
276 - 2020 ெதாAதி 276 --- இல. 5 2020 ெபz^வாி 19, Wதyகிழைம Volume 276 - No. 5 Wednesday, 19th February, 2020


பாராfமyற விவாதqக€


அதிகார அறிpைக OFFICIAL REPORT

பிைழ தி^wதzபடாதP Uncorrected)

2020 2020 2019

பிரதான உ€ளடpக{

கணpகா|வாள} அதிபதியினP அறிpைக சிறzWாிைம: அரசாqக நிதி ப~றிய Ahவிy அறிpைக 2020 ெபz^வாி 16ஆx ேததிய “சyேட ஐலyu” அறிpைக Pைறசா} ேம~பா}ைவp Ah அறிpைகக€ 2020 ெபz^வாி 19ஆx ேததிய “லqகாதீப” அறிpைக வினாpகfpA வா|Zல விைடக€ இலqைக F~றாடbய ெதாழி வdந}க€ நி`வக{ தனி அறிவிwத Zல வினா: (BuJைணwத) சuடZல{ : ெபvக€ ம~`{ சி`வ} Pƒபிரேயாக{ பாிசீbpகzபuLw தி^wதzபuடவா` Zyறா{Yைற 2019 க.ெபா .த (உ.த.) பாீuைசயி மதிzபிடzபuL நிைறேவ~றzபuடP. சிwதியைடxேதாைரz பகைலpகழகqகளி ஒwதிைவzW: அTமதிzபத~கான Yைறைம பிைணYறி விநிேயாக{ ப~றிய தடயவிய கணpகா|வறிpைகக€



SECTORAL OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE REPORTS (INCORPORATION) BILL: Considered, read the Third time, and passed as ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS amended QUESTION BY PRIVATE NOTICE: ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Sexual Abuse of Women and Children Forensic Audit Reports on Issuance of Treasury Bonds Methodology for Admission of Students Qualified at 2019 A/Ls to Universities PRIVILEGE: “Sunday Island” Report of 16 th February, 2020 “Lankadeepa” Report of 19 th February, 2020

563 564

பாராfமyற{ சம}zபிpகzபuட பwதிரqக€ PARLIAMENT PAPERS PRESENTED

2020 2020 ெபz^வாி 19, Wதyகிழைம (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) Wednesday, 19th February, 2020 ————————— (The Hon. )

பாராfமyற{ பி .ப .1.00 மணிpAp BJயP. சபாநாயக} அவ}க€ [மாvWமிA க^ ஜயGாிய] தைலைம வகிwதா}க€.

The Parliament met at 1.00 p.m., MR. SPEAKER [THE HON. ] in the Chair.

கணpகா|வாள} அதிபதியினP அறிpைக AUDITOR -GENERAL’S REPORT (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) வினா விLpகzபuL ஏ~`pெகா€ளzபuடP. Question put, and agreed to. • 20 XI (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன)

• (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) 20 XVI • 207 XXV XI XII XIII XIV XV • 20 XXIII XXIV XII X XI XII வினா விLpகzபuL ஏ~`pெகா€ளzபuடP. ••• 2020 Question put, and agreed to. II (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன - ெவளிநாuL உறkக€ அைமrச^{ திறyக€ அபிவி^wதி, ெதாழிPைற ம~`{ ெதாழி உறkக€ அைமrச^{ பாராfமyறr சைப Yதவ^{) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena - Minister of Foreign Relations, Minister of Skills Development, Employment and Labour Relations and Leader of the House of Parliament)

வினா விLpகzபuL ஏ~`pெகா€ளzபuடP. Question put, and agreed to. அறிpைக அrசிடzபடp கuடைளயிடzபuடP. வினா விLpகzபuL ஏ~`pெகா€ளzபuடP. Ordered that the Report be printed. Question put, and agreed to.

565 566

(மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (மாvWமிA மயிவாகன{ திலகராஜா) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) (The Hon. Mylvaganam Thilakarajah)

(மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) (மாvWமிA மயிவாகன{ திலகராஜா)

(The Hon. Mylvaganam Thilakarajah) ெகௗரவ சபாநாயக} அவ}கேள, இxத நாuJy வினா விLpகzபuL ஏ~`pெகா€ளzபuடP. சனwெதாைகயி ஒ^ மிbயTpA{ ேமலான சனwெதாைக Question put, and agreed to.

ையp ெகாvJ^pகpBJய ெப^xேதாuடr சZக{ சா}xத ேதசியr Fகாதார Yைறைம இலாைமையp க^wதி~ ெகாvL கடxத பல காலமாகz ேபசzபuL வxதேபாP{Bட, ெப^xேதாuட FகாதாரwPைற அரசாqகwதி~A€ உ€வாq கzபடாைம காரணமாகz ெப^xேதாuடqகைள நி}வகிpA{ அரசாqக நிதி ப~றிய Ahவிy அறிpைக PUBLIC FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT ெப^xேதாuடp க{பனிகேள அxதr Fகாதார Yைறைமைய நி}வகிwP வxதி^pகிyறன. 2006ஆ{ ஆvL ஓ} அைமr சரைவz பwதிரwதிUடாகz ெப^xேதாuடr Fகாதாரw Pைறைய அரச Fகாதாரw PைறpA€ ெகாvL வ^வத~கான (மாvWமிA (ேபராசிாிய}) ஆF மாரசிqக) Yய~சிக€ ேம~ெகா€ளzபuடேபாP{Bட, அைவ Yhைம (The Hon. (Prof.) Ashu Marasinghe) யாகr சாwதியமாகாP , Aறிwத 500 ைவwதியசாைலக€ இ^pகிyற நிைலயிd{ , ெவ`மேன 22 ைவwதியசாைலக€ மாwதிரேம இzேபாP அரF சா}பாக இயqகி வ^கிyறன. நாy இxதz பாராfமyறwதி பிரேவசிwத நா€ Yத (i) () எனP ஒ^ கனவாக Aறிwத விடயwைத YyெனLwP, ஓ} உப Ah அqகwதவனாக இ^xP இxதz ெப^xேதாuடr (ii) () Fகாதாரw Pைற\டy ெதாட}Wைடய Fகாதார அைமrF (iii) () ம~`{ நிதி அைமrF, காணி அைமrF, ெப^xேதாuடwPைற அைமrF, மைலநாuLz Wதிய கிராமqக€ அைமrF, (iv) உ€நாuL அdவக€, மாகாண சைபக€ அைமrF ேபாyற அைமrFpகளிy அதிகாாிகைள\{ அைழwPz பேவ` கலxPைரயாடகைள ேம~ெகாvL, ஒ^ நீvட (v) அறிpைகைய நாqக€ இxதp AhவிUடாகw தயா} ெச|தி^pகிyேறா{. அxத வைகயி, இxத ஒ‚ெவா^ Pைற சா}xதவ}கf{ இxதw ேதாuடr Fகாதாரw Pைறைய அரச Fகாதாரw PைறpA€ ஏ~`pெகா€வத~A எxதவிதw தயpகYமிைல, தைட\மிைல எyபைதp ைகெயாzபமிuL உ`தி ெச|தி^pகிyறா}க€. எyTைடய YதலாவP பாராfமyறz பதவிpகால{ சபாVடwதி இ^pகp கuடைளயிடzபuடP. நிைறk ெபறவி^pகிyற இxதr சxத}zபwதி , இzபJயான Ordered to lie upon the Table. ஓ} அறிpைகையw தயாாிwP அரசாqகwதி~Ar சம}z பிzபதy Zலமாக அரசாqகwதிட{ நாqக€ விநயமாகw ெதாிவிwPpெகா€வP எyனெவனி, Aறிwத எலாw தைடகf{ நீpகzபuL இxதp Ahவிy அறிpைக தயாாிpகz Pைறசா} ேம~பா}ைவp Ah அறிpைகக€ பuL€ளP. எனேவ, அரசாqக{ ேதாuடr Fகாதார Yைறைம SECTORAL OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE REPORTS ையw ேதசியr Fகாதார YைறைமpA€ உ€வாqகிp ெகா€வதUடாக இxத நாuJy உைழzபாள} சZகwPpA ஒ^ நியாயwைதz ெப~`pெகாLpகேவvJய கடzபாJ^p (மாvWமிA மயிவாகன{ திலகராஜா) கிyறP. இxதp Ahவிy தைலவ} எyகிyற வைகயிேல (The Hon. Mylvaganam Thilakarajah) எyேனாL ஒwPைழwத அைனwP அைமrFpகளிy அதிகாாிகfpA{ ம~`{ பாராfமyறwதிy உwதிேயாகwத} கfpA{ சக பாராfமyற உ`zபின}கfpA{ இxதr சxத}zபwதி நyறி B`வPடy, எyTைடய மிக Ypகிய மான ெபா`zைப எyTைடய இxதz பாராfமyறz பதவிp காலwதி நிைறkெச|தி^pகிyேறy எyற நி{மதி \டy, சxேதாஷwPடy - மகிrசி\டy இxத அறிpைகையz சபாVடwதி இ^pகp கuடைளயிடzபuடP. பாராfமyறwதி சம}zபிpகிyேறy எyபைத\{ Ordered to lie upon the Table. ெதாிவிwPpெகா€கிyேறy. நyறி. வணpக{. 567 2020 568

(மாvWமிA Fஜிw சqஜய ெபேரரா) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. ) (The Hon. Speaker) (i) 206 207 20 (மாvWமிA மbw ஜயதிலக) (The Hon. ) (ii) 206 207 (iii) 204 205 206 (iv) 206 (v) 204 (vi) 206/207 (vii) 205 (viii) 20 (ix) 20 (x) 203/204204/205 MV சபாVடwதி இ^pகp கuடைளயிடzபuடP. Ordered to lie upon the Table. (மாvWமிA மbw ஜயதிலக) (The Hon. Malith Jayathilake) சபாVடwதி இ^pகp கuடைளயிடzபuடP. Ordered to lie upon the Table. (மாvWமிA மbw ஜயதிலக) (The Hon. Malith Jayathilake) 569 570

- - -- 571 572

i) 1978 1 )) ii) 18 iii) 17 - iv) 17 v) 17 vi) 17 -SLIN vii) 18 - viii) 18 ix) 17 x) 18 xi) 17 xii) 1718 xiii) 18 xiv) 1 xv) 17 (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) xvi) 1 7 The Hon. Speaker) xvii) 1 xviii) 18 xix) 18 xx) 18 xxi) 18

xxii) 18 மாvWமிA (ேபராசிாிய}) ஆF மாரசிqக) The Hon. (Prof.) Ashu Marasinghe) xxiii) 18 573 574

( xxiv) 18 xxv) 18 IT xxvi) 18 xxvii) 18 xxviii)17

சபாVடwதி இ^pகp கuடைளயிடzபuடP. Ordered to lie upon the Table.

; மாvWமிA (ேபராசிாிய}) ஆF மாரசிqக) The Hon. (Prof.) Ashu Marasinghe) BSc in Artificial Intelligence BSc in Data Science BSc in Cyber Security BSc in Internet of Things BSc in Software Engineering ; SLANSHEI - Sri Lanka Association of Non -State Higher Education Institutes. IT industry sector industry industry endorsement - - industry IT industry SLASSCOM - Sri Lanka Association for Software and Services Companies; FITIS - Federation of Information Technology Industry Sri Lanka; BCS - British Computer Society CSSL- Computer Society of Sri Lanka industry - - industry-oriented computing degree programmes - 575 576

--- -- - Legislators - (மாvWமிA நby பvடார ஜயமஹ) The Hon. Jayamaha) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) The Hon. Speaker) மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena)

வினாைவ ம~ெறா^ தினwதி~ சம}zபிpகp கuடைளயிடzபuடP.

Question ordered to stand down.

(மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) வினாpகfpA வா|Zல விைடக€ ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS The Hon. Speaker) - -

(மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) - - The Hon. Speaker) - - - - (மாvWமிA Wwதிக பதிரண) -- The Hon. ) - -

(மாvWமிA Wwதிக பதிரண) The Hon. Buddhika Pathirana) (மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@ - மகாவb, கமwெதாழி, நீ}zபாசன{ ம~`{ கிராமிய அபிவி^wதி அைமrச^{ உ€ளக வ}wதக, உணkz பாPகாzW ம~`{ பாவைனயாள} நலேனா{Wைக அைமrச^{ பாPகாzW இராஜாqக (மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) அைமrச^{) The Hon. ) The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa - Minister of Mahaweli, Agriculture, Irrigation and Rural Development, Minister of Internal Trade, Food Security and Consumer Welfare and State Minister of Defence) வினாைவ ம~ெறா^ தினwதி~ சம}zபிpகp கuடைளயிடzபuடP. Question ordered to stand down. (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) வினாைவ ம~ெறா^ தினwதி~ சம}zபிpகp கuடைளயிடzபuடP. The Hon. Speaker) Question ordered to stand down. - - (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) - - The Hon. Speaker) --- -- 577 578

iii) இலqைக விமானzபைட நிdைவw ெதாைகைய (மாvWமிA நby பvடார ஜயமஹ) அறவிuL ெகா€வத~காக எLwP€ள The Hon. Nalin Bandara Jayamaha) நடவJpைக யாP எyபைத\{; அவ} இrசைபயி அறிவிzபாரா? (ஆ) இyேற, ஏy? மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) asked the Minister of Mahaweli, Agriculture, Irrigation and Rural Development and Minister of Internal Trade, Food Security and Consumer Welfare and State Minister of

Defence: (a) Will he inform this House - (i) whether there are any payments due to the Air Force from public institutions for providing aviation services; (ii) if so, separately, the name of each public வினாைவ ம~ெறா^ தினwதி~ சம}zபிpகp கuடைளயிடzபuடP. institution, amount due and the due period; Question ordered to stand down. and (iii) the measures taken by the Sri Lanka Air Force to recover the said due amounts? இலqைக விமானz பைட ேசைவ வழqக : (b) If not, why? நிdைவw ெதாைக PROVISION OF SERVICES BY SRI LANKA AIR FORCE: PAYMENTS DUE (மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa )

i) (மாvWமிA (ைவwதிய கலாநிதி) நளிxத ஜயதி„ஸ) ii) The Hon. (Dr.) Nalinda Jayathissa) - i) ii) iii)

மகாவb, கமwெதாழி, நீ}zபாசன{ ம~`{ கிராமிய அபிவி^wதி அைமrச} ம~`{ உ€ளக வ}wதக, உணkz பாPகாzW ம~`{ பாவைனயாள} நலேனா{Wைக அைமrச} ம~`{ பாPகாzW இராஜாqக அைமrசைரp ேகuட வினா:

அ) (i) விமான ேசைவகைள வழqகியைமpகாக இலqைக விமானz பைடpA அரச நி`வனq களிb^xP வ^மதியாகk€ள நிdைவw ெதாைக காணzபLகிyறதா எyபைத\{; ஆெமனி, அxத ஒ‚ேவா} அரச நி`வனwதிy ii) ெபய}, நிdைவயாகk€ள ெதாைக ம~`{ நிdைவயாகk€ள காலzபAதிைய தனிwதனி யாக சம}zபிzபாரா எyபைத\{; 579 580

iii) (மாvWமிA (ைவwதிய கலாநிதி) நளிxத ஜயதி„ஸ) The Hon. (Dr.) Nalinda Jayathissa) மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ - எதி}pகuசி Yதவ}) The Hon. Sajith Premadasa -Leader of the Opposition) Sir, I rise to a point of Order. (மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa )

The Hon. Speaker) point of Order மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ) The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) (மாvWமிA (ைவwதிய கலாநிதி) நளிxத ஜயதி„ஸ) The Hon. (Dr.) Nalinda Jayathissa)

(மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa ) - duty free மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ) The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) (மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) (மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa ) (The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa) - (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) The Hon. Speaker) (மாvWமிA மqகள சமரjர) (The Hon. ) 581 582

ii (மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) (The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa) iii iv (மாvWமிA மqகள சமரjர) (The Hon. Mangala Samaraweera) (மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) கவி அைமrசைரp ேகuட வினா:

(The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa) (அ) (i ) பPைள மாவuடwதி த~ேபாP ேசைவயி

ஈLபuL€ள ஆர{ப, ஆqகில, விtஞான ம~`{ கணித ஆசிாிய}களிy எvணிpைக (மாvWமிA மqகள சமரjர) யாP; (The Hon. Mangala Samaraweera) ii ேம~பJ பாடqகைள க~பிpக அqகீகாிpகz பuட ஆசிாிய}களிy எvணிpைக யாP; iii த~ேபாP ேம~பJ ஒ‚ெவா^ பாடwதி~காகk{ (மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) நிலkகிyற ெவ~றிடqகளிy எvணிpைக (The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa) யாP; iv ேம~பJ ெவ~றிடqகைள நிரzப அைமrF ேம~ெகா€f{ நடவJpைகக€ யாைவ; (மாvWமிA மqகள சமரjர) (The Hon. Mangala Samaraweera) எyபைத அவ} இrசைபpA அறிவிzபாரா? ஆ இyேற, ஏy? asked the Minister of Education: (மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) (a) Will he inform this House -

(The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa) (i) the number of primary, English, science and mathematics teachers employed in Badulla District at the moment; (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (ii) the approved number of teachers to teach (The Hon. Speaker) aforesaid subjects; -- (iii) the number of vacancies available for each - aforesaid subject; and -- - (iv) the measures that will be taken by the Ministry to fill aforesaid vacancies? (b) If not, why? (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) ஆர{ப, ஆqகில, விtஞான ம~`{ கணித ஆசிாிய} ெவ~றிடqக€: பPைள மாவuட{ PRIMARY, ENGLISH, SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS TEACHER VACANCIES: BADULLA DISTRICT * சபாVடwதி ைவpகzபuட விைட : * Answer tabled: ( (i (மாvWமிA கயxத க^ணாதிலpக - மாvWமிA சமிxத விேஜசிறி சா}பாக) (The Hon. Gayantha Karunatileka on behalf of the Hon. 228 383 ) 38 2 865 - 2 598 i 539 656 625 5 6332 583 22 9 584


விமானz பைடயிy ேரடா} ாிசீவ} ம~`{ 3 47 அyெடனா „ேகன} : காணாம ேபானைம RADAR RECEIVER AND SCANNER ANTENNA OF AIR FORCE: 3 6 MISPLACEMENT

111 7 66 117/

111 7 66 (மாvWமிA (ைவwதிய கலாநிதி) நளிxத ஜயதி„ஸ) 3 1 63 (The Hon. (Dr.) Nalinda Jayathissa) (iii)

- 1 6 46 i 14 3 4 31 41 ii 6 4

1 6 iii

(iv) iv I v II ()

(மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) மகாவb, கமwெதாழி, நீ}zபாசன{ ம~`{ கிராமிய

(The Hon. Speaker) அபிவி^wதி அைமrச} ம~`{ உ€ளக வ}wதக, உணkz 3- 8522 - () பாPகாzW ம~`{ பாவைனயாள} நலேனா{Wைக அைமrச} ம~`{ பாPகாzW இராஜாqக அைமrசைரp ேகuட வினா: (மாvWமிA கயxத க^ணாதிலpக) அ) ( ஏzர மாதwதி, இலqைக விமானz (The Hon. Gayantha Karunatileka) i) 2014 பைடயினா ேரடா} ாிசீவெராy`{ அyெடனா „ேகனெராy`{ பhPபா}zபத~ காக சீனாkpA அTzபzபuL€ள ேபாதிd{, அz ெபா^uக€ காணாம ேபா\€ளைத அவ} ஏ~`pெகா€கிyறாரா எyபைத\{; (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) (ii) அzெபா^uகைள ஏ~றி இறpA{ ெபா`zைப ஏ~`pெகாvட நி`வன{ யாெதyபைத\{; அxநி`வனwதிy பணிzபாள} சைப (iii) அqகwதவ}க€ யாவ} எyபைத\{; (iv) அx நி`வன{ இyT{ இலqைகயிy யாேதT ெமா^ அரச நி`வனwPpA ேசைவகைள வினாைவ ம~ெறா^ தினwதி~ சம}zபிpகp கuடைளயிடzபuடP. வழqAகிyறதா எyபைத\{; Question ordered to stand down. 585 586

( )

(v) அzெபா^uக€ காணாம ேபானதா ஏ~பuட இழzW எ‚வளெவyபைத\{; எயா} ைவ„ மா}ஷ ேக.ாீ.பி.V. ஜய{பதி இறpAமதி ெச|த வாகனqக€ : F~றறிpைககைள அவ} இr சைபpA அறிவிzபாரா? மீறியைம IMPORT OF VEHICLES BY AIR VICE MARSHAL K.T. B. P. ஆ) இyேற, ஏy? JAYAMPATHI: VIOLATION OF CIRCULARS

124/22 asked the Minister of Mahaweli, Agriculture, Irrigation and Rural Development and Minister of Internal Trade, Food Security and Consumer Welfare and State Minister of Defence: (மாvWமிA நிஹா கலzபwதி - மாvWமிA பிம ரwநாயpக - (a Will he inform this House சா}பாக) (i) whether he admits that the radar receiver (The Hon. on behalf of the Hon. Bimal and the scanner antenna sent to China by Rathnayake) the Air Force in April, 2014 for repairs have been misplaced;

(ii) the company that undertook the - 1 transportation of said items; i (iii) the names of the members of the Board of Directors of the said company; 21

(iv) whether the said company continues to provide services to any of the public institutions of Sri Lanka; and ii (v) the loss incurred from misplacement of said items? 211114 (b) If not, why? (மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) (The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa) 211 iii * சபாVடwதி ைவpகzபuட விைட : * Answer tabled:

( (i i (ii (M/S Care Logistics (Pvt Limited ii (iii 1 2 3 4 (iv (v (Budgetary Quotation மகாவb, கமwெதாழி, நீ}zபாசன{ ம~`{ கிராமிய 441 அபிவி^wதி அைமrச} ம~`{ உ€ளக வ}wதக, உணkz பாPகாzW ம~`{ பாவைனயாள} நலேனா{Wைக அைமrச} ம~`{ பாPகாzW இராஜாqக அைமrசைரp ேகuட வினா: 224 அ) (i ) இலqைக விமானz பைடயிy எயா} ைவ„ ( மா}ஷலாகz பதவி வகிwத தி^.ேக.ாீ. 587 22 1 588

V.V.ஜய{பதி அவ}க€ 2008.01.08 ஆ{ திகதி relevant permit on 07.06.2011 and சdைக அJzபைடயிy கீ ேமாuடா} imported a motor car; and வாகனெமாyைற இறpAமதி ெச|வத~காக (iii) he has thus violated the provisions of அTமதிzபwதிரெமாyைறz ெப~`pெகாvL circulars? தமP வாகனwைத Fqகwதிb^xP விLவிwPp ெகாvL€ளா} எyபைத\{; (b) Will he inform this House - ( ii ) Aறிzபிuட உwதிேயாகwத^pA மீvL{ (i) the legal action constituted against this சdைக அJzபைடயி வாகனெமாyைற officer; and இyT{ 5 வ^டqகளிy பிyனேர ெப~`p (ii) the legal action constituted against the then ெகா€ள YJ\மாக உ€ளேபாதிd{ ேம~பJ Secretary to the Ministry of Defence and அTமதிzபwதிர{ ப~றிய தகவகைளz the Commander of the Air Force for issuing ேபாbயாகp AறிzபிuL 2011.01.14 ஆ{ திகதி recommendations for the import of a motor Yyனா€ விமானz பைடw தளபதியினP{ car under concessionary basis in breach of Yyனா€ பாPகாzWr ெசயலாளாினP{ the regulations of the relevant circulars? விதzWைரகfடy மீvL{ சdைக அJz (c) If not, why? பைடயிy கீ ேமாuடா} வாகனெமாyைற இறpAமதி ெச|வத~காக விvணzபzபJவ ெமாyைறr சம}zபிwP 2011.06.07 ஆ{ திகதி (மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) உாிய அTமதிzபwதிரwைதz ெப~`pெகாvL (The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa ) ேமாuடா} வாகனெமாyைற இறpAமதி ெச|P€ளா} எyபைத\{; ( iii ) அதy பிரகார{ அவ} F~றறிpைக நியதிகைள மீறி\€ளா} எyபைத\{; * சபாVடwதி ைவpகzபuட விைட : அவ} அறிவாரா? * Answer tabled: ஆ) (i ) அதy பிரகார{ Aறிzபிuட உwதிேயாகwத^pA எதிராக ேம~ெகா€ளzபuட சuட நடவJpைக ( (i யாெதyபைத\{; ( ii ) F~றறிpைக நியதிகfpA எதிராக சdைக அJzபைடயிy கீ ேமாuடா} வாகன ெமாyைற த^விzபத~காக Aறிzபிuட உwதிேயாகwத^pA விதzWைர ெச|தைம (ii ெதாட}பி Yyனா€ பாPகாzWr ெசயலாள ^pA{ விமானz பைடw தளபதிpA{ எதிராக ேம~ெகா€ளzபL{ சuட ாீதியான நடவJpைக யாெதyபைத\{; (iii அவ} இrசைபpA அறிவிzபாரா? ( (i இ) இyேற, ஏy? TTIP asked the Minister of Mahaweli, Agriculture, Irrigation and Rural Development and Minister of Internal TIP Trade, Food Security and Consumer Welfare and State SS ( Minister of Defence: DIMP AF33 (a Is he aware that - ( (i) Mr. K. T. B. P. Jayampathi who functioned TTIP as Air Vice Marshal of Sri Lanka Air force, having obtained a permit on 08.01.2008 for 33- the import of a car on concessionary basis, had got his vehicle released from the Customs; MVMise (ii) though the said officer can obtain another ( 3 car on concessionary basis only after five (ii years, having submitted an application ( again for the import of a car on concessionary basis on 14.01.2011 with the ————————— recommendation of the then Commander of * the Air Force and the Secretary to the * Sனிைலயwதி ைவpகzபuL€ளP. Ministry of Defence, he had obtained the * Placed in the Library. 589 590

