Profile of the Autonomous College 1. Name and address of the College: Name Adusumilli Gopala Krishnaiah & Sugarcane Growers Siddhartha Degree College of Arts and Science Address Near New DBR Complex, College Road, Vuyyuru City : Vuyyuru Pin : 521165 State : Andhra Pradesh 2. For communication: Tele phone Designation Name with Mobile Fax Email STD code Sri. K.Satya Off: 08676 93938 08676- Principal narayana - 233267 97765 233830 agsgsiddhartha@gmail. com Vice Principal Steering Committee Off: 08676 94947 08676- Ms.G.Soni
[email protected] Co-ordinator - 233267 66454 233830 /IQAC 3. Status of the Autonomous College by management. I. Government II. Private III. Constituent College of the University √ 4. Name of University to which the College is Affiliated: Krishna University 5. a. Date of establishment, prior to the grant of ‘Autonomy’ (dd/mm/yyyy) 12/08/1975 (Supporting Document enclosed as Annexure) b. Date of grant of ‘Autonomy’ to the College by UGC: (dd/mm/yyyy) 03/01/2012 (Supporting Document enclosed as Annexure) 6. Type of institution: a. By Gender i. For Men ii. For Women iii. Co-education b. By shift √ i. Regular ii. Day √ iii. Evening c. Source of funding i. Government i. Grant-in-aid ii. Self-financing √ iii. Any other (Please specify) 7. Is it a recognized minority institution? Yes No √ Page 1 If yes specify the minority status (Religious/linguistic/ any other) and provide documentary evidence. ---- 8. a. Details of UGC recognition:√ Date, Month & Year Remarks Under Section (dd-mm-yyyy) (If any) i. 2 (f) 11-03-1983 ii. 12 (B) 11-03-1983 (Enclosed the Certificate of recognition u/s 2 (f) and 12 (B) of the UGC Act in Annexure) b.