June 2014 | Volume 35 | Issue 6 | Rs 40 Surveywww.pressinstitute.in RINDA Journal of the Press Institute of India - Research Institute for Newspaper Development

PRINT INDUSTRY LOOKS AHEAD WITH CAUTIOUS OPTIMISM In its outlook for 2014-15, Koenig & Bauer (KBA) refers to increased risks for the global economy resulting from the crisis in the Ukraine, reduced growth in China and the negative currency effects in key threshold countries. The company anticipates that advanced economies, such as the USA and the Euro Zone, will take on a greater role in terms of growth. Nevertheless, the strong euro is a competitive disadvantage for German press manufacturers compared to Japanese and other competitors from outside the EU in Asian markets and countries with a weak currency. KBA is realigning its traditional offset business to “a significantly smaller and structurally fundamentally changed press market environment”. Picture shows the highly automated KBA Commander CT, a leader in high-end newspaper printing. FROM THE EDITOR ‘Why am I doing what I am doing?’ Give employees the ‘big picture’

A few days before Tamil Nadu went to the polls in General Elections 2014, the Press Institute of India conducted a discussion on the role of the media in the elections. One of the participants was T.S. Krishnamurthy, former chief election commissioner of India. Towards the end of the programme, one of the young reporters present came up to me and enquired who the speaker was. When I mentioned Krishnamurthy’s name, he seemed a trifle nonplussed and went on to ask me who Krishnamurthy was. To my response – how did he not know a former chief election commissioner and that too, from his own home state – his nonchalant reply was that he had only recently joined the newspaper (part of a leading national news publishing house).

The incident set me thinking. Is even basic general knowledge coming at a premium these days? A reporter or a journalist is supposed to have a fairly broad understanding of life around. Are youngsters not reading enough these days. Have social media and selfies left little time for anything worthwhile? How do you encourage people to read, how do you motivate staff and bring them up to speed with developments? How do you impress upon them that journalism is a sort of calling and that it entails a social responsibility?

I remember visiting The Times of India press in Kandivali, suburban Mumbai, a few years ago. I was doing a story for the WAN-IFRA Magazine. While taking me around parts of the plant, Sanat Hazra, the technical director, stressed that the plant employees were encouraged to innovate and take risks, and adequately trained to handle contingencies and become effective managers. The quest for quality and the effort to maintain quality standards were evident from posters and messages pinned on boards. A list of values on display in the reception area proclaimed that employees were taught to have mutual respect for each other. ‘Think beyond traditional boundaries’ and ‘Recognise and appreciate people for giving good ideas’ were some of the values inculcated.

When I asked him whether there was a philosophy that drove the team, Hazra said you have to go through the mission statement and keep talking to people all the time. Everybody is part of the problem-solution team, part of the success story, according to him. “Employees then really see their value, what they are contributing to the newspaper. You have to create a culture of innovation and generate new ideas; and then effectively execute these ideas to generate new products and services for our customers… Responsibility is not only the manager’s, it has to be pushed all the way down to the person unloading the roll. A huge task that takes time, but it gives results.” The most important thing, Hazra pointed out, was to give employees the big picture and get them to ask ‘why am I doing what I am doing’. “A person pushing the roll should know what impact it has on the operation, or why the floor has to be cleaned. Once you make people understand, they do a wonderful job.” How true! But these things seem far easier to implement on the shop floor than in a newsroom.

Sashi Nair [email protected]

June 2014 RIND Survey 1 RIND Survey June 2014 | Volume 35 | Issue 6

Manorama invests in fi ve direct printing lines 4

Going green: the Hokandara success story 6

Do not write off print yet 8

‘You have to jeopardise yourself’: 11 Eugen Russ, managing director, Russmedia

10 tips to help you reach the young 14

Three news trends worth watching in 2014 18

Industry Updates 22

Other News 36

Events Calendar 43

CORRECTION: In the previous issue of RIND Survey, we had featured Gerard van der Weijden, a Dutchman in Belgium who, aft er years of working for the nati onal Dutch Newspapers in C o n t e s Educati on Programme, is now associated with several ‘young reader’ projects all over the world. The introducti on to the arti cle had menti oned that he had studied the eff ects of ‘forced reading’, basing his fi ndings on prisoners who spent most of their ti me reading, that he found when they came out of prison “their original levels were not back”, and that forced reading hadn’t really helped. Gerard has writt en in to say that this is incorrect and that forced reading does help. What he had actually meant was that when the men arrived in prison, they were, for example, at reading level 5; when they left prison, their reading level had risen to 8 (because there was not much else to do except to read). We apologise for the error.

Cover page photo: Koenig & Bauer

2 RIND Survey June 2014 BUYS 5 NEWSGRIP AND 10 NEWSSTACK MACHINES FROM MULLER MARTINI Manorama invests in five direct printing lines Malayala Manorama, one of India’s leading the company, which was established 126 years ago, newspaper publishers, is modernising and is installing five double-width Diamond Spirit SA newspaper rotary presses from Mitsubishi with a expanding its printing capacity with new maximum production speed of 75000 copies per generation presses and mailrooms. Five hour, and printing capacity of 40 broadsheet pages, identical direct printing lines from Muller Martini at its three printing plants at Kozhikode, Kottayam will ensure a speedy production process from and Kollam in Kerala. “Printed newspapers continue to be the main source the printing press to the ramp at its three plants of our company's revenue and that will remain the in Kozhikode, Kottayam and Kollam (all located case for the foreseeable future,” says chief editor in Kerala) Mammen Mathew, explaining the major investment.

he Malayala Manorama daily with a circulation New generation NewsGrip close to 2.3 million copies, is the flagship of In order to convey the newspapers smoothly from the Indian publishing company with the same the printing press to the ramp, Malayala Manorama T opted for a total of five identical direct printing lines name, which also publishes more than 40 periodicals/ magazines, runs television channels, FM radio stations from Muller Martini for the three sites – two each in and internet portals. To enhance its printing capacity, Kottayam and Kollam and one in Kozhikode. The Photos: Muller Martini

Mammen Mathew (left), editor-in-chief, Malayala Manorama, and Roland Bangerter, regional director of Muller Martini Asia-Pacific, sign the contract for the five direct printing lines.

4 RIND Survey June 2014 compensating stackers, Solema belts, a Sitma bundle fi lm wrapper with cross strapping, manual application of pre-printed top sheets and a control system for bundle production. Mathew explains that Malayala Manorama opted for the solution from Muller Martini due to fi nancial and technical reasons. “We calculated the total cost of ownership of all the proposals we received and Muller Martini stood fi rst. The maximum speed of 90000 cycles per hour for the mailroom exceeds that of our new printing press by 15000 copies. That means the mailroom systems are not producing at their limit, Malayala Manorama is printed in a daily run of 2.3 million copies. It is one of India’s largest circulated dailies. which lowers maintenance costs and increases their economic life-time.” centerpieces of the state-of-the-art mailroom systems In addition to the good after-sales support by Muller are the latest generation NewsGrip conveyor chains, Martini India, the feedback given by another Indian each with a receiving and delivery station. They not Muller Martini customer also spoke well of the new only have a new control system, but also feature solution, Mathew states: “I enquired at The Hindu new guide sections, are easier to maintain and have a about their experiences with the Muller Martini longer economic life-time. In addition, the fi ve lines, systems there and heard only positive reviews from

which will come on-stream between December 2014 them.”  and December 2015, each include two NewsStack

World Young Reader prizes break new ground The World Young Reader Prize, which annually honours news publishers who succeed in engaging the young, has launched several new categories to refl ect the changing media habits and needs of young people, the evolving media environment and the new players who can help in the eff ort. “These prizes make known the excellent but oft en hidden work that news publishers are doing to assure a new audience of literate, civic minded citi zens who care about, and can contribute to, excellent journalism,” says Larry Kilman, secretary general of WAN-IFRA. Entries are being accepted through 15 July. Full details and registrati on informati on are available at www.wan-ifra.org/worldyoungreaderprize. The four new categories added for 2014 are: Digital First, for the news publisher that most creati vely engages the young through mobile telephones, tablets and other digital devices. This category is supported by CCI Europe. Going Green, supported by Germany’s Green TEC Campus, which will honour projects that give the young guidance and hope for improving the environment; Playing with News, for inventi ve acti viti es that teach 10 to 14-year-olds about the news by doing the news. Denmark’s Capital of Children is supporti ng this category. A Great Help, for a win-win partnership with a fi nancial supporter that helps sustain excellence in news publisher engagement and service of youth. The new categories join the core Young Reader Prize categories of brand, editorial, enduring excellence, learning with the news, public service, the Natasa Prize award for printi ng plants and World Young Reader Newspaper of the Year. All categories call for acti viti es that target people under

age 25. The World Young Reader Prizes are part of WAN-IFRA’s eff orts to recognise, encourage and disseminate innovati ve ideas and thinking to help build stronger and vital news media. 

June 2014 RIND Survey 5 Going green: the Hokandara success story

Green initiatives and sustaining development CP began with 3R concept -- Reduce, Reuse, through ISO 14001 (EMS) were the areas of Recycle. CP helps scientifi c thinking and in the saving of materials. The secret was separation, Rathnakumar focus in a presentation by Janaka Rathnakumara, said. “Your waste material should be someone else’s assistant general manager, Wijeya Newspapers, raw material.” According to the system of CP and Sri Lanka, at WAN-IFRA’s Publish Asia 2013. He GP, waste food from the canteen can be converted talked about what it took the Hokandara printing into biogas, and treated shower water used in building plant to achieve the ISO 14001 certifi cation, cooling sprinklers, for instance. Using these methods, the Hokandara printing plant adopting the 5 S methodology in the production was able to reduce CTP plate dimensions from the process. Susan Philip reports original 750 x 576 mm to 720 x 576 mm. The number of plates used a year is 144000, and the size reduction nderlining the need for environment resulted in an annual saving of Rs 1343692. consciousness at the annual meeting of news The 5 S workplace organisation method and Kaizen Upublishers in Asia, held in Bangalore last were the two tools used to power the green initiative September, Janaka Rathnakumara, assistant general and sustained development. Elaborating on the 5 Ss, manager, Wijeya Newspapers, Sri Lanka, said every Rathnakumara spoke of Seiri - selection, or removing action of every living organism created environmental unnecessary items from the workplace, Seiton - order, impacts, both benefi cial and adverse. or keeping everything in its proper place, Seiso - cleaning and inspection, Seiketsu - standardisation Rathnakumar gave the audience an overview on and Shitsuke – self-discipline and training. enhancing environmental sustainability in the printing While the Seiso or cleaning segment meant ensuring industry through cleaner production (CP) and green that machinery and equipment did not deteriorate and productivity (GP). the workplace was safe to work in, Seiketsu called for a The GP concept was based on environmental protection through sustainable development and productivity enhancement through continuous improvement, he explained.

The Environmental Management System (EMS) ISO 14001 is part of an organisation’s management system used to develop and implement its environmental policy and manage its environmental aspects. It enables to achieve a systematic control of the level of environmental performance that it sets itself. The ISO 14001 Standard is set with a view to continual

improvement. Photos: WAN-IFRA

6 RIND Survey June 2014

Cleaner production or green productivity is all about reducing, reusing and recycling. Waster material can be put to productive use. For example, waste water can be used to the water plants in the garden.

After the three Rs, the organisation is now targeting the Seven Rs – Reject, Reduce, Reuse, Reclaim, Replace, Repair, Recycle. Stressing that the biggest challenge mankind faced today was sustainable development, Rathnakumar listed eco demonstrations, biogas and biomass projects, tree planting, bio-gardening and social mobilisation as some initiatives that could be tried. system of colour coding and numbering for sections, It was the commitment of the individual people, pipelines, etc, documentation and visual management team work and shared environmental values that (for example, staff movement charts showing where transformed an EMS from paperwork to an effective everyone is). Poster competitions were held among process, Rathnakumar noted. employees to spread understanding.