ெபா^€கைள விநிேயாகிpA{ மwதிய நிைலய கvJ மாவuடwதி ேம~ெகா€ளzபuட மாக இயqகி வ^வைத\{, பாடசாைல மாணவ}கைள\{ இைளஞ}கைள\{ இலpA ேபாைதzெபா^€ F~றிவைளzW: விபர{ ைவwP இயqகி வ^{ இxத விநிேயாக DRUG RAIDS IN KANDY DISTRICT: DETAILS வைலயைமzW இPவைர\{ பலமான நிைலயி 129/ 22 காணzபLவைத\{ அறிவாரா எyபைத\{; ( ii ) இxத ேபாைதzெபா^€ கடwதகார}கைள (மாvWமிA மேனாs ேஹவாக{பலேக - மாvWமிA ஆனxத விைரவாக சuடwதிyYy நி`wதி, அzபிரேதசw அdwகமேக சா}பாக) திb^xP ேபாைதzெபா^€கைள ஒழிpக (The Hon. Manoj Hewagampalage on be half of the Hon. நடவJpைக எLzபாரா எyபைத\{;

Ananda Aluthgamage) அவ} இrசைபயி அறிவிzபாரா? ஈ) இyேற, ஏy? - 1 asked the Minister of Mahaweli, Agriculture, Irrigation and Rural Development and Minister of Internal Trade, Food Security and Consumer Welfare and i State Minister of Defence: ii (a Will he inform this House - (i) the number of drug raids carried out; iii (ii) the number of persons taken into custody for offenses related to drugs; and (iii) the value of drugs seized; in Kandy District during the past two years, separately in respect of each year? i (b) Will he submit to this House a list comprising of drugs which have been identified as illegal substances and the names of the countries from which they enter to Sri Lanka? - (c) Will he also inform this House

ii (i) whether he is aware of the fact that Gampola and surrounding areas belonging to Kandy District have been a drug distribution hub for a while now and that the aforesaid distribution network continues to function powerfully, targeting school children and the youth; and மகாவb, கமwெதாழி, நீ}zபாசன{ ம~`{ கிராமிய அபிவி^wதி அைமrச} ம~`{ உ€ளக வ}wதக, உணkz (ii) whether steps will be taken to capture these பாPகாzW ம~`{ பாவைனயாள} நலேனா{Wைக அைமrச} drug traffickers expeditiously and eliminate

ம~`{ பாPகாzW இராஜாqக அைமrசைரp ேகuட வினா: the drug menace from this area?

அ) கடxத இரvL வ^டqகf€ கvJ மாவuடwதி, (d) If not, why? (i) ேம~ெகா€ளzபuட ேபாைதzெபா^€ சா}xத F~றிவைளzWகளிy எvணிpைக; (மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) (The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa ) (ii) ேபாைதzெபா^€ ெதாட}பி ைகPெச|யz பuL€ளவ}களிy எvணிpைக; (iii) ைகzப~றzபuட ேபாைதzெபா^uகளிy ெப`மதி; * சபாVடwதி ைவpகzபuட விைட : * Answer tabled: ெவ‚ேவறாக யாP எyபைத அவ} இrசைபயி அறிவிzபாரா? ( (i ஆ) த~ேபாP தைடெச|யzபuL€ள சuடவிேராத ேபாைதzெபா^€ வைகையr ேசா்xத ேபாைதz ெபா^€களாக இனqகாணzபuL€ள ம~`{ அைவ ெகாvLவரzபL{ நாLக€ அடqகிய ெபய} 2018 5497 பuJயெலாyைற அவ} இrசைபயி சம}zபிzபாரா? 2019 4708 இ) (i ) கvJ மாவuடwதி, க{பைள ம~`{ அvமிய பிரேதசqக€ நீvட காலமாக ேபாைதz 10205 591 2020 19 592

ii) ii

08 549

09 409 006

iii) )

(மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) 08 804600 (The Hon. Speaker) 09 98588000 8- 152020 - 1) 596600 ) (மாvWமிA மேனாs ேஹவாக{பலேக) (The Hon.Manoj Hewagampalage) (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) வினாைவ ம~ெறா^ தினwதி~ சம}zபிpகp கuடைளயிடzபuடP. Question ordered to stand down. ெவௗ்ளzெப^pகினா ேசதY~ற ெபௗwத விஹாைரக€ ம~`{ அறெநறிz பாடசாைலக€ : WனரைமzW BUDDHIST TEMPLES AND DHAMMA SCHOOLS AFFECTED BY FLOODS: RECONSTRUCTION 60/00 (மாvWமிA Wwதிக பதிரண - மாvWமிA சமிxத விேஜசிறி ) i) சா}பாக) (The Hon. Buddhika Pathirana on behalf of the Hon. Chaminda Wijesiri) - i 0 ii 593 594

iii 01 28.09 02 1.4 03 2.4 04 41.5 05 6.1 பிரதம அைமrச} ம~`{ Wwதசாசன, கலாசார ம~`{ 06 17.03 சமய அdவக€ அைமrசைரp ேகuட வினா: 07 3.8 08 0.25 (அ (i 2017 ேம மாதwதி எ~பuட ெவௗ்ளzெப^pA காரணமாக ேசதY~ற ெபௗwத விஹாைரக€ 09 13.3 ம~`{ அறெநறிz பாடசாைலகளிy 113.87 எvணிpைக யாP; (ii ேம~பJ விஹாைரக€ ம~`{ அறெநறிz பாடசாைலகளிy ெபய}கf{ Yகவாிகf{ ( யாைவ; (iii ேம~பJ விஹாைரகைள மீளp கuJெயhzப அைமrF ேம~ெகா€f{ நடவJpைகக€ யாைவ; எyபைத அவ} இrசைபpA அறிவிzபாரா? ெகாடpகெவல பிரேதச ெசயலகz பிாிவி அரச (ஆ) இyேற, ஏy? காணிகைள பகி}xதளிwத : Yைறைம

GRANT OF GOVERNMENT LANDS IN GODAKAWELA DS DIVISION: METHODOLOGY asked the Prime Minister and Minister of Buddhasasana, Cultural and Religious Affairs: 86/ (a) Will he inform this House -

(i) the number of Buddhist temples and dhamma schools which were affected by the floods occurred in May, 2017; (மாvWமிA Wwதிக பதிரண - மாvWமிA ேஹசா விதானேக சா}பாக) (ii) the names and addresses of aforesaid (The Hon. Buddhika Pathirana on behalf of the Hon. Hesha temples and dhamma schools; and Withanage) -

(iii) the measures that will be taken by the Ministry to reconstruct aforesaid temples? i (b) If not, why? (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) ii (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) iii * சபாVடwதி ைவpகzபuட விைட : iv * Answer tabled:

( (i (ii (iii காணி ம~`{ காணி அபிவி^wதி அைமrசைரp ேகuட வினா: ————————— அ) (i ) ெகாடpகெவல பிரேதச ெசயலகz பிாிவி * அைமxP€ள அரச நி`வனqகfpAr ெசாxத * Sனிைலயwதி ைவpகzபuL€ளP. மான காணிகளிy அளk ெவ‚ேவறாக யாைவ * Placed in the Library. எyபைத\{; 595 2020 19 596

(ii) 2005 ெதாடpக{ 2015 ஆ{ ஆvL வைரயான காலzபAதியி ேம~பJ பிரேதச ெசயலகz பாடசாைலகfpA கிாிpெக~ உபகரணqகைள பிாிவி அரச காணிகைள வழqAைகயி அyபளிzWr ெச|த: விபர{ பிyப~றிய ெசயyYைற யாெதyபைத\{; GRANT OF CRICKET EQUIPMENT TO SCHOOLS: DETAILS ஏ~Wைடய காலzபAதியி காணிகைள ெப~ற (iii) 130/ 00 பயனாளிக€ யாவ} எyபைத\{;

(iv) காணிக€ வழqAைகயி பிyப~றzபL{ ெசயyYைற யாெதyபைத\{; (மாvWமிA மேனாs ேஹவாக{பலேக - மாvWமிA ஆனxத அவ} இr சைபpA அறிவிzபாரா? அdwகமேக சா}பாக) (The Hon. Manoj Hewagampalage on behalf of the Hon. (ஆ) இyேற, ஏy? )

- 1

asked the Minister of Lands and Land Development: i (a Will he inform this House - (i) the extent of lands owned by government ii institutions within the Godakawela iii Divisional Secretary's Division, separately; (ii) the methodology followed in granting government lands within that Divisional iv Secretary's Division during period from the year 2005 to the year 2015; v (iii) the names of beneficiaries who obtained lands during the period concerned; and (iv) what methodology is followed when granting lands?

(b) If not, why? விைளயாuLwPைற ம~`{ இைளஞ} விவகாரqக€ அைமrசைரp ேகuட வினா: அ) (i) நலாuசி அரசாqகwதிy காலzபAதியி (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) இலqைக கிாிpெக~ நி`வனwதினா கிாிpெக~ (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) உபகரணw ெதாAதிக€ அyபளிzWr ெச|யz பuட பாடசாைலகளிy எvணிpைக யாெதyபைத\{; (ii) அzபாடசாைலகளிy ெபய}க€ யாைவ ெயyபைத\{; * சபாVடwதி ைவpகzபuட விைட : ( ேம~பJ ஒ‚ெவா^ பாடசாைலpA{ வழqகz * Answer tabled: iii) பuட கிாிpெக~ உபகரணw ெதாAதிகளிy ெப`மதிக€ தனிwதனியாக எ‚வளk ( i. . எyபைத\{; ii . (iv ) இzபாடசாைலகைளw ெதாிk ெச|ைகயி - ( a பிyப~`கிyற அளkேகாக€ யாைவெயy .. பைத\{; எதி}காலwதி நாuJ கƒடz பிரேதசqகளி - (v) ( b அைமxP€ள பாடசாைலகfpA கிாிpெக~ உபகரணw ெதாAதிகைள வழqAவத~காக iii. . அைமrF ேம~ெகா€f{ நடவJpைகக€ யாைவெயyபைத\{; iv. . அவ} இrசைபpA அறிவிzபாரா?

(ஆ) இyேற, ஏy? ( .

asked the Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs: ————————— (a Will he inform this House - * * Sனிைலயwதி ைவpகzபuL€ளP. (i) the number of schools for which cricket * Placed in the Library. equipment sets were granted by Sri Lanka 597 598

i 17.9.3 Cricket during the Good Governance Government; ii 17.9.3

(ii) the names of aforesaid schools; (iii) separately, the value of the cricket equipment sets provided to each aforesaid school; (iv) the criterion adopted in selecting aforesaid schools; and (v) the measures taken by the Ministry to grant ெவளிநாuL உறkக€ அைமrசைரp ேகuட வினா: cricket equipment sets to schools in difficult அ) ( ஆ{ திகதி உ€ளவா` இராஜதxதிர ( i) 2017.09.30 areas of the country in time to come? நியமனqகைள ெப~`€ள இலqைகயிy (b) If not, why? பிரைசக€ அலாத ஆuக€ யாவ} எyபைத\{; (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (ii) 2017.09.30 ஆ{ திகதி உ€ளவா` இராஜதxதிர (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) நியமனqகைள ெப~`€ள இரuைட பிரசாkாிைம\ைடய ஆuக€ யாவ} எyபைத\{; அவ} இrசைபpA அறிவிzபாரா? * சபாVடwதி ைவpகzபuட விைட : (ஆ) இyேற, ஏy? * Answer tabled: ( (i asked the Minister of Foreign Relations: (ii (a) Will he inform this House - (iii - (i) the names of persons other than citizens of Sri Lanka who have received diplomatic (iv appointments as at 30.09.2017; and (ii) the names of persons possessing dual (v citizenship who have received diplomatic appointments as at 30.09.2017? (b) If not, why? (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) ( .

* சபாVடwதி ைவpகzபuட விைட : * Answer tabled:

இலqைகz பிரைசயலாதவ}க€ ம~`{ இரuைடz பிரசாkாிைம\€ளவ}க€ : இராஜதxதிர நியமன{ ( (i NON -CITIZENS AND DUAL CITIZENS OF SRI LANKA: (ii DIPLOMATIC APPOINTMENTS 136/ (மாvWமிA மேனாs ேஹவாக{பலேக - மாvWமிA உதய பிரபாw க{மyபில சா}பாக) (The Hon.Manoj Hewagampalage on behalf of the Hon.

