Joel Salsman, Piano the Boelns Company Tom and Lorraine Sakata E
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J University of Washington S;:L ~ administrative leader as well. who served as Associate Director and Acting 1HE SCHOOL OF MUSIC Director of the School of Music. t~f&f.l 131 J.J..O presents distinguished alumnus tI-I'1 FRIENDS OF MUSIC LlFETlMB FRIENDS Alan T. RubellSOn John Lansdale Cheater and Marion BealB Mrs. John S. Robinson Laurence and Rosalie Lang Renee C. Ries and Richard T. Black Toby Saka and Manin Oreen Byron and Sharon Lapin Joel Salsman, piano The Boelns Company Tom and LorraIne Sakata E. Keith and Joan O. Larson Brecbemin Family Foundation Irwin and Barbara Saraaon Jobl! and Julia Liebe8kind Naney A. Cleminaha.. Gordon and lillian Somerville Thomas and Susan Lind Edward J. Conlon Samuel Stroum Charlotle Lilt David and Jane Davia Naomi S. Wilson Oary LouIe performing works by Emeritus Composers Meade and Debcnh Emory William P. Malin Rlehard and ludlth BVlW CONTRIBuroRS ($!lO-$249) Sally Mann William and Ruth Oerberdin& Georae and Lorna Aagaard CorneU and Virginia Mucu Mrs. Charles T. OriCfes Oeogce H. AIIiaon Marino Inlemational L. P. and Barbara Himmelman Phillip and Ruth Backup Simon R. Mauro Mrs. Ward D. Ingrim Oeorge and Barbara Hannula Charles and Alice McGregor November 19. 1997 8:00 PM Brechemin Auditorium Eswe of Demar Irvine Sean BeMel! Ann Cheri McLaugbiin Lutber and Caml Jones Lisa Bergman and Dayid F1uhany Donald and Renale McViuie Hans and Thelma Lehmann rol Margaret Bonltam Roger and emily Moe Ed and Charissa LiuJer.. ld wman Elaine and Joseph Monsen Barry Charles McCord George Bozarth Manin and Bemice Rind Donald and Linda Miller Ruben and Flo",""" Bridgrortb Jon R. Nelson PROGRAM Aura BoneIl Morrlson Marilyn Brockman Emanuel M. Papper Bernlce Mossafer-Rind Foundation Marshall and Jane Brown Julian Patrick (There will be no intermission) ArIhur and Helen Neaa RubertK.Brown Stolt and Jane Petel!ion Mrs. John F. Newland Martha Ann Cardell Fevrel W. Pratt *WorldPremiere CornellllS and Oloria Peck Rubert and Mary Oeland Helen T. Prillaman Donald and Camlyn Rowland Daniel and Susan Cook Carl and Marlan Pruzan - ~".,1Z5- Rvj)/vr Mc.~b.e.. (-r;;p....) Dale and Alicia TbompllOn lohn and B1canor cowen Jean Fosler Radford Rlchnrd and [);ana Thompaon Carl and Katherioe Crosier Bli1.8betb A. Raleigh *Sonatine for Piano (1962): .• ;1' ....... George Frederick McKay Ruth S. Waters Ale. Jr and Norma Cujin; Dale and Calherine Reynolds David Wilcox William and Helen Dahlberg Juanita RIchards Allegro (intense. animated" %;2.11 ) (1899-1970) Marilyn Daniels Randall and WiD. Jane Rockblll SPONSORS ($1.000-$\1.999) lohnDarbY Fred and Francea Rogers Andantino espressivo Mrs. William Bergsma Clyde and Alvaro Deal Oyde and Moreland Rollu Dr. Roherta Brockman Ernest and Barbara Dietrich Cornelius and Penny Rosse Allegro moderato. brioso e ritmica Dr Olenna Bunner Stuart L. Du Pen Ralph and Colleeft Roslnbum Alfred and nllie Shemanski Fond EasIalde FederalCd Mosie Oub l'IIOmas and Charlotte Roaier and Shanta OanlOUi John S. Edwards Waller and Lida Roublt Ann and Oordon Oeuy Foundation Ralph and Fredell Eichhorn Kenneth Rudolf ,; *Suite for Piano (1995 ..( ............................ Gerald Kechley Karen Koon and Brad Edward. Helen O. Bisenbers Clara Ryan Theodore L. Marka Roben Elwood Caml R. Scon-Kassner Prelude 16 ;31-) (b. 1919) lames and Dorothy McArlhut Harold and Oeraldine Fardal Seattle Opera Association John and Jessie Paterson Bruce and Mary Ann Flynn Daniel and Sbennalayne Szuz Sarabandel MelviUe and Mary Price lohn and Jerol·Ann 0aI1U<d Jerrold and OeraIdine Sberson Oustav and CWre Raaum Broce Gillies and J. Denise Wells Lucy Sidener Steve and Laurel Samuelaon John and Dorothy Givens Bela and Yolande Slti Starbucks Coffee Company Neal D. Oordon Alben and Fannie SiI.-et·MilIer Donald and Oloria Swiaher Karen Gottlieb Dr Debbra Sirmans Raymond and Eleanor Wilson Gordon K. Orant Felix Skowronek (G\:'';> A WiDow Foundatioo Edward and F1urence Gross Arthur and Janice Stamey Loren and Muriel Winterscheid Daniel J. Hxeck Steven S. Staryk -Re.W... /l..5"6/orto...Swlshey (Lf;/(J) e Dorothy L. Harwond Dr John and Maxine Oof1on..Stewan SUPPORTERS ($2»$999) OeraId and Harriette HarUey Manin A. Steele Four Pieces for Piano (1954) (.......................... Jooo Verrall Lois Bxron Dorthea C. Hawley Elizabeth Sullivan Stanley and Barbara Beelham Ernest and Elaine Henley Jean P. S..1IIIllOII Prelude 7; 37) (b. 1908) Niranjall and SbanIha Benegal Rebecca Henderson Valerie Ann Taylor Nonnan and Marcia Calvo Randolph and Dorothy Hokanson David and Margaret Thouleaa Lament Amy Carlson and Kalman Brauner lam.. and Jayne Holland Raben and Vondean Thompaon Chu-Ping Chang Raymond W. Houde Dr. Randall Uyeno Dance Laura lun-Ung Chang Barbara Howell Clarice Van Biber Bill and 10Anne Deacon O. Tucker and Charmly Ingham DIanne Van Toccata Thomas and lean Frigell William F. Inn..,ber WilUam and Pamela Vokolek lennifer and Thomas Goolsby Vincent M. lolivet James and Shamn Warah Barbara Howell Rubert and Jerri lones Christie Wataon Micbael and Beret Kischner Abraham Kaplan Ralph and Virginla Wedg..ond , *Fourth Piano Sonata, Op. 11 (1946-1951) ......... James Beale Rachel W. Lawson and loseph P. Kir1t and Carnl KManer Brown Masashi and Naomi KIlO ~: ~es;:::. Widden revised by compo~r 1996.1997 (J..;l. ~ f~) (b. 1924) Ami Litt Albert and Audrey krry Josephine Wittek Dr. Ed..ard and Lue McCabe William IIld Barbara Ki,...,h_ Steyen and Mary Jo Wright Allegretto grazwso V Robin L. McCahe MIl. Janet F. K/emperer-Broudy George and Amy Youngslrom Astra Merck Dorothy Koon Allegro scherwndo Andre.. and Marianna Price Ladles Musical Oub Andante cantabile e con rubato Adagio Our "Friends of MIISic' listing ia rrom iIOIM to 9130197 and ia updated regularly to reneet cumulative douxtions. While we appreciate all our Friends. due to space limitations ..e are only able to list donors ..ho have reacbed !he level of Cootributo< Allegro giocoso or abllve. Please mark contribuUons intended for acbolarsbips 011 your check. Pursuant to RCW 19.09, !he Uniyersity of Washington Is registered .. a charitable organi1.ation with the Secretary of State. Slate or Wasbington. (The last three movements are to be played without pause.) J This evening the School of Music honors four emeritus faculty composers ard GERALD KECHLEY, a Seattle native, studied composition with George Freder alumnus Joel Salsman, whose determined wish to have these works heard ick McKay and Aaron Copland. He taught at the University of Michigan ard inspired this program. The three world premieres on the program speak of the was Director of Music at Centralia Junior College before joining the School of ongoing energy and creativity of these musici~ns. We celebrate the extended, Music faculty. His honors include