30 Workshop on Project "Tringa glareola 2000" and Seminar "Research on Wader Migration in Poland"- 21-22 November 1998, Gdynia, Poland. Magdalena Remisiewicz& Mateusz Sciborski Remisiewicz,M. & Sciborski,M. 1999.Workshop on Project"Tringa glareola 2000" andSeminar "Research on WaderMigration m Poland"- 21-22 November 1998, Gdynia, Poland.Wader Study Group Bull. 89:30 - 31 MagdalenaRemisiewicz & MateuszSciborski, Waterbird Research Group "KULING", c/o Dept. of VertebrateZoology and Ecology,Univ. of Gdansk,al. Legion6w9, 80-441 Gdansk,Poland,' E-mail.'
[email protected] The WaderStudy Groupprogramme (Poland)by the WRG "KULING". keen "KULING" bird-ringers "Tringaglareola 2000", co-ordinated During the meeting,participants from succeededin catchinga male Mallard, by the WaterbirdResearch Group Poland, Sweden, Romania, Estonia and triumphantlygiving it the name "KULING" has developedremarkably Ukrainepresented the resultsof pastand "Conference". Other attractions sinceits startin 1997. Its main purpose, presentstudies on the speciesin their providedfor the guestswere two to definethe migrationroutes of Wood countries. A common set of exhibitionsprepared especially for the Sandpiperand investigate its migration measurements to be taken from Wood workshop.The "Museumof WRG strategy,seems to be met by the Sandpiperswas agreed,including new KULING" presentedhistorical pieces of methodsused. They include:colour measures(primary wear, fat score)to be equipmentused during fieldwork or ringing,dyeing, counts and tested.Topic groups, expressing specimensreferring to important observations(for more detailed individualinterests in analysing momentsin the historyof the group descriptionof the project- seeWSG particularproblems; migration (someof the exhibitswere 15 years Bull. 84: 21-22). The network of sites dynamics,recoveries, biometrics, moult, old). The other was a collection of contributinghas been growing refuelhngstrategy, were established.