Udaya Prabhath Gammanpila) ( - 1 ————————— (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) * (The Hon. Speaker) * Sனிைலயwதி ைவpகzபuL€ளP. * Placed in the Library. 599 2020 600

தனி அறிவிwத Zல வினா QUESTION BY PRIVATE NOTICE ெபvக€ ம~`{ சி`வ} Pƒபிரேயாக{ SEXUAL ABUSE OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN ) (மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ) (The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) ) ) - 6 ) 6 " " " " " "" " " 6 "CIDactedunusually" " ) (மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) (The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa) ————————— * 1 11 ஆவணqக€ சம}zபிpகzபடவிைல. Documents not tendered. 601 602

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 . 1582 1599 1374 1384 1412 257201 749 614 525 670 640 42 36 29 28 41 . 1488 1361 1225 1332 1309 3861 3610 3153 3414 3402 . 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 305 273 220 252 1 . . 2 3 2 33 5 2 . 7 10 2507 25 23 2312 21 2849 2910 2694 2601 2387 . 2. 5. . . (மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ) (The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) . (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker)

. 3. (மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ) (The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) . (மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) (The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa ) (மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ) (The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) . - - . . 603 2020 19 604

(மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) (The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa ) 2020 (மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ) (The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) (மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) (The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa ) (மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) (The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa ) 14-17 (மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ) (The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) (மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) (மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ) (The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa ) (The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) - (மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ)

(The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) (மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) (The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa ) (மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ) (The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) (மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) (The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa )

(மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) (மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ)

(The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa ) (The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) -

- (மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ) (The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) II

2019 (மாvWமிA சம ராஜப@) (The Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa ) 2019 க.ெபா .த (உ.த.) பாீuைசயி சிwதியைடxேதாைர பகைலpகழகqகளி அTமதிzபத~கான Yைறைம METHODOLOGY FOR ADMISSION OF STUDENTS QUALIFIED AT 2019 G.C.E. A/LS TO UNIVERSITIES

(மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ) (மாvWமிA அRர திஸாநாயpக) (The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) (The Hon. Anura Dissanayake) 605 606

Z - - Z UG C - -

-- Z 607 608

Z - Z-

(மாvWமிA (கலாநிதி) பxPல Aணவ}தன - தகவ ம~`{ ெவAசன ஊடக அைமrச^{ உய} கவி, ெதாழிRuப{ ம~`{ Wwதாpக அைமrச^{) (The Hon. (Dr.) - Minister of Information and Mass Media and Minister of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation) Z- Z- Z- Z- 609 610

( Z- Z- 20192020

- i.

ii. - iii. - same level difficulty - HC/FR 29/2012 vii Z- 611 612

- - மாvWமிA அRர திஸாநாயpக) The Hon. Anura Dissanayake) - மாvWமிA (கலாநிதி) பxPல Aணவ}தன) The Hon. (Dr.) Bandula Gunawardane) மாvWமிA அRர திஸாநாயpக) The Hon. Anura Dissanayake) 613 614

(மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) Next, there is a Question of Privilege to be raised by the Hon. M.A. Sumanthiran. 2020 1 சிறzWாிைம: 2020 ெபz^வாி 16ஆx ேததிய


FEBRUARY, 2020 (மாvWமிA எ{.ஏ. Fமxதிரy) (The Hon. M.A. Sumanthiran) Thank you, Hon. Speaker, for permitting me to raise this issue today. I refer to an article published on page 13 of “Sunday Island” of 16 th , February, 2020 by one C.A. - Chandraprema, titled “Politics of the High Posts Committee of Parliament". Sir, I table* a copy of that newspaper article. Mr. Chandraprema is a nominee for the post of Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations in Geneva. This article, in its entirety, violates (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) the Privilege not only of myself as a Member of Parliament, but also of the Committee on High Posts and The Hon. Speaker) of the whole Parliament itself. While it is wholly improper for him to have written this article while he was awaiting clearance by the Committee on High Posts, the irony is that he speaks of a conflict of interest. I do not know this Chandraprema மாvWமிA (கலாநிதி) பxPல Aணவ}தன) personally and I have only heard of him in relation to his The Hon. (Dr.) Bandula Gunawardane) writings. He claims that some people have made allegations that he was part of a death squad that carried out extrajudicial killings. Having put the cap on, so to say, he does not even deny these allegations in his article, but merely says that one must ask the former Prime Minister whether he was ordered to carry out these killings, which include three lawyers. - - I state that this article breaches the Privilege of this House and urge you, Mr. Speaker, to take appropriate action against the said Chandraprema and the said newspaper. I also wish to draw the attention of the Hon. Minister of Foreign Relations, who is present in the House at the moment, with regard to this nomination of Mr. C.A. Chandraprema of all places to Geneva. Thank you.

————————— * * Sனிைலயwதி ைவpகzபuL€ளP. * Placed in the Library. 615 2020 616

point (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker)

(மாvWமிA ரtஜy ராமநாயpக) (The Hon. ) - சிறzWாிைம: 2020 ெபz^வாி 19ஆx ேததிய

“லqகாதீப” அறிpைக PRIVILEGE: "LANKADEEPA" REPORT OF 19 TH (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€)

FEBRUARY, 2020 (The Hon. Speaker) (மாvWமிA ரtஜy ராமநாயpக) (The Hon. Ranjan Ramanayake) (மாvWமிA ரtஜy ராமநாயpக) (The Hon. Ranjan Ramanayake) [ [அpகிராசனp கuடைளzபJ அக~றzபuL€ளP] [Expunged on the order of the Chair.] (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker)

vehicle (மாvWமிA ரtஜy ராமநாயpக) permits (The Hon. Ranjan Ramanayake) electricity bills [ [அpகிராசனp கuடைளzபJ அக~றzபuL€ளP] [Expunged on the order of the Chair.] (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) (மாvWமிA ரtஜy ராமநாயpக) (The Hon. Ranjan Ramanayake) ————————— (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) * * Sனிைலயwதி ைவpகzபuL€ளP. (The Hon. Speaker) * Placed in the Library. 617 618

(மாvWமிA ரtஜy ராமநாயpக) (மாvWமிA (கலாநிதி) பxPல Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. Ranjan Ramanayake) (The Hon. (Dr.) Bandula Gunawardane) - (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) (மாvWமிA அRர திஸாநாயpக) (The Hon. Anura Dissanayake) (மாvWமிA ரtஜy ராமநாயpக) (The Hon. Ranjan Ramanayake)

[ [அpகிராசனp கuடைளzபJ அக~றzபuL€ளP] [Expunged on the order of the Chair.] (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€)

(The Hon. Speaker)

(மாvWமிA (கலாநிதி) பxPல Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. (Dr.) Bandula Gunawardane) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) -

(The Hon. Speaker) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) (மாvWமிA அRர திஸாநாயpக) (The Hon. Anura Dissanayake) (மாvWமிA (கலாநிதி) பxPல Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. (Dr.) Bandula Gunawardane) - (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) 619 2020 620

(மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) - (The Hon. Speaker) (மாvWமிA அRர திஸாநாயpக) - (The Hon. Anura Dissanayake) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€)

(The Hon. Speaker) (மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ) (The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€)

(The Hon. Speaker) (மாvWமிA அRர திஸாநாயpக) (The Hon. Anura Dissanayake) (மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ) (The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) Okay, we are going ahead with the Debate. (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena)

(மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€)

(The Hon. Speaker) (The Hon. Speaker) That is what I am saying (மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ) (மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ) (The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) (The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) I have already given the Order that we are going ahead with the Debate. 621 622

(மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) (The Hon. Speaker) .. (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) Forensic Audit . R eport R eport details (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€)

But the (The Hon. Speaker) legality is being q uestioned So you have to give a R uling Let us go ahead. It was agreed; we are going ahead with the Debate. Sir; you have to tell us whether it is legal or not The H on

Speaker has to give a R uling - [Interruption] (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) . (The Hon. Speaker) . Then you can see the relevant

We are going ahead with the Debate. section.

(மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) (The Hon. Speaker) You can debate. - [Interruption. ] Wait! We have already agreed to go ahead with the Debate. So, allow the House to go ahead with that.

(மாvWமிA மqகள சமரjர) youmaygoahead. (The Hon. Mangala Samaraweera) You are frightened. (மாvWமிA மqகள சமரjர) (The Hon. Mangala Samaraweera) (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) - (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) We are not frightened. You should be frightened of what you have done. (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) . (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) We are going ahead with the Debate. So, that is over. (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) Please, allow me to go ahead with today’s Business. - (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) [Interruption. ] (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) I am on my feet. We are going ahead with the Debate. That is my Ruling. So, allow me to go ahead with - the Debate. I am allowing it to be debated. [ Interruption. ]

(மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) (The Hon. Speaker) now it is over. (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) . - 623 2020 624

(மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) (The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) (The Hon. Speaker) Order (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) You have to give a Ruling, Sir. - [Interruption. ] (மாvWமிA அRர திஸாநாயpக) (The Hon. Anura Dissanayake) (மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ) (The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) dose dose - (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) dose We are going ahead with the Debate. That is what I am dose saying. COPE (மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ) (The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) -

(மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) I have allowed to have a Debate (மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ) (The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker)

(மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) (மாvWமிA அRர திஸாநாயpக) (The Hon. Anura Dissanayake) (மாvWமிA சஜிw பிேரமதாஸ) (The Hon. Sajith Premadasa) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) Please allow me to go ahead with this. I am trying to do that. 625 626

(மாvWமிA (கலாநிதி) பxPல Aணவ}தன)

(The Hon. (Dr.) Bandula Gunawardane) பாராfமyற அம}k SITTINGS OF THE PARLIAMENT -

(மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. Speaker) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena)

" (மாvWமிA (கலாநிதி) பxPல Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. (Dr.) Bandula Gunawardane) "

(மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) வினா விLpகzபuL ஏ~`pெகா€ளzபuடP. (The Hon. Speaker) Question put, and agreed to.

II (மாvWமிA (கலாநிதி) பxPல Aணவ}தன)

(The Hon. (Dr.) Bandula Gunawardane) (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) " (மாvWமிA (கலாநிதி) பxPல Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. (Dr.) Bandula Gunawardane)

வினா விLpகzபuL ஏ~`pெகா€ளzபuடP. (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) Question put, and agreed to. (The Hon. Speaker)

(மாvWமிA (கலாநிதி) பxPல Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. (Dr.) Bandula Gunawardane) இலqைக F~றாடbய ெதாழி வdந}க€ நி`வக{ (BuJைணwத) - சuடZல{ INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL (மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) PROFESSIONALS, SRI LANKA (INCORPORATION) BILL (The Hon. Speaker) - Let me go ahead now [சuடவாpக நிைலயிய~ Ahவி] தி^wதzபuடவா`, சuட Zலwைதz பாிசீbwத~கான கuடைள வாசிpகzபuடP. Order for consideration of Bill, as amended (in the Legislative Standing Committee), read. 627 2020 628

(மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) பிைணYறி விநிேயாக{ ப~றிய தடயவிய கணpகா|வறிpைகக€ FORENSIC AUDIT REPORTS ON ISSUANCE OF TREASURY BONDS வினா விLpகzபuL ஏ~`pெகா€ளzபuடP. Question put, and agreed to. [ (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) (மாvWமிA வாFேதவ நாணாயpகார - நீ}வழqக வசதிக€ இராஜாqக அைமrச}) (The Hon. - State Minister of Water Supply Facilities) வினா விLpகzபuL, ஏ~`pெகா€ளzபuடP. அதyபJ, சuடZல{ தி^wதzபuடவா` Zyறா{Yைற மதிzபிடzபuL நிைறேவ~றzபuடP. Question put, and agreed to. Bill, as amended, accordingly read the Third time, and passed. - ஒwதிைவzW ADJOURNMENT (மாvWமிA திேனƒ Aணவ}தன) (The Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena) வினா எLwதிய{பzெப~றP. Question proposed.

(மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Speaker) Order, please ! அதyபிறA, மாvWமிA சபாநாயக} அவ}க€ அpகிராசனw தினிy` அகலேவ, பிரதிr சபாநாயக} அவ}க€ [மாvWமிA ேஜ.எ{. ஆனxத Aமாரசிறி] தைலைம வகிwதா}க€. Whereupon THE HON. SPEAKER left the Chair, and DEPUTY SPEAKER [THE HON. J.M. ] took the Chair. (மாvWமிA பிரதிr சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Deputy Speaker) selectively 629 630

point ForensicAudit R eports Forensic Audit R eports - Forensic report Forensic Audit R eports - If you will read it and be honest to yourself- (மாvWமிA மqகள சமரjர) -

- (The Hon. Mangala Samaraweera) Please quote it. In Direct

Placement you can do anything with it That is why I ordered auctioning Direct Placements (மாvWமிA வாFேதவ நாணாயpகார) auctions (The Hon. Vasudeva Nanayakkara) I cannot quote it because I do not have the particular here. (மாvWமிA அRர திஸாநாயpக) (The Hon. Anura Dissanayake) (மாvWமிA மqகள சமரjர) (The Hon. Mangala Samaraweera) But, those were tabled in Parliament. (மாvWமிA வாFேதவ நாணாயpகார) (The Hon. Vasudeva Nanayakkara) (மாvWமிA வாFேதவ நாணாயpகார) auction (The Hon. Vasudeva Nanayakkara) auction Direct Yes, but I do not have it here. Placements (மாvWமிA மqகள சமரjர) DirectPlacementauction (The Hon. Mangala Samaraweera) But you should have read it. (மாvWமிA வாFேதவ நாணாயpகார) (The Hon. Vasudeva Nanayakkara) Ihavereadit-Interruption Idonotwant 631 632 togointothismatter-Interruption like babies Letterof On Demand pageofForensicAudit R eportpreparedbytheBDO - theystateI q uote: "We accept no responsibility or liability to a Third Party to whom our Report may be shown or in whose hands it may come." (மாvWமிA மqகள சமரjர) (The Hon. Mangala Samaraweera) As a lawyer, you know that all those are legalistic jargon. (மாvWமிA அRர திஸாநாயpக) (மாvWமிA வாFேதவ நாணாயpகார) (The Hon. Anura Dissanayake)

(The Hon. Vasudeva Nanayakkara) - - (மாvWமிA வாFேதவ நாணாயpகார) (மாvWமிA பிரதிr சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Vasudeva Nanayakkara) (The Hon. Deputy Speaker) Orderplease (மாvWமிA வாFேதவ நாணாயpகார) (The Hon. Vasudeva Nanayakkara) U NP (மாvWமிA மqகள சமரjர) (The Hon. Mangala Samaraweera) COPE (மாvWமிA வாFேதவ நாணாயpகார) (The Hon. Vasudeva Nanayakkara) election Attorney- G eneral [ [அpகிராசனp கuடைளzபJ அக~றzபuL€ளP] [Expunged on the order of the Chair.] (மாvWமிA மqகள சமரjர)

(The Hon. Mangala Samaraweera) - (மாvWமிA வாFேதவ நாணாயpகார) (மாvWமிA பிரதிr சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Vasudeva Nanayakkara) (The Hon. Deputy Speaker) 633 634

(மாvWமிA மqகள சமரjர) (The Hon. Mangala Samaraweera) The Cabinet Memorandum states, I quote: [ [அpகிராசனp கuடைளzபJ அக~றzபuL€ளP] “His Excellency the President, in the exercise of the powers [Expunged on the order of the Chair.] vested in him by the provisions of the Commissions of Inquiry Act, No. 17 of 1948, issued a Presidential Warrant to investigate and inquire into and report with regard to Issues (a) to (j) on the matters - set out in the Schedule to the said Presidential Warrant...”.

(மாvWமிA வாFேதவ நாணாயpகார) (The Hon. Vasudeva Nanayakkara) [ [அpகிராசனp கuடைளzபJ அக~றzபuL€ளP] [Expunged on the order of the Chair.]

(மாvWமிA மqகள சமரjர) It was not an investigation initiated by the Central (The Hon. Mangala Samaraweera) Bank or the COPE. That came into being because of the recommendations of the Presidential Commission of - Inquiry, which was initiated by President at that time. - The five Forensic Reports are the outcome of that investigation, which were recently tabled in Parliament (மாvWமிA வாFேதவ நாணாயpகார) and have been debated on the Floor of this House for two (The Hon. Vasudeva Nanayakkara) full days. I am deeply surprised that responsible Members of Parliament and responsible Ministers of the Government are reading out the legalistic jargon in those [ Reports, which is always there in all such reports, to say [அpகிராசனp கuடைளzபJ அக~றzபuL€ளP] that even those Reports say that this is not correct. No. In [Expunged on the order of the Chair.] fact, these Forensic Audit Reports have been done by two of the best expert forensic companies chosen after careful scrutiny. These reports actually reveal so much about corruption in this country in the last 20 years and that is why, after one full day's Debate, the Hon. (Dr.) Bandula (மாvWமிA மqகள சமரjர) Gunawardane and other irresponsible Members of this (The Hon. Mangala Samaraweera) Government are now trying to sabotage even the Debate and stop us from debating and telling the country what is really there.

[ Sir, we remember that since 2015, the words “bond [அpகிராசனp கuடைளzபJ அக~றzபuL€ளP] scam” became a common term even in the Sinhala [Expunged on the order of the Chair.] language. bond scam” bond scam - Sir, in response to the intense public cry over the so bond scam called bonds scam, the former President appointed a Presidential Commission of Inquiry. COPE freeze - 635 636

(மாvWமிA அRர திஸாநாயpக) (The Hon. Anura Dissanayake) -

(மாvWமிA மqகள சமரjர) (The Hon. Mangala Samaraweera) H on Member you can speak bond scam later - Interruption thatwasmerelythetipofanicebergSir these five Forensic R eports reveal in detail the systematic plunderingofpublicfundsovertheyearsbyamafianetwork (மாvWமிA பிரதிr சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) of family and friends I will come to it I am not making (The Hon. Deputy Speaker) irresponsiblestatements 5 Over R s billion (மாvWமிA மqகள சமரjர) have been plundered under the stewardship of the then (The Hon. Mangala Samaraweera) G overnor Nivard Cabraal and the Monetary Board where If I can finish my speech - Interruption the then Secretary to the Treasury Dr PB J ayasundera a man for whom I have the highest respect was also a bond scam - member [ [அpகிராசனp கuடைளzபJ அக~றzபuL€ளP] [Expunged on the order of the Chair.] Employees' Provident Fund - EPF -

[ Sir, due to the limited time allotted to me, then I will [அpகிராசனp கuடைளzபJ அக~றzபuL€ளP] touch on Report No. 3, which sets out in detail how the [Expunged on the order of the Chair.] mafia family and friends pillaged the Employees’ Provident Fund. The English language, perhaps, does not have a suitable world for this. The word “pillage”, I think, choice is not enough to describe this grave crime. Perhaps, I should use the word “plunder”, plundering of workers’ - funds. Or even better, if I have the way, I will name this final Report by the KPMG, India on the EPF robbery as [ the “Rape of the Employees’ Provident Fund”. The [அpகிராசனp கuடைளzபJ அக~றzபuL€ளP] Employees’ Provident Fund had been raped [Expunged on the order of the Chair.] systematically over the five years and it had been done

by, as I said, a network of family and friends of the then (மாvWமிA வாFேதவ நாணாயpகார) Government. In fact, in this Report, there is a family tree. This is not some political concoction. (The Hon. Vasudeva Nanayakkara) This has been done by the company. There, you have Mr. , Governor from 2006 to 2015 (மாvWமிA மqகள சமரjர) and then, associated with HDFC during the same tenure (The Hon. Mangala Samaraweera) when some of these dealings took place were, S. Wickramasinghe, sister; Ravindra Balakantha Thambaiya, - - brother in law; Nihal Fonseka, cousin; Amal Cabraal, cousin and Shibani Renuka Thambiayah, niece. Those are just a few names of the family tree which started growing inside the Central Bank in order to spirit away the funds which were there for the working people of this country. bond scam Sir, I quote from Report 3:

"EPF is the Sri Lanka’s largest fund with assets worth approximately Rs. 2.29 trillion as of 2018 and monthly contribution - was Rs. 12 billion with over 18.2 million contributors from over

86,200 employers." 637 638

Investments were in major companies - nearly all of them contributed to the loss incurred by the EPF.

Many of the transactions associated with higher volumes and values of those companies have taken place in 2010 and 2011. When purchases were made by EPF, share prices were high and subsequently they came down in general. " "Therefore, had been violation of rules and deficiencies in the approval process for investment in banking and financial - - institutions. Investment in five banking institutions were made on This was the pump and dump policy of the then the directive of ANC with no prior approval of IC. Government. Again, I am quoting very quickly from this Report: EPF has invested its money in many companies including 19 companies, which were scrutinized indepth in the analysis. The losses were in the form of realized loss on sales or investment or "2. Key breaches occurred in the following: impairment loss recorded in EPF books. Investigation revealed that various activities in EPF, including EPF has invested a total sum of Rs. 150.8 billion in a total of 84 investment in trading or investment portfolio were performed listed companies. without express approvals or mandate in the IPS/ITG. Key deviations that were noted are: A total of Rs. 1,1042.63 million...... " - Portfolio level breaches and breach of individual security limit That is, approximately Rs. 1.1 billion. and trading limit. - Investment transactions without IC/MB approval. ".....has been invested in 17 unlisted companies after 1998. This investment has generated accumulative dividends of Rs. 6461.50 - Deviation from IC plan for execution of transactions. million as the net cumulative capital loss for the period Rs. 388.79 - million. Irregularities in addition of companies to the ASL. - Investments made without adequate analysis. Investment in a total of 84 listed companies with a total number of transactions of 4,886 during 2006 -2017. - Unsigned deal tickets and settlement sheets. - Investment in 15 companies has generated a loss of Rs. 9,198.50 Investment in unlisted equity without express provisions in million on 909 transactions....." IPS/ITG and approval of Monetary Board (e.g. investment of LKR 500 million in Sri Lankan Airlines in 2010, investment of LKR 1000 million for Sri Lankan Catering). - Investment of LKR 1539.44 million in five banking shares based on instructions/approval from the Governor during 2009 "...... and EPF has received a total of Rs. 955.45 million as and 2010.” dividends. " So, as I said, these five Reports actually warrant at least five days of debate in this House. This is one of the most shocking revelations the country has ever seen. That is why I say again that this Report should be named "There were over 4,800 transactions of investments above Rs. 10 the “Rape of the EPF” because it shows how the money million in over 80 listed companies during 2006 -2017, of which 193 of the poor working people of this country was were loss -making transactions. The total value of transactions was about Rs. 130 billion. systematically robbed, pillaged and plundered during the period when the then Governor Mr. Ajith Nivard Cabraal The upper limit for the investment in a company was 2 per cent in was in charge.

2001." Therefore, like in all other things, let us not debate this in the House, forget about it and then allow the same EPF things to continue happening, perhaps at an even faster pace in the future. I think rather than taking sides and trying to justify one’s own side, it is time that the country, as a whole, as the Hon. Anura Dissanayake said, get together at least now to ensure that such daylight 5 robbery of public assets do not take place in the future. they have broken those limits by investing higher amounts of EPF Thank you. fundsinmanycompanies (மாvWமிA பிரதிr சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Deputy Speaker) invest I q uote:

In some instances, EPF employees acted as counterparties to EPF trading transactions. Nobody noted the conflicts of interest and (மாvWமிA வாFேதவ நாணாயpகார) inappropriate benefits directly derived by those employees. (The Hon. Vasudeva Nanayakkara) EPF has invested in loss -making many companies over the years. 639 640

(மாvWமிA பிரதிr சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Deputy Speaker) (மாvWமிA வாFேதவ நாணாயpகார) ' ' (The Hon. Vasudeva Nanayakkara)

(மாvWமிA பிரதிr சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) -- (The Hon. Deputy Speaker) - 5 (மாvWமிA K.பி. ேஹரw) (The Hon. D. B. Herath) 5 5 55 5 5 5 55 5 EPF 5 5 641 642

அதyபிறA, மாvWமிA பிரதிr சபாநாயக} அவ}க€ அpகிராசனwதினிy` அகலேவ, மாvWமிA க. Pைரெரuணசிqக{ அவ}க€ தைலைம வகிwதா}க€. Whereupon THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER left the Chair, and THE HON. K. THURAIRETNASINGAM took the Chair. [ (மாvWமிA அRர திஸாநாயpக) (The Hon. Anura Dissanayake) 5 (மாvWமிA பிரதிr சபாநாயக} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Deputy Speaker) - - (மாvWமிA K.பி. ேஹரw) (The Hon. D. B. Herath) (மாvWமிA உதய பிரபாw க{மyபில) (The Hon. Udaya Prabhath Gammanpila) ஆேமாதிwதா} . Airbus Seconded. வினா விLpகzபuL ஏ~`pெகா€ளzபuடP. Question put, and agreed to. 643 644

- - Airbus airbuses - - SriLankan Airlines 645 646


EPF -- - (மாvWமிA தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Presiding Member)

(மாvWமிA அRர திஸாநாயpக) (மாvWமிA தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Anura Dissanayake) (The Hon. Presiding Member) 649 650

[ auction - - (மாvWமிA ஏ.J. Fசி பிேரமஜயxத - ச}வேதச ஒwPைழzW rotation இராஜாqக அைமrச}) (The Hon. A.D. - State Minister of - International Co operation) bids bidsbid- interest rate - bid auction -- -interestrate- -CommitteeonPublicAccounts - mandate A R F R share market Direct Placements interest rate EPFETF 651 652

(மாvWமிA ஏ.J. Fசி பிேரமஜயxத) -trialin absentia - (The Hon. A.D. Susil Premajayantha) (மாvWமிA தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Presiding Member) [ document

(மாvWமிA (கலாநிதி) ஹ}ஷ த சிவா ) (The Hon. (Dr.) ) - [ (மாvWமிA ஏ.J. Fசி பிேரமஜயxத) (The Hon. A.D. Susil Premajayantha) (மாvWமிA (கலாநிதி) ஹ}ஷ த சிவா ) (The Hon. (Dr.) Harsha De Silva)

- K PM G BDO blacklist (மாvWமிA தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}க€) BDO (The Hon. Presiding Member) K PM G affiliate BS R & Co leasing 653 654

company audit blacklist - face value - - - -primarymarket- losscalculatebase rate baseratecalculate weighted average cost fine-tune fine-tune Call COPE - footnotes - ————————— simple * Sனிைலயwதி ைவpகzபuL€ளP. * Placed in the Library. 655 2020 656

