ffew Vatican Council phase is openedby John VAI'ICAN CITY-Ilis lloliness Pone .Iohn XXIII in an olficial prefflee to the Sccoutl Vatican tlouncil l'cccive(l sorne 500 tnetnbcls o{ t.hc cotucil's pl'cpirratolv conlll.ti.ssiolrs. Thc (Nov. 14) itssetnbly rcpt'cscutcd thc core of lhe Chulch's rlutltofity alld lciiltritlg, ga{.ltclccl irt thc prcsoncc '*--*'-'-' of the Sullt'etrte Pontiff to hear his iustluetions bcforc beginniug the imnreeliatc prcparation oI lhc cotiting ttculltcuicill c0urrcil.

Prornplly rt II !.m., thr Pope entercd lhe basilicr on fooi, and all present chrnled lhe Creud. There were no cere- monies, and the Pope seated himself on his lhrone and began hir discourse, immediately. 'l'hc cr:rrnrenit'al cotrncils of llre STATE EDITION INDIANAPOLIS,INDIANA, NOVEMBER 18. past, Irt saitl,

llc lcpcaltrl rvhlt lre hns slltcrl onlcr wlrich chat'at:lcl'izurl lht: p(rrt0lt'lrti()ll rll srrvclal tirrcs p|cr'iotrsll'. llraI thc totl t'spansititt I. ()\'or council rvill he concerncd plintttt- Chlistiarr civilization the ill' u,ith lhc Clurlch's inlclrtal or. t.entulics, Al llrrl l)r'osort lilr)(), wears freshmAnDearlre gl niza t ion. llrt'r'r.lolc. r'atlrcl thln this ol' lhat "'lirdal's plll of

on lhe outskirts of malor cities Chilc - The SANTIAGO, srtch gs Buenos Aires and San. America of totnorrorv tiago. It notes that ln the past will bc shal)c(l bv cotttmlt- decade a million peoplc haVe Irisls tnlloss-ils Citlltolics itt- moved to the former city from stitttlc ltltllv ttct'rlc(l t'('fol'nls rural areas and that 40,000 nlral in accrrnl rlit-h ('lttrt'clt teitcltirtgs, AMERICA l)eople move to the latter city ilililillllllllllllllllllllllllllLATIN annunlly. :r sltrrly ltas u'lt'trc<1. 'l'lrr' sttttly *'as ptthlisltotl ht'rc THE SLUM arbas, it sa)'s, are lrtltr'-Antct'icittt Sct'rctilf ilt br. tht withorrt slrcets anrl such ncccss:i. t'rtlrolir: Acliott. ll is tlc' for ore wa,rrted tios as light, rvater and scrvers, frrr tlis- wirt, Catholics fof llstr As il lr:t-sis could sigttttl Recls Yct despite such contlitions. it t'trssiott trt lltt' llltt'l'-r\llrtrll(illl "the continucs, rapid process of untltolit' r\t'tiott \\'ct'k to ho ht'ltl l\lcrlit'al clrc is poot. lu Cjo. cntly protlrrt:es irgricttltttral sttr turbanization g()es on trnder the in i\lt'rico (litl' fl'trrrl Novt'tttllor 2ti Ionrbiu. for cxamplc, tlo'Lhirds of plrr.scs, rvorst contlitions, particrrlarlv l)ecetnlrer 4- thc na{ion's rloctors placiicc irr lo Irom tha stnnrlpoint of nroralit,,v," 'l'ltc frrrct'itsts tltlt tha eitics, lerving ottly onc.third "Thera ttcu' strtdl' (slum) dirtrlclt," ll llc to carc lor lhc Bt] pcr ccnt of thtr "lrc lrtt'[t' ltra-sst's oi pt'oplc tlill tddr, derlroye* ol famlly ('llllrch in l,ntitt ,\tttct' population u'ho livc in ntrrl rlis- lost tr-ttltc valucr rnd humcn dlgnhy, rc ill't'u()t t ricts. tcl if stt't'cllitUl tt'ltrt'ltts fhay ira equrlly dorlroyerr of ltt'alllt, lrotts- ln atkliliorr, thc s[ruly char.ae. nntle itt ailricttllttt'0, roclrl orgrnirrllon and commu. iln(l ()lllcf Iields. tclizes Ilrc living conrlitions in ing. t

THE OLD AND THE NEW--symbolic of rhe Church,s role in the to combat Red thrust tocirl rnd rnorrl life of Latirr Arncrica are fhese two Etrarilian Cafholic churcher. In the top pholo ic llrc rexturies.old Church of Eom Jesrrr do Malorinho Ircenrrse0[ tvi{l0spr0[(lsorrill in" in Conrlorrtral d* {OmpAS, The ltriking cre hilecf ural creation below is the Clrurch pa justico throrrghoul llrc areu, tlrt: of mpulha, Belo 'l'ht:se portinrri, stutly snid. rlifficultics Horironte, designecl by Oscar Nicrneyer and Candido hnvc nol yct l)ocn solr.erl, iI rvr'nt

rHrsLEAVES ur..r'rrctr rvinr l;,11:i;'';,;;'-,,';"'jlL,l,..:,l,l,ll,iijllil)*""t\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\rrr\rr ili"iltfilll"''iili]"i:;:ri ron1,,ntiler's itrrl'111111'gpr.t'iissct'vict's".rrtttl,,,,i"ii^-'.iirr'i'rt'i,i'i,ir,ii*,r"i.;;;i.liii*i'tfuirll,,.iii$#:"i;xil ll t i;ii,;$9i1, SflllUt'hl't l)Otl$C, InC.i l'),i,ll,',u","',\11'',;lJ"',1,,:lilil'r:-il ,;-;,;;,; ,,-,, ,,,1i ''l,l,iil',,,,,^,,.', GRTENW.'D , i{conrinucrr, hnsi'it'.;,,:i;i,:,,,,:Lt','}].',..,,'ilfliltiiT | gilrtt lltc pool--rvho lorrn the . "lliii,''ll',,,?,1r\urericnn l6nrlil.igrrs. l7 Dri't:ttrl tt tr I:'l'*tt'rt' ,.r . trli.rs t . | fItd polrttlatioti-lltc ,tlgtll i:l,l;lii:lllll{,,i rl c t lhnt thelH s1irl. .!.:,,ri:11: hns insisterll.i::ilirl:1"^i.1 o1 a1,.:.:r'.:llf tt.nc gf I Z t {'lrttt'clt t'ept't'st'ttts lhtr intcrcsts iltliyirllal arrtl falrilv crlttuct |4 rri tlrt' riclr. lt hls also givcrr rvlrictr it is tlifficrrlt to :rp'l.y i. li Sff t.f: tllOny llUllf tfS tlttltlt|lttl{rlclirrgthattltt'1,tltrtlrrtthcr.cr.yt|iffortn|-t'rrviri'irrjrcrrtli (o ('lurlch:rrul. tt'ull] lrt,klttg lho .l J,atirr A'rt,rir,1, ltrrt. it 1r1lcrl.l? :rlllurttglt thlv ;tt'tt rvilling to.givc lhc rnirssgs lrcr.e l1ry1 rrrllry lri(1. lj rr,ltirt tltcv (:ittlr itrc ttot ltbkt to jy ( jhr.isl.iurr rlryeloperl r iitrr*s-.- | 7^ 1--=- lris Penr ItclI bttiltl it trP, genclositf, Joe yei.rrs FERUVIAN CONSUL AND FAMILY-Frmily responsibilitier come first with Mrs, Prulr lurspitalitl', utlaptabil-ll I Lawler lr,rs had ll rrx;rerience selling llt'lirrttctr otr tltc t'ir:lr h:rs it1'--oI tvltiolt llu' Cltttt'clr ttot de Hegnrly, clespile her dufies and obligafions as Peruvian Corrsul to lndianapolis. Sho is shown here lnnrlc' ltas lj I cars irr lhe lrtrliarral:olis at.t:li. spccial rliflicultics Iol thc Clun'ch yei takcn ntlvanl:rgc. wifh her husband, Edwarrl, and daughiers-L.urr, 1, and Janmarie, I monlhr, The Hegarty frmily _: _ i ? -:: ;,_..._ ;. * allends Sacred Herrt . {Strff photo) :il'H'-8;lHli:gi'ii;"']'T ' T'IIE A'rtlI/i-S I:ll,:GARI'l' colornbia prelare strcss"rllLz, r,ruinrfiirJ:;il TV. 1.25il , neecl l or Catholics to act lb::::::::-:)-::i::ill\:]\rr:s\\..-i Marian graduate (lolonrbia-.-Arch- .{ stutty marlc ltmc h1'officiltsl College ll0(lO'fA, :ll'1Tili,kx"i,il,"'::liil,f?ii'iLtllriiii:i:*il,:.1,j*i{i?:i::llli .& n-{--\-", is city'sPeruvian consul nmu:.'l--l1l*.i:{fiil[it#*ffi:il-iiii'n1ir'..ffi;,E,m"-''.';lff.-l; sislcrrr't upon r-'dtrcation," she i'**i*,,::: slirlc

