Egypt: Good Progress to Date, but Sustainabil- ity Requires Deep, Transformational Change February 20, 2019 George Abed, Distinguished Scholar in Residence,
[email protected], +1 202 857 3310 Chun Jin, Research Intern,
[email protected], +1 202 857 3337 Boban Markovic, Senior Research Analyst,
[email protected], + 202 857 3632 KEY POINTS • Egypt is making good progress on economic reforms in the context of an IMF-supported program. This is re- Exhibit 1: GDP Per Capita, 1980-2018 flected in higher growth, reduced deficits, a reformed ex- change regime and higher reserves. Current $, thousands 28 Korea 24 • Egypt is also making headway on the more pressing and long-debated structural reforms of fuel subsidies and is- 20 sues related to the business environment, thereby im- proving the immediate outlook. 16 Turkey 12 • However, to sustain the progress and to lift the growth trajectory durably over the long term, deeper and more 8 Malaysia fundamental reforms are urgently needed. EMs 4 Egypt • Prolonged neglect of deep-rooted structural distortions 0 1980-89 1990-99 2000-09 2010-18 has impeded Egypt’s ability to match its more successful EM peers in raising its standard of living and in reaping Source: IIF and IMF the full benefits of globalization (Exhibit 1). • While the current policy of incremental reform could EGYPT’S IMF-SUPPORTED REFORMS continue to produce marginal, albeit often impermanent Once more the IMF moved the goal posts and allowed Egypt improvements, the urgent need is for a serious reconsid- to pass the fourth review of the program agreed in 2016 and eration of the country’s growth model and its state-led thereby receive the penultimate $2 billion disbursement of a development strategy.