August, 2020 Mt. Pleasant Public Schools




**Please refer to building specific letters for Open House details! First day of school for the Aug. 25 MPHS Open House, 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. MPMS 6th Grade Orientation, 2:30 – 7:30 p.m. traditional calendar students Ganiard, Pullen & Vowles Open Houses, is Monday, August 31st!! 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Aug. 26 MPMS 7th and 8th Grade Open House, 2:30 – 7:30 p.m. Fancher & McGuire Open Houses, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

Aug. 31 Full day of school for DK-12 students

Sept. 4 No school for all DK-12

Sept. 7 No school for all DK-12 – Labor Day

Sept.28-Oct. 2 Balanced Calendar Intersession

Oct. 15 DK-5 Parent/Teacher Conferences 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Oct. 16 No DK-12 Students DK-5 Parent/Teacher Conferences 9:00-12:00, 1:00- 4:00. PD for secondary staff.

Oct. 21 Full day for all students MPHS Parent/Teacher Conferences 5:00 – 7:30 p.m.

Oct. 22 Full day for all students MPMS Parent/Teacher Conferences 5:00 – 7:30 p.m.

Nov. 3 No DK-12 students – Election Day Staff Professional Development

Nov. 11 & 12 Full day for DK-12, Secondary exams Nov. 13 1 Half day DK-12 students, Secondary exams Please refer to the last page of Touchstone for the full 2020/21 school calendar.


August 2020

Dear Mt. Pleasant Public School Families:

Welcome to the start of the 2020-2021 school year! The start of a new school year is always an exciting time for students, families and staff. This year, as we start school in the middle of a pandemic, I believe most of us are facing more anxiety and uncertainty than we have known before. In order to address these concerns and unknowns, our staff has spent countless hours over the last three months developing our Return to School Plan. While I know our plan may not be perfect, we believe it will keep our students and staff members safe. Over the next several months, we will continue to work with local and state organizations to revise and improve our plan. Updates will be sent to home email addresses, added to the website and posted on social media.

Included in this issue of Touchstone is important information regarding our Return to Learn Plan. You will find clearly laid out expectations for students and families. We appreciate your help with all of our new safety protocols and requirements. Please know that our plans were made with the health and safety needs of our students and staff as our top priority. We know this is not perfect. We are committed to continue providing rigorous, high quality instruction for all students in a supportive environment, whether that be face-to-face or virtual.

If your family has decided to join the Oilers Online program, you will receive additional information soon from our Technology Department so you can be ready for the first day of school. Students in our face-to-face programs will also receive additional information soon regarding open houses and what to expect as we begin this year.

We appreciate your flexibility as we prepare for this year. Part of our planning includes anticipating changes that may happen to our district if our region moves into a different Phase of the MI Safe Start Plan. As much as we are able to do, we are preparing for the unknown. We will work to make sure you are informed as changes happen. Working together, we are confident that we will have a successful school year.

Important Dates:

The following is an updated list of our important return to school dates:


August 25h MPHS Open House 4:30 – 6:00 p.m.* MPMS 6th Grade Orientation 2:30 – 7:30 p.m.* Ganiard, Pullen, Vowles – Open Houses 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. August 26th Fancher and McGuire – Open Houses 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. MPMS 7th and 8th Grade Open House 2:30 – 7:30 p.m.* August 31st First day of school! Full day for ALL students K-12 September 4th No School DK-12 – Labor Day September 7th No School DK-12 – Labor Day *Times assigned by alphabet

Whether you are new to our district or a returning family, I want you to know that your children are in the capable hands of a highly-focused workforce committed to make the Mt. Pleasant Public Schools a progressive and successful school district. We are focused on continuous improvement and are committed to providing a safe learning environment for all students.

In this spirit, it is my pleasure to welcome the students and families of the Mt Pleasant Public Schools to the 2020- 2021 school year! We are eager to greet you and are grateful for your support of our plan moving forward. This will be a year full of unique challenges and opportunities. I am thankful we are in it together!

Go Oilers!

Jennifer Verleger Superintendent


Mt. Pleasant Public Schools Board of Education 2020 Tim Odykirk [email protected] President Amy Bond [email protected] Vice-President Brandon McQueen [email protected] Treasurer John Mozurkewich [email protected] Secretary Sheila Murphy [email protected] Trustee Courtney Stegman [email protected] Trustee Position Open

BOARD SCHEDULE KINNEY CONFERENCE ROOM 720 N. KINNEY AVE, MT. PLEASANT September 21, 2020 October 5, 2020 (if necessary) October 19, 2020

November 2, 2020 November 16, 2020 December 14, 2020 *All meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted.

A few words from your Board President Tim Odykirk…….

Can things get any crazier! I mean really. The challenges are… well…colossal and very close to being overwhelming. There has never been so much rethinking, retooling, reimagining, and learning and relearning over every component of our education system at such a blistering speed.

These are stressful times for everyone. This pandemic has been a direct hit at our core. A direct hit to our family, safety, food, shelter, health, job, money, friends, community, state. When everything is under attack what do you do? What does a school district do?

First, you need to focus on the health and safety of our students and families, everyone in our community. We need to remember we are a community and we need to see our entire community. When we are under stress our vision narrows and we need to recognize this and work to keep our sightlines open as broad as possible to see what is coming and to understand the needs of our entire community. We are literally all connected.

We also need to give ourselves grace and we need to give grace to others.

We need to assume people intend to do good, not bad.

We need to recognize everyone is learning and doing their best. Next, we need to empower our students so they can reach their educational goals. Every student does this differently and has different goals. Because we all come from and are going to different places it is O.K. to treat people differently so that we all can stand at the same height and so we can all move forward together. As a district, we are always trying to provide these diverse opportunities and during a pandemic emergency we are still trying to provide these diverse opportunities. But we also have to remember that this institution has to remain viable to exist.

It has been an amazing experience seeing the MPPS education team willing to challenge themselves to teach and be the powerful educators that they have been but in a completely new and different ways. I have seen their determination to be strong and connecting with their students as they have always done before the pandemic emergency. I have heard how important this is to them. Their students’ emotional health and their students’ academic growth mean everything to them. They have also sacrificed much already and have been gracious in offering to sacrifice more. We need to thank them. They are essential to our community, our children.

It has been empowering to see what a phenomenal job our MPPS students and their families, and the greater community, have achieved as they raised to battle this significant challenge. I know we will continue this battle.

We all need to recognize what we have done over these past months and pause and reflect to say to ourselves, “Way to go Oiler! It has been hard, but I got this!!!”

It is easy to be together when the water is calm, but it is work when the water is rough. And the water is very rough so we MPPS students, teachers, families, and the many community support organizations, need to work together even harder to move our children, and community, forward. I know that if any district can do this, our MPPS team with the strong partnership of our MPPS families, and the commitment of our students, can achieve even greater success!

Wear a mask! Wash your hands! Grant grace! Assume good intent! Commit to Learning!

Go Oilers!

Tim Odykirk, MPPS Board of Education President

Board of Education Vacancy

We are seeking applications for the current vacant position on the MPPS Board of Education. An individual will be appointed to fill the vacant position until December 31, 2022, which is the remainder of the position term. Letters of interest and qualifications may be submitted to the Superintendent’s Office by 3:00 p.m. on September 1, 2020. Questions? Please call (989) 775-2301.