P'rnrtr. 11:rn0lliit, !t0 t. M!t!!l Sl. ,/ 8ta:d Rr;rpt4 6-fi6[ Bto-trlfl]rlrlr ir0 ,,/ 0rvnElln Bt:1nch.0000[.16lh Sl lrrinltonBnnch, 5516 [. lY:tlringlorrSl. / M,llrronA;enue Staneh, ?55.1 illrrlison i1'e fd.lrtr fio,rrl8ru:rclt, 7 [. 36lltSl Sff YOURNU.DA DEALER Wsrllrne8runch, /l3l N. Mreltr;rn fld. Tt{E CR|?ER|ON,NOVEMBER t8, t960 PAGE THREE

sembly that thc rcason for the to Chlistianize the working class tthe - - ' visit is sinrplc dcsire of the and cncouragc nev attelnpts. It I-Iighest vocations lllncmillan to visit Pope John Election stirs lrelarnd communiiy to nteot pers;onally = = rvill also scek to give Catholics 'I'he and speak in personal charity hcrc a dccper knorvledgc of the Chlistian Action Part)', solno olhof wily to crack tltc THE VATICAN and love and brotholhood rvitlr ploblcms of rvor.kors and the lolmetl br- Cntholic lenders to knucklcs o[ thostr t'ho may hat'e thc laarler of another glcat apostolate among tharn. plotcst against certain govel'n- ofi't'rxlctl hint." Cht'istian cornntunity." nrcnt policics, rvon only 6.5 pcr cent of the votc lnd tlurs failt'rl I WASIITNfiil'ON-Tfour Protes- to rlttalif5' rts a recognized pat't5t tan[ clcrgyuten lrnvc lrcen clectcd for futurc eloctions. At laast 10 to Ilre 87th Congless. The clcrgy. pcr ccnt of tho {otal rotc is ueces- mcn rrho tvill selt'c in Congress sll'I' to l)r'csorvc officinl rccogni- rulc: Rep. Merwin Coad (l)..Iu.), lron. Rep. Wrltar H. Moeller (D..O.), Rep. Adrm Clrylon Powell, Jr,, (l)."N.Y.), antl Rep. Henry C. Schedoberg (lt,-1\tisc.)

I r\ Cntlrttlie lrhysir:isl and his onc.time glupil trnrl collabor.alot Ittvtt hcen lronolctl by lhe Cath- olic Lirrivclsil)' of ,\ruclicn, Dr. Karl F. Hrrrfeld. professor of physics at Csllrolic Univcrsity, leccivotl tlrc Cnr.rlinal Gibbons 'Ihc i\lt,rlal frrl sr.r'viec lo iIc naiirrn, | plicsllurorl, tt'itclting atul the Cllrulch nnd lhc pt'ur:lict of tucdicittt' itlr) thc Whitehadge of courtesy lhc unir'ersity. William J. Thaler, highlsl locllions. Popt Joltn stirl rrn alurunus ofi DURI],\N, Soirth Af ica--l)ttrltitn's outspoken Alelrbishop has (-'ltlurlie Univelsill' hc|c. r\ll clriltlr'on of (iorl rrc rvlro protluccrl fono DEALERs pt'oposctl thnt rvhitt: pt'ople *'lttt rvtllt{ lo ltssttt'tr Nt'gtocs of thcir' a s1'slt-.nr of rtlonitrlr.in11 lx)t'r) l(r livt' irt brrrlltt'r'lt' ltitt'ttt,rttr', nrrclanr ltldgc. tsplosiorrs 0f Indianapolis plar'!ir'rr villrrc irrrri chat'it1'. :tnrl trientlliness sltould rvr:irr a tt'hitc ;rrrtl lot.ket filings an.v- I n'lrcrc iti llrt' rvollrl. {ullill (iorl's u'ill. tlrc ['ontilf s:rirl, .\r'chbishop l)orris IIurlc)', O.11.L, sititl .such a llutlgtr coultl hlrte r'cccitctl :rn "Pclce," "l'tx." nlrrr$ni irssrrr.ialitrtt lirrt. lrt' uthk'tl. plit'sts, tcitulrct's on it the u'ot'tl ot' its L,ttin eqrrivllcttl. s c i c n c e C. T. Foxworthy Co., Inc. arr;rlrl. Ilr'.'l'lr:rlor.. 3.1,\r'as fl stll. I I rntl tlticlors har-c thc lririh locn. IIc saitl thc siglrt of such harlges on olltc-r people u'oulrl rlsu Ed rlr.ttl of I)r. llcrzfckl at Lt.t-r. ll Martin liort t'lf l'0nrhfing intlispens:tlllc rnake the ('oul'teous tllrittl ptrrsott lr'ss lotto13' iti lris atlenrpt tu bc anrl "thal trot'kcd q'itI ltiU ort rlilnv tc. Hu..y A, Sharp Co, st'r'r'iccs fol tlte guorl of huurauitl'. flierrrlll'tolalrl Nr'gt'oes, attd rvottltl ltclp liftt incullts of sut'ial | | stult'lr prrtjccls. lh' is a piufcs- 'l'he [t,iir"' s'hich flerltrr'utly pt'ctctlts rvltitcs ft'ortt cspt'cssittg thcil liindl5 Jerry A.lderman Ford 0 lltrl.r' l''ittlrct' ltits cr'utgt'atu. sol of pht'sir:s a{ (}cot.gctnrlu Uni- | | gt'ocs. Hatfield Molors, lnle'tl ('anlrll for thc ('hlistian ft t-.liugs tos'lrtl Nc r'rr'sit1' helc. | | lnc. vilalilt it sltrrrls itt its ttti.siutt;rt'1' .r\rchbishop [Iullcy stid thnl public corvirrtlice, r'onfrrlmit.v arrtl *"t McKay Ford, Ine, "ihe nctivitl'. Popr' ,Trrltn ptitiserl cart- hypoclisy at'e to blattte for political rltlctr'inc torttrerlr- knoutt ABROAD | | ltll's nrrrtrclorrs trrissiontr'1' t'ocn. 1s soglegi{tion. latcr as apat'llttid Rutl nttrv as stlraLatt} rlcvcltllt- " lions. in a tclt'r'ision lnra.ssilgrr nlclrl . telt':rst'tl hi'tt fot' bt'ottlcrts{ iu 'flr0 (l:rrrarla, I'olro'.s tt'h'cltst itr- ilililiiiiiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiililillllllllllilllllllllllllillllllllllllllllliiiiiiilililliiiiliiiiiii ilrr(ril'01orl (Nrtv, li) il rtol tt lt'- llclrirrd0ur: visiol 51.1'11.aIrrr'{tl}'ing ('rtnitrtl'ri ('lilrolic nri.s.rioncls irt thcir [lr'. l-,aity e)xpcct toct lll uch {lun1i uctivilics, N{nlc , . ,