In recognition of the success of the green initiatives, the plant has won awards from several national and international agencies. It bagged the National Green Awards 2012 –Silver, the National Cleaner Production Awards and the Taiki Akimoto 5S Award 2009 – 1st Place, apart from the Certifi cate of conformity (EMS IS -14001).

Kaizen is Japanese for ‘improvement’ or ‘change for the better.’ It focuses on continuous improvement of processes in manufacturing,

engineering, business management or any process. 

8 RIND Survey June 2014 Do not write off print yet The future of print and its relevance was one the young generation if they addressed the real needs, of the subjects that came up for discussion and there were certain elements that only print could deliver, not other media at Publish Asia 2013, the annual meeting of While print had seen a severe decline in the West, it news publishers in Asia organised by WAN- had a sound future in Asia, driven by opportunities IFRA South Asia. Dipankar Das Purkayastha, for further penetration, Purkayastha said, again managing director and chief executive offi cer quoting statistics to bolster his point. Further, print advertising has remained very strong in Asia. China, of , told a distinguished India, Malaysia and Indonesia had seen growth gathering that print defi nitely has a lot going for ranging from 46 per cent to 127 per cent (Indonesia), it. Susan Philip has the story with India standing at 59 per cent, he said. Talking of how print could deliver products to aking his presentation on the Power of match the consumer lifecycle, and be customised Print, Purkayastha, who oversees strategy to suit specifi c targets, Purkayastha cited his own and operations across the ABP portfolio, group’s experience. ABP has offerings like The M Telegraph in School, Telekids and for children, quoted statistics to show how the print industry had grown at a rapid pace in Asia over the past fi ve years. Young Metro and Unishkuri for teenagers, Sananda and The growth, he said, had been achieved in terms of for women readers in the 20-40 age group, both circulation and advertising revenue. Businessworld and Fortune India for readers above 20, Listing the advantages of print, the ABP MD-CEO and Desh for the 40-plus. Each publication can be said print offerings could be customised to suit the further customised. For instance, Telekids caters to the intended target audience, they could be relevant to 4-10 age group and Young Metro to the 15-18 year olds. Customised publications for each age group created a seamless pathway towards the mother brand, he said. Seeking to increase its relevance to the young generation, ABP commissioned market research, featuring 1000 people and 200 reader interviews, benchmarking ten different brands, Purkayastha said. Based on the results of the survey, , a Bengali tabloid specifi cally targeting youth, was launched in September, 2012. Ebela’s success is characterised by fi ve key factors that were evolved on the basis of the survey. A convenient and smart tabloid format, the fi rst in Calcutta, addressed the issue of size and convenience. Providing a wide variety of content satisfi ed those who were tired of predominantly political news. International news, sports and entertainment pull- outs offered more wide-ranging fare. A colourful layout, including large pictures and infographics, added to the package.

Photo: WAN-IFRA Addressing the value-for-money price point factor ensured that Ebela, with 16 pages/ rupee, and an Dipankar Das Purkayastha, MD & CEO, ABP, making his presentation. attractive subscription scheme, fared much better

June 2014 RIND Survey 9 Internet banners and pop ups annoying, while 69, 65, 50 and 38 per cent had the same complaint about sponsored links, radio, TV and newspaper ads. Pointing out that print could provide an appropriate editorial platform for targeted advertising, Purkayastha cited an example of how an article on home loans placed next to an advertisement on home loans from a particular bank, provided an extra punch. Purkayastha also stressed that only print could provide a platform to integrate electronic media, not vice versa. For example, an ABP AR code-integrated print ad can enable readers to view a video put out by the company in question on their mobiles, simply by A section of the audience. scanning the ad. Similarly, a QR code enabled print ad can take readers directly to the website of the than competitors. An innovative youthful marketing company. campaign made it the second largest Bengali daily in While print had seen a severe decline in the West, it Calcutta in no time. It had a strong youth readership, had a sound future in Asia, driven by opportunities Purkayastha said, adding, as much as 30 per cent of for further penetration, said Purkayastha. He quoted Ebela readers were below 30 years of age, the average World Press Trends fi gures on average circulation / for all other Bengali newspapers being 20%. adult population / copies per 1000 showing Hong Elaborating on his view that print was the only Kong at 355, Singapore with 256, Malaysia with medium that truly provided customised local news 147, India with 143, Thailand at 142 and China at beyond metro locations, the ABP MD-CEO said 99. He expressed the view that there was also a large several newspapers, including Anandabazar Patrika, opportunity for further penetration in advertising in had different split editions, customised for different the Asian markets – India spends 0.3 percent of its locations. GDP on advertising. Further, print advertising commanded much higher Expressing confi dence that print advertising would credibility than other media, he said. Quoting a survey, continue to remain a dominant force going forward,

he said as much of 66 per cent of the respondents had Purkayastha was emphatic in his commitment to the said newspaper ads were inspiring and informative, medium.  against the 44, 30, 25 and 12 per cent who held the same opinion about TV, radio, sponsored links and Internet banners and pop ups, in that order. On the other hand, 88 per cent of those surveyed found Visit the Consumer voices “Newspapers are inconvenient to carry and read redesigned on the go; and who has got the time to read so much?” website of the “I am tired of reading only about politics; aren’t there other topics to cover?” “Newspapers are so boring! So much text! This Press Institute of age is of visuals.” “I get free news on the Internet; why would I India buy a newspaper unless the price is attractive?” “Newspapers are ‘old’; how can you ever market www.pressinstitute.in a newspaper to a youngster?”


Your Guide to the Changing Media Landscape World News Publishing Focus ‘You have to jeopardise yourself’ Eugen Russ, managing director of Austria-based us to have a two-brand strategy. On the one hand we Russmedia, has found a formula for success by have the bundled product, and the bundled product is Vorarlberger Nachrichten [and its related paywalled putting both free products and paid-for ones in website] – it’s the same in Hungary and Romania with the market and encouraging them to compete different names. We have a regional online portal that with one another. A report by WAN-IFRA senior is free, and we have the daily newspaper that is paid- editor Brian Veseling content, and paid only. So all of the content in the newspaper you get only if you pay for the content. alking with Eugen Russ, one can only be You don’t get it for free.” impressed at how his group Russmedia Listening to Russ, the recipe for the company’s dominates its markets both at home in western success seems clear: it’s part competence, part T confidence and part competition. Russmedia appears Austria and in Hungary and Romania. Since becoming managing director of the Vorarlberger Medienhaus to thrive on competition – especially competition Group and editor-in-chief of Vorarlberger Nachrichten from other Russ-media companies. Ultimately, it in the early 1980s, Russ has led a group that has seems it’s not a matter of one company winning and continuously grown and branched out across media another losing, but rather win-win for Russmedia. – including radio and television and, more recently, digital and mobile. For example, its operations include Creating a competitive environment the highly popular Quoka.de in Germany, an online During a recent hour-long conversation, the word and mobile classified market place. competition came up a number of times, but one Today, the group, which traces its history to 1919 word that never did was “convergence.” It’s clear and was re-branded Russmedia in 2012, operates 10 Russ doesn’t believe in it. He’s much more of a daily newspapers, 80 weekly papers, and more than Darwinian, creating companies that meet new needs 100 portals that reach nearly 20 million unique users – even though they might well compete with, or even every month. The group’s flagship daily, Vorarlberger destroy, his established ones. Nachrichten, has a paid circulation of about 60000 and “Very early we built up new digital ventures – also a readership of 188000 in a region that is home to in the region – and we did not try to protect the just under 375000 people. newspaper,” Russ says. “On the contrary, the people Russmedia has long had a two-part strategy. One part on the regional portals tried to kill the newspaper. is regionally oriented and follows the distribution areas We encouraged them to do that. We also encouraged of the newspapers in Austria, Hungary and Romania. the people at the newspaper to stay alive and to react The other is purely digital and as internationally against the online competitor, to build new assets and oriented as possible. “Regionally it’s so important for to be self-confident.”

12 RIND Survey June 2014 Photo: WAN-IFRA Klaus Hartinger, Copyright by Russmedia GmbH Photo: WAN-IFRA

Eugen Russ strongly believes that a business model can be built only if you separate the different entities and have separate teams.

Accordingly, Russmedia has separate teams for ‘Google-proof ’ your content everything. There’s almost no editorial sharing and no A key factor in Russmedia’s success is the group’s cooperation among brands. That goes for advertising heavy emphasis on its local markets. Russ recounts sales, too – with the sole exception of national key meeting Rob Curley, the hyper-local guru who is now accounts, of which Russ says there are only five to editor of the Orange Country Register and someone seven. “All the rest is done in heavy competition, and Russ admires. “I met him for the first time, and he we strongly believe in that,” he says. told us, ‘Each story in the Orange County Register has to “We always had different teams,” says Russ. “We be Google-proof.’ …You have to be sure this story strongly believe that you can only build up a business is not available on Google. He only wants to have model if you separate it. We strongly believe what stories in the newspaper that you cannot find on [Deseret News President and CEO] Clark Gilbert Google.” is teaching and what [Harvard Business School That’s advice Russ follows with Vorarlberger Professor] Clay Christensen is teaching… You have Nachrichten. “Of the 50 people in our editorial to separate it, and you have to jeopardise yourself. department, 49 are devoted to the local stuff – even This is within the DNA of our company. We have if we do national stories, we combine them with the always jeopardised ourself, even with the weekly local angle of seeing it. We try to keep the [news] newspapers. We have a lot of weekly newspapers agencies out and put 95 percent of our resources to in our market, and they are completely free. These local.” are separate teams, we have separate P&L [profit Russ says he thinks the recent demise of many Patch and loss], and we do not coordinate anything. Also hyperlocal websites in the United States is one of the not the prices, so they are able to give the customer best things in many years to happen to newspapers whatever price they want to. The only thing we ask and their unique selling point of regional content. them is a profit share. The profit margin has to be very high. How they do it – if they reduce their costs ‘People like to finish things’ or increase their revenue – it’s up to them.” Something else Russ sees as a crucial element of

June 2014 RIND Survey 13 success is the need for certain products, such as the region, has an editorial staff of just fi ve people, while daily paper and its digital replicas, to have a beginning Vorarlberger Nachrichten’s staff is 10 times that size. and an end. “I think we have to learn that people “We can’t do it [vol.at] in the same way as Vorarlberger want to have a limited product that they can fi nish. Nachrichten,” Russ says. “At Vorarlberger Nachrichten, we Why is Die Zeit the most successful newspaper in employ about 50 people in the editorial department, Germany? It’s once a week, but it’s a product that but the subscribers have to pay for it. That [level has a beginning and an end. Also The Economist. If of staffi ng] is only possible with paid content. We you talk to the people at The Economist, they say, ‘It’s cannot give it away for free and try to fi nance it with a fi nishable product’. It’s not an endless product, and banner ads. That’s not possible. Therefore, we have that makes a difference. And therefore, it’s important one model that is fi nanced by advertising, that’s the to us to have two brands in the market – one that free model. That has to be a different kind of quality, is really devoted to the bundled product, and we do a different kind of newsgathering. The other one is not want to have breaking news in that product. It’s the old model, and the old one is a very good model a serious product that is once a day, and the other because in our region alone, here in Vorarlberg, 60000 product is breaking news. It’s a different kind of people are prepared to pay 230 euros a year for it. quality, and also a different kind of content.” That’s a lot of money, and 60000 people are prepared to pay it. We want to conserve that.” Need for a variety of business models Providing different kinds of quality and content All new projects are ‘mobile fi rst’ in turn means having different levels of staffi ng and Looking ahead, Russmedia is clearly focused on a different business models. Russmedia doesn’t follow future that will be dominated by digital and mobile. a single model; it uses a variety of them, depending Of the 1500 people who work for the group, Russ on the product. For example, the free regional vol.at says 350 of them concentrate solely on digital website, which offers breaking news for the Vorarlberg development. Likewise, Russ says the group is investing heavily in mobile, adding that he expects mobile will overtake print within two to three years. “All existing business Russmedia models will fl ip on short notice. Just watch Facebook. • How strongly does Russmedia control its More than 50 per cent of revenue is coming from markets? Consider this: Vorarlberg, the mobile.” Furthermore, half of Russmedia’s more company’s home region in Austria, has than 60 developers are now devoted to mobile only. 371384 inhabitants, and 188000 of them read “Whatever we are building now, we are building on the company’s fl agshipVorarlberger Nachrichten the basis of mobile,” Russ says. “It’s a huge change, daily. The paper’s paid circulation is about and we think we can reach the same market shares in 60000. mobile as we have with desktop. You have to be very • In a region of some 100000 households, conscious, you have to invest, and you have to hurry Russmedia has 400000 impressions a day to up to not miss the train… It’s the strong belief of just the homepage of vol.at, its free regional the whole management team that we have to change, portal. because mobile is as disruptive to desktop as desktop • While Facebook reaches about 21 per cent was to print. We are completely convinced on that of the Vorarlberg market on a daily basis, belief system. We have to hurry to get the same market Russmedia’s overall daily reach across its share.” brands is 91 percent. Its closest newspaper competitor in the area reaches only 7.7 per Note: Russ will speak at the World Newspaper Congress, 9-11 cent (combined digital-print). June in Torino, Italy, at a panel discussion titled The Game Changers. • “It’s the same in eastern Hungary and northern Romania, with the same market share, and (This article was originally published in the January/ February 2014 we are very optimistic that we can keep this edition of World News Publishing Focus, the bi-monthly magazine

market share,” Russ says. published by WAN-IFRA.) 