August 2020

Mt. Pleasant Public Schools Families and Staff,

As we look to the upcoming school year, we are excited to see the return of our students. The past several months have brought uncertainty and hardship for many of our families. Throughout this next year, many things will remain uncertain but one thing remains the same, we will make all decisions with our students' health, safety, and education in mind. During this next year, we ask for your flexibility and understanding as we navigate these new territories together!

The following plan was created with input and guidance from district families, MPPS staff, the Central District Health Department, Centers for Disease Control, and the Michigan Department of Education.

The following questions were the primary focus of this plan: What do our students/families want/need? What does our faculty/staff want/need? What do CDC and MDE propose/recommend?

The climate of COVID-19 is ever-changing and as health experts learn more, this plan will likely evolve. MPPS understands this and will continuously update and adapt as new recommendations come about. The guidance set out in this plan pertains specifically to our school settings and community.

The recommendations included in this document are endorsed by the District Health Department and Mount Pleasant Public Schools and are subject to adjustment as conditions change.

Again, thank you for your support as we make decisions for our kids!



Goals of MPPS Return to School Plan: Return to face to face learning as a district. The importance of face to face learning is well-documented in children and as such a primary goal for MPPS. Beyond the educational impact, there has been substantial impact on social interactions, mental health, food security, and physical activity for children and families. Our goal is to return our students as close to a traditional educational setting as possible while putting in safeguards for their health and safety.

Maintain and promote the health and safety of our students and community as a whole by utilizing information and guidance from the Central Michigan Health Department, Centers for Disease Control, and the Michigan Department of Education to adjust and progress through this plan.

Our Return to School Plan is built around the following foundational priorities:

Increased Sanitation Efforts (Pages 3-4)

Social Distancing (Pages 5-6)

Staff and Student Screening Measures (Pages 7-10)

Personal Protective Equipment (Page 11)

Limited Visitor Access to Buildings (Page 12)

Virtual Education Options (Pages 13-14)

Procedures for COVID-19 Infections (Pages 15-16)

See online resources on page 16


Additional custodial staff are being hired to aid in the increased sanitation and disinfecting of our schools.

Mt. Pleasant Public Schools' Custodial Team members will undergo a thorough disinfectant and sanitation training including discussion of proper product use and a review of the CDC and State of Michigan Health Department cleaning expectations during school and after hours.

During school hours, custodians will thoroughly clean touch points throughout the building on an ongoing rotation throughout the day, including bathrooms, water bottle fill stations, doorknobs, entrance/exit handles, handrails, walls, etc.

Keeping your child and family safe at home Tips to help control the spread of illness

Wash hands with Cough or sneeze Clean and soap and water for into your elbow or disinfect at least 20 tissue. Throw the frequently seconds. Use tissue in the trash. touched objects alcohol-based Wash hands or use and surfaces. hand sanitizer if hand sanitizer. soap and water are unavailable.

Avoid contact Avoid touching with people your face with who are sick unwashed and stay home hands. if you are sick. Page 3 INCREASED SANITATION

Classrooms and other common MPPS staff will be intentional and dedicated to spaces will be cleaned and teaching proper hand washing and hygiene. disinfected regularly throughout the day.

Cleaning materials and hand sanitizer will be placed in every Songs for a 20-second *Scrub classroom. Staff will be expected to support cleaning and disinfecting of Song "Happy Birthday" classroom surfaces and instructional "Happy birthday to you, materials as needed. Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear (insert name) Hand washing stations with soap Happy birthday to you" and/or hand sanitizer will be (Sing twice) available in classrooms, commonly Chorus "Let It Go" from Frozen used areas, and at the entrances and "Let it go, let it go exits of all buildings. Can't hold it back anymore Let it go, let it go Students and staff will have Turn away and slam the door! scheduled times throughout the day I don't care what they're going to say Let the storm rage on to wash/sanitize hands and supplies. The cold never bothered me anyway!"

Student water bottles are Chorus "Just the Way You Are" encouraged and water filling stations by Bruno Mars available. Drinking fountains will not "When I see your face be available. There's not a thing that I would change 'cause you're amazing All school buses will be thoroughly Just the way you are sanitized after each run. And when you smile The whole world stops and stares for a while 'Cause you're amazing Just the way you are"

*The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends washing hands for at least 20 seconds to stop the spread of COVID-19. Page 4 SOCIAL DISTANCING

Mt. Pleasant Public Schools will strive to create an environment that supports health guidelines without interrupting the education of our students.

The goal is to limit exposure to as few other students and staff members as possible. Staff and students must do their very best to maintain as much distance as possible from others within school buildings.

According to the CDC social distancing, also called "physical distancing," means keeping a safe space between yourself and other people. CDC recommends wearing masks in public settings, masks are most likely to reduce the spread of COVID-19 when they are widely used in public.

Assigned seats (with required seating charts) will be given within classrooms and for riding the bus. Additionally, small groups will be utilized to the extent possible. This will assist with contact tracing purposes in conjunction with the local health department, if needed.

Students will go immediately to designated areas upon arriving at school and will not congregate in hallways.

To the extent possible, modifications within the school day will be made as needed (for example, some elementary teachers for classes like art or music will come to classrooms to limit the amount of movement within buildings, recess times will be staggered, etc).

Modifications to meals will be made as needed (for example, some students may eat meals in the classroom, some students may eat meals in other common areas to limit the number of students in the cafeteria). If eating meals in the cafeteria, the number of students will be limited and students will be seated with fellow students from their small groups to minimize exposure. Page 5 SOCIAL DISTANCING

There will be no sharing of classroom supplies such as scissors, crayons, markers, pencils, etc..

Desks in classrooms will be spaced as far apart as possible to allow for social distancing.

In-school gatherings such as assemblies, field trips, dances, etc. are prohibited at this time.

Additional details and guidelines regarding extra/co-curricular activities and athletic competitions will be released at a later time pending specific guidance from the Michigan High School Athletic Association.

Parents who can transport their students to/from school are encouraged to do so to help minimize the number of students riding the bus and allow for minimized contact.

All students are required to wear a mask and use hand sanitizer upon boarding the bus. Students will be assigned seats to limit exposure. Students will only be able to ride the bus they are assigned to.


Individuals who come in contact with persons who have been tested and are awaiting their results, or with persons who have tested positive, must follow the high risk or medium risk categories of this protocol:

When students are kept home due to illness, the building secretary will ask additional screening & entry questions regarding symptoms.

Perfect attendance will not be incentivized by buildings as our preference is for anyone who is sick to stay home. Learning opportunities will be provided for all students who stay home due to illness.

Anyone experiencing a temperature at/above 100.4 will immediately be moved to an isolated area and screened for additional symptoms to determine if they need to be sent home.

Handheld touchless thermometers will be used to screen staff and visitors.


Source: Central Michigan District Health Department (CMDHD) Page 8 STAFF & STUDENT SCREENING MEASURES

The return to school guidelines below will be used to allow for a student/staff member’s re-admittance to school in the ABSENCE of a diagnosis related to COVID-19 such as allergies, strep throat, ear infection, pink eye, etc.

Return to school guidelines if a student or staff member subsequently has a positive COVID-19 test or is diagnosed as presumptive COVID-19 positive by their provider. MPPS will follow the CDC and MDE guidelines for return to school, which are as follows:

Persons with COVID-19 who HAVE symptoms: **Must be fever free a minimum of 24 hours without fever-reducing medication

**AND have an improvement in symptoms (cough/shortness of breath)

**AND be at least ten (10) days since symptoms first appeared

Persons infected with COVID-19 who NEVER develop COVID-19 symptoms: **May return ten (10) days after the date of their first positive test


Students and staff who experience symptoms related to COVID-19 should NOT come to school. COVID-19 symptoms include the following:

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Page 10 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT

Social distancing will be enforced throughout the school day. Students and staff are expected to avoid close interactions and minimize exposure to every extent possible.