I T'rrpt' .lrlrtr. s1)t'lkitlg inftrrutni- Siands 40 yearr of l)' lo sclrlitl llurttsanrls of visittu's of parish,priest clcclarcs lcr't'i\ t)tl lr1' ltirtr in llto lhll of Commvnity Servics llt'rrcrlit'ti,rrrs c()nlul('nlc(l tlrrrt (rlr s'h:tl Ilx, Ultttt r.:lt cutt !lit c gt'ttet'ltl irurlitrn(tcs sttclt aS {ltr' rlDtr Iriur, llttl t'onstan{11' concornt tl Io t'lurnr htr rv;rs arltlrt ssitrg lris "lrirve (:ittl (i"'t' Icrrrirlli: l clralru of ilrcir' nlxrttt n lt;tt ltr: lltrt (-'lrulclr. " StevensMortuary ou'n" itt r'ontfnsl to pt'ivate audi- 'Clwnol JOttFHr. trlvlNs ol llra F/owcrr' ollerl.(. Gcnr.t'al atttlit'nct s. lttt "off..r THE PAULIST lislctl tlris lrtt'lt sairl, iltl nl(rt()tls poolllt f Jurt Ofr l(cr:br llvd, on l6th 'l'lre (icot'gc (i, ol lrcrsotlrl trtrtl aclivtt ittvolvc- Seriouschaplaiu shortagc ru't1' of cxprcssitrg tlrcir rkrvolion Ilt'v. II:tilttlirier, nrutrt of thc lurtt' :rs u plinrc rt't- nrrrl rtffct l irltt, sotlrcl irttes irt a (1.S.1'., ps1'cltologist ittttl lssistant. "is son n'h1' thc (,1:ttholic ('ltult'h n(risy frrsltirln, to llte Vicltt'of ot tlrc ltattlist l"athot's' "li rliltrctor rtoi rnakirrg nt'lrl1' urorrglr irn'l t'hlist." is n-ottrk.rlul." ltu "lo Institutc for lltligion in .\trtct'icatt i)lt{:l ulxrn lltr. .\ttrr,t'it'lrtt r'rrltrrllrl secn irr ll rnlc(l s('r'\'it:('s arkk,rl. btt:t rvitncss 1o this i l,iti., r:hntgotl that fulsc Cllholitr ntttl intcllccttlll scrlhc itt plupor'- i llith lnrl to llris .jo1." lrr'rt iltstt- \\'.\Slll\(;'l'()N -,\tt ;rlr't'urlr :rllitttrlos lorvut'd lltcso tiott trl its nrcrrrbcrri." { sorirrtrr slttrttirqt' of ('lrllrulrr: r'lltlr tutions have prorluccd a lcl.halgitr l"itllttt' llrrt:rnaicl trlso r:lr;rl. AT HOME "pt'r'sonitlly : Motlr,er's Iiritts ilt llrr' l-.S itt ttlt'rl [irllr's llity of inadoqulttc" lctrIr'rl tlrr' ('lrrrlt'h's lluinilrg ol' ('.\N. lltt't,itlCtts lrt rtr,t st'lt. ltr'r'r,t'tlltt! l,r I S.\\ ,| l). ll.--Gove rnor Catholics. nutti uil{l lrtollrr:t's. 1lt'ir'sls, : l"lltrcis Sitcllrrr:rtt Luis Munor Marin plt'tlftrl aflcr "'l'lrl Llat'tlittal nrrrr rrlro t'annot visit llrt.,! llttt ('lrl rltttlrl rirltl irl tltr' his lo.e lt'cliou that hc rvortltl hultl tltr' Irrrrnts of lrt'r' pupils, rarrnot at., I litttc lhill'rrlll' rrlrlt,t:rliollr u{) rilu(l!l('s ailainst l}te (.litlltolit' Wltistler' s:ftttt' Ir'ntl ltrrr pttlrlir' rrr{r'llccltrirl uurli 0tIti sIt'\ i(('u)r'rl ;llirl \(,t'\ t'ltul'(,h th,sllilr' thrr fltttt thirt tltluu lrr 0ttl' culturitl :rcl ilitit:s silhin hcll of llrc islitttrl's l)lshol)s lratl loLl torrtrtrtrnit.r . rvlro tarr-'11', if cver, i ('lllurlil-s rlr)l t() \{)lr! ftrt' hittt bc- rrtrlcltr,s lllcliriorr. is cr'r'tlitrll ('lllso ol lris pnlll"s "tttli-Ctth- i ttot ark'rgttir{r'lr- t.rltrippctl to ntcttl olic" plrilosoplrl', Ilis l)oprrllr I Scr,'thc lhe pcrl;tgollictrl anrl corrnscllinq t)cntot'r'utic []alt]' rvon lll ovcl'- I ttclrls tlf lrt:L pourrpg prrpils," lrt'l rvhclming victory, losing only t'rnc {Jrcat Nerv 'l'hc .raitl. of lhc. islattd's 83 pt'et'incls. I ltr.t r'ostrll $:rs attttthr't f(iltt J'r\ilrs I for rttt arltuittistration tlrat hls rri- feu

.100llcrcenl, Nvlon []ile .100Perccnt l\;'ir,nrftile By BARWICK o and Beige Green | 5-yr.Wear Guarantee o l? fl. Only .,\l llrr: sanrt'linre, horvet'er'. in a o $6.95 Value $6?T, conlnr(,rll. ollviousll' tlirccted to 32 sq. yds. Clrpei ind hervy llro ('a{lrulit' hiL'falch)'. it .said: : l,*l'iifi*::.^' "\\'{' I|(}n:fz's m rubbtrired pad, inrtallcd. tlust lhe carrst' of rclirlious {t'ctrlont .tlso ryill bo atlr,anced lir"r:;,li;'ot"::o*;?'101"'"' ti 28.l. 5 0 throrrgh ill(. excrcises of grcat At 5357College Only CL 5-0058 COMPLETE f rr.stl'aillt h1' clrrrlch learh:Ls. r.c. i\s liltlg rs Sli.91pct'tttottth ol'$2.rs pct'rt'eek grrrrlless o{ rlenomination, n,lro Specializing In t nright. be tentyrtcd to seck spcciitl rlll I)nytttcnls Ilased on lVood I'loor Irrstallltiott atlvantlges fol theil Chur.clr llrlough political f"loor Scryictr lneAns." STEAK. lilrner"s O|$E-S'I'OP Coverilrg ryIl - - - rvhateve!" your flooriug tteetls ollr colll. PIIXIRr CAIIPET IiUGS, il'lrcir eonglatulator.y telegraur LINOLIIIU]\I I'lLE to ,\ll'. Kcnnr:rly assuled him thal. (Il' cltIl'?ING I?' nL'Qr,IIRtS .,1 Ki\fli'Ii--- plctc.tloor covcring ser'\rice is at'ailnble in our.lat'ge sltotvt'oolll or itt 1'ottt'holttci \l'lty 'L'ITE hc rvill lrave llrc pral.crs of thc I]OIITZ'S 1VILL IITI-UAD PIIICi,J) Prolesiant hatler.s rvlto sltotrsol.ed Irclll ;'ort u'itlt 1'ottt'.litto- nrr organizatiorr tlrnt,,tr.ticrrlatctl lcunt attd tilc' ttcctls as I)r'otcst irni concol.ns" tlrrring thc 'l'() $'ell irs youl'czll'pet. See . \\'r,l t\,/litI ?'0 ]i.\?'nil'I) ,il,L canlpalgn. SUI{DAYSPECIAT! yout linoleurll iln(l caf i)et ()I,' irl ft i"ntcIIJs (.:(riil)t.lL, il 11'DL(_:/).1:ii StewedChicken and SteamedDumplings inatched sit'lc brr sirle ott Opcn [[orrse'nrrrl Flo\rr.r SCHOOL OPENED oul' huge cuttiirg floor. Shorf decoratittg l\1.\DRII)-.\ school of iournal- Plcnty of FREE PARKING on lot at Ilol thc best Ii'ri.,Sirl.. Srrn.. No\,. .[8, 19, 20 isnr for tlre illiuing of Catholic ATLAS SUPER-MARKET efficierrc:y selccl ]'our Iill- 'Till lrtl wslraperulen rvas for.rnirlly iu- oleurn or tile \1'hen Noon 9 P,M. HOURS: 5:30 A.M. - I P.M. MON. thru SUN. )'otl auguraterl lrele b1' Bislrop pcdr.o pul'chase )'orlr carpe{ ! Cant0t'o Cuadratlo of lluelva, En- .lll tr' or,.-:' o FLOWERSFOR THE LADIES rollcd fol thc initial {:ourses wele fornrcr Cltels of CALUttlllltt CLUlt. DOOR 53 lrlen antl 13 rvonrcn, all univer- PRIZES sity grarlultes.

