «' -, « " 2.12 399 Peekskill 8.53 " 10.41 12.15 p. M. 3.45 p.m. 442 THIRTIETH St, N.Y.Ar 10.30 p. m. 6.00 A. M. 7.00 A.M.

Cornelius Vandorbilt, Hudson River Railway, New York. .


GODEKICH TO BUFFALO. cm*.*** Via Grand Trunk Railway.

Total STATIONS. Express. Express. Express. Local. Local. Miles.

GODERICH...De 10.00 A. M. 1.30 p. m. 5.00 A. M. 12 10.30 (I 2.20 " 5.50 " 17 21 10.52 2.55 " 6.25 " tt » 27 Oarron Brook '.. 1107 3.20 " 6.50 u " 32 Mitchell .. 11.20 3 43 " 7.10 r 11.50 (I 4.35 •' 8.00 " 45 STRATFORD \ ^ 8.20 " ( De 1.00 P. M. 4.40 " 12.01 A.M. 5.40 p. m. X 53 1.22 6.25 • 8.55 " u 60 Ratho *1.40 7.00 " 9.23 " 63 Bright 1.50 (( 12.40 " 7.15 " 9.35 *' u 68 Drurnbo 2.04 7.42 " 9.57 " u 71 Richwood *2.11 5.45 " 7.53 " 10.07 " u 77 PARIS 2.25 5.53 " 108 " 8.22 " 10.30 "

85 u BRANTFORD ... 2.48 6.18 " j 5.30 A. M. 88 5.47 " a 92 *3.08 6.10 " u 95 *3.15 6.23 " 101 3.32 7.02 " 2.00 " 6.56 " 109 Cook's *3.52 7.35 '? 114 Canfield 4.05 (l 7.35 " 7.57' " 122 DUNNVILLE 4.2 (( 7.57 " 8.40 " u 128 Feeder 4.42 8.10 " 2.55 « 9.07 « 130 9.17 « u 135 Wainfleet *5.00 3.10 « 9.40 «' 141 P'T COLBO'NE... (( 8.46 " 3.24 " 10.05 " 147 Shirk's 10.30 " 151 Bertie 5.43 10.50 " 158 FORT ERIE 6,00 (( 9.30 M 4.00 " 11.20 "

160 BUFFALO ...Arr 6.45 P M. 10.15 p. m. 4.45 a. m. 12.15 p. m. Flag Stations. Refreshment Rooms at Buffalo, Stratford and Goderich,

C. J. Brydges, Managing Director, Montreal, CE. HUDSON EIVER and NEW YOEK CENTRAL RAILWAYS.

New York Central Railway Trains are run by Albany Time. \ N"ov. 19 NEW YORK TO BUFFALO.

STATIONS. Express. Express. Express. Express. Express.

THIRTIETH ST, N.Y.D. 8.00 6.30 11.00 P. M. 10.00 A. M 3.45 p. m. " 43 Peekskill.... 9.27 8.08 1.27 A. M. 11.38 " 5.18 " 75 Poughkeepsie 10.45 9.35 3.05 1 .03 p. m. 6.40 " 116 Hudson 12.09 11.09 5.18 2 .48 " 8.24 " ''""'.'"""", 1.25 P. M. 12.30 A. M 6.45 4 .15 " 9.45 144 Albany < " 1.45 J 15.30 A. M 7.30 .00 11.00 " 16] Schenectady 2.30 P. M. 1.15 8.15 .50 p.m. 1.45 A.M.

239 Utica 5.40 4.20 11.30 .15 " 3.15 " . 292 Syracuse 7.40 6.35 1.40 .20 x. m. 5.oO " 373 Rochester 10.30 10.50 5.15 .35 « 9.40 " 442 Buffalo Arrive 1.30 J 1.30 8.15 .30 A. M. 1.00 P, M

H. W. Chittenden, Ceneral Superintendent, New York Central Railway, Albany. .


EIVIERE DU LOUP, QUEBEC and MONTREAL. Via Grand Trunk Railway. [September 24.

5 Ex- BBD Ex- Ex- a STATIONS. STATIONS. Local press press. press.

P. M. A. M. A. M. MONTREALd 10.10 7.00 R. DU LOUP. Depart 8.00 7 St. Lambert 10.50 7.25 12 St. Alexandre 8.39 10 St. Hubert 7.40

20 Ste. Helene 9.02 15 Bou. Mountain.. .. 8.00 26 St. Pascal 9.22 21 Beloeil 8.20 30 St. Denis 9.39 22 St. Hilaire 11.30 8.30 35 Riviere Ouelle 9.56 28 Soixante 8.50 42 Ste. Anne 10.15 35 St. Hyacinthe...... 12.05 9.20 50 St. Roch 10.38 42 Britannia Mills.. 9.50 57 St. Jean Port Joli 11.04 44 St. Liboire 10.00

62 Trois Saumons .. 11.21 48 Upton 10.10 { Arrive 11.31 54 Acton 10.40 65 L'ISLET 1.00 } Depart 11.46 62 Old Durham 11.10 72 Cap St.Ignace.... 12.08 66 New Durham 11.25 79 St Thomas 12.48 2.10 12.00 85 St. Pierre 1.05 76 RICHMOND V 86 St. Francois 1.18 93 St.Valier 1.37 < D 2.30 12.30

97 St Michel .. 1.50 88 Danville 3.05 1.30 103 St Charles .'. 2.25 100 Warwick 3.45 2.30

111 St Henri . .... 2.50 108 Arthabaska 4.10 3.15 114 St.JeanChrysost 3.07 118 Stanfold 4.45 4.05 118 Chaudiere Curve Arrive 3.22 123 Somerset 5.05 4.35 124 5.15 131 Becancour.... < 5.30 125 POINTE LEVI, opposite ^ 5.30 Quebec Arrive 3.55 135 Lystei* 5.45 5.50 P. M. 143 Methot's Mills- 6.10 6.30 A. M. P. M- 152 Black River...... 6.40 7.20 PTE. LEVI op- 157 7.00 7.45 posite QuebecDe 6.30 7.40 163 Chaudiere Curve 7.15 8.20 8 Chaudiere.Arrive 7.10 8.10 i 164 Chaudiere Junct 7.20 8.25 9 Chaudiere Curve 7.15 8.15 ! 172 PTE. LEVI op- 8.50 15 Craig's Road 7.45 8.35 posite Quebec.Ar 7.45 9.00 20 Black River 8.10 8.50 A. M. P. M. 28 9.00 ( Methot's Mills 9.20 A. M. 37 1 9.35 9.50 POINTE LEVI, opposite " ' Quebec .-.Depart 10.00 41 Becancour \ p 10.00 10.05 1 Hadlow — 10.10 10.35 49 Somerset ...~ 10.30 7 Chaudiere Curve. 10.30 11.10 55 Stanfold 10 50 11 St.JeanChrysost 10.43 11.55 64 Arthabaska 11.20 14 St Henri 11.00 12.35 ; 71 Warwick 11.50 22 St Charles 11.26 1.35 84 Danville - 12.30 28 St Michel 11.45 2.40 1.10 32 St. Valier 11.58 96 RICHMOND } 37 St. Francois 12.18 I D 3.10 2.15 40 St. Pierre 12.30 106 New Durham 335 *2.45 46 St. Thomas 12.48 110 Old Durham 4.10 -X-2.55 53 Cap St. Ignace 1.10 118 Acton 4 45 3.20 I Arrive 1.33 60 125 Upton 5.10 3.45 ")enart 1.50

128 St. Liboire" 5.20 *3.55 63 Trois Saumons .. 2.03

1 130 Britannia Mills ... 5.30 -x-4.05 68 St. Jean Port Joli 2.20 137 St. Hyacinthe 6.00 4.25 75 St. Roch 2.46 143 Soixante 6.25 -x-4.45 83 Ste. Anne 3.09 149 St. Hilaire 6.55 5.00 90 Riviere Ouelle 3.29 150 Beloeil 7.05 95 St. Denis 3.46 157 Bou. Mountain... 7.30 #5.35 99 St. Pascal 4.03 162 St. Hubert 7.50 5.55 105 Ste. Helene 4.23 165 St. Lambert 8.05 6.10 ...... 113 St. Alexandre 4.43 172 MONTREALa 8.30 6.30 125 R. DU LOUP Arrive 5.23 1 P. M. A. M. P. M. H Flag S tations.

C. J. Br ydges, Managing Director, Montreal, C-E- . . —


Trains are run by Chicago Time. [Nov. 24th.


STATIONS. Exp's Exp'ss. STATIONS. Exp'ss. Exp'ss.

DETROIT .Dep 6.15am 5. 20 pm CHICAGO. 4.45 am 10.00 pm " " Grand Trunk J. 6.40 5.53 f.!< Laporte 7.32 " 11240 am Monroe June. .Arr 8.00" 7-25" lOHElkhart Arr. 9.20 am 2.20 am

Monroe June-. Elkhart • . Dep. 9.40 ami 2.25 am " " Air Line Jet. White Pigeon 10.35 3.20 " Wauseon Hillsdale 1.20 pmI 5.42 " " Kendallville • Adrian 3.05 7.05 Goshen Monroe June-Arr. 4.35 pm 8.30 am Elkhart Arr Elkhart Dep- " Monroe June... • De 8.10 7.30 Goshen " Adrian 10.00 9.15 Kendallville Hillsdale 11.44" 10.45 Wanseon White Pigeon. 2.25 pm 1.00 Air Line Jet " Elkhart Arr 3.45 1.55 Monroe Juno. Arr.

'* " Elkhart Dep 3.4o / 2-00 267||MonroeJuuc.Dep. 4.30 pm 8.35 am " " " Laporte . . 5.50 3.39" 299 Grand Trunk Ju.. 5.50 10.04 CHICAGO '.Arr 8.55 pm 6. 00 am 3071 DETROIT-. .Arr. 6.20 pm 10 30 AM C. F. Hatch, General Superintendent, Toledo, O.


Trains are run by Detroit Time. [Nov. l$t.


n Mixed, a Mixed, STATIONS. Mail. with STATIONS. Mail. with 1 Sleep.Car 1 Sleep.Car DETROIT Dep 9.45a.m. 8.00p.m". MILWAUKEE. Dep " 4 Grand Trunk Jet 10.02 8.25 " Grand Haven ....Dep 7.30a.m. 5.15p.m. " 26 Pontiac 1.15 10.10 " A" 9.05 " 1.55p.m. 2.15 a.m. 31 Grand Rapids. " J 9.05 7.45 " 78 Owosso } £« " 2.15 2.2-5 " jArr 11.30 " ^rr 3.55 " 91 ^ John's 98 ii*45""" 11.40 " St John's 3.15 " " J 4-05 12.45p.m. 1.00 A.M. " 110 Owosso A " 5.20 8.55 " JDe" 1.05 " 1.15 " 157 Grand Rapids. " " J e 5.50 9.15 163 Pontiac 3.40 " 4.40 " 189 Grand Haven — Arr 7.15 p.m. 11.45 a.m. 185 Grand Trunk Jet.... 4.42 " 6.05 " MILWAUKEE. Arr 2.30 a.m. 189 DETROIT Arr 5-OOp.m. 6.30 a.m. Thomas Bell, General Superintendent, Detroit.

MILWAUKEE DIVISION OP C. & N. W. R'Y. Trains are run by Chicago Time.