Parents should discuss the importance of social distancing with their students prior to the start of school. It will be difficult to ensure students maintain distance, but it is necessary for staff and students to understand the importance of doing so to prevent exposure.

All students will be required to wear a mask or face covering. Student exemptions from wearing a face mask will require a note from a medical doctor.

A facial covering is a cloth material that covers the nose and mouth. Facial coverings may be secured to the head or simply wrap around the lower face. They can be made of materials, such as cotton or linen, and may be factory-made or made by hand. A face shield does not take the place of a "face covering" but should be worn in conjunction. A face shield that covers the eyes, nose and mouth can be worn in addition to a cloth mask if desired.

All students will be required to wear a mask while riding the bus.

A parent cannot opt-out of the facial covering requirement and still send their student to school for face to face instruction. They can choose to enroll in a fully remote learning environment if they do not have required medical documentation.

Staff members will be expected to wear a face covering/mask, a face shield does not take the place of a face covering.

Existing student and staff dress codes will apply to face coverings that are worn.

Mt. Pleasant Public Schools will follow any health department or city ordinances and reserve the right to implement stricter requirements related to face coverings.

View CDC guidance and recommendations on face coverings here (see cloth face coverings section).


ESSENTIAL VISITOR In order to minimize the exposure SCREENING QUESTIONS of all students and staff to others outside of their assigned small groups, non-essential visitors and parents will not be permitted Have you been beyond the secure vestibules or experiencing any of entrances at school buildings. Due the COVID-19 to these restrictions, open houses symptoms? will be a mix of in-person and virtual meetings.

What is the date Any essential visitors who do enter and time of your the building will be required to visit? enter through the main entrance, provided with a mask while in the building, have their temperature taken, and will be tracked in a Where in the visitor log to include symptom school building screening questions, date and time are you visiting? of visit, where in the building they plan to travel to, and which, if any, students or staff they have contact with. Which students and/or staff in the building did you have contact with?

Page 12 VIRTUAL EDUCATION Families who do not feel comfortable sending their students to receive face-to- face instruction may apply to participate in virtual education called Oilers Online, which is online learning provided by Mt. Pleasant Public Schools' teachers. WHAT IS OILERS ONLINE? HOW DO I APPLY?

Oilers Online is an online experience that Families can apply online for virtual closely replicates the traditional classroom education HERE. Enrollment must be experience while providing scheduling completed by Monday, August 10th, 2020, flexibility. Instruction will include at 8:00 am. Please allow up to 2 weeks to synchronous (live) and asynchronous receive detailed information about your (recorded) lessons by certified MPPS child's virtual instruction. teachers. It is available to any of our K-12 students.

Students approved for virtual education will begin on August 25th and and are expected to remain in the Oilers Online program for the duration of the trimester (12 weeks) for which they were approved.

Students approved for virtual education for the first trimester of the 2020-2021 school year can return to face to face enrollment for the second or third trimester if so desired, or may remain virtual for the duration of the school year.

If a student is not successful with Oilers Online, they may not be approved for future trimesters. Page 13 VIRTUAL EDUCATION Oilers Online will be more rigorous than the spring "emergency distance learning" with more accountability in place.

Attendance will be taken daily.

Grades will awarded and standard report cards will be issued.

Five days of instruction will be provided each week following the district calendar.

One technology device per family will be issued for students enrolling in Oilers Online.

Students approved for virtual education can participate in extracurricular activities, including athletics, as long as they meet MPPS and MHSAA requirements. MORE ABOUT OILERS ONLINE

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Arrangements will be made for families Oilers Online full-time virtual offerings include: to pick-up course materials prior to August 25th, 2020. Up to 6 hours of daily teacher- supported virtual programming Teacher support MIDDLE SCHOOL Daily independent activities Oilers Online's virtual offerings include: Individual and small group support Complete, Comprehensive Core ELA, Math, Science, & Social Studies Content Offerings instruction Multiple world language offerings Physical Education, Music, Art, & Engaging exploratories Computers instruction Individual and small group support

HIGH SCHOOL ENROLL: Oilers Online's virtual offerings include: Complete, Comprehensive Core Content Offerings BY AUG. Expansive credit recovery opportunities 10TH Individual and small group support Page 14 PROCEDURES FOR COVID-19 INFECTIONS

Students or staff who display symptoms of COVID-19 while at WHAT IS school will be moved to an CONTACT TRACING? isolated area within the school building to minimize contact with others until they go home. Contact tracing is used by health departments to prevent the spread of If Mt. Pleasant Public Schools infectious disease. receives official notification of a student or staff member testing In general, contact tracing involves positive for COVID-19, all staff, identifying people who have an parents, and students will be infectious disease (cases) and people who they came in contact with notified. (contacts) and working with them to interrupt disease spread. If your child was found to be at a sufficient risk for exposure This includes asking people with through contact tracing COVID-19 to isolate and their contacts completed by the Isabella to quarantine at home voluntarily. County Health Department, you will be directly contacted by Contact tracing is a core disease them. control activity. It has been used for decades to slow or stop the spread of If a building is closed, all school infectious disease. activities at that building will be canceled or rescheduled, if possible. Source: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)



INTERVIEWING people with COVID-19 to identify everyone they had close contact with during the time they may have been infectious.

NOTIFYING contacts of potential exposure.

REFERRING contacts for COVID-19 Students and staff may be testing. contacted to assist with contact tracing efforts, review MONITORING contacts for signs & assigned seating charts, and symptoms of COVID-19. to determine which the positive case individual had CONNECTING contacts with services contact with while they might need during the self- quarantine period. contagious.

Source: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


CDC: Coronavirus Symptoms

CDC: How to Protect Yourself & Others

CDC: When and How to Wash Your Hands

CDC: How to Wear Cloth Face Coverings

CDC: Social Distancing

CDC: Checklist for Parents & Teachers

Michigan's 2020-21 Return to School Roadmap

State of Michigan COVID-19 Data

The Mt. Pleasant Public Schools' Back to School Plan for the 2020-2021 school year is subject to change if state of Michigan Safe Start Phases warrant a tightening or loosening of any of the proposed guidelines.