Our Beauliful New Shop is One of rhe Most Artistic in Indirna * * FLAGSTONE FLOORS _ RTPPLING FOUNTAINS Ft00R MANY NEW ITEMS TO SEE CARDISSERVICE ct|vERrNc tllcNilnlerr.il 'til lfros. ' lNlC-' OPEN Mon. and Fri. 9 9 FLORIST I EASTlTlSHll{GTl|ll STREET Tuel., Wed., Thurs. and Sat. "BroadRipple,s Full Service Florisf., 37OI N. SHADELAND Lt 7-54t8 CL 3-3433 llll E. 6lstSl, @l ME2.08283220 ME 2'0180 9'til 5:30 "Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere,, '- tg chcck our Tire PricerBefore You Buy - Appoinlmenfs Anv Evaning in Your Horne THE CRITERION,NOVEMBER 18, 1960 PAGE FOUR

The l.egislation is being foreed.lhrough in spite of every tcrest in "popular" similar developments among the Iron Curtain kind of protest available under normal demti- = Crisis in Ceylon countries of Europe. It is now very properly concerned cratic proccdurec To an orderly dcputation of Catholic in rvhat is happening in Cuba rrrcnt women, the I'rime lrrinistel', I\{rs. Sirimavo Bandaraikc. and in what might conceivably Com "I 5 acloptcd a high-handcd attttude. rvish to make it clear,'; happen elsewhere in Lattn America. With the radical re- fnc oplnlonr cxprersed In fhers edltorhf cofumnr rep' "I 3 shc said, am not prepartxl to grant interviervs rncrciy vision of all concepts of distance jet planes Calholic by and ICBMs, t ..nt r Grtholic Ylewpolni-nol necssaarllv THE becuuse of ill-conceivett antl lrlesponsible ! demonstrations of can it be said that Ceylon is now really so very far away? ot thc edlfors io servo pvbllc ! vlcwpolnt. Thcy lrc cffortl this kind." F"f gwal not, events in Ceylon oplnlon wllhin fhe Church and wlthln the Nrtlon' . 9I have an immediate E A proj_ected appeal from the citizens of , Ceylon to the rntcresl ror uatholics especially. Quite avidenily. there is of Ilngland lnight produce Quccn an effect. On the other beginning there q ncw icligioris persecution ;nit' it is-noi hand, it might not. If the British Goverument adopted a of, this ll9^r-:ipt^"1g gomplain sg-r! .of thing in one part of ihe Louisiana StorY stantl favorable to the appcal, it might face thc prbstlcct worl(t and remain silent about it in another. ol' (.lcylorr's withrlrarval fronr the llritish Cornmohrvealth, Can lVell,well.Sofout'ii-year'oldNe.gr,gcltildren'-littletots making for a frce-srvinging Communist organization in ari the 40 million Catholics in the U.S. afford to isnore o[ secrtrity entitiedin nature anel h'riranity to all.tltc settse area vital to shipping routcs. events in Cey.lon similar to rvhat happcned in UunSari'b;d ol colored,.call give them' iiiO lifeciion thcir cirlers, u'ltiic. Czechoslovakia trventy. ycars ago? Are they voice-tesi anO a* Sistor.ical c'cut ;;;;lac-iii-squ"rcty irr'1rc lritltllc of rvilhout influence? Is it :rltogcther impossible to mat

Louisiitna. r\lusrc, likc any othcr of thc Arts, is a coinniuni. It mav bo rtoticotl thirt thele wils llo hostilc attitutlc cntiolr l)ctwccn rninds, bctwccn thc mind of the reported iinrong thc little cltiltlrcrl thettrsclvcs, only tllnollg oliginator and the rnind of thc listcner.. lt is a the cldct's. nreans of conlnunicating thoughts, states o[ mind, cmotions, not communicable satisfactorily by any othel rrrcarrs, 'l'hc cssencc o[ a piccc of'music is, thercfore, not I'trally open to deseliption in words. If that were so, rvoltls rvould be enough and music rvoukl bc unnecessary. Iklrcc, rvl'itirrJ4 about music is a palliculally rlitlicult untlcrtaking. Alnrosl all rvho are prolcssional rvlitcrs. tlaine