Mile « STATIONS. Express. Express. Miles STATIONS. Express. Express.

it.OO A.M 4-20 4.30 p.m. 7-00 A.M. CHICAGO p.m. MILWAUKEE. " " Evanston 9-35 " 4-55 " Racine 5.42 8.06 " " Waukegan 10.52 " 6.10 " Kenosha 6.15 8.38 " " " State Line ...... 11.20 6-36 " State Line 6.36 8.55 " " " Kenosha 11.39 6.56 " Waukegan 7.06 9.20 " " " • Racine 12.12 p.m. 7.29 Evanston • • 8.12 10-27 11.00 MILWAUKEE . 1.15 P.M. 8.30 p.m. CHICAGO 8.45 p.m. A.M. B. F. Patrick, Gen. Pass. Agent, Chicago.—Geo. L. Dunlap, Gen. Supt., Chicago, 111. — .



Miles STATIONS. Express. Express. Express. Express.

NEW YORK, Foot Chamber St.. Dei 8.00 10.00 a M. 6.30 p.m. 5.00 p.m. 1 Jersey City 8.18 10.17 6.50 *• 5.20 " r Paterson 8.58 11.03 6.08 " 32 ^uffern 9.30 11.47 " 8.08 6.47 „" 48 Turners 10.05 12.48 p. m 8.43 7.23 6' Middletown 10.53 1.45 " 8.42 " " 81 Port Jervis 1133 2.38 10.37 9.34 " 123 Narrowsburg 4.07 " 12.06 " 177 Deposit 2.50 6.31 L39a!m.' 201 Great Bend 4.05 7.52 " 3.00 " 215 Bingbampton 4.33 8.31 " 4.11 3.35 " 237 Owego 5.20 9.34 " 5.08 4.33 " 274 Elmira 6 39 11.35 ' 6.38 6.11 " 2)! Corning. 7.27 12.28 a.m 7.43 7.12 " 331 Hornellsville 8.51 2.40 " 9.01 " 354 Nunda 10.50 " " 361 Portage 10-50 3 50 11.08 "

...... ^ive " 4.55 391 ATTICA | 12.07 12.25 p. M. 5.00

422 BUFFALO Arr 1.28 a.m. 6.18 a.m. 1.00 p.m. 1.00 P. M.

Robert H. Berdell, President, New York.


Via Grand Trunk, Vermont Central, Rutland and Burlington, Renselaer and Saratoga, and

Hudson River Railways. [October.


STATIONS. Express. STATIONS. Express, Express.

De 3.30 Thirtieth St., N.Y D .00 P. M MONTREAL... " 4,35 Poughkeepsie .42 27 St. Johns \ " £l 4.50 Hudson .16 " 6.45 East Albany ,?0 73 St. Albans £* " 7.30 .40 j T " ( Ar 9.15 ^ JDe" 40 106 Burlington .... < £^ 10.00 10 a.m, Rutland " 12.45. J ^ 20 173 Rutland ' \ £j 1.10 50 Burlington " Ar 4.40 j p£ 00 257 Troy De 4.50 40 St. Albans " 163 East Albany . ... 5.15 j ^ 05 " Hudson 6.18 00 291 St. Johns " xvi Poughkoepsie 7.55 £l 00 40J Thirtieth St.,N.YAr 10.30 MONTREAL.... Air .20 a.m.

C. J. Brydges, Managing Director, Grand Trunk Railway, Montreal. Hon. J. G. Smith, President, Vermont Central Railway, St. Albans, Vt. G. A. Merrill, Superintendent, Rutland & Burlington Railway, Rutland, Vt. I. V. Baker Supurintendent, Troy & Boston Railway, Troy, New York. O. Vanderbilt, President Hudcon River K&ilway, New York. M 29 ERIE RAILWAY.


Miles STATIONS. Express. Express. Express. Express.

BUFFALO Dei 5.30 a. M. 2.20 p. m. 6.10 p.m. 11.20p.m. 31 Attica 6.40 " 3.20 4 - 7.38 " 12.26 a. M. " 61 Portage 7.46 " 4.28 " 9.02 1.34 " " " 70 Nunda 8-01 •« 4.40 9.22 " " " 91 Hornellsville 9.05 « 5.25 10.30 2.30 " " 142 Corning ' 7.05 " 12.12 3-58 10.34 " 11.05 a.' . 12.47 a.m. 4.30 159 Elmira \ " " 11.15 " 7.40 " 12.57 4.30 " " " 196 Owego 12.32 p.m. 9.00 2.20 5.46 " " " 218 Binghampton 1.12 " 9.47 3.05 6.30 " " 232 Great Bend 1.48 " *10.15 " 3.43 7.04 " " " 256 Deposit 3.08 « 11.26 4.55 8.12 " 310 Narrowsburg 2.02 A. M. 7.00 10.17 " " '• " 345 Port Jervis 6.27 " 3.17 8-17 11.32 " 366 Middletown 7.14 " 4.22 " 9.08 12.28 p. M. " 385 Turners 8.25 " 5.05 " 10.16 1.12 " " 401 Suffern 8.55 " 5.42 10.51 " 2.04 " " " " 416 Paterson 9.30 " 6.17 11.26 2.41 421 JerseyCity 10.07 " 6.35 «• 12.05 " 3.20 " 422 N.York,foot Chamber St Arrive 10.30 p. M. 7.00 a.m. 12.30 p.m. 3.45 p.m.

Hugh Kiddle, General Superintendent, New York.

MONTREAL AND BOSTON. Via Grand Trunk, Vermont Central, Northern (N. H.), Concord Manchester & Lawrence, and Boston & Lowell Kailways. [May 14. MONTREAL TO BOSTON. BOSTON TO MONTREAL.

STATIONS. Express. Express. STATIONS. Express. Express.

MONTREAL...Dep 8.30 a. m. 3.30 p. m BOSTON Dep 8.00 a.m. 5.00 Arrive 9.45 " 4.35 " Lowell 8.54 " 6.32 27 St. Johns.. | 10.00 " 4.50 " Nashua 9.20 " 7.05 St. Albans 12.00Noon 7.30 " Manchester 9.55 " 7.43 91 Essex Junction 1.00 p.m. 8.35 " Concord 10.35 " 8.35 124 Montpelier Junction 2.40 " 10.15 " 1.06 p. M. 11.45 White R'r June 5.10 " 1.10 1.20 " 11.55 187 White R'r June A. j ffe j £e 5.16 " 1.20 " Montpelier Junction 3.37 " 2.52. 25H Concord 7.50 " 5.30 " Essex Junction 5.10 " 4.30 274 Manchester 8.28 " 6.15 " St. Albans 6.15 " 6.05 291 Nashua 9.00 " 7.00 " 8.00 St. Johns 304 Lowell 9.30 " 7.30 " j JP 7.50 " 8.00 32!; BOSTON Arr 10.30 p. M. 8.30 A. m MONTREAL ...Arr 9.10 p. m. 9.20

C. J. Brydges, Managing Director, Grand Trunk Railway, Montreal. Hon. J. G. Smith, President, Vermont Central Railway, St. Albans. O. Stearns, Supt. Northern (N. H.) Railway, Concord, N. H. N. G. Uphan, President, Concord, Manchester & Lawrence Ry., Concord. John B. Winslow, Supt., Boston & Lowell Railway, Boston, Mass. STONINGTQN LINE BETWEEN BOSTON & NEW YORK.

j^©*" Cars leave Boston and Providence Railroad Station, foot of the Common, at 5.30 P. M., arriving at Stonington at 9 o'clock P. M., connecting with the Steamers PLYMOUTH ROCK on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and COMMODORE, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. $S©~ Passengers and Bagrgage for the South land at the Wharf of the New Jersey Railroad, and are transferred to the Cars at Jersey City without expense. Baggage checked through to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. %m~ These Boats land in New York at Pier No. 18 North River, foot of Cortlandt Street, adjoining the Jersey City Ferry, and connect with all railroad and steamboat lines for the North, South and West. J. W. RICHARDSON, Agent, 76 Washington Street, Boston. 30 PORT HOPE, LINDSAY and BEAVERTON RY. Trains are run by Port Hope Time, which is 20 minutes slower than Montreal Time. [Dee. 3.



Depart 10.00 A.M. PORT HOPE Depart 3 . 00 p.m. LINDSAY 18 Millbrook 4.40 Omemee 10.47 24Manvers 5-08 Manvers 11.30 3.'-> Omemee 5-45 Millbrook 12.10 43ILINDSAY Arrive! 6.30 p.m. PORT HOPE Arrive 1.35 p.m.



PORT HOPE Depart 10. 30 a. PETERBORO Depart 3.30 p.m. Perrytown ... 11-05 9 Fraserville 3.55 Summit. 11.30 13 Millbrook 4.30 Millbrook 12.00 16 Summit 4.50 Fraserville 12.25 23 Perrytown 5.16 PETERBORO Arrive 12.50 p.m. 31 PORT HOPE Arrive 5.50 p.m. A. T. Williams, Superintendent, Port Hope.

LONDON and PORT STANLEY RAILWAY. Trains are run by London Time. Nov. 5th.

London to Port Stanley. Port Stanley to London.

STATIONS. Passeng'r Passeng'r STATIONS. Passeng'r Passeng'r

LONDON Dep .30 a.m. 3.00P.M P'T STANLEY • De y. 30 A.M. 5.10 Pond Mills .40 " 3.10 " White's 9.40 " 5.20 " Westminister North. .47 " 3.17 " j'^rr 9.50 5.30 St. Thomas-, Westminister South. .57 " 3.27 " 9-55 " 5.40 Yarmouth .05 " 3.35 " Yarmouth 10.05 " 5.50 .15 " 3.45 " Westminister South 10.15 " 6.00 St. Thomas., ;£™ " j .25 " 4.00 " Westminister North 10 25 6.10 White's '...... 35 " 4.10 " Pond Mills 10.35 " 6.20 P'T STANLEY.. Ar 45 A.M. 4.20 p.m LONDON Arr 10.45 a.m 6.30

W. Bowman, Superintendent, London - OTTAWA AND PRESCOTT RAILWAY. Trains are run by Montreal Time. [Nov. 26th. OTTAWA TO PRESCOTT. PRESCOTT TO OTTAWA.

Accom Aceoin. STATIONS. Exp moda- Mail STATIONS. Exp. raoda- IMail. tion. tion.

P.M. P.M. A.M. OTTAWA Dep 1.50 PRESCOTT...Dep 2.45 7.30 Billings Prescott Junction.... 2.55 7.45 Gloucester 2.35 Spencerville 3.15 8.10 Rossiters 2.57 Oxford 3.37 8.40 Osgoode 3.26 Kemptville 3.55 9.15 Kemptville 3.55 Osgoode 4.20 9.45 Oxford 4.15 Rossiters 435 10.05 Spencerville 4.45 Gloucester 4.50 10.25 Prescott Junction... 5.10 Billings 5.05 PRESCOTT Ar 5.25 OTTAWA Ar 5.20 11.00 P.M. P.M. A.M.

T. S. Detlor, Superintendent, Prescott, C.W. . 31

MONTREAL and NEW YORK. Via Grand Trunk, Vermont Central, Vermont Valley Connecticut River, New Haven H and Springfield, and New York and New Haven Railways. [Nov. 13 MONTREAL TO NEW YORK. NEW YORK TO MONTREAL.

