Systematic Review of Feather Mites of the Genus Sturnotrogus MIRONOV
BULLETIN DE L'INSTITUT ROYAL DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE BELGIQUE ENTOMOLOGIE. 76:55-81, 2006 BULLETIN VAN HET KONINKLIJK BELGISCH INSTITUUT VOOR NATUU RWETE NSCHAPPEN ENTOMOLOGIE, 76: 55-81, 2006 Systematic review of feather mites of the genus Sturnotrogus MIRONOV, 1989 (Astigmata: Pteronyssidae) from starlings (Passeriformes: Sturnidae) in Africa and Europe by Sergey V. MIRONOV, Georges WAUTHY Abstract general appearance, representatives of the genus Sturno trogus are medium-sized pteronyssids (adults about 300- We prese nt an improved diagnosis of the genu s Sturnotrogus 500 in length) with relatively well-developed dorsal MIRONOV, 1989 and a key and diagnoses to species detected or poten tially expected on starlings (Sturnidae) in Africa and Europe. Two shields. Mites of this genus are commonly located on species groups, truncatus and subtruncatus, are recog ni zed within ventral surface the vanes of the primary flight feathers. the genus. Five new species of the genus Sturnotrogus are described The genus Sturnotrogus was originally established from starlings in Africa: Sturnotrogus acridorheres sp. n. from (MIRONOV, 1989) for six species removed from the Acridoteres tristis (LINNAEUS , 1766), S. /amprotornis sp. n. from polyphyletic genus Pteron.yssoides HULL , 1931 , which Lamprotornis splendidus (VIEILLOT, 1822) (type host), L. chalcums NORDMANN, 1835, L. cha/ybaeus (HEMPRICH & EHRENBERG , 1828), even after the generic revision of Pteronyssidae (FACCINI L. iris (OUSTALET, 1879), L. nitens (LINNAEUS , 1766), L. purpurop & ATYEO, 1981) continued to incorporate almost all pter tents RUPPELL, 1845, L. corruscus corruscus NoRDMANN , 1835, L. onyssids with free epimerites I in both sexes. At present, chloropterus elisabeth (STRESEMANN, 1924), S.
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