Serving Missouri’s MISSOURI BOYS STATE finest young men since 1938. RECORD VOLUME 80, NUMBER 1 • SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2019 • MISSOURI BOYS STATE’S FINEST NEWS SOURCE BRENNAN TO ACCEPT LEHR CHAIR Journalist Margaret Brennan administration and former Presi- including Brennan left CNBC to join Brennan was born in Stam- auditor who attended MBS in his will accept the 31st annual dent Barack Obama's administra- an interview in 2009. ford, Connecticut. She graduat- youth and continued to support George W. Lehr Memorial tion for all CBS News programs. with former She anchored "InBusiness with ed with the highest honors from the program during his pub- Speaker's Chair on Monday eve- Brennan also covered the State President Margaret Brennan," a weekday the University of Virginia with lic life. The Chair is designed to ning at Hendricks Hall. Department, where she reported G e o r g e W. program broadcast live from a bachelor’s degree in foreign bring notable names in public Brennan is the moderator of on major national security sto- Bush and the New York Stock Exchange affairs and Middle East studies, service to each MBS session to on CBS News, ries, including nuclear negotia- former Sec- that covered the top political, and a minor in Arabic language. interact with participants. making her the 10th host — and tions with Iran, the restoration of retary of BRENNAN economic and global financial She studied abroad at Yarmouk Past Lehr Chair recipients second female host — in the pro- diplomatic ties with Cuba, the State Colin news impacting the market- University in Irbid, Jordan, on a include elected officials, politi- gram's 63-year history. She is also standoff with North Korea and Powell. She became a correspon- place. During her tenure, she Fulbright-Hays Grant. cal consultants, journalists and the network’s senior foreign affairs the conflict in Ukraine. dent and covered the financial broadcasted live from Riyadh, The Lehr Chair was estab- authors, such as Karl Rove, correspondent and has been the Brennan started her career at crisis with a focus on consumer Dubai, Cairo, London, Dublin, lished in 1988 as part of the 50th David Axelrod, Bob Woodward, White House correspondent since CNBC as a business news pro- issues. She broke the story of Abu Dhabi and Davos. She also anniversary celebration of the James Carville, Robert Gates, joining CBS in 2012. ducer for two shows. In that role, Circuit City's liquidation in 2009 helped lead anchor coverage of Missouri Boys State program. Mike Huckabee, and Missouri’s Brennan has reported on she wrote, researched, booked and regularly covered changing Bloomberg's 2012 Republican The Chair honors the late George own Kit Bond, John Ashcroft President Donald Trump's guests and produced interviews, consumer trends for the network. presidential candidate debate. W. Lehr, a former Missouri state and Jay Nixon. Greetings An incredible journey Give your all, from the American make the most Legion of this week BY KERRY BOARDMAN COMMANDER, MISSOURI DEPARTMENT MATT AMERICAN LEGION Participation will DAMERON, MISSOURI Many honors go with being leave a lasting BOYS STATE department commander of the DIRECTOR American Legion, and perhaps impression the greatest of all is to have the pleasure of welcoming nearly BY MATT DAMERON 1,000 outstanding young men DIRECTOR never be gained in any class- from our great state of Missouri room. to the campus of the University It is a pleasure to join the staff You will be participating in of Central Missouri for a full of Missouri Boys State in wel- this very intense week of activi- week of training and participat- coming you to our 80th session. ties with nearly 1,000 young ing in one of the greatest Amer- MBS is designed to acquaint men from all across the state of icanism programs ever devised you with participatory democ- Missouri. by any organization. racy. The opportunity for you to The American Legion, an In order to fully appreciate become acquainted with your organization of war veterans your week in Warrensburg, it is neighbors from all across Mis- banded together for “God and only necessary that you be will- souri will be a lasting part of Country,” takes great pride, ing to participate. the experience awaiting you at nationwide, in its chosen Boys The program moves quickly Boys State. State program. and requires an intense effort I sincerely hope you will Like many other programs on your part to ensure you are seek out and become better of the Legion, such as the High involved from the very begin- acquainted with your fellow School Oratorical Contest, ning and continue to stay Boys Staters and staff. Legion Baseball, Boy Scouts involved throughout the week. Your exposure to differing and so on, the Boys State pro- If you become involved at backgrounds and the unique gram has a definite purpose, the beginning, you will find the outlook of those participating and that is to demonstrate true rest of the week becomes a very are an important part of the democracy. pleasant series of logical events Boys State experience. In fact, the slogan of Ameri- centering around the organiza- Although Boys State is can Legion Boys State is tion of two political parties and designed to teach government “Democracy Depends on Me.” election of officials at the city, and politics, I believe you will While you are today an out- county and state levels of gov- find the personal interaction standing American youth, I am ernment. with young leaders from around certain that you will stand a Because Boys State will the state to be a very rewarding little taller, feel more proud to last only one week, I urge you part of our program. be an American and even take to actively seek any office or Like you, I came to Boys a greater interest in your com- opportunity that becomes State when I was in high school, munity after having attended available to you. To have con- not knowing what to expect. Boys State. ducted a campaign, held an Certainly for me, it was a week It is my sincere hope you MBS PHOTO | ANDREW MATHER office or participated actively that shaped my lifetime. My will return to your homes with The final assembly at the end of this session of Missouri Boys State is sure to be a memorable in the court system at Boys goal this week is to make sure a better knowledge of