STATIONS. Express. STATIONS. Express,

MONTREAL Depart 3.15 p.m. NEW YORK Depart 12.15 p.m St. Albans 7.25 Bridgeport 2.30 Essex Junction 8.40 New Haven 3.20 Montpelier Junction. 10.12 Hartford 4.47 White River Junction 1.07 a.m. Springfield 6.30 Bellows Falls 3.10 Northampton 7.20 Brattleboro 4-00 Greenfield 8.04 South Vernon 4.25 South Vernon 8.33 Greenfield 4.54 Brattleboro 8.57 Northampton 5.40 Bellows Falls 10.00 Springfield 7.00 White River Junction 11.55 Hartford 8.10 Montpelier Junction 2.52 A.M New Haven ... 9.45 Essex Junction 4.38 Bridgeportport 10 22 St. Albans 6.05 NEW YORK. Arrive 12-30 p.m. MONTREAL Arrive 9.20 A.M C. J. Brydges, Managing Director, Grand Trunk Railway, Montreal. Hon. J, G. Smith, President, Vermont Central Railway, St. Albans. George A. Merrill, Supt. Vermont Valley Railway, Chester, Vt. W. B. Brinsmade, Superintendent, Connecticut River Railway, Springfield, Mass. C. F. Pond, President, New Haven, Hartford & Springfield Railway, Hartford, C. Vanderbilt, President, Hudson River Railroad, New York. NORTHERN RAILWAY OP CANADA. Trains are run by Toronto Time. [Nov. 26


STATIONS. Mail, Exp' STATIONS. Mail. Exp's

a.m. P.M. A.M. P.M. TORONTO Dep 8.00 3.50 COLLINGWOOD De 5.40 2.50 Thornhill 8.45 4.37 Stayner 6.06 3.20 Richmond Hill 8.57 4.51 Sunnidale 6.24 3.38 King 9-12 5.07 Angus 6.44 4.00 Aurora 9.35 5.30 Barrie 7.22 4.42 Newmarket 9.49 5.42 Lefroy 8.15 5.31 Holland Landing 10.03 5.54 Gilford 8.25 5.40 Bradford 10.15 6.05 Bradford 8.51 6.05 Gilford 10.41 6.30 Holland Landing 9.05 6.16 Lefroy 10.50 6.40 Newmarket 9.18 6.28 Barrie 11.32 7.22 Aurora 9.35 6.42| Angus 12.23 8.11 King 10.00 7.04 Sunnidale 12.46 8.32 Richmond Hill 10.12 7.18 Stayner 1.06 8.52 Thornhill 10.26 7.29 COLLINGWOOD Arr 1.30 9.20 TORONTO Arr 11.10 8.15 P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. Fred. Cumberland, Managing Director, Toronto.


STATIONS. Express. Express. STATIONS. Express. Express.

DETROIT Dep 6.10 a.m. 5.40 p.m. 6.00p.m. 7.00a.m. CINCINNATI Dep " Toledo, 10.35 " 10-35 " Hamilton 7.15 " 8.20 " " Lima 2.55 p.m. 2.55a.m, Dayton 9.05 10.10 " Sidney 4.30 " 4.40 " Piqua 10.34 " 11.37 Piqua 5.00 " 5.14 " Sidney 11.06 " 12.10p.m. Dayton 7.00 " 7.10 " Lima 1.10 a.m. 2.20 " " " Hamilton 8.45 " 8.50 " Toledo 5.15 5.55 CINCINNATI.. Arr 9.55 p.m. 10.00 A.M, DETROIT Arr 10.00 a.m. 10.45 p.m. D. McLaren, General Superintendent, Cincinnati, O. . . . " 32 G-REAT WESTERN RAILWAY. Trains are run by Hamilton Time. [Nov. 19th SUSPENSION BRIDGE TO WINDSOR. Morn'g Day Night Miles Mixed. Accom. STATIONS. Expr'ss Expr'ss Mail. SUSPENSION BRIDGE Dep 7.00am 2.10pm 3.45 pm 1.50 am " " " " Thorold 7.23 2.28 4.08 2.10 " " " Catherine 7-28 2.34 4.13 2.15 ' lli St- " " 17 Jordan. 7.42 4.30 " " 22* iBeamsville 7.55 4-42 " " 263 |Grimsby 8.05 4.52 " " 8-17 5.03 3l| " 8.45" 3.40 5.35 3.30 " 43* " Hamilton ;;;;;;;;;;;;;. .v.v.v/.-.DepLn 9 00" 3.50 5.45 3.40 " \ " Dundas : ••• 9.23" 4.08 6.80 49i " " 54| Copetown 9-40 6.25 " " 59 Lynden 9.55 6-38 " 62| IHarrisburg 10-05 " 6.48 " 72 " 4-58 7.15 4.55 " IPARIS 10-30 " 79 (Princeton 10-50 " 7.35 " 81* Arnolds 10-57 " 7.43 " (Eastwood " 7.55 86i 11 08 " " 903 Woodstock 11.20 " 5.43 8.07 5. 33 " 95| (Beachville 11-30 " 8.20 '6*05* " 100 Tngersoll " 8.34 5.56' 11-40 " 1091 (Dorchester 9.00 12 02pm " Arrive 12.20 " 6.50 9.25 pm 6.35 1191 London 7.50 am " Depart 12-40 " 7.05 6.50 J;;; " " " 1291 Komoka 8.28 1 05 7.30 134 Mount Brydges 8-45 " 1.15 " 7.40 " " 140 Longwood 9 08 1.30 " f 7.55 " 145 Appin 9.25 " " 1493 Glencoe 9.40 1.54 8.15 " 1553 Newbury 10.05 2-07 8.30 " " 161 Bothwell 10.35 2.20 8 42 .25 168J " Thainesville . . 11.02 2.35 8.59 174} Lewisville 11.22 " " 183* CHATHAM.... 11.55 15 " 9.30 9.15 " 3 198 jBaptiste Creek.. 1.18 3-50 " 9.50 " 203 'Stoney.. 1.35 4.00 " 2113 :Belle River 2.05 " 4.20 " 10-23" 229 (WINDSOR.. Arrive 3.00 pm 5.00pm 11 10PM 11.00am TORONTO BRANCH.—TORONTO TO HAMILTON,

Miles STATIONS. Accom Expr'ss Accom- Accom.

7 TORONTO (Yonge Street Station) Depart 7.00 AM 12.55 pm 3.50 pm 6.55 pm " 13* Mirnico 7.25 " 4.15" 7.25 m Port Credit 7.42" 1.35" 4.30" 7.50 " " 253 Oakville 8.03" 1.55" 4.55 " 8.20 32 Bronte 8.13" 2.06 " 5.05" 8-32" 35 Wellington Square 8 30" 2.22" 5.20" 8-52" m Waterdown 8.37" 5.27" 9.02" 39 HAMILTON Arrive 8.50am 2.40 pm 5.40pm 9.15 pm

Sarnia Branch.—Trains leave London for Sarnia at 7. 05 a.m. and 4.00p.m. Returning leave Sarnia at 8-00 a.m. and 2.45 p.m. Thomas Swinyard General Manager. Hamilton. WELLAND RAILWAY. Trains are run by Hamilton Time. [Jany. 1st. Port Dalhousie to Bufialo. Bufialo to Port Dalhousie.

STATIONS. Passeng'r Passeng'r STATIONS. Passeng'r Passeng's

Port Dalhousie .Dep 8.00 a.m. 3.00 p.m. Buffalo •Dep 7.00 A.M 2 15 p.m. " " " " Catherines. 8.20 3.20 Port Colborne 11.15 5.35 St. " " Thorold 8.45 " 3.45 " Welland 11.35 5.55 " " " " Allanburgh . . 8.55 3.55 Port Robinson 11.47 6.07 " «• Port Robinson. 9 03 4.03 " Allanburgh 11.55 6 15 " " «« Well and 9.15 4.15 " Thorold 12 05 p.m. 6.25 " " Port Colborne. 9.45 4-45 " St. Catherines 12.25 6.45 Buffalo Arr, 12.15 p.m. 6 45 p.m. Port Dalhousie. ..Arr 12.45 p.m. 7.10 p.m.

Cornelius Stovin, General Manager, St. Catherines, C- W. ;

33 GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. Trains are run by Hamilton Time. [Nov, 19. WINDSOR TO SUSPENSION BRIDGE. Night Accom Morn'g Day Mixed. Miles STATIONS. Expr'ss Expr'ss Mail.

WliNDbOrl. .Depart- 7.30am 11.20am KT-OOam 7.20 pm 11.10" Belle River 8.07" 17.1 11.50" 26 Stoney Point 12.19 pm 8.35" 12.30'' 12.10 pm 31 Baptiste Creek " 9.07" 1.03" 1.20" 8.55 45i CHATHAM ; 2.00" 54i Lewisville " 1.35 2.25 GOi Thamesville 9 41 3.10" 9*. 45"" 68 Bothwell • 9.58 1.55 10.10 2.07 3.30" m Newbury " Glencoe 10.24 f 2.23 3.53 79i 4.10" 84 A ppin Longwood 10.45 2.44" 4-30" 89 " 4.53" 95 VIount Brydges 11.00 2.58 3 — 11.10 3.10" 5.10" 99 4 Komoka 11.35 3.35" 5.50pm 11.20 1091 london. :::;::;;::;;::;:;$™l 6.40am 11.55 3.50" 11.30 j " 1191 Dorchester • 7.04 4.15" 129 Ingersoll 7.25" 12.36 pm 4.40" 12.10 am " Beachville 7.35 4.50" 1331 " " 1381 Woodstock 7.46 i2.'55 5.08 142| Eastwood 7.55" 5.20" 1472 Arnolds 8.07" 5.35" 150 Princeton 8.12" 1.23" 5.40" 157 PARIS ... 8 28" 1.42" 6.00" 1.20" 8.52 " ; 2.05 " 6.25" 166^ HARRISBURG " 170 Lynden 8.59" '2.12" 6.38 1741 Copetown 9.09" 6.48" 9.23" 2.36" 7.03" 179* Dundas. " 9.40" 2.55 7.20" 2.30 " 1852 hamilton|;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;-;;;;;;;j^^ 9.50" 3.05 7-30" 2.40 Ontario. 10.20" 8.00" 197i " 202j Grimsby 10.32" 3.40 8.13" 206i Beamsville 10.45" 8.23" 212 Jordon 10.58" 8.38" " 217! St. Catherines 11.12" 4.13 8.55" 3.50 2192 Thorold 11.18" 4.18 9.00" 229 SUSPENSION BRIDGE Arrive. 11.50 am 4.40 pm 9.30 pm 4.25 am TORONTO BRANCH.-HAM1LTON TO TORONTO.

Miles STATIONS. Accom. Accom. Expr'ss Accom

HAMILTON Depart 7.10 AM 9.50 am 3.45 pm 7.25 pm Waterdown 7.25" 10.02" 7.37" Wellington Square 7-36" 10.11 " 4.00 " 7.45" Bronte 8.03" 10.30 " 4.12" 8.05" Oakville 8.16" 10.40 " 4.21 " 8.17" Port Credit 8.43" 11.00" 4.35" 8.40" " " Mimico : 9-03 11.17" 9.00 TORONTO, Yonge Street Station Arrive 9.30am 11.40 am 5 20 pm 9.25 pm Guelph Branch.—Trains leave Harrisburg for Guelph at 10.10 A. M. and 7.00 p. w. Returning, leave Guelph at 6.50 a. m. and 4.00 p. m. Thomas Swinyard, General Manager, Hamilton.

PORTLAND and OXFORD CENTRAL RAILWAY. Trains are run by Portland Time. [Jan. 6th,

Sumner to Mechanic Ealis. Mechanic Talis to Sumner.


SUMNER DepartjlO.OO a.m. MECHANIC FALLS. .Depart 3.30 p.m. Buckfield 10.20 " Minot 3.45 " Hebron 10.40 " Hebron 4-05 " Minot .....11.00 " Buckfield 4.20 " MECHANIC FALLS. Arrivelll.15 a.m. SUMNER Arrive 4.40 p.m F. W. Pelton, President, Boston. . 34 STANSTEAD, SHEFFORD & CHAMBLY RAILWAY. Trains are run by St. Albans Time, which is 10 minutes faster than Montreal Time. [Oet. 1.

Waterloo to St. Johns. St. Johns to Waterloo.

STATIONS. Mail. Express. STATIONS. Mail. Express.