'C FAMILY CI,II\IIC O TITE LIFE OF OUR LOND lfrle tan learn from Reds Are C atholics permitted :*"lll,;,ll$,1,1;"h*T"i,{."'g#'*rn:''l"".lffiffi :i'* T am the Bread of Life' By ah. &cv, !e$.rd Drs*i, S-J,, a $dditr lromotcr nnd I F. J. SHEED other three Gospels, showing thc that lle had been born like every. personality, Institution of widely.known author and television also urged Chris- the Eucharist at the body else. "thc What was thia non. tians to stop tlrinking of Communists as scum of the carth.', Last Supper, had been in the aense about coming down from "The "have Church for a long generation be. only ones I have ever mct," hc said, bcen intelli fore John wroto his. John doeg heaven? Other claims may havc family size? gent, hard rvorking, dcvoted idealists," to regulate not tell the Instltution over agaln, sounded like blasphemy, thlg one Among the cffcctive techniqucs that have rvorkcd for thc Cour- Instead he, and he only, tells of sounded like mere raving, So did "demanding, pronrise, By JOHN L. THoMAS. S,J, it'r'csting :tntl t'evealing. It ap- munists bccause thcy are sympathctic arid honest,', the s year earlier. Reed llis claim to be bread-did He pt-nrs this rvriicl rvould do rvell to hc listed: his-,sixth chapter care(ully, espe. mean that men were to eat Him? In your arlicle on lamily irt' "lbsont hinrself It'om the lofty cially verse 26 to the end. The murmurs, one imagines, a Liniting aetion grouFs to 10 person$ or lcss. comes and educalion, I was com' swelled rvalls of scculity, cahn antl sercn- get to a storm. But it was you We the imprerrlon that Our pletely astounded to reacl thal itl' in thc univtttsity" and mcct O Atlopting short-terrrt objectivcs. as nothing to the shock produced Lord began to talk of would lell r moiher to lake a "idcalistic the tsread iob sonrc Ctttltolics who O Selecting airns that attlaet gellerll sympathy. by the discovery that IIe meant of Life in the street. But verso ro her rhildren could receive a [acc prolrkrnrs far'-rcntovcd front precisely that Ilolding discussion.typc mcctings. 60 says that Ho is in eatholic oducotion. And what O the ryna. lust thr. \'rl'.r- scculc Irathcr Thomas." gogue, of short.tcrttt Perhaps the change, iI did you mean by lhst last sen' I')r'idt'ntt1', I don't gct around Comncnting on tha importancc objcctives, Irathcr change there was, is at verie',{i|. l€nca rboul regulating farnily rnilr,h, or tt.ur'ol rvitlt thc wlong I]&sscl, notcrl that cntlnrsiasnr corrlrl noL bc kcpt at a lrigb lcvcl Loo The wo femember, sire? | couldn'l believe nry eyes! pcoplr' s'ltttt I rltt! Iong. .synagogue, was the ono built for the Jews by ls this a new dcctrine? We hrve ()nc ilsp0(:t of tht-. rt;rction dis- "l[, nltcl sis months, the goll is not rcnchcdr a ncw goitl should tha pagan centurion, who hai ravan children, and after lwo Cltt'istian. l\'Iany "Lord, trcss('s llc as o "On othcr hanrl, saitl yerr be set," hc sairl. thc t.herc is nothing nlorc eR- I am not worthy rniscarrirges lrsl when I of thc lcsporrrlcnts ossurttorl thnt yorrr goal. that thou shouldst enter asked the priest about regulaliotr. courflgind than the rc;llizatiou of It makcs the ncxt goel undei bcc:rrrsc tht'1' rlitfelcrl rvitlt ntc, my roof. "God you," nnrch cnsicr'," Say but the word . . .t, ho slid takes caJe of tlrt'.r' rvt'r't not bounil hy tlte ttsttal Don'f you agrbe? ndrrns of churity nntl justice. Wa return to verse 33 where o l.'r':rnlill', I aur puzzled by llte tonc llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilliillilillllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliliiiii[ Our Lord had spoken of tho Ilread of The articlc J'ou nlcution l)rrluglli of sourt] ol tltc lottct's. God coming down from hcavcn. And the people sairl a flootl of lt'ltcrs frrlnl sonltr soc- o "Lord, give tions of lh(' No$, lt'l rrs lurrr to thc sourcc of us always thi,s bread.,' American Itead Saintly Inclian the next six - verses. country ils I J ()ur slrocli arrrl astrrttisltntent. Our Lord "I assuntetl it Irilst. lht'r'r'is nrt'artsrvcr to tltt: says am thg Bread of people, rvould. Thc rt - (luostloll rsliing rvhctltt'r a mothcr Lifc"*to remember, to whom actions varietl rniglrt tlkc :r job in onlor to sond may lle had not yet said who bc IIc w:rs bcatifiecl sotln or from nriltl plo- Irrl chikh'crt to n Catltolic school. what IIe was, in IIis plott'sts vcry self. IIe says that whoever lcst to indignrnt \[trst of thc 1o tny solrt- Vi\TICAN CI'llY*-Thtt prcpnrn- cvtn comcs to IIim shall not hunger, angcr nnd t irrn insisl.r'tl tltat tho chiklren Ior thc bcatification ot toly *'olk whocvar ctudc sctrLn. I slunrlrl lrc s('lt. l{! lt publie seltool. believes in IIim s[ali 'l'lris Xateri 1'cklkrvitha, l?tlt-contut'y rt':ts yort not lhirst. IIe says expliciily that rvns told I is noI tlrc issrre.rrr'. If 1ou rcarl Intlinn rvonran. ntigltl, r\tneriean Ile ignorant o[ has como down from heaven, bc cornplctcrl *'ilhirr . tltc ttcxt t-'- scnl, by l{is Father: and every. Catholic tl o ycnl'. trinc nnd the facts of tift'. that nl1' ortc_whobelieyes in llim, the Son, HEADS CLOTHTNO DRIVE- "cl()stl Authorities of thc Saclctl Con- ,,And statomcnts rvcrc to bllrs- shall have life everlasting, Mrgr, Augurl R. Furrancggcr, "don't gregstiott of liitcs rcvcalcd lhat phcnl]'," "ltrdict'otts," I tvill raise him up in the last diroctor ot thc erchdiocgiri "ttol ilrc lic,i,i.iiicrrtion ltroccdttlo ltas sound like a pt'irtst." in lioi'lt' day." Crlholic Charllier Bureau, hcl bccn specrlcd up b)' begittnittA itn So. $'hun llc ttorv talhs (John ing u'ith chtlrrrh s (lictitlos lhlt again been ippointed by exarrtinirtion of n sccon

5353 McFrrland Rord lrtdirnapolis, Ind' 'L'nt'[cey FUNCARNIVAI St. lirancis Hospital Dirtuer:Will lle Serveel I'rcpaled lly : CI{lt}-, CLAtENCIi \YIIET\1[LEY RULES rOR ALL levels of Ii'r'r,,Set, Suri, rounrlball competition will be

Sponsoredby 5t. Francis HospitalGuild SCECINACAFETORIUM-lsth & Emerson Roolhs - Gantes . fr'un I'or AII in the HospitalAudirorium Plenty Free Parking THE CR|TER|ON,NOVEMBER t8, t960 PAGE SEVEI|'

Jewish ofticial, /rss',r'r.r.('s l-T-t. ff-] f - aturataat' ItrJUU to Iteraan I rc I acKer" educolor claslt lrrllcsrllois|fotrElrvlrosnita|grri|r|,|'hl|dnsn.nI!.!c^s$ot|a|.s,t|r's|ihminE$i|th'si||t.dby

iliiiiiiii1iiiiiiiii1i||iiliiimiiiiiiiiiililiiiliililiillillllilillllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllll ouer' tr'ederal aicl citysyrrtpItoltyENovrrrrrlcrl9,20f'i':J^li?i:..Jjlj''1lTJlll'l;Jl:l;:ilt:lll^jlliH.,1l'i'J..3iiJl;