2 20 instructions PTL 20 20 20 20 0

20 0 0 200 - 20 20 - 20 200 200 Monetary Board approval document captive sources captive sources - NSB Fund Management Company Ltd Bank of Ceylon pump-and- - dump That is the problem W hen there is no transparency you do not know whether it is right or wrong 2 - listed - - unlisted - loss calculate EPF PC H ouse PLC EPF 0 G rain Elevators It is called a classic case of "inverted V" where pump-and-dump operated - 657 658

(மாvWமிA தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}க€) Perpetual Treasuries Limited (The Hon. Presiding Member) (மாvWமிA (கலாநிதி) ஹ}ஷ த சிவா ) commissions Evidence (The Hon. (Dr.) Harsha De Silva) Ordinance CID - - rogue ring If you study this sub j ect you will see a term called “rogue rings” These rogue rings operate in various markets rogue ring Canvil H oldings Pvt Ltd H yatt H otel ; CID (மாvWமிA தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Presiding Member)

[ - Thirteen times I brought this up in Parliament I spoke about G rain Elevators; I spoke about Laugfs G as PLC; I spoke about G aladari H otel; I spoke about PC H ouse PLC; I spoke (மாvWமிA லசxத அலகியவyன - அரச YகாைமwPவ about all these things ம~`{ கணpகீuL அdவக€ இராஜாqக அைமrச}) (The Hon. - State Minister of Public Management and Accounting) COPE ————————— * Sனிைலயwதி ைவpகzபuL€ளP. * Placed in the Library. - 659 2020 660

- 20 20 20 20 Perpetual Treasuries Limited 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 - - Dealing R oom 2 20 661 662

(மாvWமிA தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}க€) 20 (The Hon. Presiding Member) Perpetual Treasuries Limited அLwததாக, ெகௗரவ பாராfமyற உ`zபின} றkz ஹகீ{ அவ}க€. உqகfpA 15 நிமிடqக€ ஒPpகz பuJ^pகிyறன.

[4.50 p.m.] (மாvWமிA றkz ஹகீ{) (The Hon. ) Dealing R oom Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem . Hon. Presiding Member, for two days, we have been debating the Forensic Audit Reports on issuance of Treasury Bonds by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka presented by BDO India and KPMG Sri Lanka, working in conjunction with KPMG India, which have now been tabled for debate. Sir, despite there being questions raised by many Members of Parliament on the consistency of the Reports and certain other conclusions, especially those related to computation of losses, the Reports, no doubt, do lay bare glaring deficiencies. (மாvWமிA தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Presiding Member) Order, please! primary dealer (மாvWமிA லசxத அலகியவyன) (The Hon. Lasantha Alagiyawanna) (மாvWமிA றkz ஹகீ{) (The Hon. Rauff Hakeem) ஆேமாதிwதா}. Seconded. வினா விLpகzபuL ஏ~`pெகா€ளzபuடP. Question put, and agreed to. அதyபிறA, மாvWமிA க. Pைரெரuணசிqக{ அவ}க€ அpகிராசனwதினிy` அகலேவ, மாvWமிA (தி^மதி) oயாணி விேஜவிpகிரம அவ}க€ தைலைம வகிwதா}க€. Whereupon THE HON. K. THURAIRETNASINGAM left the Chair, and THE HON. (MRS.) took the Chair. 663 2020 664

relation to this is, which primary dealer scooped up all (மாvWமிA றkz ஹகீ{) these Bonds from the secondary market and were those (The Hon. Rauff Hakeem) also sold to the EPF later on when rates stabilized? Madam Presiding Member, I was referring to the Madam Presiding Member, I am of the firm view that the particular Forensic Audit Reports pointing out glaring general public deserves answers to these two questions. deficiencies relating to prudence, governance, accountability and transparency when it comes to Bond Coming back to the subject of my address, what is issues in this country. glaringly evident from the Reports is the callous manner the individuals politically exposed to the Government of Madam Presiding Member, my humble request to this the day, whether it be the previous Government, the last august Assembly is to act with responsibility as Government or the present rulers, have blatantly gone Representatives of citizens instead of trading accusations about manipulating the orderly working of the Central across the aisle and let us all collectively work towards Bank by influencing the highest officers of the Central ensuring that such blatant abuses of power and positions Bank to enrich a selected group of individuals at a great are not repeated. Now, it is a matter of pot calling the cost to the general public. kettle black. That is what we have been witnessing these two days. Every officer working for or holding post in the institutions identified, namely the Central Bank, the Whilst leaving the technicalities contained in the Governor, the Monetary Board and the Employees’ Report to be debated by professionals with competence, I Provident Fund, is a fiduciary. A fiduciary is legally will limit my address to purely focus on conclusions in defined as “a relationship in trust, especially in relation to the Report solely related to the role of the Central Bank of the trustee and the beneficiaries”. In the said instant, the Sri Lanka, the Governor, the Monetary Board and lastly, institutions identified are trustees of the citizens, who are the Employees' Provident Fund, Sri Lanka's largest social the beneficiaries. The duty of a fiduciary entails the security fund which manages the general public's social highest standard of care in equity or law towards the security contributions. beneficiaries, to whom the duty is owed. The highest standard of care requires a fiduciary to act prudently with Before I proceed further with my limited address on due skill, care, diligence and judgement in relation to the the identified areas, I wish to highlight to this august affairs of the beneficiaries. Madam Presiding Member, Assembly two glaring deficiencies in the Report. That is, the persons identified in the Forensic Audit Reports two vital areas the Reports have not addressed and which related to the institutions that I have highlighted are all deserve to be addressed. The first being the role of the professionals entrusted with trust under a fiduciary State banks in the two tainted auctions related to the relationship, who owe a fiduciary duty to the general alleged Bond Scam, from the Report, it is evident that the public, purportedly with competence to administer and State banks have consistently been the biggest source of manage monies belonging to the people of this country; liquidity providers to Government Bonds. in this instant, the Central Bank’s monies and the beneficiaries of the Employees’ Provident Fund. The Reports have failed not only to identify the causes for the State banks not participating in the two tainted This House should also take due note of the fact that auctions, but also to identify support for any justification in relation to administration and management of public provided for the absence of the State banks at these monies, globally the bar set for prudence in relation to auctions. Based on views expressed by market fiduciary duties is at a very high level. Coming back to participants, non -participation of the State banks was the the conclusions in the Reports, this august Assembly biggest contributor in the execution of this outright scam should take due note that, leave alone the prudent rule, through the two tainted auctions. Market participants are even basic rules of prudence through average skill, care, strongly of the view that the State banks, if they had diligence and judgement have been alien not only to the participated, would have scooped up a big majority of the individuals identified in the Report, but also to those at Bonds offered in the two tainted issues at much lower the Central Bank, the institution entrusted with statutory yields, close to market yields, thus preventing or responsibility to maintain economic and price stability significantly reducing the loss suffered by the and financial stability as an institution that enforces rules Government through these two issues. To date, there is no of prudence in the financial sector in the country and the justifiable basis or answers to support the non - Employees’ Provident Fund, a statutory body set up to participation of the State banks. manage a social security scheme, which is managed by the Central Bank. Madam Presiding Member, the second point is the loss caused to the general public because of the sharp spike in This, Madam Presiding Member, is a very sad state of yield rates after the two tainted auctions. Several attempts affairs for the country in general and the people in have been made to compute the loss suffered by the particular. Why did the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, which Government, but no attempt has been made to date to had, which has and which will have in the future the compute the secondary market loss suffered by the cream of high standard professionals with eminence general public who were holding bonds and who were stoop to such a low level? The Central Bank of Sri Lanka forced to sell due to the artificial spike in the market stooping to such a low level is a higher economic cost to yield, which resulted in margin calls by banks on their the people of Sri Lanka than the financial loss everyone is leveraged positions. The question that needs answers in attempting to compute through allegations across the 665 666

management team with fund management experience in place, similar to how pension funds are managed aisle. Yes, the financial losses being computed is very globally. It should be strictly governed by an investment significant, but the economic cost of allowing the Central mandate and the performance should be linked to clearly Bank to continue in its current state far outweighs that defined benchmarks. Potentially, the management team cost. could be incentivized for overperforming over a hurdle rate as a benchmark, similar to how pension fund Madam Presiding Member, I would like to once again managers are incentivized globally. This will enable the ask this House the question, who is responsible for this EPF not only to be efficiently managed, but also to current state of affairs? I will have to humbly admit that provide beneficiaries a better return. In evaluating the every Hon. Member of this House including you, Madam, EPF’s performance over the last 10 years, it is evident the the Speaker, myself, and everyone across the divide, is EPF have been providing beneficiaries a return very close collectively responsible for the current state of the Central to the long -term government bond yields. These Bank. We, as Legislators, have failed in our duty to bring beneficiaries, at the time of encashing these assets, are reforms to the Central Bank in line with the liable for tax and the tax adjusted return received by these transformations taking place globally. Our age -old beneficiaries would be less than the return they would legislations are a stumbling block for the Central Bank to have got, if they themselves invested these monies in achieve the high standards that this nation expects and long -term Government Bonds, and the interest income deserves from such an august institution. related to which is not liable for tax.

From the Forensic Audit Reports, it is blatantly Madam, the question I want to pose is, what is the evident that the culprits behind the Central Bank being benefit to the beneficiary from an independent institution pushed to such a low level are the politically exposed and managing its social security assets at a large cost to the aligned persons associated with the running of the Central beneficiary, if that institution is to provide a return less Bank. Madam Presiding Member, if we do not act now, than the return the beneficiaries could have generated on future legislators will once again be wasting the time of their own? Therefore, I also want to pose the question, is this Legislature, trying to unravel another calamity, the EPF really set up for the benefit of the beneficiaries potentially of a higher magnitude, at enormous cost to the or is it a mechanism for persons with political affiliations people of this nation. The answer to this puzzle is the to benefit in the guise of providing benefits to the independence of the Central Bank; the Central Bank beneficiaries? should be made constitutionally independent and autonomous in order to ensure that it is totally devoid of Sri Lanka’s private sector is on par with their global political influence. A Central Bank cannot be run by counterparts and the big players who are listed operate politically affiliated individuals whose decisions will efficiently within a regulated environment - look at our always be biased towards their political masters and blue -chip companies - within a transparent and aligned towards agendas with vested interest. The accountable regime, whilst generating and creating value Forensic Audit Reports provide sufficient evidence to to their shareholders. This segment of the private sector support this conclusion. Therefore, we can go on has not only professional expertise, but also access to a pontificating until the kingdom come, but we will not see transparent and accountable framework devoid of the dawn unless we act now. political influence and affiliations to administer and manage an operation like the Employees' Provident Fund Madam Presiding Member, every Hon. Member of within a governance -based, transparent and accountable this august Assembly has a bounden duty to act now and framework under a competent Board of Governors. make our Central Bank a constitutionally independent institution, an institution devoid of political influence. It Therefore, Madam Presiding Member, the question I is time for all of us to put aside political differences and want to pose to all of us is, should we continue to permit for once, act in the interest of our nation and make our politically affiliated individuals to callously profit out of Central Bank an independent, autonomous institution. Sri Lanka's largest social security scheme - this pumping - and - dumping operation, how long are we to tolerate? - Coming to the subject of the Employees’ Provident and deprive the beneficiaries of a return they deserve or Fund, the EPF is entrusted with statutory responsibility to should the EPF be reformed through the legislative manage Sri Lanka’s largest social security scheme. The structure by this House to put in place mechanisms for EPF manages assets in excess of Rs. 2.2 trillion as at the EPF to be managed by a professional management December, 2018. To put it into perspective, this translates team under the aegis of a professional Board of to US Dollars 12.8 billion or close to 15 per cent of Sri Governors with a governance -based, transparent and Lanka’s GDP, Gross Domestic Product! The Central accountable framework? That is the question I would like Bank is entrusted with the responsibility of managing this to pose. Therefore, it is time that we look at in a non - humongous asset base on behalf of the general public, the partisan manner and devise methods to make the Central majority being the private sector employees. The EPF is Bank an independent, autonomous institution. another institution which owes a fiduciary duty to the general public. The time is right for EPF to be managed Though the autonomy has been guaranteed by various independently devoid of political influence by a Board of legislations, continuous political meddling has messed up Governors consisting of officials from the Treasury, the the entire scene. The confidence in our main watchdog Central Bank and the private sector with a professional when it comes to monetary policy has also been affected 667 2020 668 due to this continuous and relentless bond scams that are being allowed to perpetuate the climate for profiteering - by various unscrupulous elements. Therefore, it is time - for us to take stock of these Forensic Audit Reports and take legal action against all those who were involved and also see that these two institutions are managed with much better professional management with a better legislation in place. Thank you. [0 (மாvWமிA இxதிக அR^wத ேஹரw - jடைமzW இராஜாqக அைமrச}) (The Hon. Herath - State Minister of Housing) COPE COPE - -

