The following update to the previous study report of 2013 was funded by a state bond. It should be noted that while this study covers improving the capacity of the lower Rooster River and to for flood water flows it indirectly affects the upper river flooding as was experienced in September, 2018 due to severe, short duration rain storms

Flood & Erosion Control Board March, 2019 Rooster River Flood Control Project Phase 3 Report Update March 15, 2019

Town of Fairfield Table of Contents

1.0 INTRODUCTION ...... 1.1



4.0 CONCLUSION ...... 4.1







Stantec Consulting Services Inc. has been retained by the Town of Fairfield to update the Rooster River Flood Control Study - Phase 3 (including Addendum) report dated February 28, 2003 and updated July 10, 2006. This study was conducted in association with a contract provided by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP). The updates include the following items which are detailed in this report:

• Update all cross-section data in the hydraulic model with new surveyed data and include additional cross sections in the Feroleto Steel Bridge area.

• Calculate peak flows based on the revised current rainfall data published by NOAA.

• Update the starting water surface elevation downstream of the Brewster Street Bridge based on current tidal information.

• Review the watershed for potential significant development which may affect the hydrology/hydraulics within the Rooster River watershed.

• Review as-built drawings for scour countermeasures installed at the Metro North Bridge and update the hydraulic sections accordingly.

• Update the previously submitted property impact matrix based on the model revisions noted above outlining the impacted properties for the revised existing conditions and the proposed conditions after the implementation of the Phase I and Phase II improvements.

• Update the opinion of probable cost for the Phase I and Phase II improvements.




The Rooster River and its floodplain north of I-95 have been studied many times beginning in 1958 with the original construction of the highway. The prior Phase 3 study prepared by FGA on April 1990 was based, in part, on an earlier study completed by Anderson-Nichols & Co., Inc. (ANCO) in 1980.

Both previous studies included numerous measures to increase flood protection in the Town of Fairfield, with the FGA report progressing as far as contract plans and specifications. However, a lack of funding and public support served to undermine any significant implementation of either of the study’s recommendations.

The intent of the original 2003 Rooster River Flood Control Study (by Stantec – formerly Vollmer Associates) was to develop flood mitigation alternatives which are cost effective and might be endorsed by the public. The goals of the study were summarized as follows:

• Provide new insights to flooding factors through extensive field investigations and computer analysis so that realistic flood water flows and elevations can be determined; and

• Evaluate alternative flood mitigation measures that are feasible, economical and likely to gain public support.

Since the purpose of the study was to provide new flood mitigation alternatives which have not been previously proposed, any measures which have been found to be infeasible from previous studies were not reexamined. This included the raising of King’s Highway (Route 1) to act as a dike and the construction of a pressure relief conduit in Coolidge Avenue.

The basis of the original study was to evaluate the hydraulics and hydrology of the watershed including improvements for the 100-year flood based on to the funding source and direction from DEEP at that time.


For the original Stantec hydrologic study, drainage boundaries were determined from existing USGS maps, existing Town storm drainage maps, and extensive field investigation. For purposes of evaluation, the drainage basin was divided into four major sub-basins as follows:

Sub-basin A: Upper watershed flows which converge at King’s Highway East (Route 1) where the river flow gauge is located.

Sub-basin B: Local flows in the area of immediate concern which outlet into the Rooster River between Route 1 and I-95.

Sub-basin C: Local flows from Bridgeport which outlet directly upstream of I-95.


Sub-basin D: Lower watershed flows which outlet south of I-95 at Brewster Street.

Hydrographs were developed in HEC-HMS using standard Soil Conservation Service (SCS) methods as outlined in TR-55 for computing run-off and time of concentration. Time of concentration was computed at a flow depth equal to 25% of conduit height. Curve numbers were based on existing development within each drainage sub-area as determined from field investigations, and from soil types as determined from the SCS Soil Survey for Fairfield County. Weighted curve numbers were derived for each subarea and were taken as the average of the Type I and Type II Antecedent Moisture Condition value. Storm events were based on 24-hour rainfall depths as noted in “Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the United States” Technical Paper No. 40 by U.S. Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau. Rainfall distribution was assumed to be a ‘Type III’ hypothetical storm as determined by SCS.

A hydraulic study of the Rooster River was performed between Brewster Street and Route 1 to determine water surface profiles for the various storm events with emphasis on the 100-year flood. Using the flow rates determined from the hydrologic study, the hydraulic model takes into account various channel characteristics such as channel size, slope and roughness, overbank flow, bridges and other constrictions to determine depth of flow along the river. Thirty-six (36) cross sections of the Rooster River were surveyed between Brewster Street and Route 1 for use in the hydraulic study. Existing bridge openings were measured, and parapet heights recorded for use in bridge modeling. Channel bank and overbank characteristics were noted for use in selecting channel roughness coefficients.

The U.S. Army Corps HEC-RAS program (v. 3.0.1) was used to create a hydraulic model of the river and to determine the resulting water surface profiles. Channel roughness coefficients for in-bank and overbank flow were taken as 0.035 and 0.06 respectively. Where overbank flow occurred in a parking lot or other paved area, a coefficient of 0.015 was used. Ineffective flows areas were assumed at building walls or other obstructions to flow. Bridge railings were assumed to be solid (no openings) as they are likely to clog with debris during high flows.

Water surface profiles were first created for the existing conditions and ‘natural’ conditions for the river. The natural conditions model removed any artificial constrictions to river flows such as bridges and channel filling. Subsequent profiles were then created for various proposed changes to the river, such as the removal of bridges, channel improvements and storm water pumping so as to evaluate the impact of each feature separately on channel hydraulics. Appendix C contains the original matrix of the models that were produced along with the reduction in water surface elevations upstream of I-95.


The recommendations outlined in the preliminary edition of this report (dated October 7, 2002) were presented by CT DEP officials to the public at a public informational meeting held at Sherman Elementary School in Fairfield on October 10, 2002 and were generally well received by the attending public. Subsequent to the public meeting, the Owner of the Feroleto Steel Company expressed concern that removal of the steel bridge in front of his property (a study recommendation) would severely impact his ability to conduct business, and that he is only able to use the adjacent Scofield Avenue bridge during emergency cases.

The final recommendation in the addendum for the original report was divided into two phases. Phase I would involve the removal of the Feroleto Steel Bridge, the removal of the Scofield Avenue Bridge, channel improvements in


the area and the construction of a new bridge spanning the floodplain/floodway in the area to replace the removed bridges. Phase II would involve the construction of three (3) new pump stations and floodwalls along with raising Fairchild Avenue. By implementing these improvements, it was estimated that the number of structures impacted by the 100-year flood would be reduced from approximately 124 to 36 (based on the original study model). The cost of the Phase I improvements was estimated to be $4.5 million and the cost of Phase II improvements was estimated to be $11 million (2006 dollars). Additional information regarding the original flood study can be found in Appendix C.

FIGURE 1: Phase I Improvements (2003)




Aerial mapping, site visits and correspondence with the Town took place to evaluate if any significant development or flood improvement projects took place from when the original study was compiled (2002) and today (2018). One major development project, the Metro Center Railroad Station, took place within the last few years, however, this development is at the downstream limit of the study reach (near Brewster Street Bridge) and would therefore not impact the peak flows from the entire watershed. Based on this review, and the fact that the watershed was mostly developed/urbanized at the time of the original study, it was assumed that no significant effects to the watershed hydrology have taken place since the original study relating to surface coverage and reach geometry.

A HEC-HMS model was compiled for the original study which included sub watersheds and routing of the flood flows through the river segments using TR-55 methodology. The model was updated to include the latest rainfall data available from NOAA Atlas 14. The NOAA Precipitation Frequency Data Server website was utilized to obtain 24- hour rainfall depths (in inches) for the watershed area in Fairfield and these values were then updated in the HEC- HMS model (See Appendix A for Precipitation Frequency Data). Runoff curve numbers and all other parameters in the model were not updated since significant changes to the coverage in the watershed were not encountered.

The new modeling showed that the updated runoff depths were significantly higher than the values used in the original study. For example, the new 100-year runoff depth is 8.35 inches, while the value used in the original study was 7.2 inches. The original value was obtained from the CTDOT Drainage Manual which was the engineering standard for rainfall data at that time. However, new rainfall values using more recent data have been published, are required to be used by CTDOT, and are now considered to be the new engineering standard. These higher runoff values resulted in significant increases to the peak flows for the watershed. Table 1 below compares the original peak flows and revised peak flows used for the project downstream of I-95. These updated values were incorporated into the revised hydraulic model.


TABLE 1: Peak Flow Summary – Downstream of I-95

Storm Event Original Report Peak Flows (cfs) Revised Peak Flows (cfs) (2003) (2018)

100-Year Storm 3733 4802

50-Year Storm 3009 3915

25-Year Storm 2429 3140

10-Year Storm 1875 2156

5-Year Storm 1371 1520

2-Year Storm 741 835


Since the original study was conducted 15 year ago, it was recommended that all section and bridge geometry be updated with new field surveyed data. A field survey was done at all the existing locations of the cross-sections along with field surveyed roadway elevations, bridge openings, building corners and vegetation limits. The field survey information was supplemented with the latest aerial photography and GIS information including LIDAR data (2’ contours) for the study area. Several new cross sections were added to the hydraulic model in the area of the Feroleto Steel Bridge to more accurately define the hydraulic conveyance in this area for the potential future bridge that may be installed. Additionally, as-built plans were obtained for the Metro North Bridge from CTDOT for channel scour countermeasures that were completed on December 29, 2008. Revisions were made to the model based on the as-built information.

The original study utilized a 10-year tidal elevation of 7.6 for all the storms. This elevation was obtained from the publication Tidal Flood Profiles New England Coastline by ACOE (September 1988). Several sources of tidal information were reviewed in order to obtain the latest tidal elevation to be used in the updated model. The Tides and Currents website (NOAA) provides detailed tidal information for the Bridgeport, CT Station ID: 8467150. The Exceedance Probability Levels and Tidal Datums graph for this station indicates an elevation of 2.32 meters (above mean sea level datum) for a 10% exceedance probability (10-year storm) for 2017. This value was converted to feet and then adjusted by 0.22’ to convert from Mean Sea Level to NAVD 88 datum. This calculation resulted in an elevation of 7.83’ which was the value utilized in the model. This value also closely matches results for tidal


information shown on a report titled “Updating Tidal Profiles for the New England Coastline” dated March 2012. See Appendix A for additional tidal Information.

The existing conditions hydraulic model was updated with all the information noted above. The new peak flows calculated with the updated rainfall values were also added to the model. The revised model shows an increase in the water surface elevation upstream of I-95 of 1.9’ over the original study. This increase is mainly due to the higher flows resulting from the higher rainfall values. As a calibration for the new model, a comparison run between the original model geometry and the revised model geometry with the original flows was prepared which showed minor changes in water surface elevations through the reach.

The existing conditions model was then updated to reflect the previously recommended Phase I improvements which included the removal of the Scofield Avenue Bridge and Feroleto Steel bridge and channel improvements in this area. On the original study (2003) the Phase I improvements reduced the water surface elevation upstream of I-95 by 1.1’. The revised model shows that these improvements only reduce the water surface elevation by 0.6’. The reason for this appears to be that the hydraulic backup caused by the two bridges to be removed is not as significant since the higher flows cause a higher percentage of overtopping flows and relief. Additionally, the Metro North Bridge is now a more significant hydraulic obstruction and appears to be the main contributor to the flooding upstream of I-95. Table 2 below summarizes the water surface elevations upstream of I-95.


TABLE 2: 100-Year Water Surface Elevation Upstream of I-95

HEC-RAS Model Water Surface Elevation (NGVD 88)

2003 Original Existing Conditions 16.1’

2018 Existing Conditions 18.0’

2003 Original Improvements Run (Phase I): Remove 15.0’ Feroleto, Scofield and Channel Improvements

2018 Improvements Run (Phase I): Remove Feroleto, 17.4’ Scofield and Channel Improvements

2003 Original Improvements Run (Phase I and II): 14.9’ (8.2’ behind floodwall) Remove Feroleto, Scofield and Channel Improvements, Pump Station, and Floodwall Construction

2018 Original Improvements Run (Phase I and II): 17.0’ (8.8’ behind floodwall) Remove Feroleto, Scofield and Channel Improvements, Pump Station, and Floodwall Construction

Another hydraulic run was incorporated to evaluate the Phase II improvements which include a flood wall and several pump stations pumping a maximum of 250 cfs downstream of the Metro North Bridge (in addition to the Phase I improvements). Other improvements including the raising of the intersection of Brentwood Avenue and Commerce Drive would also need to be incorporated to isolate the impacted area north of I-95. Some flooding would still occur behind the wall due to the local flows into the area west of the Rooster River and north of I-95. The area was modeled as a pond with a pump outflow to determine flood elevations in this area.