democ- experience, as was last year’s, but not nearly as memorable as the “Week to Shape a Lifetime” State will leave a lasting your experience at Boys State is racy, how it works, what it between now and then. impression on you that can one you will always remember. means and certainly with a knowledge of its worth to you and our nation. I bid you welcome in the name of more than 30,000 Legionnaires across the state of Political parties shaped by those willing to seize the opportunity Missouri, and I sincerely hope Although you just arrived at you will learn about the politi- is your political party assign- at the local level. As former better program. your week here will be remem- Missouri Boys State, imagine cal process and campaigning ment is random and not based U.S. Speaker of the House Tip Next Saturday, do not think bered as the greatest week of next Saturday. You are nearing at MBS, and now it is time to on any real-life political affili- O’Neill said, “all politics is back to today wishing you your lifetime. the end of MBS, a week that get involved. Generally, politi- ations. Your party can be rep- local,” so in your city wards you had rolled up your sleeves and Although Boys State is has undoubtedly shaped your cal parties are organizations resentative of the majority and will begin defining what issues taken an active role in choosing designed to teach government lifetime. You have elected city that bring together like-mind- you will learn to compromise are important and what poli- the important issues and the and politics, I believe you will councilmen, mayors, county ed people to form platforms in order to protect everyone’s cies need to be put in place to citizens who will fight to make find the personal interac- commissioners, state legislators detailing the party’s stances interests, not just those of a few. allow your fellow citizens to them part of the conversation. tion with young leaders from and even the governor of MBS. on key issues. Voters will often Your political party can be as have a better week. Whether it is raising money for around the state to be a very It sounds incredible that in one make decisions based on these big as you want. It can define All of this will culminate in your party, drafting speeches rewarding part of our program. week you have built an entirely platforms, including when a stance on several issues or a state party platform, which to share its message, running My goal this week is to functional 51st state. they are voting candidates into choose a specific few. your candidates for office will a campaign or seeking public make sure your experience In order to get there, how- office and deciding which par- The issues you discuss as use to share their vision for office, there is a role waiting for at Boys State is one you will ever, you first have to create a ties to support financially. part of the political conver- how the next crop of citizens you in the political process at always remember. successful political party. Soon What is unique about MBS sation this week will begin will be welcomed to an even MBS. PAGE 2 • SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 2005 MBS RECORD • WWW.MOBOYSSTATE.ORG PAGE 2 • SATURDAY, JUNE 15,11, 20052019 MBS RECORD • WWW.MOBOYSSTATE.ORG


CitizenMODELMODEL CITY CITY of the Week Legionnaires AustinDuggan Ashbaugh City Kansas was the City 2004 Legionnaires extends welcome welcome Duggan City was the 2004 extends welcome Harry S Truman Model City Harry S Truman Model City 1stAwardAward Alternate: winner. winner. Sabien Kent Lohman to incoming citizens 2ndMODELMODEL Alternate: COUNTY COUNTY to MBSMBS citizenscitizens Jared Goudsmit Kirkwood deserve credit The 2004 Jerry Litton deserve creditcredit The 2004 Jerry Litton BY TERENCE WILLIAMS But success is not measured BY ALBERTTERENCE EDNEY WILLIAMS If you alwaysBut success measured is not measured by win- ModelModel County County Award Award was was pre- pre- his will be an exciting week. Rallies. Elections. Speakers. It MBS GOVERNOR by winning or losing. Boys Nation Delegates his will be an exciting week. Rallies. Elections. Speakers. It MBS GOVERNOR win every ningby winning or losing. or losing. sentedsented to to Newberry Newberry County. County. Those who have a suc- mightmight bebe easyeasy toto getget caughtcaught upup inin allall thethe activitiesactivities and for-for- election Those who have a suc suc-- Wolfgang Schaefer Columbia get who brought us this “Week to Shape a Lifetime.” WARRENSBURG • cessful week will be those getget whowho broughtbrought usus thisthis “Week“Week toto ShapeShape aa Lifetime.”Lifetime.” AsWARRENSBURG Missouri Boys • StateAsAs Mis-gov Mis-- this week, cessful week will be those those JesseBOYSBOYS NATIONWren NATION Pilot Knob T who set realistic goals for TThe American Legion has spent valuable time and money to ernor,souri I Boysextend State to each governor, of you it won’t who set realistic realistic goals for The American Legion has spent valuable time and money to souri Boys State governor, Tyler Bennett Folan and make Missouri Boys State a week to remember. Through programs aI sincere extend welcome. to each ofYou you are a be hard themselves,themselves, and and do do every- every- 1st TylerAlternate: Bennett Folan and make Missouri Boys State a week to remember. Through programs I extend to each of you a themselves, and do every- Justin Shaw-Jung Hou rep- such as this, Legionnaires help rekindle patriotism and leadership; privilegedsincere welcome. to be part You of this are to leave thingthing they they can can to to attain attain MichaelJustin Shaw-Jung Lee Springfield Hou rep- suchsuch asas this,this, LegionnairesLegionnaires helphelp rekindlerekindle patriotismpatriotism andand leadership;leadership; sincere welcome. You are thing they can to attain resented Missouri Boys State they help inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the commu- uniqueprivileged citizenship to be part training of this Warrens- them.them. They They will will meet meet chal chal- chal-- 2ndresented Alternate: Missouri Boys State theythey helphelp inculcateinculcate aa sensesense ofof individualindividual obligationobligation toto thethe commu-commu- privileged to be part of this at the 2004 session of Boys nity, state and nation; they help promote democracy. In short, they