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வqகியானP Fயாதீனமாக இயqகாம அரசிய சா}ேபாL இயqகியதனா ஏ~பuட பாாிய விைளவாக இy` பிைணYறி ேமாசJயாக உ^ெவLwதி^pகிyறP. இxத நாuைட ஆfகிyற ஒ‚ேவா} அரசாqகY{ மwதிய வqகிைய ைவwPpெகாvL ஊழ ெச|வத~A Y~பL கிyறP எyபP இqA FuJp காuடzபuJ^zபைத நாqக€ அவதானிpகிேறா{. Aறிzபாக, 2015ஆ{ ஆvLpA Yyன} மஹிxத ராஜப@ அவ}கfைடய அரசாqக{ இ^xதP. அxத அரசாqகwதிd{ பிைணYறி ேமாசJ நைடெப~றP. 2015ஆ{ ஆvLpAz பிyன} ரணி விpகிரமசிqக அவ}கfைடய அரசாqக{ இ^xதP. அதிd{ பிைணYறி - ேமாசJ நைடெப~றP. இzேபாP விவாதிpகzபLவP - எyனெவyறா, இxத மwதிய வqகி சா}பாகz பிைணYறி ேமாசJ ெச|ததி யா} ெபாிய க€வ} எyபைதz ப~றிwதாy. அதாவP, அxதz ெபாிய க€வ} யாெரy` திைரேபாuLp காuLகிyற ஒ^ நிகkதாy இy` நைடெப~`pெகாvJ^கிyறP. ெபாPமpகளிy பணq கைளr FரvJயவ}கைளw தzபிpகவிடpBடாP எyபதி நாqகf{ உ`தியாக இ^pகிேறா{. ஆuசியி இ^pகிyற ஒ‚ேவா} அரசாqகwதின^{ தqகfைடய பதவிp காலwதிேல தqகைள ஊழகளி ஈLபLwதிpெகா€கிறா}க€. ஆனா, அxத ஊழக€ அவ}களிy ஆuசிp காலwதி மைறpகzபLகிyறன. பிyன}, இyேனா} ஆuசி வ^{ேபாP அவ}க€ எதி}w தரzபாக இ^xPெகாvL, தqகளP ஊழகைள மைறwP ஆf{ தரzபிy ஊழகைளr FuJpகாuLpகிyறா}க€. - 2015pA Yyன} பிைணYறி ெதாட}பி நைடெப~ற ஊழக€ சா}பாகz ெபாிதாகz ேபசzபடாத காரணwதினா தாy, கடxத ஜனாதிபதிw ேத}தbyேபாP ஐpகிய ேதசியp கuசி அரசாqகwதி~A எதிராகz பிைணYறி ேமாசJ ெதாட}பாகr சிqகள, ெபௗwத மpகளிைடேய Bறzபuட க^wதானP தீவிரமான க^wதாக எLwPpெகா€ளz பuJ^pகிyறP. ஆனா, மஹிxத ராஜப@ ஆuசிp - EPF - காலwதிd{ இ‚வாறான ேமாசJக€ இட{ெப~றி^pகிyறன எyபP இzேபாPதாy ெதாிய வ^கிyறP. ஆகேவ, இP ெதாட}பி சாியான விசாரைண நைடெபற ேவvL{. ஜனாதிபதி ஆைணpAhெவாyைற நியமிwP இxத ஊழ ச{பxதமாக விசாாிpகிyற நல ைகqகாியwைத ேம~ெகாvடP பாராuடwதpகதாA{. இலqைக நாuJேல பல ஆைணpAhpக€ நியமிpகzபLகிyறன. ஆனா, அxத ஆைணpAhpக€ அறிpைக சம}zபிwதP{ அP கிடqA களி ேபாடzபLகிyற தyைமையwதாy நாqக€ கvJ^pகிேறா{. இ^xதேபாதிd{ இxதz பிைணYறி ேமாசJ ப~றிய விடய{ இxதz பாராfமyறwதி விவாதwதி~A வxதி^zபP வரேவ~கwதpகP. உvைம யிேலேய, மwதிய வqகிையr Fயாதீனமாக இயqக விட ேவvL{. அரசிய சா}பிலாம அP இயqக ேவvL{. அzேபாPதாy அxத வqகியிyZல{ மpகfpAr சிறxத பயy ெசyறைடpBJயதாக இ^pA{. ெகௗரவ தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}கேள, இy` இxத விடயwைத இxதr சைப விவாதிpகிyறP. மpக€ [பி.ப. 5.27] சா}பாக ஆராய ேவvJய எwதைனேயா விடயqக€ இ^pகிyற நிைலயி , இதிேல கவன{ ெசdwதz பuJ^pகிyறP. இதைன வரேவ~கிyேறா{. ஆனாd{, (மாvWமிA சீனிwத{பி ேயாேக„வரy) கடxத \wத காலwதி இ`திpகuட \wத{ நைடெப~`p (The Hon. Seeniththamby Yoheswaran) ெகாvJ^xதேபாP, வட பAதியிேலயி^xP பிbயy ெகௗரவ தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}கேள, மwதிய கணpகான நிதிக€, பல பிbயy ெப`மதியான தqக வqகியி இட{ெப~ற பிைணYறி ேமாசJ ச{பxதமான நைகக€ தமிழீழ ைவzபகwதிb^xP இராNவw தினரா விவாத{ இy` நைடெப~`ெகாvJ^pகிyறP. மwதிய எLpகzபuLw ெதyபAதிpAp ெகாvLவரzபuடன. 673 674

நீvடகாலமாகp ெகாLpகzபடாம இ^xதP. இைவ ெயலா{ மwதிய வqகியிேல Yடqகிp கிடxதன. அவ~ைறp ெகாvLவ^வத~Az ெப^xெதாைகயான இy`வைர பல} அxத EPF ஐz ெபறYJயாத நிைலயி வாகனqக€ பயyபLwதzபuடன. அ‚வா` ெகாvLவரz இ^pகிyறா}க€. த~ேபாைதய அரசாqக{ அxத பuடன எy` சில} ஏ~`pெகாvJ^pகிyறா}க€. வாைழrேசைன ேதசிய கடதாசிp க{பனிைய இயpAவத~A அzபJயானா பிbயy கணpகான அxத நிதிக€ எqேக? நடவJpைக எLwP வ^கிyறP. அqேக ேதா ெதாழி~ பல பிbயy ெப`மதியான தqக நைகக€ எqேக? ஆனா , சாைல ஒyைற\{ நி`kவத~A Yய~சிpகிyறா}க€ எy` \wதwதா பாதிpகzபuL, இyT{ மீளp AJேயற நாy அறிxேதy. ஆனா , அxதw ேதா ெதாழி~சாைலைய YJயாம தவிwPpெகாvJ^pகிyற எqக€ உறkகளிy அqகி^pகிyற தமி மpக€ எதி}pகிyறா}க€. ஆகேவ , ைககfpA அவ}கfpAாிய நைககேளா அவ}கfpAாிய அதைன அqA அைமzபத~A எqகளா அTமதிpக நிதிகேளா ெசலவிைல. இைத ஆரா|வத~A ஜனாதிபதி YJயாP. இ‚வாறாக மpகfpA எதிரான நடவJpைகக€ அவ}க€ ஆைணpAh நியமிzபாரா? ஏெனyறா, அxதp ம~`{ ஊழகைளz Wாிவத~A அரசாqக{ இடமளிpகp காலwதி அவ} பாPகாzWr ெசயலாளராக இ^xதா}. BடாP. த~ேபாP அவ} ஜனாதிபதி . அxத வைகயி , அவ} அxத நடவJpைகைய ேம~ெகா€வத~A YyவரேவvL{. LRC காணி ெதாட}பாகk{ Bற ேவvL{. மuடpகளzW த~ேபாP அவ} இலtச{, ஊழ எyபவ~ைற ஒழிzபதி மாவuடwதிேல ெசqகலJz பிரேதச ெசயலாள} பிாிவிேல BJய கவன{ ெசdwதி வ^வP பாராuடwதpகP. எனேவ, கhவqேகணி எyற கிராமwதிேல தனியா^pAாிய 350 ஏpக} அவ} இxத விடயwதிd{ கவன{ ெசdwதேவvL{. ஒ^ காணி சqகிாிலா ேஹாuடdpA வி~கzபuJ^pகிyறP. நாuJ இலtச{, ஊழ இ^pAமானா , அxத நாuைடp ஆனா, தனியா} ஒ^வ^pA 350 ஏpக} காணி ெசாxதமாக கuJெயhzப YJயாP. இy` நாuJ பல Pைறகளிd{ இ^pக YJயாP. காணிr சீ}தி^wத ஆைணpAhr இலtச{ ம~`{ ஊழ இட{ெப~` வ^கிyறன. சuடwதிy பிரகார{ ஒ^வ^pA 50 ஏpக} காணிதாy அரசியவாதிகf{ அவ~றி பqகாள}களாகிyறா}க€, இ^pகலா{. ஏy, காணிr சீ}தி^wதp கuடைளr அரச அதிகாாிகf{ அவ~றி பqகாள}களாகிyறா}க€. சuடwதிyகீ அவரP காணிையr Fjகாிpகவிைல? 350 ஆகேவ, இவ~ைறw தைட ெச|\{ வைகயி இலtச{, ஏpக} காணிைய அவ} வி~பத~A எ‚வா` ஊழ ப~றிய ஆைணpAhைவz பலzபLwPதd{ அTமதிpகzபuடா}? இைவெயலா{ அரசியவாதிகளிy அவசியமான ஒyறாகp காணzபLகிyறP. ஆதரேவாL ெபாிய Yதலாளிக€Zலமாக இட{ெப`கிyறன. ஆகேவ, காணிr சீ}தி^wத ஆைணpAh அqA அPமாwதிரமல, இy` இxதz பிைண Yறி ேமாசJயி இட{ெப~றி^pகிyற ஊழைல உடனJயாகp கvடறிxP பqகாளராக இ^pகிyற அ}ஜுy அேலாசிய„ அவ}க€ நடவJpைக எLpக ேவvL{. இ‚வா` ெசய~பாLக€ மuடpகளzW மாவuடwதிேல கAடாw ெதாAதியிேல உ^zெப`{ேபாPதாy, அைவ பிைணYறி ேமாசJக€ A{W`Yைன எyற பAதியிேல பாாியெதா^ எதேனா ேபாy` மாறிz பாாிய ஊழகைள உvLபvண ெதாழி~சாைலைய அைமwதி^pகிyறா}. இxத எதேனா வழிவApகிyறன. ஆகேவ , இxத விடய{ ெதாட}பி ெதாழி~சாைல இவ} பிரrசிைனpA€ளான காலwதிதாy அரசாqக{ கவனtெசdwத ேவvJயP அவசியமாA{ . ஏ~பLwதzபuடP . இத~Ap கிuடwதuட 430 பிbயy நிதி ெசலவளிpகzபuடதாகk{ இதி இxதியp க{பனி\{ இy`, ேந~றல , கடxத அரசாqகwதிd{ ஊழ இைணxததாகk{ நாqக€ அறிகிyேறா{. இxத ஊழ காணzபuடP. ஊழக€ நைடெப~றதனாதாy சிqகள, சா}பாக ஆரா\qக€. அxத எதேனா ெதாழி~சாைல அxத ெபௗwத மpகளிடமி^xP நிராகாிpகzபL{ நிைலயி மpகfpAw ேதைவய~றP. அதனா அxத மpக€ அவ}க€ இ^xதி^pகிyறா}க€. அத~A Yxதிய மஹிxத பாதிpகzபடpBJய Gழ இ^pகிyறP. அqA வாhகிyற ராஜப@ அரசாqகwதிd{ ஊழக€தாy! அzேபாPதாy தமிr சZகY{ இ„லாமிய சZகY{ அதைன பல ஊழக€ நடxதன. ஆனாd{ , அxத அரசாqக{ எதி}pகிyறன. அதைன நி`wPqக€ எy` பல தடைவ சி`பாyைமr சZகqகளான தமிழ}கைள\{ இ„லாமிய} நாqக€ இxதr சைபயிd{ Bறிேனா{. அேதேபாy`, கைள\{ காuJ ெபௗwத, சிqகள தீவிரவாதwைதr சிqகள ஜனாதிபதிpA{ நாqக€ மகஜ} சம}zபிwேதா{. ஆனா, அP மpகளிட{ ெகாvL ெசy` வாpAகைளz ெப~` ச{பxதமாகp கவன{ ெசdwதzபuடதாகw ெதாியவிைல. வxதி^pகிறP. உvைமயிேலேய மஹிxத ராஜப@ இைடயி தைடzபuJ^xத எதேனா ெதாழி~சாைல அரசாqகwதி நைடெப~ற பல ஊழக€ ப~றி ஆராயz ேவைலக€ இzேபாP இரகசியமாக நைடெப`கிyறன. படவிைல. அxதp காலwதி இட{ெப~ற பல ேகாJp இலtச{, ஊழ எலா இடY{ இ^pகிyறP. ஆனா , கணpகான 'திவிெநAம' நிதி ேமாசJ ெதாட}பான ஊழ அதைன ஆரா|xP நடவJpைக எLzபத~Ap காலxதாமதிwP இyT{ ஆராயzபடவிைல. ஆகேவ , மஹிxத ராஜப@ வ^கிறா}க€. அ‚வாறி^xதா, இyTெமா^ ெசா~ப ம~`{ ரணி விpகிரமசிqக ஆகிேயாரP ஆuசிp காலwதி~Az பிyன} இxதz பாராfமyறwதி~A இxத காலqகளி இட{ெப~ற ஊழக€ ஆராயzபuL, விடயY{ ெகாvLவரzபuL ஆராயzபL{ எy` நாy A~றவாளிக€ சuடwதிy Yy நி`wதzபuLw தvJpகzபட நிைனpகிyேறy. ஆைகயா, ஊழக€ இட{ெப`{ேபாP ேவvL{ எyபதிேல நாqக€ கவனமாக இ^pகிேறா{. உடTpAடy அதைனw தLwP நி`wPவத~A{ ஊழவாதி கைளp ைகP ெச|P சuடwதிy Yy நி`wPவத~A{ இxத நாuJb^pகிyற தமிr சZகwைத ஒPpகிவிuL அரசாqக{ நடவJpைக எLpக ேவvL{. அரசாqகேம இxத நாuைட அபிவி^wதி ெச|ய உqகளா YJயாP, ஊழலாக மாறினா எxத ஊழைல\{ கvLபிJpக YJயாP. தமிr சZகwதி~A எதிராகr ெசய~பuLpெகாvL ஆuசி ஆகேவ , Aறிwத விடயwதிேல கவனtெசdwத ேவvL ெச|ய உqகளா YJயாP. இxத நாuJy X}jகp AJக€ ெமy` ேகuLpெகா€கிyேறy. தமி மpக€. இxத நாuJேல அவ}கfpAz Xரண உாிைமயி^pகிyறP. ஐpகிய நாLக€ மனித உாிைமz அwேதாL, வாைழrேசைன ேதசிய கடதாசிp க{பனியி ேபரைவ கடxத காலqகளி நைடெப~ற அநீதிகfpA கடxத காலqகளி ேவைல ெச|தவ}கfைடய EPF எதிராகz பல நடவJpைககைள எLwதP. Yyபி^xத 675 2020 676