The results from the hydraulic analysis noted above were overlaid on the available LIDAR mapping with 2’ contours to evaluate the new limit of the 100-year floodplain due to the changes in the model. The total number of structures currently impacted by the floodplain is estimated to be 202 compared to 124 from the original study. Impacted structures in the original report after Phase I and Phase II improvements were 79 and 36 respectively (see Appendix


C for original 2003 letter outlining original structure impacts). The table below details the impacted structures for existing and proposed conditions after the improvements for the original study and the 2018 study update.

TABLE 3: Properties Impacted by 100-Yr. Storm Event

North of I-95 and Between I-95 and Within Rutland Ave Total Outside Rutland Ave Metro North Bridge

2018 Existing 27 125 50 Conditions 202 (100 Yr W.S.E. = 18.0) (100 Yr W.S.E. = 18.0) (100 Yr W.S.E. = 17.6)

2018 Improvements Run (Phase I): 27 125 46 Remove Feroleto, 198 Scofield and Channel (100 Yr W.S.E. = 17.4) (100 Yr W.S.E. = 17.4) (100 Yr W.S.E. = 17.0) Improvements

2018 Improvements Run (Phase I and II): Remove Feroleto, 26 18 13 Scofield and Channel 57 Improvements, (100 Yr W.S.E. = 17.0) (100 Yr W.S.E. = 8.8) (100 Yr W.S.E. = 8.8) Construct Pump Station and Floodwall

Due to the increase in flows, the wall will need to be approximately 2’ higher and about 600 feet longer than the previous study (new average height of 8.5’). The previous study also included the raising of Fairchild Avenue, however, due to the higher elevations, this would not be feasible due to property impacts and therefore the floodwall will need to be extended to connect to the I-95 embankment. See Figure 2 at the end of this report for updated floodplain limits.


The cost for Phase I and Phase II from the original 2003 Study was estimated to be $4.5 and $11.0 million respectively (original costs updated in 2006). The updated cost for the same improvements are shown on the tables below. Costs for some items were recalculated while an inflation value of 90% (2003 to 2018) was utilized for other costs (recalculated costs are noted as such).


TABLE 4: Phase I Opinion of Probable Cost


Item Description of Work Cost

1. Remove Feroleto Steel Co. Bridge $165,000*

2. Remove Scofield Ave Bridge $385,000*

3. Excavate sediment and debris from river at both bridges (25,000 c.y. @ $40/c.y.) $1,000,000*

4. Construct New Scofield Avenue Bridge (4,500 s.f. @ $700/s.f.) $3,150,000*

Subtotal $4,700,000

Contingency (20%) $940,000

Design and Alternative Costs (10%) $470,000


*Costs recalculated.


TABLE 5: Phase II Opinion of Probable Cost


Item Description of Work Cost

1. Pump Station (Max. Capacity = 250 cfs) $3,800,000

Force Main (P.S. to river s/o railroad) 2. 72” diameter pipe, 1,400 L.F. at $855 per L.F. $851,000

Dewatering, excavation, steel sheeting, & backfill $570,000

Construct Concrete Floodwall to Elevation 18.0’ 3. $4,674,000* 2,460 L.F. @ $1,900 per L.F.

4. Raise Intersection of Brentwood Ave to Elev. 18.0’ $285,000

5. Emergency Spillway and 60” inlet Structure with Trash Rack, Clean existing 60” pipe $380,000

6. Pump Stations at Nathan Hall and Arising Streets $1,805,000

7. Jack 72” dia. pipe under Metro North Railroad. 100 L.F. @ $2,565 per L.F. $190,000

Jacking pits, dewatering, etc. $190,000

Subtotal $12,745,000

Contingency (20%) $2,549,000

Design and Alternative Costs (10%) $1,274,000


*Costs recalculated.

The costs noted above are preliminary in nature. Although a concrete flood wall is reflected in the price, there are proprietary aluminum flood wall systems with removable panels which can be investigated for potential cost


reductions and panel removal flexibility. Some of the items not included in the estimates are: property acquisitions, removal/handling of contaminated soils or other minor items that will be needed in order to construct the improvements.



The purpose of this study was to update the original hydrologic and hydraulic models and estimates prepared in 2003 current to 2018. This included updates to the rainfall values, hydraulic model, tidal starting water surface elevations, floodplain limits and cost estimates for the recommended solutions outlined in the Addendum for the original study done in 2003 and the updates provided in 2006.

The improvements for Phase I no longer offer a cost-effective solution to remove structures from the 100-year floodplain as they did in 2003. The main reason for this is the higher flows due to the increased rainfall data. The Feroleto and Scofield Avenue Bridges have less of an impact on the flood elevations upstream of I-95. The Metro North Railroad Bridge is now the main obstruction to the flows. The Phase I improvements likely would have a positive impact for the smaller flood events (lower than the 100-year flood), however, the 100-year flood has always been the basis of the study and associated improvements due to the funding requirements. The improvements for Phase II remove 145 structures from the 100-year floodplain and would offer significant protection to the impacted area for the 100-year floodplain. An updated floodplain map outlining the proposed improvements and flood elevations can be found following this section.



PROPOSED FLOODWALLS Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 55 Church Street Suite 601 New Haven CT Tel. (203) 495-1645 ℄ ROOSTER RIVER www.stantec.com Copyright Reserved The Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions. DO NOT scale the drawing - any errors or omissions shall be reported to Stantec without delay. The Copyrights to all designs and drawings are the property of Stantec. Reproduction or use for any purpose other than that authorized by Stantec is forbidden.







Title FLOODPLAIN MAP Phase I & II Improvements Scale METRO NORTH RAILROAD 1"=300' Figure: 2







8467150 Bridgeport, CT

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Datums for 8467150, Bridgeport CT

Elevations on Station Datum Station: 8467150, Bridgeport, CT Status: Accepted (Dec 21 2012) Units: Feet T.M.: 0 Epoch: (/datum_options.html#NTDE) 1983-2001 Datum: STND Datum Value Description

MHHW (/datum_options.html#MHHW) 9.30 Mean Higher-High Water

MHW (/datum_options.html#MHW) 8.97 Mean High Water

MTL (/datum_options.html#MTL) 5.59 Mean Tide Level

MSL (/datum_options.html#MSL) 5.60 Mean Sea Level

DTL (/datum_options.html#DTL) 5.64 Mean Diurnal Tide Level

MLW (/datum_options.html#MLW) 2.22 Mean Low Water

MLLW (/datum_options.html#MLLW) 1.98 Mean Lower-Low Water

NAVD88 (/datum_options.html) 5.82 North American Vertical Datum of 1988 Datum Value Description

STND (/datum_options.html#STND) 0.00 Station Datum

GT (/datum_options.html#GT) 7.32 Great Diurnal Range

MN (/datum_options.html#MN) 6.74 Mean Range of Tide

DHQ (/datum_options.html#DHQ) 0.34 Mean Diurnal High Water Inequality

DLQ (/datum_options.html#DLQ) 0.24 Mean Diurnal Low Water Inequality

HWI (/datum_options.html#HWI) 3.81 Greenwich High Water Interval (in hours)

LWI (/datum_options.html#LWI) 10.14 Greenwich Low Water Interval (in hours)

Maximum 15.02 Highest Observed Water Level

Max Date & Time 10/30/2012 02:06 Highest Observed Water Level Date and Time

Minimum -2.60 Lowest Observed Water Level

Min Date & Time 02/02/1976 19:12 Lowest Observed Water Level Date and Time

HAT (/datum_options.html#HAT) 10.80 Highest Astronomical Tide

HAT Date & Time 10/16/1993 16:12 HAT Date and Time

LAT (/datum_options.html#LAT) 0.54 Lowest Astronomical Tide

LAT Date & Time 02/08/1997 22:54 LAT Date and Time

Tidal Datum Analysis Periods

01/01/1983 - 12/31/2001 Datums for 8467150, Bridgeport, CT All figures in feet relative to station datum

MHHW: 9.3 DHQ: 0.34 MHW: 8.97


6 MSL: 5.6 DTL: 5.64 NAVD88: 5.82 MTL: 5.59 GT: MN: 6.74 7.32


MLW: 2.22 MLLW: 1.98 2 DLQ: 0.24


Showing datums for

8467150 Bridgeport, CT

Data Units Feet Meters

Epoch Present (1983-2001) Superseded (1960-1978)

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NY Bridgeport, CT West Haven, Milford, New Haven, 15 Port Jefferson, East Haven,




11 88


FEET 9 1938, 9.3 IN

8 1954, 8.1




4 Mean Annual Max 10% Annual Chance Elevation 3 2% Annual Chance Elevation

2 1% Annual Chance Elevation

0.2% Annual Chance Elevation 1 High Water Mark (Year, Elevation) 0 35 40 45 50 55 60 STATUTE MILES EAST OF WILLETS POINT ‐‐

Figure C3. Tidal Flood Profile 2 from mile 35 to mile 60












40 H 40



































































30 A 30





















S 20 20 D













A 10 10









T 0 0












-10 -10 E














C , C










N -20 -20 G








































0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 E

F STREAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE CONFLUENCE WITH ASH CREEK 336P 10/17/2017 Precipitation Frequency Data Server NOAA Atlas 14, V olume 10, Version 2 Location name: Fairfield, Connecticut, USA * Latitude: 41.1765°, Longitude: -73.2231° Elevation: 15.18 ft** * source: ESRI Maps ** source: USGS


Sanja Perica, Sandra Pavlovic, Michael St. Laurent, Carl Trypaluk, Dale Unruh, Orlan Wilhite

NOAA, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PF_tabular | PF_graphical | Maps_&_aerials

PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches) 1 Average recurrence interval (years) Duration 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 0.354 0.420 0.529 0.619 0.742 0.838 0.933 1.05 1.20 1.32 5-min (0.281‑0.440) (0.333‑0.523) (0.417‑0.660) (0.485‑0.777) (0.562‑0.971) (0.620‑1.12) (0.668‑1.29) (0.710‑1.48) (0.780‑1.75) (0.832‑1.96) 0.501 0.595 0.749 0.876 1.05 1.19 1.32 1.49 1.70 1.86 10-min (0.397‑0.623) (0.472‑0.741) (0.591‑0.935) (0.688‑1.10) (0.796‑1.38) (0.878‑1.58) (0.946‑1.83) (1.01‑2.10) (1.11‑2.49) (1.18‑2.78) 0.589 0.700 0.881 1.03 1.24 1.40 1.56 1.75 2.00 2.19 15-min (0.468‑0.733) (0.555‑0.872) (0.695‑1.10) (0.809‑1.30) (0.937‑1.62) (1.03‑1.86) (1.11‑2.15) (1.18‑2.47) (1.30‑2.92) (1.39‑3.27) 0.822 0.976 1.23 1.44 1.72 1.95 2.17 2.43 2.77 3.03 30-min (0.652‑1.02) (0.773‑1.22) (0.969‑1.53) (1.13‑1.80) (1.30‑2.25) (1.44‑2.59) (1.55‑2.99) (1.64‑3.43) (1.80‑4.05) (1.92‑4.51) 1.05 1.25 1.57 1.84 2.21 2.50 2.78 3.11 3.54 3.86 60-min (0.836‑1.31) (0.991‑1.56) (1.24‑1.97) (1.45‑2.31) (1.67‑2.89) (1.84‑3.32) (1.98‑3.83) (2.10‑4.39) (2.30‑5.17) (2.45‑5.76) 1.36 1.63 2.07 2.44 2.94 3.32 3.71 4.19 4.82 5.30 2-hr (1.09‑1.69) (1.30‑2.02) (1.65‑2.57) (1.92‑3.04) (2.24‑3.82) (2.47‑4.41) (2.67‑5.10) (2.85‑5.88) (3.14‑7.00) (3.36‑7.84) 1.57 1.89 2.41 2.84 3.43 3.88 4.34 4.92 5.70 6.28 3-hr (1.26‑1.94) (1.51‑2.33) (1.92‑2.98) (2.25‑3.53) (2.62‑4.45) (2.90‑5.14) (3.14‑5.96) (3.35‑6.89) (3.72‑8.23) (3.99‑9.25) 1.98 2.39 3.06 3.61 4.37 4.96 5.55 6.33 7.36 8.14 6-hr (1.60‑2.42) (1.93‑2.93) (2.46‑3.75) (2.88‑4.46) (3.37‑5.64) (3.73‑6.53) (4.04‑7.58) (4.33‑8.79) (4.82‑10.6) (5.19‑11.9) 2.44 2.95 3.78 4.48 5.43 6.16 6.90 7.89 9.21 10.2 12-hr (1.98‑2.96) (2.39‑3.59) (3.06‑4.61) (3.59‑5.49) (4.20‑6.95) (4.66‑8.06) (5.06‑9.37) (5.42‑10.9) (6.05‑13.1) (6.53‑14.8) 2.85 3.48 4.51 5.36 6.54 7.44 8.35 9.65 11.4 12.7 24-hr (2.33‑3.43) (2.84‑4.20) (3.67‑5.46) (4.33‑6.52) (5.10‑8.33) (5.67‑9.70) (6.17‑11.3) (6.64‑13.2) (7.49‑16.1) (8.13‑18.3) 3.17 3.93 5.19 6.23 7.66 8.76 9.86 11.6 13.8 15.5 2-day (2.61‑3.79) (3.23‑4.71) (4.25‑6.24) (5.06‑7.52) (6.01‑9.72) (6.74‑11.4) (7.37‑13.4) (7.99‑15.7) (9.12‑19.4) (9.99‑22.2) 3-day 3.42 4.26 5.64 6.77 8.34 9.55 10.8 12.6 15.2 17.0 https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=41.1765&lon=-73.2231&data=depth&units=english&series=pds 1/6

