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The BG News March 12, 1997

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"Serving the Bowling Green community for over 75years" # University examines new logo routes Fellows addresses Ribeau says he design, he said he would like to new logomark. Instead of just pus thinks about all of this logo mental influence slow the process down and allow choosing which of the two logo- stuff." would like to all students, faculty, staff and marks to use, the committee and Ribeau explained that students will be able to be involved in the with what you are feeling," he alumni to get involved. the University will have the op- Illusionist said slow down The committee charged with tion of looking into other options. process of developing the logos if the decision is made to continue emphasizes Katie Keane, who is a mem- working on the logomark propos- Those options could include ber of Boosting Alcohol Con- selection process dropping the project, looking at looking into them. He said they als are currently in the process sciousness Concerning the of reviewing responses from the more examples, opening up the should have been involved ori- need for ginally. Health of University Students ByDARLAWARNOCK campus community. The next process to more people or choos- self-control (BACCHUS), the organization The BG News step in their process is to present ing one of the proposed logos, He said he suspects the infor- mation he will receive will lead responsible for bringing Fel- their findings to Ribeau and his Ribeau said. By ANDREA VITANZA lows to the University, said There's a long way to go before cabinet. "I'll look at it and say 'OK, him to make a recommendation towards looking at more possibi- The BC News she believed Fellows' visit was the University obtains a new lo- This is where the changes will what are the options,'" Ribeau an Important one. gomark. If ever. come into play. said. "I like to hear what people lities for a new logomark. Personally. Ribeau said he University students left "I believe he took a unique After University President After review, Ribeau will make have to say because that it how Olscamp Hall Monday night a approach to a responsible you get the best ideas. I'm really Sidney Ribeau recently suspend- a decision on where to go next little less skeptical and a little drinking message which is ed the deadline for the graphic with the process of developing a concerned about what the cam- • See LOGO, page three. more educated after attending definitely an issue on cam- a program that featured Inter- pus," she said. "I feel the nationally recognized magi- majority of students tend to Group talks cian and illusionist Bob Fel- tune out' programs that deal High Maintenance lows. with alcohol." about coping Fellows' concern was to As for his relationship with show students how strong the the audience and how effec- with anxiety power of suggestion and ma- tively he was able to keep nipulation can be. their attention, Keane said the By JENNIFER SCHAB "Sometimes we believe we program was very "eye- are making free choices in The BCNews catching". life, but are really being ma- "He left messages people Dr. Elaine Bruckner, clinical nipulated," he said. wont forget,"she said. psychologist and director of the Fellows attempted to dis- Stacy Lenartowicz, a senior Anxiety and Depression Treat- courage students from taking special education major, ment at Comprehensive the easy route and allowing shared some of Keane's views Psych Services, is organizing a others to influence their be- and said she thought students Panic and Anxiety Disorder Sup- havior. Instead, he encour- may have been skeptical of port Group in Bowling Green. aged them to think for them- Fellows and his message at The Support Group will meet selves and begin to take first, but "walked away as be- on the second Wednesday of the charge of their lives. He sug- lievers". month at 7 p.m. at Wood County gested that people not "place Fellows stressed the point Hospital in the Guild Room. The authority on others so quick- that it does not matter how in- first meeting will be held tonight. ly". telligent a person may be, they Fellows said "so much of are still susceptible to being There is no fee for the group. health depends on things we manipulated and need to be Each year, more than 28 mil- can be in control of," and extra careful of some situa- lion Americans suffer from an based much of his program on tions. anxiety disorder. this issue. "It is funny to think that the "Anxiety is a mental health He also said he hopes his smarter the person, the easier problem that can interfere with message of having a positive they are to fool," he said life and make it difficult to enjoy self-attitude will be applied to "Since they are so smart, they don't understand why things," Bruckner said. making responsible decisions when it comes to whether or someone would want to trick Typical anxiety symptoms are not to use drugs or alcohol, them." panic attacks, excessive worry- which he said are two common What does Fellows hope his audience extracted from his ing, feeling keyed up or restless, Issues that play a pivotal role obsessions or compulsions, in the everyday lives of a col- program? "I hope that students realize muscle tension, unexplained lege student. Fellows spoke of two things: First, that things heart palpitations, discomfort in "making sure choices are your may not always be as impossi- social situations, problems with own" when reflecting upon ble as you think; and secondly, concentration and sleeplessness. one's decision of whether or not to be tempted by or re- I want students to see that Anxiety disorders include sistent to the usage of drugs with patience and controlled panic disorder, which is the most and alcohol. actions, you can get through common and causes a person to He warned students about anything you may be face with experience extreme fear, agora- succumbing to peer pressure throughout life," he said. phobia, generalized anxiety dis- and told them not to be fooled Fellows concluded his pre- order, obsessive compulsive dis- or fall under the pressure of sentation by performing an order, specific phobias and social trying or doing something one escape routine made famous phobia does not agree with. by the late Harry Houdini, Many individuals suffering "Sometimes it is difficult to which required 100 feet of from anxiety disorders find that say 'no' to something when rope. Calling upon members of talking to someone with similar friends and others you trust the audience. Fellows was problems can be very helpful. may already be doing them," tightly tied and bound to a Many people feel as if they are he said chair with the rope and prom- the only ones suffering from this Fellows suggests going with ised anxious viewers he would problem. your "gut feeling". be able to escape in half the "If you are really feeling as time it took volunteers to ac- "If people are suffering from BG NIWI PkMa by D*U( Khrtnoviky if you are being pressured into tually do the tying. Did he do these disorders, I want them to Dan Woest, a six-year veteran with the Bowling Green Fire Department, and Bill Moorman, a three- something you dont want to it? Well, let's just say the au- know they have some place to year veteran, work high above doing weekly maintenance on a fire truck Tuesday. do, your body will know. Go dience was not disappointed. go," Bruckner said. The goal of the group Is to pro- vide Individuals with a place to exchange information about available therapies, medications Legislators debate spending of surplus revenue and dealing with family and friends who do not fully under- The House Finance Committee months ago. schools. stand their problems due to anxi- Budget may entail cancelled Tuesday's hearing ■Cenlral State Officials worry It now stands at $286 million, Davidson said no decision has ety. after it became clear that a sub- about their fate. Story on page according to the state budget of- yet been made on what to do with money for flood stitute budget bill would not be three. fice. The nonpartlsan Legislative the extra money. Getting support from others victims, schools ready. Budget Office says the amount Is House Finance Committee with similar problems often House Speaker Jo Ann Da- closer to $453 million. Chairman Tom Johnson, R-New gives people added motivation to The Associated Press vidson, R-Reynoldsburg, said a makers got a closer look at the That set up a showdown be- Concord, said the debate would get control over their own symp- number of issues contributed to latest revenue and spending tween legislators who want to re- not keep the House from voting toms, Bruckner said. COLUMBUS -- The state's pro- the delay. projections. turn as much money as possible on the budget bill next week as posed two-year budget hit a not- Asked whether the House This year, better-than- to taxpayers and those who see a planned Work on the bill must be "This group is not considered a unexpected snag in the Ohio would continue its tradition of expected tax collections and potential source of funding for completed before the current therapy and Is not a replacement House Tuesday as lawmakers finding more money for primary lower-than-expected spending schools, flood relief victims and budget year ends June 30. for Individual or group therapy," debated behind closed doors and secondary schools than In- has increased the amount of other pet projects. One, from Likely left for a later date is Bruckner said. whether they could find more cluded in Gov. George Voino- money in a surplus pool created Rep. Mike Fox, R Hamilton, money for Central State. Da- money for schools and flood vic- vich's $36.1 billion budget pro- by the Legislature in the last would create a voucher program vidson said the House would "I hope the group will be suc- tims and what to do regarding the posal, she said: "I suspect it will." budget go-round. The pool, set up like the one in Cleveland that probably set aside the money in cessful. There seems like there is future of Central State Universi- As in past budget cycles, the as a tax-cut mcchanLrm, was es- would allow Youngstown parents an escrow account controlled by a need for It," Bruckner said. ty. legislation bogged down as law- timated at $68.5 million seven to send their children to private the state Controlling Board. I 1

••■---"" page two The BG News Wednesday, March 12,1997

Mike Wendling Opinion Editor Opinion 372-6966

NATALIE MILLER H E A death, and time to think of life

Everything you do it comes back to It's these kind of things that know what they will do. I spend a Life Is a precious thing, and it's you. And when the day is done make me laugh, and remind me lot of time trying not to say the amazing how we don't realize what you receive Is the sum of of our humanness. Rick could wrong thing or be Insensitive. that Just coming In contact with what you took out from what you always make me laugh with his Death Is something we don't someone Is meaningful. put In. We have no fear of death antics. The tragedy is not that think of often until It touches us. Check out the quote at the and no fear of life. I can't forget you death came suddenly, or at a And then Its all we can think top. What you do will come back and our version of paradise. young age, but that It leaves a about, I talked to Rick's close to you. Rick made a difference -•Paradise: 311 hole where a human being friends, and here's what they to his friends, and It's obvious belonged. wanted to express. They said he that what he did with his life I believe everyone has a spent much of his time doing will not be forgotten. He thought NEWS Rick Machol lived downstairs reason to be here, and a place things for other people and they there were more Important from me, and he died In a car to fit into. It's hard to believe admired his happy, laid-back things in life than class, but "Serving the Bowling accident last Friday. that when someone is abruptly attitude. Brian Wehrkamp and nothing greater than people he This sentence doesn't even tipped from their position that Mike Linn said. "He had a 5-year- cared about. "Rick Green community for begin to reveal who he was or the the hollow they leave can ever old heart, in the biggest body It's amazing that someone so effect that his life had on those heal or be filled. I'm not saying you've ever seen." They also said alive is gone. Machol lived over 75 years" who knew him. The story that ran that It can be. "Anyone who knew Rick knew his As you can see. I have no downstairs In the paper Monday only tells the My roommate. Kelly, brought smile...and his laugh." Matt conclusion about why this from me, and 210 West Hall story about Rick's death. To sum up a good point: Everyone Mortensen said, "The most Impor- happened. But I do know that Bowling Green State University up anyone's life would take comes Into your life for a tant thing was that he was always no amount of words can de- he died in a Bowling Green, OH volumes. purpose. It might be something happy. II anything got him down, it scribe Rick's life. It's very hard car accident 43403 There Is no way not to be significant or small. She said was over quickly." to understand this crazy world, last Friday. affected by someone. Even though that talking to Rick about New His friends also told me about where senseless things like this bgne ws@ bgnet .bgsu .edu I wasn't as close to Rick as some York (Long Island, where they his fascination with movies. I know happen. I guess that I don't This sen- (419) 372-2601 others. I knew him well enough to were both from) reminded her of he'd get a kick out of his favorite have any more answers than tence doesn't like him. He was a fun. caring, her childhood and her roots. He movie line quote: "I am the law," anybody else. It really strikes even begin to good guy. made her remember where they from "Judge Dreddl' which he me because It hits close to Editorial Board 372-6966 Everyone saw different facets of grew up. and that's something found hilarious. home. reveal who him. and shares different memo- he could do that others It Is so much more Important to Rick will be lovingly remem- he was or the Scon Brown ries. Rick used to tell me that he couldn't. It's hard to believe that remember what people added to bered by those who knew him. A Editor Uked my column because It gave someone's purpose could be our lives rather than that they memorial service will be held In effect that his done so soon. aren't with us anymore. It's the Kohl Hall tonight at 9:30 in the Darla Wamock him something to read In the life had on Vince Guerrieri bathroom. Once, Rick got locked Death affects many people, loss of those beautiful moments first floor lounge. those who Managing Editor Chief Reporter out of his room while In the but they all choose to handle It and the essence of them that Is the shower, and I have a vivid memory differently. Some want to talk, tragedy. Natalie Miller Is a weekly knew him." Amy Johnson Mike Wendling of him wandering the halls In others want to be alone or Just I think about how much faith columnist for The News. Ques- Assistant Opinion Editor desperation because he had a reflect. It's very hard with we put In other people being there. tions and comments can be sent Managing Editor class to go to and the desk was everyone's different personal We never suspect that they might to 210 West Hall or annemU® Brandon Wray closed. and religious backgrounds to be taken from us any time soon. Penny Brown Entertainment Copy Chief Editor Hideki Kobayashi Blake Parkins # Photo Editor Sports Editor &G50 Present -SfcAney R'i«a*e ***** Copy Staff 372-2604 Bosnia Kristen Sherlock. Assistant Copy Chief Lauren Flynn Damion Heintschel Darren Liderbach Beth Kerby Olivia Inkrott Kerri Killion Kelly Von Glahn Elizabeth Reiter

