Spring 2021 HOPE LIVES The Rev’d Chris Epperson, Rector

We have just celebrated Easter, the great feast minister in this time. We sought to provide of the Church that defines who we are as meaningful worship and spiritual support in new Christians. The central point of Easter is that an and creative ways. A church in her fourth century end is never really an end. Jesus being raised is being made new. from the dead means that death is not the end, None of us knows what the future holds for but rather a gateway to new life. Jesus was us. We can only live moment to moment, despite somehow changed in resurrection. Though the our pretense of being able to do more. I humbly disciples didn't always recognize him, he was still suggest we move ahead open to being changed, Jesus. and prepared to minister in each new moment. We know the changes and challenges of this Like the resurrected Jesus, we may not appear life, whether they are personal or, as we have exactly the same, but we are still the Church. seen this year, global. As we begin to emerge The Church is the broken, leaky chalice of God's from isolation, I suspect our lives will not be quite grace. the same. We have been changed through our common experience. I would like to think that a new normal is not a bad thing. REGATHERING AS RESTRICTIONS EASE What have we learned about ourselves Bruton Parish Church continues to be under social distancing in the last year? I have spent more time restrictions that limit the number of persons allowed in the church with family than I ever have. The limitations at any one time. Even as restrictions ease, the relatively small of life meant we slowed down and perhaps, size and seating capacity of the church indicates there will not be a return to fully open attendance for the foreseeable future. recognized what is most important to us. As warmer temperatures return to Williamsburg, Sunday morning For many, the isolation was a services in the churchyard have resumed, time of reassessing priorities. weather permitting. We witnessed countless acts Sunday services, as well as other of compassion. special services and programs conducted inside the church, can be viewed on our Don't hear me trying to YouTube Channel at www.youtube.com/ avoid the heartbreak. We wit- BrutonParish. nessed tremendous loss of If you visited Williamsburg during the life. The old fault lines that lockdown and were unable to tour the separate us were as visible as church, you may want to view some of the always. Don't hear me being videos in which you can see quite a bit of the inside of the church: Chris’ Favorite Pollyanna; I'm saying that loss (which include Balm of GILEAD, Jesus Christ the Apple doesn't have the last word. Bruton has Tree; The National : God of Our Fathers; Waters Cover the worked, albeit imperfectly, to continue to Sea), and A Virtual Tour of the Church.

Visit our YouTube Channel at www.youtube.com/BrutonParish for our services that are being livestreamed. THREE TRIBUTES TO JOCK ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL AT WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/BRUTONPARISH

Please click on the links below for the three Tributes assembled by our Director of Music, Rebecca Davy. Beckie’s written tribute to Jock is contained in the First Tribute. We hope you watch all three!

First Tribute: https://youtu.be/NbCvDes6zYQ Second Tribute: https://youtu.be/_N2gAG89o1A Final Tribute: https://youtu.be/I0gIIDS85QI