அரசாqக{ அவ~ைற ஏ~`pெகாvJ^xதP. ஆனா , த~ேபாைதய அரசாqக{ அத~A எதிராக அதாவP அzேபரைவ Yyைவpகிyற விடயqகைள நிராகாிzபதாகp B`வத~A ஐpகிய நாLக€ சைபpAr ெசலவி^pA{ ெச|தி ேகuL ேவதைனயைடகிyேறy. இ‚வா` இ^xதா, ச}வேதசwதினா ஏ~பL{ பாதிzைப இxத அரசாqக{ COPE எதி}ெகா€ள ேவvJேய~பL{ . இxத விடயwதிேல தமி மpகfpAw Pைண ெச|வத~Ar ச}வேதசr சZக{ தயாராக - இ^pகிறP. தமி மpக€ எதி}பா}pகிyற நியாயமான ஓ} அரசிய தீ}ைவ அxத மpகளிy X}jக நாuJ ெப~`pெகாLzபத~A இxத அரசாqக{ தவ`மாக இ^xதா, இxத அரசாqக{ அத~A YuLpகuைடயாக இ^xP இqA ெபௗwத தீவிரவாதwைத விைதwPw தமிr சZகwைத ஒPpAமாக இ^xதா , இxநாuLw தமி மpகfpAr ச}வேதசwதிyZல{ நீதி கிைடwPவிL{. ஒy`பuட நாuLpA€ - ஒ^மிwத நாuLpA€ - பிாிpகzபடாத நாuLpA€ ஒ^ தீ}ைவz ெப~`wதா^qக€ எy`தாy நாqக€ நீvட காலமாகp ேகuகிyேறா{. ஆனா, நாqக€ ேகuகாத ஒ^ சிறxத தீ}ைவr ச}வேதச{ எqகfpAz ெப~`pெகாLzபத~A ேகாuடாபய ராஜப@ 200 அவ}களிy இxத அரசாqக{ வழிவAwPp 200 ெகாLpகவி^pகிறP . அzேபாP, அவ^pA வாpகளிwத சிqகள, ெபௗwத மpக€ தqக€ தைலயி ைகைவpA{ நிைலைம உ^வாA{. இைத நாy இxதr சைபயிேல B`கிyேறy. நாqக€ இxத நாuL மpக€ . நாqக€ ஊழb ஈLபLபவ}க€ அல}. மாறாக, அைத எதி}zபவ}க€. எதி}காலwதி மwதிய வqகி Fதxதிரமாக இயqக ேவvL{ . ஆகேவ , அqA பிைணYறி வழqகb இட{ெப~ற ஊழக€ 20 ப~றி ஆராயzபLவP வரேவ~கwதpகP. மwதிய வqகிையr Fயாதீனமாக இயqகவிLவத~A ஏ~ற வைகயி, அதாவP அP அரசிய சா}ப~ற நிைலயி இயqAவத~A ஏ~றவைகயி உாிய ஏ~பாLகைளr ெச|யேவvL{ எy` இxத அரசாqகwைதp ேகuLpெகா€கிyேறy. தமி 200 மpகைளz Wறxத€ளாதீ}க€ ! அ‚வாேற, தமி ெமாழிைய\{ 0 Wறxத€ளாதீ}க€ ! அ‚வா` ெச|தா, அைவ இxத 200 02 நாuLpA அபகீ}wதிைய ஏ~பLwP{ எyற ெச|திையp Bறி , விைடெப`கிேறy. நyறி. 20 22

(மாvWமிA அ^xதிpக ப}னாxP - F~`லா ேம{பாuL அdவக€ இராஜாqக அைமrச}) (The Hon. - State Minister of Tourism Promotion Affairs) (மாvWமிA தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}க€) 200 (The Hon. Presiding Member) 677 678

(மாvWமிA அ^xதிpக ப}னாxP) (The Hon. Arundika Fernando)

K PM G BDO blacklist BDO K PM G (மாvWமிA அ^xதிpக ப}னாxP) (The Hon. Arundika Fernando) blacklist (மாvWமிA காமினி விஜிw விஜயYனி ெசா|சா)

(The Hon. Gamini Wijith Wijayamuni Zoysa) 1 11 11 3 1991131 [ 4 1 1 1 31 (மாvWமிA காமினி விஜிw விஜயYனி ெசா|சா) (The Hon. Gamini Wijith Wijayamuni Zoysa) -COPE- 9 1131 679 19 680

1 14 1 1 1 31 - - 9 (மாvWமிA தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Presiding Member) (மாvWமிA காமினி விஜிw விஜயYனி ெசா|சா) (The Hon. Gamini Wijith Wijayamuni Zoysa) mechanism mechanism (மாvWமிA தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Presiding Member) (மாvWமிA தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}க€) (The Hon. Presiding Member) [ (மாvWமிA காமினி விஜிw விஜயYனி ெசா|சா) (The Hon. Gamini Wijith Wijayamuni Zoysa) (மாvWமிA மயxத திசாநாயpக) (The Hon. ) Debate 681 682

checks and balances -economicassassination- EPF EPF He, as the Prime Minister from 2002 to 2004, was very specific not to touch the EPF and ETF funds. EPF, ETF Madam Chair, issuance of licences for brokerages is also a serious issue. There has to be a mechanism which enables an independent body to look into the issuance of licences for brokerages. Licences for brokerages issue - - Therefore, we have to introduce a mechanism; there should be a mechanism to issue licences for brokerages. Also, there is an officials' mafia. When we point a finger at people, we must know that a lot of officials who have been appointed through political patronage are at fault. [ appoint the right person to the right places. (மாvWமிA ேஜ.சீ. அலவwPவல)

The Hon. J.C. Alawathuwala) deal COPE ———————————- ஆவண{ சம}zபிpகzபடவிைல. Document not tendered. 683 2020 684

20 20 (மாvWமிA தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}க€) The Hon. Presiding Member)

Order, please! 200 20 மாvWமிA அRர பிாியத}ஷன யாzபா - உ€ளக வ}wதக 20 ம~`{ பாவைனயாள} நலேனா{Wைக இராஜாqக அைமrச}) The Hon. Anura Priyadharshana Yapa - State Minister of

EPF Internal Trade and Consumer Welfare) 20 (மாvWமிA ேஜ.சீ. அலவwPவல) The Hon. J.C. Alawathuwala) 20 ஆேமாதிwதா}. Seconded . EPF வினா விLpகzபuL ஏ~`pெகா€ளzபuடP. Question put, and agreed to.

அதyபிறA, மாvWமிA (தி^மதி) oயாணி விேஜவிpகிரம அவ}க€ அpகிராசனwதினிy` அகலேவ, மாvWமிA மயxத திசாநாயpக EPF அவ}க€ தைலைம வகிwதா}க€.

Whereupon THE HON. (MRS.) SRIYANI WIJEWICKRAMA left the Chair, and THE HON. MAYANTHA DISSANAYAKE took the Chair. மாvWமிA சமy ரwனபிாிய) 20 The Hon. Saman Rathnapriya) 685 686

EPF lobby - EPF - Perpetual Treasuries Limited seize seize (மாvWமிA தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}க€) The Hon. Presiding Member) Perpetual Treasuries Limited licence licence licence (மாvWமிA (தி^மதி) oயாணி விேஜவிpகிரம) The Hon. (Mrs.) Sriyani Wijewickrama) EPF EPF - EPF - secondary market - secondary market - EPF 687 688

COPE (மாvWமிA தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}க€) The Hon. Presiding Member) (மாvWமிA தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}க€) The Hon. Presiding Member) மாvWமிA சwPர சxதீப ேசனாரwன) The Hon. Chathura Sandeepa Senaratne) மாvWமிA சwPர சxதீப ேசனாரwன) The Hon. Chathura Sandeepa Senaratne) Auditor -General abstain bond licence business registration certificate - - bond corruption - 689 690

- - - - (மாvWமிA தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}க€) (மாvWமிA தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}க€) The Hon. Presiding Member) The Hon. Presiding Member) You have only two minutes left. மாvWமிA ல†மy யாzபா அேபவ}தன) The Hon. Lakshman Yapa Abeywardena) -

மாvWமிA சwPர சxதீப ேசனாரwன) மாvWமிA சwPர சxதீப ேசனாரwன) The Hon. Chathura Sandeepa Senaratne) The Hon. Chathura Sandeepa Senaratne) மாvWமிA ல†மy யாzபா அேபவ}தன) (மாvWமிA தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}க€) The Hon. Lakshman Yapa Abeywardena) The Hon. Presiding Member)

மாvWமிA ல†மy யாzபா அேபவ}தன - தகவ ம~`{ ெதாட}பாட ெதாழிRuப இராஜாqக அைமrச}) The Hon. Lakshman Yapa Abeywardena - State Minister of Information and Communication Technology) - 691 692

එක 7 ෙලාව අ.භා. 6.30 ෙයV , අද >න සභා සHම ය (மாvWமிA தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}க€) අYව, ග Lලාසනාඪ මV&!මා .V )ශ්නය ෙනKමසා The Hon. Presiding Member) පා ෙHV!ව ක තබන ල?. You have to wind up, Hon. State Minister. පා ෙHV!ව ඊට අY6ලව, 2020 ෙපබරවා මස 20 වන ;හස්ප Vදා '.භා. 9.30 වන ෙත2 ක Qෙ[ ය.

மாvWமிA ல†மy யாzபா அேபவ}தன) அzெபாhP, பி.ப. 6.30 மணியாகிவிடேவ மாvWமிA The Hon. Lakshman Yapa Abeywardena) தைலைமதாqA{ உ`zபின} அவ}க€ வினா விLpகாமேலேய பாராfமyறwைத ஒwதிைவwதா}. அதyபJ பாராfமyற{, அதனP இyைறய தீ}மானwPp கிணqக, 2020 ெபz^வாி, 20 வியாழpகிழைம Y.ப. 9.30 மணிவைர ஒwதிைவpகzபuடP.

It being 6.30 p.m., THE HON. PRESIDING MEMBER adjourned Parliament without Question put. Parliament adjourned accordingly until 9.30 a.m. on Thursday, 20th February, 2020, pursuant to the Resolution of

Parliament of this Day.


உ`zபின} தமP உைரயிy இ`திz பதிzபி~ ெச|யவி^{W{ பிைழ தி^wதqகைள தமP பிரதியி ெதளிவாகp AறிwP அதைனz பிைழ தி^wதzபடாத பிரதி கிைடwத இ^ வாரqகf€ ஹyசாu பதிzபாசிாிய^pA அTzWத ேவvL{.


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ஹyசாu அறிpைகயிy பிரதிகைள இல. 163, கி^லzபைன jதி, ெபாேஹyெகாட, ெகாh{W 5இ அைமxP€ள அரசாqக தகவ திைணpகளwதிy அரசாqக ெவளி[Lக€ அdவலகwதி பண{ ெசdwதிz ெப~`pெகா€ளலா{.

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