WATERLOO...Dep 0. 00 A.M. ST. JOHNS Dep 4.40p.m. y.50 a. m. " " West Shefford . . 6.15 Soixante. ... 4.56 Holland's 6.20 " St Brigide 5.02 " " " Granby 6.40 West Farnham 5.12 10.30 a. m " " St. George 7.00 St. George 5.40 " " West Farnhani... 7.15 3.30 p.m. Granby 5.55 St. Brigide 7.30 " Holland's 6.20 •* " " Soixante 7.40 West Shefford . 6.25 ST- JOHNS Arr 8-00 A.M. 4.66 p!m WATERLOO... Arr 6.40 p.m A- B. Foster, Manager, Waterloo, C.E. BROCKVILLE AND OTTAWA RAILWAY. Trains are run by Montreal Time (Dec. 3!


STATIONS. No. 3 No 4 STATIONS. No. 1 No. 2 Mixed. Mixed. Mixed. Mixed.

Sand Point.. ..Depart 7.30 am. 2.30 p ii Brockville Depart 3.40p.m 8.40 A M " " " 61 Arnprior : 7.54 2 52 0£ G. T. Junction , 3.45 8.45 " " " 13j Pakenham 8.28 3.22 54 -x-Fairfield 4.02 9.04 « " " I6f -:<-Sned den's 8.41 3.34 7 -x-Clark's , 4.08 9.14 " " h Almonte 9.07 3.56 10 Bellamy's , 4.20 9.23 28 " " « i Carleton Place 9.33 4.20 12 -x-Jelly's , 4.28 9.32 ' ; " u 33± x-Beckwith 9.55 4.40 13| -x-Bell's 4 34 9.39 " " 37^ Franktown 10.12 4.56 116 -x-Wolford 4 44 " 9.49 " " " 41 •x-Ferguson's 10.29 5.06 |21 Irish Creek 5.04 10.11 l *' " " 46 2 Smith's Falls 10.45 5.32 25 -x-Story's 5.20 10 29 « " " 49i •K-Story's 10.58 5.44 |28 Smith's Falls 5.32 10.45 " " u 53^ Irish Creek 11.15 6 00 33i -x-Ferguson's 5.52 11.09 " " " 58i -x-Wolford 11.36 6-20 37 Franktown 6.08 11.24 " " 61 -x-Bell's 11.48 " 6-30 41 -x-Beckwith 6.28 11.41 " " " 621 -x-Jelly's. 11.53 6-36 46 Carleton Place 6.48 1 2.03 p M « " " 64 J Bellamy's 12.01P.M 6.44 52 Almonte 7.12 12.29 '' " « " 67 -/.-Clark's 12.14 .56 55£ -x-Snedden's 7.28 12.46 u 69 -x-Fairrield 12,20 " 7.02 " 61 Pakenham 7.48 1.08 " " " 74 G. T. Junction 12.41 " 7.25 " 69 Arnprior 8.20 1.43 " 74^ Brockville arrive 12.50P.M, 7,30 « 74} Sand Point.... Arrive 8 40p.w 2.00 PERTH B RANCH A.M. P.M. P.M. Smith's Falls Dep 10.50 5.40 Perth Dep 1 9 50 4.40 -x-Pike Falls 11.13 6.02 6 *Pike Falls 10.12 5.02 Perth Arr 11.35 6.25 12 Smith's Falls Arr!l0.35 5.25

AM. P.M. I A.M. P.M. Flag Stations. H. Abbott, Managing Director, Brockville, C.W. NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILWAY. Trains are run by Albany Time. [Nov. 19.

Buffalo to Niagara Ealls. Niagara Falls to Buffalo.

STATIONS. Exps Exps. Exps STATIONS. Exps. Exps. Exps

A.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. BUFFALO Dep 9-00 11-40 6.35 NIAGARA FALLS d 9.00 1.35 6-00 Ferry 9.08 11.50 6.44 5ILa Salle 9.12 1.50 6.14 Black Rock 9.13 11.55 6.48 lljTonawanda 9.30 2.05 6.30 Tonawanda 9.30 12.10 7.05 18 Black Roik 9.47 2.20 6.48 La Salle 9.46 12.25 7.20 Ferry 9.52 2.25 6.52 NIAGARA FALLS a 10.00 12.40 7 35 22 BUFFALO Arr 10- 00 2.35 7 00 A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Dean Richmond, President, Albany, N- Y. .. . . '


PORTLAND and KENNEBEC RAILWAY. Trains are run by Portland Time. [Nov. 12th.

SKOWHEGAN to PORTLAND. PORTLAND to SKOWHEGAN. Local. Local. STATIONS. Passeng'r Mondays STATIONS. Passeng'r Saturd'y only. only. .De 8.30 A. M. PORTLAND... Dep 1.00 p.m. 7.45 p. M. SKOWHEGAN " " " .. Westbrook..... 1.15 8.00 8 Pishon Ferry. 8.50 " " " . . 1.30 8.15 13 Somerset Mills . 9.05 Cumberland " " " 8.25 17 Kendalls Mills . 9.20 Yarmouth 1.42 " " " 19, Waterville 9.30 Freeport 2.00 8.45 " " ". 20Winslow 9.40 BRUNSWICK 2.30 9.15 " " " 25 Vassalboro' 9.57 Bowdoinham.. 2.55 9.35 «' 9.55 " .Arr Richmond 3.15 " 37 Augusta ... 10.35 " 5.30 A. M. " 10.25 j .Dep Gardiner 3.45 " " 39|Hallowell V. 10.44 " 5.40 Hallowell 4.00 10.40 " |j 10.50 p. 44; Gardiner 11.00 " 5-55 * Arr M. " Augusta. .. < 4.15 !! 54 Richmond 11.30 " 6.25 Dep " " 62 Bowdoinham . 11.50 " 6.45 Vassalboro' 4.55 " 5.12 " 70 BRUNSWICK . 12.25 p. M 7.10 Winslow " " 78Freeport 12.50 " 7.30 Waterville 5.20 " 84| Y armouth .. 1.15 " 7.50 " Kendalls Mills- 5.40 " " 88 Cumberland . . 1.30 " 8.00 Somerset Mills. 5.50 " " 95 Westbrook 1.45 " 8.15 Pishon Ferry. 6.05 100 PORTLAND... .Arr 2.00 p. M 8.30 a. m SKOWHEGAN.. Arl 6*25 p.M W. llateh, Supt., Augusta, Me. OGDENSBORG & LAKE CHAMPLAIN RAILWAY. Trains are run by Boston Time. [Oct. 14


STATIONS. Exp's, Exp' Acc'm STATIONS. Exp's. Exp's. Acc'm

A.M. P.M. p. M. A.M. A M. p. M. ROUSE'S POINT de 7.15 7.30 Ki.00 OGDENSBURGHde 11.30 5.30 6.45 Champlain 7 28 7-42 10.15 Madrid 12.10 6.10 8.15 Mooers 7.48 8 00 10.45 Potsdam 12.38 6.26 8-52 Centerville 8.10 8.10 11.00 Brasher Falls 1.05 6.50 9.45 Ellenburgh 8-42 8 50 12.15 Lawrence 1.23 7.03 10.15 Chateauguay 9.30 9.30 1.25 Brush's Mills 2.10 7.35 11.05 Malone 10-00 10.05 2.15 M alone 2.50 8.10 12.10am Brush's Mills.. .. 10.38 10-37 3.05 Chateauguay 3.25 8.40 1.25 Lawrence 11.00 11.00 3.35 Ellenburgh 4.13 9-26 2.35 Brasher Falls 11.18 11.17 3.55 Centerville 4.58 10.03 3 32 Potsdam 11.48 11.47 4.35 Mooers 5.07 10.10 3.45 Madrid 12.10 12.10 5.15 Champlain 5.28 10.25 4.12 OGDENSBURGH ar 12.50 1 00 6.30 ROUSE'S POINT ar 5.40 10.35 4.30 P. M. A.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. Harvey Rico, General Superintendent, Malone, N. Y. MONTREAL AND BOSTON. Via Grand Trunk, Vermont Central, Rutland & Burlington, Cheshire & Fitchburg Railways. MONTREAL TO BOSTON. BOSTON TO MONTREAL.

STATIONS. Express. STATIONS. Express. Express.

MONTREAL 3.30p.m. BOSTON 7 30 a.m. 5.30p.m. " St. Johns 4.50 ' Fitchburg 9.15 " 7.25 " St- Albans 7.30 " Keene 10.49 " 9-05 " Burlington 10-00 " Bellows' Falls. 11.40 " 10-05 Rutland 1.10 A. M Rutland 2.05 p.m. 1.20 a.m. " Bellows' Falls. 3. " Burlington .... 4.45 " 4.00 " " Keene...- 4.47 St- Albans 6.-5 " 6.05 " " " Fitchburg 6.40 St. Johns i 7.50 7.50 BOSTON 8.30 a.m. MONTREAL. 9 10p.m. 9.10 a.m.

C. J. Brydges, Managing Director ^ G and Trunk Railway, Montreal, C. G. Merrill, Supt., Vermont Central Railway, St. rtlbans. Vermont. G. A. Merrill, ' Rutand arid Burlington Railway, Rutland. R Stewart, " Cheshire Railway, Keene, New Hampshire. C. L. Heyword, " Fitchburg Railway, Boston, Mass. . 36 PORTLAND, BOSTON AND NEW YORK. Via P. Saco and P., Eastern (Mass.) .Boston and Worcester, Western (Mass.), New Haven Hartford and Springfield, and New York and New Haven Railways.

Portland to Boston and New York. New York to Boston and Portland.

STATIONS. Pass'nger Pass'nger STATIONS. Pass'nger Pass'nger

PORTLAND... Dep 40 A. M 2.20P.M, N.YORK, 27th St. De 8.00 p.m. " 13 Saco 20 3.40 " 42d Street 8.08 " " 52 Portsmouth 10 4.55 " Bridgeport — 10.33 " 45 p. M. 7.30 " New Haven .. 11.20 " 108 Boston " £l 15 8.30 " Hartford 12.40 a.m. j " 152 Worcester 15 10.00 " 1.44 " " Springfield 45 12.00Mid't 2.10 " 206 Springfield " j ^ j £j 00 12.00 " Worcester 4.15 " " 232 Hartford 50 12.55 A. M 6.00 " *• Bost 208 New Haven 00 2.05 " ™ 7.30 " 2.30 p. M. " Ue 28.^ Bridgeport .35 2.50 " Portsmouth . . 10.00 " 5.00 " " 341 New York, 42d St... .39 4.54 " Saco 11.50 " 7.50 " 342 27th St.Ar .45 p. m. 5.00 A. Ji PORTLAND... Arr 12.30 P. m. 7-25 p.m.

Chas. Goodwin, President, Portland, Saco & Portsmouth R'y., Portsmouth, N-H. George M Browne, President, Eastern (Mass.) Railway, Boston, Mass- Ginery Twichell, President, Boston &. Worcester Railway, Boston, Mass. Charles W.Chapin, President Western (Mass.) Railway, Springfield, Mass. C. F- Pond, President, New Haven, Hartford & Springfield R'y., Hartford, Conn. George B. Carhart, President, New Yorz

HALIFAX to TRURO. TRURO to HALIFAX. Accom- Accom Mail. STATIONS. STATIONS. modation. modation. Mail.

