Health Equity in England : the Marmot Review 10 Years On
HEALTH EQUITY IN ENGLAND: THE MARMOT REVIEW 10 YEARS ON HEALTH EQUITY IN ENGLAND: THE MARMOT REVIEW 10 YEARS ON HEALTH EQUITY IN ENGLAND: THE MARMOT REVIEW 10 YEARS ON 1 Note from the Chair AUTHORS Report writing team: Michael Marmot, Jessica Allen, Tammy Boyce, Peter Goldblatt, Joana Morrison. The Marmot Review team was led by Michael Marmot and Jessica Allen and consisted of Jessica Allen, Matilda Allen, Peter Goldblatt, Tammy Boyce, Antiopi Ntouva, Joana Morrison, Felicity Porritt. Peter Goldblatt, Tammy Boyce and Joana Morrison coordinated production and analysis of tables and charts. Team support: Luke Beswick, Darryl Bourke, Kit Codling, Patricia Hallam, Alice Munro. The work of the Review was informed and guided by the Advisory Group and the Health Foundation. Suggested citation: Michael Marmot, Jessica Allen, Tammy Boyce, Peter Goldblatt, Joana Morrison (2020) Health equity in England: The Marmot Review 10 years on. London: Institute of Health Equity HEALTH FOUNDATION The Health Foundation supported this work and provided insight and advice. IHE would like to thank in particular: Jennifer Dixon, Jo Bibby, Jenny Cockin, Tim Elwell Sutton, Grace Everest, David Finch Adam Tinson, Rita Ranmal. AUTHORS’ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are indebted to the Advisory Group that informed the review: Torsten Bell, David Buck, Sally Burlington, Jabeer Butt, Jo Casebourne, Adam Coutts, Naomi Eisenstadt, Joanne Roney, Frank Soodeen, Alice Wiseman. We are also grateful for advice and insight from the Collaboration for Health and Wellbeing. We are grateful for advice and input from Nicky Hawkins, Frameworks Institute; Angela Donkin, NFER; and Tom McBride, Early Intervention Foundation for comments on drafts.
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