Page 17 MT. PLEASANT PUBLIC SCHOOLS’ BUILINGS & ADMINISTRATION Central Office – 720 N. Kinney Ave. Mt. Pleasant High School (9-12) Jennifer Verleger 1155 S. Elizabeth (989) 775-2200 Superintendent John Winkler, Principal Fax: (989) 775-2209 e-mail - [email protected] e-mail – [email protected] (989) 775-2301 Fax: (989) 775-2309 Jeff Platte, Assoc. Principal Linda Boyd e-mail – [email protected] Assistant Superintendent Counseling Fax: (989) 775-2207 e-mail – [email protected] (989) 775-2303 Gratiot-Isabella Techn. Educ. Center–GI-TEC Ginger Faber 1155 S. Elizabeth (989) 775-2210 Chief Financial Officer Mary Kay Voeks, Director Fax: (989) 775-2215 e-mail – [email protected] e-mail – [email protected] (989) 775-2304 Kim Funnell Oasis – W-A-Y Program State & Federal Grant Coordinator, Homeless Liaison 3480 S. Isabella Rd. (989) 775-2290 Academic Office Kim Funnell, Director Fax: (989) 775-2374 e-mail - [email protected] e-mail – [email protected]

(989) 775-2302 Adult and Community Education

Fancher Elementary School (3-5) 3480 S. Isabella Rd. (989) 775-2370 801 S. Kinney (989) 775-2230 Kim Funnell, Director Katie Rinke, Principal Fax: (989) 775-2234 E-mail – [email protected] e-mail – [email protected] Special Education Ganiard Elementary School (K-2) 720 N. Kinney (989) 775-2350 101 S. Adams (989) 775-2240 Stefanie House, Supervisor (989) 775-2352 Marcy Stout, Principal Fax: (989) 775-2244 e-mail – [email protected] e-mail – [email protected] Kelly Merrihew, Asst. Supv. Email – [email protected]

McGuire Elementary School (3-5) Athletics 4883 E. Crosslanes (989) 775-2260 1155 S. Elizabeth (989) 775-2204 Susan Renaud, Principal Fax: (989) 775-2264 James Conway, Athletic Director Fax: (989)775-2208 e-mail – [email protected] e-mail – [email protected] Pullen Elementary School (K-2) 251 S. Brown (989) 775-2270 Community-Based Education Diane Falsetta, Principal Fax: (989) 775-2274 720 N. Kinney (989) 775-2350 e-mail – [email protected] Emily Shiner, Teacher e-mail – [email protected] Vowles Elementary School (K-2) 1560 S. Watson (989) 775-2280 Facilities Management Kim Bishop, Principal Fax: (989) 775-2284 450 S. Bradley (989) 775-2320 e-mail – [email protected] Joshua Rhodes, Director Fax: ( 989) 775-2322 e-mail – [email protected] Mt. Pleasant Middle School (6-8) 440 S. Bradley (989) 775-2220 Food Service (SFE) Darby Weaver, Principal Fax: (989) 775-2229 1155 S. Elizabeth (989) 775-2365 e-mail – [email protected] Stephen West, General Manager Fax: (989) 775-2367 Matt Walderzak Asst. Principal e-mail – [email protected] e-mail – [email protected] Transportation Technology 450 S. Bradley (989) 775-2323 1155 S. Elizabeth St. (989) 775-2200, ext. 20870 Cathy Schafer, Director Fax: (989) 775-2322 Joe Judge, Chief Information Officer e-mail - [email protected] e-mail – [email protected] MPPS Admin & Bldgs. Revised 8/13/20

Master School Schedule 2020-21

Grades Morning Afternoon Half Day Arrival Departure Bell Time Bell Time Bell Time Ganiard DK – 2 8:35 a.m. 3:39 p.m. 11:42 a.m.

Pullen DK – 2 8:35 a.m. 3:39 p.m. 11:42 a.m.

Vowles DK – 2 8:35 a.m. 3:39 p.m. 11:42 a.m.

Fancher 3-5 8:44 a.m. 3:49 p.m. 11:52 a.m.

McGuire 3-5 8:45 a.m. 3:49 p.m. 11:52 a.m.

MPMS 6-8 7:35 a.m. 11:57 p.m. 10:52 a.m.

MPHS 9-12 7:43 a.m. 2:47 p.m. 11:00 a.m.


If you have a child who is/will be five years of age on or before September 1, 2020, he/she is eligible for kindergarten/developmental kindergarten. Children who have birth dates between September 2 and December 1, 2015, are still eligible to enroll for kindergarten with a waiver form.

Please call your local school to register your child for school or 775-2302.

Introducing the MPPS Oiler Pack!

Welcome, Blu!!! MPHS and CBE Programs -- Ms. Shiner

Mt. Pleasant High School and CBE Program is thrilled to announce the arrival of our social-emotional support dog Blu, an 8 month old Labrador Retriever. Blu is a trained therapy dog with the purpose of providing emotional support to students, which has shown to decrease anxiety, improve motivation and regulation and also positively impact academic outcomes. Blu is living with CBE teacher Emily Shiner, her partner, and their dog Jo and cat Sim. Blu will be visiting classrooms, available for one-on one-time with students and providing another additional level of support to our school community. Blu and his sister, Ollie, are both really happy to be a part of MPPS!

Welcome, Ollie!!! Mt Pleasant Middle School -- Mr. & Mrs. Russell

Mt. Pleasant Middle School is thrilled to announce the arrival of our social-emotional support dog Olive, aka Ollie, an 8 month old Labrador Retriever. Ollie is a trained therapy dog with the purpose of providing emotional support to students which has shown to decrease anxiety, improve motivation and regulation and also positively impact academic outcomes. Ollie is living and coming to school daily with her hosts Mr. and Mrs. Russell, MPMS teacher and counselor. She will be visiting classrooms, available for one-on one-time with students and providing another additional level of support to our school community. Welcome, Rig!!! Fancher Elementary -- Mrs. Weber

Fancher is excited to announce the arrival of our social-emotional support dog Rig, a Australian Labradoodle. Rig is a trained therapy dog with the purpose of providing emotional support to students which has shown to decrease anxiety, improve motivation and regulation and also positively impact academic outcomes. Rig is living and coming to school with his host, Mrs. Weber. He will be visiting classrooms, available for one-on one-time with students and providing another additional level of support to our school community.

Welcome, Teddy!!! Ganiard Elementary -- Mrs. Wood

Teddy, a labradoodle, will be joining the Ganiard Elementary team this fall! He’s so excited to be a Ganiard Gator! Teddy loves to play with his ball, get hugs and give love to all those around him. He is a specially trained school therapy dog that has a goal of reducing student and staff anxiety, increasing student social emotional and communication skills and supporting academic progress. Teddy is living and coming to school daily with his host Mrs. Wood, a Speech-Language Pathologist for Mt. Pleasant Public Schools. He will be with Mrs. Wood during treatment of students with speech and/or language impairments, visit classrooms at Ganiard, provide one-on-one support for students with social emotional needs and supporting other needs with the public school community.

For more information about all of the dogs in the Oiler Pack, follow their Facebook page at

This program is completely funded by a very generous grant from the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe! Miigwech!!

SCHOOL DELAYS & CLOSINGS A Power Announcement will be made Mt. Pleasant Public Schools’ notifying of any delays or closings. Also, parents may receive information at the Before School following locations: Childcare

Channel 190 – MAC/MPPS’s TV Station TV 4 & 7 WNEM – TV Channel 5

WWUP –TV Channel 9/10

WJRT – TV Channel 12 WEYI – News Center 25 WCEN – FM – Tri-Cities

WMPX – 14.90 A.M. Midland MMRX – 97.7 F.M. Midland WCFX – 95 FM WCZY – 104.3/WMMI – Mt. Pleasant School Age Child Care ~ SACC WFYC WUPS – FM 98.5 Mt5. Pleasant Program WHNN Early morning drop off available for students th in Kindergarten – 5 grade at Ganiard, Pullen

& Vowles Elementary schools. Program runs on school days from 7:00am until school start.

