(Dayton, Ohio), 1940-06-21
gjgy • w v r, J f r 5- >'r iiSHPS - \ is V ^ ' * "'"•' -«f "•*•> '*r."f' } s-?*£v•- - ..*!«*£*• , y ?- «n 11M'£w ..• - •'*% t mm ; a -.\ **\ A •. W-'iW > . -» Ss-v • \ *:, ,*, •«., ' y. *'•* [Bteplss \\ J-" •„* '** •' •* ' fif^ #*' c lt^ ••' * ^ ftj >'','nv 4:< .' -A1 i«, if* *f v. i 1 v'y f -. * H it " THE FORUM PAGE EIGHt *• •> FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1940. •MkMUat« cational toars, swimming, merit to get together eajch week for social NATIONAL BAPTIST CONGRESS badge shows, and the like. The troop purposes. ' ' " * T' ' I may register for three dollars ($3) ; The Aldridgs Players, which re- j this amount will entitle you to a.s Si cently successfully presented "Dixie f 01\T Aim OFF THE AIR TO STRESS many representatives as you desire. Love" btefore more than 500 spec-| The expense for each b<>y will be tators at the St. Louis Municipal^ — STRAaUL CASL OF EDGAR UEliCEN - scouts, cadets, Shepherd Boys' clubs, By JAMES E. GAYLE four dollars for the entire six days PRESENT ONE' Auditorium, also is planning to spon- \ Hi-Y hoys, Royal Ambassadors, and .. By t rod Emery n '' COLUMBUS, O.—P?x>l'«;Hhor Rich of the congress. This amount will sor a nation-wide cash piize play ' any other boys who wish to partici ard O. Otey, Director of the First include food, sleeping quarters, writing contest, details of which sooiv EDGAR BERGEN, if the psychologists ever get hold pate. Each boy must be in good ACT PLAYS National Boys' Congress, Boy Scouts transportation while there, and will be announced *>f him, will likely turn out to be 45 per cent Frankenstein, of America, announces that the :-tandi»ig with the troop ;ind must medical service if needed.
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