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A-f' : r l.if' 2l It ir " EST9 1900 VOL. XIX.. 19U. YEAR, No. DUNCAN. B. C.. THURSDAY. .‘^F.I'TKMBER25tli. 1919. n tlJO Yetrir. ia AdTuea GOD BLESS THE PRINCE OF WALES Heir To British Throne COWICHAN GREETS HIM COWICHAN FALL FAIR In Duncan Tomorrow Thehour of arrivml ia Duncan Splendid Showing Of Livestock —Excellent Peerage of the United Kingdom. ■morrow of H. R. H. the Prince of Duke of Cornwall in the Peerage of ■Wale# ii 10.20 a.m., and not IIJO as Entries In All Classes. EngUnd, Duke of Rothesay. Earl of announced last week. He ia scheduled Carrick and Baron of Renfrew in the to remain here ten minutes. Peerage of Scotland. Lord of the Isles The Cowichan Fall Fair, the Vic With a limit of forty babies some The proclamalion by Mayor Pitt and Great Steward of Scotland. K.G., tory Exhibition. Ls here at last. Once parents may havehung back, but it is outlines the programme. This has G. M.M.G.. M.C. etc., etc. again the Agricultural Hall is a veri- satisfactory to know that the limit been in the hands of a committee May it please Your Royal Highners: table hive of indu-iry, the result of ha« been reached save three. This headed by the mayor and represent We. the residents of the Electoral which will he seen tomorrow in an ar will again prove one of the most in ing thecity, municipality, unorganised District of Cowichan, being loyal anil ray of exhibits which have scarcely district. G. W. .V. A.. Cowichan Agri teresting features of the fair. The dutiful subjects of your Royal Father. ever been siirp.issed in the long his cultural Society, and themember for b.-iliies mostly come from the district, H. M. King George V„ bid you the tory of the Society. Cowichan. , but Xjadysiiiiih, Nanain.o and Vic heartiestwelcome to thecity of Dun- Entries closed last Saturday. The At their meeting on Wednesday, toria, are here to compete for the m. grand total is no les^ than 2.085 in the honours. arrangements were made that the In theGreat Struggle, now happily twenty divisions provided in theprise Those miniature fair#in themselves, prince, on arrival, will be greeted by ended, in whichYour Royal Highness- i«. Thu IS 4(V1 bcMcr than m 1916; .hedistrict exhibits,will develop keen Mr. K- F. Dunean. M.L.A.. Mayor devotion and seriTcc hasbeen marked 120 mote than in 18D; and is only competition although theirnumber is Pitt. Reeve Mutter. Mr. J. Maitland- by us with pride and admiration, this overshadowed by the 2.m entries at I„.i three. .-tahtlam. winner of the Dougall. government agent, and Mr. district of Cowichan hasgood reason theJubilee lair last year. :,rophy last year, is bent on repeating Hu^ Savage, president. Dunean 10 claim that from its borders i In thesedays oi gasoline traction it its victory. Somenos i, hoping to Board of Trade and .Associated Boards forth to war a greater percentage of _ not surprising that the horse cn-'profit by last year’s experience, and of Trade of Vancouver Island. the population than was the case in tries show a falling off. but there is|Clenora i- no, saying anything for .At the Agricultural Hall the prinec other disirici in Canada, let-up in theentries for theclasses premature puhlica'tion!' will be received by Mr. C. J. V. Spralt. lut of a total of some five thousand which provide undiluted enjoyment on president of the Cowichan Agricul- Many Attractions souls, including native Indians and Saturday afternoons at the fair. tural Society, Mr. E. W. Paitson, vice- One of themost attractive features Orientals, a known twelve hundred, The live Mock will again be a great president, and directors. of the fair will doubtless hethe first and a possible fifteen hundred volun feature of the show. The total cn- The Cowichan G. W. V. A. are visit of an aeroplane to the district. tarily answered the call of duty. Of trijs of cattle, sheep, pigs and goats «p.o. IF—. -- ............. o ___ _____ Lieut. WL H. Brown wil pilot Path- »•'>“ ”« Iki. .t l.».tone hundred and great as last year. Practically ' OUR FUTURE KING No. 2 from Victoria under the -hieh w, appear "Weleomh to onr Sft, ,hel, In the Great all the stock is exhibited by local ----- Comrade ” It la eapeeted that at Cause." auspices of the Aerial League of Can ada. He will arrivc at 10.30 tomorrow least one hundred relumed soldiers Your brief pasuge through theeast Bigger Entries win be on parade. Tk. I i” J u ' J morning, and after a few prcliminan- ern portion of Cowichan will serve to Th..l,„pb,„dc„h.v,l.,ri«pto |„j i„ , J .Accommodation will be provided AKE IIF^RATEU | LOYAL JXDIANS show Your Royal Highness how rich ,,pcm..on, wph . fill, PC, for groups of Cowichan Indians. Brit ly Nature has endowed this land Cowichan Officers Receive Crosses Propose To Present Address —In War .,p„ ,h„ 1.,, y,„. A I,.