For enrollment information on this program please call 989-775-2340


MPPS WEB SITE Check out the Mt. Pleasant Public Schools’

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Vowles DK-2 Elementary School, 1560 South Watson, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48858 Kim Bishop, Principal email: [email protected] Home of the Vowles Vikings! Phone: 1-989-775-2280 Fax: 1-989-775-2284 Issue 1, August 17, 2020

WELCOME VIKINGS Calendar Tues. Aug. 25th to the 2020-2021 School Year! Open House 6:00-7:30 p.m. It’s “SWEET” to be Back at School” Mon. Aug. 31st Vowles Open House 1st Day of School Tuesday, August 25th 8:35 a.m.-Full Day Vowles Playground Thurs. Sept. 3rd Times by Student LAST Name: Last Day to turn in ThinkStretch A-F 6:00-6:30 Summer Workbooks G-P 6:30-7:00 to classroom Q-Z 7:00-7:30 teachers at Vowles Please join us for a Socially Distanced Open House. Teachers will be there to Meet and or Fancher/McGuire Greet their face to face or online children. We ask that only 1 parent and the school- age child attend to help with social distancing. Masks are required. If you do not have Fri. Sept. 4th one, extras will be available. No School You can expect: Mon. Sept. 7th  Packets and information from the Office  Information Tables: PEAK, SACC, Transportation No School  The Sweet Treats Truck will be here. Students that attend Vowles will receive 1 Sweet Treats ticket from their classroom teacher. This will let them get almost any To Be Announced treat from the truck. Parents can purchase additional sweet treats if they wish. Picture Day Funding of the treats was made possible by our Title 1 programming.  PTO will be selling masks with our Viking Logo for $8.00/ea for children/adults.

**ThinkStretch workbooks will be collected from our former DK, K, 1st and 2nd grade students. Staff will collect and document what medal students receive for their summer

School Bells learning efforts. Medals will be ordered and given out at school once they arrive.

8:20 a.m.- Drop Off Begins Helpful Back to School Tidbits for Parents: Students go to their Rooms  Label your child’s belongings: backpack, sweatshirts/jackets, water bottles, 8:30 First Bell supplies and lunch box. 8:35 School Day Begins 3:39 School Day Ends  Keep After School Dismissal as routine as possible. You will be able to write *Half day dismissal is 11:47 changes in your child’s agenda. That is a way you can communicate with your child’s classroom teacher. Mrs. Berry Teacher

Mrs. Buckley Teacher Welcome to

Ms. Ouellette FANCHER Teacher ELEMENTARY! Our Staff Rocks! #FalconProud

Mr. Giegling Mrs. Jakubowski Mrs. Schlicht Mrs. Yeagley Mr. Georgia Mrs. Miller Mrs. Konieczka Literacy Computers PE Art Music Library Art Coach/Interventionist

We are so excited for you to join our Fancher School Family!

Mr. Mueller Ms. Blahnik Behavior Start time - 8:45am Intervention Interventionist Dismissal - 3:49pm Specialist 1/2 Day - 11:57am

Ms. Robison Ms. Young Behavior Interventionist At-Risk Tutor FANCHER ELEMENTARY (989) 775-2230 Mrs. RINKE- Principal MRS. murch- INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF ASSISTANT Mrs. GUTHRIE- Secretary MRS. Morgan- counselor

THE PLAYGROUND IS NOT OPEN IN THE MORNING Students may NOT be dropped off early or enter the building until 8:40 AM. Students will enter their grade level entrance and head directly to their classroom for a soft start to their day.

Friendly Tip: Parent drop-off and pick-up is along Kinney Avenue. The High St. parking lot next to the office is staff parking ONLY.

First Day Procedures - Teachers will meet students AT their Classroom door august 31st (full Day)

universal breakfast served in ALL classrooms Mary McGuire Elementary School 2020 - 2 0 2 1

August 17, 2020

Traditional Calendar Edition Mustang Messenger

Home of the Mustangs

Principal, Susan Renaud [email protected] (989)775-2260

Secretary, Annette Mogg [email protected]

Mark Your Calendar! Welcome Back, McGuire Families! Welcome to all new and returning McGuire Mustangs! I am excited to see you as we get ready to start a new school year! We McGuire Open House Weds (staggered times to meet 8/26 are very pleased to welcome students back both virtually and face-to face! We are planning teacher will be scheduled; for a great year of learning in spite of the many changes due to COVID, and we are planning meeting outside on play- some exciting opportunities both in the classroom and virtually! Many things are out of our grounds) control, but we will work to make the best of every circumstance!! Teachers are getting their 1st Day of School - Mon rooms ready, looking over the curriculum, and setting up Google classrooms so they are ready Traditional Calendar 8/31 for your start! Enjoy the rest of the summer and we look forward to seeing you soon!

McGuire PTO Meeting Tues (1st Tuesday of Month in 9/1 Parent Drop Off/Pick Up: library) Parents should pick up/drop off along much of the curb in front of the school: 3rd Labor Day Extended Week- Fri grade at East entrance, 4th at West Playground Entrance (drop off at front and walk end—No School 9/4 to playground to enter), and 5th at Main entrance. Those will also be the pick up loca- Labor Day—No School Mon tions (4th will be in front of gym). The west bus lot is reserved for staff parking and 9/7 school buses only! Students may not cross a parking lot without adult escort… please do not wave for them to cross. Make sure your child knows where to find you after Picture Day—Smile! Mon (Picture Retakes—10/23) 9/14 school. Detailed information available in the main office and on the parent table. Face Masks Required A big change for the start of the upcoming year: Like us on Facebook: McGuire Elementary Face masks will be required throughout the day!

Our School Meal Program: NEW Start and end Medication and Student times for : Medical Needs: Breakfast and lunch are available on the first day of school. “Lunch Money” should be sent to the classroom teacher or the of- Morning Supervision Please make sure the school fice with your child’s name and teacher indicated on the outside of begins: 8:40 is aware of any special the envelope. (Checks should be made out to Mt. Pleasant Public Schools.) School Begins: 8:45 needs or medication dosing by the first day of school. You can also pay for school meals at home via our MEAL Magic School Ends: 3:49 System on the MPPS website and follow the “parent” steps listed. Parents MUST bring the You will need your child’s student ID number to complete this Half-day Dismissal: medication to school in the process online. Call the school office if you have any questions. 11:57 original container with pre- Breakfast is free for all McGuire students. Hot lunch is $2.05 and milk is $.50. Applications for “Free and Reduced Meals” will be scription and signed release mailed home and need to be returned on the first day. form according to school policy. Page 2

Please join us! Help our school by saving BoxTops for Education! Wednesday, 8/26 Outdoor Open House Scheduled Times Back to School Reminders

When a Student Should Stay Home or Will be Sent Home? McGuire Mustang MAGIC

 Temperature 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher Our school expectations revolve around:  Sore throat M = Motivation  New Uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing (for students with chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, a change in their cough from baseline) A = Attitude  Diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain G = Good Choices  New onset of severe headache, esp. w/a fever  Exposure/contact with person confirmed COVID-19 I = Integrity Contact office for more information: 989.775.2200 C = Character

New Open House Date: Morning Routine: Supervision begins at 8:40. Students enter at Wednesday, August 26 6:00—7:30 according to schedule below: their grade level entrance and head directly to Last name starts with A-C 6:00 their classroom (and don’t stop at their lock- Last name starts with D-H: 6:15 ers!) If you transport your child, please drop Last name starts with I-L: 6:30 him/her off at or after that time. Breakfast Last name starts with M-P: 6:45 is “Grab and Go” and delivered to the class- Last name starts with Q-S: 7:00 room.