OPERATTON GIFT LIFT-'l'lte trlnt'ion Cotttrty ^'\ssot:iation for ,I.llcctrtlr.cttsottofatstrr|t|histru.l.lrcSt.'[rt'nlltlist|ospital(lrriltlscholal'shipantlat|rlcticJtrnr|s,tl'caSttrcr, ATLAN'ilC CI't\'. N. J, - .{n llcntal Ilcnltlt has a pl'ograul ilesignctl lo t'cslot'c torrr faitit in hu' "(lift cdut'ator and a Jervislr official ttrotht.rartt|aS|rintofaI|terfrom%i{tr}}it:$iHl}ii1fi[ffi:l'*xJT:i"*'liri-i;: ntanit]'. Callcd Lr[1," thc ltto.icct is a illcntal Ilonltll (colllnltl- nity) cffott to prol'tdt', wt'ap attd tlistt'ibrttt: 10,000 Christlllas pfcscnts clashcd here on tlte issue of l'ed- l(ir ntontal p{rtionls hospitlrliztrl in lllt'iotr [lrtttll-v. It $'ill give yottr elnl nirl to rcligiorrs schools. ,iiTi'i,Il",Xliil';,il,-".ililli::l ffi orvn mot'alc a boost lo nt:lir-cl)'pir|ticipalc irr bIirtgirrg CltIistrlrns to \Villiaur \\', llrickrnan, profcs- 0rcItcs{t'ninapiriro[concer.tswArrtlitoriurn,I}eechGror,e,lnd.annttalditlntlrono<:[obcr27, llrosc rvlro are so oftt'tt fot'goltrtt. l'ilt'tl:r sisth cottsecttlirc 1'ent'tltr-' sor of etlrrcationnl hisloly anrl this rveck.cntl nt thc ]\lurat Thc- contlrnt'alive cducrtirln tt Ncry atle, Inrlinnpnolis, lntlianapolis I)cant't'1' Cotrncil of Cntholic \\'rtttrtttl tvill hc t'osponsiltlc York linivelsitr'. snid thc Anrcri- Jatratrese violirrist il'oshiya tr)to lor [.:hlistnras Da1'fr'stivitttls fof 150,:l(ltllts antl ik) chiltlren at Lallttc eiln,les'islr crrrnrtttlnily shotrld is errnsirlelerl thc first Ircat in- Carter llcrttrrrirl Ilospital. Iit'plt'slntiug tlrc ll(l(l\\'rlill ba Mrr. "doAnrntie abanrlon ils nnd inflcx- stlurnentalistlo emcrgc?i"i" rii. MR' ETo Loren Frrlich antl Mrs. Kenneth Cox o{ St. Philip Neri perish. and ibls ,,,r, ","' of oppositiorr lo folrtts color'fulbackglountl of the Oricnt. prrish. 'l Miu Mrrir Lrwhorn of Sl. Frtritk llot'e on tltis later. of Frderal erlucationnl aid to rcli- Sittcohis Anrclic:rn tltbut in l$51 (..t . . l.lious schools. Itt' ltas r:on.nltiz.rl cxtcnsively CHRISTMAS, CONT.-llisltop t'hlltlarld ('ttttttcil ll?ll. KniFltts of D I t l(l C ll t 'l'oll llrtt L,eo I'fcffer of Neu' \'olk, lllrolrAlroulllre I'uited Ststcs. Colurnbus. of t'rty rlill t'tnhrt'h on att itttcnsivr: t:atrtpaign tltis '['lttl associntc gettelal couttsrtl of lhe ill,;1*;1ij,'*.';**l*..lii.r_ is Cltt'tsl's lliIllrtlal'. (]otrtictl Jear to i'tmintl ftllks tltirt t-hlrsllrtl,c i\merican Jcwish Congl'cssr rc. 'a16) 1{,;li',n.r,ics.ta *,'ri (iiti', "only plclc(l_,^,,1,,,"111,1,1,,,.1 lltltr' ll,lli into ft'ee, l,,i,l.l;"li',ttsctl pttt'cltlsc WIIiE plrns to el'rct lat'gc posi('rs in'11'll nrt(l distrilltlte brttttllot'strips pliorl thrt if rcligion nrrd (irneerto in (i i\li'rr. f,r,:i;iuf,n .lorrt'nc]' llc to nccttodcrluip.i ttse (!f atll'cllt littlopc. tttetlt for tltc hospital' i foI arrtonrohrlos, staln|s anrl lrtiiflr'ts t'r1ll:tiltittrt tlte floIcl'nnlinl aro kt pl complcl trl-v rll(l ()fchcstfii. ,\lso inciirrlirl"tiil1;:i,.li:t on l43O on (icnt'r'alchait'ni.tt is i\l's. (i. 1,,I rvroaths anrl lhc L'ht'tstntls ttt'c hltssttlr:... l:llsc,rlit'it llic cllttr' itpart ratt tlte ltcaltlt of out'(lr:, llrc t)r'osrirrr r'itt 1," nfii;;;l't: ^,- .,.,--,.. - ,..t.tre MR. MURRAY sarrlrhat lrarl irtcl,'ar'tantlantt ilrs. r,arry sari.i Dial pai.qn s'ill l)r' L'nqillctll'o(l lrt' school I otrngst0r's. rno(.r:lct' alt(l tlro stt'r'ti{lh of our o\r,r.rrrrc, n,,,^,. lrc ;'ortr Irat'ot'ltral 'lir tlet's is co'cltltit'ntall'l\l,rs. rrlirtirrrrs rnslilrrliorrs be llliitn. the ('1it'f f\lrrsicitrntry"'lt"n- forrn

{0!'l '|a.nurlt iil.trreri i'n id llo (iort. /rua* Ir lI lr.trr1 of the l'. s Funeral Homes ^ll li. 2-!f4:f :i


SOUTHPORT CHAPEL*,38 Union Sr. GREENWOOD CHAPEL--S. w.o. Madisorr*Greenwood JoNrsI RUGCLEANERS BURKHART CHAPEL-371 W, Main-Greenwood 4440 N, KEYSIONE Lt. 6.t504

1,,;lNDSCrl lDll IDI,. ^I N lI'T N G I T,.n,1r.npc plantirlg nrav lle clonc until I tlte gl'oult(l I'r'eezcssevet.rrl inclres cicep. ME 2-1473 3409 E. Washinston ME 2.6565

"Oncc Cooled !y Ut- Novcr Cold Agoln" ilTZEtilAll Coal& OilCorp. (I MILE NORTHOF TRADERSPOINTI i Tet.AX 1.7660 * rtrn ^vYsr.o, .rrq, t $j"jijll,lil, ,^r. if ?rI \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \., r \ \ \ \ \ +r\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ ( THE CRITERION,-NOVEMBER18, 1960 PAGE EIGI{T

Bocko; brothers. Edwnrd, Strpsen, Ri(hafd, t Roberl; sisler. Pdlricia Ann, grandparentr. Mrs, thomds Eoyce of Swaihpr[oll. Mdss,i . CULKIN and Mr. ind Mrs. Adolf Bocko of Billerica, ANNE Remember Them In Your Prayers .

t tnANClS ,. bAttANllNt, 52. $1, Mi.. l3 lllDlAl{AP0t chutch. Nov€nrbef 12. calvrry and Pntrl +' loul3 3AUtr, 79, 55. P.t.. c"f,".l""trrl"tt cithedrsl. Noventber 14. Holy Cross cetrrc' terv. Survivotil dauqhiets, Sisl€r Get lrude Md;ian, S.P., of (hicaEol Gerllude Bauet, feels lost Susdnni Sch.wman rnd Rosemary tss.lhorn, College girl ol lndirnrnolis; sonr, Iouis F., Richard L.' Robert E., and loreph [., rll of Indlnntpolis; James v., of Eoslon; brolhtr, Fdward; sis' Edith Kr?s1, Dcar itliss C'rrlliirt: ters, Mri. Aonr 0lidcwell, frieia Longrlch, and Nolmn Monlgomety, ill of Indi.ncpolit. llrlrcr; I It'cs nt ltotttc atttl itt' I ttsr:d lo recd yottt' 78, Iillle Il0wer hioh school +' TARSARA ilt. Mutltr, (alvaty "r),,,,,u. I rreuer rlirl lftirrl' I (hurch, November | 4' f,enrelery. dnuglltet, Rulh Sedslev; sislers' problettl' lcrc Survivorsi rooulcl hcurr c Bttt. Cldrn NicholS, Anne Bcrty, blollrsrr J0ttpll at colle.rle I'L!r) llot n rccl otte, ottrl Hubbard, sirtcc'.tyotl rlotr't IrttOtO rttO, llou rtrill [re trtoro trb' Dcar Ilontcsick: jcctiue afrottt ii Synrpathy is tto soltttion to yotlr lfttrl pcople ott nrnLl.'rrr, bitt rlrost of tts, rcgitrtl' llris cntttptts, iess of otlr gcogr:rphical origitt' Becousr: 'lr l/ knorv hrr$, you fecl. \Ye also h:rvc trttclc is pcyirtg had the elpcriencc of beirtg lost ?liU todY llrorrgfu in thc crorvd. Altcr raading 1'our .school, I ccttrc "stny lcttcr nry cottnscl is s'ltcrc lo (r u.tlittersilY irr tltrr Bast. J'r,s olit'(tl/s lir:trtl irr o strtoll ttrid' St. il'lonica's datic'c l\fesfcrtt, lollrll tt'llt'rc ettctliottc l,rlrolr$ ttltt. ?'his is o llttgc cuttt' schecluled tonight ru.\, drlrl rt'lilp tfte girls tl'U lo llc A \Vcck.Erxl ilt tlte iltat'ott {or ROYAL WELCOME-Tho Womon's Club of Holy Spirit parish' In' los{, Ulo'ylhittl'r ilicrrrllU, I Jccl in (:lilsscs' [\\r, conrpletc rvith brcakfast dianapolis, will sponsor I Roycl Welconre Crrd Prrly rnd Frrhion is so hirl ht)l'c' cr:clr lhr' be.rl and babl''sitter allotvancc, parish Friday, Novembcr 18. Cards will [oys--lrcl/be I'ttt tt't'ottg' Show in lhe audilorium on AnrI tl.e oI thc rvill lle tlte fcattrlc nNflfd p.m., wlll be hcld illiss Ctrlfuirr, hrrt I plefcr titd boys be played at I:30 and 8 whilc lho Sfyle thow 'l',1{l Gct-i\cqttilitltt'ti l)attcc sponsorcd (lcft lrocl; irr lxy olirn lol0ll. oltcs at 7:30 p.m. Commillee memborr, rbove, arc to right) Mrs. ht thc \Votrlt'tr's Clrrb of St. i\lon- I't:t: tttt't htlrc strcttr irtrereslctl Harry Dragoo, Mrs. William Morlin and Mrr. Edwrrd O'Donnell. ica's ['at'islt, Thc dancc is orrlv irr rrrrrl:irt(i yotr {ltirtl; lhoU't'c (Strff photo) pllnncd torriglrt, rr-ov. 18, itt lhc a lriq donl. i trtis.s lltt: l''irtd oJ Irtarblt lloonr of the llarott Icllorr;s thut 16ct'g itr ny ltiglt llott'I, ft'ottt $ to rllidnilc' Dtt'ss is .sclrool. term The Bcrt Juliatt orches- Draws prison ?'his ftas bt't:tt tl rotttldrtbortt optionll. rloU of nsl.'irtg tny qrrcstroru Is it tra rvill ltlay' on obscenity count