Halifax depart 7.15 A.M. 2.45 p.m. Truro «ep 6.30 a.m. 3.15 p .M. " " " Four Mile House- .- 7.25 «« 2.55 Johnston's Road — 6.45 3.25 " " (( Bedford 3.15 Brookfield • • 7.00 3.40 " " a Rocky Lake 3.25 Polly Bog 7.15 3.55 " " '* 7.55 3.35 Stewiacke 7.30 4.10 Windsor June, " 8.00 3.40 Lang's BrickWorks- 7.45 " j |g " " Fletcher's 8.15 4.00 SHUBENACADIE.. 7.50 " 4.25 « " Grand Lake 8.25 4.10 Wickwire's 8.10 4.40 " " " Oakfield 8.32 4.18 Truro Road 8.25 " " Enfield 8.40 4.25 8.35 4.55 " " ELMSDALE . . " (i Malcolm's B'k Works 4.35 j |JJ 8.45 5.00 " ** S arr 8.45 4.45 Maleom's B'k Works 8.50 « ELMSDALE

Truro arr 10.30 A. M, 7.00 p-m- Halifax . . arr 10.45 a.m. 6.30 "p'.u.

HALIFAX to WINDSOR. WINDSOR to HALIFAX. Halifax dep 8.00 A. 50 p.m. W indsor dep 8.10 A.M. 15 P.M. ' " " " Four Mile House — 8.10 00 Three Mile Plain.... 8.20 25 ' " " Bedford 8.30 20 Newport 8.40 40 " ' " " Rocky Lake 8.40 35 Ellershouse 8.55 55 " ' " " 8.60 45 Stillwater 9.10 10 " Windsor June ' " " 8.55 50 r 9.35 30 " j ^ Mt. I ' " UN ACRE " " Beaver Bank 9.05 00 j !e£ 9.40 35 ' " " " Alt. UMACKE...dep 9.45 40 Beaver Bank 10.10 00 ' " " " Stillwater 10.05 ,10 Windsor June ... • dep 10.25 ,15 ' " " " Ellershouse L0.15 ,25 blocky Lake 10.35 ,25 ' " " " Newport 10.25 ,35 Bedford 10.45 ,35 ' " " " Three Mile Plain... 10.35 45 Four Mile House- 11.05 .50

Windsor arr 10.45 A. ,00 p.m. Halifax i 11.15 a.m. .00 P.M. Geo. Taylor, Superintendent. . •


St. Andrews to Woodstock Road. Woodstock Road to St. Andrews.

STATIONS. Express. STATIONS. Express.

ST. ANDREWS Dep 10.00 A.M. WOODSTOCK ROAD..De 9 00 a.m. Chamcook 10.20 " McKenzie 9.10 " " Bartletts 10.45 " Debeck's 9 25 Wawieg 10.55 « Wickham 9.45 " Roix Road 11.15 " Bel River 10.15 " Hewitt's 1135 " Ar 10.55 « " Canterbury. *' Rolling Dam 11 45 Dep 11.15 C A tl " r 11.55 Deer Lake 11.25 Dumbarton < D 12.15 p. m. Ar 12 30 p. M. Maudslay < Lawrence's 12.30 " Dep 12.50 " " Barber Dam 12.45 Toby Guzzle 1.10 « " Toby Guzzle 12.55 « Barber Dam 1.30 " " ' Ar 1.10 Lawrence's 2.20 Maudslay < " " , Dep 1.30 Ar 2.45 " Dumbarton. "

Deer Lake , 2.10 Dep 3.05 " " 2 40 Rolling Dam 3.20 Canterbury., " " j "["^"oep 3 00 Hewitt's 3.25 " " Eel River 3 45 Roix Road , 3 55 " " Wickham 4.15 Waweig 4.10 " " Debeck's 4 35 Bartlett's 4.25 McKenzie. 4.50 " Chamcook 4.45 "

WOODSTOCK ROAD..Ar 5.00 P.M. ST. ANDREWS Arr 5.00 p. M .

This Train will leave St. Andrews f r Woodstock Road every Monday, Wednesday and Friday ; returning, will leave Woodstock Road every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at the above hours, until further notice.

. An Express Train leaves Woodstock Road every Monday and Tuesday at 3 a.m., in time for Boat same day for Portlaud and Boston, and Leaves St. Andrews every Tuesday and Fridav on arrival of Boat from Boston and Portland. A Special Train will leave St. Andrews every Monday, on arrival ofBoat from St John. HENRY OSBURN, Manager, St. Andrews, N. B. EUROPEAN & NORTH AMERICAN RAILWAY, OTW BRUNSWICK. May 22nd. ST. JOHN to SHED1AC. SHEDIAC to ST. JOHN,

Accom- Accom- STATIONS. Express moda'n STATIONS. Express moda'n

St. John 00am 5.30pm. Shediac 00am " " Moose Path 09 5.41 Dorchester Road- 14 " " " " Torryburn 16 5-50 Cook's Brook 36 " " Appleby's 21 5.56 Humphrey's Mills- 49 " " " " Rothesay 23 6.04 Moncton 25 " " " Quispamsis 40 6.18 Boundary Creek.. 00 " ' " Nauwigewauk 55 6.36 Salisbury 17 " " " Ossekeag 11 7.02 Pollet River Road. 34 " " " Passekeag 25 7.20 Petitcodiac 55 " " Bloomfield 29 " 7.26 Anagance 00 " " Athol 40 7.40 Portage 23pm. " " " Norton 45 7.46 Dunsinane 39 " " Apohaqui 06 8.12p.m Penopsquis 45 " " Sussex 40 Plumweseep 00 " " Plumweseep 50 Sussex 17 6.20am. " " Penopsquis 04 Apohaqui 55 6.38 " '' " " Dunsinane 16 Norton 11 7.04 " " " Portage 21 , Athol 33 7.10 " " Anagance 34 Bloomfield 38 " " 7.24 Petitcodiac 53 Passekeag 50 " 7.30 " " " Pollet River Road- 08pm. Ossekeag 55 7.59 " Salisbury 30 " Nauwigewauk 15 " 8-19 " " Boundary Creek-. 40 Quispamsis 32 8.55 " " " " Moncton 25 |, Rothesay 49 9.03 " Humphrey's Mills- 31 " Appleby's .00 " " " Cook's Brook 44 Torryburn .07 9.09 " " " Dorchester Boad. OH I Moose Path .12 9.18 Shediac 25P.M St. John .30 p. M 9.30a .m J. EDWARD BOYD, Superintendent, St. John, N.B. , .


Morning Day Evening jNight Dexter STATIONS. Express. Express. Express, Express. Accoincchi'n P. P. A. P. P. M. P. DETROIT 7-15 A.M. 11-20 A.M. 5.35 p.m 11.45 p.m. 4.20 P.M. " u ' 3 G. T. Junction. . 7.30 11.35 " 5.50 " 12-00 4.35 " " 10 Dearborn 7.50 4.55 " 17 Wayne 8-10 " 5.20 " " 2? Ypsilanti 8-40 12.40 p.m. 7-00 1.05 A.M. 5.55 " " " 31 Ann Arbor 9.05 100 " 7.20 1.25 6.20 " 47 Dexter 9.35 6-50 p.m. 54 Chelsea 9 55 « 8.05 65 Grass Lake 10.25 " 8.35 76 Jackson 10-55 " 2.25 9-05 " 86 Parma 11.25 2.50 9.30 ' 96 Albion 11 50 " 3.08 9.55 45 " 107 Marshall 12.35 p.m. 3.50 15 •' " " 120 Bat. Creek 1.15 4.20 11.00 50 " " " 134 Galesburg 1.50 11.35 25 " " 143 Kalamazoo 2.15 " 5.10 " 11.55 50 " " 151 Lawton 3.00 12.35 a.m 35 " 167 Decatur 3.20 " 55 17s Dowagiac 3.50 " 25 " " 191 Niles 4.25 " 1.50 15 " " 19 Buchanan 4.40 35 " " 201 Dayton 4.55 50 P. " " 218 New Buffalo 5.40 8.05 35 Cin.Exp's " r .< 2-:s Michigan City 6.05 3.40 6.10 p.m. " 240 Porter 6.35 " 30 6.40 " •' " " 24S Lake, Jol. Cut-off 7.10 9-30 " 4.30 55 7.00 " " " " " 2t*. Calumet, /. C. June. 8.05 10.20 5.20 45 7.40 " 284 CHICAGO Arr 8-45 p.m. 11-00 P.M, 6.00 A.M. 30 p.m 8-25 p.m.

Refreshment Rooms at Detroit, Ann Arbor, Marshall, Niles, Lake, and Chicago.

M daily, except Saturday. P daily, except Sundays. O daily, except Mondays. A on Saturday— this train runs only to Jackson. B on Mondays will run only from Niles.


WAYNE—For Plymouth and Northville, daily to and from. YPSILANTI—For Saline daily at 12-30 p.m., returning from there at 9 a.m. ANN AKBOR— Via Whitmore Lake and Hamburg, to and from Howell. DEXTER—On Mondays, Wednesdays aud Fridays, for Madilla, Williamsville, Stock- bridge, Danville and Mason; returning Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays. Also, daily to and from Pinckney and Howell. JACKSON—See time-table for Trains and Stages to Mason, Charlotte, Eaton Rapids, Lansimr,


The Steamers of tie above Company leave St. John, N.B., for Boston and Portland on Mondays and Thursdays.

Steamers leave Boston Mondays and Thursdays for St. John N.B. ; leaving Portland for St. John same evening at 5-00 p.m.

T. C. HERser, President, Portland. J B. Coyle, Gen. Agent, Portland. H. J. Libby, Treasurer, do. W. H. Kilby, Agent, Boston. C. C. Eaton, Agent, Portland. 39 MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILWAY.


Morning Day Evening JNight Cincinn'ti STATIONS. Express. Express. Express. Express. Express. P. P. C. M. D. M.P. T CHICAGO 5.00 A.M. 7.00 a.i 5.30 p.m, 9-45 p.m, 6.45 p.m. " " " Calumet. /. C. Juno 5.40 7.40 6.10 10-30 " 7.25 " •' " Lake, Jol. Gut-otf 6.25 8.25 " 6.55 11.20 " 8.15 " " Porter 6.45 " 7.15 8.35 '• " Michigan City 7-15 " 9.10 7.45 12.10 a.m, 9.10 p.m. " New Buffalo 7.45 " 8.05 Dayton 8.25 " 8.50 " " Buchanan 8.35 " 9.00 Niles 8-50 " 10-35 9.35 " 1.50 Dowagiac 9.20 " 10.05 " Decatur 9.50 *« ii.36" 10.35 " Lawton 10.10 " 11.00 " " Kalamazoo 10.55 " 12.25 p.m, 11.55 3.50 Galesburg 11.15 " 12.15 a.m 4.15 Bat. Creek 11.55 " 1.15 12.50 " 4.50 Marshall 12-55 p.m 2.05 1.25 " 5.25 Albion 1.25 " 2.30 1.55 " 5.55 Parma 1.50 " 6.20 Jackson 2.20 " 3-15 2-55 6.50 Grass Lake 2.45 " 7.15 Dexter Ac. Chelsea 3-10 " 7.40 O. P. Dexter 3.30 " 7.55 6.00 A.M. " Ann Arbor 4-00 " 4.35 4.25 8.20 6.30 Ypsilanti 4.25 " 4.55 4.50 8.40 6.55 " AVayne 5.05 " 9.10 7.25 " Dearborn 5.15 " 9.25 7.50 " " G. T. June 5.30 " 5 50 " 5.55 " 9-45 8.10 DETROIT Arr 5.45 p.m. 6.10 p.m 6.10 A.M. 10.00 8.25 a.m.

t Stops to let off Western Passengers. Refreshment Rooms at Detroit, Ann Arbor, Marshall, Niles, Lake, and Chicago. M daily, except Saturdays. daily, except Sundays. P daily, except Mondays. D on Mondays— this train runs only from Jackson.


