www.defra.gov.uk/rural/horses A report of research on the horse industry in Great Britain The Henley Centre March 2004 British Horse Industry Confederation A report of research on the horse industry in Great Britain Prepared by the Henley Centre Commissioned by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the British Horse Industry Confederation, with the National Assembly for Wales and the Scottish Executive March 2004 www.defra.gov.uk/rural/horses Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Nobel House 17 Smith Square London SW1P 3JR Telephone 020 7238 6000 Website: www.defra.gov.uk © Crown copyright 2004 Copyright in the typographical arrangement and design rests with the Crown. This publication (excluding the logo) may be reproduced free of charge in any format or medium provided that it is reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading context. The material must be acknowledged as Crown copyright with the title and source of the publication specified. Further copies of this publication are available from: Defra Publications Admail 6000 London SW1A 2XX Tel: 08459 556000 Email:
[email protected] This document is also available on the Defra website (at www.defra.gov.uk/rural/horses). Published by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Printed in the UK, March 2004, on recycled material containing 80% post- consumer waste and 20% totally chlorine free virgin pulp. PB 9255 Contents Contents Executive summary 1 Establishing the industry baseline 1 Identifying and addressing key strategic issues 3 Developing a methodology for Stage Two 4 1. Introduction 5 1.1 The horse industry strategic initiative 5 1.2 Stage One: The horse industry research project 5 1.3 A note on the structure of the final report 6 1.4 A note on our research 7 1.5 A note on terminology 8 2.