[PB 10.2 (2009) 137-143] Perfect Beat (print) ISSN 1038-2909 doi:10.1558/prbt.v10i2.137 Perfect Beat (online) ISSN 1836-0343 Denis Crowdy and Mark Evans Introduction: Something in the Water Denis Crowdy is a Senior Lecturer in Music at Department of Media, Music and Macquarie University. His research has focused Cultural Studies on the popular music of Melanesia, and he has Macquarie University published literature on topics including local NSW 2109 string band, local rock/reggae, and the tradition- Australia al/jazz-rock fusion band Sanguma (from PNG).
[email protected] He is currently involved in an extensive, gov- ernment funded research project exploring the music indus tries of Melanesia. Mark Evans is Head of Media, Music and Cultural Department of Media, Music and Studies at Macquarie University, Sydney. He is Cultural Studies author of Open Up The Doors: Music in the Modern Macquarie University Church (2006) and co-editor of Perfect Beat. Ryde, NSW 2109 Australia
[email protected] This extended introduction to volume 10.2 of Perfect Beat revolves around an Aus- tralian documentary entitled Something in the Water (dir. Aidan O’Bryan 2008). The discussion is based on emails received by the authors concerning the film, which we quote at length below. The discussion is an example of the dialogue Perfect Beat is seeking to foster amongst the academic community and wider readership. To this end, we take this opportunity to remind readers that smaller contributions (up to 3000 words) to the ‘Riffs’ section of the journal are still welcome, and may well be a suitable place to comment on issues within contemporary culture in the Pacific region.