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Rooster River - Final Analysis Plan: 1) Existing Conditions 2/7/2018 2) Proposed Ph I 2/7/2018 3) Proposed Ph I and II 2/7/2018 40 Legend

WS 100yr - Existing Conditions WS 100yr - Proposed Ph I

WS 100yr - Proposed Ph I and II



20 Elevation (ft) Elevation


0 114.5 Sect. 32 116 Sect. 33 DS Route 1 Bridge HWY King's 116.5 119 Sect. 36 14.5 Sect. 5 20 23 26 30.5 Sect. 12 33.5 Sect. 13... 34.5 Sect. 15 US... 38.5 Sect. 16 DS S... 40.75 Sect. 19... 42.75 I-95 Tri... 50.5 Sect. 22 61 Sect. 23 77 Sect. 24 80 Sect. 25 82 Sect. 26 86 Sect. 27 90 Sect. 28 92.5 Sect. 29 99.5 Sect. 30 108.5 Sect. 31 -10 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000

Main Channel Distance (ft)

HEC-RAS River: Rooster River Reach: 1 Profile: 100yr Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 1 119 100yr Existing Conditions 4413.00 4.66 19.73 19.99 0.000253 3.86 1243.92 157.03 0.18 1 119 100yr Proposed Ph I 4413.00 4.66 19.57 19.85 0.000269 3.95 1219.38 156.35 0.19 1 119 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4413.00 4.66 19.48 19.76 0.000279 4.01 1205.14 155.95 0.19

1 117 100yr Existing Conditions 4413.00 4.68 19.83 12.51 19.94 0.000105 2.03 1858.46 279.72 0.10 1 117 100yr Proposed Ph I 4413.00 4.68 19.67 12.51 19.79 0.000113 2.10 1815.39 279.17 0.10 1 117 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4413.00 4.68 19.58 12.51 19.70 0.000119 2.14 1790.35 278.85 0.10

1 116.5 Bridge

1 116 100yr Existing Conditions 4413.00 4.45 18.58 18.74 0.000397 3.90 1588.34 321.27 0.20 1 116 100yr Proposed Ph I 4413.00 4.45 18.06 18.26 0.000518 4.32 1427.33 296.33 0.23 1 116 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4413.00 4.45 17.76 17.99 0.000604 4.58 1341.01 285.94 0.25

1 114.5 100yr Existing Conditions 4413.00 4.21 18.53 11.62 18.68 0.000323 4.03 1941.04 263.56 0.20 1 114.5 100yr Proposed Ph I 4413.00 4.21 17.99 11.62 18.17 0.000397 4.35 1803.99 255.69 0.22 1 114.5 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4413.00 4.21 17.69 11.62 17.89 0.000444 4.53 1727.39 251.21 0.23

1 108.5 100yr Existing Conditions 4413.00 4.30 18.48 18.52 0.000157 2.40 2999.76 367.97 0.12 1 108.5 100yr Proposed Ph I 4413.00 4.30 17.93 17.99 0.000193 2.58 2799.84 366.52 0.13 1 108.5 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4413.00 4.30 17.62 17.68 0.000218 2.70 2685.31 365.68 0.14

1 99.5 100yr Existing Conditions 4413.00 1.57 18.39 10.27 18.42 0.000126 2.61 4343.26 636.30 0.12 1 99.5 100yr Proposed Ph I 4413.00 1.57 17.82 10.27 17.86 0.000157 2.83 3991.57 605.42 0.13 1 99.5 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4413.00 1.57 17.49 10.27 17.53 0.000178 2.96 3795.62 587.52 0.14

1 92.5 100yr Existing Conditions 4413.00 2.44 18.38 18.39 0.000016 1.04 6563.60 828.04 0.05 1 92.5 100yr Proposed Ph I 4413.00 2.44 17.81 17.82 0.000020 1.12 6102.19 794.47 0.05 1 92.5 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4413.00 2.44 17.48 17.49 0.000022 1.17 5842.82 776.30 0.05

1 90 100yr Existing Conditions 4413.00 2.42 18.37 18.38 0.000016 0.85 7577.38 1002.32 0.04 1 90 100yr Proposed Ph I 4413.00 2.42 17.80 17.82 0.000020 0.93 7017.03 966.11 0.04 1 90 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4413.00 2.42 17.47 17.49 0.000023 0.98 6700.37 947.87 0.05

1 86 100yr Existing Conditions 4413.00 0.72 18.36 18.37 0.000052 1.89 5374.74 532.00 0.08 1 86 100yr Proposed Ph I 4413.00 0.72 17.78 17.80 0.000063 2.03 5069.43 532.00 0.09 1 86 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4413.00 0.72 17.45 17.47 0.000070 2.11 4891.83 532.00 0.09

1 82 100yr Existing Conditions 4413.00 1.20 18.21 18.33 0.000187 3.69 1916.13 143.00 0.16 1 82 100yr Proposed Ph I 4413.00 1.20 17.62 17.75 0.000215 3.86 1831.80 143.00 0.17 1 82 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4413.00 1.20 17.27 17.42 0.000234 3.96 1782.56 143.00 0.18

1 80 100yr Existing Conditions 4413.00 1.14 18.25 18.27 0.000048 1.58 5211.04 565.00 0.08 1 80 100yr Proposed Ph I 4413.00 1.14 17.66 17.68 0.000059 1.71 4878.16 565.00 0.08 1 80 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4413.00 1.14 17.32 17.34 0.000068 1.79 4683.61 565.00 0.09 HEC-RAS River: Rooster River Reach: 1 Profile: 100yr (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 1 77 100yr Existing Conditions 4413.00 -0.66 18.24 18.26 0.000036 1.59 5880.16 594.73 0.07 1 77 100yr Proposed Ph I 4413.00 -0.66 17.65 17.67 0.000043 1.71 5528.17 593.50 0.08 1 77 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4413.00 -0.66 17.30 17.32 0.000048 1.78 5322.56 592.78 0.08

1 61 100yr Existing Conditions 4413.00 -0.76 18.11 18.15 0.000075 2.43 3269.06 223.00 0.10 1 61 100yr Proposed Ph I 4413.00 -0.76 17.49 17.55 0.000085 2.53 3132.65 223.00 0.11 1 61 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4413.00 -0.76 17.13 17.19 0.000092 2.60 3052.40 223.00 0.11

1 50.5 100yr Existing Conditions 4413.00 -2.35 18.10 18.11 0.000023 1.41 6125.34 643.94 0.06 1 50.5 100yr Proposed Ph I 4413.00 -2.35 17.48 17.50 0.000027 1.51 5732.30 632.11 0.06 1 50.5 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4413.00 -2.35 17.12 17.13 0.000030 1.58 5504.06 625.19 0.07

1 44.75 100yr Existing Conditions 4802.00 -4.20 18.02 2.25 18.08 0.000082 2.23 2397.86 2225.40 0.08 1 44.75 100yr Proposed Ph I 4802.00 -4.20 17.39 2.25 17.46 0.000101 2.41 2248.11 2033.16 0.09 1 44.75 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4552.00 -4.20 17.03 2.04 17.10 0.000102 2.40 2162.09 1986.12 0.09

1 42.75 Mult Open

1 40.75 100yr Existing Conditions 4802.00 -4.25 17.87 17.93 0.000079 2.19 2401.30 1139.91 0.08 1 40.75 100yr Proposed Ph I 4802.00 -4.25 17.18 17.25 0.000100 2.40 2235.58 1130.70 0.09 1 40.75 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4552.00 -4.25 16.80 16.88 0.000101 2.39 2145.31 1125.68 0.09

1 39.75 100yr Existing Conditions 4802.00 -2.09 17.89 6.89 17.90 0.000019 1.10 4813.27 746.14 0.05 1 39.75 100yr Proposed Ph I 4802.00 -2.09 17.20 6.89 17.22 0.000026 1.24 4311.17 711.56 0.06 1 39.75 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4552.00 -2.09 16.82 6.61 16.84 0.000027 1.26 4046.20 692.61 0.06

1 39.5 Bridge

1 38.5 100yr Existing Conditions 4802.00 -2.57 17.89 17.90 0.000006 0.54 6390.41 893.00 0.02 1 38.5 100yr Proposed Ph I 4802.00 -2.57 17.20 17.21 0.000008 0.62 5774.50 893.00 0.03 1 38.5 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4552.00 -2.57 16.82 16.83 0.000009 0.64 5437.14 893.00 0.03

1 34.5 100yr Existing Conditions 4802.00 -3.47 17.59 7.32 17.82 0.000261 4.42 2182.37 830.54 0.18 1 34.5 100yr Proposed Ph I 4802.00 -3.47 17.00 7.38 17.17 0.000191 3.70 1709.87 772.44 0.16 1 34.5 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4552.00 -3.47 16.63 7.10 16.78 0.000188 3.62 1662.59 736.03 0.15

1 34 Bridge

1 33.5 100yr Existing Conditions 4802.00 -4.85 14.23 14.41 0.000207 3.78 1678.58 254.04 0.16 1 33.5 100yr Proposed Ph I 4802.00 -4.85 12.18 12.44 0.000346 4.47 1411.43 242.45 0.21 1 33.5 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4802.00 -4.85 12.18 12.44 0.000346 4.47 1411.43 242.45 0.21

1 30.5 100yr Existing Conditions 4802.00 -3.61 14.19 14.34 0.000210 3.29 1700.80 283.31 0.16 1 30.5 100yr Proposed Ph I 4802.00 -3.61 11.86 12.26 0.000694 5.23 1056.78 248.92 0.28 1 30.5 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4802.00 -3.61 11.86 12.26 0.000694 5.23 1056.78 248.92 0.28 HEC-RAS River: Rooster River Reach: 1 Profile: 100yr (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 1 26 100yr Existing Conditions 4802.00 -3.75 14.18 14.26 0.000118 2.72 2275.14 272.99 0.13 1 26 100yr Proposed Ph I 4802.00 -3.75 11.87 12.02 0.000271 3.66 1685.54 238.80 0.19 1 26 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4802.00 -3.75 11.87 12.02 0.000271 3.66 1685.54 238.80 0.19

1 23 100yr Existing Conditions 4802.00 -3.95 14.04 14.21 0.000175 2.20 1575.68 233.67 0.11 1 23 100yr Proposed Ph I 4802.00 -3.95 11.53 11.89 0.000744 4.63 1000.29 226.13 0.25 1 23 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4802.00 -3.95 11.53 11.89 0.000744 4.63 1000.29 226.13 0.25

1 22 100yr Existing Conditions 4802.00 -2.87 13.87 5.61 14.18 0.000490 4.65 1259.78 140.65 0.24

1 21.75 Bridge

1 21.5 100yr Existing Conditions 4802.00 -2.00 13.53 13.67 0.000158 2.29 1749.60 221.85 0.12

1 20.75 100yr Existing Conditions 4802.00 -4.22 13.54 13.65 0.000143 2.13 1898.89 253.49 0.11 1 20.75 100yr Proposed Ph I 4802.00 -4.22 11.54 11.73 0.000347 3.45 1396.83 250.32 0.19 1 20.75 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4802.00 -4.22 11.54 11.73 0.000347 3.45 1396.83 250.32 0.19

1 20.5 100yr Existing Conditions 4802.00 -4.62 13.57 13.63 0.000038 1.52 2724.14 307.86 0.07 1 20.5 100yr Proposed Ph I 4802.00 -4.62 11.61 11.69 0.000090 2.10 2122.49 303.61 0.11 1 20.5 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4802.00 -4.62 11.61 11.69 0.000090 2.10 2122.49 303.61 0.11

1 20.25 100yr Existing Conditions 4802.00 -4.06 13.54 13.62 0.000114 1.70 2244.49 331.38 0.09 1 20.25 100yr Proposed Ph I 4802.00 -4.06 11.54 11.68 0.000313 2.94 1598.31 320.92 0.17 1 20.25 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4802.00 -4.06 11.54 11.68 0.000313 2.94 1598.31 320.92 0.17

1 20 100yr Existing Conditions 4802.00 -3.93 13.55 13.62 0.000105 2.04 2309.99 436.94 0.10 1 20 100yr Proposed Ph I 4802.00 -3.93 11.49 11.66 0.000546 3.48 1448.53 371.60 0.19 1 20 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4802.00 -3.93 11.49 11.66 0.000546 3.48 1448.53 371.60 0.19