program.unique citizenship training burg with lengeslenges enthusiastically enthusiastically enthusiastically and and Abhishekat the 2004 Jain session Maryland of Boys Heights nity, state and nation; they help promote democracy. In short, they unique citizenship training EDNEY Nation in Washington, D.C. helphelp eacheach ofof usus becomebecome betterbetter Americans.Americans. program.You were selected to a posi- withwith a a new new spirit. spirit. Nation in Washington, D.C. Though it would be impossible to show our appreciation in a attendYou the were 80th MBS selected session to tive attitude about what you AndAnd in in the the face face of of defeat, defeat, Though it would be impossible to show our appreciation in a You were selected to JerryCOLLEGE L. SCHOLARSHIPS Litton monetarymonetary way,way, therethere areare waysways toto givegive thanks.thanks. TheThe mostmost obvious becauseattendattend the theyou 66th 66thare leaders Missouri Missouri in accomplished here. But that theythey will will realize realize the the contribucontribu- contribu-- COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS tions they have made, and be Model County Award wayway isis toto talktalk withwith oneone ofof thethe LegionnairesLegionnaires whowho isis givinggiving up his or yourBoys school State State session sessionand your because because com- probably won’t happen. If tions they havehave made,made and be TheThe A.B. A.B. Weyer Weyer Trust, Trust, a a GOV.GOV. TERENCE TERENCE WILLIAMS WILLIAMS proud of themselves. Success Frank County timetimeher time thisthis weekthisweek week toto bebe to withwith be with you.LetLet himhimLet himknow or what her know you think what ofyou the munity.youyou are are leaders leaders in in your your you’re as active as you should proud of themselves. Success trusttrust fund fund established established for for the the is failure turned inside out. It programprogramthink of theandand program whatwhat itsits impressionandimpression what its on impression you has been. on you has been. schoolschoolLike andand you, youryour I came to MBS be, you won’t win every elec- is failurefailure turned turned inside inside out. out. It purposepurpose of of ensuring ensuring the the con- con- is the mark of people such as PerhapsPerhaps aa betterbetter wayway toto showshow appreciation,appreciation, however,however, is to make whenNowNow I was let let mein me high offer offer school, some some tion.IfIf you’reyou’re asas activeactive asas youyou Itis isthe the mark mark of ofpeople people such such as Harrytinuingtinuing quality Squality Truman of of the the Missouri Missouri thethethe most mostmost of ofof your youryour time timetime hereherehere atatat BoysBoysBoys State.State. GetGet involvedinvolved inin asas manymany withwords little ofof advice: advice:idea of Don’tDon’t what restrest to shouldshouldAnd ifbe,be, you youyou lose won’twon’t an elec winwin- asJohnJohn John Glenn, Glenn, Glenn, Norman Norman the VincentWright Vincent BoysBoys State State program, program, will will award award activitiesactivitiesactivities as asas possible. possible.possible. Actions ActionsActions areare moremore powerfulpowerful thanthan words,words, soso expect.on youryour laurels.laurels. OnlyOnly byby con-con- tioneveryevery early election. election. on? Well, you can brothersPeale,Peale, the the and Wright Wright Abraham brothers brothers Lin- Modela a$4,000 $4,000 collegeCity college Awardscholarship scholarship joinjoinjoin the thethe newspaper newspapernewspaper ororor thethethe colorcolorcolor guard.guard.guard Andand show show the the Legion Legion your your stantlystantlyCertainly striving striving for for forme, the theit was top top takeAndAnd one if if of you you two lose lose attitudes. an an elec- elec- coln.andand Abraham Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln. Weyertoto one one CityBoys Boys State State citizen citizen who who appreciationappreciationappreciation through throughthrough highhighhigh spiritsspiritsspirits andand goodwillgoodwill towardtoward others.others. acancan week you you that go go shaped home home knowing knowingmy life- Youtiontion canearlyearly do on?on? nothing Well, Well, you youexcept can can ThoughThough these these people people all all isis considered considered the the “Model “Model Citi- Citi- ThankThank you,you, Legionnaires,Legionnaires, forfor allall thatthat you’veyou’ve done.done. time.thatthat youyou contributedcontributed fullyfully toto sittaketake back one one andof of two two criticize, attitudes. attitudes. or Youyou You sufferedsuffered setbacksdefeats defeats at andat one one defeats time time Athleticz ez n e n.” .” Competition thetheNow 20052005 letMBSMBS me session.session. offer some cancan set do do new nothing nothing goals exceptand except work sit sit atduringduring some their their point lives, lives, during who who could theircould CarverTheThe City2004 2004 Model Model Citizen Citizen wordsIfIf youyou of winadvice:win everyevery Don’t electionelection rest tobackback attain and and them. criticize, criticize, or or you you can can lives,callcall them them who failures? failures? could call them waswas Kyle Kyle Dane Dane Spradling Spradling of of onthisthis your week, week, laurels. it it won’t won’t Only be beby hardcon hard- setset It’s new new a goals, goals,difficult and and work worklesson to to failures?I Iwish wish you you the the best best of of luck luck StaffMountMount Vernon.Scholarship Vernon. stantlyto leave striving Warrensburg for the with top a toattainattain learn, them. them. especially It’s It’s a a difficult difficult when les- les- inin the Ithe wish week week you ahead, ahead, the best and and of let letluck us us to leave Warrensburg with a BrandonBoysBoys State HendersonState citizens citizens will will have have canpositive you attitudego home about knowing what you’vesonson toto learn, learn,campaigned especially especially when hardwhen instrivestrive the togetherweek together ahead, to to make andmake let this thisus positive attitude about what Akshaythethe opportunity opportunity Srinivasan to to receive receive youyou contributedaccomplished fully here. to theBut andyou’veyou’ve still campaignedcampaigned don’t come hard hard and outand strivethethe best best together Missouri Missouri to Boysmake Boys State thisState you