A TRIBUTE TO CHOIRMASTER-ORGANIST EMERITUS JAMES S. (JOCK) DARLING Dr. JanEl Will - Organist, Bruton Parish, 1995-present EW USIC FOR A EW RGAN It was with great sorrow we learned of the death of both Mary N M N O Lee and Jock Darling this winter. Among the many tributes to A new CD entitled New Music for a New Organ these amazing lives lived so fully, we add our remembrances has just arrived and is for sale in the Bruton Parish of a beloved mentor and friend here Gift Shop. Be one of the first at Bruton Parish. to enjoy this selection featuring As many know, Jock lived a "tri- our very accomp-lished cornered" musical life as harpsi- organists Beckie Davy and chordist for Colonial Williamsburg, Dr. JanEl Will on the Dobson organ and harpsichord instructor at organ, and bassoonist the College of William & Mary and Suzanne Daniel. What a Choirmaster-Organist at Bruton beautiful addition this will Parish. make to your music library! In the Fall of 1995, fresh from If you are in town, wear graduate studies at the University your Bruton nametag for your of Michigan, Ann Arbor, I had the 10% parishioner discount. honor of joining the music ministry Proceeds from purchases of Bruton Parish following the benefit Mission and Outreach. retirement of Frank Lendrim. I quickly realized what an honor Daily hours in the Gift Shop are 11am to 5pm with it was to join this incredible parish and to work alongside Jock. safe shopping protocols in place. You can also call I watched as he prepared, performed and shared his love for the Gift Shop at 757-220-1489 to order them, and music--all kinds of music! He loved planning services, working they can be mailed to you. with the choirs and performing endless numbers of Candlelight Concerts. He delighted in communicating with the audiences and sharing his passion for music both old and new. Each spring he dedicated himself to the preparation and performance of the annual John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Concert. It was always a particular joy watching the orchestra and singers coming together under Jock's direction. Before each performance the choir knew that Jock would dismiss them and then take a walk in the graveyard prior to taking the podium. We all knew this was a time for him to center on the music which was so deeply embedded in his soul. We will honor Jock in many ways, but mainly by upholding the incredible musical tradition of this parish which he strove for each day of his long tenure. Jock loved making music. He lived a life dedicated to the art and shared that passion with wonderful grace and always with that twinkle in his eye. Dedicated to James (Jock) S. Darling, whom we honor and will always treasure here at Bruton Parish Church. Soli Deo gloria

Bruton Parish Church - 2 - www.brutonparish.org/fobowc FRIENDS DAY 2021: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 Jim Morford, Chair

The Friends Day at Bruton planned for Spring 2020 had to be cancelled due the pandemic lockdown. Gatherings have BOOK REVIEW: been prohibited for more than a year, but in the hope that with wide distribution of anti-COVID vaccines and broaden JESUS AND THE DISINHERITED immunity, life will return to more normal functioning by The Rev’d Lauren McDonald summer and fall of this year. It is with a sense of optimism and In the past year I've had the hope that the Friends of Bruton opportunity to read Jesus and the Committee is moving ahead with Disinherited by Howard Thurman plans to hold the 8th (almost) twice. The first time was for our Annual Friends Day at Bruton on Sacred Ground group. I found the Saturday, September 18! book so powerful that I chose it to The strategy is to stay with the read during Lent with the Women's Theological Book Group. In it, theme established for our cancelled Thurman addresses the question of 2020 Friends Day. The morning what the religion of Jesus has to say program will feature an introduction to people whose backs are against to the newly reopened and expanded the wall, those whom he refers to DeWitt Wallace Decorative Arts as "the poor, the disinherited, the and Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk dispossessed." He begins with a Art Museums. Bruton member Ron chapter on Jesus, examining the Hurst, Vice President for Museums, context in which he lived. Jesus was a poor Jew, part of a minority group Preservation, and Historic Resources under the harsh rule of the Romans and Chief Curator at Colonial who dominated political, economic, Williamsburg Foundation, who headed-up the and social life. museum expansion, will lead off the Thurman spends the next chapters event. Following the initial exploring what he calls the three hounds of presentation, there will be guided hell that oppress those with their backs tours featuring highlights of the 65,000 square- against the wall: fear, deception, and hate. He foot expansion that includes seven new galleries. defines what he means by each, describes how Jesus dealt with them in his context, and discusses how the The Friends Day Luncheon will be held at the Parish poor, the disinherited, and the dispossessed must House with guest speaker Dr. William M. Kelso, Emeritus identify them in their contexts and then root them out Director of Archaeology and Research at Historic in themselves so as not to turn into the very things Jamestowne. Dr. Kelso is expected to reflect on his that oppress them. distinguished career as Director of Archaeology and share Thurman finishes with a chapter on love, examining stories of recent discoveries as well as future plans for the the role of forgiveness for those with their backs against site of the first permanent English settlement in the New the wall and coming to the conclusion that both the World. privileged and the unprivileged have the same work to do to eliminate the hounds of hell within themselves Further details will be announced in the coming months and to recognize the Spirit working in all of us regardless as we draw closer to the September date. Please mark of race, culture, economic status, or any other your calendar now to join with Friends of Bruton to condition. Thurman's book is one to sink into — it goes celebrate Friends Day 2021! deep into the person of Jesus and into the heart of humankind and blesses those willing to take the time to absorb it. ISSUES OF THE BRUTON FOUNT IN THE HERITAGE CENTER