Last name starts with T-Z: 7:15 3rd Grade: near East Playground 4th Grade: near West Playground McGuire PTO Wants You! 5th Grade: enter W. Playground; Behind Building ************************************************************ Guides will lead you to teachers positioned out- (to join them!) side of their classroom window. Families can The McGuire Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) would confirm drop off/entry locations and meet the like to invite all current parents to become involved with this vital organization. PTO helps raise funds for field teacher. Students can view their classroom trips, purchasing classroom supplies, playground equipment from outside. Wear a mask and please and much more. don’t come if you are not feeling well!! Sign up at the Open House or come to the next meeting on Teacher intros on our Facebook Page September 1st at 5:00 (McGuire Elementary) if you can’t attend. Mount Pleasant Middle School 2 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 1 AugustL 18,e 2020 tter from Ms. Weaver

Welcome Back! This year seems to be filled with uncertainty and a lot of changes. But, we are all working very hard to get answers for you. We appreciate all of your patience as we continue to work through the best plan for our Middle Schoolers.

We do have some changes to the upcoming school year that are finalized. First of all, the morning arrival time and daily schedule have been shifted. The Middle School doors will NOT be open until 7:25am daily. They are locked until that time. The buses will also drop the students off at 7:25. The students will need to report directly to their lockers and classrooms upon arrival unless eating breakfast. Students eating breakfast should report directly to the cafeteria, eat and report directly to class. They will no longer report to the gym in the morning until it is time to go to class.

Our daily schedule starts at 7:35 and our dismissal time will be 11:57. The students will be reporting to 5 class periods in the morning and then will complete their remaining electives online in the afternoon once they arrive home. The schedule has been made into a cohort model so that our students will be with the same students during their time in the building which limits the contact with others. We are also able to have the students be socially distanced at 6 feet away in the classrooms. There is a midday bus available if your student rides a bus. We will also be providing a take home lunch daily for those students who would like to get one. Orders for the lunches will be taken daily in the student’s first hour.

Our Return to School Roadmap guides a lot of our updates for this school year and can continue to change. Please stay up to date with all of the changes by: Viewing our website at Liking our Mt Pleasant Middle School Facebook page Updating contact information with the main office-updated email addresses Weekly WAG (week at a glance) will be emailed/posted every Sunday for building updates and news

We have included the Open House information for those students who are attending school face to face for the 1st trimester. More information will be coming soon for the Oilers Online students. We are continuously working through this process and are looking forward to being able to provide both face to face and online instruction. We look forward to seeing/meeting all of you either in person or virtually.

School pictures will be taken during school hours on September 15th. All students are welcome to have their picture taken this day. If you are an Oiler Online student you can come into the building on this day. You can also contact Guys & Dolls Photography of Mt Pleasant (989) 772- 2167 and make an appointment after September 15th to get your school picture taken for the same price as at school. Order forms will be sent home and available as we get closer.

The Middle School is also welcoming Matt Walderzak as the Assistant Principal. Dana Calkins, our amazing principal from last year retired at the end of last school year and we hired Matt. He comes to us with years of experience as an administrator and educator. Matt has been working hard since the end of June and is looking forward to working at the Middle School this year.

We want . . . we need . . . and we value your involvement and support in your child’s education! Your active participation is key to the success of your young Oiler during his/her middle school years. Please know that we highly value home/school communication. It is vital and plays an integral role in each student’s success. We encourage you to contact us if/when the need arises, and to keep you abreast of your child’s studies, assignments, assessments, and school activities, as well as other events and happenings at Mt. Pleasant Middle School.

Even with uncertainties we still promise a year filled with golden opportunities for all of our students as we strive to find ways to be even better than we have before! Our pledge to you, our students and parents, that this will be a year of engaging, meaningful and rigorous work in our classrooms. We look forward to a very positive and productive year together!

Sincerely, Darby Weaver Principal, Mt Pleasant Middle School MPMS Open House

6th Grade Open House 7th & 8th Grade Open House August 25 - 2:30-7:30 pm August 26 - 2:30-7:30 pm Students will pick up their Students & Families will drive schedules & additional back thru to pick up schedules & to school forms during their additional back to school assigned time. forms during their assigned Students may walk in the time. building and try out their New Enrollees need to attend lockers with 1 additional the 6th grade Open House if guest. they'd like to walk the Students will need to exit the building. building before their time slot Assigned Times By Last Name is up. New Enrollees of any grade For BOTH Days can attend this Open House. 2:30-3:30 A-F 5:30-6:30 Q-U 3:30-4:30 G-K 6:30-7:30 V-Z

Oilers Online do not need to pick 4:30-5:30 L-P up a schedule at this time. Once the schedules are updated for Oilers Online we will let you know and the schedule will be available in PowerSchool. Donations We always appreciate any donations from our families. This year we will be collecting donations in bins that will be set out in the front of the building. They will then be distributed to teams accordingly. Thank you in advance for your genorosity! Social Emotional Support Dogs Meet Ollie! Mt. Pleasant Middle School is thrilled to announce the arrival of our social-emotional support dog Olive, aka Ollie, an 8 month old Labrador Retriever. Ollie is a trained therapy dog with the purpose of providing emotional support to students which has shown to decrease anxiety, improve motivation and regulation and also positively impact academic outcomes. Ollie is living and coming to school daily with her hosts Mr. and Mrs. Russell, MPMS teacher and counselor. She will be visiting classrooms, available for one-on one-time with students and providing another additional level of support to our school community. For more information about Ollie as well as the rest of the district's pack, visit Mt. Pleasant Public Schools Social Emotional Support Dogs on Facebook.

This was made possible through a generous grant from Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe. YEARBOOK

Last year's yearbooks are available in the office for purchase for $10. The office is open Monday-Friday from 7-4. Computers & Laptops

We are not requiring, but if you have your own Chromebook or Laptop, then we encourage you to use it this school year.

The school will not be responsible for lost or broken personal items. m mert tea

Our Medical Emergency Response Team completed CPR training over the summer. Mt. Pleasant High School

1155 South Elizabeth Street, Mt. Pleasant, MI, 48858 • Telephone: (989) 775-2200 • Fax: (989) 775-2209

WE ARE MPHS, A proud community where all learners feel welcome, necessary, and engaged while challenged to achieve their personal best.

August, 2020

Dear Mt. Pleasant High School Students, Parents, and Guardians:

Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year! We are excited to welcome you back to MPHS and wish you a successful and exciting ​ school year. This letter contains initial information for you on many topics and is intended to help ensure a smooth start to the school year. Please feel free to contact any of us with questions. MPHS is using email, social media, our website, and the United States Postal Service to share important information. Please review the forms from the mailed information and make any corrections, and return them to the Guidance Office at your earliest convenience.

Families will have two educational options this year: 1. Hybrid Program: Student cohorts report for two days of in-person instruction and remain home for three days of remote learning. Students with last names that start with A-K will attend face-to-face classes on Monday and Tuesday. Students whose last names start with L-Z will attend face-to-face classes on Thursday and Friday. 2. Oilers Online-students will engage in virtual instruction five days a week. Enrolling in Oilers Online is time sensitive. Enroll immediately if Oilers Online is your preferred path. The link for Oilers online is: ​ Please contact Principal John Winkler with questions at [email protected]

Students in the hybrid program and students participating with Oilers Online will have access to Powerschool schedules starting on August 24th. Students in both programs will have technology supports including the option to sign out one chromebook per family for use at home.

Covid Specific Changes to School Policy: Masks will be provided and are required in all areas unless students are eating during lunch periods. Social distancing will be enforced through traffic flow, decreased time for class changes, and of course the hybrid model.