1 19.5 100yr Existing Conditions 4802.00 -4.60 13.42 5.53 13.60 0.000422 3.56 1440.63 424.98 0.19

1 19.25 Bridge

1 19 100yr Existing Conditions 4802.00 -4.80 11.37 11.56 0.000317 3.72 1425.13 334.04 0.19

1 14.5 100yr Existing Conditions 4802.00 -3.17 11.09 11.34 0.000352 4.21 1407.27 327.90 0.21 1 14.5 100yr Proposed Ph I 4802.00 -3.17 11.09 11.34 0.000352 4.21 1407.27 327.90 0.21 1 14.5 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4802.00 -3.17 11.09 11.34 0.000352 4.21 1407.27 327.90 0.21

1 6 100yr Existing Conditions 4802.00 -4.76 10.73 4.20 10.98 0.000493 4.41 1219.66 250.00 0.23 1 6 100yr Proposed Ph I 4802.00 -4.76 10.73 4.20 10.98 0.000493 4.41 1219.66 250.00 0.23 1 6 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4802.00 -4.76 10.73 4.20 10.98 0.000493 4.41 1219.66 250.00 0.23

1 5.5 Bridge HEC-RAS River: Rooster River Reach: 1 Profile: 100yr (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 1 5 100yr Existing Conditions 4802.00 -3.87 7.83 3.61 8.21 0.001075 4.90 974.05 190.46 0.33 1 5 100yr Proposed Ph I 4802.00 -3.87 7.83 3.61 8.21 0.001075 4.90 974.05 190.46 0.33 1 5 100yr Proposed Ph I and II 4802.00 -3.87 7.83 3.61 8.21 0.001075 4.90 974.05 190.46 0.33

HEC-RAS River: Rooster River Reach: 1 Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 1 119 50yr Existing Conditions 3628.00 4.66 19.06 19.27 0.000223 3.51 1140.05 154.12 0.17 1 119 50yr Proposed Ph I 3628.00 4.66 18.67 18.91 0.000263 3.74 1081.27 152.45 0.18 1 119 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3628.00 4.66 18.49 18.73 0.000285 3.86 1052.79 151.64 0.19 1 119 25yr Existing Conditions 2882.00 4.66 17.80 17.98 0.000247 3.46 949.55 148.64 0.17 1 119 25yr Proposed Ph I 2882.00 4.66 17.37 17.58 0.000305 3.75 886.73 146.79 0.19 1 119 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 2882.00 4.66 17.22 17.43 0.000330 3.87 863.38 146.10 0.20 1 119 10yr Existing Conditions 1969.00 4.66 14.87 15.15 0.000616 4.55 532.34 135.87 0.26 1 119 10yr Proposed Ph I 1969.00 4.66 13.66 14.18 0.001257 5.92 383.47 89.90 0.37 1 119 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 1969.00 4.66 13.66 14.18 0.001257 5.92 383.46 89.90 0.37 1 119 5yr Existing Conditions 1375.00 4.66 12.71 13.05 0.000976 4.80 316.03 58.25 0.32 1 119 5yr Proposed Ph I 1375.00 4.66 12.53 12.90 0.001065 4.93 305.90 57.40 0.33 1 119 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1375.00 4.66 12.42 12.80 0.001124 5.01 299.88 56.89 0.34 1 119 2yr Existing Conditions 753.00 4.66 10.82 11.03 0.000851 3.65 215.00 49.14 0.28 1 119 2yr Proposed Ph I 753.00 4.66 10.78 10.99 0.000875 3.68 212.92 48.94 0.28 1 119 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 753.00 4.66 10.74 10.95 0.000899 3.71 210.96 48.74 0.29

1 117 50yr Existing Conditions 3628.00 4.68 19.13 11.70 19.22 0.000103 1.95 1665.39 277.25 0.09 1 117 50yr Proposed Ph I 3628.00 4.68 18.75 11.70 18.86 0.000129 2.14 1560.53 275.90 0.11 1 117 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3628.00 4.68 18.57 11.70 18.68 0.000144 2.24 1509.51 275.25 0.11 1 117 25yr Existing Conditions 2882.00 4.68 17.85 10.86 17.94 0.000146 2.17 1314.08 272.71 0.11 1 117 25yr Proposed Ph I 2882.00 4.68 17.43 10.86 17.53 0.000199 2.47 1198.98 271.20 0.13 1 117 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 2882.00 4.68 17.27 10.86 17.38 0.000225 2.61 1155.91 270.64 0.14 1 117 10yr Existing Conditions 1969.00 4.68 14.83 9.70 15.09 0.000824 4.25 542.22 181.54 0.25 1 117 10yr Proposed Ph I 1969.00 4.68 13.63 9.70 14.03 0.001479 5.17 412.87 68.31 0.33 1 117 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 1969.00 4.68 13.63 9.70 14.03 0.001479 5.17 412.87 68.31 0.33 1 117 5yr Existing Conditions 1375.00 4.68 12.67 8.82 12.94 0.001159 4.19 349.68 63.87 0.28 1 117 5yr Proposed Ph I 1375.00 4.68 12.49 8.82 12.78 0.001277 4.32 338.17 63.03 0.30 1 117 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1375.00 4.68 12.38 8.82 12.68 0.001355 4.40 331.29 62.52 0.30 1 117 2yr Existing Conditions 753.00 4.68 10.77 7.67 10.94 0.001095 3.27 236.58 55.05 0.26 1 117 2yr Proposed Ph I 753.00 4.68 10.73 7.67 10.90 0.001130 3.30 234.14 54.85 0.26 1 117 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 753.00 4.68 10.69 7.67 10.86 0.001164 3.33 231.83 54.65 0.27

1 116.5 Bridge

1 116 50yr Existing Conditions 3628.00 4.45 17.54 17.71 0.000458 3.93 1279.43 279.01 0.22 1 116 50yr Proposed Ph I 3628.00 4.45 16.50 16.78 0.000817 4.89 1005.31 245.80 0.28 1 116 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3628.00 4.45 16.01 16.36 0.001091 5.45 888.80 230.23 0.32 1 116 25yr Existing Conditions 2882.00 4.45 15.73 15.99 0.000816 4.62 826.02 221.39 0.28 1 116 25yr Proposed Ph I 2882.00 4.45 14.97 15.36 0.001328 5.53 666.24 197.12 0.35 1 116 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 2882.00 4.45 14.69 15.15 0.001591 5.91 614.32 178.19 0.38 1 116 10yr Existing Conditions 1969.00 4.45 13.61 13.92 0.001259 4.80 478.81 147.30 0.33 1 116 10yr Proposed Ph I 1969.00 4.45 13.01 13.45 0.001928 5.61 408.52 133.69 0.41 1 116 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 1969.00 4.45 12.83 13.32 0.002225 5.92 386.32 129.41 0.44 1 116 5yr Existing Conditions 1375.00 4.45 12.00 12.40 0.001986 5.21 291.73 102.07 0.41 1 116 5yr Proposed Ph I 1375.00 4.45 11.71 12.18 0.002410 5.61 263.90 90.77 0.44 1 116 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1375.00 4.45 11.52 12.05 0.002725 5.89 247.51 83.33 0.47 HEC-RAS River: Rooster River Reach: 1 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 1 116 2yr Existing Conditions 753.00 4.45 10.27 10.56 0.001794 4.34 173.54 41.67 0.37 1 116 2yr Proposed Ph I 753.00 4.45 10.21 10.51 0.001869 4.41 170.92 41.38 0.38 1 116 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 753.00 4.45 10.14 10.46 0.001945 4.47 168.39 41.10 0.39

1 114.5 50yr Existing Conditions 3628.00 4.21 17.50 11.07 17.64 0.000324 3.83 1678.10 248.29 0.19 1 114.5 50yr Proposed Ph I 3628.00 4.21 16.44 11.07 16.64 0.000492 4.44 1423.46 232.59 0.23 1 114.5 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3628.00 4.21 15.94 11.07 16.18 0.000606 4.78 1309.75 225.23 0.26 1 114.5 25yr Existing Conditions 2882.00 4.21 15.69 10.47 15.85 0.000426 3.94 1253.25 221.48 0.22 1 114.5 25yr Proposed Ph I 2882.00 4.21 14.92 10.47 15.13 0.000594 4.42 1089.44 204.33 0.25 1 114.5 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 2882.00 4.21 14.65 10.47 14.88 0.000672 4.61 1034.33 197.42 0.27 1 114.5 10yr Existing Conditions 1969.00 4.21 13.56 9.55 13.72 0.000531 3.77 832.33 175.75 0.23 1 114.5 10yr Proposed Ph I 1969.00 4.21 12.95 9.55 13.15 0.000737 4.22 728.04 166.12 0.27 1 114.5 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 1969.00 4.21 12.75 9.55 12.98 0.000822 4.38 696.14 163.06 0.28 1 114.5 5yr Existing Conditions 1375.00 4.21 11.95 8.42 12.11 0.000651 3.62 569.87 150.33 0.25 1 114.5 5yr Proposed Ph I 1375.00 4.21 11.64 8.42 11.83 0.000794 3.87 525.05 145.54 0.27 1 114.5 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1375.00 4.21 11.44 8.42 11.65 0.000911 4.05 495.95 142.35 0.29 1 114.5 2yr Existing Conditions 753.00 4.21 10.17 7.06 10.30 0.000724 3.10 328.07 122.32 0.25 1 114.5 2yr Proposed Ph I 753.00 4.21 10.10 7.06 10.24 0.000771 3.16 319.35 121.19 0.26 1 114.5 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 753.00 4.21 10.03 7.06 10.18 0.000820 3.23 310.88 120.08 0.26

1 108.5 50yr Existing Conditions 3628.00 4.30 17.44 17.48 0.000159 2.28 2620.04 365.20 0.12 1 108.5 50yr Proposed Ph I 3628.00 4.30 16.36 16.42 0.000214 2.49 2254.62 304.93 0.13 1 108.5 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3628.00 4.30 15.85 15.91 0.000251 2.61 2104.10 286.71 0.14 1 108.5 25yr Existing Conditions 2882.00 4.30 15.63 15.67 0.000174 2.14 2039.06 284.86 0.12 1 108.5 25yr Proposed Ph I 2882.00 4.30 14.83 14.88 0.000246 2.41 1813.68 278.36 0.14 1 108.5 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 2882.00 4.30 14.53 14.59 0.000282 2.53 1732.70 275.98 0.15 1 108.5 10yr Existing Conditions 1969.00 4.30 13.45 13.49 0.000230 2.09 1439.16 267.20 0.13 1 108.5 10yr Proposed Ph I 1969.00 4.30 12.78 12.83 0.000340 2.40 1261.97 261.76 0.16 1 108.5 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 1969.00 4.30 12.56 12.62 0.000390 2.52 1204.11 259.95 0.17 1 108.5 5yr Existing Conditions 1375.00 4.30 11.78 11.82 0.000327 2.14 1002.44 253.57 0.15 1 108.5 5yr Proposed Ph I 1375.00 4.30 11.41 11.46 0.000431 2.36 911.35 250.63 0.17 1 108.5 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1375.00 4.30 11.16 11.22 0.000533 2.54 847.11 248.54 0.19 1 108.5 2yr Existing Conditions 753.00 4.30 9.87 9.92 0.000555 2.19 545.02 219.65 0.18 1 108.5 2yr Proposed Ph I 753.00 4.30 9.77 9.82 0.000626 2.29 521.96 217.06 0.19 1 108.5 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 753.00 4.30 9.66 9.71 0.000712 2.40 498.28 214.37 0.21

1 99.5 50yr Existing Conditions 3628.00 1.57 17.35 9.87 17.38 0.000127 2.49 3711.88 579.69 0.12 1 99.5 50yr Proposed Ph I 3628.00 1.57 16.23 9.87 16.26 0.000201 2.96 3093.60 520.82 0.15 1 99.5 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3628.00 1.57 15.68 9.87 15.73 0.000256 3.24 2816.57 497.46 0.17 1 99.5 25yr Existing Conditions 2882.00 1.57 15.51 9.45 15.54 0.000175 2.65 2730.68 489.99 0.14 1 99.5 25yr Proposed Ph I 2882.00 1.57 14.65 9.45 14.69 0.000264 3.10 2325.30 453.08 0.17 1 99.5 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 2882.00 1.57 14.33 9.45 14.38 0.000311 3.29 2181.28 439.22 0.18 1 99.5 10yr Existing Conditions 1969.00 1.57 13.28 8.82 13.32 0.000256 2.79 1745.21 394.29 0.16 1 99.5 10yr Proposed Ph I 1969.00 1.57 12.51 8.82 12.57 0.000406 3.32 1454.70 361.28 0.20 1 99.5 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 1969.00 1.57 12.24 8.82 12.31 0.000483 3.54 1358.43 349.65 0.21 1 99.5 5yr Existing Conditions 1375.00 1.57 11.51 8.30 11.56 0.000386 2.98 1115.28 318.40 0.19 HEC-RAS River: Rooster River Reach: 1 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 1 99.5 5yr Proposed Ph I 1375.00 1.57 11.05 8.30 11.12 0.000542 3.39 972.73 298.56 0.22 1 99.5 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1375.00 1.57 10.68 8.30 10.77 0.000722 3.78 866.22 282.83 0.25 1 99.5 2yr Existing Conditions 753.00 1.57 9.40 7.55 9.48 0.000685 3.22 538.91 227.79 0.24 1 99.5 2yr Proposed Ph I 753.00 1.57 9.21 7.55 9.30 0.000833 3.47 496.21 219.59 0.26 1 99.5 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 753.00 1.57 8.97 7.55 9.09 0.001076 3.82 444.99 209.34 0.30