Reporting Staff 372-2604 Sarah Bednarski Jack Buchrer Maureen Barry Tanya Markul Jennifer Schab

Art Staff 372-6966 Doug Khrenovsky. Assistant Photo Editor Jeremy Martin Amy Van Horn Gina Fleming

Sports Staff 372-2602 Jim Tocco, Assistant Sports Editor Jason McMahon William Sanderson

Production Staff 372-8296 Jennifer Apt Andy Cantrell Jen Caspcrson Brian Gallatin Chad Gamby Jeff Gay ton Stacy Hubert Maggie Kushlak Cathy Raidl Greg Schwitzgabel Tiffany Wendeln Jessica Wherry Carla Zvosec SPECIAL GUEST COLUMNIST

Advertising Staff 372-2605 Brian Beleski Melissa Binkley Christy Hagerman Alison Polley One year after a Scotland tragedy Lori Patton Jim Vassal lo March 13.1996 Is a day that will as "a series of pops." Minutes souls of those killed rest In peace.' was also considered a role Letters to the Editor never be forgotten In Dunblane. later. Hamilton took one of the Queen Elizabeth II and Princess model to many of his students' "March Scotland, a scenic town of 10.000 four guns he had brought to the Anne visited many of the victim's parents. Nevertheless. Hamilton 13,1996 is a H you would like lo submit a Letter to the people about forty minutes from school, put the barrel In his families, as well as the wounded acquired a bad reputation. A Editor, please follow ihese guidelines: children at the hospital. former friend of his said "He day that will Glasgow and Edinburgh. On that mouth and killed himself. I ■ Make sure the letter is 500 words or tarn. day. 16 children and their teacher The people of Dunblane soon As difficult as healing believed that there was a huge never be Please include your address, major, aca- were shot to death, while 12 other began the desolate task of Dunblane's wounds is. so Is conspiracy against him." forgotten in demic class and phone number (phone children were wounded. In one burying their children. Through- making sense out of Hamilton's What's more, he never gave —I Iilrll] fill "*—" ' class, only one boy, Robbie Hurst. out all the services, the muted tragic life and motives. He was any indication of what he was Dunblane, not for publication). 5. was able to escape unharmed— crying never ceased. It was an born out of wedlock, and although about to do. On the morning of Scotland.... • Letters must be typed, and not handwrit- Isolated and awkward, he seemed the murders, an elderly neigh- ten. Letters brought In saved oa ■ by hiding under the body of his eerie, unforgettable sound- On that day, Maclatosh-compatlble disk arc pre- best friend. Kevin Hasell. also 5. hundreds of hearts breaking. "1 well-adjusted. As a young man, bor, Kathleen Kerr. saw ferred. Thirteen young survivors of don't think it will ever be Hamilton became an avid Boy Hamilton leaving his flat looking 16 children • Bring the letter to Room 210 West Hal, teacher Gwenne Mayor's class possible to put Into words Scout leader, but was dismissed In virtually untroubled. He even and their or e-mail oa at most likely felt completely secure precisely what the people of 1974 after allowing a group of gave her a cheery wave. Now all teacher were Be prepared to show valid IdenthVadon. when they entered the school yard Dunblane had to deal with." Scouts to get wet and cold during we have left to do is mourn the • Space limitations may prevent The BG murders and wonder what News from printing all letters received. that fateful March day. But on that said British Prime Minister a camping trip. shot to death, The BC, News reserves the right to edit drizzly Wednesday morning. John Major. Over the next twenty or so caused a man do such a hor- while 12 an; and all letters. Thomas Watt Hamilton. 43. burst To help them in the days years. Hamilton tried to start many rible thing. And yet, even into their classroom and started after the shooting, a personal boys' clubs in several Scotland though we wonder, we truly will other children | shooting at everyone he saw. social worker was assigned to towns. Hamilton was investigated never know. were Copyright C 1997. The BG News. Bowling So today, as you go through Grrrn. Ohio. Reprinting of any material in this Mrs. Mayor was shot first while the family of each murder many times for allegedly photo- wounded." publication without the permission ofTheBG News trying to shield her students from victim. A telephone hotline and graphing boys bare-chested, and your dally routine. I would ask is strictly prohibited. their Intruder. He then shot the social-service center were also later for fondling and bullying each of you to stop what you are The BG News is an independent publication children who were sitting in a play set up In the town to give the them. However, the police said that doing, if only for a moment, and founded in 1920 and is published daily during the people the opportunity to his actions stopped short of any say a prayer for those 17 people academic year and weekly during the summer se- circle. He chased down the rest, shooting many in the head as they discuss the tragedy. indictable offense. who lost their lives so prema- mester. turely, and pray that it never Opinions expressed in columns and letters to ran away from him, before taking Many people from all parts of After the massacre, many the editor are not necessarily those of the student his own life. the world sent their sympathy people demanded to know why happens again. body, faculty. University administration or The BG One of the last students to see out to Dunblane. A note from Hamilton would have qualified for Kathleen Carter is a BGSU News. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of the Hamilton alive was Steven Hopper. Sarajevo. Bosnia, an area that a gun permit, which is hard to student Questions and com- Spring 1997 BG News staff. has its fair share of victims, said obtain in Scotland. But the fact ments can be sent to The BG News encourages its readers to notify 11, who was sitting in a nearby classroom when the shooting "Our hearts and thoughts are remained that he had never been or 210 the paper of any errors in stories or photograph charged with a crime before. He West Halt descriptions. started. He described the shooting with you at this time. May the

X Wednesday, March 12. 1997 The BG News page three Gunman kills three in Detroit bank robbery

McKinnon said. "He recited it Police then fired about 200 bul- Thief dies in police with them as he was shooting. lets at the gunman, said the "It appears as if we have a per- owner of a nearby car repair gunfire after son who walked in to kill," shop, who spoke on condition of shooting spree McKinnon said. "He walked into anonymity. "As soon as he shot the bank and was killing." the hostage, they just opened fire The identity of the gunman was and blew him away," the witness The Associated Press not immediately released. He said. appeared to be in his mid-to-late Among the dead were Stanley DETROIT -- Reciting the 20s and was dressed in a gray- R. Pijanowski III, 52, assistant Lord's Prayer as he moved and-white camouflage jacket and vice president and branch man- among his victims, a gunman in hat, police said. He wielded what ager, and James L. Isom, 25, re- camouflage killed three people at witnesses said was a shotgun. tail services representative. Lisa a bank Tuesday before dying in a The rampage began when he Griffin, a 38-year-old assistant barrage of police gunfire. shot the dog-walker. Then the branch manager, was hospital- The dead included two em- gunman carjacked a Volvo and ized in fair condition. The dog- ployees at the Comerica bank drove to the bank, situated on a walker, a 23-year-old man whose branch and a man who was taken commercial strip surrounded by name was not immediately hostage as the gunman was leav- a residential neighborhood, released, was in serious condi- ing. The gunman wounded two police said. Once inside, he start- tion people: A man who was apparent- ed firing. Tom Fisher, a senior vice ly walking his dog two blocks "You could hear through the president for Comerica, said he away and a bank employee. glass. He was yelling loud, 'Get couldn't think of how the ram- It was the second deadly big- down!'" said Belinda Crawford, page might have been prevented. city shootout at a bank in 11 days. who was approaching the cash "We spent over $2.5 million Police initially described the machine and saw a man inside over the last couple of years just shootings as an attempted rob- wielding a shotgun. on increasing security measures bery but later said the gunman's As the gunman left the bank, he in our branches," Fisher said. "In motive was unclear. grabbed a man who was getting the sense where we're dealing "At some point the guy did say, out of car, apparently to go to the with a deranged gunman, I'm just The AtMclate4 Preta 'Where's the money?' forced cash machine. Police said they not sure there's anything any of Detroit police officers look over the body of the man who opened fire in a Detroit bank Tuesday. The people to lie on the floor and tried to talk the gunman into us can do to totally protect our- man killed three people and wounded one other before he was killed in a shootout with police. asked them to recite the Lord's releasing his hostage, but he shot selves in that kind of circum- Prayer," Police Chief Isaiah him to death. stance." LOGO Continued from page one. Judge to hear evidence on doesn't like either of the current choices. Charles Middleton, University new Sheppard DNA findings provost and vice president of academic affairs, said the diffi- City Blotter Pretrial hearing for an award of $25,000 for each culty comes in trying to find of the 10 years his father was in something that unequivocally "It definitely is going prison, plus compensation for fi- stands for the University. scheduled for nancial losses. to be a full-blown "This community has to say early May A very pregnant cat was given to the Humane Society last "It definitely is going to be a trial" Wednesday. The woman found the cat near her residence what that is, it's not up to me to full-blown trial," Assistant say," Middleton said. "I don't and turned It In. The Associated Press Cuyahoga County Prosecutor know what conveys that image. Carmen Marino said. People have to say what conveys CLEVELAND - A judge will Carmen Marino A woman complained that she was shot with a laser while He will defend the state coming out of BGSUs Student Recreation Center. She also that image to them. For me, hear evidence on new DNA find- against the Sheppard estate's ap- Assistant Cuyahoga County said that her trash was coming up missing. A report was something simple." ings that could clear Dr. Sam peal for a declaration that Shep- Prosecutor He said it doesn't matter to him Sheppard in the 1954 slaying of pard was wrongly convicted and filed. what that choice is, as long as it his wife, the sensationalized imprisoned for the slaying. unambiguously represents Bowl- murder case that helped inspire Sheppard's conviction was over- nied he killed his wife. He said a Someone cut the center trunk out of a 15-foot tall tree and ing Green State University. "The Fugitive." turned on appeal and he was ac- "bushy-haired intruder" killed placed it up against a woman's house. The woman com- Ribeau said if all goes well, a Cuyahoga Common Pleas quitted in a second trial. her, then attacked Sheppard, plained that she noticed the damage last week, but it could new logo could conceivably be in Judge Ron Suster scheduled a leaving him unconscious. have happen a few weeks ago. place for fall semester, if that is pretrial hearing for May 8. Shep- Lawyers for the son say re- Marino said he doesn't believe the way the recommendation pard's son wants the judge to cently completed DNA evidence Sheppard could be ruled out un- A man was upset last Thursday because a band was play- leads the process. vindicate his father, who died in done by Dr. Mohammad Tahir of less his DNA profile is compared ing In the garage behind him. The band quit playing before Still a top priority in the pro- 1970. Indianapolis on blood found at with crime scene evidence. Sam police arrived. cess is developing a graphic Such a declaration would allow the crime scene strengthens Reese Sheppard said he would standard, which would create a Sam Reese Sheppard of Oakland, their claim that Marilyn Shep- permit the exhumation of his Two men were wrestling and yelling last Thursday night. uniform policy for the use of the Calif., to file a monetary claim pard was killed by an intruder. father's body to obtain a DNA One man had an earring pulled out of his ear and the yelling logomark. before the Ohio Court of Claims Sheppard steadfastly had de- sample. was due to the pain.