- p|.„ J, ^ ‘ ish East Indians (including SikhiL which the Indians named C< Ero m Prince . ^ Cance Races TheCowichan Women ’s Institute and "Warmed by the Son. ” Its opportuni Cowichan I. O. D. E. will be repre Among those who were decorated | T1,c cTTo'uiclian will be ties. its pleasant climate, its scenic sented also in groups. Theguard of Lieiit. Brown will g beauties, delightful bays and water yesterday morning in \ icioria. by [present in large numbers tomorrow to honour will heunder Lieut. Col, A. E. H.R.H. thePrince of Wales, was Capl.jgrm H.k I|. ilie Prince of W ales at -ZuV'!; fzzzzzcrcdiiable ,.f pver the fair grounds.... c.. ways. lovely inland lakes, fir-clad Hodgin.1. R. C- liamnglon Foote. Tlielis Island, i Duncan. both tom.-irow and Saiurilay afier- mountains, and its unrivalled altrac- Mr. Dunean will present theaddress. D.iiry products and honey cla.-sc* noon.s. lions in sport of all kinds, have drawn wh_o rceetced tl.c .Military Cr..-s. j Main- of ibcru have been absent .... Thiswas written by a local man and have brought out an excellent entry, The priiicip.-vl aim in the visit of the . of almost purely • -aim- dtslmciion was conferred ; w.irk elsvwlicre. but a few dav- a-r, hsis been beautifully prepared and il deiiu.n.-lriitiiig ihc gr..wih i.n.evkee[.- Luilirinder is .bm-.n-traie the ea- British slock, many of whom have reiatne m Li.-ut. L. A. Welsh.; they! ibat net only woidd they luminated by Mr. E. B, McKay. That ing in the di-lrict. The field and gar- i.:i).iHiy ..f aircraft to earrv enough vervcil the British Throne in many Crofton. who was killed on October ; personally vu lcmc the royal visitor it is one of the c.xampics of den produce display.* are both tmmer- pa-enuer. to p.-.v e\i» nses pans of our far-fiung Empire. |9tli of last year while leading a cliargc [hut tirev w.mid al-o hand in an t art ami lettering the prince has re and dncrsifie.l. The nuality is j-assen.-er- will be l.-iken up at a Von will note evidence of Ion a nest of German machine gims’ Jr.-s of greeting and loyalty. ceived not too bold an assertion. c.n*.ders the sea- ,i,„^ development of our vast limber [near l.a Caicau. | This address lias lieen siil.mitled .1.11 mimiies. Sliiniing com . $5 extra. The address is on fine paper and is and of He earned the Cross for bravery Gen. ral I.eekic and will doubtless be Iinee again the pos-d.ilities of the[ M. ml.ership in the league co-i- 825: contained within a Grecian border bilities. Westward.Irom^hiTI and vM-!*"*' eoiiuriMcd. It was composed entirely withthePrince of Wales feathersand mule pack train, llth Canadian In dt-triei are dcm-msiraled in the ctj-dife imml-er-bip. .-arrying flying privi- ley, mineral wealth is being v n. It by iliv hulinns tliviii>dvv- and motto introduced in thetop left hand fantry Urigade. in the I’asschendavlc eetlenec of the fruit display. The leges, Slo'l. hope and aim that this Jcvrlop- wrillvn ami translalril by David Sit- corner. Along the top border is ladies ’ and girls ’ e!as.,e* have again I for niay so increase that homes and svcimilt. Ii is signed on l.dialf of ilie row of interleaved maple leaves in the In \'ane<iuvcr on Monday thePrince .Irawn .y-cruab e host ..f compe, ,u.neselvc.s in another column, have livelihoods may he provided for ihons- Cowichan Indian-, by Chief Sahalton. centre of whichare depicted theUnion ands of iho-e who. having risked all ‘>««rated 1-icut. H. Neville Compion. The floral .............. arc just a, ion withthe ands of ibo-c who. havii Tlic water sport* at the Gorge. Vic Jack and Canadian flag, draped behind . last .ve.-.r. w^^^ the ar, ,,„,y ..verything p.issiMc has been in the Great War. may here find that''«il'<«lmv. with the Dis toria, next Saturday, will draw many the shield of arms of the province, .li.Mi show-, biilc iriiling off. contented employment or rest they so iFlying Cross. He gained of the bit-al iribr* In tlie gri -b-iie by Mr. \V. W'aldon. manager, to surmounted by the royal crown and Excels Last Year well deserve. <J's‘invtion for a good flying canoe race Cowiclvn will be repre ensure siiecex for ilie annual har ■with themottoes: "Splendor Sine Oc- In bidding YourV RoyalD I Highnessu- u record extending over fifteen months.