BATTLE CREEK—To Hastings daily at 2 p.m., from there at 7 a.m., and to and from

Climax Prairie, Tuesdays and Fridays ; to Charlotte, Wednesdays and back Tuesdays. KALAMAZOO—Daily to Three Rivers, Grand R,apids, and Allegan at 7 a.m., to Hastings at 1 p.m.. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. LAWTON Thrice daily between Depot and Paw Paw. DEC ATUR— Daily to and from Lawrence, and from Lawrence to and from St. Joseph and South Haven. Milbury Stages arrives at Decatur on Fridays and leaves on Saturdays. Three Rivers Stage leaves Decatur Friday a.m., and returns Saturday. DOWAGIAC—Each morning via Cassapolis and Edwardsburgh for Elkhart, and from Elkhart every morning via Edwardsburgh and Cassapolis, reaching Dowagiac about 5 p.m. NILES -Daily to and from South Bend, St. Joseph and Berrein. NEW BUFFALO to Laketon on Tuesdays, and bask on Wednesdays. MICHIGAN CITY—Daily to Laporte at 8 a.m., and from Laporte at 3 p.m.

W. K. Muir, Asst. Gen. Supt., Detroit, Michigan.


The Steamers of the above Company leave Atlantic Wharf, Portland, for Boston every evening (Sundays excepted) at 7 o'clock. Leave Boston the same days at 5 p.m

CABIN FARE $150 — DECK FARE $1.00.

Charles Forbes, President, Portland. I J. B, Coyle, General Director, Portland.

Wm. Kimball, Treasurer, do. | L. Billings, Agent, do. William Weeks, Agent ,Boston. . 40


w cm tf 1 .. 1 r^ <

TRAINS ARE RUN Between Portland and Island Pond, by Portland Time. " Island Pond and Montreal, by Montreal Time. " " Riviere du Loup " • " " " Rouse's Point, " " Province Line and Montreal, by Montreal Time. " " Montreal and Toronto, by " " Toronto and Sarnia, by Toronto " " " Fort Erie and Goderich, " " Port Huron and Detroit by Chicago Time.

CALENDAR. 33 H3 O IE TbffDB EH. Moon's Que- Mon- Kings- Toron Lon- 1866 1866 Phases. bec. treal. ton. to. don, d. h.m. h.m. h.m. h.m. h.m NewM'n 7 37m 31m 019m 7m 1159m Jan. ] July lstQr...l4 11 55 e I149e 1137e 1125e 1117e 7 Full 21 M'n 3 46e 3 40e 3L8e 316e 3 I 1415 Third Qr 28 2 35e 229e 217e 2 5e 157e 2122 ( 29 DAYS EVENTS, «fcc. Feb. M JW 4' 5 Aug. 1112 S Princess of Wales born, 1844. 18 19 Su A dvent Sunday. 25 26 vl St. Paul's Cathedral finished. Mar. Tu Napoleon made Emperor, 1S0L i 5 Sept W Mozart died, 1792. 1112 Th Insurrection in Canada, 1837. 1819 F Mary Queen of Scots born, 1642. 25 26 d Richard Baxter died, 1691. Aprl Su 2nd Sunday in Advent. (V)) Milton born, 1608. 1| 2 Oct. 6 M 8 9 13 Tu Charles XII. of Sweden killed, 1718. 1516 20 W Cromwell declared Protector, 1653. 22 23 27 Th (14) Washington died. 1799. F Pi ince Consort died, 1861. 29 30 "3 8 St. Eustaehe destroyed, 1837. May. '6 Nov, 5 6 10 -u 3rd Sunday in Advent. 13 14 1213 17 M (It) George Whitfield born, 1714. 20 21 19 20 24 Tu Sir Humphrey Davy born. 1778. 27 28 26,2' W Turner the painter died, 1851. June Dec. *i Tu Louis Napoleon proclaimed, 1848. •St. 3 4 6 31 4 8 P Thomas. 1011 1314 1011 15 S Pilgrims landed at Plymouth, 1620. 17 18 20 21 17:18 21122 Sn 4th Sunday in Advent. 24 25 27,28 24 25 28 2:1 M Thackeray died, 1863. 31 Tn Christmas Day. Sir Isaac Newton W St. Stephen. [bom, 1642. "THE SEASONS. Th St. J oh * the Evangelist. Spring begins March 20d. 2h. 46m., Evening. F Holy Innocents. Summer begins June 21d. llh. 26m., Morning. S Autumn begins September 23d. lh. 43m., Mo'g Su let Sunday after Christmas. Winter begins December 21 d. 7h. 42m., Ev'g M East India Co. Charter granted. 41^ HINTS


You will save money by purchasing your Tickets before entering the cars.

CHECK YOUR BAGGAGE and the Company will then be responsible for it. Baggage in : Passenger Cars is a source of anxiety to the owner causes inconvenience to others ; and is unsightly and altogether out of place. Baggage can be checked through from places in Canada to the United States and vice versa; but in such cases the law requires each Passenger to point out his Baggage to the Customs' Officer at the Frontier Station, in order that it may be examined.

The following is a list of Custom House Stations :— American. Canadian.

Between Portland and Montreal Island i'ond . . . Coaticooke « New York or Boston and Mokmal \ J£%l£S!?* StTkL" •' Montreal and Plattsburgh Mookr's Junc... Hf.mmingford

" United States and Canada via Ogdensburgh Ogdensburgh. . . Prescott " 4 New York or Buffalo and Detroit or * Buffalo Fort Erie Chicago ( Port Huron — Sarnia " Toronto and Detroit Port Huron — Sarnia

Avoid altercations with Conductors or other Employe's of the Company. If you have a grievance make it known by letter to the Managing Director at Montreal and you will obtain redress. Conductors have very responsible and arduous duties to perform on the journey, which require the utmost diligence on their part, and they have not time to enter into long discussions. IT IS DANGEROUS to stani on the platform of cars or move from one car to another, or attempt to get on or oft whilst the Train is in motion. Heads and arms are safest when they are inside the car windows.


The GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY COMPANY runs its Trains in direct connection with the following Railways and Lines of Steamers, viz-:—

At BUFFALO New York Central and New York & Erie Railways. " DETROIT Michigan Central, Michigan Southern, and Detroit & Mil- waukee Railways. " SARNIA During season of navigation a Daily Line of first-class

Steamers to Milwaukee and Chicago ; also Regular Lines of Steamers to Green Bay and all Ports on Lakes Huron, Michigan, and Superior. 44 GODERICH During season of navigation Regular Lines of Steamers to Milwaukee and Chicago and other Lake Ports. 44 LONDON , London and Port Stanley Railway. 44 TORONTO Northern and Great Western Railways- 44 PORT HOPE Port Hope, Lindsay and Beverton Railway. 44 KINGSTON Rome. Watertown and Ogdensburgh Railway. 44 BROCKVILLE Brockville and Ottawa Railway. 44 PRESCOTT Ottawa and Prescott Railway, and Northern Railroad of New York. 44 PROVINCE LINE Plattsburgh Railway. 44 LACHINE luring navigation a Daily Line of Steamers to Ottawa. 44 MONTREAL During season of navigation a Weekly Line of Steamers to Liverpool and a, Regular Line to Glasgow. 44 ST. JOHNS Stanstead. Shefford & Chambly, and Vermont Central R'ys. 44 ROUSE'S POINT Vermont Central Railway for New York and Boston. 44 QUEBEC During season ot navigation a Weekly Line of Steamers to Liverpool and Regular Line to Glasgow- 44 MECH AN IC FALLS Oxford Central Railway. 44 DANVILLE JUNCTION. -Maine Central Railway. 44 PORTLAND . . Boston and Maine and Eastern Railroads. Regular Line of Steamers to Eastport, St. John, N. B., and Halifax, N. S., also to Boston and New York- During Winter, whilst the navigation of the St. Lawrence is closed, a Weekly Line of Steamers to Liverpool. . 42

CENTRAL DI8TBICT,—(Continued.)

WILLIAMSBURG Monday, Wednesday and Friday, for Bell's Corners and Winchester. MATILDA Mail Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. 6 A.M., for South Mountain, Dixon's ^-^^^^-r^TT T^ t. ., Corners, and Inkermann. BROCKVILLE Daily to Fannersville and Westport. Stages connect with B. 0. & Trains at Perth for Merrickville ; at Almonte for Packingham ; at Arnprior for Renfrew KINGSTON Daily to Bath, Picton Odessa, Clark's Mills, Centreville, Tamworth. Elginburg, Railtown, and Sydenham; Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday to Grenvale and Harrowsmith ; Wednesday and Saturday to Batersea. NAPANEE One horse wagon daily to Newburgh, Camden East, and Cen- treville. BELLEVILLE Daily for Sterling, Tweed, Bridgewater, Marmora and Madoc TRENTON Daily for Frankford. BRIGHTON Daily to Picton, Wellington, Consecon, and District of Prince Edward; Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to Campbellford. Steamers "Empress" and "Roches- ter." 6 A.M., for Rochester daily. COLBORNE Daily to Castleton, Warkworth, Percy, Hastings, and Nor- wood. COBOURG Stage Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, for Cold Springs and Gore's Landing, (Rice Lake.) PORT HOPE Steamers to Rochester, connecting there with N- Y- C RR. BOWMANVILLE Daily for Hampton, Enniskillen. Tyrone, Charlesville, Wil- liamsburg and Scugog Lake. OSHAWA Daily for Columbus, Raglan, Prince Albert. Manchester, Bo- relia, Port Perry, Sonya, Manilla, Cannington, Bea- verton, Simcoe, Argyle. Oakwood, and Lindsay. PORT WHITBY Daily for Manchester, Port Perry, Prince Edward, Manilla, Lindsay, Beaverton, Ashburn, U tica, Epsom and Ux- bridge- SCARBORO Daily to Markham andStouffville.


WESTON Daily for Thistletown, Woodbridge, Pine Grove, and Klien- burg. Stage connection at Thistleton for Clairville, Cohain and Bolton Village. MALTON Daily to Grahamsville, Stanley Mills, Tullamore, Sand Hill, Munsie's Corners, and Mono Mills. BRAMPTON Daily to Cheltenham, Charlestown, Sligo, Campbell's Cross, Alton, and Orangeville. GEORGETOWN Stage daily to Stewarton. Ashgrove, Hornby. Milton, and to Silver Creek, Ballinafad, Erin, and Hillsburg. GUELPH Daily to Elora, Fergus, Mount Forest, Durham, and Owen Sound. To Dundas and Hamilton. BERLIN Daily for Glen Allen and Preston. BADEN Daily to Wellesley Village. Lisbon and Phillipsburg. STRATFORD Stage to Millbank, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. LONDON Stage for Exeter, Belmont, and Clinton. LUCAN Daily for Adare, Devon, Exeter, Francistown, Rogerville and Clinton, Elginfield, St. Johns, and London.

WIDDER • Daily to Pine Hill, Sylvan, and Arkanee. FORREST Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, Stage for Hillsboro. PORT HURON Daily to Lakeport, Lexington, Forrestville, and Forrester, and from Port Huron to Clyde, Fairfield, Kenockel and Brockway. RIDGWAY Stages twice daily to Romeo, Raydomada, Burke Corners, Richmond and Memphis; daily to Almonte. On clo- sing of navigation, daily to St- Clair City and Colum- bus. NEW BALTIMORE Stage twice daily to Baltimore. On close of navigation daily to Algonac and Newport. BUFFALO AND GODERICH DISTRICT.

CANFIELD Stages to Cayuga. CALEDONIA Daily to Hamilton, Port Dover and Simcoe. BRANTFORD Stages to Simcoe. TAVISTOCK '* Woodstock. SEAFORTH " Brucefield, Varna, Bayfield, Ainleyville, Wroxeter fco. CLINTON Stages to Bruceville, Rogersville, Francistown, Exeter, and St. Johns. GODERICH Stages to Kincardine, Lucknow, &c. 43


RIVIERE DU LOUP Tri-weekly Stages to Grand Falls and Woodstock, connecting at the latter place with the Railway to St. John and all places in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

CRAIG'S ROAD St. Sylvester, 23 miles ; Leeds, 40 miles.