1 92.5 50yr Existing Conditions 3628.00 2.44 17.34 17.35 0.000016 0.98 5735.68 768.66 0.05 1 92.5 50yr Proposed Ph I 3628.00 2.44 16.21 16.22 0.000024 1.15 4900.90 706.36 0.06 1 92.5 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3628.00 2.44 15.66 15.67 0.000030 1.25 4521.64 676.16 0.06 1 92.5 25yr Existing Conditions 2882.00 2.44 15.49 15.50 0.000021 1.02 4409.67 666.99 0.05 1 92.5 25yr Proposed Ph I 2882.00 2.44 14.63 14.64 0.000030 1.18 3852.02 619.26 0.06 1 92.5 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 2882.00 2.44 14.30 14.31 0.000036 1.25 3652.58 601.27 0.07 1 92.5 10yr Existing Conditions 1969.00 2.44 13.26 13.27 0.000027 1.03 3060.75 533.72 0.06 1 92.5 10yr Proposed Ph I 1969.00 2.44 12.48 12.49 0.000041 1.19 2666.10 480.05 0.07 1 92.5 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 1969.00 2.44 12.20 12.22 0.000047 1.26 2536.50 461.07 0.07 1 92.5 5yr Existing Conditions 1375.00 2.44 11.49 11.49 0.000034 1.01 2223.31 411.59 0.06 1 92.5 5yr Proposed Ph I 1375.00 2.44 11.02 11.03 0.000045 1.12 2037.77 379.24 0.07 1 92.5 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1375.00 2.44 10.64 10.65 0.000057 1.22 1899.61 364.63 0.08 1 92.5 2yr Existing Conditions 753.00 2.44 9.38 9.38 0.000042 0.93 1451.73 342.66 0.06 1 92.5 2yr Proposed Ph I 753.00 2.44 9.18 9.19 0.000049 0.98 1385.71 339.30 0.07 1 92.5 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 753.00 2.44 8.94 8.95 0.000060 1.05 1303.88 335.09 0.08

1 90 50yr Existing Conditions 3628.00 2.42 17.34 17.35 0.000017 0.83 6571.34 940.34 0.04 1 90 50yr Proposed Ph I 3628.00 2.42 16.20 16.21 0.000028 1.02 5540.40 877.81 0.05 1 90 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3628.00 2.42 15.65 15.67 0.000037 1.14 5065.76 847.47 0.06 1 90 25yr Existing Conditions 2882.00 2.42 15.49 15.50 0.000026 0.93 4927.58 838.43 0.05 1 90 25yr Proposed Ph I 2882.00 2.42 14.62 14.63 0.000042 1.14 4219.22 790.48 0.06 1 90 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 2882.00 2.42 14.29 14.30 0.000051 1.23 3962.69 772.38 0.07 1 90 10yr Existing Conditions 1969.00 2.42 13.25 13.26 0.000045 1.09 3200.07 688.85 0.06 1 90 10yr Proposed Ph I 1969.00 2.42 12.47 12.48 0.000075 1.32 2687.91 618.17 0.08 1 90 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 1969.00 2.42 12.19 12.20 0.000090 1.42 2519.52 593.10 0.08 1 90 5yr Existing Conditions 1375.00 2.42 11.47 11.48 0.000071 1.19 2118.87 528.69 0.07 1 90 5yr Proposed Ph I 1375.00 2.42 11.00 11.01 0.000098 1.34 1878.38 485.95 0.09 1 90 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1375.00 2.42 10.62 10.64 0.000127 1.48 1700.67 451.77 0.10 1 90 2yr Existing Conditions 753.00 2.42 9.36 9.37 0.000089 1.09 1203.08 338.16 0.08 1 90 2yr Proposed Ph I 753.00 2.42 9.17 9.18 0.000100 1.14 1138.61 320.51 0.08 1 90 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 753.00 2.42 8.92 8.93 0.000117 1.20 1062.56 298.34 0.09

1 86 50yr Existing Conditions 3628.00 0.72 17.32 17.33 0.000050 1.77 4822.77 532.00 0.08 1 86 50yr Proposed Ph I 3628.00 0.72 16.17 16.19 0.000076 2.08 4213.59 532.00 0.10 1 86 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3628.00 0.72 15.61 15.64 0.000095 2.26 3916.28 532.00 0.11 1 86 25yr Existing Conditions 2882.00 0.72 15.46 15.48 0.000064 1.84 3835.27 532.00 0.09 1 86 25yr Proposed Ph I 2882.00 0.72 14.58 14.60 0.000096 2.16 3364.55 532.00 0.11 1 86 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 2882.00 0.72 14.24 14.26 0.000114 2.30 3185.37 532.00 0.12 1 86 10yr Existing Conditions 1969.00 0.72 13.21 13.23 0.000088 1.91 2649.56 501.53 0.10 1 86 10yr Proposed Ph I 1969.00 0.72 12.40 12.43 0.000134 2.24 2257.68 470.41 0.12 HEC-RAS River: Rooster River Reach: 1 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 1 86 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 1969.00 0.72 12.11 12.14 0.000157 2.39 2123.09 459.23 0.13 1 86 5yr Existing Conditions 1375.00 0.72 11.42 11.44 0.000116 1.95 1812.78 432.37 0.11 1 86 5yr Proposed Ph I 1375.00 0.72 10.92 10.95 0.000159 2.21 1603.54 412.16 0.13 1 86 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1375.00 0.72 10.52 10.56 0.000206 2.43 1442.24 390.88 0.15 1 86 2yr Existing Conditions 753.00 0.72 9.29 9.31 0.000148 1.86 1001.10 325.66 0.12 1 86 2yr Proposed Ph I 753.00 0.72 9.08 9.11 0.000174 1.98 934.75 314.68 0.13 1 86 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 753.00 0.72 8.82 8.85 0.000216 2.15 853.72 300.73 0.15

1 82 50yr Existing Conditions 3628.00 1.20 17.20 17.30 0.000161 3.28 1771.78 143.00 0.15 1 82 50yr Proposed Ph I 3628.00 1.20 16.02 16.14 0.000219 3.63 1603.57 143.00 0.17 1 82 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3628.00 1.20 15.44 15.58 0.000258 3.83 1520.78 143.00 0.18 1 82 25yr Existing Conditions 2882.00 1.20 15.35 15.44 0.000167 3.07 1507.64 143.00 0.15 1 82 25yr Proposed Ph I 2882.00 1.20 14.44 14.54 0.000221 3.37 1377.28 143.00 0.17 1 82 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 2882.00 1.20 14.09 14.20 0.000248 3.50 1327.26 143.00 0.18 1 82 10yr Existing Conditions 1969.00 1.20 13.12 13.18 0.000163 2.68 1188.26 143.00 0.14 1 82 10yr Proposed Ph I 1969.00 1.20 12.28 12.37 0.000226 2.99 1068.94 143.00 0.16 1 82 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 1969.00 1.20 11.98 12.07 0.000256 3.13 1025.64 143.00 0.17 1 82 5yr Existing Conditions 1375.00 1.20 11.34 11.39 0.000166 2.41 933.29 143.00 0.14 1 82 5yr Proposed Ph I 1375.00 1.20 10.82 10.89 0.000213 2.63 859.71 143.00 0.16 1 82 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1375.00 1.20 10.40 10.48 0.000265 2.84 799.22 143.00 0.17 1 82 2yr Existing Conditions 753.00 1.20 9.22 9.26 0.000159 1.98 631.01 143.00 0.13 1 82 2yr Proposed Ph I 753.00 1.20 9.00 9.05 0.000183 2.09 600.01 143.00 0.14 1 82 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 753.00 1.20 8.73 8.78 0.000220 2.23 560.57 140.96 0.15

1 80 50yr Existing Conditions 3628.00 1.14 17.23 17.24 0.000047 1.49 4632.45 565.00 0.08 1 80 50yr Proposed Ph I 3628.00 1.14 16.05 16.07 0.000076 1.77 3973.36 545.20 0.09 1 80 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3628.00 1.14 15.47 15.49 0.000098 1.93 3661.17 528.23 0.11 1 80 25yr Existing Conditions 2882.00 1.14 15.37 15.38 0.000064 1.55 3607.42 525.25 0.09 1 80 25yr Proposed Ph I 2882.00 1.14 14.45 14.47 0.000098 1.80 3137.77 498.76 0.10 1 80 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 2882.00 1.14 14.10 14.12 0.000117 1.92 2963.18 488.98 0.11 1 80 10yr Existing Conditions 1969.00 1.14 13.12 13.13 0.000085 1.54 2506.20 444.96 0.09 1 80 10yr Proposed Ph I 1969.00 1.14 12.27 12.29 0.000126 1.80 2144.33 412.82 0.11 1 80 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 1969.00 1.14 11.96 11.99 0.000147 1.91 2019.07 401.10 0.12 1 80 5yr Existing Conditions 1375.00 1.14 11.32 11.34 0.000101 1.52 1768.72 376.57 0.10 1 80 5yr Proposed Ph I 1375.00 1.14 10.80 10.82 0.000135 1.71 1576.92 356.64 0.12 1 80 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1375.00 1.14 10.36 10.39 0.000174 1.89 1426.01 340.14 0.13 1 80 2yr Existing Conditions 753.00 1.14 9.20 9.21 0.000111 1.39 1054.72 295.65 0.10 1 80 2yr Proposed Ph I 753.00 1.14 8.97 8.99 0.000130 1.47 990.04 287.20 0.11 1 80 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 753.00 1.14 8.69 8.71 0.000161 1.60 909.40 276.30 0.12

1 77 50yr Existing Conditions 3628.00 -0.66 17.22 17.23 0.000034 1.48 5272.65 592.60 0.07 1 77 50yr Proposed Ph I 3628.00 -0.66 16.03 16.05 0.000051 1.73 4571.04 590.14 0.08 1 77 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3628.00 -0.66 15.44 15.47 0.000064 1.88 4224.42 588.92 0.09 1 77 25yr Existing Conditions 2882.00 -0.66 15.35 15.37 0.000042 1.52 4170.16 588.73 0.07 1 77 25yr Proposed Ph I 2882.00 -0.66 14.42 14.44 0.000062 1.75 3628.72 574.57 0.09 1 77 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 2882.00 -0.66 14.06 14.09 0.000072 1.86 3424.10 566.24 0.09 HEC-RAS River: Rooster River Reach: 1 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 1 77 10yr Existing Conditions 1969.00 -0.66 13.09 13.11 0.000051 1.47 2894.83 521.66 0.08 1 77 10yr Proposed Ph I 1969.00 -0.66 12.24 12.26 0.000074 1.69 2466.28 481.11 0.09 1 77 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 1969.00 -0.66 11.92 11.95 0.000086 1.78 2317.89 466.24 0.10 1 77 5yr Existing Conditions 1375.00 -0.66 11.29 11.31 0.000057 1.39 2033.51 436.34 0.08 1 77 5yr Proposed Ph I 1375.00 -0.66 10.76 10.78 0.000075 1.54 1808.27 411.12 0.09 1 77 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1375.00 -0.66 10.32 10.34 0.000095 1.67 1630.91 390.11 0.10 1 77 2yr Existing Conditions 753.00 -0.66 9.17 9.18 0.000056 1.17 1213.70 335.55 0.08 1 77 2yr Proposed Ph I 753.00 -0.66 8.94 8.96 0.000065 1.23 1139.05 324.82 0.08 1 77 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 753.00 -0.66 8.65 8.67 0.000079 1.32 1045.98 310.93 0.09