14 RIND Survey June 2014 10 tips to help you reach the young

More than eight in 10 WAN-IFRA members say Reader Prize winners alone, projects accompanied engaging the youth audience is important or young people at every age: helping secondary students learn how to perform in a job interview and giving a very important, but the question remains: How? first lesson in what news would be like without press Here’s a report by Aralynn McMane, executive freedom, showing children how much fun reading can director for WAN-IFRA Youth Engagement and be, providing vocational students with their first fame Media Literacy and letting university students determine the news. Descriptions of the winning actions are at wan-ifra. ews publishers from 22 countries who are org/worldyoungreaderprize. already successful in this area – most of them winners of 2013 World Young Reader 2. Free the “zoo” N First, find out how young people are portrayed. Are Prizes – examined the ‘how’ at the two-day Youth Engagement Summit in Warsaw in December. they relegated to what Knight Foundation innovation Emerging from the summit were 10 things publishers specialist Chris Sopher calls the “zoo,” with inclusion could consider doing in 2014: only when there is a designated “youth” topic? Is most of your coverage about children as victims 1. Be there for the firsts and about teenagers as troublemakers, and are the Paying attention to the important moments in the youngest adults, between ages 18 and 25, essentially lives of community members provides the overall, absent? Get a journalism class to do a simple content uniting theme for news publishers who do well at analysis for you and then discuss it. This year’s top engaging the young. Among the 2013 World Young editorial winner, Avisa Nordland, opened the doors to 60 younger readers to help reshape the paper’s editorial and business approach, stopping cold the readership decline among Millennials. The summit itself featured an ideathon that showed how to make teenagers comfortable as experts, including listening to pitches for new ideas.

3. Consider a new breed of children’s content World Young Reader Prize winners Aftenposten Junior of Sweden and Zeit Leo of Germany are the latest newspaper print products for children. Both target parents for subscriptions and build on the novelty for children of having their own newspaper. Both Photos: WAN-IFRA depend on the young audience to help decide content Polish students Emilia Kolodziej (centre) and Piotr Slugocki (right) and are careful to distinguish among the various life- challenged prize winners to create something that would appeal to them and also served as models for creating marketing "personas". Aslak stage needs of the children they address. Both also Gottlieb (left) of Denmark moderated the session. make money.

16 RIND Survey June 2014

With the help of graphic facilitator Julian Raul Kücklich, participants in the WAN-IFRA Youth Engagement Summit explored partnerships between the public sector and the media around the world for improving basic reading skills.

4. Keep the focus on journalism creator was World Young Reader Prize winner and Content – the journalism itself – is our unique selling juror Lynne Cahill. Other media across the country point and needs to remain so, developed in close picked up on the event, so it benefited the newspaper’s collaboration with students and young readers. That image, and it was the enthusiastic newsroom staff means not focusing a lot on new platforms, since they who suggested expanding it. Göteborgs-Posten arrive every day. Connecting with youth can naturally of Sweden turned a problem story into a day-long inform staff best about the latest wizardry. At De workshop in which disenfranchised local youths Stentor of the Netherlands, for example, journalists made their own newspaper. found they learned about the newest trends in digital media simply by having university students working 6. Facilitate engagement with the important beside them in the newsroom. More at wan-ifra.org/ issues of the day youngreaders. Germany’s Nordwest Zeitung won the top public service prize after it spent 2500 euros so that 6180 5. Give young people a chance to do it students from 54 schools could experience an themselves election, ballot boxes and all, with extensive coverage Few strategies are more powerful than giving a of the process and the result. “We didn’t talk with young person the chance to be a reporter, especially the politicians,” said senior deputy editor Ulrich if it is for real. The West Australian turned over its Schoenborn. “We talked with the students.” And they columns to ‘Generation Z’ teenagers for a day in plan to do it again. 2013 and is expanding that to a week this year. Project

June 2014 RIND Survey 17

7. Pay more attention to young parents session to a workshop in India. An overview of the and to teachers year’s winning ideas can be found at wan-ifra.org/ News publishers have more ways than ever to worldyoungreaderprize; full background on entries make themselves a trusted partner in upbringing is available to WAN-IFRA members by contacting and education. The Philippine Daily Inquirer showed [email protected]. its commitment to basic literacy by arranging 300 storybook readings in 52 cities in the past six years. 10. Embrace media literacy, especially news In Germany, the Gmünder Tagespost got money from literacy a local building supplies store to help parents repair With news as our USP and the crucial experience a local kindergarten. Gazeta Wyborcza is leading a and confi dence we have from teaching via decades massive School 2.0 programme to help Poland’s of classic newspapers in education programmes, we teachers master technology. can and need to lead in this fi eld. This is partly to assure that the lessons include an understanding of 8. Get back to life-stage basics professional journalism practice and an appreciation Beware of a one-size-fi ts-all solution for a wide of the role of journalism in a democracy. For example, range of life stages. The usual range of Millennials The Guardian News and Media Education Centre, a ages starts with people born in 1982 (now 32 years winner of the top Enduring Excellence prize, invites old) to 2004 (now 10 years old). All are digital natives, school classes to explore with staff everything but that range includes several key life stages that tell from story selection to ethics as they publish their you a lot more: primary school, secondary school, own newspapers. The New York Times won the same university, fi rst job, fi rst romantic relationship, and so award for its Learning Network, which has provided on. background information about the news for more than a decade. However, such work can start with a 9. Borrow more ideas from elsewhere simple classroom visit by a reporter. Contact WAN-

Within life stages, however, young people around IFRA for a guide: [email protected].  the globe are becoming increasingly similar in interests and media habits, which makes good ideas even more transferable. “These days, there is more that unites (This article was originally published in the January/ February 2014 edition of World News Publishing Focus, the bi-monthly magazine young people than splits them,” said Gerard van der published by WAN-IFRA.) Weijen, who has advised news publishers all over the world, and who was headed from the Warsaw

Asian Media Awards presented The Star (Malaysia), The South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), Singapore Press Holdings (Singapore) and The New Straits Times (Malaysia) were among the top winners of the annual Asian Media Awards presented on April 24 in a gala ceremony in Hong Kong by the World Associati on of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA). In their 12th editi on, WAN-IFRA's annual Asian Media Awards saw a record of 534 entries from all over Asia and West Asia competi ng for excellence in printi ng quality, design, infographics, photography , editorial content, newspaper marketi ng and community service. The Best in Print Awards were sponsored by manroland web systems. No less than 29 judges from internati onal media companies evaluated the entries in the past months to select the 45 awards winners who were honoured at Publish Asia's Gala Dinner. The full

list of winners can be found at htt p://www.wan-ifra.org/node/102555. Publish Asia 2014, which was opened by Leung Chun-ying, chief executi ve of the Hong Kong Special Administrati ve Region, gathered over 400 media executi ves from 29 countries.

18 RIND Survey June 2014 Three news trends worth watching in 2014

014 is developing into a year of exponential Journalist-centred news change in the news publishing industry. Around portals 2the world, the decisions that publishers have When eBay founder Pierre made about the future of their brands and businesses Omidyar signed Glenn are beginning to either bear fruit or show the errors Greenwald to head up a of their ways, ensuring that the next 12 months will new news venture, many mark a huge turning point for many major players thought it a strange and naïve Sebastian Stent. in the industry. What is certain, however, is that the move. After all, when has a news publishing industry will be a very different place news organisation been built around a journalist a year from now. and not a brand? Journalists work for brands, don’t they? Last year was the year of philanthropic news Hyperlocal media purchases. From Warren Buffet to Jeff Bezos, The hyperlocal news industry has risen and fallen billionaires around the world seemed to be clamouring during the past four years, with many of the start- for newspaper companies to call their own. ups touted as the future of neighbourhood-by- These titans of industry appeared to see something neighbourhood community news collapsing under the industry itself was blind to – some hidden value their own weight. None, yet, has found the right way in the press, with its declining advertising sales and to monetise their audiences. dwindling circulation, that warranted a new land 2014 started with a bang, with a majority share of grab. It was a dramatic reversal of fortunes for many Patch, the AOL-founded hyperlocal portal, sold to publishers, who believed it was only a matter of time Hale Global. What followed was a culling of both before they would be forced to close their doors. the sites within the stable and the workforce behind However, it appears that 2014 will see a new slant on them, with COO Leigh Zarelli Lewis laying off 80- that trend, and Omidyar might just be the vanguard 90 percent of the staff in a 100-second conference in a radical shift in news production. call and closing about 300 of the 900 sites within the Thanks to social media and the dissemination group. of their writings well beyond the boundaries of Other hyperlocal start-ups got a second chance print, many great journalists around the globe have at life, with EveryBlock, the Chicago-founded developed followings as large as the publications local news network, coming back to life after a 10- they represent. By shifting the focus to these news month hiatus. Founded with a grant from the Knight celebrities, Omidyar may have championed a Foundation, the network saw great engagement disruption that could cause irreparable damage to the across the communities in the 19 cities in which newsroom, as readers and journalists alike follow the it operated. However, when MSNBC (which had stories and their writers, rather than the publications bought the network) merged into NBC News, the that once carried the stories on their pages. sites were shut down. Comcast appears to have done an about-face, perhaps on the back of some as-yet- Hyper-niche news unseen opportunity to turn this fantastically engaging In the year since its launch, Atlantic Media’s Quartz local portal into a money-spinner. (qz.com) has performed miracles. In that short

20 RIND Survey June 2014 offering news that is all worth reading – especially if business and technology are your areas of interest. Category-less, Quartz has chosen to focus on the zeitgeist instead, and its content is consistently refreshing and insightful. Atlantic has turned heads with Quartz. 2014 will surely see many other old media houses learning that alternative approaches to branding and online news publishing can provide the breath of fresh air they so desperately need – just as The Atlantic was able to

Photos: WAN-IFRA reinvent itself from a stoic print brand to a company

Today’s world of news and information is all about mobile phones and at the heart of a very different digital future.  tablets, and accessing what you want on-the-go. Newspapers would do well to focus on a digital future. (Sebastian Stent is the head of Digital for Media24 News in South Africa, period its readership has mushroomed and Quartz leading a unit responsible for both the technical development of apps and has grown into a publishing powerhouse. It eschews websites, and the editorial and multimedia teams charged with bringing the traditional industry’s focus on paywalls and those digital tools to life. A journalist by trade, Stent gave up writing for the far more exciting task of helping develop the next generation of discounted bulk advertising in favour of a strong news distribution platforms – so that even if paper became a thing of the premium advertising and sponsorship model that past, news-making and journalism would live on long into the future. This has persuaded blue-chip brands to target the erudite article was originally published in the January/February 2014 edition of World News Publishing Focus, the bi-monthly magazine published by and educated audience the site draws. WAN-IFRA.) Its focus? A great reading experience, riding roughshod over conventional web wisdom and