A door to an ice cream shack was open on Friday. The owner was called and nothing was missing. He said the door CSU leaders anticipate decision must have blown open. House prepares "But any takeover ... is unac- A woman complained that a white cat sprayed her front Central State University's financial troubles have led to a ceptable. That's where we draw door. She said that she cleaned it up once but the cat came tovoteon$11.8 range of proposed solutions: the line," he said. The school back and sprayed it again. Police said that they would set a must be adequately funded and trap this week million bill ■ Provide Central State with adequate state funding to main- given some state support in fiscal tain its independence, with possible technical assistance from management, Johnson said. another school. -- State Sen. Jeff Johnson, president of the Black While riding her bike, a woman's birth certificate was lost. The Associated Press Central State was founded in It was In her coat pocket and flew out. Elected Legislators of Ohio. 1947 by breaking away from Wil- berforce, also historically black. WILBERFORCE, Ohio -- It's ■ Affiliate Central State with another school to manage its John Walker, chairman of Wil- In the 300 of Napoleon Road, a loud party with easy to understand why trustees administration and finances. - John Walker, chairman of the screaming was going on. When police arrived, the party was of Central State University fear berforce's board, said an affilia- Wilberforce University board of trustees. shut down. that the fate of the school may be tion would send a signal that Cen- out of their hands. ■ State should eliminate Central State's debt, upgrade its cam- tral State would be soundly man- State lawmakers have been pus buildings, and strengthen the academic programs so the aged. A man was walking In an alley in the 900 block of S. Main Street Saturday night. He appeared to be drunk and when floating proposals about what school is attractive to all students. - Raymond Pierce, head of That's something Central State the U.S. Department of Education's civil-rights office. should be done with Central State must do to survive, he said. police arrived he had a plastic cup In his hand. The man said as the House prepares to vote "The state's not going to keep It was "an alcoholic beverage" and police cited him for having Put a modern financial-management system and the people to an open container. this week on an $11.8 million bai- run it in place. Review the school's academic programs to see pumping money in - not under lout bill to keep the school oper- whether they need to be reduced or restructured. ~ Vicki Pegg, the present situation," said Wal- ating through June 30. Central State trustee. ker. An Injured-looking rabbit had been laying near a phone "I am finding this a most awk- He likes the idea, but other booth for four hours on Sunday. When police arrived and ap- ward and uncomfortable position board members do not "don't proached it. the rabbit took off. because the board is no longer supported school, with neighbor- Ohio. "We feel that those who are want an albatross around our involved in these decisions," said ing Wilberforce University, pushing this proposal are ignor- necks to bring us down." Trustee Vicki Pegg. nearby Wright State University ing the real problem at Central Wright State spokesman Barry The 50-year-old university, or even Ohio State University. State. The problem is fiscal mis- Johnson said lawmakers and the floundering under a debt that But not everyone likes the idea. management." university have discussed com- could be as high as $20 million, "We are unequivocally op- Johnson, D-Cleveland, said the bining the two schools. American Heart faces an uncertain future. posed to any merger with Ohio black caucus doesn't oppose the "We think there are better CPR Association Several lawmakers have dis- State or Wilberforce," said state idea of other schools providing matches out there than Wright can keep your love alive Fighting Heart Doaase 0 cussed affiliating Central State, Sen. Jeff Johnson, president of technical assistance or the state State," because the two schools mn<1 Stroke the only historically black, state- the Black Elected Legislators of overseeing operations. have different missions. FOX RUN APARTMENTS lit nee Marathon March 15 at 10 a.m. thru March 16 at b p.m. Don't Miss This Weekend's ^tSTAR PERFORMANCES!^

Each unit has: Third Wish The Kind - 2 large bedrooms, fully furnished ~ - washer and dryer - Grasshopper Pie Beefcarversw - dishwasher and microwave - Xing Grovemasters - extra storage and much more - Distractions Love Zombies Call Preferred Properties Today -^t September's Children -^t 352-9378 Live in the luxury at Fox Run. page four The BG News Wednesday, March 12, 1997

