Higher Ed the Dean of Students Office Katie Cline “He Said, ‘There’S Guyer, Who Gave Starting Friday, Editor-In-Chief September 1
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inSIDE Hurricane Harvey devestates Texas, page 4 WEATHER: Thunderstorms, High 81, Low 70 Thursday, August 31, 2017 inTHE NEWS The eclipse is so bright, International House Intro and Presentation Meet students from the Interna- tional house on Thursday, Au- gust 31 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. in Room 10B of the library. Stu- dents will be pre- senting on thier home cultures and how living at the International House has af- fected their lives. Delta Sigma you gotta’ wear shades Theta Movie Night Roger Sauterer/JSU Biology This photo of the Aug. 21, 2017 eclipse was taken in Spring City, Tenn. Parts of Tennessee experied a total solar eclipse, Delta Sigma whereas Jacksonville witnessed about 97% ___. The next solar eclipse with the mosts visibility for the United States will occur on April 8, 2024. The viewing path will cross from Texas to Maine and will include cities like Austin and Dallas, Theta will be Texas; Little Rock, Ark.; Indianapolis; Toledo,Cleveland, and Akron, Ohio; Buffalo and Rochester, N.Y. and Montelier, Vt. hosting a free movie night on Rebekah Hawkins st Associate Editor of totality, people still the one on the 21 . five minutes. It depends and families brought the Quad on Fri- took to the streets from “The last one vis- on the details of where their small children to day, September In the beginning, wherever they were to ible from the contigu- in their orbits the moon the bounce houses set 1 from 8:00 to the earth was dark. see the event that won’t ous U.S was on Feb. and earth are.” up. It was a community 10:00 p.m. Bring Then there was a take place again until 26, 1979,” she said. Jacksonville State that came together for a chairs, blankets sun and a moon, and 2024. “Times vary for eclips- University set up a once-in-a-lifetime mo- According to JSU es, this one was around viewing party on the ment. and snacks and last Monday the moon decided to come be- Associate Profes- three hours. Totality TMB lawn for anyone Sophomore Eric start off your sor of Physics Laura was around two and a who wanted to come Cline went to the view- Labor Day week- tween the sun and the earth for three hours. Weinkauf, it’s been a half minutes, although and view the eclipse. ing party and said, “It end with some Even though Jackson- while since there was a in 2024 totality is pre- People in lawn chairs fun! ville wasn’t in the path total solar eclipse like dicted to last more than set up shop to wait, See ECLIPSE, page 2 Homecom- ing Showcase Applications Higher Tips for pursuing Homecoming Showcase ap- graduate school plications are available from higher ed the Dean of Students Office Katie Cline “He said, ‘There’s Guyer, who gave starting Friday, Editor-in-Chief September 1. no one else you really him a list of po- Students wishing As a fresh-out- need to bother with, tential schools. because Dr. [George] to run for Home- of-college graduate, But when Cline’s the one you he talked to coming King or there’s only one thing the world will want to need to go to,’” said each of them, h e Queen should fill know: “What are you Henderson, who fin- found that some- out a Homecom- doing next?” ished her bachelor’s thing was always ing Showcase When Katelyn Hen- degree in December missing. application. derson and Griffin 2014. “I just didn’t McDaniels graduated McDaniels’ quest get along with from Auburn Univer- for the perfect grad the advisers that I Labor Day sity with their under- school wasn’t as cut talked to like I did 2017 graduate degrees in and dry. with Dr. Cline,” biology, they knew that “In my opinion, the McDaniels said. hardest part is finding JSU will be they wanted to pursue “Some I thought a place where you fit weren’t as nice. closed on Mon- master’s degrees. Griffin McDaniels/Facebook “For both of us, this in,” McDaniels, who Some were more day, September Griffin McDaniels (center) and Katelyn Henderson is what we’ve always graduated from Auburn concerned with 4 in observance (middle) pose with other JSU Biology students, wanted to do,” Hen- in May 2015, said. “All me doing their from left, Eric Cline, Andrew Collins and Zach Starr of Labor Day. derson said. “I have al- of the other stuff is project, but when on a data collecting trip at Frog Pond in White