June 2014 RIND Survey 21 Industry updates

ABB completes retrofit London Review of Books project at Al-Ahram purchases ad DEPOT

ABB, one of the leading suppliers of automation 5 fifteen, a leading UK software company supplying solutions for the newspaper industry, has announced publishers throughout the world, today announced the the successful completion of a retrofit project at purchase of its ad booking and processing software, the print centre of Al-Ahram, one of the leading ad DEPOT, by the London Review of Books (LRB). newspapers in Cairo, Egypt. The order for the project LRB is a British magazine of reviews and essays had been placed by KBA, the manufacturer of Al- with the largest circulation of any literary magazine Ahram’s KBA Commander press with eight printing in Europe. "I'm very excited by the possibilities that towers, two folders and twelve reelstands. The scope ad DEPOT affords us," states Margot Broderick, of the project included the latest version of the associate publisher, LRB. "We were impressed with its press management system, MPS Production, six new rich functionality and the fact that being cloud-based, control consoles as well as drives and drives controls everyone in our New York and London offices will for the twelve reelstands and infeeds. be able to access pertinent information immediately. The upgrading of the MPS Production press 5 fifteen clearly understand our business." management system was particularly noteworthy. The The ad DEPOT system handles display and existing system, which ran under the operating system classified advertising bookings for both print and OpenVMS, had been in service for approaching 20 online media. The software enables users to track and years, but the ABB engineers were nevertheless able sell advertising as well as manage billing, contracts, to transfer all production data, including the very layouts, marketing and sales-force automation, valuable press preset values, from the old system to providing true end-to-end control of advertising the new one. sales, production and delivery processes. Ibrahim El-Ghamry, the director general of Al- The growth of the London Review of Books as a Ahram Printing Press, recognises the importance of literary force over the last four decades has been the the retrofit project: “the ABB retrofit helps to secure result of an unswerving commitment to the art of the the availability of our presses in the coming years”. long form essay. The magazine defies market trends “The modular solutions from ABB meant that we in the literary sector with extensive advertising across could modernise the operation of our presses with its print and digital platforms. minimal impact on our nightly production”, said Mr. Merv Griffin, sales director, 5 fifteen, comments, El-Ghamry. “We have had a long relationship with "The selection team at LRB has been very thorough ABB and remain impressed with their solutions and in its analysis, setting vendors very high performance also the competence of their engineers.” standards. We are delighted to have been awarded ABB is a leading automation supplier to the this major contract and are proud to be associated newspaper industry. ABB Printing (www.abb.com/ with LRB's exciting vision." printing) delivers solutions that provide unique and Designed and produced specifically for the totally integrated end-to-end control, protect existing publishing industry, ad DEPOT is an integrated investments and provide management information cloud solution for advertising sales, order processing essential to improving profitability. and billing. ad DEPOT eliminates tedium, improves communication, adds speed and ensures accuracy. Implementation at LRB begins immediately.

22 RIND Survey June 2014 Industry Updates

Now, Sinapse Version 6.0

Following are the highlights of the Sinapse 6.0 version of simulators: - You can manage your groups, results, exercises and set the reference values of your simulator from anywhere with the use of the DLMS in the cloud. - X-Rite Intellitrax scanning densitometer interface is now integrated in the Shots. The choice is yours between the existing Teckhon and the new X-Rite densitometers. - Prepare for Worldskills 2015 with the Worldskills Company/agency section: in this Photos 2013 exercises now integrated in Shots. While the Rewind – Forward art book, which won the Golden Letter - Connect 3 standard touch-monitors to your award at the Leipzig Book Fair in 2003, was produced manually, Shots or heatset simulators and get a 'real' console today the Mönch bookbindery stitches shorter signatures using the for your courses at the best price ever with Ventura MC with the Tween option. theTouchConsoles. - Train simultaneously a team of four operators with operations in 1987 towards the end of the GDR era the help of the new multi-operator heatset simulator from her grandfather Werner Kretzschmar and has and its workbook. run it together with her brother André Mönch since - Get the prestigious PIA/Sinapse Heatset 2003. Achievement certifi cate by passing a review test. The family business, whose eight employees and - Benefi t from a larger screen resolution for the two apprentices produce in one shift, has become Flexo CI interface. increasingly well known thanks to word-of-mouth marketing. Its circle of customers has grown over the years, as have its runs of thread-sewn books featuring Bookbindery spots a shorter signatures. Today its runs are sometimes as high as 1000 copies. Naturally, runs of that size winner in Ventura MC cannot be processed manually using the book-sewing It was exactly ten years ago that a thread-sewn machine from their grandfather’s days. book by the artist Olaf Nicolai and produced by the In order to be able to produce shorter signatures Mönch bookbindery was awarded the top prize, the cost-effectively and increase its capacity, the Mönch Golden Letter, at the Leipzig book fair. The book bookbindery, which concentrates fully on print titled Rewind – Forward, which was released by the fi nishing, turned to Muller Martini, and essentially renowned publishing company Hatje Cantz Verlag, set the development of the Tween option on the features numerous shorter signatures, which lend the Ventura MC book-sewing machine in motion. It is no 168-page art book a special appeal. Just as the German coincidence that the Mönch bookbindery has virtually artist from Halle is famous in his home country and become the pioneer of the shorter signatures option. beyond for his conceptual artworks using a wide The company, which moved into the Tapetenwerk, a range of media, so too is the Mönch bookbindery creative quarter for artists located on the site of a known for its fl air for creative print products. former wallpaper factory, in 2007, has always dared What required Bettina Mönch’s dexterity using a to take risks. “In order to make print products more book sewing machine operated by foot pedals for the attractive and ensure they stand out, you have to try book that debuted in 2003 has now become industry something new every now and then,” say Bettina standard. “More and more customers, mainly from and André Mönch, especially given the increasing the art scene, are keen to enhance thread-sewn books competition from electronic media. with short signatures,” says Bettina Mönch, a trained His sister recognizes that “thread-sewn books with assortment bookbinder. She took over the company's shorter signatures will remain a niche”. However,

June 2014 RIND Survey 23 Industry Updates

market, deliver and support CCI NewsGate and associated solutions, including online and digital. AWT System has an office network that includes Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan plus a representative office in ZhuHai, China. Its profile in the region coupled with an experienced IT and editorial support organisation were important factors in AWT System being appointed as exclusive partner. It was not only their office network and support infrastructure that attracted CCI to them in the first place; it was primarily their in-depth industry knowledge. Bettina and André Mönch run the Mönch bookbindery in Leipzig together. Commenting on the agreement, Dan Korsgaard, Right: Hans Thomas, sales representative, at Muller Martini Germany. CEO of CCI says, “This partnership is not only an exciting opportunity for both organisations Bettina Mönch is confident that demand for such but primarily it’s about what it will offer media products with integrated foils, transparent paper and organisations in these markets. Combining local various different fold types will increase, not least knowledge and expertise offered by AWT System because of the growing popularity of the digital with a powerful solution like CCI NewsGate has segment. André Mönch, who himself operates the to be a win-win for any newsroom. At CCI we are Ventura MC and a 1571 gathering machine from continually looking to expand our global reach and Muller Martini recently acquired on the secondhand with the Chinese language soon to become available market, has observed that he is processing increasing with CCI NewsGate, we look forward to a long and numbers of digitally printed jobs. fruitful partnership with AWT System as we look to The result is that the runs of (exhibition) catalogs, broaden our markets in China and South East Asia.” book covers, dissertations and bachelor’s and master’s AWT System brings more than 20 years industry theses in the A5 to A4 range, which are ordered by experience to the partnership that has seen them printing plants, publishers, industrial customers, gain a dominant market share in Asia’s Chinese graphic designers, advertising agencies and galleries, publishing industry. There are currently around 30 artists and private individuals from Leipzig to Berlin, daily newspaper and 30 magazines using AWT’s are on the decrease. Currently, however, the number editorial and advertising systems to publish over of signatures gathered in-house, pre-inserted via a brochure line or delivered is growing steadily. That is why André Mönch changes over the new book sewing machine up to seven times daily. He benefits not only from the fact that the Ventura MC is designed both for offset and digital: “I also like its high level of flexibility, high production speeds, the opening system, the tight stitching and, in particular, the short threads.” CCI appoints AWT System as strategic partner

CCI has announced the appointment of AWT System as its exclusive strategic business partner for China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia Spokesperson and chief consultant at AWT System Terrence Fok (left) and Indonesia. The agreement will see AWT System with Dan Korsgaard, CEO of CCI.

24 RIND Survey June 2014 Industry Updates

1000 news pages and generate more than 10000 ads the export level from 71.2 per cent to 79.3 per cent everyday. year-over-year. Shipments to the rest of Europe With publishers having to quickly adapt to an ever- contributed 31 per cent to group sales (2013: 29.8 per changing media landscape, AWT System believed cent). Indications that demand is gradually picking up the time was right for them to form a partnership can be seen predominantly in the south of Europe. rather than continue development of their editorial The proportion of the group total attributable to solution. Spokesperson and chief consultant at Asia and the Pacifi c jumped from 23.2 per cent to AWT System Terrence Fok, commenting on the 30.4 per cent. partnership with CCI says, “Make no mistake about The gross profi t margin widened from 21.3 per it, this is not a reseller agreement. This is a genuine cent twelve months earlier to 25.4 per cent. KBA partnership agreement we’ve entered into with CCI posted an operating loss due to sales, but at –€10.2m that will see us working very closely with them. Yet this was an improvement on the prior-year fi gure of the main benefi ciaries will undoubtedly be the media –€16.9m. Segmental results were mixed. After a longer companies in the markets we serve.” period of time higher sales and success in terms of AWT System is a leading software developer and costs and prices led to an operating profi t in the system integrator, delivering enterprise level solutions company’s sheetfed offset business of €1.2m (2013: to information providers, including publishers, TV –€5.9m). The web and special press division, which channels and marketers. CCI is provider of digital, has largely been profi table in recent years, posted online, advertising and print solutions for multimedia an operating loss of €11.4m (2013: –€11m) given news environments. CCI is an Oracle Certifi ed postponed deliveries of profi table security presses Partner, an Adobe Gold Solution Partner and a Vizrt and insuffi cient capacity utilisation at the group’s partner. web press facilities. Following a slight fi nancial loss of €1.9m KBA improved its pre-tax loss by a third from €18.8m in 2013 to €12.1m. A group net loss of KBA sales up 11.9% €14m (2013: –€18.5m) corresponds to earnings per share of –€0.85. In the fi rst quarter of 2014, press manufacturer At –€51.3m cash fl ows from operating activities Koenig & Bauer (KBA) delivered a double-digit were negative due to lower customer prepayments, increase in sales and order intake as well as signifi cant a temporary rise in inventories and a drop in trade improvements to its operating and pre-tax results payables. After deducting cash funds for investing year-over-year. At €241.5m, group order intake rose activities the free cash fl ow came to –€54.4m. At the by 20.8 per cent. New orders of sheetfed offset end of March funds stood at €131.2m and KBA has presses were up 10.3 per cent to €146.5m (2013: access to ample credit lines. After deducting bank €132.8m), while order intake of web and special loans totalling €22.3m net liquidity remained solid at presses increased by 41.4 per cent to €95m (previous €108.9m. year: €67.2m). Nevertheless, demand for web offset According to KBA president and CEO Claus presses remained subdued and along with order Bolza-Schünemann, the implementation of Fit@ backlog it strained sales and earnings. Group sales of All for the restructuring of the KBA group “made €213.4m after three months was 11.9 per cent higher good progress” in the fi rst quarter of 2014. The than the prior-year fi gure of €190.7m. Postponed programme was approved in 2013 and will be in special press deliveries on the customers’ side led force until 2016. Cancellation and phased retirement to only a slight climb in web and special press sales agreements, social wage agreements and social from €92.5m in 2013 to €94.7m, whereas the sheetfed compensation plans were agreed for around 700 division generated a 20.9 per cent rise in revenue to employees at various locations as part of the planned €118.7m. The group’s book-to-bill ratio was positive group-wide reduction of 1000 to 1500 jobs by the after the fi rst three months of 2014 and order backlog end of 2015. Further talks with union and workforce stood at €588.6m at the end of the quarter. representatives about other capacity-orientated staff A slide of nearly 20 per cent in domestic sales, adjustments are progressing well. Training measures primarily a result of fewer web press deliveries, raised for preparing the relocation of internal production