If you are a Friend of Bruton, whether part of our local congregation or you’re in town for a visit, drop by the Heritage Center in the Parish House where there’s a binder that contains every issue of our quarterly newsletter, The Bruton Fount, which began in 2012. If you’d like to take a copy of any issue with you, please ask one of the Shop’s volunteers to ask a staff member in the church office to make you a copy, or we can also electronically send it to your email directly.

Bruton Parish Church - 3 - www.brutonparish.org/fobowc HOW DID WE COME TO CALL HIM “JESUS”? Jim Morford

"There are two hundred and fifty-six of Jesus' life. The name has been discovered carved into many burial caves in Israel and appears associated with at names given in the Bible for the Lord least four characters in the Old Testament. The anglicized Jesus Christ, and I suppose this was pronunciation is Joshua. Since Yeshua was a common name, what then, one might because He was infinitely beyond all ask, was his last name? It was customary at the time to distinguish themselves from others with the same first name that any one name could express." to add either "son of" along with their father's first name, or Evangelist Billy Sunday the community of birth. So, Jesus would likely have been known as Yeshua Bar Yehosef or Yeshua Nasraya - either Have you ever wondered about the origin of the name Jesus? "Jesus, son of Joseph" or "Jesus of Nazareth". From early childhood we learn that Jesus is the Son of God, If the name Yeshua was so common, how did the unique our Lord, the Messiah. "… and his name shall be called name "Jesus" come to be? This is where we run into the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince problems of translation from one language and alphabet to of Peace." Isaiah 9:6 others. But what of the name itself? No matter what the religious The first writings about Jesus did not happen until at belief, the name "Jesus" is recognized virtually everywhere least 40 years after he was crucified. Many scholars believe in the world. However, except in the Hispanic culture, it is that the earliest books of the New Testament were Galatians not generally used as a given name. and First Thessalonians written by Paul around AD 50. By Much study has been devoted to the effort of unraveling this time most who identified as "Christians" spoke Greek, the origin of a name that is not Aramaic and therefore deeply embedded in our these early texts were written culture but with little in Greek. common understanding of One of the more obvious how it came to be. reasons that "Jesus" was not Many factors and the name by which he was influences come into play known to his contemporaries when trying to get to the is that there was no "J" in the root of the name "Jesus". Greek alphabet. In fact, "J" First there is linguistics, the was unknown in any alphabet study of the nature, struc- until the 14th century. With ture, and variation of the invention of the printing language, including pho- press, the letter "J" was netics, phonology, morph- developed to distinguish it ology, syntax, semantics, from the letter "I" which when sociolinguistics, and prag- used as an initial letter had matics. Add to that the the sound of "Y" as in year. intentions of those who In general the path from sought to give special meaning to the name, and you come Hebrew/Aramaic to contemporary English is by way of a up with a tangled web leading to differing conclusions. form of Greek to a form of Latin to a form of English. I am neither a linguist nor a theologian. I'm merely a The Latin abbreviation INRI can be traced back to the curious Christian who has done some basic investigation to sign Pilate ordered nailed to the cross of Jesus. (See John try to find what I thought would be a simple answer. 19:19-20) In Latin, the phrase "Jesus of Nazareth, King of Perhaps a good place to begin is to try to discern what the Jews" would have been translated "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Jesus' family and friends may have called him. Iudaeorum." The first letter of each word creating the Jesus' family, acquaintances, and followers were all abbreviation INRI. Jewish and would therefore have had Hebrew names. They In the third century, Christians shortened the name of would have spoken Aramaic, a Semitic language originally Christ by only writing the first three letters of his name in spoken by the ancient Middle Eastern people known as Greek - IHΣΟΥΣ (Jesus). With the Greek letter sigma written Aramaeans. It was most closely related to the Hebrew, in the Latin alphabet as an "S", the resulting monogram is Syriac, and Phoenician languages. The "J" sound we use to commonly represented as IHS. pronounce Jesus' name does not exist in Hebrew or Aramaic, Whether the name be Yeshua, Yeshua Bar Yehosef, suggesting that Jesus was called something different by his Yeshua Nasraya, Joshua or Jesus - All Hail the Power of His contemporaries. Name. Today scholars generally agree that Christ's name was actually "Yeshua" a fairly common Jewish name at the time