STATE Things looking up Around the State for city of Toledo Body found near Miami University campus OXFORD, Ohio - A body found Tuesday close to the Miami Jazz Night "Overall, I think people are University campus was that of a man who had been reported $> Jobs, more pretty upbeat about how things missing last month, Butler County authorities said. \*> Sheriff Harold Don Gabbard Identified the victim as Mark An- 9 and over Every night businesses are going right now in Toledo and thony Flowers, 33. Flowers had lived in Hamilton and more re- I suspect Finkbeiner is benefit- cently in Oxford, the sheriff said. making their ing from that. He has done pretty County Coroner Richard Burkhardt planned an autopsy well here," said David Krane of Wednesday to determine the cause of death. There was no ob- way to city Louis Harris. vious physical wound on the body, Burkhardt told reporters. UAO would like to Finkbeiner was happy about It appeared that the man had been dead at least 36 hours, he thank the Publicity The Associated Press the poll's results. said. Committee for all "I am gratified tha» there's The body was lying face-up in a creek and was clad only in TOLEDO -- Things are looking nearly three-quarters of the peo- jeans and socks when found, Burkhardt said. their hard work. ple who say we're moving in the Gabbard said the victim's brother, Steve Flowers of Hamilton, up in the city. The reason: jobs. had called police Feb. 28 to report that Mark Flowers had not Just ask autoworker Nick right direction," he said. been seen or heard from since a Feb. 24 appearance in Hamilton. Wagner. But he cautioned that public The body was found near a parking lot at Millett Hall, the uni- "We used to hear about factor- opinion polls tend to be "fool's versity's basketball arena. Members of Flowers' family found ies closing in Toledo. Now we gold." the body, the sheriff said. Thank you hear about new businesses," The city is wrestling with a Because the body was off the university's property, the county JO] Badeuhop Wagner, 44, of Toledo, said Mon- $4.1 million budget shortfall. The sheriff and coroner were handling the investigation. & day. mayor and City Council are at It was not known whether the victim had any connection with Mirny Gregg. Five years ago, there were ru- odds over how to reduce the defi- the university. Miami's students are off for spring break. "The last day of classes was Friday, so the campus is pretty Keep Up the great work!! mors that the Jeep plant where cit. About 57 percent of the people deserted right now," university spokeswoman Holly Wisslng he works as a welder was going said. to close. Now it cant keep up polled said they were satisfied with production, and Chrysler with how the city's budget is be- Corp. may build a new $1 billion ing handled. Only 42 percent ap- Sesame Street accidently switched with plant in the city. proved of the way Finkbeiner has graphic tape Magic + Comedy = "Things are going great. Peo- managed the city budget and ple are more optimistic than they services. "I think there's no question the CLEVELAND - Preschoolers watching Cleveland's public tel- have been in years," he said. evision station got a grown-up lesson Tuesday because the wrong And Mayor Carry Finkbeiner budget crisis is his first real test tape was loaded up. Becky Blaney deserves some of the credit. as an executive mayor," said Instead of a reading-oriented "Read-a-Lee" program broad- "I'm no Finkbeiner fan, but the Councilman Gene Zrauda, who cast at 10 am., WVIZ broadcast a minute or two of a tape meant city is moving forward, especial- has been critical of the mayor's for in-school use on human reproduction. For fun and laughs, join UAO on ly downtown. He has to get the budget priorities. "It's real dis- After a nongraphic introduction, the screen showed an il- credit for that," Wagner said. appointing that he failed to pro- lustration of male genitals. Friday, March 14 from 7-9:45p.m. in A strong economy has fueled a duce a balanced budget by Nov. Then the telephones started ringing at the station. 15 as prescribed by the city char- "We are terribly sorry this happened. It was an error on our Mac Countryside Dining Room. feeling of optimism about Toledo part," said Peg Neeson, director of public affairs for the station. and Finkbeiner, according to a ter." Toledo's optimism is a far cry Its signal reaches more than 60 miles to Sandusky, Akron and new telephone poll conducted by Ashtabula. For more info, call 2-7164. New York-based Louis Harris from the early 1990s, when a The tape, "Mind Your Own Body," is provided by the station to and Associates for The Blade. recession hit the city hard with schools for classroom use at the eighth-grade level and isn't The poll of 405 likely voters factory closings and layoffs. broadcast by WVIZ, she said. was conducted Feb. 28 through New businesses are relocating The error prompted 30 or 40 calls from viewers, Ms. Neeson March 6. The margin of error to Toledo and expanding. A new said. was plus or minus 5 percentage Jeep plant would retain 5,700 "We explained it was a terrible mistake," she said. LIVE ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY points. jobs. Tuesday - Sunday About 76 percent of the re- The downtown has gotten a spondents believed the city is facelift, with several new Pornography charges filed against founder of DRINK SPECIALS headed in the right direction, up projects, including a $100 mil- computer service 6-9PM...Ladies Only...Fri. & Sat. 20 points from a 1995 poll. lion-dollar headquarters opened 25t Well Drinks & Drafts The new poll showed 54 per- last year by Owens Corning and a CLEVELAND - The founder of the nation's first free commu- nity computer service has been charged with possessing child 7-9PM...Dimers...Thurs. & Sat. cent of the respondents said downtown mall that has been transformed into an affiliate of pornography. Rolling Rock for $1 Finkbeiner is doing a good job, up from 32 percent at the end of the Columbus-based Center of Thomas Grundner, 51, of Cleveland, was charged with possess- POP-A-SHOT TOURNAMENT 1995. Science and Industry. ing three or more books, magazines, periodicals, films, video- tapes and other items that showed minors engaging in sexual 7-9PM ...Tuesday & Sunday...$100 Crand Prize conduct, the U.S. Attorney's office said Tuesday. The bar formerly known as Gamers The items, which were mailed or transported to him, were in Call for info...352-9780 Grundner's possession in February 1996, U.S. Attorney Emily Chrysler likely to Sweeney said in a statement. The charges were filed in an information Monday in U.S. Dis- T trict Court in Cleveland, meaning Grundner has given up his right to have the case reviewed by a federal grand jury. A\IJL\ii build near Toledo If convicted, Grundner faces a maximum of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Report states that Grundner's attorney, John Gibbons, did not return a telephone "We still have to sit message Tuesday. A man who answered the phone at Grundner's Toledo Storm Hockey Game Jeep plant should home said he wasn't there and a message could not be left. down and talk about First Assistant U.S. Attorney William Edwards said no details Friday March 14 remain in area of the materials allegedly in Grundner's possession were being this with Chrysler. released. Cam* start* at 77ie Associated Press It's got to be a Grundner founded the Free-Net computer system while he 7x30 p.m. was an assistant professor in the family medicine department at Loavo BG at 6 DETROIT - Chrysler Corp. is win-win for Chrysler, Case Western Reserve Medical School. It began as an electronic Tick*tit $8 without likely to spurn overtures by Ohio and Toledo." bulletin board in 1984 and became Cleveland Free-Net in 1986, transportation J Michigan and build a new Jeep the first and largest public computer network in the nation. $9 with £2 assembly plant in or near Toledo, There are now Free-Nets worldwide. Ohio, according to a report pub- RickWeddle Free-Net offers e-mail and some access to the Internet, along transportation *3» with volumes of local information. Bursarablo / lished today. President Grundner left Free-Net and Case Reserve in 1992. The No.3 automaker, whose Sign-up 3/3-3/1 a two Toledo plants comprise the In tho UAO offico, ww oldest operating automotive as- Ohio" and didn't want the 5,575 330 Union sembly complex in the United workers already employed at For noro information States, likely will announce plans Toledo to "have to drive a long call 2-7164 for the new facility within weeks, way." Michigan, according to Jet remains found Detroit Free Press columnist Levin, never was "a serious con- Doron Levin wrote tender" to land the $700 million Chrysler Chairman Robert Ea- to $900 million replacement for buried near landfill presents ton said Feb. 26 that the corpora- Toledo's 110- year -old Jeep com- tion hoped to announce the site of plex. And Michigan isn't likely to The Associated Press hole in the ground. its new Jeep operation in fewer match the minimum of $150 mil- "It looked like a groundhog DEATH AND than 90 days. Levin wrote, lion that Toledo, Lucas County DAYTON - Officials at hole. I looked in and I saw the however, that senior executives and Ohio might have to spend on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base leading edge of a wing," he said. "have been leaning ... (toward a training, land acquisition and in- said they don't know how the re- Workers dug around it and dis- THE MAIDEN Toledo-area site) ... for some frastructure improvements, he mains of a 1950s-era fighter jet covered the jet buried inches be- b> Ariel Dorfman time." wrote. came to be buried near a landfill low the surface. Wolfe said no "We still have to sit down and at the base. records have been found that say Joe E. Brown Theatre Chrysler will not confirm its talk about this with Chrysler," Environmental restoration when or why it was buried. choice until executives are "cer- Rick Weddle, president of the workers uncovered the remains The first F-89 prototype flew in March 12- 15 at 8:00 p.m. tain" that political leaders from Regional Growth Partnership, an of the F-89 Scorpion in woods 1948 and the Air Force accepted THEHn Toledo, surrounding Lucas economic development group for near the Mad River. The bat- the last of more than 1,000 of the March 16 at 2:00 p.m. County and the state of Ohio the Toledo region, told Levin. tered, corroded hulk lacked its planes in 1956. The F-89J was "have committed themselves to "It's got to be a win-win for tail, forward fuselage and outer configured to fire air-to-air mis- For Reservations call 372-2719 the finances of the deal," Levir Chrysler, Ohio and Toledo." wings, but was standing on its siles with nuclear warheads. wrote. Chrysler, Toledo's largest em- large, narrow wheels. A base spokeswoman, Lt. Jill Eaton said in February that ployer, builds Jeep Wranglers John Wolfe, an environmental Whitesell, said Monday that tests Michigan Gov. John Engler was and Cherokees at its two plants in project manager for the base, found no signs of radiation or courting Chrysler, but that the that city. The new plant will build said he was scouting for surface A fuel contamination in the soil in > y >V >V automaker was "more focused on a new-generation Jeep In 2002. debris when he spotted a large which the plane was buried. sfC sy^ TyC ~%yC "^yC ^nrVtrVWW^fYWVWWVtfirV^WWVlryy^vw Rattle Units still ovolloble for foil '97 R.E. Management Get TAN for Spring Break Buy a ticket for a chance to win **. one of the following prizes: "Quality Off-Campus Housing" • Autographed Falcon Team ft* at HARD BODYS GYM! Hockey Sick •841 Eighth Sr. •840/850 Sixth St. • $2S Gift Certificate from Kaufman's ism? •Monville Ave •Compus Manor 20 Visits for $40 • $25 GiH Certificate to Campus Tanning •825 Third Sr. •313 N. Main 10 Visits for $25 DUUTO • $25 Gift Certificate lo Planet Tan • 10 Free video Rental* from Late CHECK OUT OUR SUMMER RATES 1 Visit for $3 varri Video • On* Free Dinner at Chl-Chll 'N.^; CALL US TODAY Brand New 20 min. beds & bulbs! 1UMM • $10 Om CertMcate to Easy Steel Cat* *#2*' • $12 GUI CenJrScate lo Big Boy Family Restaurant OR STOP IN FOR BROCHURE Located Next to • 3 Free video Rentals at Video Connection *<3L M-F 8 to 5 Appointments Available: Krogefs Store ■ Free Bagel Sandwich at Cosmos M-F 5:30am - 10pm • One Free Bottle of Shampoo from Hat's Barber Shop -.___* SAT 8 to 12 ii3B«ilro««»t. Sat & Sun 10am-6 pm • One Free Bottle of Basics Hair Cam Product at 352-9302 (n««t ia Klnko's) 354-5060 Carousal Beauty Shoppa wirwi I Wednesday, March 12,1997 The BG News page five Clinton confronts Oscars laden with Rapper's shooting fund raising issues unknown names fuels controversy The Associated Press White House. The Associated Press Blade." The Associated Press editor of VIBE magazine, ac- "I'm not going to say abso- The Arkansas native showed knowledged there was animosity BENTON, Ark. - Standing be- lutely never," she said. BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. - up at the luncheon In a black LOS ANGELES - Tupac Sha- between the rappers but cau- neath the tattered remnants of an In her first extensive remarks - It's usually a bastion of baseball cap, black T-shirt and kur and the Notorious B.I.G. said tioned against trying to read too awning stuck high In a tree, Hil- on the White House fund-raising Hollywood's who's who. At slacks, In comparison to the they hoped their music would much Into the deaths. VIBE lary Rodham Clinton today con- controversy, the first lady also Tuesday's Oscar nominees other more formally attired bring positive change to blighted magazine sponsored the party soled victims of tornadoes that said she regrets that her top aide luncheon there were a lot of inner cities. that B.I.G. attended before his swept through her adopted home guests. accepted a $50,000 campaign people asking, 'Who's that?" "Everyone Is a winner here Now with both men dead, the death Sunday. state. check at the White House be- It symbolized this year's today," Arthur Hlller, presi- victims of drive-by shootings, all "I think all I can say right now "I'm terrified now," said Shari cause "of the concern that It's field of relatively unknown eyes are again on violence in rap. is that It's too early to attribute Dunn, whose mother- and father- dent of the Academy of Motion raised." Academy Award contenders. Pictures Arts & Sciences told The two rappers were the cen- this to a coastal rivalry, Tupac in-law were killed by a twister The 90-minute interview Mon- And it didnt help that only the 90 nominees. tral characters In an East Coast- revenge or anything else because that left their trailer park a pile day was designed to discuss edu- nine out of the 20 actor nomi- West Coast rivalry, but some In- there's just so many different of lumber, jagged metal and de- The nominees posed for a cation, and a group of about 20 nees showed up for the shin- "class photo" and received a dustry observers said Monday It possibilities and aspects to this bris. Journalists stuck to that subject dig. certificate and a sweatshirt. was too early to blame the deaths whole situation," Washington "How could you not be?" Mrs. until the end of the session. Em- Tom Cruise wasn't there. They also walked a media on the long-running feud. said. Clinton said. phasizing school improvements Neither was Lauren Bacall nor "Sure, there's been this compe- Chaka Zulu, a cousin of Tupac Wearing short-heel pumps and gantlet to answer questions as a focal point of her second Diane Keaton. Still, conten- before lunch tition, but that's been since day Shakur's, disagreed. pink business suit, Mrs. Clinton term as first lady, Mrs. Clinton ders who did show basked in one, but we dont have artists on "I think to some extent this was toured the Bennett Trailer Park said she wanted to help build adulation and embraced the James Woods, up for his the West Coast saying, "Let's kill a retaliation for Pac's death," about 30 miles outside Little "public pressure on school dis- "everyone is a winner" spirit. off all of those East Coast rap- said Zulu, who is music director Rock. The March 1 twister killed supporting role in "Ghosts of tricts and states" to issue stan- "My nomination Is an incre- Mississippi," was asked about pers so we can sell more records for Atlanta-area rap station 25 people, including three resi- dardized math and reading tests dible honor. I feel like a child his hopes for winning. "One In on the East Coast,'" said Phyllis WHTA-FM. "I dont think it came dents of the trailer park. by 1999. of 6," said Kristin Scott Tho- Pollack, a publicist who has rep- out of Pac's camp, though I think Dunn pointed across a litter- five," the actor cracked about The cash-for-access scandal mas, a best-actress nominee the field of five resented several rap stars, In- it came from people that are strewn road to two wooden threatened to overshadow her for her role in "The English Nominees also listened to cluding N.W.A caught up In the hype of the mu- stakes pounded into the earth. work on education. Patient." the producer of the Academy Jesse Washington, managing sic." Atop each stake was a shirt. The After Vice President Al Gore Miss Thomas flew In from Awards show, Gilbert Cates, stakes, Dunn told Mrs. Clinton, conceded last week he solicited her Paris home for the event who admonished them to re- marked the places where her donations by telephone from his and was returning to France strain themselves if their parents-in-law died. 88*1 WBGU White House office, the presi- later in the day, demonstrat- name is called and keep thank- AUTO REPAIR Residents of the trailer park dent said he didn't think he had. ing the devotion nominees had you speeches at a reasonable told Mrs. Clinton they lost all Mrs. Clinton stuck to the theme: to the Beverly Hilton Hotel length their possessions, had no money WELDING "I do not recall making any but event. Otherwise, he warned, they NIT 1st to replace them and could hardly I'm not going to say absolutely "I feel like an ugly guy with will be played off stage by the ~ SERVICE afford loans. The first lady and never. I just don't recall being a date for the prom," com- orchestra. The threat usually federal and state officials who Round asked to make any. I don't recall mented Billy Bob Thornton, falls on deaf ears, however, D SERVICE Joined her on the tour assured the making any," she said. nominated as best actor and and acceptance speeches will Action!! residents help was on the way. The first lady attended dozens screenwriter for "Sling likely go on and on. "We're making it," Dunn told of fund-raisers during the cam- in all your Mrs. Clinton. "We were still in paign. Echoing Gore and Clinton, ds B.G. church on Sunday." Mrs. Clinton said she was proud Gov. Mike Huckabee, a Repub- of her efforts because they NEWMAN HOLSINC VS. lican who accompanied President helped Clinton win re-election at march 2-21 Clinton on a tour of two other a critical time for the country. West Virginia tornado-ravaged sites last week. The fund-raising flap moved 1997 Joined Mrs. Clinton for her brief closer to Mrs. Clinton when it Student Housing 6:40 air-time tour. was reported last week that her Close to Campus The first lady planned educa- chief of staff, Maggie Williams, Summer 6 week leases CCHA Tickets!!! tion events in Little Rock later in accepted a $50,000 donation in I $35 dollars per week flog: yte Listen after the the day. March 1996 from Johnny Chung, GAME to win!! Her trip to Arkansas took Mrs. a California businessman who graphic design Clinton away from the daily con- became a major Democratic Semester leases $ 850 Courtesy oft troversy over Democratic Party fund-raiser. per semester —undergraduate. student: Downtown, campaign fund raising. She Asked if she wished Williams exhibitions lucnear arm firmer waded into the fray Monday had rejected Chung's donation, ortfay UFar Bryan Bigshotsts, when she said that like the presi- the first lady said, "In retrospect, I Call Julie at Newman and and 88.1 FM WBGU dent, she cannot rule out the I'm sure that she wishes that's I Housing: 354-2191 , • ilUrd Vuikelman Galkry Hour.: c«U«rie« 353 possibility that she solicited do- what she'd done but ... she's an luti-ia 10:00-4:00 nations by telephone from the honorable and courteous person.' •un. 2 00 5.00 13040 BISHOP ROAD 88.1 WBGU ATTENTION: Bowling Green Students ~ Student Tickets Only $7.50 Available at BGSU Student Box Office March 14 & 15 Joe Louis Arena College Hockey at the Joe Friday, March 14 BGSU vs. Michigan TICKETS: $22.50, $16, $12, and $8 per day. Available at Joe Louis Arena •5:00pm« Box Office and all Ticketmaster Locations. Michigan State vs. Miami of Ohio # Student tickets ONLY $7.50-only available •8:30pm at Student Box Offices and Joe Louis Arena

Saturday, March 15 Great Group Rates! For Championship Game Information Call •7:30pm* (313)965-3099 Beat Michigan! page six The BG News Wednesday, March 12, 1997