June 2014 RIND Survey 25 Industry Updates

activities between the individual plants have also good investment, however the quality demands have begun. Given the periods of notice which must increased over the past years. As our three Goss M600 be observed, upcoming relocations and pending presses print from roll to roll and thus samples cannot outsourcing options, the gradual implementation of be taken while printing, it requires more waste before personnel adjustments will not finish until the end having a good quality copy. Colour stability was also of 2015. an issue to look into. We came to the conclusion that in order to meet our high performance and quality according ISO -12647/2 standards, press automation QI Press Controls solution would be a necessity.” for Goss press upgrade Initially, Vprint was looking for colour control on one press, but after analysing the total saving potential Vprint, the direct mail industry's largest family- they were convinced by the additional benefits of owned company in Europe, has signed for the renewing the register system and having quality and upgrade of their three Goss M600 heatset presses performance reporting as well; and for all three with QI Press Controls’ total automation solution: presses. Says Vprint owner Van Daele: “IDS colour mRC-3D, IDS and IQM. control will offer us high colour stability at minimum The Belgium printer, located in Mouscron near the waste. Customers can truly rely on the receipt of high French border, is an established name for more than quality products as IDS has print failure detection 60 years in the European market of promotional that in the end will avoid bad copies to be distributed materials for personalised direct mailing. Their to customers. This will surely contribute to an even three Goss M600 presses will be fitted with 6 mRC- more positive customer satisfaction rate.” 3D cameras for colour register control including He continues: “One of our demands was to have a motorised bars, front to back control and anti- solution that would be employable for all productions embossing and six IDS camera’s for controlling as in some of our productions there is no space for colour including print defect detection. IQM will colour bars. QI Press Controls’ IDS has a markless deliver them quality and performance reporting. mode in which it reads from the image. This fits “About three years ago we opted for an offline our needs perfectly. These operational/financial solution,” explains Thierry Ngoma, production winnings together with the savings on maintenance manager at Vprint. “At that time this seemed to be a by installing the AIMS (Automatic Ink Mist Shield) of the mRC-3D camera will certainly generate quick savings.” Adds Erwin van Rossem, area sales manager at QI Press Controls and responsible for the Belgium market: “It’s the first mRC-3D installation in Belgium.” Vprint is family owned; its shareholders are the brothers Edward and Roby Van Daele. Under the leadership of Roby Van Daele the company has grown enormously especially in the last 10 years. Vprint has a policy of continuous investment in order to stay ahead of the latest developments in its market. Which has resulted in Vprint currently being the industry's largest family-owned business in Europe. The number of employees has doubled in the past 10 years and the productivity has tripled. Vprint is leading in the field of personalized mail- order documents with a daily production of three (L-r): Thierry Ngoma (production manager at Vprint), Roby van Daele million mailings. (owner and director at Vprint) and Erwin van Rossem (area sales manager at QI Press Controls)

26 RIND Survey June 2014 Industry Updates

to KBA active in machinery and plant engineering. Foex takes subscription “We are pleased to welcome such an experienced and route distinguished expert to our company on the one hand to implement Fit@All consistently and swiftly, while Foex has announced that from 13th June this year, also simultaneously guaranteeing an unrelenting focus a subscription will be required to access the PIX on the market presence of our operating business,” Pulp & Paper indices. Access is temporarily available the company explained. without a subscription for those who register on the Given the fundamentally changed market Foex website (www.foex.fi). Says environment within the print industry, in December Foex managing director, Timo Teräs: "Foex brings 2013 KBA introduced a programme to strategically huge value to the market - our PIX price indices realign the group and a series of measures aimed at are calculated using an independent and externally strengthening the profitability and competitiveness audited methodology. It’s now time to realise their of the company. The programme’s priorities are the value, to reinvest in the business for future growth. restructuring of the core business by sustainable This will include introducing additional indices, capacity adjustments, optimisation and concentration fulfilling an important request from the market." of the depth of added value at the different sites as Foex, based in Helsinki, Finland, was recently well as the focus on print-related business fields with acquired by the Axio Data Group, which also owns potential for growth. Risi. As part of Axio, Foex will remain an independent organization, providing price indices, keeping its industry-leading Foex brand and PIX trademarks Rapida with HR-UV while gaining access to additional resources to expand. replaces two presses Foex and Risi will work together to improve price monitoring practices across the global forest Drukkerij Paesen in Opglabbeek, Belgium, has invested in a KBA Rapida 106 sheetfed offset press New KBA Board member to with HR-UV drying. This was a big step as the high- performance press replaced both a four- and five- oversee restructuring colour medium-format press. Says managing director Guy Paesen: “Together with my two brothers, I have The supervisory board of come to the conclusion that the Rapida 106 HR-UV Koenig & Bauer (KBA) has is the best investment we could have made.” appointed Andreas Plesske Drukkerij Paesen is run by the brothers Mathieu, (53) as management board Marc and Guy Paesen. Following in the footsteps member responsible for of their father, who opened a small village printing restructuring operations shop 68 years ago, they have expanded the company (CRO) with effect from 1 to include in-house design, prepress, printing and May 2014. His initial term of finishing services. In the mid-1980s, the firm moved office is limited to 31.10.2015, Andreas Plesske. with an option to extend this by a further six months. The restructuring expert shall push on with the extensive programme Fit@All, approved in December 2013 to realign the world’s second-largest press manufacturer and thus also relieve the CEO of these tasks. A qualified lawyer and economist, Andreas Plesske has extensive experience in management and restructuring as CEO and CRO at German and The four-colour Rapida 106 with HR-UV drying for fast finishing fits international companies of varying sizes and from Druckkerij Paesen’s needs for small print runs and short turnaround times different industries. This includes companies similar perfectly.

28 RIND Survey June 2014 Industry Updates

From a technical point of view, the choice was a foregone conclusion for the brothers. Guy Paesen: “A four and possibly fi ve-colour press out and our fi rst KBA HR-UV in would mean that we are going to print on a hybrid press that could possibly impose additional costs and higher demands on our organisation, even though that’s not necessary. We typically print on the new press, but when overcapacity occurs, we run the fi ve-colour press as well. The plates are allocated to the appropriate press at the last minute. We work with a high-speed CTP line which is good for 40 plates per hour: another investment in 2013 that was The KBA Rapida 106’s cutting-edge ErgoTronic console features a user- friendly wallscreen and the integrated colour measuring system Ergotronic made ahead of the new press. In consultation with Color Control. Naca in Belgium and Wifac in the Netherlands, we put all the pros and cons on the table. The conclusion from the town centre to a large facility in the industrial drawn from all the number crunching left nothing to park in Opglabbeek, where currently some thirty be desired in terms of clarity: in our situation, the professionals and printers work in two shifts. Rapida 106 was the best investment we could make.” The business idea was to shut down a four- and Paesen's philosophy has remained the same for fi ve-colour press and instead use the new four-colour nearly seven decades. Says Guy Paesen: “In the Rapida with HR-UV drying to produce the same graphics sector things evolve at a rapid pace. Standing volume of printed material. The older fi ve-colour still means falling behind. We believe in cutting- press is still kept on hand as a backup. As the Paesen edge technology and new processes. That's why our brothers went looking for a new four-colour press to company continually invests in modern machinery.” replace a four and fi ve-colour machine in 2013, they Thus, it comes as no surprise that the Rapida 106 is knew exactly which requirements they wanted it to equipped with the inline quality measurement system, fulfi l. QualiTronic, which is connected to both the press “The press had to run fast, at speeds of up to 18,000 and prepress. “This allows us to accurately measure sheets per hour, and allow for rapid job changes as we the print quality and consistency and bring them to receive many orders for small runs, usually with very an unprecedented high level.” fast turnarounds. As recently as a few years ago, we On 1 November 2013, the Rapida delivered the fi rst were looking to invest in a conventional eight-colour printed sheets. Master printer Peter and his colleague perfector which would not have been a good move Johan attended a course at KBA in Radebeul, where in a declining market. Now we can achieve almost the they learned the ins and outs of the machine. Naca same effect - as far as our sales are concerned - with a and Wifac also provide advice and practical support fast four-colour press with a HR-UV dryer, given that for their printers. the sheets can be reversed for printing as they come out of the press dry and ready to be fi nished. An additional advantage compared to a long perfector is CA 1171 press wash meets that we can print on many more substrates,” explains Guy Paesen. regulatory guidelines Obviously, a decision regarding such a capital investment cannot be taken lightly. "We dug deep RBP Chemical Technology, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, into the specifi cations of three press manufacturers. has announced the release of CA 1171 press wash, a It soon became clear that the KBA press with HR-UV new low VOC emulsion-based press wash designed to drying technology was the most impressive. It has meet all California EPA regulatory guidelines. The press the latest technology on board, from the infeed to wash exceeds California EPA’s stringent regulations the delivery. For us, this is technically the best choice for roller and blanket washes, dictating that printers in terms of print quality, speed, inline measurement, use products with a VOC content of 100 grams per makeready waste and drying,” he adds. litre or less.

June 2014 RIND Survey 29 Industry Updates

Kadam Digital installs Kodak Trendsetter Q800

Kodak has announced that Kadam Digital Transprints, a large pre-press bureau based in Pune, has added the Kodak Trendsetter Quantum 800 Platesetter to its offset capabilities. Kadam Digital and Kodak co-hosted the Open House, called CTP Tantra-Mantra, which saw participation of over 140 attendees from the print market in Pune. Kadam Digital is a multi-service umbrella organisation that has been providing printing solutions since 1990 and has carved a niche in Pune’s printing market as one of the most advanced printing houses in the city. Kunal Kadam, the general manager, in his address at the event, said: “Kadam Digital has always opted for modern, emerging printing technologies and equipment in our efforts to deliver the best to our customers. We have added the Kodak Trendsetter to our repertoire of high-end equipment as it is a CtP that truly takes print quality to superlative levels. Add to this the versatility and

RBP Chemical Technology developed the CA 1171 press wash, a new low support that Kodak Prinergy Workflow imparts, and VOC emulsion-based press wash, to meet all California EPA regulatory we have a complete high-end setup to really add value guidelines. to our printing operations.” The Kodak Trendsetter Q800 is Kadam Digital’s RBP’s solution has a VOC content of 85 grams second Kodak installation, after the Kodak Nexpress per litre and is viable on all types of sheetfed press SE 3000 digital production color press. Some key equipment, including both conventional and UV features of the latest acquisition include: applications. CA 1171 Press Wash contains a mix of • Speed up to 42 plates/ hour unique ingredients that provide excellent ink cutting • Flexibility up to image 2-page to 8-page plate power and components that help remove paper sizes that is a minimum of 267 x 215 mm up to a coating and fibers. It is a stable micro-emulsion of water and solvents to aid in the removal of water soluble contaminants. This wash will dry effectively and easily mixes with water to leave no residue on the rollers after cleaning. It features a low odor, high flashpoint of 118 degrees F and is water miscible. CA 1171 does not contain acetone, a very flammable material sometimes used to decrease VOC content. Founded in 1954, RBP Chemical Technology Inc (www.rbpchemical.com) is a supplier of proprietary chemicals and delivery devices for the printing, newspaper and electronics manufacturing industries. The company is committed to delivering consistently high quality products and services, including specialty development, analytical services and custom Attractive posters and publicity material for the Kodak Trendsetter manufacturing. Quantum 800.