Bruton Parish Church - 4 - www.brutonparish.org/fobowc BRUTON PARISH GIFT SHOP Diane Koun, Shop Manager

These indeed have been challenging times. After reading an article recently, I was reflecting on time. To quote, "We don't get to decide the times, but we are free in the midst of times to decide daily what to do with the time given to us." This article pointed out that time is a gift freely given, and every day is a fresh choice. I decided that there is no better time than right now to show our gratitude for the many shop volunteers who share with us their time and talents. They make it possible for us to make yearly donations to Mission & Outreach. They welcome our visitors and act as ambassadors for Williamsburg. Our volunteers come to us with varied and interesting life experiences. They are joyful and positive, making each day in the shop a very special place to be. How lucky we are. So “thank you” to each and every person who, throughout the years, has contributed to the shop's success. We continue your legacy. What's new in the shop? We have two very special If you live in Williamsburg or a surrounding area, please Bruton additions, a new CD entitled New Music for a New stop in often. We have new merchandise arriving weekly. Organ and a new book, The Bruton Parish Story, which If you live a distance from us, we hope you will be able to has been very well-received. The new CD joins another CD visit soon. We would love to meet you. that was recorded at the inaugural concert of the Dobson To take a virtual tour of our Gift Shop, please visit our organ in which Gordon Stewart presented beautiful music a YouTube Channel at www.youtube.com/BrutonParish. year and a half ago. Please contact the shop — by email at There are two videos of Shop Manager Diane Koun giving a [email protected] or by calling 757-220-1489 — tour of the Gift Shop and its Annex. If you see anything if you are interested in ordering any of these selections. you’d like, give us a call! What are our top selling items? Our spiritual books and readings will comfort you and guide you in placid times and in times of trouble and unrest. PRAYERS FOR OUR FRIENDS April showers bring May flowers and our two versions of umbrellas, both the folding travel and the reversible Amazing and wonderful things can occur when we keep stick umbrella are big favorites. our fragile lives wrapped in prayer. Whether it is the Lord's Prayer or the early sixth century Jesus Prayer (Lord Jesus Beautiful notecards and meaningful greeting cards Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me.), or a myriad of are always popular. The notecards are designed by a local other possible prayers, each one brings a benefit and a artist with her beautiful horticultural creations ready for you sense of blessing and calm. It can be as simple as, Lord, to pen your own inscription to lend cheer and encourage- have mercy! ment. Childrens' gifts and books are always in demand. A Prayer of Unknowing We love our child's first bible, perfect for a baby gift or a My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not little one's birthday. see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain We always receive compliments on our selection of where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the jewelry which includes crosses, bracelets with spiritual fact that I think I am following Your will does not mean sayings, fashion pieces and special items to honor Mom. that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire And, best of all, customers appreciate our reasonable prices. to please You does in fact please you. And I hope I have Gifts for special occasions and celebrations are that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never carefully selected by our buyers. It has been a long time do anything apart from that desire. And I know that, if I since we have been able to gather. The thought of being do this, You will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it. Therefore I will trust You always together once again sustains us and gives us hope. One though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death, day, we hope very soon, we will be able to celebrate I will not fear, for You are ever with me, and You will baptisms, weddings, and other celebrations of life's special never leave me to face my perils alone. Amen. moments. We are ready for you with the perfect gift! Thomas Merton At 12:01 a.m. each day, we receive a gift of over 85,000 seconds which retire at 11:59 p.m. that night. How are you If you need prayers, please send an email to spending your gift of time? Would you like to join us in the [email protected]. Our clergy and local Daughters shop? We always welcome new volunteers. I wish each of of the King will be glad to pray for you or your need for you meaningful time in your days bringing joy to your life three weeks. and the life of others.