SPITINGI'IELD, Ill.-A fotnrct' Turkey shoots,socials insurancc agcnt lrom Decatur, $,ns senteneed io 18 months in plison in LI.S. District. Cottrt here (Nov.9) for sending obsccne agencla TICHMOHO on InclianaPoli's photos through the rnail. q A Fish Fry .t on,t Sociol rl 7 {- xltl( MIC}lAlt JAMES, infant, llovcmber New Featutes Judgc Omer Poos lrtrncd tknvn Survivorsr Darcrrls, ho sct'r'cd. Chef L'larence 9. 51. Andrcw Crntcltty, HINEs rvill al" lloly Natttc itt Bccclt Gtove. sister, Ma[hell; By CORDELIA llre convictcd ntan's plea for pro- Mr, and Mrs. Guy [. Jantes; Wheatlcy will pt'cllare thc fcstit'e orandnrrenls, Mr. 6nd Mf5. [' A. Janres. b.ltion. IIe was arrostcd in the i,rcenville. 0hiot and Mr. and Mrs. Iarl bird. hegins at 6:ll0 0hio. Sl. Ritr's Social Splingfielrl post officc last Jttne Worthirglon, Akrorl, 1$tlt antl p.ur. in thc Autlitorittttr, rvhcn hc appeared at thc gcneral St. Joseph's Pnrish tlrtn Clttlt is Arscnal. delivery windorv t.o claint ntail 19 sponsofing thc {irst of a scries of NOVEMBER rvatched by Federal autholitics. in l,iltlc l;'lolcr weekly ttrrkey shoots on Sttndal', The Card Pcrty atrd lltrsat't, bc' No1'. 20, on the grotln(ls at the Autlitoriunt. l,lth giils p.lll, rear o[ the l)lainficltl Trantpolene xI I Ccntcr. The center is located ttt'o nt lIolY nriles n'est o[ Blitlgeport olf U.S. The 5aturdr-iSocirl Dobbs ond Cqvonogh Hots (jr'oss {i:30 p'rn. in thc 40. Enltllctt Thotnpson is chait" l)cgins at Sisler Antonia, S.P. pllislr lrlll, 1?5 N, 0r'ietttal St, "The yourprice- t$p |rlan. BESTol

'l'utkcy nomoller whot your rlinners l'ill be scrvcd tlies at lhc Wootls Price!" sehool hall, 3609 S. in St. Iioclr's MR,roE o'HARA & CO. Thc tulkey sltoot on St. Judc's r\lelidian St., from ll a m. to 2 -'t'ilE . L. STRAUSS sT. NAltY.rlli' wooDs, Mcn'r Hclr p.nl. on SundaY, Nor'. ?0, l)t'e- Make Your Chrislmas Selection School grounrls at 5lisii ilIcFnrlund lnrl.--Sister r\ntonia (Kalb) tlictl p.lrt. school childrcn rvill be scrvcd at NOW-While Our Slock is Complete Roael, llcgins at l?:110 oll a[ the motherlrousc hcrc, on No- SunrlaS', Nov. :10. Iu collncctiou no cost. lenrbcr 14. nfter nn illuess of rvith lltc sltoot, a tttt'kcy tlinnct' scvcral nronths. Shc rvas bot'tt in Complimentr of Indianapohs, antl cntcLr'tl thc ITAIINZI'S Cornrnunity of tlrrr Siste t's of Itt'ov- RADIO& TV SALES& SERVICE itlencc on Decenrbcr {i. 1913. IIOTDL SEVNNIIT Sistel Antonia taugltt in {lrc L. O, DOTY, Manager 5974E. lofh 5r. \Yhen Yott Are high sclrool dcpartnrcnts ol r,lri- ous schools of the Sistcfs of l'rovidenee. ller last assignntcnt -- Ca-- r -i-- - Disposing of *'as at Providence lligh School, -- -' -t-.r+.1t.\t, "-' Chicago. O Clothing and Srrrvir,ing are tu,o brothersl ,.2€O tat llarry Kalb, of Indianapolisi anrl ,aat Household Leo, of llallald I'oint. Arkansas; flems . . .

Wlry Not CaIl IIs First?


South on Tuesdcyr Ersl on Wedncrdays Wesl on Thurrdevr North on Fridryr

CALL ME 2.3155 cAIH0U( SalvageBureau

at the close of the carnival,

t=-Ti al - _^_. Chrislmasin l90l i9..U..fI.gfIPIn&nn/ hasea'prepaiil" alllottllt I lcrc.s a rttgprcsti,rtt : t.ll' r'-rrc it plittt Air Ftrrrcr&l Horne . I Yotr'll hartllv tnisstlrcr )'ott ME' 2'8488 yotr ilto,'c tlftr:. \f ilI conditloned rsoii.ri'r;;ff ir(l(l to yollr clLrll plan, buL nexl tltat. rvill givc )'otl "ln illl([ ptlt Sorrow, Underslonding Con ltleon So Much" Novetnbcr youlil trtrly applcciatc {lrt: ncc(l lbr Clrristrnirs c\l)clrsts, irtlrrtctIiatc[Lrrrtls 0*,l*ffiR*Iv*w[ JhlI rttttott.nli It rrrcarrs Ibt CihristnlasslloPl)irIg.


Chooso the Club to meel Your neecls Out' aim is altvtrys to make you O o For OnlY You Receive Denosit Evcr| that a trusled fri.urtl is at feel Oiher Week' 25 DePosits Cltcck for your si(le during evel'y momellt oI our selvice to yort. $1,00, $25'oo ENGINES-All Mokes ond $2,00. $50'00 Models Understanding and colllpetence $ 4,00, $100.00 I Doylnslollotion rvill guide you in evely detail re- $10.00. $2so'oo gardless of the size or cost of $500'00 Guqronleed10,000 Miles or 120Doyr funeral. $20.00.