accomplished here. But Claya atotal total Landoll of of approximately approximately 2019thatthat probablyprobablyMBS session. won’twon’t happen.happen. onstillstill top. don’t don’t But come come success out out on onis top.not top. theever.ever. best MBS session ever. $250,000$250,000 in in scholarships scholarships given given Outstandingbyby various various Missouri Missouri Awards colleges colleges andand universities universities to to Boys Boys Staters Staters Outstandingwhowho attend attend their their Attorney schools. schools. OtherOther scholarships scholarships include include the the Jacob Knaebel $1,000$1,000 Samsung Samsung Scholarship, Scholarship, Focused instructioninstructioninstruction aa a Outstandingwithwith the the recipient recipient Business becoming becoming eligibleeligible for for the the $25,000 $25,000 Nation- Nation- Caledalal Samsung Samsung Boys: Scholarship. AustinScholarship. Bolin and Cameron Stornello highlight of program OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE highlight ofof programprogram OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE Outstanding Businessman ININ RADIO RADIO Brian Purkaple WARRENSBURGIn addition to a •core• InIn additioncurricuaddition- mainBoysBoys State. apparatus at lawstandingstanding enforcement of of the the workings official.workings Cit of of- Tyjour Andrew Odum tolumto aa corecoreall citizens curriculumcurriculum of Missouri thatthat allall MBS.TopicsTopics Citizens covered covereddiscuss news will will- izensthethe House House will be of of trainedRepresentatives Representatives in arrest OutstandingTyjour Andrew City Odum Clerk citizensBoyscitizens State of of will Boys Boys study, State State focused will will gatheringincludeinclude various various and newswriting, aspects aspects of of andand thetrial the State Stateprocedures, Senate, Senate, includ- whichinclud- Austin Small study,instructionstudy, focused focused with professionals instruction instruction thecrimecrime role prevention preventionof the media and andin poli the the- theyinging how howwill laws applylaws are are when passed. passed. elected OUTSTANDINGOUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE in each area of study provide tics,responsibilities journalism ofethics a and law or appointedCitizens willto law also enforce learn- with professionals professionals in in each each responsibilities of a law Citizens will also learn OutstandingININ NEWSPAPER NEWSPAPER Fireman areacitizensarea ofof additionalstudystudy provideprovide insight. BoysBoys evaluatingenforcementenforcement news official. official. and bias. mentaboutabout jobs the the at proceduralBoys procedural State. and and Staters additional insight. CitizensCitizens then will split be into trained three practical problems of the JosephAndrew Washington Blake Kleiner CAMPAIGNING/POLITICALStaters additional insight. Citizens will be trained LEGISLATIVE/EXECUTIVEpractical problems of the Andrew Blake Kleiner CityCity counselorscounselorscounselors Following is a summary of differentinin arrest arrest media: and and trial trialnewspaper, proce- proce- legislativelegislative process, process, including including OPERATIONSFollowing is a summary of POLICY eacheach ofof thethe fivefive areas:areas: radiodures,dures, and whichwhich TV, theywherethey will will they apply apply get parliamentaryparliamentary procedure. procedure. OutstandingOUTSTANDINGOUTSTANDING JournalistPERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE The Campaigning and hands-onwhenwhen elected elected training or or appointedby appointed profes- The Legislative and Exec- JamesININ TELEVISION TELEVISION Larson GOVERNMENT EXECUTIVE MEDIA serveserve ...... youyou PoliticalGOVERNMENT Operations EXECUTIVE School sionalstoto law law enforcementin enforcement each field by jobs jobs cre at at- utiveMEDIA Policy School is for AND CAMPAIGNINGCAMPAIGNING teaches campaigning strate- atingBoysBoys dailyState.State. newspapers TheyThey alsoalso andwillwill newlyTheThe elected citizens citizens state who who legisla attend attend- OutstandingAustinAustin Michael Michael Judge Nasca Nasca he city counselors of the various cities of Boys State are radio and TV broadcasts in he city counselors of the various cities of Boys State are gies,ThisThis how areaarea to isuseis designeddesigned the media forfor bebe updated updated on on the the latest latest torsthisthis and area area anyone serve serve who as as wants staff staff Denzel Ransom thethethe men menmen who whowho willwillwill putputput ininin theirtheirtheir entireentire timetime forfor thethe benefitbenefit ofof as a persuasive tool, how to real,and authenticmost effective studios. methods to learn how the legislative citizenscitizens who who desire desire a a bet- bet- and most effective methods membersmembers of of KMBS-TV KMBS-TV OUTSTANDINGOUTSTANDING BUSINESSMAN BUSINESSMAN citizenscitizenscitizens of ofof Boys BoysBoys State.State.State. TheseThese menmen areare worthyworthy ofof youryour confi-confi- deliver interesting and con- of police work used by the system works, at the city and T terter understanding understanding of of the the LAWof police work used by the andand KMBS KMBS Radio, Radio, each each of of Outstanding Law Tdence and stand ready to assist you in any and every way. dence and stand ready to assist you in any and every way. administrativevincing speeches and and how execu- to HighwayHighway Patrol. Patrol. statewhichwhich levels. has has Any daily daily member newscasts newscasts of Lance Edward Neal Do not hesitate to go to them on any problem you may have. administrative and execu- EnforcementLance Edward Officer Neal Do not hesitate to go to them on any problem you may have. tivecreatetive functionsfunctions positive ofpoliticalof BoysBoys StateStateper- The Law School is thecompletecomplete House withof with Representatives commercials commercials They are on the job day and night. They live with you. They sleep LAWLAW Kaberon Burgess They are on the job day and night. They live with you. They sleep officials.ceptions Itwithin is also the designed general designed like a college-level orandand the promotional promotional Senate is required spots, spots, and andto with you. They eat with you. Together, with the citizens of Boys officials. It is also designed OUTSTANDINGOUTSTANDING