Historical Brief Installations and Usaaf Combat Units In
HISTORICAL BRIEF INSTALLATIONS AND USAAF COMBAT UNITS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM 1942 - 1945 REVISED AND EXPANDED EDITION OFFICE OF HISTORY HEADQUARTERS THIRD AIR FORCE UNITED STATES AIR FORCES IN EUROPE OCTOBER 1980 REPRINTED: FEBRUARY 1985 FORE~ORD to the 1967 Edition Between June 1942 ~nd Oecemhcr 1945, 165 installations in the United Kingdom were used by combat units of the United States Army Air I"orce~. ;\ tota) of three numbered .,lr forl'es, ninc comllklnds, frJur ;jfr divi'iions, )} w1.l\~H, Illi j(r,IUpl', <lnd 449 squadron!'! were at onE' time or another stationed in ',r'!;rt r.rftaIn. Mnny of tlal~ airrll'lds hnvc been returned to fann land, others havl' houses st.lnding wh~rr:: t'lying Fortr~ss~s and 1.lbcratorR nllce were prepared for their mis.'ilons over the Continent, Only;l few rcm:l.1n ;IS <Jpcr.Jt 11)11., 1 ;'\frfll'ldH. This study has been initl;ltcd by the Third Air Force Historical Division to meet a continuin~ need for accurate information on the location of these bases and the units which they served. During the pas t several years, requests for such information from authors, news media (press and TV), and private individuals has increased. A second study coverin~ t~e bases and units in the United Kingdom from 1948 to the present is programmed. Sources for this compilation included the records on file in the Third Air Force historical archives: Maurer, Maurer, Combat Units of World War II, United States Government Printing Office, 1960 (which also has a brief history of each unit listed); and a British map, "Security Released Airfields 1n the United Kingdom, December 1944" showing the locations of Royal Air Force airfields as of December 1944.
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