Directions to Forest Edge To Noojee + Mt Baw Baw E:
[email protected] To Nayook, Powell Town d R + Yarra Junction e Neerim Junction Mcken zi + Mt Baw Baw N d Bus Shelter eerim East R + Forest Edge sign Turn left Forest Edge Neerim Junction onto Mckenzie Rd. d R Continue until you are t s Forest Edge a E at the end of the m ri e road. CYC e N Forest Edge Sign Once you N Murphy Rd are out from the e Mck 405 McKenzie Road e enz rim ie R 80km zone, take East Rd d 5 Mins Neerim East 3831 d R the next right, 5 Mins P: (03) 5628 4224 m i down Neerim r Melways: p512 V4 e e East Rd 100 N n i 100 a Cemetary M Once Neerim + in the town of Mt Baw Baw Neerim South, South Neerim Neerim S ettlement R h Rd continue on the same d ug Neerrim ( llo 80 no Bus Acc u es s cC road. DO NOT turn South ) M Primary d right. go straight R Food School t through the works d s R Public Bathrooms a s E roundabout heading d l Pub N m eer e i im r East Rd Neerim Lookout + fi Petrol f towards Mt Baw e e h St East e Baw + Noojee Toilet S Johns N Church Neerim District Secondary Collage Neerim Dont go down Neerim these Roads South East Medical Rendall Rd Centre 7 Mins 17 Mins 30 Mins Private Hospital Rd Veysey Rd Railway Wetlands, BBQ and Pubic d d Bathrooms R R t s m a i r E d e e R m i r N s e d e l Warragul n N i e fi a f e M h Fraser Spur Rd S At erim Ea the end of the Ne st Rd road turn left 100 Mt Baw Baw LaTrobe River Rd Rd rim Bathroom e Mackintosh e Rd Main N Stop Neerim McDougal Rd Wattle Ln O Petrol d ld d South R R Sale Station y d