Bruton Parish Church - 5 - www.brutonparish.org/fobowc THE HYMNS WE SING: ALL HAIL THE POWER OF JESUS’ NAME Jim Morford

The "hymn" was written originally by Edward Perronet as a comfort us as found in Hebrews 2:18, "Because he himself poem in eight verses. The first verse was first published suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who anonymously in November of 1779 in the UK's The Gospel are being tempted." From Revelations 19:12 we find the Magazine with the title "On the Resurrection, the Lord is words, "and on his head are many crowns". King". All eight verses appeared in the Perronet's legacy lives on as April 1780 issue accompanied by an Christian communities throughout the acrostic poem that spelled the name world continue to sing what is said by Edward Perronet. many to be the "National Anthem of Perronet was born in England in Christianity". He is buried in Canterbury 1726, the grandson of a French Cathedral, Kent, England. Huguenot immigrant. His father, Vincent, was an Anglican priest and a close friend Sources for this article include of John and . Edward, churchchoirmusic.com, ordained as a priest, planned to follow believersportal.com, and wikipedia.org his father into Anglican ministry. However, the influence of the Wesleys prevailed, and he became a traveling CORNERSTONE CIRCLE Methodist preacher. The story is told that, though RENEWALS considered a capable preacher, Perronet If you have not already done so, be was reluctant to do so in front of John sure to renew your membership in the Wesley, despite Wesley's persistent Cornerstone Circle. Cornerstone urging. After wearying of his requests, members help to fund Friends of Wesley simply announced one day that Bruton projects such as the Oral Brother Perronet would speak. Edward History project recently initiated. It’s managed to escape Wesley's intention easy to make your tax deductible donation. Please by mounting the pulpit, declaring he would deliver the visit bit.ly/bpconlinegiving and choose FOB- greatest ever preached, and proceeding to read Cornerstone Member under Select Fund. Christ's "Sermon on the Mount"; after which, he immediately If you wish to become a first-time member, sat down. with your initial contribution of at least $100, you will Edward eventually left the Methodist movement and receive a Bruton Parish Weathervane lapel pin. settled with a dissenting congregation, which he served as The weathervane is the symbol of pastor until his death in 1792. Friends of Bruton and is This hymn was originally sung to the tune "Miles Lane," proudly worn by written by a friend of Edward, William Shrubsole. Just a few Cornerstone Circle years after its release, Oliver Holden composed an alternate members to show tune for it, "Coronation," which is the melody most familiar their support for the to us in North America. One other melody, popular in mission of Our World- Australia and with choirs, is "Diadem." wide Congregation to Perronet relied on the scriptures for the powerful words preserve and promote of the lyric. The first line, "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name", the spiritual and historic is a good place to start. Acts 4:12 declares "Salvation is heritage of Bruton found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven Parish. given to mankind by which we must be saved." To make your donation by Perronet's assertion of the power of Jesus name is check, please make it payable to confirmed in other biblical passages such as in I Timothy Bruton Parish Church and include Cornerstone Circle 2:5 proclaiming Jesus' power to advocate for us, "For there in the memo, and mail it to the church office (P.O. Box is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, 3520, Williamsburg, VA 23187-3520). the man Christ Jesus." There is power in Jesus' name to

Bruton Parish Church - 6 - www.brutonparish.org/fobowc GIVING TO BRUTON PARISH CHURCH

