Lawsonite-Bearing Eclogite from a Tectonic Mélange in the Ligurian Alps: New Constraints for the Subduction Plate-Interface Evolution
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Geol. Mag. 155 (2), 2018, pp. 280–297. c Cambridge University Press 2017 280 doi:10.1017/S0016756817000395 Lawsonite-bearing eclogite from a tectonic mélange in the Ligurian Alps: new constraints for the subduction plate-interface evolution ∗ MARCO SCARSI , CRISTINA MALATESTA & SILVIA FORNASARO DISTAV, University of Genova, Genova, Italy (Received 11 October 2016; accepted 3 April 2017; first published online 23 May 2017) Abstract – Lawsonite eclogites are rare rocks and have been described from only a few localities in the world. Lawsonite-bearing assemblages are highly unstable and physico-chemical processes linked to exhumation may destroy them; only aggregates interpreted as pseudomorphs after lawsonite could be often recognized. In this paper, we present a detailed structural and petrological study of an area in the northwestern sector of the metaophiolitic high-pressure Voltri Massif (Ligurian Western Alps, Italy). The study area is characterized by a lawsonite-bearing eclogitic metagabbro associated with carbonated serpentinites and glaucophanic metasediments. The metagabbro body reached eclogitic metamorphic peak conditions at T = 465–477 °CandP = 20.9–24.4 kbar, with H2O continuously supplied to the system. H2O under-saturated conditions, with the occurrence of both lawsonite and epidote, characterized the exhumation path. Both the low temperature recorded by the body and the occurrence of variously carbonated serpentinites led us to interpret this area as a portion of the top of the subducted slab, coupled with a ‘cool’ mantle wedge, where both aqueous fluids and carbonate- rich fluids were present. The occurrence of rocks belonging to different paleogeographic domains (e.g. continent versus ocean) and the multiple deformations recorded by the metagabbro suggest that this area was nearby the slab–mantle interface. This sector was thus affected by a shear regime that acted in a low-viscosity serpentinite channel, bringing these high-pressure rocks back to the surface. Keywords: lawsonite-bearing eclogite, subduction plate interface, low-viscosity serpentinite channel, Ligurian Western Alps, Voltri Massif 1. Introduction their preservation requires to be accompained by sub- stantial cooling and a rapid uplift (Compagnoni & Lawsonite blueschists and eclogites are expected to Maffeo, 1973; Carswell, 1990; Poli & Schmidt, 1995; be the prevailing lithotypes developing during deep Maruyama et al. 1997; Okamoto & Maruyama, 1999; subduction of the oceanic crust and should therefore Forneris & Holloway, 2004; Zack et al. 2004; Zhang be quite abundant in exhumed subduction complexes & Meng, 2006; Brun & Faccenna, 2008;Agardet al. (Ravna et al. 2010). Thermal and chemical models pre- 2009; Ravna et al. 2010; López-Carmona et al. 2011; dict that lawsonite should be widespread in subducted Zucali & Spalla, 2011). Overprinting by heating and oceanic crust at pressure higher than 1.5 GPa (Zack fluid infiltration can destroy mineral assemblages typ- et al. 2004). Nevertheless, lawsonite-bearing eclogites ical of blueschist- and eclogite-facies conditions; as a have been described from only a few localities in the result these assemblages are rare, and those preserving world (e.g. McBirney, Aoki & Bass, 1967; Watson lawsonite-bearing eclogites are the rarest of all (Davis & Morton, 1969; Krogh, 1982; Caron & Péquignot, & Whitney, 2006). 1986; Lardeaux et al. 1986; Oh, Liou & Maruyama, In this paper we present the structural and petrolo- 1991; Ghent, Stout & Erdmer, 1993; Shibakusa & gical study of a lawsonite-bearing eclogitic metagab- Maekawa, 1997; Parkinson et al. 1998; Carswell et al. bro, cropping out in the north-western sector of the 2003;Ochet al. 2003; Usui et al. 2003; Altherr et al. metaophiolitic Voltri Massif (Ligurian Western Alps, 2004; Harlow et al. 2004; Mattinson et al. 2004; Italy). Tsujimori, Liou & Coleman, 2005; Tsujimori et al. The main metagabbro body is a 20 m sized lens, in 2006a,b; Davis & Whitney, 2006; Usui, Nakamura & contact with Na-amphibole-bearing metasediments; Helmstaed, 2006; Zhang & Meng, 2006; Zhang, Meng both are interlayered with serpentinite schists. The & Wan, 2007; Ghent, Tinkhan & Marr, 2009; Ravna area is characterized also by the occurrence of oph- et al. 2010; Tsujimori & Ernst, 2014; Vitale Brovarone icalcites and serpentinites with a variable degree of & Beyssac, 2014). When formed, lawsonite-bearing carbonation, up to their complete transformation into assemblages are observed to be highly unstable and listvenites. The latter are the result of hydrothermal metasomatic processes related to intense CO2-rich ∗ Author for correspondence: [email protected] fluid circulation (Hansen et al. 2005). Downloaded from IP address:, on 28 Sep 2021 at 20:02:00, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Lawsonite-bearing eclogite from Ligurian Alps 281 In the last few years both the occurrence of high- A detailed description of the main structural fea- pressure C-bearing lithologies and the mechanisms of tures and evolution of the Voltri Massif can be found interaction of CO2-rich fluids with rocks have been in Capponi (1987, 1991), Capponi et al. (1994), L. extensively examined to evaluate the carbon fluxes in Crispini (unpub. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. degli Studi di Gen- subduction zones and the turnover rate of CO2 to the ova, 1996) and Capponi & Crispini (2002, 2008b). atmosphere (e.g. Kerrick & Connolly, 1998; Ague & Nicolescu, 2014; Kelemen & Manning, 2015). 3. Geology of the studied area The aim of this paper is dual: (i) to study the struc- tural and petrological features of the lawsonite-bearing The study area is located along the Roboaro River eclogitic metagabbro, to infer its P–T–Deformation (GPS coordinates N44.544686°, E8.436038°), near history, and (ii) to derive further information on the Sassello village. This area is part of the metaophiolitic tectono-metamorphic history of the area, i.e. to under- Voltri Massif and is characterized by the occurrence of stand the tectonic evolution at a subduction plate inter- rocks with different paleogeographic origins (oceanic face (Cannaò et al. 2016). versus continental). The main lithologies are, in decreasing order of areal extent, serpentinite, metagab- bro, metabasite lenses (15 to 20 m wide) and ophicar- 2. Geological background bonate (Fig. 1b), derived from the ancient ocean-floor The Voltri Massif is located at the southernmost ter- of the Ligurian Tethys; restricted outcrops of both mination of the Western Alps (Fig. 1a) and it is made ocean- (i.e. glaucophane-bearing calcschists) and up of metaophiolitic rocks associated with metasedi- continent-derived metasediments (i.e. dolostone) are ments and slices of subcontinental lithospheric mantle. present in the area; TPB sedimentary deposits widely These rocks underwent a complex Alpine tectono- occur. metamorphic evolution, with blueschist- to eclogite- We focused on an eclogitic metagabbro lens facies peak metamorphism with variable retrogress- wrapped by serpentinites and glaucophanic metased- ive overprints (Chiesa et al. 1975; Capponi, 1987, iments. The serpentinites are antigorite-bearing with 1991; Capponi et al. 1994; L. Crispini, unpub. Ph.D. a mylonitic texture characterized by a pervasive foli- thesis, Univ. degli Studi di Genova, 1996; Capponi & ation that dips NE–NW (Fig. 1b). They are affected Crispini, 2002, 2008b). by a variable degree of carbonation, propagating in The Voltri Massif metaophiolites largely consist of mesh fractures (Fig. 2a) or in fractures parallel to the serpentinites with metagabbros and lenses of metaba- schistosity; locally serpentinites are completely trans- site; metasediments represent the cover of the ophi- formed into listvenite. olitic basement and encompass the whole range from The glaucophane-bearing metasediments are com- quartzschist to calcschist and micaschist, and are loc- monly associated with the metagabbro lenses (Fig. 2b); ally associated with metabasites (Chiesa et al. 1975; they include syn-kinematic stable calcite + dolomite + Cortesogno & Forcella, 1978). In the study area, slices white mica + chlorite + Na-amphibole + titanite (re- of continent-derived metasediment (i.e. quartzites and placing rutile) + quartz + opaque minerals (e.g. pyr- marbles) and subcontinental mantle (i.e. lherzolites, ite) and rare apatite; relict intrafoliar folds develop a harzburgites with minor pyroxenites and dunite bodies) pervasive axial plane schistosity moderately dipping to occur. Outcrops of upper Eocene – lower Miocene sed- the NE–NW (Fig. 3). imentary deposits of the Tertiary Piedmontese Basin The main schistosity in both the serpentinite and (TPB) cover the Voltri Massif rocks in nonconformity. metasediment is a composite foliation, related to In general, the main lithologies of the Voltri Mas- the superposition of synmetamorphic deformational sif show several superposed structures, achieved un- events. der different tectonic conditions and ranging from The metagabbro lens shows a peculiar alternation of ductile to brittle regime (Capponi & Crispini, 2002). Na-amphibole-rich blue layers and Ca–Na-pyroxene- The oldest structures are eclogite/blueschist-facies fo- rich green layers, with a mylonitic texture (Fig. 4). liation and rootless hinges of isoclinal folds that lack Both layers include isoclinal intrafoliar folds (D1) that continuity across outcrops; they are related to sub- are the oldest recognizable