Livio Scarsi: 40 Years of Astrophysics from Space
Livio Scarsi: 60 years of scientific activity dedicated to Physics, Cosmic Rays and High Energy Astrophysics from Space. (B. Sacco, 6th Intnl Workshop of the “Data Analysis in Astronomy, Livio Scarsi, 15-22 April 2007, Erice, Italy ) The reach scientific career of Livio Scarsi starts at Genoa University, as physics student in the Institute of Augusto Occhialini father of Beppo Occhialini. On 1950’ Livio took the degree in physics discussing a thesis on “ Cosmic Radiation Soft Electromagnetic Component at Pic du Midi : Investigation with nuclear emulsions “ . Tutor : Giuseppe (Beppo) Occhialini . “ During the studies in Genoa he had, also, the opportunity to know Bruno Rossi. Beppo Occhialini and Bruno Rossi are the reference points in the scientific life of Livio. From memories of Livio: Bruno Rossi and Beppo Occhialini Artistic photo composition by A. Spizzichino, “The Active X-ray Sky”, 21-24 October, 1997, Roma A. Watson, Intl. Workshop “ The UHE Universe”, Villa Mondragone, Frascati,19-21 June,2006 In 1952 Livio follows Beppo Occhialini in Milan and in 1955 Beppo send Livio in France, at the Centre d’Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay where he remains for 3 years: researches for “New Particles” in the Cosmic Radiation with the tecnique of Nuclear Emulsions flown in the Upper Atmosphere with Stratospheric Balloons. Relevant results are : First classification of Decay modes for K-mesons and Hyperons In 1957 he comes back in Milan but ….. From memories of Livio: “A. Watson, UHE Workshop , Villa Mondragone, Frascati, June 21, 2006.” Volcano Ranch , “ The desert Quinn” In Volcano Ranch, New Mexico desert, Jonh Linsley and Livio Scarsi installed 19 plastic scintillators (3.3 m2 area each-one) in an exagone of about 2,430,000 m2 area.
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