Blake Parkins Sports Editor Sports 372-2602 Falcons'march to MSG begins in Morgantown Mountaineers await Daniels named to BG in NIT first round Ail-American team By SCOTT BROWN Senior point guard Antonio talent. He is the fifth Falcon to The BG News What: Daniels' stellar season was win AP All-American honors ■ Falcon men's basketball at rewarded with one of the most and the 12th All-American The Not-So-Big Dance begins West Virginia, NIT first round prestigious overall. The last Bowling tonight. When: honors - he Green player to earn the acco- The Falcons (22-9) open play in ■ Tonight, 7 p.m. was named lades was David Jenkins in the NIT - that other postseason Where: A I 1 - 1984, when he earned honora- basketball tournament - tonight ■ WVU Coliseum, Morgantown, American by ble mention laurels. on the road against West Virginia W.Va. The Associ- The Columbus native aver- (19-9). Radio: ated Press. aged 23.S points 6.7 assists - Sure, the NIT Is only the ■ WBGU-FM(88.1) Daniels a ranking seventh and 10th in NCAA's glorified leftovers. BG, was selected the nation in those categories however, is among only 96 Divi- to the hon- - while leading BG to a Mid- sion I men's basketball teams orable men- American Conference regular still in action this season. They have some very talented tion squad, Daniels season championship and a The Falcons feel they were de- athletes." joining a plethora of collegiate berth in the NIT. serving of an NCAA bid. But re- Four players average in double gardless of who or where they figures for West Virginia, led by are playing, the Falcons are set senior guard Seldon Jefferson at team." enjoy when the crowd is as loud on ending the season on a posi- 15.1 points per game. Junior West Virginia's opponents and boisterous as it could be," tive note - as opposed to the guard Adrian Pledger (14.4 ppg, average 18 turnovers a game, as Larranaga said. "They still have dreadful showing against 4.4 rebounds per game), junior do Bowling Green's. The Moun- the advantage with their own Eastern Michigan in the Mid- forward Damian Owens (13.7 taineers average over 80 points a court and own crowd, but it American Conference semifinals ppg, 7.4 rpg) and junior Gordon game, as do the Falcons; they are might not be as much." that coach Jim Larranaga called Malone (12.0 ppg, 8.1 rpg) round undefeated when scoring 80 Larranaga told of a large can- his team's "worst of the year." out the top scorers. points are more, while BG has non that West Virginia fires off "Hopefully, we'll play a lot bet- Larranaga referred to Jeffer- lost just once in 17 games scoring at points during the game. He ter than that," he said. son as a "Daniels play-alike," al- 80 points or more. said he had other stories to relate The Mountaineers are in the luding to Antonio Daniels, the "We'd like for the game to be about West Virginia fans, but same boat as the Falcons in that Falcons' senior point guard. up and down," said West Virginia that they were unprintable. they feel they belong in the The Mountaineers' size could coach Gale Catlett. "They remind The Falcons, although they NCAA this season as well. West pose the Falcons some problems, me of a mini-Georgetown team would rather be somewhere else, Virginia was 11-7 in the Big East however. West Virginia's start- because they scramble around so hope that Morgantown is just the and feel their conference, with ing five stands 6-11, 6-foot-8, much." first of a three-game swing lead- only four bids, was slighted by 6-foot-5,6-foot-3 and 6-foot-3. Larranaga, while an assistant ing up to the NIT Final Four at the powers-tnat-be at the NCAA. BG, on the other hand, goes coach at Virginia in 1985, had his Madison Square Garden in New "They played a very fine 6-foot-7, 6-foot-S, 6-foot-4, team in the NITs first round at York over spring break. schedule and they feel they 6-foot-4 and 6-foot-l. West Virginia. He expects a hos- The winner of this game gets should be in the NCAA Tourna- "In terms of style, it will be a tile environment that may be the winner of North Carolina ment," Larranaga said. "How high-scoring game," Larranaga somewhat diluted considering State and Southwest Missouri BG NewiPhMo by llidcki Kobayuhl familiar that sounds. said. "In terms of matchups, the Mountaineers' relative dis- State at a site and time yet to be Falcon guard DeMar Moore is looking for a better showing tonight at "They are probably as talented their size presents a lot of prob- taste to be in the NIT. determined next week. West Virginia in the first round of the NIT. Eastern Michigan's Earl a team as we've faced all year. lems for us. We're not a big team "They won't have that same The Associated Press contrib- Boykins (left) helped hound Moore into 1-for-6 shooting in the MAC They are good in the open court. and not a great rebounding home-court advantage that they uted to this story. semifinals. IU's Collier not afraid of NCAA's THE BG NEWS/WBGU SPORTS PAXCOH A-raiSTlES OP Teammates help Ohio "I wouldn't be where I'm at today without THE WEEK the guys on the team helping me out, just native deal with Knight, helping me out with Coach in general." Brett Punchard Erin Klingenberg pressure of college hoops Senior Junior Left Wing Gymnast The Associated Press "I'm so glad I get along with Jason Collier the guys on the team," he said. "I Scarborough, Concord, Indiana freshman center BLOOMINGTON, Ind. - In- probably would have had a ner- Ontario Ohio diana's opponents don't scare Ja- vous breakdown by now if it son Collier, who faces more pres- wasn't for some of the guys on sure in practice than he'll ever the team. diana beat five teams that are in junior, leads the team in scoring face on game day. "The most positive thing is our the NCAA tournament ~ Duke, (13.9) and rebounding (6.7). Punchard scored a Klingenberg scored He plays for Bob Knight. team gets along really well. That Princeton, Wisconsin, Butler and Guard AJ. Guyton, the Big Ten hat trick in Satur- a 9.750 on the floor "I wouldn't be where I'm at to- holds everything together, just Valparaiso - but lost eight games freshman of the year, has started day nighl's contest exercise to win the day without the guys on the team being able to talk with each to other tournament teams - 28 games and is second in scoring helping me out, just helping me other," Collier said. "As the Kentucky, Purdue twice, Min- at 13.5. against Lake event as the Falcons out with Coach in general," said season goes on, everybody gets nesota twice, Illinois, Wisconsin Among the other freshmen, Superior stale en claimed their first the 7-foot freshman from Spring- tired, everybody gets sore. As and Iowa. guard Michael Lewis has started route to a seven- conference victory, field, Ohio, who makes his NCAA long as you get along, they're The Hoosiers had trouble hold- 13 times, guard Luke Jimenez point weekend, 190.625-190.175, tournament debut Thursday there to help you, to keep you go- ing onto big leads and won only twice and forward Larry Rich- night against Colorado. ing." six of 11 games decided by five ardson once. Thursday's starting leading BG into over Western The eighth-seeded Hoosiers Collier is averaging 9.4 points points or less. lineup likely won't be set until the CCHA semis Michigan on Friday (22-10) play the ninth-seeded and 5.7 rebounds. He started 26 "Definitely it's hurt us," game time. Buffaloes (21-9) in a first-round of Indiana's first 31 games but Collier said, "just being able to East Regional game at Winston was benched at the start of Sat- stay in the lead and keeping it. "When we do what Coach tells HONORABLE MENTION: Sophomore sprinter Rah'Sheen Salem, N.C. The winner's next urday's final regular-season It's been a real problem for our us to do and do it hard, we're a Clay, senior right wing Mike Johnson opponent likely will be top- game after scoring only two team. Hopefully we can get that hell of a good ball club," Patter- seeded North Carolina. points in the previous game. sorted out and go into the tour- son said. "When we try to do our THE FALCON ATHLETE OF THE l4,n^,TI r** '■^ Collier, a starter most of the He is one of five freshmen on a nament with a clean slate and own thing and not do what he WEEK is a joint venture ofTheBG News WBGU-FM IJi season, has had his share of young Hoosiers team that has come out and play as hard as we wants us to do... We have to find and WBGU-FM Sports, tin- students' guides to 88.1QO 1 JJ" Knight's wrath, but that's just lacked consistency. possibly can." out what he wants us to do. It's BGSU athletics. normal. During the regular season, In Forward Andrae Patterson, a been working for 30 years." Rams' Phillips sent to slammer The Associated Press rently. was recently recovering from fensive back now with the Green "There is a price tag you pay knee surgery and called this a Bay Packers, was sentenced Feb. LINCOLN, Neb. - Humming as for the mistakes you make," good opportunity to do the time. 19 to a six-month jail sentence he was led away in handcuffs, St. Rams coach Dick Vermeil said at He said Phillips will receive two for Tiring two shots into a car. Louis Rams running back the NFL meetings In Palm to three hours of physical thera- Defensive lineman Christian Lawrence Phillips was sentenced Desert, Calif. "Once he gets this py daily for his knee. Peter spent 10 days in a Kearney to 30 days in jail Tuesday for vio- behind him, he can get on with "He'll do fine," Anderson. jail after pleading no contest to lating probation. being a football player. This can't "He's a strong man, a good, disturbing the peace at a bar in He is the third University of hurt. It can help." young, strong man." March 1996. Nebraska player from the 1994 Phillips, 21, nodded to Rams Phillips had been on a one-year national championship team to vice president Lynn Stiles as he probation for the assault. Ander- Lancaster County Attorney spend time behind bars, and the left the courtroom in handcuffs. son said his client violated that Gary Lacey said it is possible second to be sentenced In the Stiles would not comment on how probation when he was arrested Phillips and Williams could be past month the jail term would affect Phil- for drunken driving In California placed together in a jail cell. Lancaster County Judge Jack lips' standing with the team. But in June. Lindner revoked Phillips' proba- the player's lawyer, Hal Ander- "He is owning up to what he Abdul Muhammad, the leading tion and sentenced him on two son, said the Rams were "just has done and will do the time," receiver on Nebraska's 1994 A»«UJ.,«. ^^ st(amnmg [mm Ae joes fine" with his client. the lawyer said. national championship team, is St. Louis running back Lawrence Phillips walks with his attorney after assault of former Nebraska bas- Anderson said the player could The other Jailed Nebraska expected to stand trial on char- being sentenced to 30 days in jail. Phillips is the third former Nebraska ketball player Kate McEwen. The be released after 23 days for players are Tyrone Williams and ges of marijuana possession football player to serve recent jail time. sentences will be served concur- good behavior. He said Phillips Christian Peter. Williams, a de- stemming from a Jan. 23 arrest. (ft i 1 t I I Wednesday, March 12,1997 The BG News page seven

WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Top teams dominate All-America squad