TREASURER TREASURER with you. They eat with you. Together, with the citizens of Boys helphelp The citizenscitizens school developdevelop is designed suc-suc- lawCitizensCitizens school, areteaching are taught taught basic the the attendofof MBSMBS this RECORD, RECORD, school inwhich which order is is State,State,State, these thesethese city citycity counselors counselorscounselors makemake BoysBoys StateState whatwhat itit TheyThey areare onon for political party leaders, trial procedure, criminal to receive job training for Outstanding Legislative Staff cessfulcessful campaign campaign strategies, strategies, basicsbasics of of trial trial procedures, procedures, publishedpublished daily. daily. Benjamin Norman Williams thethe jobjob toto seesee thatthat eacheach citizencitizen getsgets everythingeverything possiblepossible outout ofof thethe candidates seeking statewide law, legal pleadings and civil his position. All attendees JeffBenjamin Marlowe Norman Williams the job to see that each citizen gets everything possible out of the createcreate positive positive perceptions perceptions civilcivil actions, actions, criminal criminal offens- offens- TheThe staffs staffs of of the the newspa- newspa- session.session. WhenWhen inin doubt,doubt, taketake itit toto thethe citycity counselor.counselor. office, campaign manag- actions. Any aspiring law- will learn the procedures and session. When in doubt, take it to the city counselor. of candidates candidates and and deliver deliver es,es, pleading pleading cases cases and and the the per,per, radio radio and and television television are are OUTSTANDING LOBBYIST ers and anyone interested in yer or judge must attend processes that go into pass- OutstandingOUTSTANDING Lobbyist LOBBYIST persuasive speeches.speeches. rolerole ofof anan attorneyattorney in in gener- gener- completelycompletely responsible responsible for for learning more about leading a this school and even will be ing a bill, including parlia- CitizensCitizens inin thisthis areaarea alsoalso Law Law students students are are required required thethe content content of of their their stories, stories, VictorTyler Lois Arellano Johnson successful campaign. required to pass the MBS Bar mentary procedure. Tyler Lois Johnson will administer administer and and analyze analyze toto passpass aa barbar examexam priorprior toto andand may may develop develop edito- edito- Exam before being able to Outstanding Oral Advocate thethe resultsresults ofof publicpublic opinionopinion practicingpracticing lawlaw atat BoysBoys State. State. rialrial positions positions with with respect respect to to OUTSTANDING LAW COMMERCE practice law, just like in the PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OUTSTANDING LAW polls regardingregarding electionselections andand LawLaw SchoolSchool prepares prepares citizens citizens candidaciescandidacies and and operations operations SamuelENFORCEMENT Cade OFFICER real world. The citizens who ENFORCEMENT OFFICER otherThe issues issuesCommerce significant significant School to to toto holdhold officesoffices which which require require atat Boys TheBoys State. State.Public Adminis- attend this school eventu- Boysserves State.State. as the main econom- aa qualified qualified lawyer, lawyer, such such as as trationDuringDuring School the the focused focusedcombines ses- ses- OutstandingDwayneDwayne Joel Joel Fidler FidlerParty Leader allyMunicipal run the Judge. Boys State Court sions, citizens discuss the ic engineTheThe areaarea at isisMissouri taughttaught byby Boys thethe Municipal Judge. aspectssions, citizensfrom each discuss of the the Austin Ashbaugh System.The instructors of Boys responsibilities of reporters membersState. Citizens ofof aa learn politicalpolitical the basic con-con- The instructors of Boys otherresponsibilities schools of ofinstruction reporters OUTSTANDING ATTORNEY sultingcharacteristics firm based and in operaWash-- State Law School are practic- toand give the an basics overview of covering of how OUTSTANDING ATTORNEY sulting firm based in Wash- LAWState ENFORCEMENT Law School are practic- and the basics of covering Outstanding State tions of an interdependent ing attorneys and judges. democracynews events; works advertising; together at ington,ington, D.C.D.C. ing attorneys and judges. news events; advertising; ExecutiveWilliam Ronald Official Jennings economy, how businesses The Law Enforcement theproducing municipal television level. All broad- may- William Ronald Jennings LEGISLATIVE producing television broad- LAWfunctionLAW ENFORCEMENTENFORCEMENT within the economy SchoolLEGISLATIVE gives citizens a look orscasts; and and city libel councilmen and slander. are Lane Cargile casts; and libel and slander. OUTSTANDING JUDGE and how the intersection of at theTaught day-to-day by current activities and of requiredSpecial to emphasis attend the is placedPublic OUTSTANDING JUDGE ThisThis areaarea givesgives citizenscitizens aa Taught by current and Special emphasis is placed Outstanding Treasurer private interests and govern- theformer Missouri members State Highway of the Administrationon the role of theSchool media to get in looklook atat thethe day-todayday-today activi-activi- former members of the on the role of the media in John Daniel Lothman tiesmental of theoutcomes Missouri impacts State Patrol.Missouri The General school Assembly, is taught apolitical wide range campaigns. of knowledge DanielJohn Daniel Harper Lothman �������������������������������ties�� of the�������������������������������������� Missouri State Missouri General Assembly, political campaigns.