Marty Easton, Development Director

Articles and images of the pandemic have dominated the news for over a year now, a daily accounting of its effects far and wide. From medicine to business to human interest, A NEW it seems no part of life has been untouched. One story I read with interest discussed how isolation was causing people WAY to accomplish more in their own homes or neighborhoods. Rather than leave home, many of us have become TO comfortable with technology to order our staples, stay in TEXT touch, and pass the time. At Bruton Parish, we have come to rely on Zoom both GIVE BRUTON for committee meetings and social hours. One parishioner TO describes weekly Zoom calls with her children as something she never imagined she'd be doing. We continue with live- 73256 stream of Sunday services, recording of hymns and musical performances, monthly Choral Evensong and evening Compline. As of March 14, we now set up an outdoor service for 200 each Sunday morning. The use of technology helps us to see and hear and "be church" very well, for people who thrive on togetherness!

A few of the comments we've received:

All those involved have stepped up so quickly and faithfully to offer wonderful worship experiences.

The 9:00 outdoor service is such an inspiration.

This church and its people were so kind and welcoming to me and my mother on our local visit. I'm sending SERVICES & this donation to be a small help in return. We definitely AND MUCH MORE ON THE WEB hope to come back some day!

Will you help us carry on in these new ways by Click the link below to revisit the most recent sermon considering an online gift? Every Friend of Bruton is part of given by The Rev’d Lauren McDonald on The Second our larger community of faith, joining with others of varied Sunday of Easter, April 11, 2021. Each Sunday, places, ages and stages of life. We appreciate your support, our 11am service is being live-streamed via our and wish to make you aware of another means of giving: YouTube Channel for the members of our community Bruton Parish has a brokerage account for receiving gifts of appreciated securities. By making a gift of stock — both local and worldwide — who are not physically directly, you could avoid capital gains tax and may claim a present or for those who would like to revisit a charitable income tax deduction for the current fair market particular service/sermon. value. For more information, please contact Marty Easton, We keep a few months’ worth of sermons and Development Director at [email protected] or services — along with other videos of parish life — phone (757-345-2256). As we move toward full regathering, our clergy lead the which can be viewed on our at www.youtube.com/ way in stressing patience! We need it during this gradual BrutonParish. process. Following the guidelines, we wait for each part of Become a subscriber today! our usual operation to resume when possible. For now, we are grateful for what we have and hope for.

Bruton Parish Church - 7 - www.brutonparish.org/fobowc THE REV’D CHARLIE BAUER: FROM CANTERBURIAN TO PRIEST AT BRUTON PARISH CHURCH The Rev’d Charlie Bauer

When I was exploring which There's that word again, formation. My role here at seminary to attend, I inter- Bruton covers the spectrum of formation of all ages, from viewed with one seminary dean children and youth, to serving as the Canterbury chaplain who asked me why I was to the Episcopal Church at William & Mary, through adult interested in his school. As part programming. And that's a key part of what formation is — of my answer, I reflected that I a lifelong process of being formed to best use our God- believed this particular seminary given gifts, and ever inching closer to being as Christ-like was adept at the formation of as we can. And just as God calls to us in different ways priests. The dean responded by throughout our lives yet is constant in love and presence, asking me, "What is Christian our need to be formed in our faith never falters even though Formation?" our approaches to formation change as we age. I am The first thought into my head was, "You're a seminary honored to oversee the entirety of our lifelong formation in dean, shouldn't you tell me what formation is?" But his point this faithful place. was valid — "formation" is one of those church buzzwords So, as we each endeavor to engage in this lifelong we throw around with a bit too much ease without stopping journey of answering God's call to live a holy life, what to think about what it really means. Formation is not quite does it mean to be the Associate Rector for Christian the same as education, though we might use those words Formation? I don't believe it means I have all of the answers; interchangeably. far from it. But I hope it means I can help us to ask the Formation is not simply the things we learn over right questions as together we delve into the beautiful time, but also the people and places that shape us into who mysteries of our faith. And that's where you, the Friends of we are. Bruton Parish has been just such a place in my life — as a college student at William & Mary, I was formed for years by the Canterbury campus ministry, allowing me oppor- tunities to engage in church leadership all while asking the tough questions in a safe environment. After graduating, I served on the Bruton vestry and learned close up just how churches operate; I was married to my wife Kelly in the church; and entered into the process of discerning a call to ordained ministry, all right here at Bruton Parish. Since leaving Bruton as a parishioner nearly eight years ago, I attended the General Theological Seminary in New York City, served as the curate at Hickory Neck Episcopal Bruton, come in — What about your faith makes you wonder? Church just down the road in Toano, and Kelly and I became What gifts do you have to share with the community? the proud parents of two wonderful young daughters. And I welcome hearing from you ([email protected]), now I have returned to this place that continues to shape and I hold each of you in prayer as you are continually me as a follower of Jesus Christ, serving Bruton Parish as formed as one of God's beloved. the Associate Rector for Christian Formation.