30 RIND Survey June 2014 Industry Updates

to offset printing at least for the next 5-10 years. As customers become more quality-focused, it brings about a need for improved print quality which can be delivered with thermal CtP technology. At VLF Solutions, we understand the complexities of business and have good direct relations with our customers. To produce high-quality output for our valuable customers, we decided to go for the Kodak Trendsetter Q1600 Platesetter with award-winning At the Open House, from left: Sanjay Kadam, director, Kadam Digital Kodak Squarespot Imaging technology which helps to Transprints; Abhiram Sathe, national manager - Technical Support, deliver 1-98 per cent dots with 100 per cent accuracy. Kodak India; Girish Date, president - PPOA and director, Ganesh The reliability and user-friendly interface also aids in Offset; and Arnab Maiti, national manager – PrePress Solutions and UWS, Kodak India. maximising press uptime. With this new installation we hope to increase new business opportunities in maximum of 838 x 1143 mm and extremely fast packaging and pPublishing industries.” throughput Adds Kodak’s Tanuj Alagh, regional sales manager, • Connectivity to 3rd party workfl ow systems via North – I & MP for Commercial Imaging: “VLF 1-bit TIFF fi les Solutions have invested in the Kodak Trendsetter • Screening up to 450 lpi. Optional 25, 20- or Q1600 Platesetter to achieve greater throughput, 10-micron Kodak Staccato Screening creates while simultaneously reducing their overall capital photorealistic images investment. Kodak Prinergy Workfl ow’s pre-fl ighting • Resolution: 2400 dpi and 1200 dpi and trapping capabilities, as well as the reliability • Kodak Squareshot Imaging provides accurate, and stability of the Trendsetter Q1600 will support stable, repeatable imaging for fewer plate remakes, customer to serve very large format printers of fewer adjustments in prepress, and exceptional packaging, foam, calenders and tin, as well as 28" x print quality 40" commercial printers with excellent print quality. Kadam Digital also has high-end Kodak Prinergy What's more the basic confi guration can be scaled up Workfl ow, which offers: on fi eld for workfl ow as well as productivity whenever • Prinergy Connect high-end software provides 2x desired! The winning combination of Kodak Refi ners for normalising, colour management, Thermal CTP, Prinergy Workfl ow, T-860 Processor and optimizing of input PS, PDF, and other fi le and Thermal plates enables customers to produce formats into a PDF or PDF/X digital master excellent and accurate print quality with ease.” • Kodak Colorfl ow Pro Software with Ink Optimising Solution VLF Solutions scores a fi rst in North India Kodak announces the installation of a new Kodak Trendsetter Quantum 1600 Platesetter at VLF Solutions, Delhi, the fi rst of its kind in North India, to address quality printing needs and to deliver competitive large-format printing to the Delhi-NCR region. Alok Anand, partner, VLF Solutions, believes strongly in the growth of print. He says, “Even though the global printing industry is moving towards digital Posing behind the Kodak Trendsetter are Alok Anand and Sandeep printing technology, it will only be a complement Sharma, partners at VLF Solutions, and Tanuj Alagh, Kodak.

June 2014 RIND Survey 31 Industry Updates

Some key features of the Kodak Trendsetter Q1600 KBA ProductivityPlus facilitates the capture of are listed below: key operating data, a preview of current jobs, a view • Throughput of to 15 plates/hour of the production status as well as monitoring the • Flexibility up to a minimum of 394 x 394 mm or production process via a BDE terminal at the press. a maximum of 1325 x 1650 mm, with extremely Press operators can log-on using smart cards or the fast throughput touch-screen. Charts available online support the • Screening up to 450 lpi. Optional 25- or 20- analysis of production processes. Furthermore, the micron Kodak Staccato Screening creates management can access data and check production in photorealistic images real time from outside the company via a web browser • Optical Resolution: 10000 dpi on a smartphone or tablet PC. KBA ProductivityPlus • Kodak Squarespot Imaging provides accurate, can be adapted and expanded if necessary to meet stable, repeatable imaging for fewer plate remakes, the specifi c needs of the company in question. The fewer adjustments in prepress, and exceptional options include JobManager which allows the user print quality to create new jobs and import them into MIS as well as pre-press tools, a pre-fl ight check and FTP server management. A JDF CIP4 interface between KBA, Logica successful in DataProduction and MIS is also available. Asian market Streamlined production, data control and extensive analysis capabilities increase the productivity of Along with MIS systems from Optimus and PPS the printing process. Make-ready times are reduced software belonging to the LogoTronic product range, and precise information regarding consumables are together with partner Logica Sistemi in Castel San designed to optimise material management. A raft Pietro (Italy), KBA now offers a further solution of print fi rms have already taken advantage of the for production planning and control as well as benefi ts of ProductivityPlus and are using solutions production-data capture in real time. The solution is from Logica. KBA has implemented over 50 systems extremely successful especially in China. It is Logica’s in China alone. mission to optimise management and production processes as well as to enable full production control IPAMA makes an as a basis for strategic planning. Together with the module DataProduction for capturing production impression in Sharjah data in real time, the software suite which available under the name KBA ProductivityPlus comprises a The Indian Printing Packaging & Allied Machinery further module for production management. Manufacturers’ Association had jointly organised the Print Pack Arabia 2014 exhibition at the Sharjah Expo Centre in Sharjah in April. The event was aimed at showcasing emerging opportunities and technologies. It was a comprehensive sourcing platform for commercial and package printing in the region and attracted printers, industry professionals, buyers and design agencies from different countries. The exhibition was supported by the Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Print Pack Arabia 2014 was opened jointly by Shaikh Mohammad Bin Saud Bin Sultan Al Qassimi, chairman of the Sharjah Department of Central Finance and Indrajit Pal, secretary, Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Government of India. Other prominent dignitaries present on the occasion The KBA team with Italian partner Logica at drupa 2012. from Sharjah and India were, Ahmed Mohammed Al

32 RIND Survey June 2014 Industry Updates

Midfa, chairman, Sharjah Chamber of Commerce exhibitors for exchange of technological know-how and Industry; K.S. Khurana, president, IPAMA; C.P. and expertise. Paul, general secretary, IPAMA; and representatives Print Pack Arabia attracted 88 exhibitors/ from Gulf Petrochemicals & Chemicals Association. participants. From India there were ACME Ahmed Mohammad Al Midfa told media persons Machinery (India), APL Machinery, Five Star Printing and exhibitors that it was a matter of great pride to Machinery, Pidilite Industries, Tirupati Inks and see the unveiling of a new trade show at the Expo Zenith International. Exhibitors displayed their latest Centre in Sharjah and that Print Pack Arabia would machinery, equipments and allied products. Feedback be a landmark event for the regional printing and provided by the Expo Centre revealed that there packaging industry. He applauded the role of IPAMA, were about 5000 potential buyers from 77 different the apex body of printing packaging and allied countries who attended the exhibition. A majority industries in India. The tie-up with IPAMA would (92 per cent) of the exhibitors sold machinery and help Sharjah take centre-stage in the fast-growing equipment during the currency of the exhibition. printing and packaging industry in West Asia, he On display were digital printing equipment, inks, said. coatings and varnishes, offset printing equipment, Midfa added that acquiring latest technologies products from paper manufacturers and suppliers, was the key to the sector cashing in on positive plates and plate-making equipment, press room fundamentals and that Print Pack Arabia would be handling equipment, print fi nishing/ binding a comprehensive sourcing platform for printers, equipment, and printing equipment, machinery and industry professionals, buyers and design agencies. material such as paper board, foils and fi lms. Keeping the requirements of the industry, Print Pack Arabia would also provide opportunities to Industry Updates

have this equipment in our production line, and with Monotech installs first this extended production line we expect a jump of HGDE UV CtP approximately 50 per cent growth in our business.” Monotech Systems is a leading manufacturer and Monotech Systems has installed the first HGDE solution provider of high-end, high-performance UV CtP, in Charu Graphics, New Delhi. The product and reliable products and solutions for the printing, was introduced by Monotech in India recently. HGDE packaging and publishing industry. Established in UV CtP is a new concept, an economic and highly 1999, the company has been consistently achieving productive machine that offers outstanding features sound growth every year. –auto-focus adjustment for high output precision, horizontal loading with continuous processing, unique dynamic balancing adjustment system, high Color-Logic partners with power laser diode for high and stable output, original Domino system of adjustment of edge plate, HGDE unique technology of separation of paper and plate for Color-Logic, developer of the Process Metallic quick and stable plate production. The machine can Color System, has announced a technology produce about 35 plates an hour and it has a lower partnership with Domino Printing, manufacturer running cost compared to other violet and thermal of the new N610i inkjet label press. Commenting machines. on the collaboration, Color-Logic Director of Sales Established in 1996, Charu Graphics is one of the and Marketing Mark Geeves says: "We have certified biggest pre-press houses in India that offers services the Color-Logic process on the equipment in the in offset as well as digital printing. Says Sunil Chouhan, Domino Printing demonstration centers in the UK the owner, “We set up the first image setter inr 2001 and the United States. Buyers of the N610i inkjet label and after that, in 2008, we bought BasysPrint UV CtP press can be assured that the Color-Logic process is installed by Monotech Systems. We have a very high fully compatible with the device and that they can plate production rate of more than 1000 plates per confidently offer metallic labels featuring the process day. We were looking for a reliable and cost-effective to their clients." solution to increase our plate production due to high Jon Pritchard, product manager at Domino demand. HGDE has filled our expectation, this is Printing Sciences, also commented: "Our partnership a very reliable and low-cost machine and we are with Color-Logic brings the latest in metallic label processing approximately 400-500 plates every day technology to our customers. The ability of the through this machine without any hassle. Generally N610i press to print on metallic substrate, and on this production rates, machines start creating the ease with which the Color-Logic software cuts problems but HGDE is awesome, smooth and white ink masks and permits graphic designers to maintenance-free equipment with at par performance specify the precise metallic color they desire, are an with other available UV CtPs. We are very happy to unbeatable combination of technology. We expect our new hardware offering to benefit greatly from this relationship." Color-Logic develops color communication systems and software tool sets for a variety of special effect printing applications. Color-Logic provides brand owners, product managers, corporations, and their advertising agencies the ability to differentiate themselves and their clients with a simple print production process that yields dramatic results. Color- Logic decorative effects utilise the existing workflows of printers and designers, yielding dynamic results without the use of special equipment. Color-Logic (L-r) Sunil Chouhan, owner, Charu Graphics, and Tejinder Singh, DGM supports the value of print and works with designers – Prepress, Monotech Systems. and printers to enhance their printed media.

34 RIND Survey June 2014 Industry Updates

KBA make-ready ‘champion’ meets expectations

At the beginning of this year, the Cartonic Packaging Group fl ipped the switch on a new plinth-mounted seven-colour Rapida 106 with two coaters at its site in Emskirchen, Germany. The press features an extensive level of automation ensuring a high net output with short make-ready times. It signals a change in generation, press model and technology in the Franconian company’s press room. 978 print jobs, over 300 orders a month resulting in Fridolin Leis (centre), managing director of Cartonic Packaging Group, an average of 15 jobs a day is an impressive amount explains the production processes at the plant in Emskirchen to Michael Stürmer (l) and Werner Dengel from KBA-Deutschland. The raised seven- for the press’ fi rst quarter. It printed 13.5 million colour Rapida 106 with two coaters can be seen in the background. sheets during this time, which at this rate could equate to 55m sheets a year. This compares to the 36 million full speed. printed by the company’s existing 12-year-old press. Cartonic managing director Fridolin Leis describes The average output over the entire quarter stood the Rapida 106’s start-up phases as particularly short. at 15300 sph. In other words, the Rapida 106 has a After an exemplary press installation and inauguration maximum rated output of 19 000 sph. The press can in December 2013, the anticipated results have already also run stably for a longer period of time at 20000 been achieved in the fi rst few months of operation. sph, depending on the product or board. Makeready times have halved and production output An important contribution to ensuring an has increased by more than 50 per cent. outstanding level of productivity are parallel make- With folding carton expert Fridolin Leis responsible ready processes, such as automatic plate changing for technology and his colleague Klaus-Dirk with DriveTronic SPC, simultaneous coating forme Breitbach in charge of marketing and sales at the changing (SFC) as well as CleanTronic Multi helm, the folding carton activities of the Weig Group automatic washing units. Further key features include as the largest private board manufacturer in Europe automatic colour control (QualiTronic ColorControl) are intended to be pooled centrally under the brand including a PDF scanner (DensiTronic PDF) and a name Cartonic Packaging Group. Along with the plinth measuring 900mm(35.4in), which allows for site in Emskirchen, there are three further facilities the 1.6m-high (4ft 11in) piles to be handled with in Minden, Georgsmarienhütte and Nordhausen, nonstop logistics and makes better use of the freight Germany. All of the sites are specialised: the site volume of heavy goods vehicles. Nonstop operation in Georgsmarienhütte is orientated to volume is possible for substrates up to 350g/m² (225lbs) at production with its large-format kit and supplies the fi ne fl ute plant in Nordhausen with printed top liners. The site in Emskirchen is responsible for high-quality fi nishing, and the focus in Minden is on high-speed gluing with staggered and interrupted glue lines. As a former Melitta printing house, today the company primarily produces products for the well-known coffee roaster. When more capacity or a higher level of fl exibility is needed, a job can be produced simultaneously at the other plants.