No classes will ways wanted to be a bi- kind of irrelevant. The I came here and Plains, Ala. in July 2017. meet, and offices ologist. Griffin wanted test scores, the science, talked to Doc, it that Doc was one of the will be closed, to be Steve Irwin.” what you’re actually was more, ‘These are hard sciences, that was nicest people I’ve ever For Henderson, the going to do as projects the things that I’m in- the big thing, because I but met.” process started with is all kind of second- terested in, but it’s re- didn’t want to be pres- “It’s not really about talking to her under- ary.” ally up to you to come sured into doing some- the school,” Henderson graduate adviser, Dr. McDaniels also up with your project.’ one else’s research. Craig Guyer. started by talking to And for me, and for the That, and See GRAD SCHOOL, page 2 VISIT WWW.jsu.edu/chanticleer for the latest in JSU NEWS The Chanticleer August 31, 2017 2 GRAD SCHOOL from page 1 said. “It’s about the but you may get in nei- professors and the at- ther.” mosphere that it’s in.” Henderson and Mc- Dr. Andrea Porter, Daniels had yet an- an associate profes- other special factor to sor of English at JSU, consider when look- is the current Eng- ing at grad schools: lish graduate student they’re dating and had adviser. According to decide if they were to Porter, there are willing to go to differ- two standard schools ent schools. of thought when it “Katelyn was the comes to choosing a ‘one and done’; she grad school: go to the was going to JSU,” “high-powered,” well- McDaniels recalled. known school that’s “We met and started highly competitive dating after she had and carries an inherent decided to go JSU and prestige, or go to the I was still shopping smaller, less intensive around, and it just so program where indi- happened that we were viduals can stand out. both interested in the “I always heard, same kind of thing, ‘If you get into Em- so we were pointed in ory and the Univer- the same kind of direc- sity of Alabama, go to tion. But there were a Katie Cline/The Chanticleer Emory,’” Porter said. couple weeks where I wasn’t sure where I Graduate students Zach Starr, Andrew Collins, Katelyn Henderson and Griffin McDaniels assist “Okay, maybe. You biology professor Dr. George Cline with a program at Lake Guntersville State Park in May 2017. also have to look at the was going to go, and faculty that are there. it just so happened that McDaniels plan to tive, we look at com- ting an A in the class. “You need to be able to If you get into Emory JSU was the best place pursue Ph.Ds. They’ve pletion rates,” Porter You’re stressing about adapt. It’s better to go and the University of for both of us.” yet to decide if they’ll said. “We want people getting your thesis in with an open mind.” Alabama and you want Henderson cautions be attending the same who are going to come done. You’re stress- Going to graduate to specialize in the lit- other couples—and school or not, but they to the program and ing about all of your school means walk- erature of the Vietnam even friends or room- do know that they who are going to com- animals dying. It’s a ing a fine line between War, you go to Ala- mates—that it doesn’t won’t stay at JSU. plete it. So we’re look- different kind of stress networking and ex- bama, because the top always work out that “It’s better to move ing for go-getters who than undergrad.” panding personal ho- scholar in the country way: “Don’t let want- around,” McDaniels have that aptitude not The pair had only a rizons and doing what in that field happens to ing to go to a school said. “Networking is a just to start grad school few parting words of is best for yourself as a be there.” with someone dictate big thing. When you’re but to finish it and to advice for any current budding professional. Porter also remind- where you go. It’s good wondering, ‘What re- do well in it and who undergraduates who Time management and ed students not to be to go with a person, search is out there? are motivated.” are considering going self-discipline are the set on one particular but if you don’t click Where can I go?’, you Once accepted, on to graduate school two biggest skills that school and not to be with the school as well send out emails to peo- graduate school is a in the future. are necessary for suc- discouraged if they as you do with another ple that you’ve met at different environment “My best advice is to cess in grad school.