Cloister Chronicle 315
liOI.STER + CnRODICiiFJ ST. JOSEPH'S PROVINCE Very Rev. Leo Whalen, 0. P., gave a novena in honor of .the Little Flower at St. Vincent Ferrer's, New York City, during September. Rev. Benedict Doyle, 0. P ., preached the sermon on Rosary Sunday at the Church of the Resurrection, Brooklyn, New York. Rev. Edward Hughes, 0. P., S. T. Lr., preached at the Holy Name Rally at St. Patrick's Church, Long Island City on October 17. The annual children's mission at the Holy Name Church, Philadelphia, was given by Rev. ]. E. O'Hearn, 0. P ., of the Eastern Mission Band. The work of the Eastern Mission Band this fall is the heaviest ever. Twenty-five men are not enough to supply the demand for missions and retreats. Rev. G. Carpentier, 0 . P., D. S. C., Chaplain at the Ohio State Peni tentiary and assistant at St. Patrick's Church, Columbus, Ohio, has been made pastor of St. Mary's Church, Johnson City, Tenn. Very Rev. E. A. Baxter, 0. P., has been elected Prior of the Convent of St. Mary's in New Haven, Conn., to succeed the Very Rev. T . L. Crow ley, 0. P., whose term of office expired on July 27th. On October 3, Bro. Matthew Burke, tertiary, 'and Mr. Victor Dillon, postulant, were invested with the lay-brother's habit by the Very Rev. Ignatius Smith, Prior of the House of Studies, Washington, D. C. On October 30, Bro. Aquinas McDermott, 0 . P., made profession of the solemn vows into the hands of the Very Rev.
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