1 61 50yr Existing Conditions 3628.00 -0.76 17.10 17.14 0.000063 2.14 3045.19 223.00 0.09 1 61 50yr Proposed Ph I 3628.00 -0.76 15.88 15.92 0.000084 2.36 2771.48 223.00 0.10 1 61 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3628.00 -0.76 15.26 15.31 0.000098 2.48 2634.04 223.00 0.11 1 61 25yr Existing Conditions 2882.00 -0.76 15.23 15.26 0.000062 1.98 2628.05 223.00 0.09 1 61 25yr Proposed Ph I 2882.00 -0.76 14.27 14.30 0.000081 2.15 2412.66 223.00 0.10 1 61 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 2882.00 -0.76 13.89 13.93 0.000090 2.23 2328.30 223.00 0.11 1 61 10yr Existing Conditions 1969.00 -0.76 12.98 13.00 0.000056 1.68 2125.85 223.00 0.08 1 61 10yr Proposed Ph I 1969.00 -0.76 12.08 12.11 0.000075 1.85 1926.01 223.00 0.09 1 61 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 1969.00 -0.76 11.75 11.78 0.000085 1.93 1851.61 223.00 0.10 1 61 5yr Existing Conditions 1375.00 -0.76 11.19 11.20 0.000051 1.45 1725.75 223.00 0.08 1 61 5yr Proposed Ph I 1375.00 -0.76 10.63 10.65 0.000064 1.57 1600.84 223.00 0.09 1 61 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1375.00 -0.76 10.15 10.18 0.000078 1.68 1494.83 223.00 0.09 1 61 2yr Existing Conditions 753.00 -0.76 9.08 9.09 0.000039 1.10 1256.04 223.00 0.07 1 61 2yr Proposed Ph I 753.00 -0.76 8.84 8.85 0.000044 1.15 1202.77 223.00 0.07 1 61 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 753.00 -0.76 8.53 8.54 0.000053 1.22 1132.97 223.00 0.07

1 50.5 50yr Existing Conditions 3628.00 -2.35 17.09 17.10 0.000021 1.30 5487.19 624.67 0.05 1 50.5 50yr Proposed Ph I 3628.00 -2.35 15.85 15.87 0.000031 1.52 4728.77 598.46 0.07 1 50.5 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3628.00 -2.35 15.23 15.25 0.000038 1.64 4362.88 575.47 0.07 1 50.5 25yr Existing Conditions 2882.00 -2.35 15.21 15.23 0.000024 1.30 4353.51 574.87 0.06 1 50.5 25yr Proposed Ph I 2882.00 -2.35 14.24 14.25 0.000034 1.48 3810.17 538.89 0.07 1 50.5 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 2882.00 -2.35 13.85 13.87 0.000039 1.55 3606.25 524.75 0.07 1 50.5 10yr Existing Conditions 1969.00 -2.35 12.96 12.97 0.000025 1.20 3150.13 491.65 0.06 1 50.5 10yr Proposed Ph I 1969.00 -2.35 12.05 12.06 0.000036 1.38 2719.03 458.17 0.07 1 50.5 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 1969.00 -2.35 11.71 11.73 0.000042 1.45 2565.62 445.66 0.07 1 50.5 5yr Existing Conditions 1375.00 -2.35 11.16 11.17 0.000026 1.11 2326.33 425.39 0.06 1 50.5 5yr Proposed Ph I 1375.00 -2.35 10.59 10.60 0.000034 1.22 2090.55 404.44 0.06 1 50.5 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1375.00 -2.35 10.11 10.12 0.000043 1.33 1898.87 386.56 0.07 1 50.5 2yr Existing Conditions 753.00 -2.35 9.06 9.06 0.000022 0.89 1513.17 347.82 0.05 1 50.5 2yr Proposed Ph I 753.00 -2.35 8.81 8.82 0.000025 0.94 1430.01 338.89 0.05 1 50.5 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 753.00 -2.35 8.50 8.51 0.000030 1.00 1324.02 327.15 0.06

1 44.75 50yr Existing Conditions 3915.00 -4.20 17.02 1.51 17.08 0.000075 2.06 2161.26 1985.66 0.08 1 44.75 50yr Proposed Ph I 3915.00 -4.20 15.76 1.51 15.83 0.000114 2.43 1859.79 1848.34 0.10 1 44.75 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3665.00 -4.20 15.13 1.28 15.21 0.000122 2.46 1729.13 1709.25 0.10 1 44.75 25yr Existing Conditions 3140.00 -4.20 15.14 0.78 15.20 0.000089 2.10 1731.06 1710.72 0.09 HEC-RAS River: Rooster River Reach: 1 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 1 44.75 25yr Proposed Ph I 3140.00 -4.20 14.14 0.78 14.22 0.000122 2.38 1543.17 1507.13 0.10 1 44.75 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 2890.00 -4.20 13.76 0.54 13.83 0.000116 2.29 1472.16 1336.61 0.10 1 44.75 10yr Existing Conditions 2156.00 -4.20 12.89 -0.22 12.94 0.000084 1.88 1313.85 138.00 0.08 1 44.75 10yr Proposed Ph I 2156.00 -4.20 11.97 -0.22 12.03 0.000108 2.08 1186.15 138.00 0.09 1 44.75 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 1906.00 -4.20 11.64 -0.49 11.69 0.000092 1.91 1141.03 138.00 0.09 1 44.75 5yr Existing Conditions 1520.00 -4.20 11.11 -0.94 11.15 0.000068 1.61 1067.71 138.00 0.07 1 44.75 5yr Proposed Ph I 1520.00 -4.20 10.53 -0.94 10.57 0.000081 1.72 988.00 138.00 0.08 1 44.75 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1270.00 -4.20 10.06 -1.43 10.09 0.000065 1.52 922.90 138.00 0.07 1 44.75 2yr Existing Conditions 835.00 -4.20 9.03 -2.11 9.05 0.000038 1.12 780.72 138.00 0.06 1 44.75 2yr Proposed Ph I 835.00 -4.20 8.78 -2.11 8.80 0.000040 1.15 747.04 138.00 0.06 1 44.75 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 585.00 -4.20 8.48 -2.55 8.49 0.000021 0.83 706.73 58.00 0.04

1 42.75 Mult Open

1 40.75 50yr Existing Conditions 3915.00 -4.25 16.86 16.92 0.000073 2.04 2160.52 1126.53 0.08 1 40.75 50yr Proposed Ph I 3915.00 -4.25 15.43 15.51 0.000118 2.46 1820.34 1047.83 0.10 1 40.75 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3665.00 -4.25 14.74 14.82 0.000129 2.51 1688.81 853.35 0.10 1 40.75 25yr Existing Conditions 3140.00 -4.25 14.88 14.93 0.000090 2.11 1714.39 859.41 0.09 1 40.75 25yr Proposed Ph I 3140.00 -4.25 13.68 13.76 0.000133 2.45 1487.49 797.70 0.10 1 40.75 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 2890.00 -4.25 13.30 13.38 0.000127 2.36 1415.96 771.35 0.10 1 40.75 10yr Existing Conditions 2156.00 -4.25 12.55 12.60 0.000087 1.91 1294.56 140.00 0.08 1 40.75 10yr Proposed Ph I 2156.00 -4.25 11.46 11.52 0.000117 2.15 1142.30 140.00 0.10 1 40.75 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 1906.00 -4.25 11.20 11.26 0.000098 1.95 1106.37 140.00 0.09 1 40.75 5yr Existing Conditions 1520.00 -4.25 10.78 10.82 0.000070 1.63 1047.50 140.00 0.08 1 40.75 5yr Proposed Ph I 1520.00 -4.25 10.13 10.17 0.000085 1.76 955.54 140.00 0.08 1 40.75 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1270.00 -4.25 9.74 9.77 0.000067 1.53 901.08 140.00 0.07 1 40.75 2yr Existing Conditions 835.00 -4.25 8.86 8.88 0.000037 1.11 778.28 140.00 0.06 1 40.75 2yr Proposed Ph I 835.00 -4.25 8.61 8.63 0.000040 1.14 743.71 140.00 0.06 1 40.75 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 585.00 -4.25 8.40 8.41 0.000021 0.81 721.74 60.00 0.04

1 39.75 50yr Existing Conditions 3915.00 -2.09 16.88 5.88 16.89 0.000020 1.08 4086.48 695.53 0.05 1 39.75 50yr Proposed Ph I 3915.00 -2.09 15.45 5.88 15.48 0.000041 1.44 3143.85 623.80 0.07 1 39.75 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3665.00 -2.09 14.76 5.60 14.79 0.000054 1.59 2722.35 588.90 0.08 1 39.75 25yr Existing Conditions 3140.00 -2.09 14.89 4.97 14.91 0.000036 1.32 2799.96 595.48 0.07 1 39.75 25yr Proposed Ph I 3140.00 -2.09 13.69 4.97 13.73 0.000079 1.82 2122.30 535.31 0.10 1 39.75 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 2890.00 -2.09 13.31 4.65 13.35 0.000088 1.87 1922.19 516.21 0.10 1 39.75 10yr Existing Conditions 2156.00 -2.09 12.54 3.64 12.58 0.000089 1.79 1541.13 477.72 0.10 1 39.75 10yr Proposed Ph I 2156.00 -2.09 11.40 3.64 11.49 0.000237 2.69 1031.65 405.27 0.16 1 39.75 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 1906.00 -2.09 11.14 3.26 11.23 0.000231 2.60 927.66 379.75 0.16 1 39.75 5yr Existing Conditions 1520.00 -2.09 10.71 2.63 10.79 0.000206 2.37 775.63 333.88 0.15 1 39.75 5yr Proposed Ph I 1520.00 -2.09 10.01 2.63 10.13 0.000316 2.81 590.30 198.20 0.18 1 39.75 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1270.00 -2.09 9.64 2.19 9.74 0.000261 2.52 526.03 149.39 0.16 1 39.75 2yr Existing Conditions 835.00 -2.09 8.80 1.30 8.86 0.000135 1.87 446.14 64.13 0.12 1 39.75 2yr Proposed Ph I 835.00 -2.09 8.55 1.30 8.61 0.000150 1.93 431.62 62.80 0.12 1 39.75 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 585.00 -2.09 8.36 0.72 8.39 0.000079 1.39 420.81 61.80 0.09 HEC-RAS River: Rooster River Reach: 1 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 1 39.5 Bridge

1 38.5 50yr Existing Conditions 3915.00 -2.57 16.88 16.89 0.000006 0.54 5489.66 893.00 0.02 1 38.5 50yr Proposed Ph I 3915.00 -2.57 15.44 15.46 0.000016 0.80 4210.38 893.00 0.04 1 38.5 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3665.00 -2.57 14.75 14.76 0.000024 0.95 3586.78 892.73 0.05 1 38.5 25yr Existing Conditions 3140.00 -2.57 14.88 14.89 0.000016 0.77 3706.55 893.00 0.04 1 38.5 25yr Proposed Ph I 3140.00 -2.57 13.67 13.69 0.000048 1.26 2637.69 870.80 0.07 1 38.5 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 2890.00 -2.57 13.28 13.31 0.000062 1.41 2303.37 862.94 0.07 1 38.5 10yr Existing Conditions 2156.00 -2.57 12.51 12.54 0.000092 1.64 1637.86 847.09 0.09 1 38.5 10yr Proposed Ph I 2156.00 -2.57 10.60 10.77 0.000477 3.26 671.82 120.54 0.20 1 38.5 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 1906.00 -2.57 10.36 10.50 0.000415 2.98 644.14 104.96 0.18 1 38.5 5yr Existing Conditions 1520.00 -2.57 10.15 10.24 0.000288 2.44 624.47 88.04 0.15 1 38.5 5yr Proposed Ph I 1520.00 -2.57 9.46 9.57 0.000373 2.67 569.70 75.05 0.17 1 38.5 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1270.00 -2.57 9.27 9.35 0.000279 2.29 555.44 74.28 0.15 1 38.5 2yr Existing Conditions 835.00 -2.57 8.66 8.70 0.000151 1.64 510.56 71.79 0.11 1 38.5 2yr Proposed Ph I 835.00 -2.57 8.41 8.46 0.000166 1.69 492.92 70.79 0.11 1 38.5 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 585.00 -2.57 8.30 8.32 0.000085 1.21 484.85 70.32 0.08

1 34.5 50yr Existing Conditions 3915.00 -3.47 16.74 5.90 16.85 0.000135 3.08 1676.72 746.91 0.13 1 34.5 50yr Proposed Ph I 3915.00 -3.47 15.26 5.90 15.40 0.000196 3.49 1487.76 601.40 0.16 1 34.5 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3665.00 -3.47 14.56 5.52 14.70 0.000207 3.49 1397.88 553.31 0.16 1 34.5 25yr Existing Conditions 3140.00 -3.47 14.75 4.77 14.85 0.000144 2.94 1422.02 562.80 0.13 1 34.5 25yr Proposed Ph I 3140.00 -3.47 13.49 4.77 13.62 0.000208 3.33 1261.01 499.54 0.16 1 34.5 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 2890.00 -3.47 13.12 4.44 13.24 0.000198 3.19 1212.97 480.66 0.15 1 34.5 10yr Existing Conditions 2156.00 -3.47 12.40 3.33 12.47 0.000139 2.58 1120.51 444.33 0.13 1 34.5 10yr Proposed Ph I 2156.00 -3.47 10.46 3.36 10.59 0.000285 3.31 872.15 346.75 0.18 1 34.5 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 1906.00 -3.47 10.23 2.94 10.35 0.000245 3.02 843.65 335.56 0.16 1 34.5 5yr Existing Conditions 1520.00 -3.47 10.07 2.25 10.14 0.000167 2.47 822.25 327.15 0.13 1 34.5 5yr Proposed Ph I 1520.00 -3.47 9.34 2.25 9.44 0.000230 2.77 729.66 290.77 0.16 1 34.5 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1270.00 -3.47 9.18 1.73 9.25 0.000173 2.37 709.04 282.67 0.13 1 34.5 2yr Existing Conditions 835.00 -3.47 8.61 0.76 8.65 0.000099 1.72 635.40 253.74 0.10 1 34.5 2yr Proposed Ph I 835.00 -3.47 8.35 0.76 8.40 0.000112 1.80 602.81 240.93 0.11 1 34.5 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 585.00 -3.47 8.27 0.06 8.29 0.000058 1.28 591.87 236.63 0.08