BLACK RIVER St. Appollinaire, 6 miles ; St. Antoine, 9 miles.

METHOT'S MILLS Ste. Agathe, 9 miles ; Leeds and Inverness, 15 miles ; Harvey

Bill Copper Mines, 21 miles ; St. Croix, 15 miles ; Lot- biniere, 27 miles,

BECANCOUR Stages daily t© St. Jules Village, 2 miles ; Inverness, 10 miles ; Leeds, 20 miles.

SOMERSET Tri-weekly stage to Halifax, 13 miles, and Maple Grove, 16 miles.

ST ANFOLD St. Norbert, 6 miles ; St. Sophie, 6 miles ; Nicole t, 4 miles.

WARWICK St. Patrick of Tingwick, 5 miles : Kingsey Falls, 7 miles ; St. Albert of Warwick, 6 miles.

DANVILLE Tingwick, Windsor, and Kingsey. RICHMOND Melbourne.

EASTERN DISTRICT. RICHMOND Daily Stages to Trenholmville, Kingsey, Durham, L'Avenir,

and Drummondville . Tri-weekly Stages to Stukeley, Lawrenceville and Waterloo. SHERBROOKE Daily Stages to Magog Outlet (Lake Memphremagog) Bury, and Eaton, and Tri-weekly to Weedon. LENNOXVILLE Daily Stages to Eaton, Bury, Tingwick. and Winslow Town- ships, running through, or connecting with other stages for. Villages of Burchton, Eaton Corners, Sawyerville, Robinson, Gould and Stormaway. Also Tri-weekly to Westbury and Dudswell. WATERVILLE ....Stages twice-a-week to North Hatley. COMPTON Daily to Hatley, East and West, and Stanstead. COATICOOKE Daily to Barnston and Stanstead. ISLAND POND Daily to East and West Charleston, Derby Centre, Derby Line and Stanstead NORTH STRATFORD Daily to Colebrook, West Stewartston, N-H., and Canaan,

Vt . NORTHUMBERLAND Daily to Lancaster, Littleton, and St. Johnsbury GORHAM Stages to Bartlet, Jackson, Randolf, Lancaster and Jefferson. In Summer to Glen House and summit of Mount Washington, connecting at Glen House with stages for Jackson, Conway, Bartlet, and Craw- ford House. SOUTH PARIS Tri-Weekly to Frifeburg, Lovel and Waterford Daily to Bridgeton and Harrison, going through to Frifeburg Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. CENTRAL DISTRICT. ST. ANNF'« Boat daily to Ottawa. VAUDREUIL Stage connects with all Express Trains for Rigaud, Point Fortune and Carillon. COTEA U LANDING Mail daily for St. Polycarpe, Peverel.Stackhouse's Mills, and Mongenas. LANCASTER Daily for Alexandria, Vankleek's Hill, West Hawkesbury and L'Orignal. CORN WALL Ferry daily at 8 A. M. for Baker's Wharf, Summerstown, St. Regis, Dundee, C E-, Hogansburg, and Fort Coving- ton, during navigation. DICKINSON'S LANDING ...Monday. Wednesday, and Friday for Lanenburg, Newing- ton, Berwick, and Crysler's. AULTSVILLE A Ferry connects with every Passenger Train for Massena Springs; distance from Aultsville 7 miles: Stage at Louisville Landing connects with Trains and Ferry. : — : : 44 COMMISSION" MERCHANTS. SADDLERY.

IRKWOOD, LIVINGSTONE & Co. K john c. McLaren, Produce, Leather and General ComiMtssion SADDLERY EMPORIUM, Merchants, 503 St. Paul Street, Montreal. 149 Great St. James Street, Montreal. Consignments of Importer of London made Saddlery, Bridles,

Grain, Bitts, Whips, Spurs,

From the largest Volumes to the briefest 0. A. STARK & CO., Pamphlets, and from Mammoth Posters to the smallest Jobs. Produce and General Commission Merchants,

10 St. Nicholas Street, Particular attention given to the manufac- ture of (Comer of St Paul Street,) Montreal. All kinds of Blank Books,

for Banks, Merchants, Assurance Companies, Consignments of Flour, Grain, Pork, Butter, &c. Ashes, &c, carefully realized, and returns JOHN LOVELL, promptly made. Printer and Blank Book Manufacturer. Two thirds Montreal market price advanced 18, 20 and 22 St. Nicholas Street, against Railway Receipt or Bill of Lading. Montreal, November, 1865. December, 1865. HELIWELL & MACPHIE ROBERT MILLER, Commission Merchants and Brokers, For the sale and purchase of Flour, Grain, (Late R. & A. Miller,) Provisions, Ashes, Salt, Fish &Fish Oils, &c, Office :—Corner St Nicolas & St Paul Streets, MONTREAL. PAPER MAKER, July, 1866. WHOLESALE STATIONER, CAMPBELL BRYSON, BOOKBINDE R COMMISSION MERCHANT, Account Book Manufacturer, And dealer in HIDES, OIL, LEATHER, FINDINGS, Ac, and Importer of Nos. 9 & 11 Lemoine Street, Window Shades and Wall Papers. Montreal- Liberal Advances made on Consignments- April, 1866. Agent for LOVELL'S SERIES OF SCHOOL BOOKS. H. BALDWIN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Works

Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Sherbrooke Paper Mills, Sherbrooke ; WINES, GROCERIES, CIGARS, &c, Office and Saleroom 18 Lemoine Street, 60 St. Francois Xavier Street. 1865. ivjontreal. Montreal. Nov. 1866. November, : 45 HARDWARE. HARDWARE, &c

ALFRED BROWN, JAS. WALKER & CO., Importers of Importer of all kinds of British, American and German HARDWARE, METALS House Furnishings, Cornices, &c., 106 and Great St. James Street, (Mechanics' Ball Buildings,) HEAVY HARDWARE, December, 1865. Montreal. 20&22 WINE MERCHANTS. St. Sacrament Street, MONTREAL. DAVIE, CLARKE and October, 1865. CLAYTON, Successors to MULHOLLAND&BAKER BACON, CLARKE & CO., Importers of Importers of all kinds of WINES, SPIRITS, CIGARS, &c, IRON AND STEEL, 46 St. Peter Street, Opposite St. Sacrament Street, Heavy Hardware and Shelf Goods, Montreal. November, 1865. Montreal.

419 & 421 St. Paul Street. GROCERS.

Yard Entrance, St. Francois Xavier St. JOSEPH PHELAN, November, 1865. Importer of Groceries and Liquors, 535 & 537, St. Paul Street, next to the Albion Hotel, corner of Mc(iill Sireet, Montreal, C. E. FERRIER & CO., Cash advances made on consignments of Butter, Cheese, &c. HARDWARE MERCHANTS, July, 1866. ^m. d. McLaren, Wholesale Ware Rooms, Dealer in SPICES Entrance TEAS, COFFEES, AND All the best descriptions of No. 24 & 26 St. Francois Xavier .Street, Family Groceries,

153 St. Lawrence Main Street, Montre a" No. November, 1865. Montreal.

N.B.—Genuine Portland Kerosene Oil con- Frothingham & Workman, stantly on hand. (Established 1809, K.INGAN & KINLOCH, Importers, Manufacturers and Wholesale^ St. Peter Street, Montreal, Dealers in Importers of Teas and General Groceries, Liquors and Wines. IRON, STEEL, TIN, ANCHORS, CHAINS, We keep constantly on hand Refined, Cuba, Molasses, AND and Porto Rico Sugars ; Syrups, Coffees, Spices, Raisins, Currants, Nuts, Vin- GENERAL HARDWARE, egar, Oils, Candles, Soaps, Starch, Blacking, Drysalteries, Dye- Stuffs, Pickles, Brooms, Warehouse and Offices Pails, Cordage, Fish,



1866. WEEKLY LINE. 1867.


The Montreal Ocean Steamship Company's Line of powerful Screw Steamers will, during the "Winter, make ONE TRIP WEEKLY BETWEEN LIVERPOOL & PORTLAND

There connecting with the Grand Trunk Railway,




The Agents in Liverpool sign Through Bills of Lading containing Through Rates of Freight, which include all expenses (Marine Insurance and Customs Charges excepted) from the Ship's side to the Railroad Depots of the undermentioned Cities.

Rates of Freight for Consignments of not less than 20 cubic feet, or 1,000 lbs.

Hardware. A11V116, L>llJllJ18, Dry Goods. Piles, Nails, Soda, Crockery. FROM LIVERPOOL Steel, Tin, Wire, In Cses & Csks and Zinc. (Via Portland) F 40 Cubic feet r 2000 lbs. r 2000 lbs. V 2000 lbs.

to' Stg. Stg. Stg. Stg.

York . BUFFALO, New 90s 110* 75* 65s DETROIT, Michigan.... CHICAGO, Illinois MILWAUKEE, Wiscon. 1138 10 15Q»3rf 102sld SQsid CINCINNATI, Ohio ST. LOUIS, Missouri.... 138»W 190« 130* I09s4d

3 S3F 50 cents per Package for Dry Goods and fifty cents per ton for other goods will be charged to cover Customs' Fees at Island Pond and Portland. Con- signments under a ton charged as a ton. 47

SSIPThe Montreal Ocean Steamship and Grand Trunk Railway Companies' pro- portions of Freight payable in or equal to Canadian Money. 3 2EF Packages containing Goods in more than one class, will be charged the highest class, and the attention of Shippers and Importers is particularly called to the importance of describing contents of Packages in Bills of Lading, and inserting correct rates therein, as no alteration or correction can be made at the port of destination.



$3T Particular attention is again directed to the necessity of transmitting Bills of Lading and certified Invoices of Yalue of Goods, by Mail (pre-paid) addressed to Mr. J. Porteous, Freight Agent of the Grand Trunk Railway, Portland, to meet the requirements of the American Customs, many cases of delay having previously taken place owing to the non-receipt of those papers, as the Goods cannot be forwarded until they are received.


Consignees in the United States are requested, immediately on receipt of Invoices of Goods, to have them attested before the Collectors of their respective Ports and forwarded to Mr. J. Porteous, Agent for Grand Trunk Railway, Portland, Me.

Produce conveyed to Liverpool as cheap as by other routes.

For Rates and other information apply to

Grand Trunk Railway Company's Office, 21 Old Broad Street, London.

Montgomerie & Greenhorn, Montreal Ocean Steamship Co.'s Office, London.

Allan Brothers & Co., "Weaver Buildings, Brunswick Street, Liverpool. James & Alexander Allan, No. 70 Great Clyde Street, Glasgow. W. Tharp, Agent Grand Trunk Railway, Detroit, Michigan.

J. "Walsh, Agent Grand Trunk Railway, Chicago, Illinois. Taylor & Brother, Agents Grand Trunk Railway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rogers & Spencer, Agents Grand Trunk Railway, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. James Smith, Agent Grand Trunk Railway, St. Louis, Missouri. R. Calvert, Agent Grand Trunk Railway, Buffalo

H. & A ALLAN, Agents, Montreal Ocean Steamship Co'y, Montreal, C.E.

F. C. STRATTON, General Eastern Freight Agent, Grand Trunk Railway Company, Montreal, C.E. q j BRYDGES, P. S. STEYENSON, General Western Freight Agt. Managing Director, Grand Trunk Railway Company, Toronto, C.W. Grand Trunk Railway. 48 GLASS, BRONZE, AND OR-MOLU GASALIERS.


a very large assortment, comprising some of the latest patterns, just arrived.