Bruton Parish Church - 8 - www.brutonparish.org/fobowc Friends of Bruton Resource Associates Friends of Bruton Committee

The Rev’d Christopher L. Epperson, Rector The Ven. Jan Brown, Deacon, Bruton Parish

Bill Armbruster, Guide, Cornerstone Circle Colin Campbell, Former President & CEO Member, Bruton Member Colonial Williamsburg Foundation (Emeritus) Donald Bogus, Charter Member, Cornerstone Jo Anne Coy, Charter & Cornerstone Circle Member Circle Member, Bruton Member

Rebecca Davy, Bruton Music Director & Organist Isabel Burch, Cornerstone Circle Member, Bruton Member Marty Easton, Bruton Development Director, Cornerstone Circle Member, Bruton Member Lynn Clark, Cornerstone Circle Member, Bruton Member Channing Hall III, Cornerstone Circle Member, Anne Conkling, Cornerstone Circle Member, Attorney, Bruton Member The Bruton Fount Editor, Bruton Member, Guide Trainer

Marcia Hibbitts, Bruton Guide, Cornerstone Circle Member, Hilary Cooley, Bruton Bruton Member Communications Director

Valarie Holmes, Colonial Williamsburg Steve Hibbitts, Treasurer, Cornerstone Interpreter Circle Member, Bruton Member

Dr. James Horn, President Steve Holm, Cornerstone Circle Member, Jamestown Rediscovery Bruton Member

William O. Kafes, Cornerstone Circle Member, Dr. William Kelso, Director of Research Bruton Member Jamestown Rediscovery (Emeritus) James C. Morford, Committee Chair, Virginia Lee, Daughters of the American Revolution, Charter Member, Cornerstone Circle Bruton Member Member, Bruton Member

Albert Louer, Charter Member, Cornerstone Circle Joan Poland, Bruton Member Member, Bruton Member John (Griff) Steel, Bruton Member Dr. Carl Lounsbury, Senior Architectural Historian Colonial Williamsburg Foundation (Emeritus) Dick Hodgson & Colly Burgwyn, Vestry Liaisons, Bruton Members

The Rev’d Lauren McDonald, Associate Rector Bruton Parish Church Outreach & Women’s Ministry, Bruton Parish Church The Most Rev’d Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop The Hon. T. Montgomery “Monty” Mason Senate of Virginia The Rt. Rev’d Susan Bunton Haynes, Bishop Diocese of Southern Virginia Joe Poole, III, Director of Special Gifts Colonial Williamsburg The Rev’d Christopher L. Epperson, Rector

W. Taylor Reveley, III, Former President The Rev’d Lauren M. McDonald, Associate Rector - Outreach & Women’s Ministries The College of William & Mary

The Rev’d Charles H. Bauer, Associate Rector Susan Riggs (Retired), Special Collections Assistant Christian Formation William & Mary Libraries, Swem Special Collections The Ven. Jan Brown, Deacon Scott M. Spence, Architect, Bruton Member Bruton Parish Church, P.O. Box 3520 Williamsburg, VA 23187-3520 Joseph L. Spruill, Sons of the American Phone: 757-229-2891 Revolution, Bruton Member Fax: 757-221-0290 Email: [email protected]