1 34 Bridge

1 33.5 50yr Existing Conditions 3915.00 -4.85 13.44 13.58 0.000166 3.28 1576.20 249.60 0.15 1 33.5 50yr Proposed Ph I 3915.00 -4.85 11.37 11.57 0.000288 3.92 1306.67 237.91 0.19 1 33.5 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3915.00 -4.85 11.37 11.57 0.000288 3.92 1306.67 237.91 0.19 1 33.5 25yr Existing Conditions 3140.00 -4.85 12.66 12.76 0.000130 2.80 1474.32 245.18 0.13 1 33.5 25yr Proposed Ph I 3140.00 -4.85 10.56 10.72 0.000235 3.40 1201.60 229.62 0.17 1 33.5 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 3140.00 -4.85 10.56 10.72 0.000235 3.40 1201.60 229.62 0.17 1 33.5 10yr Existing Conditions 2156.00 -4.85 11.12 11.18 0.000094 2.21 1273.47 236.47 0.11 1 33.5 10yr Proposed Ph I 2156.00 -4.85 9.53 9.62 0.000155 2.61 1067.18 214.94 0.13 1 33.5 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 2156.00 -4.85 9.53 9.62 0.000155 2.61 1067.18 214.94 0.13 1 33.5 5yr Existing Conditions 1520.00 -4.85 9.65 9.69 0.000074 1.81 1082.24 216.59 0.09 HEC-RAS River: Rooster River Reach: 1 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 1 33.5 5yr Proposed Ph I 1520.00 -4.85 8.84 8.89 0.000098 1.99 977.34 205.13 0.11 1 33.5 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1520.00 -4.85 8.84 8.89 0.000098 1.99 977.34 205.13 0.11 1 33.5 2yr Existing Conditions 835.00 -4.85 8.45 8.47 0.000034 1.15 926.90 199.62 0.06 1 33.5 2yr Proposed Ph I 835.00 -4.85 8.19 8.21 0.000037 1.18 892.56 195.87 0.06 1 33.5 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 835.00 -4.85 8.19 8.21 0.000037 1.18 892.56 195.87 0.06

1 30.5 50yr Existing Conditions 3915.00 -3.61 13.39 13.53 0.000210 3.15 1477.08 278.87 0.16 1 30.5 50yr Proposed Ph I 3915.00 -3.61 11.09 11.42 0.000621 4.71 911.11 128.97 0.26 1 30.5 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3915.00 -3.61 11.09 11.42 0.000621 4.71 911.11 128.97 0.26 1 30.5 25yr Existing Conditions 3140.00 -3.61 12.59 12.71 0.000207 2.99 1253.42 274.35 0.16 1 30.5 25yr Proposed Ph I 3140.00 -3.61 10.34 10.59 0.000515 4.11 825.65 110.61 0.24 1 30.5 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 3140.00 -3.61 10.34 10.59 0.000515 4.11 825.65 110.61 0.24 1 30.5 10yr Existing Conditions 2156.00 -3.61 11.03 11.13 0.000192 2.61 904.13 120.25 0.15 1 30.5 10yr Proposed Ph I 2156.00 -3.61 9.39 9.54 0.000341 3.16 724.07 103.61 0.19 1 30.5 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 2156.00 -3.61 9.39 9.54 0.000341 3.16 724.07 103.61 0.19 1 30.5 5yr Existing Conditions 1520.00 -3.61 9.58 9.65 0.000158 2.18 743.98 105.02 0.13 1 30.5 5yr Proposed Ph I 1520.00 -3.61 8.75 8.84 0.000217 2.42 659.70 98.91 0.15 1 30.5 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1520.00 -3.61 8.75 8.84 0.000217 2.42 659.70 98.91 0.15 1 30.5 2yr Existing Conditions 835.00 -3.61 8.42 8.45 0.000075 1.39 627.30 96.47 0.09 1 30.5 2yr Proposed Ph I 835.00 -3.61 8.16 8.19 0.000084 1.44 601.83 94.50 0.09 1 30.5 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 835.00 -3.61 8.16 8.19 0.000084 1.44 601.83 94.50 0.09

1 26 50yr Existing Conditions 3915.00 -3.75 13.39 13.45 0.000103 2.44 2063.94 261.25 0.12 1 26 50yr Proposed Ph I 3915.00 -3.75 11.08 11.21 0.000248 3.34 1501.83 227.10 0.18 1 26 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3915.00 -3.75 11.08 11.21 0.000248 3.34 1501.83 227.10 0.18 1 26 25yr Existing Conditions 3140.00 -3.75 12.59 12.64 0.000088 2.17 1859.36 249.36 0.11 1 26 25yr Proposed Ph I 3140.00 -3.75 10.32 10.42 0.000222 3.02 1331.61 215.69 0.16 1 26 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 3140.00 -3.75 10.32 10.42 0.000222 3.02 1331.61 215.69 0.16 1 26 10yr Existing Conditions 2156.00 -3.75 11.03 11.07 0.000077 1.86 1489.34 226.28 0.10 1 26 10yr Proposed Ph I 2156.00 -3.75 9.36 9.43 0.000162 2.42 1131.80 201.47 0.14 1 26 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 2156.00 -3.75 9.36 9.43 0.000162 2.42 1131.80 201.47 0.14 1 26 5yr Existing Conditions 1520.00 -3.75 9.57 9.60 0.000073 1.65 1174.40 204.58 0.09 1 26 5yr Proposed Ph I 1520.00 -3.75 8.73 8.77 0.000110 1.90 1007.60 192.11 0.11 1 26 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1520.00 -3.75 8.73 8.77 0.000110 1.90 1007.60 192.11 0.11 1 26 2yr Existing Conditions 835.00 -3.75 8.41 8.43 0.000039 1.10 947.83 187.43 0.07 1 26 2yr Proposed Ph I 835.00 -3.75 8.14 8.16 0.000045 1.16 898.97 162.14 0.07 1 26 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 835.00 -3.75 8.14 8.16 0.000045 1.16 898.97 162.14 0.07

1 23 50yr Existing Conditions 3915.00 -3.95 13.27 13.41 0.000178 2.13 1396.90 231.36 0.11 1 23 50yr Proposed Ph I 3915.00 -3.95 10.72 11.08 0.000923 4.88 819.46 212.66 0.28 1 23 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3915.00 -3.95 10.72 11.08 0.000923 4.88 819.46 212.66 0.28 1 23 25yr Existing Conditions 3140.00 -3.95 12.48 12.60 0.000188 2.10 1216.59 229.00 0.11 1 23 25yr Proposed Ph I 3140.00 -3.95 9.94 10.29 0.001047 4.93 665.46 179.51 0.29 1 23 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 3140.00 -3.95 9.94 10.29 0.001047 4.93 665.46 179.51 0.29 1 23 10yr Existing Conditions 2156.00 -3.95 10.93 11.03 0.000294 2.37 864.78 221.56 0.13 1 23 10yr Proposed Ph I 2156.00 -3.95 9.04 9.32 0.000910 4.37 521.69 142.79 0.27 HEC-RAS River: Rooster River Reach: 1 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 1 23 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 2156.00 -3.95 9.04 9.32 0.000910 4.37 521.69 142.79 0.27 1 23 5yr Existing Conditions 1520.00 -3.95 9.45 9.55 0.000448 2.67 582.57 159.38 0.16 1 23 5yr Proposed Ph I 1520.00 -3.95 8.51 8.70 0.000635 3.53 451.53 120.88 0.22 1 23 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1520.00 -3.95 8.51 8.70 0.000635 3.53 451.53 120.88 0.22 1 23 2yr Existing Conditions 835.00 -3.95 8.34 8.40 0.000286 2.00 431.35 112.96 0.13 1 23 2yr Proposed Ph I 835.00 -3.95 8.06 8.13 0.000244 2.14 401.95 97.68 0.14 1 23 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 835.00 -3.95 8.06 8.13 0.000244 2.14 401.95 97.68 0.14

1 22 50yr Existing Conditions 3915.00 -2.87 13.14 4.76 13.38 0.000403 4.09 1157.67 139.59 0.21 1 22 25yr Existing Conditions 3140.00 -2.87 12.39 3.96 12.57 0.000327 3.56 1053.31 138.50 0.19 1 22 10yr Existing Conditions 2156.00 -2.87 10.87 2.79 11.00 0.000258 2.92 845.33 136.31 0.17 1 22 5yr Existing Conditions 1520.00 -2.87 9.43 1.91 9.52 0.000222 2.49 649.76 134.21 0.15 1 22 2yr Existing Conditions 835.00 -2.87 8.34 0.76 8.38 0.000102 1.58 529.77 69.93 0.10

1 21.75 Bridge

1 21.5 50yr Existing Conditions 3915.00 -2.00 12.91 13.01 0.000140 2.10 1611.65 221.03 0.11 1 21.5 25yr Existing Conditions 3140.00 -2.00 12.22 12.30 0.000127 1.94 1459.40 220.12 0.10 1 21.5 10yr Existing Conditions 2156.00 -2.00 10.77 10.82 0.000137 1.87 1140.98 218.07 0.11 1 21.5 5yr Existing Conditions 1520.00 -2.00 9.37 9.42 0.000159 1.90 842.91 208.62 0.11 1 21.5 2yr Existing Conditions 835.00 -2.00 8.32 8.35 0.000081 1.29 647.39 94.91 0.08

1 20.75 50yr Existing Conditions 3915.00 -4.22 12.91 13.00 0.000129 1.97 1740.74 252.49 0.10 1 20.75 50yr Proposed Ph I 3915.00 -4.22 10.72 10.89 0.000377 3.44 1191.43 249.02 0.19 1 20.75 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3915.00 -4.22 10.72 10.89 0.000377 3.44 1191.43 249.02 0.19 1 20.75 25yr Existing Conditions 3140.00 -4.22 12.22 12.28 0.000120 1.84 1566.37 251.40 0.10 1 20.75 25yr Proposed Ph I 3140.00 -4.22 9.92 10.09 0.000397 3.38 993.59 247.75 0.20 1 20.75 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 3140.00 -4.22 9.92 10.09 0.000397 3.38 993.59 247.75 0.20 1 20.75 10yr Existing Conditions 2156.00 -4.22 10.76 10.81 0.000135 1.83 1201.75 249.08 0.10 1 20.75 10yr Proposed Ph I 2156.00 -4.22 9.04 9.16 0.000305 2.81 774.86 246.35 0.17 1 20.75 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 2156.00 -4.22 9.04 9.16 0.000305 2.81 774.86 246.35 0.17 1 20.75 5yr Existing Conditions 1520.00 -4.22 9.36 9.41 0.000163 1.86 854.25 246.86 0.11 1 20.75 5yr Proposed Ph I 1520.00 -4.22 8.52 8.59 0.000180 2.11 720.33 87.43 0.13 1 20.75 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1520.00 -4.22 8.52 8.59 0.000180 2.11 720.33 87.43 0.13 1 20.75 2yr Existing Conditions 835.00 -4.22 8.32 8.34 0.000073 1.19 702.45 86.63 0.07 1 20.75 2yr Proposed Ph I 835.00 -4.22 8.07 8.09 0.000063 1.23 680.94 85.65 0.08 1 20.75 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 835.00 -4.22 8.07 8.09 0.000063 1.23 680.94 85.65 0.08