The Associated Press This season, she has led top- play. When the game gets out of player of the year. get to the offensive boards for Dixon of Kansas, Tracy Reid of ranked UConn to a 30-0 record hand, she will do what we call "What makes her so good is putbacks. So you're asking a de- North Carolina, Tina Thompson Stanford's Kate Starbird was while averaging 17.2 points and wow plays. She knows how to get that she's awfully hard to guard," fensive player to do a lot to try to of Southern California, Nykesha the top vote-getter and Connecti- eight rebounds. She's shooting 62 people into the game." Florida coach Carol Ross said. stop her." Sales of Connecticut and Clarisse cut's Kara Wolters became a re- percent from the field despite be- Milton, a 6-1 senior, always has "She can face the basket and Milton, who didn't even receive Machanguana of Old Dominion. peat selection Tuesday on The ing the focus of opposing defen- been an outstanding player in the shoot jumpers, go inside and play honorable mention in last On the third team were Kim Associated Press women's All- ses. Southeastern Conference. But a power game or lead the fast season's All-America voting, is Williams of DePaul, Marion America basketball team. "I think Kara Wolters is the she never received any national break averaging 19.4 points and 8.8 re- Jones of North Carolina, Kedra Starbird, a second-team pick national player of the year," attention until this season, when "She led the league in - bounds while shooting 57 percent Holland-Corn of Georgia, La'Ke- last year, was voted to the first Connecticut coach Geno Aurie- she led Florida to its first top 10 ing as a freshman and when you'- from the field. shia Frett of Georgia and Sha- team on 38 of 40 ballots from a nima said. "I can't think any ranking and was honored as SEC re that good a rebounder, you can The second team had Tamecka londa Enis of Alabama national media panel and had 196 other team in America playing at points. Wolters also was placed this level that has accomplished on all 40 ballots, was a first-team what we have this year relying as pick on 34 and had 184 points in heavily on one person as we did the voting. her. They were joined on the first "You take Kara off our team team by Chamique Holdsclaw of and the results would be signifi- Tennessee, Ticha Penicheiro of cantly different." Old Dominion and DeLisha Mil- The 6-2 Holdsclaw had to carry ton of Florida. Tennessee much of the season Holdsclaw was a third-team and improved her ballhandling pick as a freshman last season. and perimeter skills as a result. Starbird, a 6-foot-2 senior, has She leads the Lady Vols in scor- led Stanford (30-1) to a No. 3 ing (20.2) and rebounding (9.6) national ranking with play that and is second in assists (2.9). was always consistent and often "Chamique is certainly the sensational. She averages 21.7 kind of player that can take on a points, 3.2 assists and is shooting lot of responsibility scoring and 52 percent from the field. rebounding-wlse," Tennessee "Kate's our Jerry Rice," Stan- coach Pat Summitt said. "This ford coach Tara VanDerveer year, she's had to handle the ball said. "He scores a touchdown, more and make more decisions puts the ball down and goes about and she's had some incredible his business. That's her game, games, tremendous perform- too. She'd rather play It than talk ances. about it." "Yet as well as she's played for There would be plenty to talk us, she's going to get better." about if she chose. Like the 2,133 Penicheiro, a 5-11 senior from career points that are a Stanford Portugal, is the record and rank fourth In the engine that Pac-10 Conference. Or the 40 drives No. points she scored against South- 2-ranked Old ern California or the 37 she had Do in in ion , against Arizona. Or all of those which is 29-1 times Stanford needed a basket, with 28 straight and she found a way to get one. victories. The "She takes her teammates on consummate her back each night," Washing- point guard, ton coach June Daugherty said. Penicheiro "If she Isn't the player of the averages 11 Penicheiro year, I don't know who is." points and 7.8 assists and has a Wolters, a 6-7 senior, is the knack for getting the ball to the only player to earn All-America right player at the right time, honors each of the three years often in spectacular fashion. the AP has chosen those teams. "She has such a great under- She was a third-team pick as a standing of the game," Old Do- sophomore, then moved up to the minion coach Wendy Larry said. first team last season. "People really love watching her MEN'S BASKETBALL — Sports Briefs Buyouts next for Ayers, Darsch Clay an Ail-American The Associated Press The response to the firings, received more than $90,000 for Sprinter Rah'Sheen Clay ran to Ail-American status at the from the public and in the media, the year left on hers. NCA^ Indoor Championships last weekend. COLUMBUS - The day after was both overwhelming and Clay finished seventh in the 200 meters - fifth among Ameri- Terms of the contract Ayers can competitors - to be named an Ail-American. He also com- firing coaches Randy Ayers and largely positive, Ohio State peted in the 400 meters. Nancy Darsch, Ohio State began President Gordon Gee said. signed on Dec 15, 1992, limit The sophomore holds the school Indoor records in both events, the process of hiring replace- "I've been through a number of Ohio State to paying only his base and finished second in both at the Mid-American Conference ments and severing the remain- these things," Gee said. "Ima- salary and benefits if he is fired Championships. ing ties with the coaches. gine, I'm in an elevator at the before the contract ends on June Ohio State Athletics Director Statehouse and four people came 30, 1999. Darsch's contract, Precision skating finishes second Andy Geiger said Tuesday he had on and all four of them asked me signed Jan. 3, 1994, and running already been contacted by some what was going on. through June 30,1998, has an al- The BGSU Precision Skating team placed second in the Colle- people interested in the jobs. "I didn't fall off the turnip most identical clause. giate division of the United States Precision Team Skating "Besieged wouldn't be the truck Of course, this is a topic of Championships In Syracuse, N.Y. on March 7. word," he said. "Things don't conversation. This is a major Aiaoclaltd Preti phrt* "That's what the contract says, The event was won by the Miami University team. The squad really happen that way in this national sports story and a couple but it doesn't always, you know, from Western Michigan University placed third. world. Right now I'm just work- of the national shows led off with Randy Ayers speak* to the media who knows? Time will tell," ing the telephones." this." prior to his Monday firing. Geiger said. BG to host MAC Championship Tournament Dozens of names have sur- He added, "I'd have to say I Vannatta said there were "dis- faced In the rumor mill, but think the vast majority of people day," she said. "Everyone wants cussions on a number of points." The second annual MAC Club Volleyball Championship Tour- nament will be held in Bowling Green this Saturday. Bowling Geiger made It clear after Mon- believe that in the end that we to resolve this as quickly and Ohio State does not have to pay Green earned the honor by winning the inaugural conference day's news conference announc- did the right thing." amicably as possible." Ayers or Darsch for any outside tournament championship last season. ing the dismissals that he wasn't Meanwhile, Ohio State's office The money for the buyouts will income from sources such as en- The entire roster from last year's squad returns for the Fal- going to get involved In the spe- of legal affairs was tackling con- come out of Ohio State's athletic dorsements, camps and media cons, and Interest has grown enough to carry two squads. The culation. tractual issues to sever the re- budget and not, as Vannatta said, appearances. team has two tournament victories this season to go along with "I've got to try and contact maining ties with the coaches. "from the chemistry department In both contracts, Ohio State two runner-up finishes and one win in a tournament consolation people and do my best to visit Julie Vannatta, the associate or somewhere else." must pay only the difference be- bracket. with folks without having some- counsel, confirmed that discus- Ayers was to be paid a base tween the Ohio State contract The tournament will begin at 9 a.m. and will last throughout body else scare them off," said sions between the coaches and salary of at least $110,000 for the and that of any new job that the day. All matches will be played at the University Field House. Geiger, who will effectively be a the university had started. remaining two years of his con- either coach gets through the life one-man selection committee. "Nothing began before yester- tract, and Darsch was to have of the contract.


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NBA Standings MEN'S BASKETBALL 1996-97 National Invitational Tournament AS lime. [SI lASTUtNCONRWNO 1st Round 2nd Round Quarters Semifinals Championship aJaaatelaVMaa Tonight-Thursday March 17-18 March 19-21 March 25 March 27 W L Pet. (111 Spurned UM intent First three rounds played at campus sites Madison Square Garden. New York NawYork 47 17 .734 - Miami 46 17 .730 Iona (22 71 OrUndo 33 28 541 115 Slots Conn • 7:30 p n Washington 2* 33 .4S9 17.5 ' ^ Naw Jersey 18 43 .295 275 to make best of NIT Connecticut U4-14I Philadelphia 262 \J f\J 16 45 295 The Associated Press Boston 12 31 .190 345 Coach Steve 'Fisher said he un- Central Division Drexel 122-8) derstood the NCAA tournament Psona.ll -so" x-QUcago 54 8 .871 1 - ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- Travis committee's reasoning even if he ( \ \ / S 26 31 11 63 174 170 their fate. Wolverines by creating a real 25 37 S SS 196 231 tournament atmosphere. Oklahoma State (is 121 ■■—aa..l racaVOMslon Madison Square Garden Pts CF GA "I'm not saying we got gyp- W L T New York x-Cok>rado 41 17 9 91 228 163 ped," junior forward Maurice "I've already had people call Northern Arizona (216) Tuesday, March 25 Edmonton 31 31 7 69 213 208 Taylor said. "It's just hard to be- and tell me how excited Miami is FsySOSVlls. Art • 8 p m / u.m./» p.m. (cor-nj Anaheim 28 30 9 65 195 194 lieve Michigan's not in the to be in the NIT coming up here iadgary 28 34 7 63 181 196 Arkansas (is 12) /ancouver 28 36 4 60 209 233 [NCAA] tournament. But we ac- to play Michigan," he said. "It's _oa Angeles 25 35 9 59 184 224 cepted the NIT bid and we'll just important that we have that same San Jose 23 36 7 S3 169 216 go on from there." kind of excitement." New Orleans 122-6) x-clinched playoff berth Hnsburgh-rp". Pittsburgh (17-14)

Oregon 07 101 Honolulu •(! Mam Hawaii 120 71 uonaoiallon uarm Madison Square Garden New York Memphis 111. i-i) Thursday. March 27 L NIT 3rd place 5 n m (ESM)us^sgas-mdnigh • Nevada-Las Vegas 120 9) NIT 4th place

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Ftfl CLASSIC GLASS Stop in to 319 E. Wooster for a brochure of complete 16 18 19 20 21 22 ^ecosau Samr 17 jrt) a**)-** j details and speak with our friendly staff! *ta» y-::.-oaiC*iM MM 23 24 — . :. 354-2260 John Newlove Real Estate 319 E. Wooster 30""* 31 25 26 27 28 29 to—re. rfr ^et ttJIOUAI HOUSXSO (across from Taco Bell) oaaoMTuaiiTr Wednesday, March 12, 1997 The BG News page nine

MEN'S BASKETBALL First round Second round Regional* Semifinal* Semifinal* Regional* Second round First round March 13-14 March 15-16 March 15-16 March 13-14 (!) Kentucky 29-4 Norm Carolina 24-6 (1) 1 NCAJI |16|Monlana21-10 WEST EAST FairheU 11-18 (16) (8) low« 21-9 Clemson wants Indiana 22-10 (») (9) Virginia 18-12 Colorado 21-9 (9) San Lake City Wln»ton-S«k»m, N.C. (5) Boston Col 21-8 California 21-8 (5) March 13 & 15 March 13 4 15 NCAA success (12) Valparaiso 24-6 Pnncelon 24-3 (12) (4) St Joseph's 24-6 Vieanova 23-9 The Associated Press seeded Providence in 1994,76-70. HI (13) Pacific 23-5 LI Urw 21-8 (13) And Georgia, an eighth seed, National San JOM. Calif. Syracuae, N.Y. CLEMSON, S.C. ~ Rick Barnes closed his first NCAA appear- (6) Stanloia 20-7 Championship March 20 & 22 March 21 a 23 Louanaa 23-8 (6) has always shown rapid success ance with ninth-seeded Clemson (11) Oklahoma 19-10 Indianapolis in a short time, creating con- a year ago, 81-74. March 31 (ID (3) Wake Forest 23-6 sistent winners at Providence New Mexico 24-7 (3) and now at Clemson almost from Barnes' Providence teams in- (14) St Mays. Calit 23-7 Tueaon, Ariz. Old Dominion 2210 (14) Pittsburgh the moment he put on his whistle. cluded future NBA players Eric (7) N.C. Charlotte 21-8 March 14 & 16 March 14 & 16 Wisconsin 18-9_ (7) The only place his coaching Murdock, Eric Williams, Michael (10) Georgetown 20-9 magic hasn't reached Is the Smith and Dickie Simpkins. They Texas 16-11 (10) (2) Utah 26-3 NATIONAL NCAA tournament, where Bar- just got matched up with teams CHAMPION South Carolina 24-7 (2) (15) Navy 20-8 Indianapolis Indianapolis nes is 0-4. This year, though, his of equal talent in the first round. Coppin State 21-8 (15) 14th-rankcd Tigers (21-9) are 'That's what those eight-nine March 29 March 29 headed for the second straight games are supposed to be like, I) Minnesota 23-7 Kansas 32-1 (1) very difficult," Barnes said. MIDWEST SOUTHEAST NCAA trip as heavy favorites Jackson State 14-15 (16) over Mid-American Conference One of his more disappointing (16) SW Texas St 16-12 champion Miami of Ohio. NCAA trips was 1994's. The (8) Mississippi 20-8 Purdue 17-11 (8) "I definitely want to win in the Friars had struggled to 12-9 in (9) Temple 19-10 Rhode Island 20-9 (9) Kanaas City, MO. Memphis, Tann. NCAA tournament," Barnes said. midseason, then won their final (5) Tulsa 23-9 "But I want it more for the five. They took themselves off March 14 & 16 March 13 S 15 Maryland 21-10 (5) (12) Boston Univ 25-4 players than myself." the NCAA bubble with Big East CM 01 Charleston28-2(12) Clemson is seeded fourth ~ tournaments victories over (4) Clemson 21-9 Anzona 19-9 m

higher than any other of Bar- Villanova, Connecticut and (13) Miami. Ohio 21-8 S Alabama 23-6 (13) San Antonio nes' teams. Usually, his teams Georgetown. Birmingham, Ala. (6) Iowa State 20-8 March 20 & 22 Illinois 21-8 161 have had to face schools of about Barnes' players were upstairs March 21 & 23 the same talent to open the Big at New York's Madison Square 11) Illinois State 24-5 So Calif 1710 (ID Dance. Garden watching the NCAA (3) Cincinnati 25-7 Georgia 23-8 (3) In 1989, ninth-seeded Provi- selections after their champion- (14) Butler 23-9 Tenn-Chatt 22-10 (14) dence fell to Virginia 100-97. The ship. When they were paired with Auburn Hills, Mich. Charlotte, N.C. (7) Xavler. Ohio 22-5 Marquetle 22-6 (7) Friars were seeded eighth the Alabama, the coach said there March 13 & 15 March 14 & 16 next season and went to overtime was no emotion, just a scary (lO)Vanoeroilt 19-11 Providence 21-11 (10) before a loss to Ohio State 84-83. silence. (2) UCLA 21-7 Duke 23-8 (2) Ninth-seeded Alabama finished "I knew we were in trouble," C5) Charleston So. 17-12 Murray Slate 20-9 (IS) Barnes' final season at eighth- Barnes recalled. ( )seed

