4 天 3 晚柏斯粉红湖 4D3N Pink Lake Perth

中文司机兼导游 CHINESE SPEAKING TOUR DRIVER-GUIDE Travel Valid - Jul to Dec 2017(逢周日出发 Depart on Sunday) DAY 1 To Perth 飞往珀斯 Airport pickup (between 08:00—21:00)

Hotel: 3.5 * Great Southern Perth or SML

DAY2 PER HTL – Hutt Lagoon– PER HTL (B/L/D) 出发时间:08:00am, 约 1800pm 回到市区 Depart time at 08:00am from hotel

早上 8 点出发,乘车前往朱里恩湾欣赏印度洋碧绿的海湾,稍作休息後前往格林诺历史遗迹发现中心&怪 树并享用午餐,在这你可看到 1863 年最早的西澳北部居民定居点之一,為西澳洲政府保护的歷史遗迹, 此区中并有数只草尼马自由奔跑着。午餐后继续往北前进。沿途欣赏美丽的野花和寻找经常出没乡村道路 的野生鸸鹋和袋鼠。过杰拉尔顿后,可地面欣赏粉红湖的神奇,一摊不起眼湖水,在太阳的折射下,粉红 湖泊散散发光。行经将近 500 公里的印度洋公路后,抵达卡尔巴里(Kalbarri)。晚餐在卡尔巴里(Kalbarri)享 用。 可自费选择小飞机观光粉红湖 30 分钟 每位$200 (请提前预订,安排第二天下午乘坐)。

Hutt Lagoon is a pink lake which boasts a pink hue created by presence of carotenoid-producing algae Dunaliella salina, a source of ß-carotene, a food-colouring agent and source of vitamin A.

Depending on the time of day, the season (time of year) and the amount of cloud cover, the lake changes through the spectrum of red to bubble-gum pink to a lilac purple. The best time of day to visit is mid-morning or sundown.

It’s also a spectacular sight as part of a scenic flight; contact Geraldton Air Charter or Shine Aviationto book this unforgettable experience.

The lagoon is about 70 square kilometres with most of it lying a few metres below sea level. It is separated from the by a beach barrier ridge and barrier dune system. Similar to Lake MacLeod, 40 kilometres to the north of Carnarvon, Hutt Lagoon is fed by marine waters through springs.

Hotel:3.5 * Best Western Geraldton or SML

Day 3 PER HTL – Kalbarri Natures Window– PER HTL (B/L/D) 出发时间:08:00am , Depart time at 8:30am

早上 8 点出发,前往卡尔巴里国家公园,到达世界自然之窗,这红褐色的天然拱门,可以欣赏整个峡谷的 全景以及墨奇森河(Murchisonr River)大回环的壮丽景,峡谷以断层岩结构类似澳洲中部帝王谷。在太阳折 射下,赤红的躯体层层表露无疑,壮丽迷人至极。接着前往鹰头石(Hawks Head),从这可看到墨奇森河闻 名的弯曲河道。壮丽的山景水貌,唯亲临才能体会。结束国家公园之旅后,返回小镇午餐,感受小镇淳朴 的乡村之美,餐後欣賞卡尔巴里海岸風光,印度洋壮观的海边悬崖紅崖區、海边峡谷感受地球亿万年沧海 变桑田的痕迹。晚餐在杰拉尔顿享用。

Kalbarri’s Coastal Cliffs feature magnificent, towering cliffs that plummet to the waves below. Starting at Red Bluff, named by Willem de Vlamingh in 1697, the dramatic coastal cliffs extend 13 kilometres to the National Park’s southern boundary. Numerous sign-posted pathways, lookouts and balustrades have been provided allow you to safely explore the ruggedly beautiful coastline. Look for migrating whales between late June and November.

Kalbarri National Park abounds with opportunities and is one of the most exciting and spectacular in . Marvel at nature's ability to carve the landscape. Explore the depths and heights of the river gorges and sea cliffs and admire the floral beauty of the vast, rolling sandplains.

The Murchison River gorges in the Kalbarri National Park are particularly spectacular. The gorges have been carved over millions of years to form dramatic sandstone cliff faces which plummet into the Murchison River as it meanders towards the township of Kalbarri.

Hotel: 4 * Best Western Kalbarri or SML

Day 4 PER HTL – Pinnacles Desert – PER HTL (B/L/-) 出发时间:08:00am, 约 19:00pm 回到市区或送机场 Depart time at 07:30am

早上 8 点前出发,杰拉尔顿小镇观光,欣赏全澳沈船纪念第一名纪念台-皇家军舰悉尼 II 号纪念台。接着往 著名的龙虾小镇休息,随后到达瑟文特斯(Cervantes)寻找世界上少有的活海洋迭层石,午餐在龙虾屋,享 用半只龙虾套餐。饭后前往西澳著名的旅游景点尖峰石阵,下车欣赏一颗颗造型回异的石灰岩及砂岩柱; 沙漠上形状各异的奇石堪称奇景,闪耀的金黄色石英沙,散布在沙漠中就像黄金,孤独星球上这美丽的景色, 让你流连忘返。晚上回到珀斯市中心,送至机场。

HMAS Sydney II Memorial. For a moving tribute to the sailors who lost their lives on HMAS Sydney II during World War II visit the HMAS Sydney II Memorial in Geraldton. With the long awaited discovery of the HMAS Sydney II on the sea bed off the coast of Shark Bay, a visit to the memorial is even more poignant.

Cervantes. Western Australia's gateway town to the Pinnacles Desert, Cervantes is a laid back fishing town north of Perth. Be sure to take in the lobster fishing industry as you travel through this town.

The Lobster Shack.Take a tour of a live lobster processing plant. A video presentation gives you an insight into this marvellous industry. Follow on through to the factory overhead walkway where you stand directly above 20 tones of live rock lobster. Enjoy the audio guide and travel through at your own pace. We stop for lunch at the Lobster Shack.

Pinnacles Desert. Take a stroll through this eerie desert, amongst the iconic Pinnacles, believed to have been created millions of years ago when seashells were broken down into sand and then eroded by water and wind.

The above itinerary is for reference only, and subject to any necessary changes in accordance to local requirement. 以上行程仅供参考,并根据当地要求进行必要的更改。

Package Include: Hotel, Meal, view as per itinerary, Airport transfer(Local) 配套包括:酒店住宿、餐食、行程列明景点、机场接送(当地) Package Exclude: Travel Insurance, Own Expense, surcharge fuel fee,Tour guide tipping(AU$5/Pax/Day) 配套不包括:旅游保险、个人开销、突发性燃油添加费、导游&司机小费(AU5/Pax/Day)