Parents will need to be vigilant in monitoring their student’s health. Student temperature should be taken daily and at any sign of illness students should stay home. If a student appears sick with any Covid- like symptoms they will be quarantined and will need to be picked up IMMEDIATELY. Please make sure your emergency contacts are up to date on the attached Powerschool form so that your student has options for someone to pick them up should parents be unavailable.

There will be absolutely no outside food deliveries during the school day. Students who forget lunches should talk to the office about arranging for food in the school cafeteria. Visitors in our school will be extremely limited.

We recommend all families review the Covid-19 Return to School Toolkit published by the Central Michigan Health Department ​

Center for Disease Control resources for return to school can be found at

Orientation – Orientation is recommended for all new students. The safest orientation option is the virtual option. A virtual ​ orientation presentation will be available soon on the MPHS website. Please watch for an email alert with more information and check the website frequently for updates. A face to face orientation will be held from 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Tuesday, August th ​ 25 ,​ in the Mt. Pleasant Performing Arts Center for those whom the virtual orientation is not possible. Masks and social ​ ​ ​ distancing measures will be required.

School Pictures – On August 25th Seniors will have their pictures taken between 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Juniors are scheduled ​ from 12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Sophomores will have their pictures taken between 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. and the freshman are scheduled from 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. To help with physical distancing, students with last names that start with A-K will have their pictures taken in the cafeteria. Students with last names starting with L-Z will have their pictures taken in the Auxiliary gym.

Schedules - It is best to view schedules electronically. It saves paper and helps with physical distancing. Please utilize ​ ​ Powerschool to access scheduling information. Schedules will be available in PowerSchool a few days before the Open House. Paper schedules will be available for those who have electronic obstacles.

NEW School Hours – School starts on Monday, August 31st, 2020 at 7:43 a.m., dismissal at 2:47 p.m. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Open House – MPHS students and staff will produce an Open House video. It will be available on our website as early as ​ August 23rd. For returning students the video is the most practical way to experience the open house. We will have a face-to-face open house for newer students and families with questions. The face-to-face MPHS Open House is scheduled for Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 from 4:30-6:00 P.M. Please plan on arriving at the main entrance located off S. Elizabeth St. ​ where administrators, staff, and student volunteers will be welcoming students and families back for the 2020-2021 school year. Please limit visitors to one visitor per student. Masks will be required.

Gratiot-Isabella Technical Educational Center – For questions regarding Career Technical Education call 989-775-2210. ​ Mary Kay Voeks is the CTE Director. Camille Greening is the CTE Counselor and Barb Schafer is the CTE office secretary.

Athletics –For questions regarding athletics, please contact Jim Conway, Athletic Director, at 775-2204. ​

Cafeteria – As a result of CDC guidelines lunch spacing will look a little different. MPHS will offer outside seating and more ​ ​ lunch time space so that students can spread out as they eat lunch. Students are encouraged to use their student I.D. number in our electronic lunch system. Money for lunch can be prepaid in the cafeteria or paid on-line through the Pay Schools System on the MPPS web site, Once charge account balances reach -$10 students will only be able to pick up a basic cold lunch. Breakfast is free for all students and will be served every day in the MPHS cafeteria. Apply for free and reduced lunch online at All students should apply whether or not they will qualify. ​ ​

Parking Permits - All vehicles parked in school lots will be required to have a permit. Student permits will be available in the ​ ​ Associate Principal’s office for $30 a year or $10 a trimester if starting mid-year.

Attendance – Please call the Oiler Attendance Line at 775-2200 before 10:00 a.m. each day that your child is absent. On the ​ ​ ​ recording, state the student’s name, grade, and date of absence. This year, we will again be using Phone Master to inform you of unexcused student absences.

We hope you enjoy the last few weeks of summer vacation as you prepare for the start of a new school year. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact any one of us. Best wishes for a successful school year! Go Oilers!


Mt. Pleasant High School Administrators

Principal John Winkler ([email protected]) Associate Principal Jeff Platte ([email protected]) Athletic Director Jim Conway ([email protected]) Associate Principal for GI-TEC Mary Kay Voeks ([email protected]) ​ ​




Enrolling Now

WAY offers an alternative, blended program for middle school students in grades 6-8 and high school courses for students in grades 9-12, through age 21. If you know someone interested in enrolling in WAY-Oasis Alternative Middle and High School, please fill out this application for enrollment form and staff will contact you to set up ​ ​ an appointment.

If there are any questions about the MS/HS WAY - Oasis programs, please email the director, Jamie Cartier, at [email protected]


Right to Review Teacher Qualifications

Parents have the right to know the professional qualifications of the classroom teachers who instruct their children. The federal law allows them to ask for specific information about their child’s classroom teacher(s). The law also requires Mt. Pleasant Public Schools to give the information to them in a timely manner if information is requested. Specifically, parents have the right to ask for the following information about each of their child’s classroom teachers:  Whether the Michigan Department of Education has licensed the teacher for the grades and subjects he/she teaches.  Whether the Michigan Department of Education has decided that the teacher can teach in a classroom without being licensed under state regulations because of special circumstances.  The teacher’s college major; whether the teacher has any advanced degrees, and, if so, the subject of the degrees.  Whether any teachers’ paraprofessionals provide services to your child and, if they do, their qualifications. If any parent would like to receive any of this information, please send a request in writing to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, 720 N. Kinney Ave. Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 or call (989) 775-2303.


Generally, school officials must have written permission from the parent/guardian or from a student of an eligible student (that is, a student who is 18 or older or who is otherwise legally emancipated) before releasing any information from a student’s record. However, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) allows school districts to disclose, without consent, “directory” type information. The Board of Education of the Mt. Pleasant Public Schools has designated the following personally identifiable information contained in a student’s education record as “directory information”: A. Student name, address, telephone listing. B. Parent/Guardian name, address, telephone listing, e-mail address. C. Date and place of birth. D. Participation in officially recognized activities and sports. E. Weight and height, if member of an athletic team. F. Dates of attendance, date of graduation, honor rolls, scholarships, degrees and awards received. G. School photographs or videos of students participating in school activities, events or programs. H. Videos and other graphic representations I. Information generally found in yearbooks. J. Major field of study.

Unless you advise the Mt. Pleasant Public Schools that you do not want any or all of this information released, school officials may release personally identifiable information that has been designated above as “directory information”. Upon receiving written notice from parents/guardians or eligible students objecting to disclosure, this information will not be released without the prior consent of the parent/guardian or eligible student. Your annual notification of objection should be addressed to: Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, 720 N. Kinney Ave., Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858



Nondiscrimination The Board of Education declares it to be the policy of this District to provide an equal opportunity for all students, regardless of race, color, age, disability, religion, gender, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, place of residence within the boundaries of the District, or social or economic background, to learn through the curriculum offered in this District.

Complaint Procedure Section I If any person believes that the Mt. Pleasant Public Schools or any of the District’s staff has inadequately applied the principles and/or regulations of (1) Title II, Title VI, and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (2) Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972, (3) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, (4) The Age Act, and (5) The Americans with Disabilities Act, s/he may bring forward a complaint, which shall be referred to as a grievance, to the District’s Civil Rights Coordinator: Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, 720 N. Kinney Ave., Central Office of Mt. Pleasant Public Schools, (989) 775-2303.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age (eligible students) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. They are:

(1) The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the District receives a request for access.

Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal (or appropriate school official) a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The principal will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.

(2) The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate or misleading.

Parents or eligible students may ask Mt. Pleasant Public Schools to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the school principal, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading.