������������������ Highwaythe economy Patrol. and Thethose school oper- byincluding members the offormer the Patrol,gover- to helpThe run counselors their city. for They the Highway Patrol. The school including the former gover- The counselors for the OUTSTANDING LEGISLATOR isating taught within by it. members of whichnor of Missouri,has had Boba longtime Holden, learnMedia these School concepts have extensive by ana- OutstandingOUTSTANDING Representative LEGISLATOR is taught by members of nor of Missouri, Bob Holden, Media School have extensive the Patrol, which has had affiliationthe Legislative with SchoolMBS. Topics helps lyzingexperience real-life in community media and McKinley Hopkins JOURNALISMthe Patrol, which AND MEDIA has had the Legislative School helps experience in media and Bryan Alexander VanGronigen a longtime affiliation with coveredcitizens gainwill include a basic various under- scenariospolitics. and watching how Bryan Alexander VanGronigen a longtime affiliation with citizens gain a basic under- politics. The Journalism and aspects of crime prevention different governmental agen- Outstanding Senator From the past Media School serves as the and the responsibilities of a cies work on these scenarios. From the past ��������������� Trent Oberlander nene ofof thethe most prominent complaints among the con-con- ne of the most prominent complaints among the con- cernedcerned youthyouth ofof todaytoday isis thethe generalgeneral apathyapathy thatthat existsexists cerned youth of today is the general apathy that exists thattoward exists them. toward I am them. proud I amto say proud that towe say at Missourithat we at Boys Mis- Dean offersoffers challengeschallenges forfor 20052005 MBSMBS session session Othat exists toward them. I am proud to say that we at Mis- OsouriState areBoys privileged State are toprivileged have a group to have of fine,a group concerned of fine, concernedmen with a BY MIKE PLUNKETT you in every way possible. MIKE Missouri Boys State. souri Boys State are privileged to have a group of fine, concerned menwilling with desire a willing to help desire the youthto help of the our youth nation. of our nation. DeanBY MIKE PLUNKETT offers youchallenges in every way possible. for 2019MIKE MBSMissouri session Boys State. men with a willing desire to help the youth of our nation. DEAN OF COUNSELORS The sole responsibility of PLUNKETT, Through the experience Each of us owes our counselors a hearty thanks for their advice, DEAN OF COUNSELORS The sole responsibility of MISSOURIPLUNKETT, BOYS Through the experience Each of us owes our counselors a hearty thanks for their advice, BY NICK EBERT youthe counselorsin every way is possible. to do every- NICK MBS.that you have here as a citizen, encouragement,encouragement, leadershipleadership andand generalgeneral presence.presence. InIn manymany ways,ways, aa the counselors is to do every- STATEMISSOURI DEAN BOYS OF that you have here as a citizen, encouragement, leadership and general presence. In many ways, a DEANWARRENSBURG OF COUNSELORS • As you thingThe in sole their responsibility power to ensure of EBERT,STATE DEAN OF youThrough will learn thethe responsibili-experience counselorcounselor isis aa securitysecurity blanket;blanket; wewe knowknow wewe cancan turnturn toto himhim whenwhen WARRENSBURG • As you thing in their power to ensure COUNSELORS you will learn the responsibili- counselor is a security blanket; we know we can turn to him when begin your week’s stay during thethat counselors you, the is citizens,to do every are- MISSOURICOUNSELORS BOYS youties ofhave the here citizen as a citizen,not only you in we face an unexpected situation and count on him to help us. begin your week’s stay during that you, the citizens, are STATE DEAN OF ties of the citizen not only in we face an unexpected situation and count on him to help us. Asthe you 66th begin session your of week’s Missouri stay thingexposed in their to an power understanding to ensure willMissouri learn Boys the Stateresponsibili but also- Each of these men has devoted himself to our service. He has the 66th session of Missouri exposed to an understanding COUNSELORS Missouri Boys State but also Each of these men has devoted himself to our service. He has duringBoys State, the you80th will session find that of thatof every you, facet the ofcitizens, Boys State, are tieswithin of theany citizen,state in notthe Union.only in leftleft hishis homehome andand hishis familyfamily toto givegive himselfhimself freelyfreely forfor thethe benefitbenefit ofof Boys State, you will find that of every facet of Boys State, within any state in the Union. left his home and his family to give himself freely for the benefit of Missouriyour first –Boys and State,in my you opinion will exposedand thus toare an able understanding to participate MBS,We but offer also youwithin a any practical state thethe citizenscitizens atat MissouriMissouri BoysBoys State.State. WeWe knowknow thatthat becausebecause ofof menmen your first – and in my opinion and thus are able to participate We offer you a practical the citizens at Missouri Boys State. We know that because of men find– your your most first important — and contact in my ofin every each andfacet every of Boys activity State, to sidein the of Union.civil government. likelike himhim wewe havehave gainedgained muchmuch whichwhich shouldshould contributecontribute toto our-our- – your most important contact in each and every activity to side of civil government. like him we have gained much which should contribute to our- opinion,will be with your your most county important coun- andthe fullestthus are extent. able to participate with any one citizen, either for ThatWe offer which you a you practical have selvesselves andand ourour nation.nation. will be with your county coun- the fullest extent. with any one citizen, either for That which you have selves and our nation. —selor, contact your citywill counselorbe with your and in eachThough and none every of activitythe mem- to purposes of achievement or sidelearned of civil from government. textbooks is put However, it is my hope that in some way the counselors have selor, your city counselor and Though none of the mem- purposes of achievement or learned from textbooks is put However, it is my hope that in some way the counselors have countyyour assistant counselor, city counselor. your city thebers fullest of the extent. staff is a profession- withdiscipline. any one citizen, either for intoThat practice which here. you have contributedcontributed toto themselvesthemselves asas aa resultresult ofof theirtheir effortsefforts PerhapsPerhaps your assistant city counselor. bers of the staff is a profession- discipline. into practice here. contributed to themselves as a result of their efforts here. Perhaps counselorThese men,and yourall of assistant whom al counselor,Though none I believe of the you mem will- purposesBy the week’sof achievement end, I am cer- or learnedBy actuallyfrom textbooks doing is these put we can repay these men by