Arabic language et BGSU Attention water skiers preparing for recrea- Alpha Xi Delta ■ KA' Alpha Xi Delta Delta Gamma ' Delta Tau Delta ' Delta Ga- What's it l*e' tional & compeDDonal skiing. Thurs.. March 13, SERVICES OFFERED The sisters ol Alpha Xi Delia would like mma 1/2 hr.Sample dees.3>u.9or it AM 108 BA.. 0 PM. All aH levels welcome Bring to thank the brothers of Kappa Alpha for a The sisters of Delta Gamma would like to The BG News 101 Shatzel Drivers lioanse and PIP*. great breakfast Saturday I lhank the brothers of Delta Tau Delia Call 372 2268 Alpha Xi Delta • KA • Alpha Xi Delta for a wild time at 'Bikers A Babesl' Pregnant? Ruealan language at BGSU Good |Ob Erm and Andyl Classified Free Pregnancy Tests. Confidential A Canng What's it like? 354-4673. BG Pregnency Center Dslta Gamma * Data Tau Delta - Delta Ga- Ads 1/2hr. Sample daaa. 3/14. iiamor1pm mma BGSU IRISH CLUB 101 Shatzel AOH*AOh"AOM Meeting tonight in 101 BA Call 372 2268 HeyAOII'a Ena5y A Summer Of Enrichment i Funlll 372-6977 at 9 30pm Daffodil Days are coming! 'A Summer in Mexico Program' Gel ready for March 17. 4 weeks in Guadalajara and 2 in Mexico City TV BG Newt will nol innwingly .mi-,4 .rni>4:mrnK Green carnation sale this week 11-4 daily i PERSONALS AOII • AOII' AOII ■fuidiunmiiuM .«cmnuragrdiwnminalksnAg-urut«n> Union UAO 6hrs credit m two courses on Mexican culture ii*]iv>ddaJ<*gRHiporihctu>it<>irai«.% hefore tending money Rock Repelling Course Alpha Xi Delia' SAE' Alpha Xi Delta FORGOT TO ORDER Dance Ua ralhon where guys meete girls! NEW motel on the or pnit idmg personal tmlit infnrmaiinn Pleax remem The sisters of Alpha Xi Delta would like to GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS? ocean, rated AAA and Superior Lodging, btr. if it toundt loo good lo be tnae. il probably it Saturday. March !Sth thank our SAE coaches lor a great time PERSONAL IZEDANNOUNCE ME NTS beech votloybell. tree MTV. Pool * welber READY IN 48 HOURS! You can help ut by .ailing (he advertising department at 9 am- 5 p.m. atBedRacesI G.lboa.Oho open 24 hours, b.y.o.b. Free gold card wKh HIGH QUALITY a 4IQ-3T2.26lrt»why,wo>»aftdiugl!esii.i"> M German language St BGSU Alpha Xi Delta • SAE ' Alpha Xi Delta check-In. Donl be left out of tnis Special •a* thai you pieaae prov ide your name. addreu. and phone 826 - Bursar able MINIMUM ORDER OF ONLY 15 Wharsiilike? 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Winffhrop Terrace and do not call hotel for info) Yaal Coma * Join us this Thursday 13th. 3500 positions available in 2 00 3 30pm at Off Campus Student Center. HOW WOULD you LKt to ut Summit Terrace Speaker. Olga Girko FREDDIE OR FRIEDA? restaurants, hotels, campgrounds, Free Snacks and Dnnkal Applications can be picked up at Apartments gift shops, all guest services and CHECK OUT OUR Sponsored 8 Organized by the 405 Student Services/Saddlemire SPRING BREAK STUFF! Work) Student Association support operations. Season runs 352-9135 from early May thru mid-October. Room/board or RV sites available, Japaneee language at BGSU What's it like? j must be 18 or older. Refer to code VISIT OUR NEW STORE 1/2 hr Sample daaa. 3/14.10:30am t> #2523 (AA/E0E M/F7D/V) YNP American Heart Of 12:30pm. 101 Shatzel o«* 44S E. 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i \ \ page ten The BG News Wednesday, March 12, 1997

WEDNESDAY MARCH 12,1997 ir-iaMi MDCA ST STATIONS """■^r-BBBl ci dum nn areieoi M. news M. Late snow (in stereo) X B Mews ii ThaCltyX AD My Children I Ona Lite to Liya K General HospiUI rr Roaie O'DonnHI « NewaX |NamX NawtX ABCNaws Entsrtain Hard Copy Grace Coach X DrewCarey AraaruoX ria»a1ima Uva X News* Nighlline I [Politically «j Cosby BtoaaomX Days ol Our Lives! Another World.« Sunset Beach I Bayvretch (In Stereo) X Montal Williams I News NBC News CopsX RaalTVX Newsradio Chic. Sons Wlngex Just Shoot Prince Street (in Stereo) M-A-S'H X Tonight Show (In Stereo) w Whotty Inatructlonal Programming Sewing BillNye Craatures Wishbone Sandiago Barney GED Business r*ews-Lehrer History ot the Hartey Davidson Woman ot Country (In Stereo) History-Harlay tf) Stum* SI Inetniclional Nitty* Panning Gourmet Embroidary Sasame Street X Magic Bus Sandlago Wishbona News-lerlrer Arthur X Creatures Greet Performances "las Moerables n Concert" (in Storao) Charlie Rose tin Stereo) © Dating jN«wly»«d Copsland Ttud HagaMan Gargoyles Batman Spider-Man Beotieborg Rangers Quack Simpsons Home Imp. |Mad-Vou SainlaldX Home Imp. Figure Skating: Battle ol the Seies on Ice X News Coach X IStar Trek Voyager X Roseanne ® Aulo Show Dinosaurs ** to Eye lor an Eye' At Home... USA (Ri Quack Flintstonss Mask Action Man live at Five News Bloomberg News Cookin TBA Sentinel "Smart Alec' X Star Trek: Voyager I News Sportstalk News(R) Watch a) Jeffersons All Family Brady |Step-Step Action Man JAIaddm B Batman Spider Man BaaUaborg Rsngers Freah Pr. Mr Cooper Simpsons jMartinX Home Imp Home Imp. Seminal 'Smart Alec"I Sta/Trak:VoyagarX News [Fresh Pr Married... Star Trek CABLE STATIONS COM IOealnHel|Ultmen Daily Show Dr. Kan SoapX Whose? Saturday MgMUvaX (Movia: •»• -lmKonc*36l»DimjrBnc«s"(t984) Tick X |Draam On |Daiiy Show TV Nation |PollcaSqd |PollcaSad |PolicaSqd PotcaSqd |TownHatl [Daily Show Town Hall ESPN SsertscsrssrfR) NCAA Final Four Horaa Raoahoraa Tamils: ATP Champions Cup - Early Rounds (live' |World Cup Skiing Up Close [Sportscenter College Basketball: NIT First Round - Teams TBA Collage Baakatbal: NIT First Round - Teams TBA Sportsctr. Br.skelb.ill HBO (11:45) Hook: •« 'Snort 1W (1990) Kids Movia: •** The Snopes o'WJOISO" Cojnry' |199^) PG-13 :rt ]0ttm Mothers (R) Movia: "The Man Who Saw tomorrow" Real Sports (B) Motk):**t> Tn»flrx)««"(l990)C«n! Eastwood I |Tracay | Sanders Movia. "Pro'«taMwOBr'(t997) 'NR1 sc Ms Wrap |Cm kinenrieur ABl Baakatball Playotla: Ctiamp |Thorghbrd More and las Levins Innerview Huggins Tonita NBA Action Thor'bred |Thor'brad IHL Hockey Dncraati Cyclones at Mawaukae Admirals (Live) More and Las Levine TBA son rjerievs It-riot Mysteries Monsters Stonas Bradbury ncredible Hulk Bionic Woman Sis Million Dollar Man Twil. Zone Darkside Time Trai (H) (In Stereo) Tekwar (In Slereo) X Forever Knight OC [Sightinge (In Stereo) X Timelrai (Rj (InSlerao) Tekwar X USA Mow: | lad-Earth USAUva USAUva USAUva USAUva USA live |USAUva Wanted |Top Cops Wings X |WingsX Renegade (In Stereo) X Highlander: The Series Murder, She Wrote X Movia: •• Tall Dart andDrMdy"(i995, Suspense) Wings X jWings X Sinkings