Two-Light Bronzed and Relieved Gasa-^ Hers, complete with Globes $7 50 Ditto, ditto, put up any where in Mon- treal, in good order 8 50 Three-light Bronzed and Relieved Gasa liers. complete, with Globes 11 50 Ditto, ditto, put up in good order 12 50 —also,—

A large number of GLASS GASALIERS, for 2,3, 4, 5 or 6 light's. BRONZED GASALIERS, for 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 lights. OR-MOLU GASALIERS, of the finest work- manship. HALL LAMPS, BRACKETS and LUSTRES of every description. All these lamps can be fitted to burn COAL OIL, if desired, at LOW RATES. All Lamps put up by the Plumber employed by me will be at my risk of breakage. RICE SHARPLEY,


281 Notre Dame Street,

August. Montreal.


CRATHBRN & CAVERHILL, ALBION CLOTH HALL, Importers of J. D. Anderson, Merchant Tailor, HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, 64 Great St. James Street, Montreal, Tin, Canada Plates, Window Glass, Paints and Oils, [opposite the Bank of Upper Canada.^ Caverhill's Buildings, 61 St. Peter Street, Nov., 1865. Montreal. Agents Victoria Rope walk, Vieille Mon- tague Zinc Co. ROBERT SEATH, April, 1866. Wholesale Clothier and Importer, No. 10 St. Joseph Street, Montreal. ALFRED RIMMER, Nov., 1865. (Under Waddell & Pearce,) 27 JOHN STREET, Montreal. WOODEN WARE, &c. Seltzer Water, Rhenish Wines, Light French Wines, Pemartin's Sherry, Sandeman's Port, NELSON, WOOD & CO., All from the places of growth. (Successors to Nelson & Butters,) To each bottle of Claret add one of Soda Dealers in European Water, one wine-glass of Curacoa or two of Importers and Wholesale Uoods, Paper Hangings, Sherry, the Peel of a Lemon cut very thin, and American Fancy Clocks, Looking Glasses, Looking Glass and powdered sugar according to taste. Putin and Plates, Manufacturers of Brooms, two sprigs of Burrage, and let the whole stand Wooden Ware and Matches, one hour ; add some lumps of ice, and it is ready for use. 19 St. Peter Street, Montreal. Burrage may always be had from Mr. H. A. Nelson. A. S. Wood. Rimmer on application. April, 1866. May, 1866. —



John H. R. Molson & Bros., Established 1818. BREWERS, DISTILLERS, SAVAGE & LYMAN AND Have constantly on hand a large and well- SUGAR REFINERS, selected Stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Have for Sale : >w£C Jewellery of all kinds,

REFINED -SUGARS English, French, and American Clocks. SYRUPS-Standard and Golden

WHISKY—50 o. p., Alcohol and Pure Spirit BEST ELECTRO-PLATED WARE, OLD RYE WHISKEY and VINEGAR In all its varieties of manufacture ; INDIA PALE ALE, in wood and bottle Bronze and Parian Ware,

MILD ALE, do do Table Cutlery, PORTER, do do Penknives, Scissors, .•^jg^Families regularly supplied at their Razors, residences with Ales and Porter. Dressing Cases in Leather and Wood, OFFICES :— Corner of Bonaventure and Bronze Urns and Kettles. Cemetery Streets (opposite the R.R. Station), Electro-plated Spoons, Forks, Ladles,

THERMOMETERS, BAROMETERS, P. & T. A. DAWES, J. MICROSCOPES, ALES AND PORTER BREWERS, Telescopes, Opera and Field Glasses, Lachine. Spectacles, Eye Glasses, &o. : Office, Nordheimers' Hall,

119 Great St. James Street, Montreal. S. & L. are constantly manufacturing SILVER TEA AND COFFEE SETS, All orders promptly attended to. Nov., 1865. Jugs, Cups, Salvers, Trays, Inkstands, Forks, Spoons, Ladles, Napkin Rings,

B litter Knives, Sec, &c. SHOE & LEATHER DEALERS.

Glass Gas Gasaliers. AMES, MILLARD & CO., Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers Regulation Swords, Belts, Sashes,

CABINETMAKER. S. &, L. respectfully invite Travellers and -~ __. Strangers to visit their establishment, G. ARMSTRONG, CATHEDRAL BLOCK, CABINET-MAKER, Notre Dame Street, Furniture Warerooms on corner of Victoria Square and Craig Street, Montreal. November, 1865. Montreal. .


THE INTRODUCTION OF PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER! TO THE SUFFERING HUMANITY OF THIS AGE, Has relieved snore Vain, and caused more real Joy than any one thing that can be named IT IS A " BALM FOR EVERY WOUND."

first it, Our Physicians use and recommend its use ; the Apothecary finds it first among the medicines called for, and the Wholesale Druggist considers it a leading article of his trade. All the dealers in medicine speak alike in its frvor ; and its reputation as a Medicine of Great Merit and Virtue is fully and permanently established, and it is THE GREAT FAMILY MEDICINE OF THE AGE.

Every Traveller should have a [Bottle, is case of Sudden Attacks of Disease. TAKEN INTERNALLY IT CURES Sore Throat, Sudden Colds, Coughs, &c, Weak Stomach, General Debility, Nursing Sore Mouth, Canker, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Cramp and Pain in Stomach, Bowel Complaint, Painters' Colic, Asiatic Cholera, Diarrhoea and Dysentery. TAKEN EXTERNALLY IT CURES Felons, Boils and Old Sores, Severe Burns and Scalds, Cuts, Bruises and Sprains, Swellings of the Joints, Ringworm and Tetter, Broken Breast, Frosted Feet and Chilblains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia, and Rheuma- tism. PAIN KILLER taken internally should be adulterated with milk or water, and sweetened with sugar, if desired, or made into a syrup with molasses. For a Cough and Bronchitis, a few drops on sugar, eaten, will be found more effective than anything else. For Sore Throat gargle the Throat with a mixture of Pain Killer and water, and the relief is immediate and the cure positive. fl£gt~ It should not be forgotten that the Pain Killer is equally as good to take internally as to use externally. Each bottle is wrapped with full directions for its use. SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE DEALERS. Depot and Sales Office for Canada—378 St. Paul Street, Montreal.


ALBION HOTEL—Ample accommodation Toronto Safe Works. for travellers . Attention given to visitors to Bishop's College, and to the Copper Works. Charges moderate. PROSPER OLIVIER, Proprietor. H'MB PKEBCOTT.


P R E S C T T , C . W J. & J. TAYLOR, TORONTO, Manufacturers of

L. H. DANIELS, Proprietor. Fire- & Burglar-Proof Safes,

the only Safes for sale in Canada that

never fail to preserve their contents even in

^gp-Second to no house in Central Canada. the hottest fires. AGENTS: JAMES HUTTON & CO., SAENIA. 15 St. Helen Street, Montreal. II. S.SCOTT & CO., 22 Buade Street, D. FITZGIBBON, Quebec. MONTREAL HOUSE. Manufactory Palace Street, Toronto. Point Edward, Sarnia, C. W. Send for a Price List. A large and thoroughly comfortable House. April, 1865. 51 KINGSTON. CANADIAN ENGINE AND MACHINERY COMPANY

Authorized Capital, $300,000. Paid up, $200,000.

Works, Kingston, Canada West, June, 1865.

This Company's Works, situated on Lake Ontario, and connected by a siding with the

Grand Trunk Railway of Canada, are now in full operation, and the Company is prepared to build LOCOMOTIVE, MARINE, and FIRE ENGINES, and Machinery generally, IRON STEAM VESSELS, &c, &c.

There has lately been constructed at this Company's Works one of the fastest Iron

Steamers now on the lakes, the property of C. F.Gildersleeve, Esq.

The Works are under the charge of a practical Superintendent.

Estimates (on specifications) or any other information, can be obtained on application to the undersigned. ROBERT WRIGHT, July, 1865. Secretary and Treneusrr. HARTFORD. INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS. TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN.

Capital - $500,000.

Issues Travelers Insurance Tickets for the single trip, for a week, a month, or a year, in- suring for THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS if fatally injured, or SIXTY DOLLARS PER MONTH during Total Disability, (not exceeding six months for any one accident.) when caused by accident to any public conveyance in which the person insured may be traveling.

TARIFF OF RATES FOR $3,000, aud $15 PER WEEK COMPENSATION. Ticket for 1 day .10 cts. Ticket for 10 days $1.00 •' a 2 .20 " " " 20 " 1.50 t( u u 3 .30 " " " 30 " 2.00 u (( (i M 5 .50 " " 3 months 4.50 u (( 7 *£ .70 " " " 6 " 7.00 « « 12 " 10.00 Insurance commences at 6 o'clock A. M., 12 M., and 6 P.M. In purchasing Tickets, state the number of days for which a Ticket is wanted, and the Train you wish to take.


N. B.—Yearly Policies of Insurance against all accidents are issued at low rates. For particulars make application at the Agencies of this Company to be found in all the principal Cities of Canada and the United States, or apply to H. Shackell, Montreal, Official Agent on the Line of the Grand Trunk Railway for the Travellers Insurance Company of Hartford. J. G. BATTERSON, President. RODNEY DENNIS, Secretary. H. C. MARSHALL, General Ticket Agent. " :

52 ^ DATE DUE -^ % CAPITAL $10,000,000 INVESTED FUN JDS 16,061,215 |

! THE ANNUAL REVENUE FOR 1865 - - - - - 5,000,000


1 Dale Street, LIVERPOOL. 20 and 21 Poultry, and 28 Regent Street, LONDON. Corner of Place d'Armes and Great St. James Street, MONTREAL. CANADA BOARD OF DIRECTORS. T. B. ANDERSON, Esq., Chairman, (President Bank of Montreal.) ALEX. SIMPSON, Esq., Deputy Chairman, (Chairman Ontario Bank.) HENRY STARNES, Esq., (Manager E. H. KING, Esq., (General Manager Ontario Bank.) Bank of Montreal.) HENRY CHAPMAN, Esq., Merchant. G. F. C. SMITH, Resident Secretary.

F. A. BALL, Hamilton, C. W. ) IFmMMt^P^rs.„ . JAMES SPIER, Montreal, \

FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE Business transacted on the most favorable terms. Short period GRAIN and other risks, taken on advantageous terras and at moderate rates.

The Directors having received instructions from the Home Office to introduce the Life Branch of this Company in Canada, have much pleasure in stating that they are now prepared to grant Life Policies and Annuities, and to secure to their clients all the benefits derivable from the system of Life Assurance. The high position and large patronage hitherto enjoyed by the Company in the Fire Department will, it is hoped, aid in securing for it a share of Life risks. " TABLES OF RATES adapted to the circumstances of all classes may be obtained at the Montreal Offices and of the Company's Agents generally throughout the Provinces.

Canada Business under the sole control of the Montreal Board.

AGENCIES established throughout Canada. G. F. C. SMITH,

Resident Secretary.Canada Branch, : November, 1865 Montreal.

IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. J£ERSHAW CANADIAN Super- & phosphate.- a Standard Manure for all EDWARDS Field and Garden Crops. It matures crops \^i Manufacturers of n to twenty days earlier, and greatly in sreases the yield. SALAMANDER SAFES, ier Secured with Powder Proof Locks. I ton, in barrels of about 225 Hi-. < Also, Combined Iron and Steel Specie Chests ani Doors, Combination Bank Looks, &e. It is also put up in SI packages for retail. Warerooms 82 and 84 St Francois Xavier Street, E. L. SNOW, Montreal. Manufacturer, Montreal. November, 1865. SIGN BOOK CARD AND LEAVE AT CHARGING DESK USED IF BOOK IS TO BE OUT OF THE LIBRARY BUILDING