1 20.5 50yr Existing Conditions 3915.00 -4.62 12.94 12.98 0.000033 1.36 2529.26 306.49 0.07 1 20.5 50yr Proposed Ph I 3915.00 -4.62 10.78 10.85 0.000091 2.02 1873.67 301.83 0.11 1 20.5 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3915.00 -4.62 10.78 10.85 0.000091 2.02 1873.67 301.83 0.11 1 20.5 25yr Existing Conditions 3140.00 -4.62 12.24 12.27 0.000029 1.22 2315.56 304.98 0.06 1 20.5 25yr Proposed Ph I 3140.00 -4.62 9.99 10.05 0.000092 1.93 1635.29 300.12 0.10 1 20.5 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 3140.00 -4.62 9.99 10.05 0.000092 1.93 1635.29 300.12 0.10 1 20.5 10yr Existing Conditions 2156.00 -4.62 10.78 10.80 0.000028 1.11 1872.30 301.82 0.06 1 20.5 10yr Proposed Ph I 2156.00 -4.62 9.09 9.13 0.000077 1.67 1365.40 298.17 0.09 HEC-RAS River: Rooster River Reach: 1 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 1 20.5 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 2156.00 -4.62 9.09 9.13 0.000077 1.67 1365.40 298.17 0.09 1 20.5 5yr Existing Conditions 1520.00 -4.62 9.38 9.40 0.000032 1.09 1452.63 298.80 0.06 1 20.5 5yr Proposed Ph I 1520.00 -4.62 8.55 8.57 0.000054 1.34 1209.04 275.43 0.08 1 20.5 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1520.00 -4.62 8.55 8.57 0.000054 1.34 1209.04 275.43 0.08 1 20.5 2yr Existing Conditions 835.00 -4.62 8.32 8.33 0.000019 0.77 1148.59 264.25 0.05 1 20.5 2yr Proposed Ph I 835.00 -4.62 8.07 8.08 0.000022 0.82 1084.22 251.79 0.05 1 20.5 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 835.00 -4.62 8.07 8.08 0.000022 0.82 1084.22 251.79 0.05

1 20.25 50yr Existing Conditions 3915.00 -4.06 12.91 12.98 0.000107 1.59 2040.26 324.01 0.09 1 20.25 50yr Proposed Ph I 3915.00 -4.06 10.71 10.84 0.000371 3.04 1332.10 318.55 0.19 1 20.25 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3915.00 -4.06 10.71 10.84 0.000371 3.04 1332.10 318.55 0.19 1 20.25 25yr Existing Conditions 3140.00 -4.06 12.22 12.27 0.000104 1.52 1816.15 322.44 0.09 1 20.25 25yr Proposed Ph I 3140.00 -4.06 9.90 10.04 0.000420 3.12 1075.94 312.42 0.20 1 20.25 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 3140.00 -4.06 9.90 10.04 0.000420 3.12 1075.94 312.42 0.20 1 20.25 10yr Existing Conditions 2156.00 -4.06 10.76 10.80 0.000136 1.59 1347.91 318.93 0.10 1 20.25 10yr Proposed Ph I 2156.00 -4.06 9.01 9.12 0.000326 2.63 834.69 216.87 0.17 1 20.25 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 2156.00 -4.06 9.01 9.12 0.000326 2.63 834.69 216.87 0.17 1 20.25 5yr Existing Conditions 1520.00 -4.06 9.35 9.40 0.000179 1.73 915.70 261.50 0.11 1 20.25 5yr Proposed Ph I 1520.00 -4.06 8.51 8.57 0.000199 2.00 760.58 107.80 0.13 1 20.25 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1520.00 -4.06 8.51 8.57 0.000199 2.00 760.58 107.80 0.13 1 20.25 2yr Existing Conditions 835.00 -4.06 8.31 8.33 0.000084 1.13 739.68 106.65 0.08 1 20.25 2yr Proposed Ph I 835.00 -4.06 8.06 8.08 0.000072 1.17 713.19 105.19 0.08 1 20.25 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 835.00 -4.06 8.06 8.08 0.000072 1.17 713.19 105.19 0.08

1 20 50yr Existing Conditions 3915.00 -3.93 12.91 12.97 0.000105 1.97 2035.43 429.46 0.10 1 20 50yr Proposed Ph I 3915.00 -3.93 10.64 10.82 0.000634 3.56 1161.52 304.04 0.20 1 20 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3915.00 -3.93 10.64 10.82 0.000634 3.56 1161.52 304.04 0.20 1 20 25yr Existing Conditions 3140.00 -3.93 12.21 12.26 0.000109 1.93 1738.08 418.76 0.10 1 20 25yr Proposed Ph I 3140.00 -3.93 9.85 10.02 0.000610 3.35 952.31 196.78 0.20 1 20 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 3140.00 -3.93 9.85 10.02 0.000610 3.35 952.31 196.78 0.20 1 20 10yr Existing Conditions 2156.00 -3.93 10.74 10.79 0.000133 1.94 1192.59 311.30 0.11 1 20 10yr Proposed Ph I 2156.00 -3.93 9.01 9.11 0.000384 2.55 846.00 102.99 0.16 1 20 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 2156.00 -3.93 9.01 9.11 0.000384 2.55 846.00 102.99 0.16 1 20 5yr Existing Conditions 1520.00 -3.93 9.34 9.39 0.000122 1.73 881.09 104.28 0.10 1 20 5yr Proposed Ph I 1520.00 -3.93 8.50 8.56 0.000228 1.91 794.66 101.09 0.12 1 20 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1520.00 -3.93 8.50 8.56 0.000228 1.91 794.66 101.09 0.12 1 20 2yr Existing Conditions 835.00 -3.93 8.31 8.33 0.000053 1.08 775.28 100.36 0.07 1 20 2yr Proposed Ph I 835.00 -3.93 8.06 8.08 0.000081 1.11 750.31 99.24 0.07 1 20 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 835.00 -3.93 8.06 8.08 0.000081 1.11 750.31 99.24 0.07

1 19.5 50yr Existing Conditions 3915.00 -4.60 12.76 4.60 12.95 0.000500 3.71 1173.15 377.52 0.21 1 19.5 25yr Existing Conditions 3140.00 -4.60 12.03 3.72 12.24 0.000611 3.89 909.82 336.72 0.23 1 19.5 10yr Existing Conditions 2156.00 -4.60 10.55 2.43 10.77 0.000399 3.69 583.76 204.90 0.19 1 19.5 5yr Existing Conditions 1520.00 -4.60 9.24 1.36 9.37 0.000298 2.94 516.67 72.98 0.16 1 19.5 2yr Existing Conditions 835.00 -4.60 8.27 -0.05 8.32 0.000126 1.79 467.45 67.77 0.10 HEC-RAS River: Rooster River Reach: 1 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 1 19.25 Bridge

1 19 50yr Existing Conditions 3915.00 -4.80 10.52 10.70 0.000330 3.62 1178.73 251.19 0.19 1 19 25yr Existing Conditions 3140.00 -4.80 9.75 9.91 0.000309 3.35 1012.37 189.54 0.18 1 19 10yr Existing Conditions 2156.00 -4.80 8.94 9.04 0.000212 2.66 867.06 170.50 0.15 1 19 5yr Existing Conditions 1520.00 -4.80 8.46 8.53 0.000130 2.03 788.60 158.95 0.12 1 19 2yr Existing Conditions 835.00 -4.80 8.05 8.07 0.000046 1.19 724.60 147.70 0.07

1 14.5 50yr Existing Conditions 3915.00 -3.17 10.24 10.48 0.000350 4.00 1135.43 292.87 0.21 1 14.5 50yr Proposed Ph I 3915.00 -3.17 10.24 10.48 0.000350 4.00 1135.43 292.87 0.21 1 14.5 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3915.00 -3.17 10.24 10.48 0.000350 4.00 1135.43 292.87 0.21 1 14.5 25yr Existing Conditions 3140.00 -3.17 9.54 9.72 0.000285 3.46 1013.36 127.51 0.19 1 14.5 25yr Proposed Ph I 3140.00 -3.17 9.54 9.72 0.000285 3.46 1013.36 127.51 0.19 1 14.5 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 3140.00 -3.17 9.54 9.72 0.000285 3.46 1013.36 127.51 0.19 1 14.5 10yr Existing Conditions 2156.00 -3.17 8.83 8.92 0.000171 2.56 925.05 119.11 0.14 1 14.5 10yr Proposed Ph I 2156.00 -3.17 8.83 8.92 0.000171 2.56 925.05 119.11 0.14 1 14.5 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 2156.00 -3.17 8.83 8.92 0.000171 2.56 925.05 119.11 0.14 1 14.5 5yr Existing Conditions 1520.00 -3.17 8.40 8.45 0.000099 1.90 874.69 116.40 0.11 1 14.5 5yr Proposed Ph I 1520.00 -3.17 8.40 8.45 0.000099 1.90 874.69 116.40 0.11 1 14.5 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1520.00 -3.17 8.40 8.45 0.000099 1.90 874.69 116.40 0.11 1 14.5 2yr Existing Conditions 835.00 -3.17 8.02 8.04 0.000035 1.09 831.56 114.03 0.06 1 14.5 2yr Proposed Ph I 835.00 -3.17 8.02 8.04 0.000035 1.09 831.56 114.03 0.06 1 14.5 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 835.00 -3.17 8.02 8.04 0.000035 1.09 831.56 114.03 0.06

1 6 50yr Existing Conditions 3915.00 -4.76 9.81 3.25 10.08 0.000616 4.67 989.70 250.00 0.25 1 6 50yr Proposed Ph I 3915.00 -4.76 9.81 3.25 10.08 0.000616 4.67 989.70 250.00 0.25 1 6 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3915.00 -4.76 9.81 3.25 10.08 0.000616 4.67 989.70 250.00 0.25 1 6 25yr Existing Conditions 3140.00 -4.76 9.06 2.34 9.35 0.000679 4.67 806.42 236.88 0.26 1 6 25yr Proposed Ph I 3140.00 -4.76 9.06 2.34 9.35 0.000679 4.67 806.42 236.88 0.26 1 6 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 3140.00 -4.76 9.06 2.34 9.35 0.000679 4.67 806.42 236.88 0.26 1 6 10yr Existing Conditions 2156.00 -4.76 8.49 1.08 8.69 0.000479 3.77 675.70 216.87 0.22 1 6 10yr Proposed Ph I 2156.00 -4.76 8.49 1.08 8.69 0.000479 3.77 675.70 216.87 0.22 1 6 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 2156.00 -4.76 8.49 1.08 8.69 0.000479 3.77 675.70 216.87 0.22 1 6 5yr Existing Conditions 1520.00 -4.76 8.19 0.17 8.31 0.000291 2.88 613.23 206.63 0.17 1 6 5yr Proposed Ph I 1520.00 -4.76 8.19 0.17 8.31 0.000291 2.88 613.23 206.63 0.17 1 6 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1520.00 -4.76 8.19 0.17 8.31 0.000291 2.88 613.23 206.63 0.17 1 6 2yr Existing Conditions 835.00 -4.76 7.95 -0.98 7.99 0.000103 1.68 564.53 197.40 0.10 1 6 2yr Proposed Ph I 835.00 -4.76 7.95 -0.98 7.99 0.000103 1.68 564.53 197.40 0.10 1 6 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 835.00 -4.76 7.95 -0.98 7.99 0.000103 1.68 564.53 197.40 0.10

1 5.5 Bridge

1 5 50yr Existing Conditions 3915.00 -3.87 7.83 2.99 8.08 0.000715 3.99 974.05 190.46 0.27 1 5 50yr Proposed Ph I 3915.00 -3.87 7.83 2.99 8.08 0.000715 3.99 974.05 190.46 0.27 1 5 50yr Proposed Ph I and II 3915.00 -3.87 7.83 2.99 8.08 0.000715 3.99 974.05 190.46 0.27 1 5 25yr Existing Conditions 3140.00 -3.87 7.83 2.43 7.99 0.000460 3.20 974.05 190.46 0.22 HEC-RAS River: Rooster River Reach: 1 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) 1 5 25yr Proposed Ph I 3140.00 -3.87 7.83 2.43 7.99 0.000460 3.20 974.05 190.46 0.22 1 5 25yr Proposed Ph I and II 3140.00 -3.87 7.83 2.43 7.99 0.000460 3.20 974.05 190.46 0.22 1 5 10yr Existing Conditions 2156.00 -3.87 7.83 1.62 7.91 0.000217 2.20 974.05 190.46 0.15 1 5 10yr Proposed Ph I 2156.00 -3.87 7.83 1.62 7.91 0.000217 2.20 974.05 190.46 0.15 1 5 10yr Proposed Ph I and II 2156.00 -3.87 7.83 1.62 7.91 0.000217 2.20 974.05 190.46 0.15 1 5 5yr Existing Conditions 1520.00 -3.87 7.83 0.73 7.87 0.000108 1.55 974.05 190.46 0.10 1 5 5yr Proposed Ph I 1520.00 -3.87 7.83 0.72 7.87 0.000108 1.55 974.05 190.46 0.10 1 5 5yr Proposed Ph I and II 1520.00 -3.87 7.83 0.72 7.87 0.000108 1.55 974.05 190.46 0.10 1 5 2yr Existing Conditions 835.00 -3.87 7.83 -0.40 7.84 0.000033 0.85 974.05 190.46 0.06 1 5 2yr Proposed Ph I 835.00 -3.87 7.83 -0.40 7.84 0.000033 0.85 974.05 190.46 0.06 1 5 2yr Proposed Ph I and II 835.00 -3.87 7.83 -0.40 7.84 0.000033 0.85 974.05 190.46 0.06

Appendix C original report information