If the District decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the District will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.

(3) The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.


One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the District as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or company with whom the District has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.

A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record to fulfill his or her professionally responsibility.

(4) Upon request, the Mt. Pleasant Public Schools discloses educational records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.

(5) The right to file a complaint with the U. S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the District to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U. S. Department of Education, 600 Independence Avenue, S. W., Washington, D. C. 20202-4605.


In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the American’s with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the State of Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Acts of 1977, Section 102 (1), the Mt. Pleasant Public Schools does not discriminate, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, height, weight, marital status, sexual orientation, or any other legally protected characteristics in its programs, activities, or services. In addition, arrangements can be made to ensure that the lack of English language skills is not a barrier to admission or participation.

Questions or concerns regarding compliance with this policy may be directed to the: Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, Mt. Pleasant Public Schools, 720 N. Kinney Ave., Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48858 (989) 775-2303.


In accordance with Federal Law, the Board of Education prohibits the use, possession, concealment, or distribution of drugs by students on school grounds, in school or school- approved vehicles, or at any school-related event. Drugs include any alcoholic beverage, anabolic steroid, dangerous controlled substance as defined by State statute, or substance that could be considered a look-a-like controlled substance. Compliance with this policy is mandatory for all students. Any student who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, in accordance with due process and as specified in the student handbooks, up to and including expulsion from school. When required by State law, the District will also notify law enforcement officials.

The District is concerned about any student who is a victim of alcohol or drug abuse and will facilitate the process by which s/he receives help through programs and services available in the community. Students and their parents should contact the school principal or counseling office whenever such help is needed.



In accordance with Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act 451, Section 8316, Mt. Pleasant Public Schools will give parents and guardians advance notice of the application of a pesticide, other than a bait or gel formulation. An advance notice will be given at least 48 hours prior to the application using the following two methods: 1. A notice will be posted at the entrance of the school or day care center 2. A notice will be posted on the MPPS Channel 190.

In addition to the above notification, parents or guardians are entitled to receive the notice by first-class United States mail postmarked at least three days before the application, if they so request. Individuals requesting to be notified by U.S. mail should make a written request which includes: your name, address and district buildings you would like to be informed of prior to pesticide application. Send your request to Debra Ervin, MPPS Central Administrative Offices, 720 N. Kinney Ave., Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858.

Parents and guardians also have the right to review records relating to pesticide application. For questions regarding pesticide application procedures you may contact Josh Rhodes, Facilities Director, at (989) 775-2320.


The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) of 1986 requires that the District notify parents, guardians, students, and staff annually concerning asbestos-containing building materials in district buildings and that the management plans for each building are available for their review. These annual notifications can be found on the Mt. Pleasant Public Schools’ website at:, then click on “Notices & Reports.”


MT. PLEASANT PUBLIC SCHOOLS 720 North Kinney Avenue Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48858 (989) 775-2300 Fax: (989) 775-2309 Superintendent Jennifer Verleger [email protected] Assistant Superintendent Chief Financial Officer Linda Boyd Ginger Faber [email protected] [email protected]

Mt Pleasant Public Schools 2020-2021 Calendar

*Updated August 14, 2020

1st Trimester

Aug. 3 Balanced Calendar Classroom Open Houses 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Aug. 5 Full day for Balanced DK-5 students and staff

Aug. 18 Staff meetings 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Aug. 19 Elementary (DK – 5) teacher preparation time in buildings 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Aug. 20 Secondary (6 – 12) teacher preparation time in buildings 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Aug. 24 No DK-12 students or staff (Balanced Calendar and Traditional)

Aug 25 MPHS Open House 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. (assigned times by alphabet) MPMS 6th grade Orientation 2:30 – 7:30 p.m. (assigned times by alphabet) Ganiard, Pullen, and Vowles Open House 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Aug 26 MPMS 7th/8th Grade Open House 2:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. (assigned times by alphabet) Fancher and McGuire Open House 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Aug. 25 - Teacher work days (No DK-12 Traditional Calendar Students) Aug. 28

Aug. 31 Full day for DK-12 students and staff

Sept. 4 No DK-12 students or staff – Labor Day weekend

Sept. 7 No DK-12 students or staff – Labor Day

Sept. 28 – Oct. 2 Balanced Calendar Intersession

Oct. 15 Full day for all students DK-5 Parent/Teacher Conferences 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Mt. Pleasant Public Schools Empowers Excellence! MT. PLEASANT PUBLIC SCHOOLS 720 North Kinney Avenue Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48858 (989) 775-2300 Fax: (989) 775-2309 Superintendent Jennifer Verleger [email protected] Assistant Superintendent Chief Financial Officer Linda Boyd Ginger Faber [email protected] [email protected]

Oct. 16 No DK-12 students DK-5 Parent/Teacher Conferences 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. – 4:0 p.m. Secondary Staff Professional Development 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. & 12:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Oct. 21 Full day for all DK-12 students and staff MPHS Parent/Teacher Conferences 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Oct. 22 Full day for all DK-12 students and staff MPMS Parent/Teacher Conferences 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Nov. 3 No DK-12 students – Election Day Staff Professional Development 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. (1-hour lunch: Time TBD)

Nov. 11 Full day for DK-12 students and staff; Secondary exams begin

Nov. 12 Full day for DK-12 students and staff; Secondary exams continue

Nov. 13 Half day DK-12 students and staff; Secondary exams continue

2nd Trimester

Nov. 16 Trimester 2 begins

Nov. 23 – 24 Balanced Calendar Intersession

Nov. 25 – 27 No School – Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 21 – Jan. 1 No School – Winter Break

Jan. 4 Full day for DK-12 students and staff

Feb. 1 – 5 Balanced Calendar Intersession

Feb. 8 No DK-12 students Staff Professional Development 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. (1-hour lunch: Time TBD)

Mar. 3 Full day for DK-12 students and staff; Secondary exams begin

Mar. 4 Full day for DK-12 students and staff; Secondary exams continue DK-5 Parent/Teacher conferences 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Mt. Pleasant Public Schools Empowers Excellence! MT. PLEASANT PUBLIC SCHOOLS 720 North Kinney Avenue Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48858 (989) 775-2300 Fax: (989) 775-2309 Superintendent Jennifer Verleger [email protected] Assistant Superintendent Chief Financial Officer Linda Boyd Ginger Faber [email protected] [email protected]

Mar. 5 No school for DK-5 students; Half day 6-12 students; Full day for staff Secondary exams a.m.; Teacher preparation time in buildings in p.m. DK-5 Parent/Teacher conferences 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Mar. 8 No DK-12 students or staff

3rd Trimester

Mar. 9 Trimester 3 begins

Mar 9 – 12 Balanced Calendar Intersession

Mar. 29 – Apr. 4 No School – Spring Break

April 13 Statewide high school SAT testing

April 14 Statewide high school testing

May 24 – 28 Balanced Calendar Intersession or Make-up day(s) if needed

May 31 No School – Memorial Day

June 2 Full day for DK-12 students and staff; Secondary exams begin

June 3 Full day for DK-12 students and staff; Secondary exams continue

June 4 Last day of school for Traditional Calendar staff and students. Secondary exams continue; Half day DK-12 students and staff

June 7, 8, … Traditional Calendar Make-up day(s), if needed Exam schedules to be adjusted to accommodate make-up days

June 17 Last day of school for Balanced Calendar staff and students Half day Balanced Calendar students and staff

Mt. Pleasant Public Schools Empowers Excellence!