two Guggenheim Fellowships and several rich associations between faculty and student, and their musical achievements ASCAP Serious Music Awards. Our honored emeritus faculty all combined a that speak eloquently of our purpose. teaching schedule with continuous creative work. Kechley's compositions in The four composers on tonight's recital.are among the most influential clude two symphonies, works for chorus and orchestra, chamber works for vari sources of the vitality of contemporary music in Seattle. The wealth of knowl ous combinations, a large number of sacred and secular choral works, and a ma edge assembled in the School of Music's composition faculty in its formative jor opera, "The Golden Lion," premiered by the University of Washington Opera years was extraordinary in its breadth, depth and vitalitY. The climate created by Theater under Stanley Chapple. Kechley's music has been performed throughout the quality of teaching and creative output enabled, among other· things, the the United States and abroad. Seattle musicians are additionally aware of the School's First International Webem Festival in 1961. A spectacularoocasion at unique legacy ofGerald Kecbley and his wife Betty: Three sons who have dis the time, it attracted national and hltemational attention. ' ..".! tinguished themselves musically as composers and teachers ofmusic . .. ;: '''The Suite for Piano" was inspired by the baroque French suites for key Distinguished Nurrlnus in Recital, JOEL SALSMAN, received his Bachelor ard board. Having taught modal and tonal counterpoint for years, Kecbley remains Master of Musical:Arts degrees from the University of Washington in 1963 ard intrigued by two-part writing and the devices of imitation and inversion. This 1966 where he was awan:led Brechemin and Seattle World's Fair Scholarships. contemporary version is freer than the original Baroque suite while still retaining As a School of Music student, Salsman had no classes with these composers, its true spirit. but was indelibly impacted by performances of their music. After graduation, a . New Yot:k:w:~lleY Foundation grant enabled his ~ver year stu,dy. in p~& .:with • JOHN VERRALL joined the School of Music faculty in 1948 after teaching at Raymond Tfu1fatd;,F~ilcb pianist and conduCl6r:LitUreate in fiveintemationaf:~: Hamline University and Mount Holyoke College and acting as music editor at " -,. ',.. .. '" , : .,.;". "', ,1,; ,t),"} :. ;"'i: .1', ,.,',:,,~. competition1>~. ~J~lq "dour-year French ;Gq,v~rn~~ Scholanmip' g~;y~~~~e~i' G. Schirmer and WiHis Music Companies. Study at London's Royal CoUege of certs thr.Q,&tu~IlH~uro~:~· Ie:..",' ; ": ','",'1 ". ' ;;,=' Music, the Minneapolis College of Music, and the Liszt Conservatory in Buda Sin~"liis'~hm1;;~SalSman has bOOn'wtaetive'pen-ormer with Ii soio reCital" pest culminated with his bachelor's degree from the University of Minnesota in repertoire of over sixteen'different progriuns and two dozen concerti for piano ard 1934. He worked under Roy Harris at Colorado College, Aaron Copland at Tan orchestra including several works written for' him. As a composer he was glewood, and Frederick Jacobi at Juilliard. Verrall's compositions have been selected as Artist-in-the-City and composed a ballet, "Ballet for Baba," for the:! performed world-wide and in the United States by the Minneapolis and Seattle First Chamber Dance Company and the Northwest Chamber Orchestra.