An Analysis of P3P-Enabled Web Sites among Top-20 Search Results Serge Egelman Lorrie Faith Cranor Abdur Chowdhury Carnegie Mellon University Carnegie Mellon University America Online, Inc. 5000 Forbes Avenue 5000 Forbes Avenue 22000 AOL Way Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Dulles, VA 20166
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT Keywords Search engines play an important role in helping users find P3P, Privacy Policies, Search Engines, E-Commerce desired content. With the increasing deployment of computer- readable privacy policies encoded using the standard W3C Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) format, search en- 1. INTRODUCTION gines also have the potential to help users identify web sites According to a 2005 poll conducted by CBS News and the that will respect their privacy needs. We conducted a study New York Times, 82% of respondents believed that the right of the quantity and quality of P3P-encoded privacy poli- to privacy in the U.S. is either under serious threat or is al- cies associated with top-20 search results from three popular ready lost. This same poll also found that 83% believe that search engines. We built a P3P-enabled search engine and companies could potentially share their personal information used it to gather statistics on P3P adoption as well as the inappropriately [7]. These responses are similar to a 2000 privacy landscape of the Internet as a whole. This search en- survey conducted by The Pew Internet & American Life gine makes use of a privacy policy cache that we designed to Project, where 86% of respondents said that they wanted facilitate fast searches.