MISSOURI BOYS STATE Give Your All, Make the Most of This Week
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Serving Missouri’s MISSOURI BOYS STATE finest young men since 1938. RECORD VOLUME 80, NUMBER 1 • SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2019 • MISSOURI BOYS STATE’S FINEST NEWS SOURCE BRENNAN TO ACCEPT LEHR CHAIR Journalist Margaret Brennan administration and former Presi- including Brennan left CNBC to join Brennan was born in Stam- auditor who attended MBS in his will accept the 31st annual dent Barack Obama's administra- an interview Bloomberg Television in 2009. ford, Connecticut. She graduat- youth and continued to support George W. Lehr Memorial tion for all CBS News programs. with former She anchored "InBusiness with ed with the highest honors from the program during his pub- Speaker's Chair on Monday eve- Brennan also covered the State President Margaret Brennan," a weekday the University of Virginia with lic life. The Chair is designed to ning at Hendricks Hall. Department, where she reported G e o r g e W. program broadcast live from a bachelor’s degree in foreign bring notable names in public Brennan is the moderator of on major national security sto- Bush and the New York Stock Exchange affairs and Middle East studies, service to each MBS session to Face the Nation on CBS News, ries, including nuclear negotia- former Sec- that covered the top political, and a minor in Arabic language. interact with participants. making her the 10th host — and tions with Iran, the restoration of retary of BRENNAN economic and global financial She studied abroad at Yarmouk Past Lehr Chair recipients second female host — in the pro- diplomatic ties with Cuba, the State Colin news impacting the market- University in Irbid, Jordan, on a include elected officials, politi- gram's 63-year history. She is also standoff with North Korea and Powell. She became a correspon- place. During her tenure, she Fulbright-Hays Grant. cal consultants, journalists and the network’s senior foreign affairs the conflict in Ukraine. dent and covered the financial broadcasted live from Riyadh, The Lehr Chair was estab- authors, such as Karl Rove, correspondent and has been the Brennan started her career at crisis with a focus on consumer Dubai, Cairo, London, Dublin, lished in 1988 as part of the 50th David Axelrod, Bob Woodward, White House correspondent since CNBC as a business news pro- issues. She broke the story of Abu Dhabi and Davos. She also anniversary celebration of the James Carville, Robert Gates, joining CBS in 2012. ducer for two shows. In that role, Circuit City's liquidation in 2009 helped lead anchor coverage of Missouri Boys State program. Mike Huckabee, and Missouri’s Brennan has reported on she wrote, researched, booked and regularly covered changing Bloomberg's 2012 Republican The Chair honors the late George own Kit Bond, John Ashcroft President Donald Trump's guests and produced interviews, consumer trends for the network. presidential candidate debate. W. Lehr, a former Missouri state and Jay Nixon. Greetings An incredible journey Give your all, from the American make the most Legion of this week BY KERRY BOARDMAN COMMANDER, MISSOURI DEPARTMENT MATT AMERICAN LEGION Participation will DAMERON, MISSOURI Many honors go with being leave a lasting BOYS STATE department commander of the DIRECTOR American Legion, and perhaps impression the greatest of all is to have the pleasure of welcoming nearly BY MATT DAMERON 1,000 outstanding young men DIRECTOR never be gained in any class- from our great state of Missouri room. to the campus of the University It is a pleasure to join the staff You will be participating in of Central Missouri for a full of Missouri Boys State in wel- this very intense week of activi- week of training and participat- coming you to our 80th session. ties with nearly 1,000 young ing in one of the greatest Amer- MBS is designed to acquaint men from all across the state of icanism programs ever devised you with participatory democ- Missouri. by any organization. racy. The opportunity for you to The American Legion, an In order to fully appreciate become acquainted with your organization of war veterans your week in Warrensburg, it is neighbors from all across Mis- banded together for “God and only necessary that you be will- souri will be a lasting part of Country,” takes great pride, ing to participate. the experience awaiting you at nationwide, in its chosen Boys The program moves quickly Boys State. State program. and requires an intense effort I sincerely hope you will Like many other programs on your part to ensure you are seek out and become better of the Legion, such as the High involved from the very begin- acquainted with your fellow School Oratorical Contest, ning and continue to stay Boys Staters and staff. Legion Baseball, Boy Scouts involved throughout the week. Your exposure to differing and so on, the Boys State pro- If you become involved at backgrounds and the unique gram has a definite purpose, the beginning, you will find the outlook of those participating and that is to demonstrate true rest of the week becomes a very are an important part of the democracy. pleasant series of logical events Boys State experience. In fact, the slogan of Ameri- centering around the organiza- Although Boys State is can Legion Boys State is tion of two political parties and designed to teach government “Democracy Depends on Me.” election of officials at the city, and politics, I believe you will While you are today an out- county and state levels of gov- find the personal interaction standing American youth, I am ernment. with young leaders from around certain that you will stand a Because Boys State will the state to be a very rewarding little taller, feel more proud to last only one week, I urge you part of our program. be an American and even take to actively seek any office or Like you, I came to Boys a greater interest in your com- opportunity that becomes State when I was in high school, munity after having attended available to you. To have con- not knowing what to expect. Boys State. ducted a campaign, held an Certainly for me, it was a week It is my sincere hope you MBS PHOTO | ANDREW MATHER office or participated actively that shaped my lifetime. My will return to your homes with The final assembly at the end of this session of Missouri Boys State is sure to be a memorable in the court system at Boys goal this week is to make sure a better knowledge of democ- experience, as was last year’s, but not nearly as memorable as the “Week to Shape a Lifetime” State will leave a lasting your experience at Boys State is racy, how it works, what it between now and then. impression on you that can one you will always remember. means and certainly with a knowledge of its worth to you and our nation. I bid you welcome in the name of more than 30,000 Legionnaires across the state of Political parties shaped by those willing to seize the opportunity Missouri, and I sincerely hope Although you just arrived at you will learn about the politi- is your political party assign- at the local level. As former better program. your week here will be remem- Missouri Boys State, imagine cal process and campaigning ment is random and not based U.S. Speaker of the House Tip Next Saturday, do not think bered as the greatest week of next Saturday. You are nearing at MBS, and now it is time to on any real-life political affili- O’Neill said, “all politics is back to today wishing you your lifetime. the end of MBS, a week that get involved. Generally, politi- ations. Your party can be rep- local,” so in your city wards you had rolled up your sleeves and Although Boys State is has undoubtedly shaped your cal parties are organizations resentative of the majority and will begin defining what issues taken an active role in choosing designed to teach government lifetime. You have elected city that bring together like-mind- you will learn to compromise are important and what poli- the important issues and the and politics, I believe you will councilmen, mayors, county ed people to form platforms in order to protect everyone’s cies need to be put in place to citizens who will fight to make find the personal interac- commissioners, state legislators detailing the party’s stances interests, not just those of a few. allow your fellow citizens to them part of the conversation. tion with young leaders from and even the governor of MBS. on key issues. Voters will often Your political party can be as have a better week. Whether it is raising money for around the state to be a very It sounds incredible that in one make decisions based on these big as you want. It can define All of this will culminate in your party, drafting speeches rewarding part of our program. week you have built an entirely platforms, including when a stance on several issues or a state party platform, which to share its message, running My goal this week is to functional 51st state. they are voting candidates into choose a specific few. your candidates for office will a campaign or seeking public make sure your experience In order to get there, how- office and deciding which par- The issues you discuss as use to share their vision for office, there is a role waiting for at Boys State is one you will ever, you first have to create a ties to support financially. part of the political conver- how the next crop of citizens you in the political process at always remember.