The Rapida 106 forms the new heart of Fürther Kartonagen’s press room.

June 2014 RIND Survey 35 Other News

Call to free Eskinder Nega including Solomon Kebede, Wubset Taye, Reyot Alemu, and Yusuf Getachew. According to the New #FreethePress ’30 Days for Freedom’ campaign York based Committee to Protect Journalists, over saw a month of online action for jailed journalists in 211 journalists were behind bars in 2013, the second the lead up to 3 May, World Press Freedom Day; the highest number since records began. Over half are campaign culminated with free-to-publish resources jailed under anti-state provisions. calling for the release of Eskinder Nega, sentenced The 2014 Golden Pen will be presented during the under anti-terrorism legislation in Ethiopia to 18 opening ceremony of the 66th World Newspaper years in prison. ’30 Days for Freedom’, the World Congress, 21st World Editors Forum and 24th World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers’ Advertising Forum, the global summit meetings of (WAN-IFRA) latest social media campaign, the world’s press to be held in Torino, Italy, from 9 culminated with global media attention focused on to 11 June. the plight of jailed journalists. Each day for 30 days, biographies of journalists currently in jail around the world were been published All set for 66th online at www.worldpressfreedomday.org, with social World Newspaper Congress media users encouraged to share the stories and call for their release. The hashtag #FreethePress reached In just over a month, leading newspaper and news millions of Twitter users, while content was shared publishing executives will gather in Turin, Italy, for across Facebook and through online news sites. their annual summit meetings. The 66th World Italy’s La Stampa newspaper ran the campaign in its Newspaper Congress, 21st World Editors Forum daily print edition. and 24th World Advertising Forum are offering The fi nal journalist to be profi led for the campaign more than 100 speakers in three conferences, a wide was WAN-IFRA’s 2014 Golden Pen of Freedom variety of strategic and policy roundtable seminars laureate Eskinder Nega, sentenced by Ethiopian and workshops, plus exhibitions of everything authorities in 2011 to 18 years in prison for his critical from content management systems and syndication writing. Eskinder was arrested on 14 September 2011 services to drones and wearable technology. The after publishing an article criticising his government’s events are built around an opening ceremony that use of the 2009 Anti-Terror Proclamation to jail will feature the presentation of the annual Golden and silence critics. He was sentenced on 23 January Pen of Freedom award, and will be accompanied by 2012 and denounced as belonging to a terrorist an array of social and networking events. organisation. More than 1000 publishers, CEOs, managing WAN-IFRA is providing free-to-publish materials directors, chief editors and other senior newspaper to highlight Eskinder’s case, including full biography and news publishing executives are expected in information as well as a selection of his articles, Torino from 9 to 11 June for the events, organised exclusive interviews with prominent Ethiopian by the World Association of Newspapers and News journalists, and both web-ready and print adverts Publishers (WAN-IFRA). “We are particularly calling for his release. WAN-IFRA is also providing proud of this year’s events, as they bring together a series of high-impact adverts for print and online both the traditional strengths of news media with use, designed by Publicidad Comercial Lowe in El a recognition, and a variety of responses, to the Salvador, that highlight the plight of journalists disruption that has become a constant force in our worldwide. All of the materials can be found online industry,” says Vincent Peyrègne, CEO of WAN- at www.wan-ifra.org/EskinderNega IFRA, which represents 18000 newspapers, 15000 WAN-IFRA called on the Ethiopian Government online sites and more than 3000 companies in 120 to release Eskinder Nega and all journalists countries. “We like to think the Congress, Editors convicted under the country’s sedition provisions, Forum and Advertising Forum are a mirror of our

36 RIND Survey June 2014 Other News

industry itself; there is something for everyone here, include Chris Lee, president of Deseret Digital Media it is designed to be the one conference venue for busy in the United States; Dag Wigum, founder and CEO executives who appreciate having all the pressing of Schibsted Payment AS in Norway; Jérôme Colin, issues addressed in one event.” principal of Roland Berger Strategy Consultants in Highlights include: France; and Alceo Rapagna, chief digital officer for - National Security, liberty, regulation, and RCS MediaGroup in Italy. the role of the press in the digital age, which will feature Gary Pruitt, president and CEO New initiative for small, of The Associated Press, Guy Black, executive editor of Telegraph Media Group in the United mid-size media Kingdom; , editor-in-chief, Janine Gibson The World Association of Newspapers and theguardian.com and deputy editor of Guardian News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) is launching a new News and Media, and , chairman Claudio Paolillo initiative for small- and medium-size newspapers at of the Press Freedom and Information Committee the upcoming World Newspaper Congress, World of the Inter-American Press Association. Editors Forum and World Advertising Forum. - How to transform your business for the Independent publishers, family owned newspapers, which will include multi-platform world, John small scale and mid-size media operations are , CEO of Digital First Media in the United Paton often flourishing, staying ahead of the competition, States, , CEO of Lagardère’s LS Jean-Baptise Morin incognito. Small size makes them more creative, Distribution in, , board director Yoichi Nishimura flexible and responsive. These companies will be of Digital Business and International Affairs of The featured in a Congress session on ‘One size does not Asahi Shimbun in Japan, , CEO of Tore Stangebye fit all: maximising results with limited capacity and Berner Media Holding in Norway, and Luc Tran- smart approaches’, which will provide strategies and , managing director of Starcom Mediavest in Thang tools for prospering with limited resources. France. The session will be followed by a networking lunch - which Why Video Matters: Get in the Game, for participants from independent small and mid- includes , global head of Video for Chris Cramer size news organisations, led by Rod Kenning, group the Wall Street Journal, , head of Magnus Zaar general manager of Polaris Media in Australia, and Aftonbladet TV, , director of Future Eric Scherer WAN-IFRA’s newly appointed Ambassador for Small Media for France Télévisions, , director Amy Mitchell and Medium Independent News Media. “Our key of Journalism Research at the Pew Research Center, aim is to ensure ongoing networking opportunities , general manager of Media Licensing Susan Vobejda after the Congress and to have our voices heard in and Distribution for Bloomberg, , Jérôme Grateau the new media landscape so we can shape the future managing director for Partner Business Solutions for of news”, says Kenning. Google in Southern and Eastern Europe, the Middle

East and Africa; and Marie-Noëlle Vallès, head of Video for Agence France-Presse. Twitter and newspapers: - Editor’s evolution: are you in danger of becoming extinct?, which will feature Jason not that different? Seiken, editor-in-chief and chief content officer Despite its position as a social media giant, Twitter of , Mario Calabresi, editor-in-chief has much in common with local newspapers, of Italy’s La Stampa, Thomas Patterson, Bradlee says Joanna Geary, the company’s head of news Professor of Government and the Press at Harvard partnerships in the United Kingdom, who will University, Joseph Odindo, group editorial director take part in the discussions at the upcoming of The Nation in Kenya, and David Boardman, World Newspaper Congress in June. “Newspapers, dean of Media and Communications at Temple particularly local newspapers, have had a long tradition University in the United States. of representing and standing for their readers – this - Alternative business models, unconventional attitude is one that translates well to Twitter,” she and disruptive revenue streams, which will says. “Newspapers and print journalists that really do

38 RIND Survey June 2014 Other News well are those that engage genuinely and authentically shareholders, a fair and just deal for employees, and on Twitter.” sustained gains for readers, advertisers, and other “It’s very much just like every aspect of news partners in the business, we are confident that we gathering - people have to trust you if you want them have found the right person to head the non-editorial to tell you their stories. Engaging on Twitter can be a operations of the company.” great way of doing that,” she told World News Publishing The release added: “Rajiv brings to his challenging Focus, the magazine of the World Association of role as managing director & CEO of Kasturi & Sons Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA). A Limited dynamism and social awareness combined recent survey carried out in the UK by Twitter and with a winning record as a professional who has led Newsworks showed that a majority of the country’s in driving performance and transforming the culture 15 million users follow newspaper brands and believe of large organisations in step with rapidly changing news on Twitter should be verified by a respected times. We are excited about this change at the helm newsbrand. Add the multitude of ways Twitter can of our business operations.” contribute to reporting, and the value of Twitter to (Courtesy: The Hindu) the news business is apparent. D B Corp revenues rise 17% New MD & CEO for DB Corp, home to flagship newspapers Dainik Kasturi & Sons Bhaskar, Divya Bhaskar, Dainik Divya Marathi and Saurashtra Samachar, announced its financial results The board of directors of Kasturi and Sons for the fourth quarter and full year ended March 31, Limited (KSL), publishers of The Hindu and group 2014. The highlights of the company’s operational newspapers, has unanimously appointed Rajiv C. and financial performance are as follows: Lochan as managing director & chief executive Advertising revenues grew by 17.4 per cent to Rs officer effective June 1, 2014. He will lead all non- 14178 million as against Rs 12075 million in the same editorial operations of the company and will join period last year. the board of directors. Lochan, 43, was a partner Total revenues have increased by 17 per cent to Rs with McKinsey & Company and founding location 18836 million, from Rs 16137 million. manager of McKinsey’s practice in Chennai. His EBIDTA margins came in at 28 per cent for FY focus in McKinsey was to help leaders and leadership 2014 at Rs 5241 million, as against Rs 3998 million in teams drive performance and cultural transformation the same period of last year, growing by 31 per cent of their organisations. In addition, he focused on the YoY. social sector, primarily rural economic development Profit after tax was Rs 3066 million (margin 16.3 and financial inclusion. per cent) from Rs 2181 million in the corresponding Lochan is currently a trustee of IKP Trust and will period last year, growing by 41 per cent YoY. continue to devote time to public health issues in Radio business ad revenue grew by 19.2 per cent to rural India. He graduated from IIT, Madras and has Rs 801 million from Rs 672 million advanced degrees from the Massachusetts Institute Digital Media ad revenue grew by 54 per cent to Rs of Technology and Columbia Business School. 163 million from Rs 108 million of last year. N. Ram, chairman, and N. Murali, co-chairman, KSL, Board has considered and recommended final said in a press release: “In this digital age when the dividend of Rs 4.25 per share for FY 14. Indian press, and specifically Newspaper The Hindu (Courtesy: exchange4media.com) Group, faces radically new types of challenges and opportunities, when relevant and rich editorial content that continually engages a variety of readers and best ABP Group has new VP, editorial practices need to go hand in hand with a smart business strategy that thinks two steps ahead, Bengali Magazines operates with a progressive vision rooted in values, ABP Group has brought on board Kaushik Ghosh and balances its responsibilities of ensuring value to as vice-president, Bengali Magazines. In this role,