exercising similar concern when we These men, all of whom al counselor, I believe you will By the week’s end, I am cer- By actually doing these we can repay these men by exercising similar concern when we citypreviously counselor. have attended Boys bersfind of they the staff are extremelyis a profession well- discipline.tain you will have genuine and intothings practice that here. are necessary in have become a few years older. previously have attended Boys find they are extremely well tain you will have genuine and things that are necessary in have become a few years older. State,These will bemen, available all of to whom you at alqualified counselor, to fulfill I believe their you roles. will highBy regard the week’s for these end, menI am whocer- establishingBy actually and administeringdoing these State, will be available to you at qualified to fulfill their roles. high regard for these men who establishing and administering MORRIS KEARSE,KEARSE, EDITORIALEDITORIAL && SPECIALSPECIAL EDITOREDITOR previouslyall times. Theyhave areattended ready Boys and findI wouldthey are also extremely ask that well you tainhave you worked will have with genuine you during and thingsgovernment, that are you necessary will receive in all times. They are ready and I would also ask that you have worked with you during government, you will receive MORRIS(REPRINTED(REPRINTED KEARSE, FROMFROM THETHE EDITORIAL LASTLAST ISSUEISSUE & OFSPECIALOF THETHE RECORD RECORD EDITOR DURING DURING THE THE 30TH 30TH SESSION, SESSION, 1969.) 1969.) State,willing will to beguide available you andto you help at qualifiedremember to fulfill that youtheir areroles. but highthis week. regard for these men who establishingpractical experience. and administering (REPRINTED FROM THE LAST ISSUE OF THE RECORD DURING THE 30TH SESSION, 1969.) willing to guide you and help remember that you are but this week. practical experience. allyou times. in every They way. are ready and oneI would of 60 citizensalso ask under that you the haveDuring worked the with week you you during are government,It is your youresponsibility, will receive as you in every way. one of 60 citizens under the During the week you are It is your responsibility, as willingAlthough to guide they you willand help not remembersupervision that of you your are city but andone thishere, week. your efforts should be practicalstated in experience. your oath, that you Although they will not supervision of your city and here, your efforts should be stated in your oath, that you MISSOURIMISSOURI BOYS BOYS STATE STATE youconduct in every a campaign way. for you ofassistant 60 or so city citizens counselors, under andthe devotedDuring entirely the week to the you better- are willIt beis your faithful responsibility, in your dis- as conduct a campaign for you assistant city counselors, and devoted entirely to the better- will be faithful in your dis- MISSOURI BOYS STATE or helpAlthough you gain they an advantagewill not supervisionit therefore of would your be city unfair and here,ment ofyour Missouri efforts Boys should State. be statedcharge inof yourduty oath,in the that citizen- you or help you gain an advantage it therefore would be unfair ment of Missouri Boys State. charge of duty in the citizen- conductover an aopponent, campaign they for cer-you assistantto ask them city tocounselors, spend a and dis- devotedThink entirely in terms to the of citizen-better- willship be that faithful you have in your assumed dis- to ask them to spend a dis- Think in terms of citizen- ship that you have assumed ortainlyover help anwill you opponent, counsel gain an and advantagethey advise cer- itproportionate therefore would amount be ofunfair time mentship ofof MBS.your city, county and chargethis week. of duty in the citizen- proportionate amount of time ship of your city, county and this week. RECORDRECORD againsttainly will an opponent,counsel and they advise cer- to ask them to spend a dis- Think in terms of citizen- ship you have assumed this @MBSRECORDWWW.MOBOYSSTATE.ORG • WWW.MOBOYSSTATE.ORG • RECORD VOLUME • VOLUME 66, NUMBER 80, NUMBER 1 1 tainly will counsel and advise proportionate amount of time ship of your city, county and week. WWW.MOBOYSSTATE.ORG • VOLUME 66, NUMBER 1 �������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������

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KANSAS CITY MAYOR SLY JAMES MBS Party Platforms Sunday, June 16, 2019 Kansas City Mayor Sly James will deliver a keynote Adopted by Missouri Boys State citizens in 2018, these are the platforms of the Federalist and Nationalist parties. This week citizens will have the address at a special assembly Sunday evening in opportunity to debate and modify these platforms to reflect the values and priorities of the 79th session of MBS. Hendricks Hall. James was sworn in as the 56th mayor of Kansas City in March 2011. James focuses Better MBS: Hand soap or sanitizer should be implemented across his efforts to make Kansas City best in four areas, all of MBS. Peer-to-peer tutoring should be available to all students. known as the "4 E agenda": Education, Employment, Federalist Party Safe traffic laws should be created. That helps to create an MBS that Efficiency and Enforcement. James has worked to Pro-Casino: Casinos are businesses. Casino licenses should be busi- is better in all ways. raise Kansas City’s statewide and national profile by highlighting the myri- ness licenses. No separate terms for legislation. Casino profits are ad of cultural and human capital resources. At the state level, he has been taxed like businesses. Power to the Cities: Cities should have a more direct role in govern- a voice for common-sense gun control laws, economic development tools ment and should be more individualistic. This allows the citizens and education reform. Prior to his election, James enjoyed a successful legal Pro-Business: No tariffs. There should be no taxes on imports or themselves to make their MBS personal and much closer to what career which spanned almost three decades. He developed a proven record of exports in and out of cities. This will promote trade and help all cit- they want. success as a leader, an effective coalition builder and a fierce advocate. ies to succeed. JOURNALIST MARGARET BRENNAN Monday, June 17, 2019 Necessary and Proper Taxes: A