Cronkshoft Exchonge, Cylinder Heods Exchonge brartclt Come in downtown or al your nearhy neighborhood All Mokes& Models CompleteMochine Shop Service ITIOORE an(l KIRK MORTUARIES Owned and Opel'ated by Tlcssie Kit'k 2530Shtion Sf. Ll. 6.1561 5342E. WeshingtonSl. FL. 7.1159 80il E. {6rh 5f. FL, t.5140 7052W. Weshington Sf. CH. {.{77f 3{47 Collesc Ave. WA. 6-6056 THE CRITERION, NOVEMBER 18, 1960 PAGE NINE

Auxiliary sers I'lainfiekl rvouren Sacred Heart women schedule,card party 'l-hc meeting Nou, 2I slale c&rd patty Christian llothers of Sa- crcd I{ealt Parish ar.e planning a St. i\laly's Ausili:rry of tlrc card party on Sunday, Nov, 20. Knights of St, .lohn No. ij02 will in tlre parish hal[, at 1530 S, Moy. Irokl tlrcil rcgulrr mccting [Ion- idian St.. Camcs, including bunco (lity, No\', 21, irt I l).ur. irt 6l? li. for chilrlren, rvill lle playcrl at Nortlr St. 2:30 p.ln. an(l at tJ p.rrr. Lunchcon At this urcclinA lhe nurv ofiicets rvill be scrvctl flom 5 to ? p.m. (illla rvill bc ittstullcrl h.r,Nls. A Christntas rnoncy [r.ce will ltc l,'eltlnrirn, l)oDuty Orgarrizcr, illr's. tltc fcaturcd prizc. ltttssall 11u,r,',r, 6111qrrin;{ l)tesi- dettt, rvill tut'n ovcL tlrc girvcl NEW RECORD trl i\[r's. Clrtr'lts Castor'. Othet'o[[iccrs to bc inslnllctl al'c lll's, Anthonv tilanntn, lst ticc plasitlcnt; llrs. ltiry Alvin, 'I'inn 2nrl vice grlt'si

l'ltllS(inl l"I'I(})-s .\ccurulely lilllc(l -i ftr*ms |*:tl'i'*1,:lan: St. Joan of Arc I|Ul-}IERN,5S.I+\NI.},\RDi*offi*,1-";1l'!{*i3;$$I.i"-", REAI ESTAIE. ^ SIIRVICF: ""- ' "-\i'li'\itl'iri:t;':t"' -}.trEsl| '-'1i,il'111y1 clJ'r ilEAlS- RENTS, INSURANCE ,,rtf,H',,Ilij;ii,Pijr!l'l.l:'-",,,, PAT DOLLEN'S A ,.'lllj i rrr: r:'. Mlchrsnnst r"r-6'0rr!l | Y il.ii;l!.i',j,1,,:i":t.i l;;;;;;;;t* lYo buy our oltn frutt3 'l'hlr and vr,let(bles (tOrlr (;f'|\sert, Inlltrf. ynrr {14th " ness ond go0(l rlrrRllty. FEENEY'STAVERN Corrrtllcto t,ln6 Ilerdwrte 648 E.49th AT. 3"6371 tlurdeall Faintr ,il;;;-;,;;-* lr d. SERING SHELT I rrru iq rt,asli. fl,_ t,3(ti CTTANERS =-'--.---.-' ---'-- ' - SIRV|CE | : {80i! l), iHlrhlsrn BRAITNt(' surii)'r'r l."i';;;",,u,,J rto-ineo l.I- 6-730? i ffim . ...t:*Y:::,.,. I '\\'ltrn Flower Shop Your tinrnletrlr Ar. liot ti-rl0:l; llc(:ttlilillg lo Yor! th.y Shoultl ltr Ilii.t \\,. l|rilr Sr. tl .\. li'ltlir j vl. ,,,,.,...,; }f | r,,r Ail oi.,\iin,rr.. (:otnhrg i,! tli" ? s. J0llNs0NAvf FL 6-5508 I R.r. tL 5.9071 rHArE sHErL | "'*'--'= SERvlcE I WOlfrlAN,S DRUGS St. Jude rir0r cot,l,licl,: ct^ 5-0011 | \lL)t{,r'lunr1-urr.(i,nr)lito I lrr'lni:ton'* I'tcsetlltlDn Cerlief llr;rkr Srrv,-..0ncrr:l ltts, I

St. Lawrence Ti '39 I gAn' i 6S0l E. 38th il' 7.7555i PATRONIZETHE gold ADVERTISERS - - - I,jwGrt t)rl{"s .tn Clr'ry-{)ut Bler Dlrcount an Pkg' Llquort Chureh School Home illaintenance .FINE Nativity TOODS' ( lotrlrnr:lors - Strpplie rs - liL:ctrir.:in:rs * (irrltglttort L'l u nrbcrs - Flaslercrs - lJui rrtcrs r li'cncirr g McKEAND DRUG SIORE "Your llsrlih Shopplrrg Centers Duf f i,,'rrd!b} service Pntisctrlt)'rl0NS. SIcK fi 00tl NL)liDS IlALl,.ltAnl{ caHDS costufllcs,'tolS, lntr)mralo lrsnrmlttlon Scprlr LCDCDr( 183; Sorthcrrtrrn lrr, I'l- a-t9ft Brrkrr |rnd llotot XUD]UD CAPITIILGLASS :lit a N. Shrdolrnd Arc. Fb *0t79 {st, n|L 100} C0lrlPAllY,lll0, St. Andrew * 5t. Mark a Slore Fronlt * KIYSTONE PHAR'IAACY r Furnifure Topr Jr0rN, KEYS'IONE W,\.0-J{i0 Woodcroft Pharmacy r Window Glorr -Prescipiion Speciolirtr- Patltl0tr frtOBlAllIY. tlwDnt $tut tuiulr!{r3 8'r. {F16t? r Mirrorr Grnrplcto Llno ol Sick lloo,lt Stttlltll.t . F.XSEttt fnl]sentrlloN slrtvlcD A. HUBENT r Alsynite Fibre Glass . qU.{LITX DBTJOB I'lliE, & lL.sllng {)otrtrnctiir ?lir ll. Sorrthorn rlvn. r Boiley Gloss Sliding St. Ann s'r. 6.308:t Doorr t fhermopnne Anihony's Flower $hop 'l-hornpton Joe t Wllrrru (Antlloltt'! Pt'oprictdls

tlojl Mrdlson Avr. S'f , 1-l rtl6 i;r' LEADEDGLASS Soulhport, Inri, t STAINEDGLASS r{ St. Bernadette llon.J.it


Open Fliday I a.m. lo ? p,m. Other Weekdayr 8lo 5, Iully fquipped lor PATRONIZETHE I5OOKENTUCKY AVE. ME 9.2345 Ncw-Rcmodeling-Repcir 4220 a. lorh ft. 5-4639 ADVERIISERS FAGE TEN THE CRITERION,NOVEMBER 18, 1960

Church unity exemplificcl Biblc cloes not segregation, prelatc says (Continucd lronl pagc 1) lN HIS ADOR E55, tltc I'o1tc r-r'' ilncit'ilizctl: ltasilica to l.hc placc o( ocrcllloll.\'. linkerl thc

llc sairl thc litrrlS]' oI tltc [.alitt Ccrlorr ('hrrrc.h is nrtrst rvot'th1 of ('ste('tll J sirrr:c it r.n(\)nlllilsscs thc iifoRtcst ( l'ontittuc

l)rclitlc clrtril'icsirrlcgralion slunrl Good-Bye1960 Patterns

Nl':W ()ltl.,l'1.\\S ('rtlltoltr' rrorrirl llo lnl(.{r.irl('{l rtrr lattrt' tltatt scltools itt Ol'loilni ll il r'|) lr prrlrlic s<'hools. (('ounl]) $tll lX' inl('X|irl(,(l rl 'l'utr rllr s allor' lris latcsl slittr'- I'ogrc,lohrr hailt'rl tho tlltrtt't'lt's attrl ultt'tt' inlt'gllrlirrrt lrt'r'urrrt.s rrt.ttl. lirrrr Ncglo r:it ls crrlcl'c