OOVT FORECLOSED he > horn pennies • •■ILUMO ENTRY" EARN SSO0 or mora wstafcly stuffing anv*opas Georgetown Manor Apts. on It WANTED Snady work, •lotllani incomr Ftonbto hours. al horn*. Sand long SASE to: Country Living FOR RENT 800 Third St. Danmqiaant Tax. Rkapo'a. REO's Your ArM. Knowl»dgt of Windows helpful. Call Shoppara. Oapt Ul. 2130 ONaal Lana. #127, Escesant one bdrm A two bdrm units avail lor To(Fre»(1>(W21»-fM00E«t. H-20 78 tor S0O-ft35-OSS3 Baton Rouga, LA 70atS. 87-88. Reasonable rant and dose B campus Check us outl Gal 352-4888. current liasngs. "Carty Rent ale " Bands A entertainers needed lor Fakonpa 250 COUNSELORS and INSTRUCTORS EamSt.OOO.OO this aummar wnila aa/mng an looza music leetrval If interested, call naadadl Private-, coed summer camp in Po- iniamahip and building an impraaarva raauma Apia A Rooma Houses/ 1 A 2 bdrm turn apts year. 9 mo . A •7-ti School Year 372 5155 or 372-4812. For more info . leave a cono Met. NE Pennsylvania. Lorvhan. Box In tha fialds Ol MARKETING, MANAGEMENT, summer leases 352-7454 HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO W 316 E Merry FWEDOrE OR FRIEDA? massage. 234BG, Kemtworff.. NJ07033 (006) 278-09M. GENERAL iUSINESS, and SALES. OTP la currant*/ looking to tiira 2-3 BGSU studanls a> 1-2b*drooms Appacsuiona cam ba picked up at Guitar Player, into Jeff Beck, looking for bass A fun place to work and life-Long learning expe- tor 1-4srudente Need 1 female, non- smoking roommate lor Fall til posioons in tha Sytvanla, Maumaa. and 1 (97 school year. VERY dose to campus, own 406 Student Servtoae/Seddlemir* player 4 drurnmer to jam. Can Chris 639-3623 riences swat you at YMCA camps NISSO- Apt-Low aa $450.00 a month Tolado araaa this aummar For mora inrbrma- room, (200rmo rant Call 372-3308. KONE (resident camps OSCCOA. Ml) and Also Rooms Avail, plus Need one lemaaa sublessor to share a house tjon call 1-S00-356-SM7 Poaitjona will ba st cottage oast ks closing your door to op- Ohiyeea (day camp in HoHy. Ml). Are you a car- Summer Rent ale Now accepting Rental Apllicarjons kv Fall And from May B Aug. Low rent t utility bill Very 7 firting quir>iy. it intereaiad cail a s sp ing, creative & an enthusiasic person Do you Summer leases Call 354-8800 portunity anal education, Thai Ohio Mr doeo to campus. Call Jan e? 352 5268 Na»tonal Guard has the key to unlock col- enjoy being outdoors & neve prior experience Expa'iancad wart start A bar atari na«d«d listing Aval. 24 hre. working wiffi children? Now ninng male A fe- Days A or avenings Apply at Smadlap's lege grsnte up to $27,000. Part-time) mam- room ma lea needed for Fall/Spring 318 E Merry *3 male resident A day camp counselors, life- Smithy Paddloa Allay. Walannia. «7»-02g I Now Renting Rooms ban asm benefits Ika travel, technical Own bath and bedroom. or call 183-0329 guards/swimming instructors, equeetnan. arts Spring Ssmasisr training, and groat pay. Dont ba keat In lino CallJen at 353-2131 Landacapa Construction Co. from 9am to 9pm A crafts, nature A drarna/muekc instructors. Call 353-0325 to got your key CALL i-800-708-4 oss or FUsibw acnaduWg Sublease, needed tor 07-88 school year Applications avail m Student Employment d- 41t Ml 4011. Call aafr 7885 97 98 school year. 2 bdrm. turn, apts 705 7th One A Two bdrm apts. available University Close to campus ftce or call David Marks at Blf>Aa7 «533 INTRAMURAL ENTRES DUE: Ml'NTS A NUME RICA DATA ENTRY St A 724 6th St $5O0/mo indud. FREE heal. Courts A University Village located at Clough Contact Stacy 9353-7228 Bowling Green Radio News is looking kv a WOMEN'S SOCCER MARCH 12: CO-REC PT. Men. - Fn.. Occasional Sat. 20-25 nra/wk. water, sewer, gas A HBO. Call 354-0914 and Mercer. Can 352-0184. News Director for the 100706 school year. In- BOWLING MARCH 18, CO-REC 3-PTTCH Summer subleaser needed Own room. lala altarnoona to aarty avaninga. Pravrous - APARTMENT- Ona block (am campus SOFTBALL-MARCH IB ALL ENTRIES DUE terested persons should turn resume and prootornumarickayasparianca, banarloal. Call Lynn 354-1391. cover letter in to Chris Melange in 120 West low rent turn or unfurn. 1 bdrm on reserve al 230 1/2 Msnvrlle, 1 bdrm apt. BY4 00 P.M.M 130 PERRY FIELD HOUSE Intarastad applicants should apply in parson. Hall no later than Friday. March 21 at 5:00pm. Wlnthrop Terrace. Call J« 372-4166 Call 352 9392 Ud Am, Inc. Oparaoons Canter. 1SS1 N SUMMER SUBLEASERS needed Huge Questions? Call 372-2354 or e-mail malang- Rasaarch.BG (l75loa«j| 181) MdAm values 12 month leases starting May 1997: house near campus. Call 352-9777 ae?opews March 17th in the Fort 812 3RD si. Brand new 3 bdrm house. Earn (8 00 an hour and graat benefits Room Call 1-800-270-3010 for more informs- Call Global Information Services: $795/mo. i bath plenty ol storage, new carpet - What youli be after 9 mos. with 1 206 971 3684 est KSS442 ■ UPS Don. high erndeny furnace - new stove A refndgera- Go o Rm 300 Studant Services the BG News Advertising Department tor washer/dryer coin operated Small lanced to schedule and appointment to moot Columbus, Ohio in back yard. No pets allowed ■ Avail imme- The BG News is looking for a few highly Pool Snack Sland Management Telephone interviewing, no selling, pan time WE USE ONLY wilh a representative on Fn Mar 14. .997 diale'y Call4i9-474 5344 motivated individuals who are seeking Scloto Coun*ry Dub some days, mostly evenings A weekends, re- aiftd atrrosph.Kf, .. Pprry*r>„ig Q7A c>84? UPS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Er* meaningful sales/business eipenenot DAG Rentals - ONLY 2 UNITS LEFTU All OF PLOYER for nest school year. Sooto is accepting applications for the pool Wanted 87 students Lose 8 -100 lbs New me- OUR UNITS ARE WITHIN 2 BLOCKS OF snack management position Requirements in- PUR TIED Requirements: tabolism breakthrough. Dr. recommended CAMPUS NOW RENTING FOR FAIL. AT- clude management and scheduling of X em -Jr. or Sr. status aa ol Fail 117 Guaranteed $30 cost Free gift TRACTIVE WELL MAINTAINEDUINTS pioyees tor a 70k seasonal restaurant opera- NO UMBRELLAS NEEDED: Commencement -own Iransporaton 1 800 435-7591 (08 E. WOOSTER/SPACKXJS DUPLEX LO- -energetic, enthusiastic, and goal-onented Don. Progressive pay scale beginning at $8 00 WJLER tor graduating seniors in the College ol A A S per hour tor qualified management personnel CATED DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM CAM- vril be Saturday. May 10 at 5 00pm m Ander- Apply at 204 Weal Hal TODAY or plus bonus Resumes should be sent to 2106 PUS UPPER UNIT ■ 2 BDRM MAX OCCUP son Arena Pick up your 7 guoat Ifcketa when Call Todd at 372-2606 Woodcreek Farm A Greenhouse. Riverside Dnve. Columbus. Ohio 43221 or 4 RESERVED PARKING you get your cap and gown QueaDons. call tie Full or part time help needed 8-5, M-F (50 SCOTT HAMILTON/ONE UNIT REMAIN- SlOOO'a POSSIBLE TYPING. Part Time At taxed t0614-486 8327 Phonc614-466 4341 College Office. 372-2340 8mi SolBG 655-3086 ING • EXCEPTIONALLY NICE 2 BDRM UNIT- Home. Ton Free (t) 800-218-9000 Est T Columbus, Ohio Part-time employment wtth college benefits AIR COND - MAX OCCUP 4 LAUNDRY FA- 12078 lot listings Pool Snack Stand Personnel you wont believe The Ohio Air National CILITIES ON PREMISES RESERVED PARK- $1000'a POSSIBLE READING BOOKS Pan ING Guard haa Immediate part-time opening* Sooto Country Club is acceping applications with tusMlme benetJte. M you een use Time. At Home. To* Free (t) 800-2189000 CALL DAG RENTALS AT (419) 287-3233 AND tor the club's pool snack stand personnel $27,000 In school tuNlon, the Toledo Air E»l R 2078 for Listings. ASKFOREVAORELLIE Scheduling procedure conducive with summer National Guard haa a apot tor you. CALL FOR SALE $1500 weekly potential mailing our circulars actrvfties Pay scale is progressive beginning at NOWI 1-800-708-40M or local (88-40U No espenence required Begin now For info $6 00 shroughoul summer for individuals who You'll be glad you dldl can 301 -429-1326 achieve. Club's address 2106 Riverside Drive. 1991 Mazda Protege. Power windows, locks Start your Spring hd North Main Bowling (irecn Columbus, On.o 43221 Fax 614-486-8327 and sunroof Musi sell MjOO 669-4820 Phone 614-486-4341 Break Right! 586 16MB RAM 90 MHZ Multi'media' GRADUATING SENIORS Columbus. Ohio Complete w/monitor A printer $750 -. Sclolo Country Club lap top 386 W' printer. $290 - T College of Arts & Sciences Utoguard Call Zach 353- 4512 Tell your friends, parents, and guardians Sooto Country Club is accepting applications 87FordTaurus Excellent condition Commencement will be for the dubs lileguard positions for the 1007 Runs great. Call tor info 354-1358 season Applications and resumes should be MARKETABLE Saturday, May 10, 5:00 PM forwarded to the dub ASAP with the interviews and hiring to be completed by May i Club's For sale. 1964 Buck LaSabre 135,000 mi Anderson Arena address 2196 Riverside Drive. Columbus. Ohio Runs great, no rust. Haa an m-daah it Now Tanning System Caps & gowns will be distributed in the Student Services 43221 and fax number 614-486-8327 Inter- COplayer Asking $l800/negotable views to commence over the upcoming Spring Call Pr-ul 3S2-5643 2 FREE visit* wilh a 5 visit Building Forum Break Package Purchase You will receive 7 guest tickets at that time COUNSELORS INSTRUCTORS neededi Mac LCIII System 8/80, Printer, modem. Excel 100 positions' Coed summer camp Pocono 5 0. Word 6 01 Netscape. $400353-4704. 3 FREE visits with a 10 What you'll be aflcr Mis . PA Good salary/Dps> (908) 689 3339 Maumee Rlvervlew Home visit Package Purchase 9 mos. ««(Ii Uie BG Spectaculaf view of Maumee River from this sit Dancers bnck. lour bedroom, 2 t/2 bath, home with ap- .Vcws Advertising Deja Vu. Toledo's premier gentleman's club is proiimaiefy 2800 square feet plus a finished * Free Manicure wilh the Department. PISANELLO-S currently seeking highly motrvaied dancers. walk-out basemen! nestled on 1 1/2 wooded purchase of a Pedicure Open Weekdays al 4 p.m. Magazine modeling A travel available (419) Iota. Million dollar nver view from glassed breakfast room. Ask for John Wakelm. Jr, Cen- Open al Lunch Fri., Sal. 4 Sun. 531-0320 tury 21 Amencrest Realty 419-866-8888. voice W. Poe Rd. DO YOU HAVE A GREAT SUMMER JOB mail 419-327-6416, or WakelmC21t?aol com 203 N. MAIN, B.G. 352-5166 YET? Top sports camp in Maine needs caring, quali- New 17" MulDscan color monitor 352 -0061 The BG News is fied collegiate athletes to coach kids m Baee- PC compaoote, will also work with MAC'S, | YOUR CHOICE beX. Basketball, Lacro—a, and Hockey. We $540 Power Book 160 12/180/14 4, (590 S also need Tennis and Swim instructors, sail, Qthermodels available Call Paul at 353-7285 looking for a few ! ANY 2 ITEMS golf, watersfci. and archery coaches If you love SEIZED CARS from $175 Porsches. Cads sports, kids, trva outdoors, then this is the place lacs Chevys. BMWa. Corvettes Also Jeeps. highly motivated A » Sm $4.75 Large....$7.75 tor you 11 June 22nd - August 22nd. For info 4WDs Your Area. Toll Free 1-800-218-9000 www campwNdwood com/ or cad 888 CAMP Ext. A-2076 lor current listings individuals who are ,Med....$6.25 XLg $9.50 WILD. Management Inc. (BestIRHM Vakia-1?Value-!2 SliceslSlices) V 353-5800 seeking meaningful Add Breadsticks! Only $2.00 Part-time New New New New New FREE DELIVERY • 352-5166 Highland New Apartments lor FaU 1S97 sales/business Opportunity f~~~\ NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER Management I A 2. 710 N. Enterprise Rent starts al experience. Help local CHICAGO STYLE EXTRA $375/mo. * utilities S/W97 BPSCT^OCOUPON EXPIRES ON 5/15/97 Graduate business owners I Rentals Community increase their sales We'll take RepresenfaHve Management Inc. through the effective GRAPHIC DESIGN & VCT care of you New New New New New Best price, well find host families and Hillsdale Apt. Large studios high use of newspaper * maintained, vaulted ceilings, unique floor plans and MAJORS supervise students loi leading privacy & dead- carports Starts al $350 advertising. Get paid Cain valuable experience before you graduate! bolt security, international exchange large atogiom based on your abilities. The BG News is currently accepting apartments. Build relationships with applications for Production Assistants. Great schools and community Management Inc. These part-time paid positions are Amenities: groups Huge t bdrme, 215 E. Poe Rd Requirements: A/C Laundry on site, lots ol parking Starts available for summer or fall. on site laundry facility lam free novel plus ■I $340/monlh .eloc -Jr. or Sr. status as of ceramic tile compensation Flexible hours- dishwashers Foil '97 day, evening and night sky lights ■ Work from home - make -own transportation vaulted ceilings your own hours -energy St enthusiasm shifts are available. 24 hr. mainl. Management Inc. -goal-oriented Perfect opportunities lor 6 sites to Efficiency Apts . 215 E Poe Rd . Starts Pick up an homemokers, teachers and at $230 All utilities included Haft the choose security deposit holds it now. application at other civk minded individuals from: Call the AYA Lotal 204 West Hall Jay-Mar Apts. The Highlands Coordinator hotline Apply Today @ or for more The Homestead (W0) 322-4678 information McKenzie Rentals tsk for Christine ext. 5409 Management Inc. The Farm 830 Fourth SI The Willow House is 204 West Hall call Meg at Summit Hill now leasing (or next year. I bdrm, gas A?K heal, A/C. starting at $340/monlh 372-2952 Call Today! Academic Year in Anieiica (Bring a resume if 35&-43036 For a complete list atop by our 130 East Washington St. hrtp/Am. aft oryjrluys Nm office, 1045 N. Main, or call 353- i nor-ajr-prosr HkKHwni Ofgtnmum 5800 you have one) ♦