tax has to be found both necessary Journalist Margaret Brennan will accept the 31st and proper in order to be implemented. This helps keep down tax Nationalist Party annual George W. Lehr Memorial Speaker's Chair on rates for all citizens and makes sure they are not being cheated out Taxation with a Purpose: All taxes must be given a reason before they are Monday evening at Hendricks Hall. Brennan is the of their money. put in place. Whenever a tax is suggested, the tax must also be presented with moderator of Face the Nation on CBS News, making a specific need in mind. For example, an additional 5 percent income tax her the 10th host — and second female host — in the No Overspending: Only pay for the necessities of the state govern- would need a reason before it is put in place, such as upgrades for a city park. program's 63-year history. She is also the network's ment. No more paying for things the cities can handle or that are senior foreign affairs correspondent and was pre- completely unnecessary. Power to the Cities: Unlike the government, the cities know better than viously the White House correspondent since joining CBS in 2012. Brennan anyone else what people need. Cities should have the power to toll, tax has reported on President Donald Trump's administration and previously on Environmentalism: No littering. The Environment Clean-Up Orga- and create policy. A city should have the most power within its borders. President Barack Obama's administration for all CBS News programs. She also nization, or ECO, should be created to help regulate this and keep covered the State Department, where she reported on major national security the streets and cities clean of trash. Transparency: Government officials must be held accountable. All stories, including nuclear negotiations with Iran, the restoration of diplomatic decisions and policies should be explained to the public, and politicians ties with Cuba, the standoff with North Korea and the conflict in Ukraine. E-Z Taxes: Transparency in why citizens are being taxed and make should institute open door policies. All of this is meant to put a halt to paying taxes easier for citizens. Casino winnings should be taxed as corruption at any level of the government by allowing the citizens them- MISSOURI ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC SCHMITT income for ease on the citizens. selves to police the actions of their elected and appointed representatives. Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Missouri Attorney Gen. Eric Schmitt will deliver a key- note address at a special assembly Tuesday evening in Hendricks Hall. Schmitt was appointed attorney general of Missouri by Gov. Mike Parson on Nov. 18, 2018, after the incumbent, Josh Hawley, was elected “What can I expect this week?” to the U.S. Senate. Schmitt began his tenure Jan. 3, 2019. He previously served as the 46th treasurer of Missouri from 2017 to 2019. As state treasurer, Schmitt focused on protecting Missouri taxpayers, supporting small businesses and empowering individuals and their families while overseeing the state’s $4 billion investment portfolio as its chief financial officer. Schmitt attended De Smet High School in St. Louis and graduated from Truman State University. He attended law school at Saint Louis University. Schmitt previously served as an alderman for the city of Glen- dale and two terms in the Missouri state Senate. He was inspired to enter pub- lic service to be a voice for his son who was born with a rare genetic condition.

MISSOURI LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR MIKE KEHOE Thursday, June 20, 2019 Missouri Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe will deliver a keynote address at a special assembly Thursday evening in Hendricks Hall. Kehoe was appointed lieutenant governor of Missouri by Gov. Mike Parson on June 18, 2018, after the incumbent, Parson, was sworn in as governor June 1, 2018. Kehoe previously served as Missouri state senator of the 6th District, serving Cole, Gasconade, Maries, Miller, Moniteau, Morgan and Osage counties since he was first elected in 2010 and re-elected in 2014. As state senator, Kehoe served as the assistant majority floor leader for two years and majority floor leader for three years. Before running for state Senate, Kehoe was appointed by former Gov. Matt Blunt to the Missouri Highway and Transportation Com- mission, where he served from May 2005 to July 2009. Born in St. Louis, Kehoe has lived in Mid-Missouri for more than 30 years. Prior to entering politics, Kehoe was a businessman, owning a car dealership in Jefferson City.

LIEUTENANT GENERAL MARTIN STEELE (RET.) Friday, June 21, 2019 Lt. Gen. Martin Steele will deliver a keynote address at a special assembly Friday evening in Hendricks Hall. Lt. Gen. Steele rose from Marine Corps pri- vate to three-star general, culminating his military career as the deputy chief of staff for Plans, Policies, and Operations at Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. Upon his retirement from active duty he served as president & CEO of the Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum. Lt. Gen. Steele cur- rently serves as the associate vice president for Veterans Research, execu- tive director of Military Partnerships, and co-chair of the Veterans Reintegra- tion Committee at the University of South Florida. Lt. Gen. Steele attended Arkansas Boys State in 1963.

A WEEK TO SHAPE MBS Record A LIFETIME! More Faces. More Places.

Citizens interested in applying for one of the top management positions with MBS Record, KMBS-Radio or KMBS-TV should ask their city counselor for a Media Management Application. HELP Applications must be completed and returned to your city counselor BEFORE breakfast Sunday. Finalists will be interviewed by the staff of the Journalism and Media School. Only the top three positions on the newspaper, WANTED radio and television stations are being filled prior to the first session of the Journalism and Media School. Anyone attending POSITIONS IN MEDIA MANAGEMENT the school will automatically participate in one of the media MUST BE FILLED! areas. PAGE 4 • SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2019 MBS RECORD • WWW.MOBOYSSTATE.ORG CELEBRATE THE STAFF’S 79TH GOVERNOR’S CUP VICTORY WITH OFFICIAL SPORTSWEAR FROM THE MBS STORE