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Of FRIDA Y, the 2nd of JUNE, 1916. tig

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CENTRAL CHANCERY OF THE ORDERS Rear- Herbert Leopold Heath, OF KNIGHTHOOD. M.V.O. Rear-Admiral Montague Edward Browning, Lord Chamberlain's Office, M.V.O. St. James's Palace, S.W., Rear-Admiral Hugh Evan Thomas, M.V.O. Rear-Admiral Sir Robert Keith Arbuthnot, 3rd June, 1916. Bart., M.V.O. The KING has been graciously pleased, on Rear-Admiral Trevylyan Dacres Willes the occasion of His Majesty's Birthday, to give Napier, M.V.O. orders for the following promotion in the Most Captain William Edmund Goodenough, Honourable : — M.V.O., A.D.C., R.N.. (, 2nd Class). To be an Ordinary Member of the Military Captain Lionel Halsey, C.M.G., A.D.C., R.N. Division of the First Glass, or Knights Grand (Commodore, 1st Class). Cross, of the said Most .Honourable Captain Edwyn Sinclair Alexander-Sinclair, Order:— M.V.O., A'.D.C., R.N. (Commodore, 2nd Admiral Sir George Astley Callaghan, Class). G.C.V.O., K.C.B. Captain Drury St. Aubyn Wake, R.N. (Com- modore, 2nd Class). The KING has been graciously pleased, on Captain George Cuthbert Cay ley, R.N. the occasion of His Majesty's Birthday, to give Captain Alfred Ernie Montacute Chatfield, orders for the following appointments to the C.V.O., R.N. Most Honourable Order of the Bath, in recog- Captain Alfred Astley Ellison, R.N. nition of the services of the undermentioned Fleet Paymaster Montague Stephens, R.N. Officers during the War: — Fleet Paymaster Walter Gask, R'.N. Engineer Captain Fred Hore, R.N. To be Additional Members of the Military Engineer Captain Donald Percy Green, R.N. Division of tJie Third Glass, or Companions, Fleet Surgeon Ernest Courtnev Lomas, of the said Most Honourable Order:— D.S.O., M.B., F.R.C.S. (Ed.), R.N. Vice-Admiral Reginald Godfrey Otway -Colonel • Cecil Alvend FiteHerbert Tupper, C.V.O. Osmaston, R.M.A.