June 2014 RIND Survey 39 Other News

Ghosh will look after the entire portfolio of the that its data cannot be used by subscribers until a group’s Bengali magazines. He will be reporting to third-party audit of the IRS results was completed. DD Purkayastha, MD and CEO, ABP Group. Ghosh (Courtesy: exchange4media.com) joins the network with experience spanning over 19 years in sales, marketing and regulatory across various industries. His last appointment was with Times Facebook launches FB Newswire Television Network, where he was Business Head – for journalists ET Now and Times Now. Earlier, he was associated In a tie-up with News Corp's Storyful, Facebook with Star India as cluster head, Ad Sales, for their launched the Newswire late on Thursday to function regional channels – Star Pravah, Star Jalsha and Jalsha as a tool to aid journalists and newsrooms to Movies. ABP’s magazine portfolio includes Unish Kuri, "find, share and embed newsworthy content from Anandalok, Anandamela, Desh and Sananda. Facebook in the media they produce". Apart from (Courtesy: exchange4media.com) Facebook, the tool is also accessible on twitter at @ FBNewswire. Hari Bhoomi launches Bhopal "FB Newswire aggregates newsworthy content shared publicly on Facebook by individuals and edition organisations across the world for journalists to use daily Hari Bhoomi has launched a Bhopal in their reporting. This will include original photos, edition, the second edition in Madhya Pradesh after videos and status updates posted by people on the Jabalpur, which was launched in early 2008. The front lines of major events like protests, elections edition was being planned for a few years as the Hindi and sporting events," said Andy Mitchell, director of market was booming in MP and the organisation news and global media partnerships at Facebook, via believed there was lot of space. The initial print run a Facebook blog post. of the newspaper is 50000 and Hari Bhoomi’s Jabalpur Facebook has been in the centre of the internet edition has a claimed circulation of more than 80000 security debate for a while; claiming immunity from daily. Hari Bhoomi is currently published from Rohtak, legal provisions citing its non-curatorial approach New Delhi, Jabalpur, Raipur and Bilaspur. The group and also denying responsibility for the news the social is also planning to launch two more editions from media network produces. "With the launch of this Gwalior and Raigadh. An e-paper edition is also on new tool, Facebook is not only curating information, the anvil. it also directs knowledge of the content its produces (Courtesy: exchange4media.com) through the newswire. That makes it legally responsible under the Information Technology Act (2000)", says Sunil Abraham, director of the Centre Media, agencies can use for Internet and Society (CIS). IRS 2013 data The move is also seen as Facebook attempting to reach out to journalists, and eat away into the space The Bombay High Court in its ruling on May 8, 2014 that Twitter has occupied in the dissemination of allowed media houses and agencies to use the Indian information. Facebook has largely been operating Readership Survey (IRS) 2013 data for marketing and as a social media network; and its move into the media planning purposes. The court was hearing a new-making space is seen as an expansion in that petition filed by HT Media, which challenged the direction. decision of the RSCI and Media Research Users "There might be some competition for journalists Council (MRUC) to keep the findings of IRS 2013 and traditional media outlets. But largely, Facebook's in abeyance till the completion of a third-party audit. tie-ups with broadcasters and political parties, The decision to conduct an audit was following where it has been promoting content in exchange complaints filed by several media companies regarding for compensation, has not been transparent," says the quality of the study and calls for the data to be Abraham. withdrawn on grounds of flawed methodology. The With more than a billion users, Facebook is Bombay High Court rejected MRUC’s contention considered the largest social media network. In a

40 RIND Survey June 2014

Other News

statement on April 24, Facebook revealed that more dominating medium as far as political advertising than half of the world's internet population now uses was concerned, garnering a share of 50 per cent the social media network and recorded a 72% increase of the total ad pie, according to a GroupM report. in its revenues in the first quarter of the year. Television’s share was 30 per cent, while radio and (Courtesy: DNA/ The Centre for Internet & Society) OOH had a 10 per cent share each. However, the tables seem to have turned in the elections to the 16th Lok Sabha. The GroupM report Looking to improve digital for 2014 indicates that television received the lion’s storytelling? share of the ad pie at 50 per cent, followed by digital with 15 per cent and radio and OOH garnering Join WAN-IFRA'a special Editors’ Masterclass on a share of 12.5 per cent each. Print has slipped to Digital Storytelling and stand a chance of winning capture a mere 10 per cent share of the total ad pie one of five cash grants on offer for innovative this time. newsroom projects. (Courtesy: exchange4media.com) On the eve of the World Editors Forum in Torino on June 8, digital journalist and innovator Justin Arenstein will unpack a kit of simple, affordable tools India edition of Entrepreneur and technology to help journalists better inform and engage your audience. shuts down Using a current newspaper storytelling project, The India edition of Entrepreneur magazine, he will show that integrated digital storytelling is which was launched in the country in September not just the domain of well funded and resourced 2009, is all set to shut down. The May 2014 issue newspapers. of Entrepreneur will be the last issue for the magazine In a three hour class journalists will learn how to in India. • Plan, budget and staff efficient small-scale data The India edition of Entrepreneur was licensed by projects Infomedia18, the then publishing arm of Network18, • Amplify the impacts of projects through re-use from Entrepreneur Media Inc, the franchise holder for and ‘long tail’ project planning the Entrepreneur title across geographies. Infomedia18’s • Build an ecosystem around your newsroom that publishing business was demerged and consolidated supplies the technical, design and engagement skills within Network18 under Network18 Publishing in you need to do successful data journalism projects. July 2012. It is learnt from industry sources that due Seed grants will be awarded to five Masterclass to some strategic and business reasons, Network18 participants who come up with digital story ideas Publishing has chosen to not renew its license with deemed worth developing further. Entrepreneur Media Inc. There are only a limited number of seats available Entrepreneur was launched in India as a monthly for this special Masterclass, which is limited to editors magazine with a cover price of Rs 75. The who have registered for the World Editors Forum. To magazine has been distributed across the country register your interest, please email worldeditors@wan- through Network18 Publishing’s distribution ifra.org with your name, job title, news organisation network. Entrepreneur has been in print for close to and country. 40 years in the US. This Masterclass is made possible by a grant from (Courtesy: exchange4media.com) the New Venture Fund. Tug-of-war between print and digital Digital emerged as a significant medium for political advertising in the 2014 General Elections. In the previous Lok Sabha elections, print was the most

42 RIND Survey June 2014 EVENTS CALENDAR

June September October

June 2, organised by WAN- September 9-11, organised by October 2, organised by IFRA, in Mumbai: Workshop Labelexpo Gobla Series, in Illinois, Whitmar Publications, in London: on Newspaper Design. Design the US: Labelexpo Americas The Digital Printer Awards consultant Lucie Lacava will conduct. 2014. More details at http://www. 2014. More details from Chloe.w@ More details from v.antony@wan- labelexpo-americas.com/ whitmar.co.uk ifra.org September 15-19, organised by October 13-15, organised by June 2, organised by WAN- WAN-IFRA, in New York: Study WAN-IFRA, in Amsterdam: World IFRA, in Mumbai: Tablet Design Tour – WEF – Web Video and Publishing Expo 2014. More Workshop. Sarah Sampsel, director Integrated Storytelling. More details from bettina.falk@wan-ifra. – Digital Strategy, Washington Post, details from nick.tjaardstra@wan- org will conduct. More details from ifra.org October 20-24, organised by [email protected] September 17-18, organised by WAN-IFRA, in New York: Study June 3-4, organised by WAN- WAN-IFRA, in New Delhi: WAN- Tour – Digital Advertising and IFRA, in Mumbai: The 2nd edition IFRA India 2014 Conference. the Barbell Strategy. More details of "News Design Conference" More details from v.antony@wan- from [email protected] in South Asia for Print & Online. ifra.org October 23, organised by More details from v.antony@ September 18-19, organised by Whitmar Publications, in London: wan-ifra.org WAN-IFRA, in Italy: XVII edition The 2014 FelxoTech International June 9-11, organised by WAN- of WAN-IFRA Italia. More Print Awards. More details from IFRA, in Torino, Italy: 66th World details from sergio.oliveira@ [email protected] Newspaper Congress – 21st wan-ifra.org World Editors Forum – 24th September 19-20, organised World Advertising Forum. More by WAN-IFRA, in Peru: Digital details from elena.perotti@wan- Media LatinoAmerica. More ifra.org details from raquel.gonzalez@wan- June 12, organised by Whitmar ifra.org Publications, aboard the River September 30 - October 2, Thames in the UK: The Print, organised by PPMA Group of Design, Marketing Awards Associations, in Birmingham, the 2014. More details from Chloe.w@ UK: PPMA Show 2014. More whitmar.co.uk details from ppmashow@ppma. June 23-27, organised by WAN- co.uk IFRA, in Hamburg, Copenhagen, Düsseldorf: Study Tour – Paid Content 2.0. More details from [email protected] June 26, organised by WAN- IFRA, in Berlin: Berlin Startups and Newsroom Inspiration – a refreshing look at the media and creative scene. More details from [email protected] 2014

June 2014 RIND Survey 43 RIND SurveyCalendar A journal of the Press Institute of India - Research Institute for Newspaper Development Visit www.pressinstitute.in

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Tablets might still be a niche market in India, but they are a rapidly growing and promising Director & Editor new media channel for newspaper publishers. Digital publishing to tablets is another step in the ongoing evolution of the media industry. This change forces publishers to defi ne Sashi Nair an effective multi-channel publishing strategy, enabling them to effortlessly address any channel and to monetise new channels such as tablets successfully. A special report by [email protected] Stefan Horst

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Assistant Editor Dinamalar surges forward on the new media front

Susan Philip A 60-year-old newspaper has adapted and moved with the times, and moved quickly. Its Web site attracts more than two million unique visitors and more than 190 million page views a month; its iPhone, iPod and iPad applications have recorded a substantial number of downloads and page views, with various apps being made available on the Android Editorial Assistant platform as well. All run and managed by a small team that is highly focused on delivering value to users as well as clients, and it has paid off well. Sashi Nair reports on the Dinamalar R. Suseela new media success story [email protected] >>> more

Design & Layout V. Anandha Kumar

Manager N. Subramanian [email protected] Advertisement Tariff Last date for receipt of material Assistant Manager / Librarian Full Page: 15th of every month R. Geetha [email protected] B&W Rs. 6,000 Material (images / pictures in Colour Rs. 12,000 Offi ce Staff 300 dpi and text in 600 dpi) B. Rajendran as a PDF fi le (created in CMYK), Half Page: can be sent to PII-RIND does not take responsibility for [email protected] returning unsolicited material. It may not always B&W Rs. 3,000 or by CD to our address be possible to reply to senders of unsolicited Colour Rs. 6,000 material. Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily refl ect the views of the editor Overseas Annual Subscription or publisher. Full Page : USD 450 Every effort has been taken to assure that India : the accuracy of information contained in this Half Page : USD 250 12 Issues Rs. 480 publication is based on reliable sources. All 48 Issues Rs. 1,500 trade marks and trade names mentioned in this magazine belong to their respective owners. In Mechanical Details case of error, editor/publisher shall not be liable Page : 185 mm x 255 mm Bleed : 210 mm x 280 mm Overseas : for any loss or prejudice caused to the reader. The USD 50 publisher reserves the copyright of the materials after trimming published in the magazine. No part of the articles or photographs can be reproduced without the Please note that the cheque or Vertical half page : demand draft or at par cheque prior permission of the publisher. All disputes will 93 mm x 255 mm be subjected to the jurisdiction of Chennai only. payable in Chennai, for the subscription amount should Horizontal half page : be drawn in the name of Press Printed by V.B.S. Moni and published by Sashi Nair on behalf of 185 mm x128 mm Institute of India ONLY and The Press Institute of India - Research Institute for Newspaper NOT in the name of the magazine. Development, from RIND premises, Second Main Road, Taramani CPT Campus, Chennai 600 113 and printed at Print Shop Private Limited, 4 / 3 1 0 G a n d h i S t r e e t , K o t t i v a k k a m , O l d M a h a b a l i p u r a m R o a d , Chennai 600 096. Editor: Sashi Nair 4444 RIND Survey June 2014